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The work to be performed under this Request for Proposal (RFP) shall be performed utilizing this Statement of Work (SOW) contained therein. This is a design-build requirement for repair of existing lightning protection systems (LPS) on AMMO IGLOOs and AMMO facilities catenary lightning protection system. Install new catenary systems on AMMO facilities.

All work and design shall be performed in-accordance with (IAW) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Case 96-315, Value Engineering, and are to minimize government cost and not performed unrequired work.


This Statement of Work (SOW) sets forth the requirements for an SR&M Acquisition RFP contract site specific design and construction effort at Tyndall AFB, Florida. Refer to Attachment 1 Ammo Area Map & Sites for the project locations and photos. The Contractor shall provide a design and construct these specific requirements as part of this RFP to include:

1) Repair lightning protection system on AMMO IGLOOs, 7011, 7015, 7016, and 7017

a. Construct new ventilation cover, and install LPS air terminals and conductors.

2) Repair existing catenary system on AMMO facilities 7042, and 7062

a. Remove/replace existing damaged electrical pole(s) (mast).b. Remove/replace existing damaged conductors.c. Remove/replace existing damaged lightning rods.

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3) Install new lightning protection catenary systems on AMMO facilities 7019, 7020, 7024,7025, 7026, and 7028.

a. Install poles (mast), the pole height is sufficient to provide clearance of not lessthan 6’ feet between the overhead wire and the highest point on the facility.

b. Install lightning rods on poles, at least 24” air terminal.c. Install catenary wires (conductors) between poles.d. Install down conductors.e. Install grounding rods.f. Install guy wires, and connect to overhead wire with a separate conductor.g. Install conductor(s) to facility ground and label.

All quantities, square footage, linear footage, etc. are estimate to assist contractor in determining scale and scope of this project. Contractor is responsible to verifying and calculating his own quantities for his proposal and estimates do not relieve contractor from providing required quantities and cost to successfully complete project. Contractor shall provide all calculations, and quantities for government review/approval.

All work shall be constructed to professional standards. Contractor shall adhere to following guidance during design and construction phases of this project: AFH32-1084, USPS Standards and Requirements, ASHRE, Uniform Building Codes, UFC 3-600-01, those sections of the Southern Standard Building Codes not incorporated in the UBC/IBC for our respective area, National Fire Protection (NFPA 101), Air Force Standards, DOD Directives, ACC Supplements, Florida State Statues, UFC’s, and Tyndall Air Force Base Facility Excellence Plan (Base Regulations), NEC, OSHA Requirements, EPA Regulations, and any related ADA Compliance Requirements.

No government furnished labor, material, and/or equipment will be provided.


2.1.1 Description: Lightning protection system shall include air terminals, connected to down conductors, providing more than two path to grounds. The down conductors are to be connected below grade to a counterpoise or driven ground rods. A counterpoise shall be installed around the perimeter of the facility or a triad system installed at each corner of the facility. Test well (point) for the counterpoise shall be installed, as required. All roof penetration shall be properly sealed to prevent roof leaks. LPS shall be connected to facility grounding system as required by National electrical Code. LPS shall be designed and installed IAW AFI 32-1065 and NFPA 780.

2.1.2 Grounding Resistance: Contractor shall design/install lightning protection system that provides a measurement of resistance to ground equals to 25 ohms or less.

2.1.3 Bonding Requirements: Contractor shall design/install lightning protection system that provides a continuity check on air terminals, bonds, and conductors equals to 1 ohm or less.

2.1.4 Zone of Protection: Contractor shall design/install lightning protection system based on Zone of Protection for 100 ft. radius Rolling Sphere Model. Refer to NFPA 780. Drawings must show on areas under the zone of protection. Contractor shall provide Lightning Protection System drawing IAW requirement of ETL 11-28. Drawing shall be submitted for Gov’t approval prior to installation/ construction.

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Drawings shall include dimensions and material sizes for all LPS materials, from top view and applicable elevations; a 100-foot radius rolling sphere shall be superimposed on the elevations. Drawings must meet American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Architectural Graphic Standards (AGS), and Architectural Engineering and Construction (AEC) standards. 2.1.5 Contractor’s Qualification: Experience in the design and/or installation of lightning protection system for military installation. Provide documentation showing that the contractor is certified with a commercial third-party inspection company whose sole work is lightning protection. The documentation must show that they have completed and passed the requirements for certification or listing, and have a minimum of 2 years documented experience installing lightning protection systems for DOD projects of similar scope and complexity. 2.1.6 LPS Inspection: Lightning Protection System project shall require an LPS inspection prior to project completion and acceptance. The LPS shall be inspected by a commercial, third-party inspector whose sole work is lightning protection, and shall be certified by this third-party inspector as compliant with AFI 32-1065 and NFPA 780, in that priority order. A UL certification on its own shall not be adequate for acceptance. Projects calling for an LPS addition to an existing LPS project shall consider the configuration of the final LPS during the design and prior to construction or installation. Projects shall ensure the final LPS as a whole is compliant with AFI 32-1065 and NFPA 780, in that priority order. 2.1.7 LPS Testing: The contractor shall perform electrical tests of the LPS prior to placing the facility into service. Electrical tests shall be IAW AFI 32-1065. Maximum resistance value of one Ohm is permitted across all bonds when conducting bonding (resistance) tests. The maximum resistance to earth must not exceed 25 ohms when conducting earth ground resistance tests unless a ground loop conductor is installed. The resistance to ground of a ground loop system is acceptable even if greater than 25 ohms. Contractor shall provide records and test measurement data of resistance to earth tests and bonding as initial test report and for future trend analysis. 2.1.8 LPS Components/Materials: All LPS components shall be UL Listed and Labeled. Listing alone in UL Electrical Construction, which is the UL Electrical Construction Directory, is not acceptable evidence. In lieu of Listed and Labeled, submit written certificate from an approved, nationally recognized testing organization equipped to perform such services, stating that items have been tested and conform to requirements and testing methods of Underwriters Laboratories. The completed LPS installation shall meet the requirement of NFPA 780 Standards for the installation of LPS and UL96A Installation Requirements for LPS. Clamp-type connectors shall only be used for the connection of the roof conductor to the air terminal and to the guttering. All other connections, bonds, and splices shall be done by exothermic welds or by high compression fittings, listed for the purpose. If required, bimetallic connectors shall be use to join aluminum and copper material. 3.0 REFERENCES (APPLICABLE PUBLICATIONS) 3.1 The specifications and standards of the issues listed, including amendments, addenda and errata, but referred thereafter by basic designation only, form a part of these specifications to the extent required by the references thereto. The latest edition of a standard applies. If there is a conflict between other codes or standards, the Air Force AFI ETL or UFC will take precedence. The Contractor shall design and construct all the required electrical for the facilities lightning protections systems IAW with Air Force ETLs, UFCs, NEC, and NFPA Codes and Standards for design and installation of fire suppression system. The Contractor shall design the electrical

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surge protection device(s) (SPD) system required on all lightning protection systems. The Contractor shall meet source requirements for this project to include, but not be limited to: NFPA 70 National electrical Code NFPA 780 Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection System UFC 3-575-01 Lightning and Static Electricity Protection System AFI 32-1065 Grounding System AFMAN 91-201 Explosive Safety Standards ETL 11-28 Mandatory Review and Update of Record Drawings, Munitions Storage

and Maintenance Facilities DoD 6055.9 DoD Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards UL 96 Lightning Protection Components UL 96A Installation Requirements for Lightning Protection System UL 467 Grounding and Bonding Equipment 3.2 The Contractor shall perform all work IAW with AFI, ETL, UFC and industry standards. Compliance with AF UFCs is mandatory. If the Contractor determines that the work cannot be performed and/or included in the SOW IAW with ETL’s/UFCs or industry standards, the Contractor shall notify the Tyndall AFB POC listed in this document in writing immediately before award of the contract. Otherwise, the Contractor shall be responsible for the required work. If there is a conflict between these codes, regulations and specifications the most stringent requirements shall apply at all times. These documents do not relieve the contractor from other building codes not addressed. 3.3 Reference Construction All construction must be in compliance with all Public Laws (P.L.), Executive Orders (E.O.), and Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Department of Defense Instructions (DODI) and Department of Defense Directives (DODD) or other higher authority documents as applicable, as listed in MIL-STD-3007F Appendix B. 4.0 DESIGN 4.1 This project shall include a design phase in which the Contractor shall evaluate specific requirements presented in this SOW, sketches provided by government and site visit. Contractor shall field verify all conditions and dimensions to provide design. The Contractor shall submit a full design for approval by the Government prior to start of construction. The design shall be submitted at initial/preliminary design stage for review comments and changes prior to submission of the ninety-five percent (95%) and hundred percent (100%) completed/final design (as-builds). 4.1.1 Site Visits: All site visit schedules shall be in coordination with the 325 CES/CENMP Project Engineer and 325 CONS. Any additional site visits required to complete the required designs shall be at the Contractor's expense. 4.1.2 Pre-Design and/or Design Review: The Contractor must coordinate with the Contracting Officer (CO), 325 CES Engineer, and system stake holders before any initial and/or pre-design is submitted. 4.2 Project Design Phase

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4.2.1 Design Data: The initial design data shall be submitted to the Government prior to the initial design data review meeting. 4.2.2 Initial Design Data Review/Comment: The initial design data review meeting shall be scheduled for fourteen (14) calendar days after the kick-off meeting. The Government will provide the Contractor their review comments on the design data submitted at the initial findings review meeting. The Government's review is intended to be limited to functional aspects, with limited technical review of a general cursory nature only. The following submissions shall be reviewed:

1. A detailed narrative (charrette report) explaining the existing conditions, new requirements identified through user interviews, and preliminary recommendations of accommodating all identified requirements shall be provided at this meeting 2. Design analysis including initial engineering calculations; 3. Preliminary design drawings/sketches; 4. Draft AF Form 66; and5. Outline technical specifications.

4.2.3 95% Design Review/Comment: Government shall have up to fourteen (14) calendar days to provide review comments. The Contractor shall schedule and attend design review meeting at Tyndall AFB, FL.

95% Design Submittal Requirements

1. Review comments and Contractor responses from initial design. 2. Minutes and sign-in sheet of initial design review meeting. 3. Proposed Final design analysis. 4. Proposed Final design drawings. 5. Proposed Final AF Form 66. 6. Final technical specifications.

4.2.4 100% Final Design (As-Build): Government shall have up to fourteen (14) calendar days to provide review comments. The Contractor shall schedule and attend design review meeting at Tyndall AFB, FL.

100% Design Submittal Requirements

1. Review comments and Contractor responses from 95% design. 2. Minutes and sign-in sheet of 95% review meeting. 3. Final design analysis. 4. Final design drawings. 5. Final AF Form 66. 6. Final technical specifications. 7. Include all red-line changes, with dimensions, etc.

4.3 Projected Design Timeline:

1. Project Award 2. Kick Off Meeting/Notice to Procedure (NTP) – within 5 calendar days after Award 3. Initial Design Data submittal – 14 calendar days after Kick-Off meeting 4. Government review – 14 calendar days 5. Initial Design Data Review meeting – within 5 days, after government review has

been submitted.

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6. 95% Design Submittal – 14 calendar days after initial design acceptance 7. Government Review – 14 calendar days 8. 95% Design Review meeting – within 5 days, after government review has been

submitted. 9. Final 100% Design – 14 calendar days

Estimated Total design = 85 days

4.4. Design Distribution: All design drawings, in the number of copies stated in the table below, shall be completed in AutoCAD 2017 (base version), and consist of a complete set of drawings.

Deliverables Distribution CONS Copy


1. Base Access Information 0 1 1 2. Meeting Minutes and MFRs (Electronic Copy 1 1 1 4. None 3. Initial Design Data (Electronic Copy) 1 1 2 5. 95% Design Submittals: 1 1 2 6. 100% Design Submittals: 1 1 2

4.5 Government Review: The Government's review is intended to be limited to functional aspects, with limited technical review of a general cursory nature only. Refer to paragraph 4.2 for the Government review during design period. Any review by the Government of technical items shall not be construed to relieve the contractor of responsibility for technically correct and complete documents in compliance with applicable codes, industry standards, and the intent of this SOW. The Contractor shall comply with the review comments in the development of data for the next submittal. If any review comment requires clarification and/or amplification to assure compliance the Contractor shall notify the COR or authorized representative in writing. If the Government specifically asks a question via the review comments and requires clarification or the Contractor does not concur with or takes exception to a review comment then the Contractor shall submit the review form with comments annotated by the Contractor with a "D" - do not concur, "E" - exception, or "X" - delete, shall have an explanatory note added to justify the noncompliance with the comment. The Contractor shall furnish these annotated comments to the Government no later than seven (7) calendar days after receiving the comments. If the Contractor agrees with the review comments then it shall be reflected in the next submission. 4.5.1 Contractor Response to Review Comments: The Contractor shall respond in writing to each of the review comments that they take exception to within 7 calendar days after receipt of the comments. If the Contractor disagrees with or takes exception to the comments, the Contractor shall include an explanation of why they disagree in their response back to the Government. Otherwise, the comment resolution(s) shall be incorporated into the next design submission. 4.6 Verification of Existing Conditions and Site Survey Use of existing condition data provided by the Government conveys acceptance and as such does not relieve the Contractor of liability associated with performance as the Engineer of Record. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for verification and validation of existing conditions,

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coordination of existing conditions in parallel with proposed requirements, and above and below-grade condition assessment. The Contractor must coordinate discussions with the CO, project manager, and system stakes holders before any initial design is submitted. 4.6.1 Field Measurements: The Contractor shall be required to make his own field investigations to verify dimensions and other information shown on government furnished reference drawings. 4.6.2 Site survey data shall be submitted to the Government within seven (7) calendar days of receipt via AF 3000 Material Approval Submittal. 4.7 Designer of Record: The Contractor is accountable for all aspects of the completed design and as-built drawings under all applicable Federal, State and local laws, regulations and base-specific standards. The designer of recorded shall stamp all drawings. 4.8 Contract Drawings: Drawings shall be prepared on AutoCAD 2017 format. Drawings shall be delivered in hard copy, standard black line quality paper, at review stages in the number listed in paragraph4.4.3. All submittals shall go through the 325 CONS office, but the 325 CES/CENM drawings shall be full size and the copy provided for CONS shall be half-size. The remaining sets of review drawings and corrected final drawings shall be half size. The drawings shall be drawn to appropriate scales and dimensioned completely and accurately. Extensive explanatory notes on the drawings should be held to a minimum or placed in the specifications. All dimensions shall be shown in Standard English units. All contract drawings shall be well prepared, complete, and accomplished in accordance with the best professional practice to show clearly and concisely the type and extent of work to be performed. One (1) hard copy of As-Built drawings shall be submitted to the government upon completion of construction and shall be reviewed for accuracy. Upon approval, the Contractor shall provide one (1) electronic versions of the As-Built drawings on both AutoCAD 2017, and as PDF to the government on CD. Standard building material indications and symbols for architectural items and for mechanical and electrical equipment shall be used to the greatest extent possible size. 4.8.1 Drawing Standards: All drawings will utilize the Tri-Service Spatial Data Standards (TSSDS) Version 1.8, for compliance with the installation standards. When the one-hundred percent (100%) design drawings are accepted, the Contractor may then begin construction. 4.8.2 Architectural, Structural, and Civil drawings shall be provided in the event of any modifications to the facility or grounds around the facility. Mechanical drawings shall include equipment schedules, controls schematics (to include sequence of controls), and layout plans. Electrical drawings shall be provided to show all electrical connections necessary for equipment installation. 4.8.3 Initial Design: All specified initial design data meeting comments shall be satisfied and incorporated into this submittal. The definitive direction and fully-developed concepts of the proposed design document shall be illustrated and clearly indicated at this submittal. 4.8.4 NONE 4.8.5 95% Design: All specified ninety-five percent (95%) requirements, comments, and corrections resulting from the ninety-five percent (95%) review shall be satisfied and incorporated into this submittal. All documentation and recommendations shall be fully developed into a comprehensive design package.

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4.8.6 100% Design: All specified hundred percent (100%) requirements, comments, and corrections resulting from the ninety-five percent (100%) review shall be satisfied and incorporated into this submittal. All documentation and recommendations shall be fully developed into a comprehensive design package. This submittal is expected to be used as a pre-final progress set of drawings for final review of the document deliverable. 4.8.7 As-built: All red-line changes, comments, and corrections resulting from the final construction (installation) shall be satisfied and incorporated into this submittal. All documentation and recommendations shall be fully developed into the final design package. This submittal is expected to be used as a final progress (inspection) set of drawings for final review of the document deliverable. 4.9 Design Services 4.9.1 Site Design Data: A site visit may be requested by the Contractor. Contactor should visit the site and take such other steps as may be reasonably necessary to ascertain the nature and location of work and the general and local conditions that can affect the work or cost thereof. Failure to do so will not relieve offerors / the contractor from the responsibility for estimating properly the difficult or cost of successfully performing the work. The government will assume no responsibility for any misunderstanding or misrepresentation concerning conditions made by any of its officers or agents prior to the execution of the contract, unless included in the request for proposals, request for information (RFIs), the specification, or related documents. The contractor shall perform field reconnaissance, surveys, and site investigations required to obtain engineering information and design data for the accomplishment of the contract documents of the project in accordance with requirements of this Statement of Work (SOW). 5.0 CONSTRUCTION 5.1 General Site Work: The Contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the project requirements. Upon approval of the design and completion of required permits, the Contractor may commence on-site construction activities. Contractor shall install security fence before proceeding with any work. The Contractor shall note any discrepancies between existing conditions provide corrections in the final design. The Contractor shall conform to the drawings and specifications they have developed to complete the work as described below: Upon approval of the design by the CO, the Contractor may commence on-site construction activities. Contractor shall install security fence before proceeding with any work. The Contractor shall conform to the drawings and specifications they have developed to complete the work as described below: 5.2 Construct/Installation, Lightning Protection System in AMMO Area

5.2.1 Demolition:

1. Demo damaged only electrical poles, lightning rods, and conductors. 5.2.2 Concrete/Asphalt:

1. Cut and remove concrete/asphalt as necessary replace with concrete.

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5.2.3 Electrical:

1. The contractor shall provide all power and communication distribution modifications called for in design documents.

2. The Contractor shall install the lighting protection grid using minimum 2’ (1/2” dia) solid copper lighting rods on mast and ammo vents.

3. The conductor shall be a minimum #1 braided lightning copper cable. 4. The lightning protection conductor(s) loop must be continuous (bus – no daisy chain) from

one connection to the next connection. The contactor shall loop (connect) the lighting protection system back in to the building facility ground system.

5. The contractor shall install grounding system center poise system as needed for each mast. The system shall include a minimum of three, 10’ (3/4” dia) solid copper grounding rods, and connected together using at least #4/0 braided copper conductor. The grounding rods shall have a minimum spacing of 10’, to a maximum of 20’.

6. Protection shall be provided against deterioration of lightning protection components due to local conditions, and two (2) unlike metal surface shall have galvanic protection to prevent future corrosion. All equipment, and conductors’ installation must be performed IAW manufactory instructions, and IAW UFCs, and building code requirements. The mast (electrical pole) air terminals and conductors shall be secured and supported for maximum wind (CAT-4) loads for this area.

6.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS 6.1 Salvageable Materials Contractor shall turn in salvageable goods to the appropriate base agency. The Contractor shall separate and turn in recyclable materials to the 325th Services Squadron Recycling Facility, building 6025, in accordance with base policies. Precious scrap and waste metals (e.g. steel, iron, etc.) shall be recycled and/or disposed in accordance with base policies. The Contractor shall reimburse the Government for any remediation undertaken to clean up releases by the Contractor and for any civil or criminal fines or penalties for any environmental infraction caused by the Contractor. The Contractor shall comply with all provisions of 40 CFR 260 through 281 regarding the generation, storage and disposal of hazardous waste. The Contractor shall submit a hazardous waste management plan to Contracting Officer for approval by 325 CES/CEI. The Contractor shall not commence any work until this approval is obtained. The Contractor shall stop all work in the event 325 CES/CEI identifies non-compliances with federal or state regulations and shall correct any discrepancies immediately within 2 hours of notification by 325 CES/CEI. 6.2 Clearance: The Contractor shall obtain AF Form 103a, Base Civil Engineering Work Clearance Request, prior to work commencement, from the Customer Service, Bldg. 421, and telephone number: 283-4949. Prior to performing any excavation, demolition, or construction work, the Contractor shall obtain location of existing utility lines through the Work Clearance Request process. The Contractor shall request referenced locations and permit at least ten days prior to scheduled work begins. The Contractor shall exercise due care and take reasonable steps to avoid injury or to otherwise interfere with lines where positions have been provided. The Contractor shall hand dig only, within 5 feet in any direction of a located utility. If sufficient information is not available, the Contractor shall explore prudent techniques, such as hand-dug test holes, to ascertain the precise location of such facilities. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to verify the exact location, character and depth of any existing utilities, communication lines, electrical components, structures, etc. The Government will hold the

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Contractor liable for repairing any damages caused by work under this contract at no additional cost to the Government. The Contractor is responsible for contacting the appropriate utility POC's for TAFB's privatized utilities and scheduling terminations for this task order and all associated costs with those entities. 6.3 Utility Outages: In the event utility outages are required, they shall be coordinated with the CO and COR a minimum of fourteen (14) workdays prior to the proposed outage. Outages will be scheduled in all cases at the convenience of the government and work performance may be required during periods of time other than normal duty working hours. 6.4 Disposal of Materials: All waste materials generated by any work under this contract shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be handled, transported, stored and disposed of off-base by the Contractor at the end of each day's work. Such material shall be hauled OFF BASE to a Contractor selected disposal area and disposed of in accordance with applicable Florida Administrative Code 62-701, federal, state and local laws, ordinances, regulations, court orders or other type of rules or rulings having the effect of law. The Contractor shall provide CO the waste manifest tickets for all disposal runs associated with the abatement project. 6.5 Notification Requirements: The Contractor is required to notify the CO and government Project Manager of critical issues that may affect the contract performance and/or human health and the environment. For critical issues pertaining to human health and the environment, the Contractor shall immediately notify the CO and stop work. Work shall only resume at the direction of the CO following resolution of the issue. 6.6 Permits: The Contractor is solely responsible to develop, coordinate, apply and obtain all federal, state, local, and other applicable permits, access (including off-base easements and leases), agreements, licenses, and certificates required to perform and complete each project for Tyndall AFB. Before start of work the Contractor shall process an AF Form 103a, Work Clearance Request, through the local base Civil Engineer office. The Contractor shall maintain a library of these documents at the Contractor's site office on base as well as the corporate facility handling each project. The Contractor shall comply with applicable permit conditions and environmental protection policies. Contractor is responsible for coordinating and paying connection fees to Gulf Coast Electrical Company for electrical and water hook-up. 6.7 Environmental Protection: Activities shall be planned and implemented in a manner that protects existing site utilities, structures, surface features, service operations, and the general site environment. This includes the protection of trees, shrubs and other vegetation not in the affected zone from dust damage, soil compaction, and physical contact with machines and equipment. If appropriate, the Contractor shall conserve uncontaminated topsoil by removal, storage, or redistribution. All reasonable measures shall be taken to minimize and suppress fugitive emissions of dust, vapors, and other site materials during site work. All fill materials shall be non-contaminated. The Contractor shall conduct operations and activities with the intent of reducing the amount of pollution generated. Specific areas to be focused on are generation of solid waste, use of hazardous materials, use of ozone depleting chemicals (HVAC requirements), generation of hazardous waste, and use of energy and water. The Contractor shall plan, construct, operate, maintain, optimize, and commission systems necessary to control storm water run-on and runoff. At a minimum, the contractor shall employ best management practices consistent with the Florida Development Manual, Chapter 6, Storm-water and Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices for Developing Areas.

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6.8 Hazardous Material and Hazardous Waste: The Contractor will submit TAFB IMT Form 81 (Contractor Questionnaire) and TAFB IMT Form 82 (Chemical Inventory) 7-10 days upon issuance of the notice to proceed and prior commencement of work on site. The Contractor should note that Tyndall AFB is required to report chemicals such as (but not limited to) compressed gases, adhesives, aerosol cans, sealants, paints, lubricants, solvents, oils, cleaners, degreasers and pesticides. Copies of manufacturer-specific Material Safety Data Sheets must be attached to TAFB IMT Form 82. After submission, CEI will notify the Project Manager and/or CONS of the reportable chemicals and of any special instructions. The Contractor is required to submit TAFB IMT Form 83 (Reporting Entry Form) monthly. CEI must be notified if anything changes from the original submittal (i.e. new chemical is added, size of container or unit of issue changes or if the manufacturer changes). 6.8.1 Hazardous Waste Management: 325 CES/CEI is the Government authority dealing with hazardous material on Tyndall AFB. The Contractor shall submit a Hazardous Material Management Plan (HMMP) before start of work. The Contractor shall notify CO and 325 CES/CEI (850-283-4780 or 850-283-4486) if any hazardous waste is encountered or generated by the Contractor. The Contractor shall stop all work in the event 325 CES/CEI identifies noncompliance with federal and state regulations and shall correct any discrepancies immediately within 2 hours of notification by 325 CES/CEI. All hazardous waste shall be labeled and an inventory management system will be initiated to insure timely removal and proper disposal. No on-base disposal will be allowed. All drums will be labeled with a hazardous waste label. The label shall include the proper DOT shipping name, UN or NA, EPA waste number, generator information, and accumulation start date. The label shall be placed on the side of the drum. All drums used to store hazardous waste shall be non-leaking and safe to handle. Contractor shall be responsible for over packing drums that are rusted, dented, or leaking. Drums and/or over packs shall be provided by the Contractor. All drums shall be "new" DOT approved containers. The storage location for the hazardous waste drums shall be approved by the 325 CES/CEI prior to the generation of hazardous waste. The Contractor shall document inspection of drums for leaks on a daily basis or if not working in the area daily, then a weekly inspection will suffice. A copy of the inspection checklist shall be forwarded to 325 CES/CEI every Friday. Hazardous waste transportation and disposal shall be coordinated through 325 CES/CEI. The Contractor shall be responsible for transportation and disposal of all hazardous waste at an EPA approved treatment, storage, disposal facility (TSDF). The transportation and disposal facilities shall be approved by 325 CES/CEI prior to their use. Manifests shall be signed only by 325 CES/CEI. Drums shall be disposed of within 90 days of placing the first drop in the container. The Contractor shall submit TAFB Form 81 (Contractor’s Hazardous Material Questionnaire) and TAFB Form IMT 82 (Short-Term Contractor Hazardous Material Inventory), when applicable, 7-10 duty days after the Notice to Proceed is issued. The Contractor should note that Tyndall AFB is required to report chemicals used such as (but not limited to) compressed gases, adhesives, aerosol cans, sealants, paints, lubricants, oils, cleaners, degreasers, pesticides. Copies of manufacturer-specific Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be attached to TAFB Form 82. After submission, 325 CES/CEI will notify the Project Manager and CONS of the reportable chemicals and of any special instructions. The Contractor is required to submit TAFB Form 83 (Contractor Environmental Reporting Entry Form) monthly. The CO must be notified of any changes from the original submittal (i.e. new chemical is added, size of container or unit of issue changes or if the manufacturer changes). These MSDSs shall also be readily accessible at the location of each hazardous material. The Contractor shall identify a single Point of Contact (POC) in writing to the HMMP. Submit changes in writing to the HMMP as they occur. The Contractor shall comply, with all federal, state, AF, ACC, and base natural and cultural resource policies, procedures, and plans.

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a) The Contractor shall comply with all provisions of 40 CFR 260 through 281 regarding the generation, storage and disposal of hazardous waste. The contractor shall submit a hazardous waste management plan to the CO for approval by 325 CES/CEI. The Contractor shall not commence work any work until this approval is obtained. The Contractor shall stop all work in the event 325 CES/CEI identifies noncompliance with federal and state regulations and shall correct any discrepancies immediately within 2 hours of notification by 325 CES/CEI.

1. All hazardous waste shall be labeled and an inventory management system will be

initiated to insure timely removal and proper disposal. No on-base disposal will be allowed.

2. All drums will be labeled with a hazardous waste label. The label shall include the proper DOT shipping name, UN or NA, EPA waste number, generator information, and accumulation start date. The label shall be placed on the side of the drum.

3. All drums used to store hazardous waste shall be non-leaking and safe to handle. Contractor shall be responsible for over packing drums that are rusted, dented, or leaking. Drum and/or over packs shall be provided by the Contractor. All drums shall be “new” DOT approved containers.

4. The 90-day storage location for the hazardous waste drums shall be approved by 325 CES/CEI prior to the generation of hazardous waste. The Contractor shall document inspection of drums for leaks on a daily basis or if not working in the area daily, then a weekly inspection will suffice. A copy of the inspections checklist shall be forwarded to 325 CES/CEI every Friday.

5. Hazardous waste transportation and disposal shall be coordinated through 325 CES/CEI. The Contractor shall be responsible for transportation and disposal of all hazardous waste at an EPA approved treatment, storage, disposal facility (TSDF). The transportation and disposal facilities shall be approved by 325 CES/CEI prior to their use. Manifests shall be signed by 325 CES/CEI. Drums shall be disposed of within 90 days of placing the waste in the container.

6.9 On-Site Field Oversight The Contractor shall provide the manpower, equipment, material, services, and transportation necessary to ensure oversight services throughout accomplishment of this traditional construction project. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to establish and maintain open communications between salient authorities associated with accomplishment of this project. 6.10 Delivery/Warranty The Contractor shall complete all inspections and commissioning requirements prior to final inspection. Following final inspection, the Contractor shall deliver to the Government the signed and sealed as-built drawings in both hard copy and reproducible format (CD). The warranty shall be issued in accordance with FAR 52.246-21. 6.11 Office and Equipment. Not Applicable. 6.12 Government Furnished Equipment. Not Applicable. 7.0 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS

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Applicable provisions of the Contract Clauses of the contract will govern work under each section of these specifications. 7.1 Site Plan/Pre-Performance Conference: Contractor is hereby advised that if awarded a contract as a result of this solicitation, they will be required to appear at the pre-performance conference at a date and time to be determined by the CO prior or after the commencement of any work on the Tyndall AFB, Florida. After award the Contractor shall visit the job site to verify conditions and dimensions prior to starting work. 7.2 Identification of Employees: The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining security clearances and badges for each employee, and for requiring each employee engaged on the work to display, identification as approved and directed by the CO. Prescribed identification shall immediately be delivered to the CO for cancellation upon release of any employee. When required, the Contractor shall obtain and provide fingerprints of persons employed on the project. All Contractor and subcontractor personnel shall wear identifying markings on hard hats clearly identifying the company for whom the employee works. The Contractor shall comply with security regulations imposed by the installation commander and/or the agency occupying the space where the work is to be performed, including necessary security clearances. Prior to mobilization the Contractor shall provide the CO a list of personnel requiring authority to work on Tyndall AFB. The list shall be kept current and the CO notified as to any changes in the list. The Contractor’s employees shall be required to obtain and display employee identification as prescribed by Air Force Instruction 31-209 and supplements thereto. Whenever facility security is breached to perform work required under this contract, the Contractor shall be responsible for providing temporary measures in order to assure security is maintained at the level existing prior to construction. This may include such security items as fencing around a facility or closing all openings in a structure during non-work hours. Before commencing work on Tyndall AFB, the Contractor shall ensure that all personnel obtain Identification Cards and any vehicle registration required to perform all requirements under this contract. The Contractor shall submitted pass / id form request at least (2) weeks prior to requiring access to the base for approval. The Contractor assigned superintendent must escort all employees applying for identification cards. At no time during contract performance period is the contractor authorized to have an employee on the installation without identification provided by the base Security Forces. Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all identification cards issued are returned to Security Forces immediately upon employee’s termination from awarded contract. The application forms shall be made available in the 325th Contracting Squadron office. The contactor shall submit the paper work for construction waive(s) and employee/equipment list for approval, before performing work. 7.3 Employee Parking: Contractor employees shall park privately owned vehicles in an area designated by the CO. This area will be within reasonable walking distance of the construction site. Contractor employee parking shall not interfere with existing and established parking requirements of the military installation. 7.4 Job Site Tools and Equipment: All hand tools and equipment shall be maintained in good working conditions and properly stored when not in use. Construction attire shall be in accordance with applicable OSHA regulations. The contactor shall use an OSHA approved fall arresting system, while performing work.

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7.5 Project Signage: As required per the FAR. 7.6. Base Fire Prevention Program: The Contractor will be required to comply with the Fire Prevention Program regulations of the military installation to be serviced under this contract. The names of the installation, the applicable regulations, and the location where the regulations may be reviewed will be provided during the pre-performance conference. 7.7. Federal Holidays: Tyndall Air Force Base observes the Following Federal Legal Holidays

New Year’s Day 1 Jan Martin Luther King Birthday Third Monday in Jan Presidents Day Third Monday in Feb Memorial Day Last Monday in May Independence Day 4 July Labor Day First Monday in Sep Columbus Day Second Monday in Oct Veterans Day Second Monday in Nov Thanksgiving Day Fourth Thursday in Nov Christmas Day 25 Dec

7.8 Availability and Use of Utility Services 7.8.1 Payment for Utility Services: Notwithstanding the provisions of contract clause FAR 52.236-14, Availability and Use of Utility Services, all reasonable required amounts of water, gas, electricity, etc., essential to contract performance shall be made available, at no cost to the Contractor, from existing systems, outlets, and supplies. All temporary connections, outlets, and distribution lines as may be required will be installed by the contractor at the Contractor’s own expense. The Contractor will be required to participate in government energy conservation programs. For the purpose of this contract, utilities such as water, electricity, etc., will be furnished by the government at no cost to the Contractor. Long distance and Defense Switched Network (DSN) telephone services will not be provided. 7.8.2 Sanitation: The Contractor shall provide and maintain within the construction area minimum field-type sanitary facilities approved by the Contracting Officer. If Port-O-Potties are or other types of temporary sanitary systems are used the waste cannot be dumped (disposed) into the base waste water system. 7.9 Protection and Maintenance of Traffic The Contractor shall maintain and protect traffic on all affected roads during the construction period except as otherwise specifically directed by the CO. Measures for protection and diversion of traffic, including the provision of watchmen and flagmen, erection of barricades, placing of lights around and in front of equipment, work, erection, maintenance of adequate warning, danger, and direction signs. These shall be as required by the State and local authorities having jurisdiction. The traveling public shall be protected from damage to person and property. The Contractor's traffic on roads selected for hauling material to and from the site shall interfere as little as possible with public traffic. The Contractor shall investigate the adequacy of existing roads and the allowable load limit on these roads. The Contractor shall be responsible for repair of any damage to roads caused by construction operations.

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7.9.1 Barricades: The Contractor shall provide, erect, maintain temporary barricades and warning signs to limit public access to hazardous areas as required by OSHA, TDOT and/or like Agencies. Such barricades shall be required whenever safe public access to paved areas such as roads, parking areas or sidewalks is prevented by construction activities or as otherwise necessary to ensure the safety of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The minimum required number of barricades shall be securely placed in a neat and orderly fashion, clearly visible with adequate illumination to provide sufficient visual warning of the hazards during day and/or night. Barricades shall be maintained in an orderly fashion during the duration of their placement. 7.10 Contractor’s Temporary Facilities 7.10.1 Office Trailer: The Contractor may request a temporary office trailer on site of administrative purposes or use an office area in facility, subject to CO approval. Contact the 325th CES/CEIAP office for site request/approval. 7.10.2 Temporary Project Safety Fencing Prior to commencement of work, the Contractor shall furnish and erect temporary project safety fencing at work site. The Contractor shall also furnish and install hazard safety fencing at temporary hazards and work site areas considered to be hazardous to public. Caution tape shall not be used as a temporary means of fencing. In lieu of caution tape sawhorse traffic barricades (Type I or II) with tightly strung yellow rope may be used on a limited basis. The safety fencing shall be a high visibility OSHA orange colored, high density polyethylene 1.5” x 3” oval grid or approved equal, a minimum of 48 inches high, supported and tightly secured to steel posts located on maximum 6-foot centers, constructed at the approved location. The temporary safety fencing shall be maintained by the Contractor during the periods listed below. Upon completion and acceptance of the work, the fencing shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the work site. Duration of Temporary Safety Fencing The following durations for the use of specific safety barriers shall be used as a guideline. The CO may dictate longer or shorter periods as required for project specific work.

a) Sawhorse traffic barricades with tightly strung yellow rope not to exceed a 24-hour period. b) Traffic cones not to exceed 3-days (excluding road construction). c) Traffic barricades and safety fencing not to exceed 14-days (excluding road construction). Removal of Temporary Fence: The Contractor shall remove the temporary fence upon completion and acceptance of the project. In case the fence needs to be removed for the completion of obstructed areas, such as landscaping, the site shall remain in neat appearance with all proper barricades, as specified. 7.11 Cleanup At the end of each working day, the Contractor shall clean up the work site by the removal of all construction debris, waste materials, packaging material and the like. If the before mentioned items could become airborne they shall be placed in refuse containers immediately. Clean up work site shall include the construction area(s), construction office area(s), material storage area(s), parking and eating area(s), and any other area(s) affected by the construction process.

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Any dirt or mud which is tracked on to any Base street, parking area, sidewalk, patio, or driveway shall be cleaned away daily. Materials resulting from demolition activities which are salvageable shall be stored within the fenced area described above or at the supplemental storage area. Stored material not in trailers, whether new or salvaged, shall be neatly stacked when stored. 7.12 Restoration of Storage Area Upon completion of the project and after removal of trailers, materials, and equipment from within the fenced area, the fence shall be removed and will become the property of the Contractor. Areas used by the Contractor for the storage of equipment or material, or other use, shall be restored to the original or better condition. Gravel used to traverse grassed areas shall be removed and the area restored to its original condition, including top soil, sod, and seeding as necessary. 8.0 INVENTORY OF INSTALLED/REMOVED PROPERTY The Contractor shall prepare and submit a DD Form 1354 Transfer and Acceptance of DoD Real Property list of new equipment or units of equipment that require gas, water, or electrical utilities connections. (Examples: AHUs, fans, air conditioners, compressors, condensers, chillers, boilers, furnaces, heat exchangers, pumps, cooling towers, tanks, fire hydrants, sinks, water closets, urinals, lavatories, shower stalls, and other large plumbing fixtures, lighting fixtures, electric heating equipment, motors, and other electrical equipment. Also provide include a DD Form 1354 list of removed equipment if applicable. Complete all applicable columnar information sheet listed for each equipment item as it is installed or removed. The DD Form 1354 shall be reviewed periodically by the Government to verify completeness and accuracy. A completed DD Form 1354 shall be turned over to the Government Inspector at least 2 weeks prior to pre-final inspection. 9.0 CONTRACTOR'S MANAGEMENT AND USE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC EMISSION DEVICES ON BASE Electromagnetic emission devices include: Radio/Radar Transmitters; Navigational Aids/Instrumentations; Signaling, Intrusion Detecting, and Identification Devices; Mobile and Fixed Business Radio Communications Equipment; and MARS, CBs, and Amateur Radio Stations. The Contractor shall comply with the AFMTC Regulation 700-14, Jul 89. The Contractor must have all RF wireless frequency equipment approved, before operating (transmissions). Contact the 325th CS/SCOT Installation Spectrum Manager office for site request/approval. 10.0 FIRE REGULATIONS AND PREVENTION PRACTICES: The Contractor shall comply with fire prevention practices as set forth by the National Fire Protection Association, other recognized fire prevention agencies, and base regulations. 11.0 EXPLOSIVE OPERATED HANDTOOLS The Contractor shall comply with OSHA Standard 1910.215(c) when utilizing explosive operated hand tools. Storage of explosive cartridges on the installation shall be in metal containers and limited to one days' supply. The Contractor shall provide adequate controls to prevent loss/theft of cartridges used and stored on the installation. 12.0 GENERATED REFUSE

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The Contractor shall take positive action to prevent work-generated refuse from entering the sewer system. All Contractor’s generated refuse and waste shall be hauled from the construction site daily to a disposal area located outside the physical boundaries of the installation. This refuse and waste material shall be hauled in trucks with tight-fitting beds and covers to prevent spillage on roadways. The construction site shall be kept neat, orderly, and safe for workmen at all times. 13.0 WELDING Welding shall not be performed without first obtaining a welding/burn permits issued by the Base Fire Department. 14.0 UTILITY OUTAGES 14.1. Utility outages shall be defined as a stoppage in electric, gas, potable water, sewer, chilled or hot water, steam, telephone, Energy Monitoring and Control System (EMCS), or any other similar utility whether serving all or a part of a single facility or of several facilities. 14.2. All utility outages shall be coordinated with the using agency through the CO or the Government inspector. Notice of the necessity for an outage shall be provided by the Contractor to the CO, in writing, not less than fourteen (14) working days prior to the time of the required outage and written approval for the outage will be issued by the CO. All work shall be coordinated and arranged to ensure that the outage will be of minimum duration. 14.3. Once a utility outage is arranged and work begun, work shall continue until all utilities are restored to the affected facility or facilities. 14.4. In the event a scheduled utility outage is cancelled by the Government, notification will be given to the Contractor at least 24 hours in advance of the time for the outage to start. Rescheduling of a cancelled outage must be coordinated with written notification as described above. 15.0 SEVERE WEATHER 15.1. Upon receipt by the CO of a severe weather warning with anticipated winds of 35 knots or higher, the following sequence of actions shall be carried out: 15.2. The CO or the Air Force Inspector will notify the Contractor of the severe weather warning. 15.3. The CO or the Air Force Inspector will instruct the Contractor to secure all materials and equipment. 15.4. The Contractor shall take immediate action to tie down, remove, protect, and/or secure construction materials and equipment to the satisfaction of the Air Force Inspector in order to reasonably assure that government property will not be damaged. If the Contractor fails or refuses to secure materials and equipment to the satisfaction of the Air Force Inspector, the work will be accomplished by Air Force personnel and cost thereof charged to the Contractor. 16.0 EXISTING UTILITIES

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The Contractor shall contact the base utilities Contractor (TECO Gas and GCEC) for drawings for the base electrical, water, and natural gas systems. All other utilities drawings are located in Building 421, Tyndall AFB. The Contractor shall familiarize himself with drawings and coordinate all connections with the base utilities Contractor. Any utility line shown on the record drawings (or made known to the Contractor) and damaged during construction work shall be repaired immediately by the Contractor at no cost to the Government. 17.0 DIGGING PERMIT 17.1. Contractor shall obtain a blank AF Form 103a, BASE CIVIL ENGINEERING WORK CLEARANCE REQUEST (often called a digging permit) from 325 CES Customer Service, 283-4949, prior to any construction activities. Contractors shall request a digging permit at least 10 working days in advance. 17.2. All excavations other than building foundations, must have site restoration (sod, hydro-mulch, pavement or other scheduled restoration), completed within 14 calendar days (excluding approved rain delay days) after excavation has been initiated. 18.0 PREPARATION OF PROGRESS SCHEDULES AND REPORTS The reports contemplated by Clause 52.236-15, Schedules for Construction Contracts, shall be accomplished on and in accordance with instructions pertaining to AF Form 3064, Contract Progress Schedule, and AF Form 3065, Contract Progress Report. Contract Schedules and Reports shall run from Monday through Sunday and be submitted to the CO by Tuesday of the following week. Contractor will prepare daily reports covering activities for days work and give one to the Government Inspector for each day of work even if there was no work accomplished that day. The daily report may be turned in for each day at the end of the week when construction begins. 19.0 AS-BUILT DRAWINGS The Contractor shall maintain as-built drawing during construction to show any changes from approved drawings. The Contractor shall provide a complete as-built drawings to include dimensions, materials, method of construction/assembly, equipment, and etc representing the entire project at end of construction period under the contract. Drawings shall be developed on 28” x 40” sheets of the best quality printing process. Minimum drawing scale on each floor plan shall be 1/8” = 1’-0” and on each partial floor plan or detail shall be 1/4” = 1’-0”. Preliminary as-built drawings shall be submitted with an AF Form 3000 for Government Approval. The preliminary as-built drawings shall be submitted concurrently with the request for pre-final inspection. Upon government approval of the preliminary as-built drawings, the Contractor shall submit the entire final set of drawings to include CAD disk for final review and approval. As-built drawings shall be included as a separate item in the progress schedule AF Form 3064. As-builts drawings will be a part of master submittal list. 20.0 RESERVED 21.0 CONTRACTOR’S QUALITY CONTROL 21.1. General: The Contractor is responsible for quality control and shall appoint an independent Contractor Quality Control (CQC) representative to establish and maintain an effective quality control system in compliance with the Contract Clause 52-246-12, Inspection of Construction.

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The Superintendent cannot be assigned as CQC representative. The Project Manager may be assigned as CQC, if they are an independent and are qualified and have experience in the installation of lightning protection systems. The quality control system shall consist of a Plan, procedures, and comply with the contract requirements. The system shall cover all construction operations, both on site and off site, and shall be keyed to the proposed construction sequence. The Government will hold the Contractor’s CQC responsible for the quality of work on the job and is subject to removal by the CO for non-compliance with quality requirements specified in the contract. 21.2 INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Inspections and final acceptance will be made as completed by the Contractor with the following additional provisions:

a) The Contractor shall give the Government a minimum of three working days’ notice for all requested inspections.

b) The Contractor shall make sure that the work is ready for all inspections. The presence of an unreasonable number of deficiencies, as determined by the Government Inspector, may cause the inspection to be rescheduled and reaccomplished.

c) The Contractor will be given a certificate of acceptance by the Government Inspector for each successfully completed step of the work.

d) The certificate will be signed by the Government Inspector and shall be initialed and dated by the Contractor’s approved representative. One copy of the certificate will be given to the Contractor.

e) Contractor shall complete an approved Contractor Daily Report form and submit to the Government Inspector by 1000 hrs the next day after work is performed and inspected by the CQC Representative.

22.0 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY The Contractor shall be subject to no-notice inspections under Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Program by inspectors of the Department of Labor. 22.1 General Safety Requirements 22.2 Provide a safe and healthful workplace for employees while performing the contract work. Contractors are advised that the Commander has placed restrictions on the smoking of tobacco products in ACC facilities. AFI 40-102, Tobacco Use in the Air Force, and its ACC supplement 1, outline the procedures used by the commander to control smoking in our facilities. Contractor employees and visitors are subject to the same restrictions as government personnel. Smoking is permitted only in designated smoking areas. 22.3 Required Insurance: Reference FAR clause 52.228-5, entitled "Insurance-Work on a Government Installation", The Contractor shall, at its own expense, procure and thereafter maintain the following kinds of insurance with respect to performance under the contract: Workers Compensation As required by law, except that if this contract is to be performed in a state which does not require or permit private insurance, the compliance with the statutory or

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administrative requirement in any such state will be satisfactory. The required workman's compensation insurance shall extend to cover employers' liability for accidental bodily injury or death and for occupational disease with a minimum liability limit of $100,000. Comprehensive General - Minimum limits of $500,000 per occurrence Liability for bodily injury. Comprehensive Automobile - Minimum limits of $200,000 per person, $500,000 per liability occurrence for bodily injury and $20,000 per accident for property damage. This insurance shall extend to cover hired cars and automobile non-ownership liability. Insurance Endorsement - Before commencing work under this contract, the Contractor shall certify to the CO in writing that the required insurance has been obtained. The policies evidencing required insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that any cancellation or any material change adversely affecting the Government’s interest shall not be effective (1) for such period as the laws of the State in which this contract is to be performed prescribed or (2) until 30 days after the insurer of the Contractor gives written notice to the CO, whichever is longer. 22.4 Supply each employee with personal protective equipment. This equipment includes but is not limited to protection for the eyes, face, head, and extremities. 22.5 Use the proper protective equipment for the work performed. 22.6 Contractor Responsibility: Traffic and public laws shall be obeyed on Base.

a) Obey the posted base speed limits. Wear Seat belts on base IAW AFI 91-207. b) Contractors operating on base will be responsible for briefing and ensuring the employees

adhere to the traffic rules and regulations. The foreman, job supervisor and other personnel providing workman leadership will ensure the workers comply with these rules and regulations. Speed limit on base is 30 MPH unless otherwise posted. The speed limit in base housing areas is 15 MPH and the speed limit in parking lots is 5 MPH.

c) Individuals are to obey all entry procedures. If the Security Forces personnel on the entry points (gates) give instructions, they will be complied with immediately. Security Forces utilize speed detection devices and citations will be issued to violators.

d) Personnel who park on grass or seeded areas will be cited. e) Civilians violating the base traffic and parking laws will be issued a Magistrate’s Court

Summons, DD Form 1805, and on-base driving record will be maintained with a court appearance or fine as required. Depending on the seriousness of the violation, in some cases a mandatory court appearance date may be issued. The individual may choose to pay the fine by sending the amount for the violations along with the citation to the U.S. Magistrate Court or they may return the citation by mailing just the citation to the U.S. Magistrate Court, who will in turn set a date for their court appearance.

f) No texting or cell phone use while driving on Tyndall AFB. All drivers shall pull over and stop in safe area to text or use cell phones.

g) For your information, all base traffic rules are contained in AFI 31-204. 22.7 Report Contractor accidents involving injury to Air Force personnel or damage to government property to the Base Law Enforcement Desk and the CO.

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22.8 Familiarize yourself and comply with the general safety requirements IAW DOL regulations, OSHA 29 CFR Part 1926, as well as applicable AFOSH standards and AFRs. These standards and AFRs are available in the Wing Ground Safety Office, Building 662. 22.8.1 Occupational Safety Requirements:

STANDARD SECTION SUBJECT OSHA 1910 .132 Personal Protective Equipment OSHA 1910 .215 Explosives AFM 91-201 Explosives Safety Standard OSHA 1926 Subpart H Material Handling OSHA 1926 Subpart O Mechanized Equipment OSHA 1926 Subpart Q Concrete Forms OSHA 1926 .850 Demolition AFOSH 161-4 Asbestos and PPE 1910 .1001 1926 .58 AFOSH 91-4 Ladders AFOSH 91-5 Welding, Cutting, Brazing AFOSH 91-25 Confined Spaces NEC Electrical Work 1926 Subpart P Trenching 1926 .202, .203 Barricades AFOSH 91-25 Confined Space Entry 1925 .461 Scaffolding

Table 29.1 Occupational Safety Requirements 22.9 NO WEAPONS, ALCOHOL, OR ILLEGAL CONTRABAND will be allowed or tolerated on Tyndall AFB. Prime Contractors are responsible for ensuring all subcontractors adhere to this policy. 23.0 WATER CONSERVATION 23.1 Conserve water to the greatest extent possible. 23.2 If Tyndall AFB implements water usage restrictions, the Contractor is required to comply with these restrictions, at no additional cost to the government. In the event the Contractor cannot comply with water usage restrictions and still meets other contract requirements (particularly when installing sod or hydro-mulching), then he can request permission from the CO for relief from the restrictions. 23.3 Waivers: Submit request for waivers to water conservation restrictions in writing. The CO will consider such cases on an individual basis and grant waivers only in extreme cases. Submit detailed requests with appropriate manufacturer’s/supplier’s data to show unavoidable noncompliance with the water usage restrictions. In the event a restriction is conditionally waived, use only the minimum amount of water necessary to comply with contract requirements. 24.0 ENERGY REQUIRMENTS

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24.1 Design of new construction and renovations shall be in full compliance with ANSI/IESNA/ASHRA Standards with specific attention to ASHRA Standard 90.1-2004 or latest edition. In addition, new construction and renovations for existing facilities must comply with Energy Policy Acct. of 2005 (EPACT 05), Executive Order 13423 and energy conservation standards under Unified Facilities Criteria, UFC 3-400-01, UFC 3-410,, UFC 3-440-01 or latest edition for all. Air Force Design Sustainability shall be applied in the development concepts of planning, design, construction, environmental management, operation, maintenance and disposal of facilities and infrastructure project, consistent with budget and mission requirements. Design Energy Compliance Analysis (ECA) must be provided with the design package. 24.2 New construction and major renovation of agency buildings must comply with the Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High performance and Sustainable Buildings set forth in the Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Building Memorandum of Understanding (2006) as per “Executive Order: Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management” & LEED requirements. For this project the LEED requirement is to provide documentation the project is LEED Silver certifiable. 25.0 CONTRACTOR STORAGE/STAGING AREA 25.1. Notwithstanding Contract Clause, FAR 52.236-10, Operations and Storage Areas, subject to approval by the CO and in turn, availability and need, a storage/staging area shall be provided at the subject project site. Contact the 325th CES/CEIAP office for site request/approval. 25.2. Erect a commercial grade six (6) foot high security fence comparable to existing fences in the area. Angle iron “temporary post” giving an un-maintained rented appearance is unacceptable. Fence shall have brown fabric mesh installed on it at all places. 25.3. The Contractor and Government personnel may inspect storage areas weekly. Discard trash and debris in the Contractor’s containers (dumpsters). Do not allow debris to accumulate. 25.4. Each Contractor is responsible for his fence line. Each Contractor shall maintain common fence lines. 25.5. Utility ‘tie-ins’, where available, are the Contractor’s responsibility. . 25.6. At work completion, clean the storage area. This area must be free of any materials, trash or debris before receipt of final payment. Existing fencing shall remain Government property. 25.7. If the Contractor fails to comply, the CO will direct the Contractor to vacate the storage area within 72 hours, with no Contractor legal recourse for any additional cost. 25.8. On certain calls, a job sign shall be required at the project site. The CO or the Government Inspector will make a determination based on cost and visibility. The sign shall indicate the Contractor’s company name, project name and MPLS number, superintendent’s name and a 24 hour available response phone number. The size of the sign shall be 4’ x 8’ x ¾” thick plywood board mounted to a 2x4 wood frame and diagonal braces. The wood frame shall be supported on 4x4 wood supports and be mounted to the ground in concrete footings. Background color shall be in accordance with Federal Standard 595a color/number BROWN/10080 (Gloss). The color of the lettering shall be WHITE/17875 (gloss) with Arial font.

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25.9. Job site office trailer must be skirted. Skirt must be painted with an approved color that complies with the Tyndall AFB architectural compatibility color scheme. 25.10. In areas of high visibility, the job site construction fence shall have a screen fabric material applied to the fence fabric in order to block the view during the construction phase. The CO will make the determination at the pre-construction meeting if the subject project will require a screened fence or not. 26.0 DELIVERABLES/SUBMITTALS All of the pricing software, manuals, and supporting documentation becomes the property of the Government upon delivery and shall remain property of the Government at the end of the contract period. 26.1 Contract Drawings: Drawings shall be prepared on AutoCAD 2017 format. Drawings shall be delivered in hard copy, standard black line quality paper, at review stages in the number listed in paragraph on SUBMITTALS. One of the drawings provided to CENM shall be full size. The remaining sets of review drawings and corrected final drawings shall be half size. The drawings shall be drawn to appropriate scales and dimensioned completely and accurately. Extensive explanatory notes on the drawings should be held to a minimum or placed in the specifications. Dimensions shall be shown in Standard English units. All contract drawings shall be well prepared, complete, and accomplished in accordance with the best professional practice to show clearly and concisely the type and extent of work to be performed. One (1) hard copy of As-Built drawings shall be submitted to the government upon completion of construction and shall be reviewed for accuracy. Upon approval, the Contractor shall provide one (1) electronic versions of the As-Built drawings on both AutoCAD 2017, and as PDF to the government on CD. Standard building material indications and symbols for architectural items and for mechanical and electrical equipment shall be used to the greatest extent possible size. 26.2. Drawing Standards: All drawings will utilize the Tri-Service Spatial Data Standards (TSSDS) Version 1.8, for compliance with the installation standards. 26.3 Design Services 26.3.1 Site Design Data: A site visit may be requested by the Contractor. Contactor should visit the site and take such other steps as may be reasonably necessary to ascertain the nature and location of work and the general and local conditions that can affect the work or cost thereof. Failure to do so will not relieve bidders/contractors from the responsibility for estimating properly the difficult or cost of successfully performing the work. The government will assume no responsibility for any misunderstanding or misrepresentation concerning conditions made by any of its officers or agents prior to the execution of the contract, unless included in the request for proposals, the specification, or related documents. The contractor shall perform field reconnaissance, surveys, and site investigations required to obtain engineering information and design data for the accomplishment of the contract documents of the project in accordance with requirements of this SOW. As-built drawings of existing facilities shall be provided to the contractor upon request if available. 26.3.2 Field Measurements: The Contractor shall be required to make his own field investigations to verify dimensions and other information shown on government furnished reference drawings.

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26.3.3 Government Review: The CO or his authorized representative may furnish the Contractor review comments on the data submitted. The Government's review is intended to be limited to functional aspects, with limited technical review of a general cursory nature only, refer to section 4.5 Government Review (Design). Any review by the Government of technical items shall not be construed to relieve the contractor of responsibility for technically correct and complete documents in compliance with applicable codes, industry standards, and the intent of this SOW. Review comments for compliance with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) will also be provided by the CO. The Contractor shall comply with the review comments in the development of data for the next submittal. If any review comment requires clarification and/or amplification to assure compliance, the Contractor shall notify the CO or his authorized representative in writing. After each review, the Contractor will be furnished three sets of comments to be annotated and returned to the Government. Comments annotated by the Contractor with a "D" - do not concur, "E" - exception, or "X" - delete, shall have an explanatory note added to justify the noncompliance with the comment. The Contractor shall furnish these annotated comments to the Government no later than 10 calendar days after receiving the comments. 26.3.4. Drawings: The Contractor shall submit drawings according to Section 26.5 of the SOW. The Contractor shall provide Architectural, Structural, Civil, Mechanical, and Electrical drawings as necessary. Architectural, Structural, and Civil drawings shall be provided in the event of any modifications to the facility or grounds around the facility. Mechanical drawings shall include equipment schedules, controls schematics (to include sequence of controls), and layout plans. Electrical drawings shall be provided to show all electrical connections necessary for equipment installation. 26.4. Schedule of Deliverables 26.4.1 Deliverables shall be submitted and distributed as shown in the table below. Table shows major milestones and is not exclusive of all other submittals as necessary per contract. The CO may request submittals in addition to those specified when deemed necessary to adequately describe the work covered in the respective sections.


Document Title





d C


Delivery Date

Kick-Off Meeting 3 calendar days after award Progress Meetings Once a week Meeting Minutes 1 1 2 calendar days after each meeting

Progress Schedule (AF 3064 or approved equivalent) 1 3 Contractor shall submit within five days

after the NTP Progress Report (AF 3065 or approved equivalent) 1 3 Weekly

Monthly Status Report 1 3 15th of each month

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AF Form 66 Schedule of Material submittals 1 3 Completion of Design

Material Approval (AF Form 3000) 1 3 Prior to Ordering Material Design Documents (AF Form 3000) Submitted 65% and 100% 1 5 As required or requested

HAZMAT Forms 81 and 82 1 3 Prior to start of work HAZMAT Form 83 1 3 Monthly Production or Delivery Problem Report 1 3 Same day of crisis Pre-Final Inspection Report 1 3 5 days before Final Inspection AF 103a Work Clearance Request 1 1 Minimum 10 days prior to start of work

Daily Logs (AF Form 1477 or approved equivalent) 1 3 Daily

As-built Drawings 1 1 Prior to Final Inspection Resistance Measurement (Paragraphs 2.2.1 and 2.2.2) 1 1 Prior to Final Inspection

Draft Transfer & Acceptance of Military Real Property (DD 1354) 1 1 Prior to 90% invoice

Interim Transfer & Acceptance of Military Real Property (DD 1354) 1 1 Prior to pre-final

Final Transfer & Acceptance of Military Real Property (DD 1354) 1 1 Prior to Final Inspection

Final Inspection Report 1 2 5 days after Final Inspection

Table 26.4.1 Deliverables 26.5 Submittal Requirements. All documentation to include drawings, engineering calculations/studies, and geo-base informational system updating shall become the complete property of the 325th CES and consist of the following subtasks: 26.5.1 Other Investigative Services: Site Survey and Geotechnical Report 26.5.2 Initial Design Data: A detailed narrative (charrette report) explaining the existing

conditions, new requirements identified through user interviews, and preliminary recommendations of accommodating all identified requirements shall be provided at this submittal.

26.5.4 95% Pre-Final Design: All specified initial design, comments, and corrections resulting

from the initial design review shall be satisfied and incorporated into this submittal. All documentation and recommendations shall be fully-developed into a comprehensive design package. This submittal is expected to be used as a pre-final progress set of drawings for final review of the document deliverable.

26.5.5 100% Final Design: All specified 95% requirements, comments, and corrections resulting

from the 95% review shall be satisfied and incorporated into this submittal. All documentation

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and recommendations shall be fully-developed into a comprehensive design package. This submittal is expected to be used as a pre-final progress set of drawings for final review of the document deliverable.

26.6 Submittals: All documentation to include as-built drawings, engineering studies, and geo-base informational system updating shall become the complete property of the CES and consist of the following subtasks:

a) Final As-Built Drawings shall: 1) Be completed in AutoCAD 2017, and consist of three complete sets of drawings. 2) Be submitted in three (2) colored sets, with two (2) auto-cad CD (disks) copies. 3) Two sets of operations and maintenance manuals shall be provided for each type of

equipment used. 26.7 Contract Progress Schedule (AF 3064): The Contractor shall submit a signed AF 3064 (or approved equivalent), Contract Progress Schedule, depicting an overall contract progress schedule for the main elements of work for the period of performance as described in the Table of Deliverables above. The Contractor shall also provide a line graph depicting actual construction progress (solid line) versus scheduled construction progress (dotted line) throughout the period of performance. The progress schedule shall be signed by the either the Government Inspector recommending approval and approved by the CO. If the Contractor requires reimbursement of a high dollar value item, the item shall be identified on the AF 3065, an appropriate percentage applied, and the item must be received and stored on site. 26.8 Contract Progress Report (AF 3065): The Contractor shall submit AF 3065 as described in the Table of Deliverables above. This report shall be signed by the Contractor’s on-site representative in the remarks section of the AF 3065. The Contractor shall obtain either an inspector or the government contract inspector’s acceptance by signature of the actual reported progress prior to submission to the contracting officer. The report shall include the following:

a) Work Element b) % of Total Job c) % Completed this Period (shall be supported with documented equipment/material

purchases, and labor hours expenditures/amounts) d) % Completed Cumulative e) Report any circumstances which may have adversely affected and/or improve the

progress such as strikes, weather, and delays’ by the government, and etc. Include explanation.

f) Report (in remarks section) a description of completed work during the week (period). 26.9 Monthly Status Report(s) (MSR): The Monthly Status Reports shall communicate activities accomplished during the previous period, document discussions, identification of problems, proposed solutions, corrective actions taken, outstanding issues, and record issues or concerns. The Monthly Status Report shall include a financial tracking table containing columns with the following headings:

1. Task Breakout 2. Current Project Status (summary of work completed during the reporting period). 3. Total contract amount to date.

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4. Value of work completed to date. (shall be supported with documented labor hours) 5. Value of work completed under change orders. 6. Value of material

a. Paid in Previous Payments b. To be paid

7. Total value of materials (shall be supported with documented equipment/material purchases)

8. Total value of completed work and material (sum 4, 5, and 7) 9. Less Retainage 10. Subtotal (8 minus 9) 11. Bond Premiums

a. Paid in previous payments b. To be paid

12. Total amount of bond payments. (sum a and b) 13. Subtotal (10 plus 12) 14. Less Previous Payments 15. Amount of payment during this period. (13 minus 14) 16. Report any circumstances which may have adversely affected the progress such as

strikes, weather, delays’ by the government, and etc. Include explanation. 17. Report (remarks section) actual progress % versus the progress schedule %.

26.10 Progress Meetings: The Contractor shall perform Progress Meetings as described in the Table of Deliverables. These meetings will include all relevant base POC’s and Contracting Personnel on an as needed basis. These meetings will cover the progress made in the past period and will include any pertinent issues which could affect future IFB progress. The following items shall be covered:

a) Meeting Attendees and Contact Information b) Project Percent Complete c) RFI’s and Statuses d) Material Submittals and Statuses e) Two Week Look Ahead f) Schedule g) Safety h) Resolution of Existing Issues i) New Business

26.11 Format of Electronic Deliverables: All deliverables will be sent as an electronic copy. The electronic copy of all deliverables shall be provided and formatted for use on the latest version and compatible with the Government’s version of Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat, and AutoCAD. All deliverables shall be dated. The Contractor will be provided samples of the deliverables, upon request. 26.12 PRE-Final Inspection: The Contractor shall conduct an internal pre-final walk through inspection without Base personnel and publish the pre-final inspection findings in a pre-final inspection (punch list) report. The Contractor will schedule a pre-final inspection with base personnel to identify any deficiencies. The Contractor shall include an interim DD Form 1354, Transfer and Acceptance of Real Property to the Government Inspector for review before turning in at final.

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26.13 Final Inspection: After Contractor has completed correct to pre-final inspection, the Contractor shall conduct a final inspection with base personnel and publish the findings in a final inspection report. The inspection shall concentrate on the items identified at the pre-final inspection and recorded in the pre-final inspection (punch list) report. If other items are identified, CO shall determine if these items need to be addressed by Contractor. A final inspection shall not be performed until the pre-final inspection (punch list) report has been resolved. At the final inspection, the Contractor shall present a completed Final DD Form 1354, Transfer and Acceptance of Real Property to the Base Civil Engineer (BCE) or other appropriate organization for signature and acceptance. 27.0 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION / POINTS OF CONTACT Contracting Officer (CO), the term used herein, does not include any representative not acting within the scope of his/her authority. Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this contract, the CO shall be the only individual authorized to in any way amend or modify the terms of this contract. 27.1 Technical Representative: 325 CES/CENM is designated as the technical representative to ensure progression, workmanship, and inspection of materials for work being performed under this contract. This clause in no way authorizes anyone other than the CO to commit the Government to changes in the terms and conditions of the contract. 27.2 Field Changes: The Contractor and the government may agree to perform a no cost field change. Field changes are made when the change appears to be mutually beneficial to all parties and would not require changing the negotiated items. All field changes must be approved by the CO prior to execution. 27.3 Point of Contacts (POC): The contract administration shall be: 325th CONS/LGCCA 501 Illinois Ave Suite 5 Tyndall AFB, FL 32403 (850)-283-8648 Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) and Project Engineer Mr. Gilbert Walker 325th CES/CENMP 119 Alabama Tyndall AFB, FL 32403-5014 (850) 283-2404 [email protected]

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