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Stay-Fit BuzzNo Nonsense Butt Building

Page 2: Stay-Fit Buzz No Nonsense Butt · PDF fileThe No Nonsense Butt Building Program 5. ... as having a good shaped butt will make it look bigger. Building a big butt is also something

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Page 3: Stay-Fit Buzz No Nonsense Butt · PDF fileThe No Nonsense Butt Building Program 5. ... as having a good shaped butt will make it look bigger. Building a big butt is also something


1. The foundation of butt building2. How to feed your butt3. The core exercises and how to turn them into butt building exercises4. The No Nonsense Butt Building Program5. How to 'Get it tight' with cardio

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The Stay-Fit Buzz Butt Builder (E-course) (Vol.1)

Welcome to the Stay-Fit Buzz Butt Builder E-course. Over the next 4-6 weeks, you will learn all the tricks, methods and techniques on how to build your butt. It doesn't matter who you are or your genetic makeup. Following this guide will give your current butt a boost.

The butt muscles, or gluteus muscles, are the most talked about muscle group over all others, and is often at the centre of media attention where women are concerned. Some women are naturally blessed with a big butt, but for many that is not the case, and it is something that many women strive for. It makes them feel sexier and boosts their confidence. The key thing to aim for is shape, as having a good shaped butt will make it look bigger. Building a big butt is also something that a man should aim for too.

Why?• Women find it attractive • Wear a better variety of clothes (confidently) • Wear belts for fashion, not just for fit (Ectomorphs… I feel your pain)

Now I have seen my fair share of butts, all types in fact, and they come in many variations.

Unfortunately we are not all born and blessed with a great butt, myself included,. But before we begin, let's just clear up a few things

Spot reducing doesn't really exist

What most women seem to want: A better butt without the chunky thighsWhat most men want: Bigger legs without much interest in building a butt

Well, just like we mention in our abs ebook... you can't build one without the other. The muscles of the body aren't designed that way. The muscles of the body are designed to work best together, which is why for the most part, compound exercise win for most muscle groups that you aim to build. However, there are specific techniques you can use to emphasis the butt more with specific movements.

Volume 1 is designed to set the foundation for building your butt.

You gotta learn how drive a the mini first before hoping foot first in a Ferrari...

We do have to get one thing straight before we begin.

To build the perfect butt, you only have to tweak the core exercises to shift the load to your problem area.

In this case, your butt! And we'll show you how to do the basics AND the tweaks. Getting the basics right on their own will force your glutes to grow. The tweaks will put the icing on the cake.

The Illusion of the butt

Another thing you have to understand is that for the most part, you'll only be creating an illusion of a bigger butt. Why?

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• Your genetics will only allow your butt to grow so big • Your butt will grow, yes. But along the lines of it's original shape. Kind of like when

you fill up a balloon with hot air. Your butt will grow the same way. This is why some people will truly have astounding looking butts, due to their genetics.

• You can only build up muscles more than other muscles, but not muscle parts.

And that last part is how you go about creating an illusion.

Build up certain muscle groups and your body shape will change

That's the real secret right there. But more on this later in the e-course. Right now, we'll only focus on the foundation. (No distractions!)

Build a bigger butt without getting bulky or too fat

And there is also an easy to follow no brainer method to structure your diet so that you get the right balance of muscle to fat ratio around your butt and thighs (The butt, like any other muscle is just a muscle with fat on top of it). Because you're going to need fuel too feed that butt. More on this later.

The 'Perfect' Butt is Genetic (Myth Debunked)

Muscle-fiber density is a measure of the number of individual muscle fibers per cubic centimeter. The more fibers you have per cubic centimeter, the more you have available to actually increase muscle size.

The gluteus maximus which is the largest muscle of your butt will have more fibers per cubic centimeter in this area of your body. Therefore, it's entirely possible to increase the size and shape of your butt, regardless . As long as you follow this guide which effectively puts the following 3 key elements together in a structured way:

1) Your diet (You'll need some form of caloric surplus, but structured in the right way)2) Your weight training plan (Specific ways to make the butt work harder WITH the

core exercises)3) Your cardio regime

However, since these early stages of volume 1 are designed to teach you the foundation of butt building, it's therefore important to understand the science behind your genetic make up. And the elements of your genetics that could positively or negatively impact your results when following this program.

The core butt building exercises

It's no secret that you probably already perform (Or have performed) most of the exercises that aid in developing a great looking butt. However, if you still have not yet achieved the results that you desire, it's because one or more parts of the puzzle to build a great looking butt is failing. Again, the main parts of the butt building puzzle consist of:

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• Your diet (You'll need some form of caloric surplus, but structured in the right way)• Your weight training plan (Specific ways to train to make the butt work harder)• Your cardio regime

And of course, execution and consistency are a very important part of the mix too.

And in this section, we'll be focusing on the core exercises and the specific things that you can do to target your butt when you perform them. However, no routines just yet. Let us set the foundation first.

Less is more – kill isolation and revive compound

There is a solid reason why we called this guide 'no nonsense'. Because as you'll will find out throughout this entire e-course, is that you actually don't do 'much'. You see, most classes today focus on performing many small movements to build your butt. The reason why they're popular is because they are all elements of the 'fun-factor'. Which we too encourage very much. That's how you stay motivated in fitness. However, if it's results that you're after. I'm talking REAL results. Then performing 20+ tiny exercises just isn't going to get you there. Why?

1. You now know that the glutes and the muscles that make up the glutes are the largest muscle in the body. To change how a muscle looks, let alone a big muscle like the glutes, you HAVE to hit it hard with brute force and mega tension. (Aka the following exercises)

2. We haven't discussed this yet (We will in stage 3), but most people won't be able to build huge amounts of muscle due to a GDF-8. Which is a gene that controls how large your muscles can become. Unfortunately, most people will have a fair amount of this circulating throughout their bodies. So it's in your best interest to beat the odds by doing what's necessary to get the BEST butt building results.

Work hard first and you can do the play stuff after (That's even if manage to after we're finished with your butt).

And you do that by doing more WITH the less and NOT more of 'more'

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The Squat

Most people will associate the squat exercise as primary muscle builders for the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. Which is entirely correct. However, the squat exercise is also the king of all exercises, working a massive 250+ muscles throughout the movement. Which is why the phrase squats and milk is all you need' became such a popular term. As milk is one of the best combo food sources around (high in proteins and carbs). Combo food sources are the king foods of any diet. And if you've ready any of the Stay Fit Buzz Lifestyle diet, you will know, that we encourage all Lifestyle dieters to consume both proteins and carbs in every meal.

Back to squats...

The main thing you need to know is

• How to perform squats properly

• The common mistakes to avoid

• The tweaks

Remember, getting the basic movement correct will force all of your muscles to grow when you learn how to hit them hard in stage 2. The tweaks are the icing on the cake.

The squat

The first thing you need to know about the squat is that it's an entirely safe exercises to do. In fact, most exercises are. The only reason that you should face an injury due to exercise would be from performing it incorrectly for a long period of time. Squats have been criticized for the damage they could cause to your knees. Again, only if you perform them incorrectly.

No half squats (A butt targeting tweak)

However, properly performed deep free squats are actually essential for your knee joints’ health and mobility. When people hear that squats are bad, what they really are referring to (whether they know it or not) is that full squats on your toes, (the knee extending way in

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front of the toes) is bad, as most peoples bodies can't handle that kind of pressure. But it is a totally different if you bring your shins back to a vertical position where the weight is shifted to your heels. We'll talk more about this is stage 2. But first, let's discuss how to go about performing a squat properly and in a way that targets your butt.


First of all, avoid doing squats on a machine. Always do perform them free form from a power rack.

The power rack

– Step backwards before un-racking the bar

– Keep the bar at shoulder level on the rack. This way you won't have to use to much energy lifting the bar from the rack in the stationary position.

– Position your feet under the bar and squat under it with the bar on your back

– Just like every other exercise, tense up for the first lift and un-racking of the bar.

– Take 2 steps back with the bar on your back. First the left leg and then the right or vice versa.

Getting ready to squat

The first thing you need to do is focus on rule #1 of any exercise. Practice form first and master it, even before trying to add any heavier weight. Because you'll get much better results from performing an exercise with a lower weight and good form than you will from performing an exercise with a heavier weight and bad form. Which for many will lead to injury. So go back to the preparation stage and ensure that your bar is empty, with no weight plates present on either side, at this time.

Gripping the bar

The main goal is to get the best bang for your buck when doing an exercise. One of the ways to do that is to tighten your muscles up. The bar will be resting on your upper back, so you'll want to keep those upper back muscles as tight as possible. You can do this by focusing on a narrow 'thumbless' grip and bringing your shoulder blades as close together as you can. It may feel odd at first. But keep everything as tight as you can and you shouldn't notice it too much.

Keep your eyes focused

Different exercises will require you to keep your eyes focused in a certain direction to get the most out of the exercise. For example. In the, Fit Buzz pull ups program, we teach you to always look up. Because looking up psychologically makes you want to move more into that direction, resulting in more pull ups. Looking down would have the same, yet negative effect. Which is why you are told to never look down when in a higher place than ground level.

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The same rule apples to the squat

The best place to keep your eyes focused when squatting is directly in front of you and parallel to torso and thighs. Looking down may throw you off your balance. And looking up may result in neck pain. So look forward.

How to position your wrists

One part of good exercise form is to ensure you are placing a strong emphasis on the muscles that you are supposed to be working with that said exercise. In regards to the squat and the bar, it is your back that is supposed to support the weight. Not your wrists. Keep your wrists inline with your for arms and use them for gripping the bar. The thumb-less grip with your thumbs on top of the bar will help you with this.

Positioning the bar

This part is critical, especially if you're going to start increasing the weights. Which is why you need to focus on slow progression and good firm FIRST. Now, make sure you rest the bar at the top of your tight shoulder blades, near the low end of the bone where your spine is. But NEVER on your spine!

Positioning your feet

The key to avoiding injuries (especially in your knees) when squatting is by getting your feet positioned correctly. Will you blow your knees when squatting? Yes, but only by not doing the following

– Keep your heels shoulder width apart

– Keep your toes pointed outwards by around 30 degrees

– Make sure your toes are always inline with your knees

That last point is important. Get that wrong by not making it a habit in the early days of squatting and you WILL blow your knees when squatting with a heavier weight.

Performing a squat (A butt targeting tweak)

Squatting is all about going low, low enough that your thighs are parallel to the ground and low enough that your hips pass your knee joint, but without your back rounding out at the bottom of the movement. If that starts to happen, just position your feet wider apart. When you reach the bottom of the squat you should have built up tension in your hips and hamstrings. At this point you will be ready to squat up. And you'll do that more effectively by using that tension as bouncing up power.

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On the way up...

Squeeze your glutes (A butt targeting tweak)

This is a technique where you let your mind target and activate your muscles. You must squeeze,

• Every time you push up from a squat • Every time you stretch with your bodyweight • Every time you do any leg exercises

Doing this will make your butt work harder.

In fact, do this with EVERY lower body lift. Tighten your abs, glutes and the bar. Doing so will allow you do get stronger by increasing the weight. An increase in strength will help you tone up your butt, which is what we cover in the 'get it tight' section of stage 2.

Also, just like when you bench press, use the floor as leverage by digging your feet into the ground, flat footed, heels all the way in.

Push with your heels (A butt targeting tweak)

Instead of doing your exercises flat footed, stand on your heels. What this will do is send more tension towards your butt, making it work harder. Do be careful when doing this, as there will be a decrease in balance. Practice this with the lighter weights. You will feel the difference when you awake the next day.

And last but not least. Always keep your knees out and inline with your toes throughout the entire movement.

Adding the squat exercise to your workout

Most would associate the squat exercise with being a leg exercise. But as you know, being the king of all exercises, it is more of a full body exercise.

In general, it would be a good idea to perform just one compound exercise for each day that you workout. We have added a basic workout routine for all the exercises listed here in the Black Book of Six Pack Exercises, which you can access in the final pages. Simply add the squat exercise to just one of your workout days in the week.

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The Deadlift

This is yet another exercise that works a lot of muscles when you perform it, your abs including. The truth is that you will build abs more effectively by not focusing on exercises for abs. Your abs are a body part and muscle just like any other. You can't spot reduce where you lose fat. So therefore it's better to focus on your overall results, and the best way to do that is to focus on the exercises (And diet strategies) that will give you the best bang for your buck.

The great thing about the deadlift is that it works as a functional exercise (Which is what you'll find with most bodyweight exercise), which means that it will improve your effectiveness when lifting normal everyday objects throughout your day, with a straight back. This is important, because most people do this incorrectly for most of the early years of their lives. But then later suffer from injuries or develop conditions like a hernia, which happens by continuously lifting with a rounded lower back.

Below we'll discuss how to perform a deadlift the correct way and the mistakes to avoid. Because mistakes lead to injury.

– Start by placing a barbell in front of you. Preferably in front of a mirror

– Stand in front of the bar, with the bar 3-4 inches away from your chins

– Squat down and grab the bar with a mixed grip with your hands just outside shoulder-width (Mixed grip is one hand with an overhand grip and the other with an underhand grip).

– Look forward. Looking in any other direction will cause you to round out your lower back. Your back must stay straight.

– Lean forward slighly with your shoulder blades slightly over the bar

– As you lift up, bend through your knees, keeping the bar as close to your body as you can. If you like, wear a pair of shin pads top avoid damaging your shins. You

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will increase your chances of performing a proper deadlift If the bar is close to your body throughout the entire movement.

– Lift you chest up at the top of the movement, but do NOT over extend your back. Keep it straight at the top of the movement.

– Lower the bar back to ground and do the same thing all over again. Just make sure you lower with your hips first, followed by your knees after the bar has passed them.

Deadlift mistakes to avoid

Not looking forward

The only reason you would not want to look forward is because you want to check aspects of your lifting technique. To check your technique just find a gym partner or record yourself lifting.

Hyperextending your back

You will see many people doing this in the gym, but from here on, you will not be one of them. Hyperextending is when someone leans all the way back at the top of the movement. It may look cool to some (Why I don't know), but keep on doing that and you will develop a hernia. Don't do it

Incorrectly positioned hips

If you start with your hips too high you'll be entering stiff-leg deadlift territory. The stiff leg is already a fear factor exercise, because doing it incorrectly WILL lead to injury, especially on your lower back. By performing an exercise with incorrect form and developing elements from another exercise is all too common. Correct this by lowering your hips so that your shoulders are just over the bar in the stance position. But not too low, as you'll end up going forward to much and start hitting your shins.

Deadlifts are not bicep curls

Earlier I talked about understanding which muscles do what in a particular exercise. Yes, the deadlift is a compound exercise and will work many muscle groups, but you need to understand how to use and position each of your muscles for maximum effectiveness and to avoid injury. And for the deadlift, your arms are basically stabilizers and you MUST lock your elbows and tighten your triceps. Not doing so will turn the exercise into a curl and you could tear a bicep, which happens all to common.

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Bending your knees to early

This will happen if you drop the weight and not lower it slowly starting with your hips first. Bend your knees to early and you will hit them. You will break your motion and your performance will be affected, not to mention some extra pain from knocking them. Only bend your knees once the bar has past them.

Standing with your legs too wide

Doing so will make for a more challenging exercise because it means you will have to lift the bar higher. Effectiveness is the name of the game here. Make sure you your stance in fairly narrow and your arms/grip further apart on the bar. You will feel the difference and the exercise will be easier to perform.

The Sumo Deadlift (Or Kettlebells) (A butt targeting tweak)

Before we discuss the sumo deadlift, one of the most important tweaks you can ever do in your training regime is to start with a movement (Deadlift or any other) which you find hardest to perform and do it with the lightest weight. Then switch to the movements that you find easier to perform as you increase the weights. This is a great way to progress in this program and beyond this program!

Earlier, I mentioned that To build the perfect butt, you only have to tweak the core exercises to shift the load to your problem area. And by performing a deadlift in a sumo stance, you'll be shifting the load to your butt. Since the deadlift is such a hard hitting and

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powerful move, it will only be a matter of time before the illusion of a bigger butt takes flight. Because of all the muscle groups that come into play when performing this exercise. Especially this variation.

How to perform it

• Stand with your feet wide with your feet/toes point outwards by 45 degrees or so.

• Reach down and grab the bar. Your arms will now be on the inside of your legs/knees

• This is still a deadlift movement, so everything that you applied in the movement described above can be applied the same way here.

• Now, you may have some difficulty driving your hips through the movement with this stance. Just make sure you squeeze your glutes and push your chest up and you will feel right at home again.

If you're a guy and you want to focus on building your legs more than your butt, focus on the following variations of the deadlift.

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Stay-Fit Buzz Modified Deadlift (Hamstrings and calf muscles)

Only perform this exercise if you are comfortable with the above and if you are flexible enough to perform the basic deep squat.

How to perform it

• Stand with your feet together, hip wide, pointing straight forward

• As you raise up, keep the weight of the movement on your heels. One method you can use is to place a couple of books underneath the balls of your feet. Which of course , is a butt targeting tweak too.

• Keep your legs and feet totally vertical on the way up and your knees straighter than usual

• Goodbye hamstrings :)

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The Deadlift for Quads

• Stand with your feet wide with your feet/toes point outwards by 45 degrees or so.

• Just keep your body in a more upright position with your hips lower than usual

• If you want, you could also stand on a raised platform, say 4-6 inches high. This will lengthen the pull for even more 'pain'.

• Goodbye quads! :)

The Box Squat

What is a box squat?

This is where you grab a box on which your hips end up lower than your knees when sitting. Squat down by sitting on the box. No bouncing, no touch & go. Sit back on the box in a controlled way. Then come back up.

This exercise will actually help improve your squat performance on the standard lift.


1. Well, it's actually a 'safer' move to perform. This is because it is much harder to squat with a rounded back (Which is dangerous and what often happens when many perform the standard squat). It can still happen, but is much less likely.

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2. Improve hip strength – This is because you have to start the movement at a dead stop at the bottom of the lift. This develops explosive power in your hips and for the squat.

3. You have to go low – Squatting until your thighs are parallel to the ground is always the way to go. And with the box squat, you simply have to go low because you learn to sit back by moving your hips first.

Choosing your box

First Grab A box that's big enough for your glutes to sit on . A box on which your hips end up below your knees when sitting. An ideal box is one that allows for different heights so that you can vary depth.

How to squat at the starting position

The starting position on Box Squats is similar as for Squats. Although you'll use a slightly wider stance.

1. Place the bar low and on top of your spine

2. Focus on a narrow grip, as this will make it easier to keep your upper back tight.

3. Make sure your stance is wider than your shoulder width and wider than when performing a standard squat

How to squat downloaded

1. Lower yourself by moving your hips first. Your knees should hardly move during Box Squats, it all comes from your hips.

2. Push your hips back into a seated position. Keep your knees stationary and simply move with your hips.

3. Keep your shins straight. This will happen as long as you move your hips back.

4. Keep your knees pointed outwards and inline with your feet.

5. Lower yourself onto the box in a controlled fashion.

6. Remain tight while you're on the box.

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How to squat back up

1. Keep your chest up and keep looking forward as you have done on the way down to the box.

2. Dig your heels into the floor, curl your toes and push from the outer side of your feet

3. Move upwards in an explosive movement. (This will build up your hip power)

Barbell split squat (Or dumbbell)

• Position the barbell on the back of your shoulders and grasp barbell

• Tighten your upper back

• Stand with your feet far apart; one foot forward and other foot behind.

• Squat down by flexing your knee and hip of front leg.

• Allow the heel of your foot to rise up while your knee bends slightly until it almost makes contact with floor.

• Return to the original standing position by extending your hip and knee of forward leg.

• Repeat and continue with opposite leg.

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Barbell/Dumbbell lunge (Short/long)

Note: A long lunge targets your glutes while a short lunge places an emphasis on your quads.

• Dismount the bar from rack.

• Position the barbell so that it is at upper chest height

• Place the bar on the back of your shoulders.

• Lunge forward with your first leg.

• Land on your heel then forefoot.

• Lower your body by flexing your knee and hip of front leg until the knee of your rear leg is almost in contact with floor.

• Return to original standing position by forcibly extending your hip and knee of forward leg.

• Repeat by alternating lunge with opposite leg.


Keep torso upright during lunge

Your lead knee should point in the same direction as your foot throughout the lunge.

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Barbell/Dumbbell side lunge

Stand with dumbbells grasped to sides.

• Lunge to one side with first leg.

• Position the closest dumbbell behind thigh and opposite dumbbell to front.

• Land on heel then forefoot.

• Lower body by flexing knee and hip of lead leg, keeping knee pointed same direction of foot.

• Return to original standing position by forcibly extending hip and knee of lead leg.

• Repeat by alternating lunge with opposite leg.

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Feed your Butt

One thing that most women need to realise, is that you need to eat in order to change your butt. This means that you indeed need to increase your calorie intake. Increasing calories will of course lead to weight gain, which of course we can't determine where that weight ends up. However by implementing the following guidelines, you will be able to increase your calorie intake without increasing your body fat (Your butt will grow along side the upcoming key weigh training and key cardio plan) AND stay lean!

***Key weight training teaser***

Lift heavy, but keep the volume or total number of reps per workout low.

Are you worried about bulking up? If so, DON'T BE! (More on this later)

• A firm butt = Keep to your caloric maintenance levels (But don't diet)

• A bigger butt = Increase your calorie intake (With the approach described and the meal plans provided)

If your goal is fat loss to build a tight firm butt and you want to reduce your calorie intake, just make sure that you....

Don’t diet (Because diets don’t work), do this instead

The solution that many think of when it comes to dieting is to go on a low calorie diet.

However, that is not an ideal long term solution, which more often than not will lead to the


• Lose muscle mass (Which sucks because stacks of lean muscle mass keeps you


• Increased activity of fat-storing enzymes and hormones

• A lower metabolism

• Decreased activity of fat-burning enzymes and hormones

• Decreased thyroid output

• Wanting to eat more because of an increased appetite

• You’ll have less energy, which causes you to do less in terms of work capacity

• You’ll probably gain that weight back after several months

Let me explain why this is and the approach that you should take instead….

If you’ve read the Stay-Fit Buzz Lifestyle Diet ebook, then you’ll know that we don’t

approve of the typical diet approach to maintain the desired physique of a Fitbuzzer. We’ll

get back to that shortly. Now, the first thing that you know that you need to do in order to

lose weight is reduce your calorie intake right? However, most ‘diets’ require you to

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‘drastically’ cut your calories via a severe food restriction. This will work, but not as a long

term approach. The worst part about that approach is that most of the weight lost is

muscle and not fat. And you need muscle on your frame if you want to stay lean and mean

for the long term. And it’s not just ‘talk’ from me either. Statistics back that up too. Statistics

show that approximately 65 percent of the U.S population is considered to be overweight.

Research from the National Institute of Health shows that obesity is a cause of more than

$100 billion in health care expenses.

There are more weight loss and diet products out there than ever before, so why is this?

Well, the reason why most ‘diets’ don’t work is scientific:

Because the human body has a natural defence system in place to protect you from


The moment that your body senses that you are starving or limiting the foods that you are

consuming, this defence system starts to work it’s magic.

Think about this. A starvation diet would require you to rapidly cut your daily calorie intake

from say 2000 to 1000. That’s 7000 calories in a week. There are 3500 calories in a pound

of fat, which means you should be able to lose 2 pounds of fat per week. If you were to do

that for weeks on end, you would probably abracadabra ‘disappear’. So, that can’t be right.

What actually happens is that this will work for the first several weeks, but then it will stop.

Because your body has a weight regulating mechanism that recognizes when there is a

food shortage and it simply starts saving energy and reduces the rate of calorie burning.

In fact, to make this more real for you to understand, go into the wilderness for a week,

with water as your only means of ‘food’ and I can assure you, you’ll come back in one (yet

hungry) piece. And that’s because of your bodies natural defence system.

However, this same system is the reason why severe calorie cutting doesn’t work,

because your body won’t know the difference from if you really are starving to death or just

going on a severe diet. It will go into defence mode regardless.

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Let’s look at this from a real life example and the reason why the quick diet will probably

make you put that weight back on.

Code name: Rippley Jones

• Weight: 200lbs (She obviously weighs more, but 200lbs for example sake )

• BF%: 20%

• BF: 38lbs

• Lean body mass: 166lbs

• Wants to lose: 20-25lbs

Week 1: Loses 6lbs

Week 2: Loses 5lbs

Week 3: Loses 3lbs

Week4: Loses 3lbs

Week 5: Loses 3lbs

Week 6 loses 3lbs

Total 23lbs lost

Great ‘Dude, I done it man, I lost the weight and I look great’

Yes, this is the end result of success (The actual journey to getting these results is the real

success). But do you notice how the rate of weight loss started to slow down? This is

expected, but still something to note.

New results

• Weight: 177lbs

• 15% BF%

• BF: 28lbs

• Lean body mass: 154lbs

• Weight lost: 23lbs

• Fat loss: 10lbs

• Lean body mass lost: 12lbs

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As you can see, the diet worked. But like everything Stay-Fit Buzz related, it’s all about the

details in-between. If you take a closer look, you can see that half of Rippleys fat loss was

actually lean muscle mass loss. Which means that she has decreased her metabolic rate.

She’ll get the ‘happy’ vibe, look in the mirror and will say ‘Yay, I look great’. Like most

people, she’ll come off the ‘diet’ and if she’s good she won’t binge. However, she will most

likely go back to her daily maintenance level. Which isn’t totally bad. But over time it will

be, because the muscle loss means that her body won’t be burning calories as efficiently

as before. And like magic.

Thin Rippley is Fat Rippley once again

6 weeks + later…

• Weight: 200lbs

• BF 20%

• BF: 40lbs

• Lean body mass: 160lbs

And the worst part about this, is that it’s a downward spiral from here on, because her

metabolic rate now sucks (Less muscle and more fat to add), which will make it harder for

her to do the same thing again.

This is why I hate to use the word ‘diet’ in anything Stay-Fit Buzz related, because as you

can see, you won’t be a lean, strong and curvy ‘Fitbuzzer’ for very long with this approach.

How to overcome this

Start habit building

This won’t happen overnight, but the idea is to change just one or two things every few

weeks and keep doing that one thing consistently. And before you know it, it will become a

habit. It could take months to form several new habits. Because it will be hard to make

something a ‘habit’ to begin with. But I can assure you, a year from today, you’ll be a new


Build more lean muscle

It’s quite simple, just be sure to include weight training into your program. Which is why it’s

included into many of our current programs. You’ll burn more calories during exercise and

when you’re not working out. And ladies, don’t worry, you’re not going to turn into a bulky

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bodybuilder. First, because most people don’t have the genetics to build huge muscles.

Second, because your food intake for the lean and strong physique won’t allow for you to

get bulky. So lift that weight already.

Use a small calorie deficit.

The Stay-Fit Buzz Lifestyle diet is a prime example of this. Instead of severely cutting

calories, just use a smaller caloric deficit. Now, you may already be cutting only 500

instead of 1000 calories per day as an alternative approach, which is okay. But the better

approach is to set your calorie deficit as a percentage of your maintenance level (Which is

around 15-20% – The Stay-Fit Buzz way). The reason why this is a better ‘individual’

approach is because a base number could send certain low calorie intake individuals into

danger territory.

For example


• Maintenance calorie: 1750

• Calories to cut: 750

• New intake: 1000

That’s a 43% cut in calories!

• Maintenance calorie: 1750

• Calories to cut: 20%

• New intake: 1400

Big difference right. If you were to introduce the Stay-Fit Buzz lifestyle diet to a friend, then

they could take it and make it their own. However, you couldn’t do that with everyone you

decided to share it with, because each persons goals are different and the chances are

that you will have quite a few low calorie in take friends, so those huge drops won’t be

beneficial to them. They sometimes can be, but calorie cuts greater than 20% are more

likely to cause an increase in muscle loss and a slower metabolism. Just don’t make it a

habit to get caught up in these ‘numbers’. Just make sure you drop the calories slowly to

begin with.

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Use exercise to burn the fat rather than diets to starve the fat

As you know, you need to create a caloric deficit in order to get that desired physique. The

way that you have learned thus far is to reduce calories with The Lifestyle Diet approach.

The only downside to this is that you risk losing that precious lean muscle and screwing up

your metabolic rate. You’ll will do this regardless, because it works. However you should

do that as well as…

Eating more (The Lifestyle Diet way) while using (aerobic) exercise (And weight training)

to burn calories

Here’s why adding exercise works:

• Exercise will burn calories without you having to starve

• High intensity exercise will boost your metabolism

• Over-training is hard to achieve. Bad dieting is not (It’s very easy to do as you


• Weight training will help you keep your lean muscle. (Dieting can cause you to lose

up to

• 50% of it).

Set your minimal calorie intake level requirements and stick to them

This is something that the Lifestyle Diet teaches you to do. Again, use it as a guideline

only. Don’t over obsess over it.

Raise your calories when fat loss stops

A continuation of calorie cutting is normal, especially in the early stages. But when that fat

loss stops, one of the best things you can do is to increase your calorie intake for a short

period of time, say 3 weeks max. Because when you eat more, your body burns more.

This is why typical diets suck and why it’s not an approach supported at Stay-Fit Buzz

You just need to focus on....

• An individualized food intake plan

• A Structured and detailed weight training plan

• An aerobic/anaerobic cardio plan

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Carb control

I could go into various ways, methods and techniques on how to consume carbs. But to be honest, it's all about keeping it simple for the long term. The following table lists the Glycemic index of most of the carb based foods you will eat, ranging from high to low. I started with carbs first, because for the most part, it's mainly carbs that you have to worry about when the goal is to keep the build up of fat under control from increasing ones calorie intake.


Foods/Brands with a high glycemic index

High glyemic food sources Glycemic index

Maltodextrin 107

Glucose 100

Rice cakes, plain 94

Special KTM 84

Corn PopsTM 80

English muffinTM 77

CornflakesTM 77

Total CerealTM 76

CheeriosTM 74

Wonder BreadTM 73

Bagel, white 72

Golden GrahamsTM 71

White bread 70

Pop TartsTM 70

Foods/Brands with a moderate glycemic index

Cornmeal 68

Shredded Wheat TM 67

Croissant 67

GrapenutsTM 67

Wholemeal rye bread 66

Cream of WheatTM 66

Raw Cantaloupe 65

Long grain rice, white 64

Spaghetti, durum wheat 64

Just Right Just GrainsTM 62

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'Just ripe' Bananas 62

Couscous 61

Bran muffin 60

Blueberry muffin 59

Sweet corn 59

Whole wheat, Pita bread 57

Sourdough rye bread 57

Baked potato, russet 56

White rice (boiled) 56

Cranberry juice 56

Foods/Brands with a low glycemic index

High glyemic food sources Glycemic index

Spelt wheat-flour multigrain bread 54

Oatmeal 54

Kidney and canned beans 52

100% whole-grain bread 51

Durum wheat 50

Oat bran, raw 50

Brown rice (Steamed) 50

Sweet potatoes 48

Oranges 48

Pasta/Semolina 46

Pumpernickel (Whole grain) 46

Pasta (White) 44

Slightly unripe bananas 42

Chickpeas 41

Apples (A rated, from the apple tree) 40

Strawberries (A rated, from the source) 40

Pinto beans (boiled) 39

Whole milk 36

Yogurt 36

Pears (A Rated from the pear tree) 33

Skimmed milk 32

Peach ( A rated) 28

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Lentils (Boiled) 28

Barley 27

Grapefruit (A rated) 25

Cashew nuts 22

Cherries (A rated) 22

Quick buzz tip: When looking up GI values, you may run into conflicting GI values when looking at various sources. This may seem very confusing, but there is an accepted and reasonable explanation for this. Different methods of processing used by particular manufacturers can lead to significant differences in the rate of carbohydrate digestion by the human body. Also, there may be botanical differences in the type of food being tested. Rice can be from anywhere in the world, and one “white rice”may contain more amylose than another. Amylose is digested more slowly than amylopectin, which is another starch found in other white rice. The take away? Don't be a fanatic about GI values. Just use everything as a gauge to understanding how and which foods will affect affect your results when you consume them.

Why eat carb + protein with every meal?

Because insulin and glucagon are both influenced by blood sugar levels. High-glycemic carbohydrates foods such as Poptarts(tm) sugar cause insulin levels to be high and glu-cagon levels to be low. Since insulin promotes the increase in body fat and glucagon mobilizes and burns body fat, this obviously isn’t the metabolism you will want. Lower glycemic carbohydrates, especially when they are consumed with protein, shifts the levels of these two hormones, lowering insulin and slightly raising glucagon. This is the correct and ideal “hormonal profile”for effective fat burning. And of course, for the life of the FBA lifestyle, more lean muscle mass and therefore... abs! Just be consistent by making this a habit.

You can use this table for the meal structuring guide that I discuss further here.

Carb nutritional timing (The 2 best times to eat carbs)

To ensure that carbs don't become the enemy by NOT putting on extra unnecessary calories/fat in order to keep your lower abs showing.

1. In the morning2. After intense exercise

The reason why it's good to eat carbs in the morning is due to insulin sensitivity. The golden rule of course is to avoid spiking your insulin levels 'in general'. Because doing so will promote unnecessary fat storage, which is what you don't want. However, the morning is an ideal time of day to consume carbs because your body will be in a fasted state and will literally be screaming for nutrients. Also, the key to fat loss is to simply reduce your intake (In a structured way of course, like we'll do in this course) and one way to do that is to eat your carbs later on in the day (Mid-day). This is a good approach for those who like to frequently feed on protein snacks.

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(Choose the slow digesting/more natural food sources listed on the GI chart above - The low index foods. Because if the foods you eat are good, then you will start to look good). After exercise

• Pre-work nutrition is necessary for performance in the gym • Post-workout nutrition is necessary for growth and replenishment

If you own a car, you will have to fill it with fuel to make it 'go'. And refuel it to keep it going. The body works the same way. And if you really put your foot on the gas, you'll have to refuel it a lot more. And this is why the post-workout time period makes for an ideal time to eat carbs. The key here is to get those nutrients into your body as fast as possible. And you do that by eating fast digesting carbs.

It is true that these carbs are generally bad (The F-rated foods). You'll want to avoid those at all costs here. However, natural foods such as fruits make for a perfect post-workout food source. Because they are 'natural' and contain that much needed post-workout sugar rush. The only other thing to note here is that we don't live like robots. Our days unfold due to the events in our lives. So if you are going to eat carbs other than in the morning, just make sure it's only after an intense work. Regardless of what time that may be. Below I have listed some ab building eating schedules that you can use with the protein and carb food sources I listed earlier.

Exercise Day:

Breakfast: (Slow digesting) protein/carbs Mid-morning: protein/fat Lunch: protein/fat Mid-afternoon: protein/fat Evening (after exercise): (Fast digesting) protein/carbs Pre-bed: (Slow digesting) protein/fat

Non-exercise Day:

Breakfast: protein/carbs Mid-morning: protein/carbs Lunch: protein/fat Mid-afternoon: protein/fat Evening: protein/fat Pre-bed: protein/fat

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Meal plans to get lean

Variety is key to an overall balanced diet. And below are several other ab building meal plans. And remember, the key to all of this is consistency, which we'll talk more about later.

The following meals are healthy meal ideas that are balanced with proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. You can adjust total calories to your specific caloric goal. Or you can wait for the DONE-FOR-YOU version I have planned for you this week :). The daily caloric totals are around 2000 calories/day, which may be too high/low for you. But you can use it as a gauge.

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Now that you know how to structure your meals in order to effectively control the build up fat, especially around your abs, it's important that you know what's really going on inside your body instead of just following a 'Do as we say' approach. As you may have gathered from day 1, it's mostly about knowing how to deal with carbs.

The reason it is so important to measure a carbohydrate’s impact on blood sugar is because of its influence on insulin production.

What is Insulin?

Insulin is a hormone released by the pancreas in response to changes in blood sugar levels. The faster the carbohydrates you consume are digested and converted to glucose, the more quickly insulin is produced to stabilize blood sugar levels. And you can use the glycemic index to measure the effect that certain foods will have. (The chart from above).

The GI and Insulin

• Low GI means a smaller rise in blood glucose levels after meals. • Low GI diets can help people lose body fat and increase lean muscle mass. • Low GI diets can improve the body’s sensitivity to insulin. • Low GI diets can improve the ratio of insulin to glucagon. • Low GI foods can help replenish carbohydrates stores after exercise. • Low GI can prolong muscle endurance and energy levels. • Low GI can improve diabetes control. • Low GI foods keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Using the glycemic index as a measure, carbs that are digested faster have a higher GI because they cause a greater increase in blood glucose and insulin levels. You will want to avoid high insulin levels, because insulin suppresses fat utilization and promotes fat storage. And that is why it's important to understand the role of insulin, and why Day 1 focuses on the kitchen first, before what you will do in the gym. But it's not just the potential build up of fat you will want to avoid. The rapid increase in blood sugar caused by high GI carbohydrates can also have a negative impact on performance too.

High GI carbs also increase free fatty acids in the blood, which again, can lead to increases in body fat. They have also been shown to predispose the development of type 2 diabetes in insulin-resistant individuals. In response to fast-rising blood sugar levels, your pancreas releases large amounts of insulin in an effort to compensate and stabilize the blood sugar. Sometimes, the overproduction of insulin can result in low blood sugar levels or temporary hypoglycemia. This happens when blood sugar levels drop below normal range. Hypo-glycemia can cause fatigue, anxiety, perspiration, light-headedness or if serious, can put you in a coma.

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Low Blood sugar and Hypoglycemia

These fluctuations in blood sugar levels from very high to very low can stop you in your tracks and your ability to train and perform at maximum capacity. Seriously, nothing will zap your energy, strength,and performance like a strong dose of hypoglycemia during your workout. And that is why it's important to follow everything that is laid out for you in Day 1. Not just to help you effectively build abs. But to also help you train to the best of your ability. Back to hypoglycemia... You don't have to worry about it too much though. If temporary hypoglycemia does ever hit you, it can usually be fixed by consuming more carbs, but it is a condition you want to avoid. If you ever get to this point of temporary hypoglycemia, you will know it. You’ll feel super weak and disoriented, and you will usually break out in a cold sweat. If you experience these symptoms, Just eat some carbs.

How to maintain peak performance

Just consume carbohydrates with low to moderate GI. Basically, those listed in day 1's GI table. Low-to-moderate GI carbohydrates are digested more slowly and provide a gradual, steady supply of blood sugar. This slow, steady supply of blood sugar is critical for peak energy and performance. It also maintains muscle glycogen stores and helps to regulate two very important hormones, insulin and glucagon, for optimum muscle growth and fat loss.

Insulin and Glycogen

Insulin and glucagon are both influenced by blood sugar levels. High-glycemic carbohydrates (Those from the table and F-rated foods) cause insulin levels to be high and glu-cagon levels to be low. Since insulin promotes the increase in body fat and glucagon mobilizes and burns body fat, this obviously isn’t the metabolism you want. Lower glycemic carbohydrates, especially when they are consumed with protein, shift the levels of these two hormones, lowering insulin and slightly raising glucagon. This is the correct “hormonal profile” for effective fat burning. And of course, resulting in the BEST abs over the lifetime of a good nutrition plan. Which is why this journey starts in the kitchen. Insulin has both anabolic (muscle-building) and hyperlipidemic (fat-storage) properties. And I know all this talk about fat loss has you worried, because you want to keep that hard earned muscle!

Well, the key to building lean mass is to control insulin to promote muscle growth and burn body fat. Is insulin needed for muscle growth or does it just store fat? How does insulin affect performance? What are some of the other negative effects of insulin? What is insulin resistance?

Insulin increases the transport of glucose, amino acids, and other nutrients into muscle, so it has a very anabolic effect. The increased transport of glucose to muscle serves to increase glycogen stores, which are important for muscle performance. The increased shuttling of amino acids results in increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention,both essential for muscle growth. So far,it sounds like we should want to load up on insulin, doesn’t it? But that’s not the case. Elevated insulin can be very hyperlipidemic, which

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means it can increase body fat. One way insulin increases body fat is by assisting in the formation of glycerol and fatty acids into triglycerides, which are stored as body fat. Elevated insulin not only promotes the storage of triglycerides, it also inhibits the body from breaking them down into burnable fatty acids. So, elevated insulin promotes the storage of body fat, and also inhibits the body from breaking down body fat into usable energy. It’s easy to see that elevated insulin levels will make you fat if they are not managed properly by controlling blood sugar.

Insulin vs peak performance

Insulin release must be managed carefully to take advantage of insulin’s powerful anabolic effects and to avoid its fat-storing effects. The plan from day 1 will provide the ideal controlled blood sugar level to keep insulin in the desirable “anabolic zone.” The slow, steady release of blood sugar from a day 1's meals causes your pancreas to gradually release insulin into the bloodstream to manage blood sugar. This is what you want, to get the anabolic effects of insulin while avoiding the storage of body fat.

More on Hypoglycemia

The rapid release of insulin to compensate for high blood sugar actually results in low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, as I mentioned earlier. The remedy for this condition is to munch on a bunch of carbos in the hope of bringing your blood sugar back up. This is only a temporary fix, because your body will now release more insulin to compensate for all the carbohydrates you just ate,and in a little while, you will be right back where you started. Your body will never get rid of stored body fat if your meals continually do this to you. Regular bouts with hypoglycemia resulting from large consumption of simple, high glycemic carbohydrates can eventually lead to insulin-resistance syndrome,or to type 2 diabetes,which comes with a long list of permanent health issues. The long term fix? Make sure 40 to 45 percent of your calories from carbohydrates (Using the nutrition planning from day 1)

Managing Insulin Resistance

With IR, muscle cells and tissues in the body develop a reduced sensitivity to insulin’s actions of delivering blood glucose to them to use as an energy source. As a result, the body senses a high blood sugar level, which signals the pancreas to secrete more insulin to lower it. Eventually a person may develop type 2, or non-insulin-dependent diabetes, because the pancreas just can’t make enough insulin to handle the high blood sugar levels. Along with the diabetes come high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and high cholesterol. Sounds like some scary stuff, doesn’t it? I think so. If you think about it,this is all due to your blood sugar’s being too high all the time, and your body’s secreting too much insulin in an attempt to control it. This is exactly what happens when you eat too much sugar and high-glycemic carbohydrates. Luckily, day 1 takes advantage of a diet that is moderate in carbohydrates (only 45 percent, not like the typical 80 percent most Americans eat) and generous in the muscle-building protein and fat your highly trained body will crave. As far as restoring insulin sensitivity and getting your body back on track, I have the solution...

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Frequent meals (every two and a half to three hours) with each meal containing:

• 45 percent low-glycemic carbohydrates • 35 percent protein • 20 percent fat • A diet high in fiber • And regular exercise

Insulin, Glucagon, growth hormone, and cortisol

I’ve already established the importance of managing insulin due to its very anabolic (muscle-building) and hyperlipidemic (fat-storing) properties, as well as its influence on health. However, insulin has an even bigger impact on your ability to build muscle and burn fat through its influence on other key hormones:

Glucagon, growth hormone (GH), and cortisol.

All of these hormones can be manipulated through Day 1's plan to achieve the ideal hor- monal profile to build a “rock-hard” physique. By following Day 1, you will keep blood sugar steady while supplying amino acids and glycogen to muscle tissue. Keeping blood sugar under control also keeps insulin levels low. When insulin is low and amino acid levels are high, the pancreas releases a hormone called glucagon. Glucagon is responsible for mobilizing stored body fat and utilizing this fat as an energy source.

Low insulin levels also increase GH levels. Every fitness buff out there is familiar with GH. If you aren’t so sure about what GH is or does, let’s just say its name says it all or I should say almost all. You see, not only will GH make you big like its name implies, it will also burn fat and get you shredded. GH stimulates muscle growth by increasing protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, so you’ll get even better utilization of your quality protein sources and create an even more anabolic environment. What most people don’t know is that GH also has lipolytic (fat-burning) properties. Elevated GH levels have been shown to increase fat oxidation and mobilization, resulting in a reduction in body fat stores.You will optimize glucagon and GH levels and further enhance muscle building and fat burning by keeping your insulin under control.

In addition to its importance to glucagon and GH, insulin also has a direct effect on another hormone, cortisol. Cortisol is extremely catabolic and will actually break down and eat away your muscle tissue. High levels can send your training and growth into a declining tailspin. As a fitness buff, the last thing you want is elevated cortisol. Keeping cortisol levels under control is no easy task, however, because the two things that shoot cortisol levels through the roof are intense training and insulin. If you want to get big you have no choice but to train hard, so pussyfooting around the gym and training like a wimp isn’t the solution to keeping cortisol down. The good news is that I have the solution for that too. The first way to keep cortisol under control is by keeping insulin levels down. Coritsol and insulin have a direct effect on each other, and elevations in insulin induce elevations in cortisol. You can see that avoiding cortisol’s catabolic effect on your muscle tissue is another good reason to keep insulin levels low and under control.

The other way to keep cortisol in check is by supplying large amounts of glutamine and amino acids from its sources of protein. Your body produces cortisol in response to

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physical and emotional stress, so you are vulnerable to its catabolic effects after an intense workout. That is why it is mega-critical to supply your body with a Day 1 meal that supplies high concentrations of amino acids, especially glutamine, after your workout. Glutamine has been shown to neutralize the catabolic effects of cortisol. Supplementation with additional L-glutamine and phosphatidylserine post-workout is also a good idea to help suppress cortisol. This program primes your hormonal environment for serious muscle building and fat burning. The 45/35/20 ratio of nutrients provides the optimal hormone profile:

• Low and controlled insulin release • Slightly elevated glucagon levels • Increased growth hormone • Low cortisol levels

Insulin’s impact on glucagon, growth hormone, and cortisol makes a very strong case for the emphasis on controlling blood sugar. Optimizing the levels of these hormones is the only way you’re ever going to be able to pack on the mass and keep your body fat in check.

To conclude

Hopefully, you now fully understand what's going on when you eat food. And why Day 1 is structured the way it is. Overall, good results simply come from following a system. And this is the system I followed to keep my abs the way they are and you will achieve the same!

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No Nonsense Butt Building – Key no.2 Strength Training

In stage one you discovered that you only needed to involve 2-3 exercises into your workout in order to change the shape of your butt. While simply shifting the lifting load by focusing on variations of those exercises. It really is as simple as that. However that is only one part of the puzzle in terms of the weightlifting key out of the 3 keys we spoke of

1) Your diet (You'll need some form of caloric surplus, but structured in the right way)2) Your weight training plan (Specific ways to make the butt work harder WITH

the core exercises) 3) Your cardio regime

Those exercises are the ingredients of how to shape your butt. In this stage you will learn the process of how to implement those exercises into a full weight training workout plan over a period of time (3-6 months max) so that you will see the best results for your efforts, instead of randomly executing these exercises into any old workout routine that you currently follow. In fact, you CAN include those exercises into your own workouts at random. But only after you understand the process of how to hit those muscles hard in Key 2 – weight training.

Strength + Tension = Tone

What is Strength + Tension + Tone?

Well, remember in stage 1, where I talked about hitting the muscles hard in order to change their shape? Well, that's what STT is. Because to change the shape of any muscle, especially one of the largest like the glutes, you have to hit your muscle fibers hard. And you can only do that by increasing your strength with weightlifting, which leads to tension and tone (Cardio is like icing on the cake in regards to tone, which we'll talk about later).

But why is that?

Well, think of it from a real world perspective. What happens when you try to lift a pencil? Not much right. But what happens when you go shopping and load your bags with food and carry them to the car? Your muscles tense up, so much so that you need rest and take a breather.

So the goal here is to acquire the skill to build more tension, which is to make your muscles look 'hard' most of the time.

Ok, I understand that part. But why do I have to lift weights?

Because of this...

• High reps and light weight = Lactic acid burn and no muscle tone

• Low reps and heavy weight = Increased strength = Tension and muscle tone

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High reps and light weight = Lactic acid burn and no muscle tone

Let's begin with a basic understanding of this. Take a look at your typical marathon runner versus a typical gymnast. For the purpose of this program, this image..

The main reason why the physique in the left image pales in comparison to the one on the right is because you cannot give your muscles all they have got when they contract fast, which is what happens to athletes that perform fast sports, and in this case fast long distance sports. Which is why the physique on the left looks so weak.

High velocity = Low tension force

Now the image on the right isn't a gymnast, but they easily could be. This is because a person that builds that physique would have been able to increase their strength and tension by contracting their muscles slowly with resistance training.

Why you need to lift weights to build a solid butt

Now, you probably don't look like a marathon runner, and chances are that you have been one of those individuals that have performed many bodyweight style exercises during one work session (Most exercise programs you see today). You finished your workout and you felt the 'burn'. However, this is not an indication of progress. The burn that you feel from performing these high activity exercises is lactic acid burn, which breaks down muscle and is not real long term muscle tone. It's temporary and it fades. Which is why you may be seeing a lack of real change in your body, especially in your butt.

To fix this, your joints tendons and your spine must get accustomed to the pressure of 'real'

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resistance, which of course is to lift weights. But you simply cannot jump straight from dynamic exercises to lifting a heavy weight. If you do, your body will scream and send a signal to your spinal cord to shut down, which is why stage 2 takes you through a 'progressive' butt building process.

The other reason you need to lift weights is because it's hard generate 'proper' tension without it. That strong contraction you feel is caused by an electro chemical signal which the muscle receives in response to a weighted load. Something that bodyweight resistance won't trigger.

You don't have to lift weights, but failing to do so through at least some parts of your workout will hinder your ability to get strong and build long last tension and of course, a solid set of glutes.

Low reps and heavy weight = Increased strength = Tension and muscle tone

The Dead vs The Living

You now know that the goal here is to train to get strong which will lead to a hard tense body. However, the only perfect way to be completely 'hard' is to be dead. Because your muscles are fully contracted only when you are dead. Your muscles are like mouse traps. They can go off at any given time. Go on, move your arm right now. What you will now notice is that you just required energy to reset your muscle back to it's original position. This is energy a dead person would have run out of. Which is why they are constantly hard. This energy is known as ATP (Adenosine triphosphate), and performing a high intensity workout will exhaust that energy (Which will leave you feeling dead), leaving your muscles hard and contracted. But you're not dead, you'll eventually recover, and then your muscles will go back to normal again. No more hard solid butt. And this is one of the reasons why the 'many exercise' approach doesn't work for building any large muscle groups, especially your butt. Now, there's no point doing all of this if you're going to end up dead at the end of it. So what's the long term solution?

• Train your bodies system for semi hardness• Do not train to change the physical shape of your muscles

Which basically means to train your central nervous system (To be tense most of the time) rather than simply training your muscles, which is what you would have been doing in the dead vs the living example. A focus on maximum contraction rather than training to failure.

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Why lifting heavy won't make you put on muscle mass (Bulk)

If you train the way that I have explained thus far, you won't be adding any significant size to your frame (Unless you're a genetic freak of course).

Here's why...

You now know about ATP right? The energy required to contract a muscle. Well, a muscle cell will contain a limited amount of that. But here's what happens with that energy.

Part of it is distributed to protein synthesis (the building of muscle) and the other to mechanical work. In general, your muscles will be in a 50/50 anabolic/catabolic state. You'll eat food (Stage 1), you'll store energy, you'll of course use that energy throughout your daily activities and your proteins will get replaced.

When you add heavy weight training to those daily activities, you exhaust all of the ATP for that muscle cell, less energy goes towards protein re-synthesis and your muscles start to go into a catabolic state.

What then happens (During this process) is that the muscle cell goes into an anabolic state and synthesizes more protein than you had BEFORE heavy resistance training.

This is how you build muscle. However, because you will be focusing on performing fewer reps and not entirely exhausting your muscles, you'll be minimizing the tearing down of muscles and of course a reduction in the actual build up of muscle and size. And if you are female, you simply will not build muscle the same way a man does. Your weight may go up slightly. But this will be due to more muscle density, which is a good thing, because dense muscle is hard muscle. As long as you follow the meal structure/plans described in stage 1 and the strength progression plan described here in stage 2, then you will effectively minimize the build up of fat and muscle size and instead become strong and hard with a more noticeable butt.

The simple formula for semi-hardness:

• Reduce repetitions (To minimize fatigue and to minimize the amount of torn down muscle) and increase set frequency

• Increased rest periods (For on going increased performance)• Shorter workouts (On Key 2 weight training days)• Focus on tension first and not explosive movements, especially on slow lifts like the

Squat and deadlift• An effective neurological strength training program (A mind and body trained for

strength and tension)

That is how to become strong and hard without adding size/bulk!

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The program

1) No Nonsense Butt Building program (Beginners)2) No Nonsense Butt Building (Intermediate)3) No Nonsense Butt Building (Advanced)4) DONE-FOR-YOU Weights progression app 5) Everyday real life ‘in the moment’ exercises you can perform to help build your butt6) The correct techniques and cardio to ‘Get it Tight’

The goal

The goal is to develop your glutes to their max potential over the next 90 days and beyond. But before we begin, we first have to determine where you currently stand in terms of your fitness levels.

First things first. Make sure you study Stage 1 fully. Make sure that you practice the execution of all of the exercises described before even attempting any of the following routines.

However, if you have experiencing training with weights, dumbbells and barbells then head straight into the program. We take you through each step in detail to ensure that you don't miss a thing. If you don't have any experience with weight training, but you have been practising and have become comfortable with stage 1 of the program, then start with a very light weight or better yet, just the barbells only when performing any of the exercises.

Note: It is always preferable to slowly increase the weights over the 12-16 week progression period (And thereafter), than to push for fast and heavy increases and get stuck early.

No Nonsense Butt Building (Beginner to Advanced)

If you have been a part of (And are sick of being a part of) the 'many exercises no results' crowd that is trending it's way around the fitness world, then this is the program for you. Once you have completed Stage 1, then you may proceed with this program. This is a DONE-FOR-YOU strength training program which incorporates all of the exercises in Stage 1 (And a few other assistant exercises) in a structured and progressive way.

• No Nonsense Butt Building program (Beginners) – 4 weeks• No Nonsense Butt Building (Intermediate) – 4 weeks• No Nonsense Butt Building (Advanced) – 6 weeks

This program does have a weight training element to it as you know, and if you re-check your email, you will see the DONE-FOR-YOU plan on how to track your weightlifting gains. It will show you how much you should be lifting week by week by simply entering just a few numbers. You don't have to follow that, but it is there for your own clarity. Following the program as outlined will serve you just as well.

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Here are a few reasons to why this is a strength training workout rather than a butt building only workout

• Overall strength increases – Most of the exercises included in the program are compound exercises. Which means you will end up working more than one muscle group in one movement. Think about what happens when a rain drops into a puddle. It sends ripples throughout the puddle. Well, this is exactly what happens when you perform a big compound lift. Certain muscle groups will get hit hard and the smaller muscles will feel some of that impact. This is important for butt building, because it's not only the 3 core muscles of the glutes that we're trying to recruit, it's the muscles surrounding it such as your obliques and hip flexers, which will shred your physique, giving you the illusion of a bigger and more shapely butt. So it makes for a better strategy to focus on building and improving your physique as a whole while at the same time, progressively shifting the load to your butt.

Abbie Burrows physique is one example of this (Muscle separation is the key)

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• An approach to 'cycling' – Cycling is a method where you train and progress for 6 weeks and then reduce your load for the following weeks and slowly increase again. The concept behind cycling is that you can only push the body so far before it starts to fail in performance, at which point you would need to re-energize and start again. This is actually something that you will do during your sets to minimize the effect of building muscle for size. In short, don't train to failure during your sets.

The other important part about cycling is to focus on performing a few exercises very well, with a varied load instead of many exercises very badly. Which is a more effective approach than simply switching to random exercises to change things up. Which is why you will find many of the same (Yet different variations of) exercises in the same workouts at each stage of the program (Beginner, intermediate or advanced)

• Muscle/Joint health – It wouldn't be totally healthy to just focus on just building your glutes. Which in itself is quite hard to do, because of its size. But focusing on one particular movement can lead to some complications with over-training. This is why the workouts are structured as an all round strength training workout in a progressive way that also allows you to target your butt.

As a novice, you can literally train close to your limit on a simple beginner program, because the ability required is at a very low level. But that will change the more advanced you become. You will be challenged and you will have to adapt. It’s simple really, just try to keep increasing the weight every time you train.

A Beginners Training Rep Scheme

Perform 3 sets of 8 reps in each of the core movements for the first month. (A high number of reps can easily be performed here, due to the lighter weight being used. Therefore, an attention to exercise form, control and coordination can easily be maintained during the first 4 weeks).

An Intermediate Training Rep Scheme

For the second month, this should be increased to 5 sets of 5 reps (The rep count will have to decrease in order to make sure that control and coordination of each rep is maintained, well enough to ensure that you can perform the exercise to the best of your ability with your current strength levels for weeks 5-8).

An Advanced Training Rep Scheme

For the third month, 6 sets of 6 reps (At this stage you will be reaching your genetic max. Which may require some specialization to your program. This isn’t hard for most young people to achieve)(Weeks 8-16 and beyond).

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The format above takes you from:

Low sets/high reps/light weight


Higher sets/lower reps/heavy weight.

Here are a few reasons for training this way when increased strength and tone is the goal.

1. Training with a heavy weight demands your respect and attention. It is also a lot safer and easier to perform low reps/more sets than trying to perform a similar or lighter weight with many reps/less sets. Which more often than not may lead to injury. The force production will be the same through in a high rep set, but actual control of the weight will fade which could sacrifice good form. Which is why a progression to lower rep sets wins as your strength increases.

2. Your muscles will experience less fatigue overall.

3. You will still be able to build great strength even without training to failure.

4. You may even start to feel re-energized and not totally zapped compared to performing a high rep set.

Now that you know how to lift throughout the program, let’s go into the actual workout.

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The No Nonsense Butt Building Strength Workout (The workout plans)

The program will use the best compound exercises that target the body as a whole while performing them in the best way with different load variations as you progress. You don’t have to perform many different exercises to start seeing a difference in the shape of your butt. You can easily start to see a difference by performing just a few key exercises or variations of those exercises.

The workout structure

The following will consist of 50 workouts (12 Beginner/ 16 Intermediate/ 22 Advanced). All of which can be alternated on a 3 day workout week for each of the beginner, intermediate and advanced time periods (4 weeks/ 4 weeks/ 6 weeks).

• A warm up • 3 big compound lifts (With butt targeted variations)• Assistant exercises

Warm up factors

• It’s better to warm up in a well heated training facility • You will need ‘extra’ warm up activity if you are training with a recovering injury • Maintain those muscles and bones, because they start to fade once you hit 20

years old! Basically, the older you are the more important it is to warm up prior to working out.

• You will notice that there are warm ups to be performed for some of the exercises in the actual workout. This is mainly for you to practice your form first and to prepare your muscles for the upcoming heavier loads.

• It’s ok to train with a recovering injury. However, if you perform a work set warm and that injured body part doesn’t feel any better, then perform with a lighter weight or simply hold off until you’ve fully recovered from that injury.

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The Warm Up

Before you begin any program, it’s always a good idea to warm up. The following is an ideal warm up to perform prior to starting this program. Since this is a full body workout, it is important to warm up all of the limbs of your body for 3-5 minutes with the following movements.

• 30 arm circles (15 forward/15 backward) • 30 stationary marches • 30 step jacks or jumping jacks • 30 squats (3 x 10 sets) • 30 mountain climbers

• (Riding an exercise bike is also a great warm up for the heavy squat that you will perform, due to your knees being exposed to a greater range of motion)

• (Warm up on a rowing machine – Full range of motion involving the back, legs and arms)

Injury can be prevented by focusing on fewer reps/more sets and a heavier weight. But injury prevention starts with the warm up.

Your work set warm ups: (A work set is the actual set where you’ll perform your set loads of the specific exercise)

• Bench press/ press variations (2-3 set/5 set warm up) • Squat (2 set/ 5 reps warm up) • Deadlift (1 set/10 reps) • Lunges (1 sets/10 reps)• Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps)

The Warm Down

You can also warm down for 5-10 minutes after your workout with the same exercises as above.

Equipment needed

If you don't have any equipment whatsoever, and you want to make the most of this program at home, then you'll need to purchase the following equipment or perform the program at your local gym.

• Dumbbells• Barbell Set

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The following workouts can be alternated on a 3 day workout week for each of the time periods.

• Beginner – 12 workouts – 4 weeks

• Intermediate – 16 workouts – 4 weeks

• Advanced - 22 workouts – 6 weeks

You can pretty much use that workout structure to get strong while at the same time building a better butt.

Remember, once you get to an intermediate level, you will actually start to become stronger overall in all of your muscle groups training this way.


Well, every workout consists of a big lift. You will perform the squat exercise for every workout as well as the dead-lift and bench press for that same workout.

You will then perform the squat, barbell row (Or power clean) and press exercise for workout no.2. Since this is a 3 day workout, it means that you you’ll do workout no.1 twice a week for one week and workout no.2 twice a week for one week. And you”ll perform the exercises in this order:

Workout no.1 Workout no.2

Full body movement Squat Squat

Upper body movement Bench Press Press (Variation)

Pulling movement Dead-lift Barbell row (Hip extenders and lower back) Power Cleans ( Helps increase pulling power to the dead-lift, which is better as a long term approach for better gains. This is a more difficult exercise to perform, so it's not a big issue if you skip it)

The reason for the specific order is because the squat exercise works 250+ muscles in your body, which will help warm your body up for the following exercises. The upper body exercises are performed 2nd to let your legs and back rest before performing the 3rd pulling exercise. And of course followed by any assistant exercises thereafter.

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Hey, you still didn’t answer the question? Why will I start to become stronger overall in all of my muscle groups training this way?

Because of the order of strength progression…

Like I said, you’ll probably notice an overall strength increase once you get to that intermediate level. But another reason the exercises are ordered in such a way is due to the order where you’ll see strength gains first.

The larger the muscle mass required for a particular movement, is the movement where you’ll see the quickest gains.

So you’ll probably see your squat numbers go up first, followed by the deadlift, then bench press. All of which will help target your butt muscles.

Average weekly weight increases are as follows

Note: It is always preferable to slowly increase the weights over the 12-16 week progression period (And thereafter), than to push for fast and heavy increases and get stuck early.

• Pull ups ( add 2-5lbs per week) • Squat (add 2-5lbs for women/ 10lbs for men for the first few weeks) • Bench press (add 2-5lbs) • Deadlift (add 2-5lbs for women/10-15lbs per week for the first few weeks) • Lunges ( add 2-5lbs per week or every other week) • Assistant exercises (You’re probably not going to see much of an increase in most

assistant exercises)

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The No Nonsense Butt Building strength workout (Beginner workout No.1) (Follow this for 4 weeks)

• The goal: Add 10lbs to each of your lifts by the end of week 4

• Master the basic lifts as described for the first 4 weeks (12 workouts)

• The idea is to perform the 12 workouts per week on your strength/weight training days in the order described.

How will you know how much weight to lift to begin with?

Follow this weightlifting guideline

• If you can’t perform 8 reps of any given weight, (lower it). It is too heavy. • If you can perform 12 or more reps the weight is too light (Increase it). • Your weight for each set may change based on this principle • 10 reps is the standard to perform of any weight you lift.

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.1 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Barbell Squats

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

2 – Bench press

8 reps

Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

3 - Barbell deadlift

8 reps

Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

4 - Pull ups with controlled descent

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5 - Barbell bicep curl

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

6 - Push ups to 30 sec plank hold

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10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

7 - Hanging leg raise

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Warm down

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.2 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Leg press (or barbell squat)

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Barbell only standing press (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

2 – Standing shoulder press

8 reps

Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

3 - Bent over rows

8 reps

Rest for 30 seconds

Repeat exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total)

4 - Pull ups with controlled descent

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5 - Lat pull down

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 6 - DB turned out bicep curls

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

7 - Push ups

As many as possible till failure Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout 8 - Spider crawl to mountain climber

10 reps/leg Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

9 - Hanging leg raises

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Warm down

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.3 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1 - Barbell squat

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

2 – Bench press

8 reps

Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up) 3 - Barbell deadlift

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

4a - Assisted pull ups with controlled descent - 10 reps

No rest 4b - Cable Row (or bent over row) – 10 reps

Rest for 30 seconds Repeat both exercises (2 sets total) Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 5 - Incline DB press

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

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6a - Push ups – 10 reps

No rest

6b - Plank Hold – 30 second hold

Rest 30 seconds Repeat both exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total) 7 - DB front raise

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

8 - Hanging leg raises

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat Warm down

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.4 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squat

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Dumbbell only standing press (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

2 - DB shoulder press

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 set Work set warm up)

3 - Bent over rows

8 reps

Rest for 30 seconds

Repeat exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total) 4a - Pull ups with controlled descent – 10 reps (or as many as you can)

No rest 4b - Lat Pull Down – 10 reps (or as many as you can)

30 second rest Repeat Both exercises 2 more times (3 sets total)

5 - Reverse DB fly

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

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Assistant exercises for Lunges (1 sets/10 reps) 6 - Reverse lunge

10 reps each leg Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

7 - Tricep DB overhead press

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 8 - Stability Ball plank

1 Rep to failure Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Warm down

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.5 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1a - Barbell squat (or reverse lunge)– 8 reps

No rest 1b – Leg Press (or barbell squat) – 8 reps

Rest 30 seconds Repeat both exercises (2 sets total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 set Work set warm up)

2 – Bench press

8 reps

Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

3 - Barbell deadlift

8 reps

Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

4 - Barbell curls

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 5 - Push up

As many reps as you can (to failure) Rest for 30 seconds Repeat

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6a - DB shoulder press – 10 reps

No rest 6b - Front Raise – 10 reps

Rest for 30 seconds Repeat both exercises

Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

7 - Hanging leg raises – bring knees to opposite elbow

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Warm down

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.6 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Barbell Squats

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 Sets total)

Press exercise (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

2 - Incline chest press

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 Sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 set Work set warm up)

3 - Cable row (or bent over row)

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 Sets total)

4 - pull up with 4 count decent

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 5a - Push ups – 10 reps

No rest 5b - Plank Hold – 30 second hold

Rest 30 seconds Repeat both exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total)

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.7 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Leg press (or barbell squat)

8 reps Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 set Work set warm up)

2 - Bench press

8 reps Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

3 – Barbell deadlift

8 reps Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

4 - Lat pull down (or pull ups, no extra weight)

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5 - Reverse DB flies

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6 - Turned out bicep curls

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout 7a - Bicycles - 10 reps No rest 7b - Mountain Climber- 10 reps each leg

Rest for 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Warm down

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.8 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squat 8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Barbell only standing press (2-3 rep/5 set Work set warm up)

2 - Incline DB press

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 set Work set warm up)

3a - Pull ups with controlled descent – 10 reps

No rest 3b - Cable Row (or bent over row)- 8reps

Rest for 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

4 - DB front raise

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5 - DB tricep over head press

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

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Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

6 - Hanging leg raises

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

7a - Push ups – 10 reps

No rest 7b - Plank Hold – 30 second hold

Rest 30 seconds Repeat both exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total) Warm down

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.9 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squat

8reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) 2a - Bench press – 8 reps

No rest 2b – Push up – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

3 - Barbell deadlift

8 reps

Rest 30 seconds

Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

4a - pull ups with controlled descent – 10 reps (or as many as you can)

No rest 4b - Lat pull down (or assisted pull up) – 10 reps (or as many as you can)

30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) Assistant exercises for Lunges (1 sets/10 reps)

5 - Reverse lunge

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat Warm down

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.10 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1a - Leg press (or reverse lunge) – 8 reps

No rest 1b - Barbell Squat – 8reps

30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Press exercise (2-3 set/5 set Work set warm up)

2a - DB shoulder press – 8 reps

No rest 2b - Front Raise – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 set Work set warm up)

3a - Inverted row – 10 reps

No rest 3b - Cable Row (bent over row) – 8 reps

30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

4 - Barbell curls

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5 - DB Tricep overhead press

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

6 - Hanging leg raises – bring knees to opposite elbow

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

7 - Bicycles

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more time (3 sets total) Warm down

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.11 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squats

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 set Work set warm up)

2 - Bench press

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

3 - Deadlift

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

4 - Pull ups with controlled descent (Try adding 5 lbs to your own body weight, if not, just do body weight)

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 5 - Lat pull down (or inverted row)

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 6 - Reverse DB flies

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

7 - DB turned out bicep curls

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout 8a - Spider crawl – 10 reps each leg

No rest 8b – Mountain Climbers – 10 reps each leg

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 2 more times (3 sets total) 9 - Hanging leg raises

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

Warm down

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The Beginner Program – Workout No.12 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Barbell Squats

8 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times ( 3 sets total)

Press exercise (2-3 set/5 set Work set warm up)

2 - DB shoulder press

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat 2 more times ( 3 sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 set Work set warm up)

3 - Bent over rows

8 reps

Rest for 30 seconds

Repeat exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total)

4 - Inverted row

10 reps Rest 30 seconds Repeat

5 - Weighted pull up with 4 count decent (if you can handle adding 5 lbs to your own body weight, do so, if not, just do body weight)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) 6 - DB row

10 reps each arm Rest 30 seconds Repeat

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7a - Push ups – 15 reps

No rest 7b - Plank Hold – 30+ second hold

Rest 30 seconds Repeat both exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total) Warm down

The end of the first 4 week training period


You have made it to week 4 of the program.

Until now, you would have only focused on performing just the core compound exercises with a slight increase in the weights that you lift. The assistant exercises listed mainly serve as follow on exercises. Except for the lunge and pull up exercise, as those exercises can truly have a body changing and strength changing impact on your results. By now, you would have accomplished a few things:

• How to properly perform the exercises with weight plates• Increased your strength levels significantly (Significantly, because it is at this period

in your training where you'll see the quickest gains)• You should have noticed at least some change in your physique (Make it a habit to

note down the actual changes that happen. This program is a blueprint, yet it won't be the exact blueprint for everyone, as we are all different. You may find that you have to tweak or perform just a few key exercises. That may not happen yet, but it may happen further along in the program)

• You should notice a definite change in your glutes

Best of all, you'll now be ready for the intermediate program.

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The No Nonsense Butt Building strength workout (Intermediate workout No.1) (Follow this for 4 weeks)

• The goal: Add up 100lbs in total to each of your core compound lifts by the end of week 4

• The idea is to perform the 16 workouts 3 days per week on your strength/weight training days. ( 4 more workouts have been added. This is because as you get stronger, you may find that you're now able to perform strength training workouts due to having less resting periods between days. Only newbies need initial long resting periods. You're no longer a newbie. So if you feel like you want to step it up a gear, you have now have 4 more workouts to play with).

• Longer rest periods between sets (Approx 2 minutes)

• Less reps and more sets on the core movements (Remember, to goal is to build

strength and not mass. You'll be increasing the load amount, yes. But without

adding extra stress to the deterioration of muscle. Which is of course where

muscle growth tends to kick in. Which is what we'll be avoiding. The other

reason for increasing the set numbers is so that you are able to maintain

control of the weight that you lift. A control that tends to fade when

performing 10 reps or more in one set)

• Add variations to the core compound movements to start shifting the 'load' to your

glutes (This was deliberately left out for the first 4 weeks of the program,

simply because it wouldn't have been needed. The core lifts on their own are

more than enough for the 'newbie' YOU to start seeing a change in your

body and of course in your glutes. Now it's time to start targeting your

glutes with those same exercises, but to perform them in a way that will

shift the weight to your glute area)

How will you know how much weight to lift to begin with?

Follow this weightlifting guideline

• If you can’t perform 8 reps of any given weight, (lower it). It is too heavy. • If you can perform 12 or more reps the weight is too light (Increase it). • Your weight for each set may change based on this principle • 10 reps is the standard to perform of any weight you lift.

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.1 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1 - Box squat (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the box squat)

2 reps 1 minute rest Repeat for 8-12 sets

2- Barbell squat

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5 reps 2 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

3- Bench press

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 sets/5 rep Work set warm up)

5 reps 2 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

4 - Barbell deadlift

5 reps 2 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5a - Lat pull down (or pull ups with full range of motion) – 10 reps

No rest 5b - Cable Row (or bent over row) – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total)

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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6 - Lying Leg curl (or stability ball curl)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

7 – Full hanging leg raise

30 second Hang 30 second rest Repeat

Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.2 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Leg press (or barbell squat)

5 reps 2 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Press exercise (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

2 - DB shoulder press

5 reps 2 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

3a - Cable row (or bent over row) – 5 reps

No rest

3b - Pull ups – 8 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 4 more times (5 sets total) Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

4a - Tricep overhead press – 10 reps

No rest 4b - DB Bicep Curl – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

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Assistant exercises for Lunges (1 sets/10 reps)

5a –Barbell Side lunge to knee up (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the side lunge)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

5b - Barbell reverse lunge

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

Warm down

Want to build abs? Perform them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

6 - Bicycles

30 seconds 30 second rest Repeat

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.3 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1a-Push up – 30 seconds

No rest

1b-Plank – 30 seconds

30 second rest Repeat both exercises Static Stretching

2 - Pull ups with four count decent (Do as many as you can each set)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

3a - Barbell squat – 5 reps

No rest

3b - Leg Press (or reverse lunge) – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 4 more times (5 sets total)

4 - Bench press

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5 reps 30 second rest Repeat both exercises 4 more times (5 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

5a - Barbell Deadlift

5 reps 30 second rest Repeat both exercises 4 more times (5 sets total)

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5b – Sumo dead lifts (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the sumo dead lift)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6 - Cable row (or inverted row)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

7 - Reverse Delt Raise – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises Want to build abs? Workout them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

8 - Hanging leg raise alternating sides

15 second hold each side 30 second rest Repeat Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.4 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squat

5 reps 30 second rest Repeat

2 – Split squat (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the split squat)

Note: You'll perform this routine as a tri-set. A tri-set is where you'll perform 3 exercises in a row without rest. If you increase the weight on this exercise, then make sure you take 2-3 minute rest periods at the end of each tri-set.

2a - Barbell side split squat

10 reps No rest

2b – Barbell single leg split squat

10 reps No rest

2c – Barbell split squat

10 reps No rest

Take a 30 second rest and repeat for one more tri-set

Press exercise (2-3 set/5 rep work set warm up)

3 - DB overhead press

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

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Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 reps work set warm up)

4 – Bent over row

5 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5b – Lat Pull Down (or inverted row) – 30 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 2 more times (3 sets total) 5 - Hyperextensions – 30 seconds

No rest

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6a - Front raise – 10 reps

No rest 6b - DB Lateral Raise – 10 reps

No rest 6c - DB Rear Raise – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat all 3 exercises

Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.5 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Leg press (or barbell squat)

5reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total) Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

2a - Bench press

5 reps No rest

2b - Push Up – as many as possible till failure

30 second rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total) Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

3 - Barbell deadlift

5 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

4 – Barbell stiff-leg deadlift (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the stiff-leg deadlift)

Note: You'll perform this routine as a tri-set. A tri-set is where you'll perform 3 exercises in a row without rest. If you increase the weight on this exercise, then make sure you take 2-3 minute rest periods at the end of each tri-set.

4a - Barbell stiff-leg deadlift

10 reps No rest

4b – Barbell single leg stiff-leg deadlft

10 reps No rest

4c – Barbell straight-back stiff-leg deadlift (Bend knees if you have limited flexibility)

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10 reps

No rest

5 - Pull up with four count descent

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6 - Barbell bicep curls

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

Assistant exercises for Lunges (1 sets/10 reps)

7 - Reverse barbell lunge

15 reps 30 second rest Repeat Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.6 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1a - Barbell squat - 5 reps

No rest

1b - Leg Press (or reverse lunge) – 15 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 4 more times (5 sets total)

Barbell only standing press (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

2 – Standing shoulder press

5 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

3- Bent over rows

5 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat exercise 4 more times (5 Sets Total)

4a - Push up – as many as possible till failure

No rest

4b – Plank – 30seconds – 1 minute

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

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5 – Barbell (long) lunge (A butt targeting exercise – Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the lunge)

Note: You'll perform this routine as a tri-set. A tri-set is where you'll perform 3 exercises in a row without rest. If you increase the weight on this exercise, then make sure you take 2-3 minute rest periods at the end of each tri-set.

Note: Here we focus on the long lunge. A lunge lunge targets your glutes while a short lunge places an emphasis on your quads.

5a - Barbell rear lunge

10 reps No rest

5b – Barbell side lunge

10 reps No rest

5c – Barbell walking lunge

10 reps No rest

Take a 30 second rest and repeat for one more tri-set Want to build abs? Perform them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout 6a - Hanging leg raise alternating sides – 10 reps

No rest

6b - Hyperextension -10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.7 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1. Barbell squat

5 reps

2-3 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

2 – Front squat (A butt targeting exercise – Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the front squat)

Note: The front squat will assist the standard squat. But it can't replace it, simply because you can load the most weight with the standard squat. Increasing your gains with the standard squat will lead to an increase in gains for your front squat. Which is good, because the front squat is a variation of the squat that targets your butt.

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

3 - Bench press

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

4 - Barbell deadlift

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

5 - Pull ups (until you fail)

As many as possible till failure 30 second rest Repeat

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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6a - Cable row (or bent over row)- 10 reps

No rest 6b - Lat pull down – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (total 2 sets)

Assistant exercises for Lunges (1 sets/10 reps)

7 - Reverse barbell lunge

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

8a - Front raise -10 reps

No rest 8b - Lateral Raise – 10 reps

No rest 8c - Rear Delt Raise -10 reps

30 second rest Repeat each exercise (total 2 sets of all)

Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.8 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Leg press (or barbell squat)

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

2 - Box squat (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the box squat)

2 reps 1 minute rest Repeat for 8-12 sets

Press exercise (2-3 set/5 rep work set warm up)

3 - Incline DB press

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 rep work set warm up)

4 – Bent over row

5 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

5 - ‘Weighted’ pull up (Count to 5 on your way back down to the dead hang position)

As many as possible 30 second rest Repeat 2 more time (3 sets total)

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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6a - Barbell bicep curl -10 reps

No rest 6b - Tricep Overhead Press -10 reps

30 second rest Repeat Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 7 - Lying leg curl (or stability ball curl)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

Want to build abs? Perform them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout 8 - Hanging leg raises

30 seconds 30 second rest Repeat

Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.9 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Leg press (or barbell squat)

5 reps

2-3 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

2 – Dumbbell Split squat (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the split squat)

Note: You'll perform this routine as a tri-set. A tri-set is where you'll perform 3 exercises in a row without rest. If you increase the weight on this exercise, then make sure you take 2-3 minute rest periods at the end of each tri-set.

3a - Dumbbell side split squat

10 reps No rest

3b – Dumbbell single leg split squat

10 reps No rest

3c – Dumbbell split squat

10 reps No rest

Take a 30 second rest and repeat for one more tri-set

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

4 – Bench press

5 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

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Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

5 - Barbell deadlift

5 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6a - Lat pull down (or inverted row) – 10 reps

No rest

6b - Cable Row (or bent over row) – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

7a - Tricep cable extension (or DB tricep over head press) – 10 reps

No rest

7b - DB Turned out Bicep Curl – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Want to build abs? Perform them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

7a - Hanging leg raise – 30 seconds

No rest

7b - Ab Roll Out – 30 seconds

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.10 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squat

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat exercise 4 more times (5 Sets Total)

Press exercise (2-3 set/5 rep work set warm up)

2a - Shoulder press

5 reps No rest

2b-Tricep Cable Extension (or DB tricep overhead press) – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

3 - Bent over rows

5 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat exercise 4 more times (5 Sets Total)

Assistant exercises for Lunges (1 sets/10 reps)

4 - Reverse 'short' lunge to target quads

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

5 - Deadlift for quads (See stage 1)

(This isn't a butt targeting tweak, but the deadlift is a compound exercise and this variation will hit your quads hard. The reason why it's important to focus on your quads is because exercises like the box squat will target you glutes, hips and hamstrings. But because we are focusing on building strength to get the hard body look, you might sometimes experience a reduction in size of your quads. In fact, that might be something you are after, especially if you're a woman. But in general, the idea is to build a strong 3D body that screams excellence from all angles. So in this workout we place a focus on the quads with the short lunge and deadlift for quads exercise)

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10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

Both men and women can benefit from this program. But here's an example of the type of '3D' physique a woman can build using this program.

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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6a - Push up – as many as possible till Failure

No rest

6b – Pull up – as many as possible till Failure 30 Second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 7a - Cable row (or inverted row)- 10 reps

No rest

7b - Incline DB fly superset – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.11 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squat

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat exercise 4 more times (5 Sets Total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

2 - Bench press

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

3a - Barbell deadlift

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

3b – Kettlebell sumo dead lifts (You may find it easier to perform a kettlebell variation of this exercise than the barbell version)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat twice

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 4 - Lat pull down (or inverted row)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

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5 - Pull ups

As many as possible till failure 30 second rest Repeat

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6 - Barbell bicep curl

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 7a - DB lateral raise -10 reps

No rest

7b-Tricep Cable Extension (or DB overhead press) – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Want to build abs? Perform them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout 8 - Hanging leg raises

30 seconds 30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

9 – Bicycles

20 reps 30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.12 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1a - Barbell squat

5 reps No rest

1b - Leg press (or reverse lunge)

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat each exercise 4 more times (5 set total)

Press exercise (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

2 - Incline Barbell press

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat each exercise 4 more times (5 set total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 rep work set warm up)

3 - Cable row ‘down the rack’ (or bent over rows with 3 different sets of weights for 5 reps)

Note: ‘Down the rack’ means that you’ll start with one weight for 5 reps. Then you’ll take some weight off and continue the set. You’ll keep dropping weight for more sets of 5reps.

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 set total) - Dropping weight 3 times during each of the 5 reps

4 - Dumbbell (long) lunge (A butt targeting exercise – Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the lunge)

Note: You'll perform this routine as a tri-set. A tri-set is where you'll perform 3 exercises in a row without rest. If you increase the weight on this exercise, then make sure you take 2-3 minute rest periods at the end of each tri-set.

Note: Here we focus on the long lunge. A long lunge targets your glutes while a short lunge places an emphasis on your quads.

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4a - Dumbbell rear lunge

10 reps No rest

4b – Dumbbell side lunge

10 reps No rest

4c – Dumbbell walking lunge

10 reps No rest


Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5a - Shoulder press – 10 reps

No rest

5b - Rear Delt Raise – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 6 - Lat pull down (or inverted row)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

7a - Barbell bicep curl -10 reps

No rest

7b - Tricep Overhead DB Press – 10 reps

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Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout 8a - Windshield wiper – 30 seconds

No rest

8b - Hanging leg curl to alternate sides – 30 seconds

30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.13 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

1 – Sumo dead lifts (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the sumo dead lift)

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat each exercise 4 more times (5 set total)

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 rep work set warm up)

2 - Barbell squat (You'll notice that the squat exercise isn't first this time around. This is because at this stage, you may find that the deadlift is your preferred exercise, as it is the exercise that mimics the movements that's you'll make throughout most of your day. It will warm the body up just as good as the squat will, so feel free to perform the deadlift before the squat in some of your workouts)

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat each exercise 4 more times (5 set total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

3a - Bench press- 10 reps

No rest

3b - Incline DB fly – 10 reps

2-3 minute rest Repeat each exercise 4 more times (5 set total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 5a - Shoulder press – 10 reps

No rest

5b - Tricep Cable Extension (or DB tricep extension)- 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

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Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

6a - Pull ups – as many as possible No rest

6b - Hanging leg raise – 10 each side

30 second rest Repeat each exercise

7a - Push up – go till Failure

No rest

7b - Plank – 30 seconds to 1 minute

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.14 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squat

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat exercise 4 more times (5 Sets Total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

2 - Incline bench press

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat exercise 4 more times (5 Sets Total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

3 - Bent over rows

5 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat exercise 4 more times (5 Sets Total)

4 – Dumbbell stiff-leg deadlift (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the stiff-leg deadlift)

Note: You'll perform this routine as a tri-set. A tri-set is where you'll perform 3 exercises in a row without rest. If you increase the weight on this exercise, then make sure you take 2-3 minute rest periods at the end of each tri-set.

4a - Barbell stiff-leg deadlift

10 reps No rest

4b – Barbell single leg stiff-leg deadlft

10 reps No rest

4c – Barbell straight-back stiff-leg deadlift (Bend knees if you have limited flexibility)

10 reps

No rest

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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5 - pull ups

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6a - DumbBell row – 10 reps each arm

No rest

6b - Bicep Curl – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

7a - Lateral raise – 10 reps

No rest

7b - Tricep Cable Extension (or DB tricep overhead press)- 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total)

Warm down

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.15 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

1 – Barbell Deadlift

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat each exercise 4 more times (5 set total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

2 – Bench press

5 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat each exercise 4 more times (5 set total)

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

3a - Barbell squat

5 reps No rest

3b - Leg Press (or reverse lunge) – 10 reps

2-3 minute rest Repeat exercise 4 more times (5 Sets Total)

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4 – Good-mornings (A butt targeting tweak – See stage 1)

4a – Barbell bent knee good mornings – 10 reps

No rest

4b – Barbell seated Good-mornings – 10 reps

30 second rest

Repeat both exercises

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5a - Front raise – 10 reps

No rest

5b - Lateral raise – 10 reps

No rest

5c - Rear Delt raise – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat all 3 exercises

As a warm down...

6a - Push up – to failure

No rest

6b - Plank – hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

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The Intermediate Program – Workout No.16 – (4 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1 - Box squat (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the box squat)

2 reps 1 minute rest Repeat for 8-12 sets

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

2 - Barbell squat

5 reps 2 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

3 - Bench press ‘down the rack’

5 reps 2 minute rest Repeat 4 more times (5 sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

4 - Bent over rows

8 reps

Rest for 30 seconds

Repeat exercise 2 more times (3 Sets Total)

Assistant exercises for Lunges (1 sets/10 reps)

5a – Barbell Side lunge to knee up (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the side lunge)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

5b - Barbell reverse lunge

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10 reps 30 second rest


Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6a - Barbell bicep curl – 10 reps

No rest

6b - Tricep overhead DB extension -10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

7a - Hyperextensions -10 reps

No rest

7b – Hanging Leg Raises – 10 reps

30 second rest

Repeat both exercises

Warm down

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You've stuck to the program for a massive 8-10 weeks. You are no longer a newbie and at

this stage, it would be safe to say that you would have started to see some results.

• An increase in strength

• An increase in muscle density

• A much leaner physique all around

• And most importantly, a change in the shape and feel of your glutes

All of this would be a direct result of an increase in weights, performing exercises that shift

the load to your glutes, the sculpting of other body parts (e.g. Your obliques, which help

raise the area of your butt by separating your hip area from your love handles. Which

creates the illusion of a bigger and shapely butt) and of course the consuming of

the structured diet plans that you received in stage 1 of the program.

Most people will quit after the first 2 weeks, because the first 2 weeks is where most of the

pain is felt. And most don't over come that initial pain. Which is just the bodies response to

change. Nevertheless, the change you experienced thus far will mostly likely be the most

dramatic change you see in your body. You'll be reaching your genetic potential at this

stage. But not quite yet, it's only week 8. The next 4-6 weeks may just be the period where

you'll see your best gains, because everyone is different. Some people may adapt more

quickly than others. It could due to genetics, naturally ability or even personal drive.

Whichever the case, continue on with the program and more changes will come

Strength training (Cycling the weights)

Now that you have been training for 8-10 weeks, it might be a good idea to cycle the

weights that you have been lifting. Cycling is a training method where you 'back off' after

an initial push of heavy training by reducing the load to help overcome the decrease in

performance to ensure new future improvement.

Take 1 step back after taking 2 steps forward

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This style of training will allow you to keep on progressing as you train, where as most

other forms of training will wipe you out which could lead to that dreaded plateau that most

people face, or even injury. It doesn't matter if your monthly gains are small. In fact, that's

a bonus, because you can simply progress slowly AND still have a life outside of fitness,

knowing that you are actually still progress and improving. We talk more about cycling in

this article.

The goal in the intermediate program was to lift up to a max of 100lbs on your core lifts

(The first few exercises of each workout). It's actually still a bit too early to start cycling the

weights, because you've only starting adding 'real' weights to your lifts for just 4 weeks. A

typical cycle would begin and end after a 6 week training period. Yet, it's still something to

keep at the core of your mind as you progress past the 16 week period.

Moving on to the Advanced program

Now is an exciting time, because you have proved that you are mentally strong as well as

(now) physically strong. You'll probably notice other areas of your life improving to.

• Better personal relationships

• You can do more things during the day without feeling tired by the end of the day

• A better sex life

• A boost in confidence

• Compliments from your peers

Just to name a few.

And now it's time step things up a gear once again.

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The No Nonsense Butt Building strength workout (Recap)

• This program will alternate, consisting of splitting your workouts into chest/leg

(Squat/ Bench press/ Deadlift/ Butt targeted exercises/ Assistant exercises)

And back/shoulder ...

(Squat/ Press exercise/ Back exercise/ Butt targeted exercises/ Assistant


workouts. .

• Each workout should last about 45 minutes.

• The goal of each workout is to lift as heavy a weight possible for each set with proper form.

• NEVER sacrifice form for reps. That is, always use the best form possible to avoid injury and to train the specific muscles intended. This became much easier to achieve as you progressed to the intermediate program, as you decreased your number of reps per set, but with an increase in the number of sets.

• Each workout is outlined with a rep scheme but with no specific weight. You will choose your weight based on these guidelines:

1. if you can’t get 8 reps, the weight is too heavy 2. if you can get 12 or more reps the weight is too light 3. your weight for each set may change based on this principle 4. as a general rule of thumb, 10 reps is listed

• You will still focus on taking 2-3 minutes rest periods between the sets of your core

heavy compound lifts (The first few exercises of each workout).

• The time period for this workout cycle will last for 6 weeks, and you have now been

provided with 22 workout routines to play with during that period. (In order is


• Your No Nonsense butt building strength training workouts can be performed

consecutively (Workout 1 on Monday, Workout 2 on Tuesday, Day off) Or with a day

off in between. In either case, it's OK to workout for more than 3 days a week, as

long as you don't perform any of THESE workouts on your off days. You can do

what you like on your off days, but if you do decide to train, then it would be best to

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perform some form of cardiovascular exercise. I haven't introduced the 'Get it tight'

program as yet, which is basically the best form of cardio to perform to put the icing

on the cake on your physique. But regardless of what cardio you do, high intensity

cardio will work best in your favor during the course of this program.

• Each workout will start with a full body warm as described in detail at the start of the


• This workout plan will include ‘super-sets’ which simply means that you will do two exercises in a row without rest, then you’ll take your 30 second rest.

• As well, there are a few ‘tri-sets’ which include three exercises in a row without rest before you take your 30 sec rest.

• ‘Down the rack’ means that you’ll start with one weight for 8-10 reps. Then you’ll take some weight off and continue the set. You’ll keep dropping weight for more sets of 8-10 reps.

• Each workout will end with general cooling down and stretching for 5-10 minutes. • This isn't a pull up targeted workout, but the pull up exercise is included throughout

the program, as it makes for a very good strength training exercise amongst many other benefits. The pull is a difficult exercise to perform. If you can't perform the reps/sets listed, then just perform as many as you can per set. Your numbers will increase the stronger you become. If you want to learn how to increase your pull up numbers in record time, then click here to learn more.

• You may sometimes see an increase in the rep count for some compound movements. This is because you may find that you need to sometimes perform more reps on your lower body muscles in order to spark a noticeable change in strength or how they look, due to their size.

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.1 – (6 weeks)

• The goal: Add up 150lbs in total to each of your core compound lifts by the end of week 4

• The idea is to perform 3 of the 22 workouts 3 days per week on your strength/weight training days. ( More workouts have been added. This is because as you get stronger, you may find that you're now able to perform strength training workouts due to having less resting periods between days. Only newbies need initial long resting periods. You're no longer a newbie. So if you feel like you want to step it up a gear, you have now have 4 more workouts to play with).

• Longer rest periods between sets (Approx 2 minutes)

• Less reps and more sets on the core movements – You will now perform 6 reps for

6 sets on the core movements (Remember, to goal is to build

strength and not mass. You'll be increasing the load amount, yes. But without

adding extra stress to the deterioration of muscle. Which is of course where

muscle growth tends to kick in. Which is what we'll be avoiding. The other

reason for increasing the set numbers is so that you are able to maintain

control of the weight that you lift. A control that tends to fade when

performing 10 reps or more in one set)

• Add variations to the core compound movements to start shifting the 'load' to your

glutes (This was deliberately left out for the first 4 weeks of the program,

simply because it wouldn't have been needed. The core lifts on their own are

more than enough for the 'newbie' YOU to start seeing a change in your

body and of course in your glutes. Now it's time to start targeting your

glutes with those same exercises, but to perform them in a way that will

shift the weight to your glute area)

How will you know how much weight to lift to begin with?

Follow this weightlifting guideline

• If you can’t perform 8 reps of any given weight, (lower it). It is too heavy. • If you can perform 12 or more reps the weight is too light (Increase it). • Your weight for each set may change based on this principle • 10 reps is the standard to perform of any weight you lift.

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(Before you begin) Warm up

1 - Box squat (A butt targeting exercise – Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the box squat)

2 reps 30 second rest

Repeat for 8-12 sets

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

2 – Barbell squat

6 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

3 – Bench press

6 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

4 – Barbell deadlift

6 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5a - Lying hamstring curl (or stability ball curl) -10 reps

No rest

5b - DB tricep overhead press – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 2 more times (3 sets total)

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Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

6a - Bicycles – 45-60 seconds

No rest

6b - Spider crawl – 45-60 seconds

No rest

6c - Hanging leg raise – 45-60 seconds

30 second rest Repeat each exercise 2 more times (3 sets total)

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.2 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 – Barbell squat

6 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Standing barbell press (2-3 set/5 rep work set warm up)

2 – Standing barbell press

6 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 rep work set warm up)

3 - DumbBell Bent-over row

6 reps each arm 2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

4a - Weighted pull up – 10 reps

No rest

4b - Hanging leg raise to alternate side (drop the weight)– 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat each exercise Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5a - Lat pull down (or inverted row) – 10 reps

No rest

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5b - Hyperextention – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

4a - DumbBell lateral raise – 10 reps

No rest

4b - Reverse fly (DumbBell rear delt fly) – 10 reps

No rest

4c - Stability ball plank – 45-60 second hold

30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.3 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squats (or Leg press)

6 reps 2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

2 - Bench press

6 reps 2-3 minute rest Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

5 – Barbell deadlift

6 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

2a - Incline DB fly – 10 reps

No rest

2b - Push up – go to failure

No rest

2c - Plank – 45-60 seconds

30 second rest Repeat each exercise

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4 - Dumbbell (long) lunge (A butt targeting exercise – Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the lunge)

Note: You'll perform this routine as a tri-set. A tri-set is where you'll perform 3 exercises in a row without rest. If you increase the weight on this exercise, then make sure you take 2-3 minute rest periods at the end of each tri-set.

Note: Here we focus on the long lunge. A lunge lunge targets your glutes while a short lunge places an emphasis on your quads.

4a - Dumbbell rear lunge

10 reps No rest

4b – Dumbbell side lunge

10 reps No rest

4c – Dumbbell walking lunge

10 reps No rest


Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5 - Lying ham curls (or stability ball curls)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.4 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squats (or Leg press)

6 reps 2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Standing barbell shoulder press (2-3 set/5 rep work set warm up)

2a – Standing barbell shoulder press – 6 reps

No rest

2b - Pull ups - 10 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat each exercise 5 more times (6 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

3a – Bent over rows (or Cable rows) – 6 reps

No rest

3b - Hyperextensions – 10 reps

1 minute rest Repeat each exercise 5 more times (6 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

4 - Narrow grip pull up negatives (count to 5 on the way down)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5a - DumbBell row – 10 reps

No rest

5b - Hanging leg raises –10 reps

30 second rest Repeat each exercise 2 more times (3 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 6a - DumbBell lateral raise - 10 reps

No rest

6b - Reverse fly (DumbBell rear delt fly)- 10 reps

No rest

6c - Barbell bicep curl – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat each exercise (2 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 7a - Stability ball plank – 45-60 seconds

No rest

7b - Reverse hip lift – 45-60 seconds

No rest Repeat Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.5 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squats (or Leg press)

6 reps 2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

2a - Bench press – 6 reps

No rest

2b - Push up – go till failure

No rest

2c - Spider crawl – 45 -60 seconds

No rest Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Rest for 1 minute Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

3a – Barbell deadlift

6 reps

2 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

3b – Sumo dead lifts (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the sumo dead lift)

10 reps 30 second rest


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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

4a - Tricep overhead DB press – 10 reps

No rest

4b - Hanging leg raise – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 2 more times (3 sets total)

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.6 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squats (or Leg press)

6 reps 2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Standing barbell press (2-3 set/5 rep work set warm up)

2 – Standing barbell press

6 reps

2 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

3 – Barbell stiff-leg deadlift (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the stiff-leg deadlift)

Note: You'll perform this routine as a tri-set. A tri-set is where you'll perform 3 exercises in a row without rest. If you increase the weight on this exercise, then make sure you take 2-3 minute rest periods at the end of each tri-set.

3a - Barbell stiff-leg deadlift

10 reps No rest

3b – Barbell single leg stiff-leg deadlft

10 reps No rest

3c – Barbell straight-back stiff-leg deadlift (Bend knees if you have limited flexibility)

10 reps

No rest

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4 - Pull up with 5 count descent – focus on the negative (the descent)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat 5 - Rope climb (If you have access to one) – Go as high as you can – once, careful on the descent

30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6a - Reverse fly (DumbBell rear delt fly) - 10 reps

No rest

6b - Hyper-extensions – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 2 more times (3 sets total) 5 - Hanging leg raise

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat 6 - Bicycles

20 reps 30 second rest Repeat

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.7 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squats (or Leg press)

6 reps 2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

2 – Bench press

6 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

3a - Stiff legged dead lift

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat

3b – Sumo kettlebell dead lifts (A butt targeting exercise – Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the sumo dead lift)

10 reps 30 second rest

Repeat 2 more times 4a - Push up – to failure

No rest

4b - Plank –45-60 seconds

30 second rest Repeat (2 sets total) 5a - DB prone fly – 10 reps

no rest

5b-Tricep cable extension (or DB tricep overhead press) – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

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Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout

6a - Spider crawl – 45 – 60 seconds

No rest

6b – Hanging knee lifts (From a pull up bar) – 45-60 seconds

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.8 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squats (or Leg press)

6 reps 2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

2a - Deadlift – 6 reps

No rest

2b - Cable row (or inverted row) –10 reps

2-3 minute rest Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

3 - Kipping pull up

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat 4a - DumbBell row – 10 reps each arm

No rest

4b - DumbBell single bicep curl – 10 reps, do one arm at a time

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total)

5 - Rope climb – (depends on height of rope, go as high as you can)

As many hand over hand reps as possible 30 second rest Repeat 5a - Reverse fly (DB rear delt fly) - 10 reps

No rest

5b - Hyper extensions -10 reps

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No rest

5c - Bicycle crunch – 10 reps each leg

30 second rest Repeat all 3 exercises 2 more times (3 sets total)

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.9 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squats (or Leg press)

6 reps 2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

2 – Bench press

6 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

3 – Barbell deadlift

6 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

4 – Barbell (long) lunge (A butt targeting exercise – Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the lunge)

Note: You'll perform this routine as a tri-set. A tri-set is where you'll perform 3 exercises in a row without rest. If you increase the weight on this exercise, then make sure you take 2-3 minute rest periods at the end of each tri-set.

Note: Here we focus on the long lunge. A lunge lunge targets your glutes while a short lunge places an emphasis on your quads.

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4a - Barbell rear lunge

10 reps No rest

4b – Barbell side lunge

10 reps No rest

4c – Barbell walking lunge

10 reps No rest

Take a 30 second rest and repeat for one more tri-set

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5a - Incline DB fly – 10 reps

No rest

5b - Tricep cable extensions –10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up) 4a - Push ups – to failure

No rest

4b - Stability ball plank –45-60 seconds

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.10 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up)

1 - Barbell squats (or Leg press)

6 reps 2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Standing barbell press (2-3 set/5 rep work set warm up)

2 – Standing barbell shoulder press

6 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 rep work set warm up)

3 – Bent over row

6 reps

2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

4 - Weighted pull up

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

5a - Hyperextensions – 10 reps No rest

5b - Reverse fly (DB rear delt fly) – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

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Assistant exercises (1 set/5 reps Work set warm up)

6a - Hanging alternate leg raise – 45-60 seconds

No rest

6b - Plank – 45-60 seconds

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.11 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 set Work set warm up)

1a - Bench press – 6 reps

No rest

1b - BarBell squat – 6 reps

1 minute rest Repeat each exercise 5 more times (6 sets total)

2a - Stiff legged dead lifts – 10 reps

No rest

2b - Push ups – to failure

No rest

2c - Plank – 45-60 second hold

30 second rest Repeat all 3 exercises 2 more times (3 sets total) 3 – Split squat (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the split squat)

Note: You'll perform this routine as a tri-set. A tri-set is where you'll perform 3 exercises in a row without rest. If you increase the weight on this exercise, then make sure you take 2-3 minute rest periods at the end of each tri-set.

3a - Barbell side split squat

10 reps No rest

3b – Barbell single leg split squat

10 reps No rest

3c – Barbell split squat

10 reps No rest

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Take a 30 second rest and repeat for one more tri-set

Want to build abs? Work them for 10 minutes at the end of your workout.

4 - Hanging leg raise –30 seconds

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total) 5 - Stability Ball Plank

To failure

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.12 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1 - Box squat (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the box squat)

2 reps 1 minute rest

Repeat for 8-12 sets

2 - Barbell squats (or Leg press)

6 reps 2-3 minute rest

Repeat 5 more times (6 sets total)

3 - Cable row down the rack -you will do a total of 30 reps, start heavier and lighten up each drop:

weight one: 10 reps weight two: 10 reps weight three: 10 reps 2 min rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) 4a - DB row – 10 reps each arm

no rest

4b - Reverse fly (DB rear delt fly) –10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 5a - Bicep turned out curl – 10 reps

No rest

5b - Bicycles –10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.13 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1 - Box squat (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the box squat)

2 reps 1 minute rest Repeat for 8-12 sets

Barbell only Bench press (2-3 set/5 rep Work set warm up)

2 - Bench press (increase weight each set)

12 reps 10 reps 8 reps 10 reps 12 reps 30 second rest between each set (5 sets total) 3 - Push up to failure

30 second rest 4a - Tricep cable extension (or DB tricep overhead press) – 10 reps

No rest

4b - Hanging alternate leg raise – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total)

Barbell only squat (2 set/5 reps work set warm up) 5 - Squat

12 reps 10 reps 8 reps 10 reps 12 reps 30 second rest between each rep (5 sets total) 6 - Lying hamstring curl (or stability ball curl)

10 reps 30 second rest

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Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total)

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.14 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

2 - BB deadlift

12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps 30 second rest between each rep (4 sets total)

Bent over rows (2-3 set/5 set work set warm up) 3 - Cable row (or bent over rows)

12 reps 10 reps 8 reps 10 reps 12 reps 30 second rest between each set (5 sets total) 4a - DB lateral raise – 10 reps

No rest

4b - BB bicep curl –10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 5a - Hanging alternate leg raise – 45 -60 seconds

No rest

5b - Hanging knee lifts – 45-60seconds

No rest Repeat both exercises

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.15 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1-Leg press down the rack (or barbell squats) – You will do a total of 30 reps, start heavier and lighten up each drop:

weight one: 10 reps weight two: 10 reps weight three: 10 reps 2 min rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) 2 - Deadlift for quads (See stage 1)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) 3a - Incline DB fly – 10 reps

No rest

3b - Tricep DB overhead press –10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 2 more times (3 sets total)

4a - Push up – to failure

No rest

4b - Stability ball plank – 45 -60 second plank

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total)

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.16 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1 – Barbell single leg squat - (A butt targeting exercise – Refer back to stage 1 to

understand everything you need to know about the single leg squat)

10 reps 30 second rest

Repeat 2 more times

2 - Weighted pull up with 5 count descent –do assisted if necessary

10 reps 30 second rest repeat 3 - Rope climb with 3 pull ups at the top

Do as many hand over hand climbs, finish with 3 pull ups (left hand for one ser/right hand for one set)

30 second rest Repeat (2 sets total) 4 - DB row

10 reps each arm 30 second rest repeat 5a - Reverse fly (DB rear delt fly) -10 reps

no rest

5b- Hyperextensions – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 6a - DB turned out bicep curl – 10 reps

No rest

6b - Spider crawl –45-60 seconds

30 second rest Repeat both exercises

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.17 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1a- Squat – 10 reps

No rest

1b-push up – to failure

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (3 sets total) 2a - Incline BB press – 10 reps

No rest

2b - leg press (or reverse lunge) – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (3 sets total) 3a - Cable tricep extensions (or DB tricep overhead press) – 10 reps

No rest

3b - Ball roll out – 10 reps

No rest

3c - Hanging leg raise – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat all 3 exercises Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.17 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1a - Deadlift – 10 reps (use a different BB than for the bicep curl to reduce time to add/strip weight)

No rest

1b - BB bicep curl – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (3 sets total) 2a - Narrow grip pull up – 10 reps (do assisted if necessary)

No rest

2b - Hyperextensions –10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (3 sets total) 3a - Reverse fly (DB rear delt fly)– 10 reps

No rest

3b - DB lateral raise –10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total) 4a - Hanging leg raise- 45-60 seconds

No rest

4b - Reverse hip lift -45-60 seconds

No rest

4c - Plank –45-60 seconds

30 second rest Repeat all 3 exercises 2 more times (3 sets total)

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.18 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1a - Bench press – 10 reps

No rest

1b - push up - to failure

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (3 sets total) 2 - Incline DB fly

10 reps 30 second rest repeat (2 sets total)

3 - reverse lunge –15 per leg

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total) 4a - Squat -10 reps

No rest

4b - Stiff legged dead lifts –10reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (3 sets total)

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.19 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1 – Barbell single leg squat - (A butt targeting exercise – Refer back to stage 1 to

understand everything you need to know about the single leg squat)

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat 2 more times

2 - Weighted pull up with 4 count descent, do assisted pull ups if necessary – 10 reps

30 second rest repeat 3 - pull ups

3-4 reps each position 30 second rest 4 - DB row

10 reps each arm 30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) 5a - Reverse fly (DB rear delt fly) – 10 reps

No rest

5b - Hyperextension – 10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 6a - BB bicep curl – 10 reps

No rest

6b - Bicycles – 45-60 seconds

no rest

6c - Stability ball plank – 45-60 seconds

30 second rest

Repeat all 3 exercises

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.20 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1-Squat down the rack -– you will do a total of 30 reps, start heavier and lighten up each drop:

weight one: 10 reps weight two: 10 reps weight three: 10 reps 2 min rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) 2a - Lying curl (or stability ball curl) – 10 reps

No rest

2b - Stiff legged dead lift –10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total) 3 - Incline BB press

10 reps 30 second rest Repeat 2 more times (3 sets total) 4 - Prone DB fly

10 reps 30 second rest repeat 5a - Spider crawl – 45- 60 seconds

no rest

5b - bicycles– 45-60 seconds

no rest

5c - plank –45 -60 seconds

30 second rest Repeat all (2 sets total)

Warm down

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.21 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

Barbell only Deadlift (1 set/10 reps Work set warm up)

1a– Sumo dead lifts (A butt targeting exercise– Refer back to stage 1 to understand everything you need to know about the sumo dead lift)

5 reps 2-3 minute rest

Repeat each exercise 4 more times (5 set total)

1b - Deadlift – 10 reps

No rest

1c - Kipping pull up – to failure

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total) 2a - Cable row (or inverted row)– 10 reps

No rest

2b - Kipping pull up – to failure

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total) 3a - DB lateral raise – 10 reps

No rest

3b - spider crawl -45-60 seconds

No rest

3c - reverse hip lift – 45 – 60 seconds

30 second rest Repeat all 3 exercises 2 more times (3 sets total) 4a - Hanging leg raise – 10 reps

No rest

4b - DB turned out bicep curl – 10 reps

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30 second rest Repeat both exercises

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The Advanced Program – Workout No.22 – (6 weeks)

(Before you begin) Warm up

1a - Bench press – 10 reps

No rest

1b - Prone DB fly – 10 reps

No rest

1c- Push up – to failure

30 seconds rest Repeat all 3 exercises (2 sets total) 2a - Tricep cable extension (or DB tricep overhead press) – 10 reps

No rest

2b - Hanging alternate leg raise –10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises 3a - Squat – 10 reps

No rest

3b - Alternate reverse BB lunge–10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total) 4a - Leg press (or sprinter start skip hop) – 10 reps

No rest

4b - Lying hamstring curl (or stability ball curl)–10 reps

30 second rest Repeat both exercises (2 sets total) Warm down

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Time to test

Now that you have been working out for a period of 3-4 months, it would now be a good

idea to reflect on your progress since starting the program, regardless at what stage you

started at. Whether that be beginner, intermediate or advanced. So take at least one to two

days off after day 22 of the program and do the following:

• Take a picture and compare it with your before pictures (Can you see change? Take

shots from multiple angles too. Fully clothed and naked. Doing so will allow you too

see the actual growth AND the illusion that I spoke about at the beginning of the


• Track your weightlifting gains from the first workout up until the last of the advanced

workout (You should notice a rapid increase in your lifts from the beginner to the

intermediate stage of the program. And then a noticeable decrease in the lift load

as you progressed to advanced. This is just fine. In fact, this is what you want.

Because your gains won't go up by any significant amount at any kind of speed at

this point).

At this point you should pretty much have the butt that you always wanted. Well, the bulk

of it anyway. The following months/ years ahead are to simply be lived as a lifestyle as you

keep tweaking your workout in the way that I have described in order to maintain what you

would have achieved here. Which is:

• To get strong and lean (Without getting too bulky or gaining to much excess fat, by

following some core diet and strength training/cardio principles)

• To have built your best butt yet (By shifting the load of your lifts in a structured and

progressive way, which would have assisted in increasing the size of your glutes

and sculpting the muscles around your glutes in order to give the illusion of a better

looking butt)

For the ladies... keep at it. I'll be updating and following your progress over the months

ahead to make sure you stay on track. So just keep an eye on your emails until any further


For the guys... If you have used this program to improve the appearance of your legs then

follow the link in the DONE-FOR-YOU strength training document which I mentioned

earlier, which you can now download below. The link in that program will take you to a

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muscle building program that when used along side with what you've learned here, will

greatly improve the size of your quads, if that's what you're after.

The DONE-FOR-YOU Weight progression Document

The program so far has taken you through a day-by-day and step-by-step approach on

how to build your best butt to date, with a...

• DONE-FOR-YOU diet plan

• DONE-FOR-YOU workout plan

However, a critical part of the program is to ensure that you are always increasing the

weights that you lift for Key no.2 of the program, which is of course, to lift weights along

side key no.1 - diet and key no.3 - cardio. Until now, you only know how to do that


• If you can’t perform 8 reps of any given weight, (lower it). It is too heavy. • If you can perform 12 or more reps the weight is too light (Increase it). • Your weight for each set may change based on this principle

• 10 reps is the standard to perform of any weight you lift.

Well I decided to created a DONE-FOR-YOU solution for that also. So below, you'll find a

document which only requires you to enter 2 or 3 figures into it, which will then calculate

how much you should be increasing your weights on a weekly basis. However, make sure

you actually track what's going on when you train. Because again, the load maybe too

light, or too heavy, regardless of what the program calculates.

The document can be downloaded for both a Mac and PC:





Get it Tight – Key no.3 Cardio

The final piece in the butt building puzzle is to put the icing on the cake. To do that you will

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focus on cardiovascular activity on your non strength/weigh-training days. The main requirement here is that you don't perform ANY type of weight training activity for these days. Head over to Get it Tight' cardio program now to learn the No Nonsense butt building approach to cardio.

Get it Tight – Key no.3 Cardio

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Legal Disclaimer

Any application of the recommendations set forth in this book or in personal consultation by phone, email, in-person, or otherwise, is at the reader’s discretion and sole risk. Anyone with medical problems of any nature should see and consult a doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. Even if you have no known health problems, it is advisable to consult your doctor(s) before making major changes in your lifestyle. By using the information described in this ebook, you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of, there are risks of injury or illness, which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information. You expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against, or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program. The material contained on is provided for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. The information contained in this book should not be used to diagnose or treat any illness, metabolic disorder, disease or health problem. Always consult your physician, doctor, or health care provider before beginning any nutrition or exercise program. Use of the programs, advice and information contained in this book is at the sole choice and risk of the reader. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the publisher.

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Get it Tight – Key no.3 Cardio – Tighten up your glutes with cardio

Effective Cardio

You want to know the secret to effective long term cardio?

Just simply focus on cardio activities that you enjoy. Seriously. Otherwise cardio isn't all too important, in regards to 'tidying up' what you have built from Key weigh-training and diet. However, it is important for heart/lung health and keeping your ligaments nice and active.

You already know how to structure your diet, which is to treat it like a lifestyle. You know how to add weight training to build strength and tone. All you have to do is treat cardio the same. But first, let's talk about the 2 types of cardio.

Aerobic Exercise

Also know as slow-go cardio, is low to moderate intensity such as cycling, swimming or running on a treadmill. At this speed you can still carry on a conversation with someone even though you'll be sweating it out. You'll be able to keep this pace up for around 30 minutes or so (50-70%) of your maximum heart rate. At this intensity, you should be able to supply your muscles with enough oxygen to keep going for some time.

Aerobic = With oxygen

Anaerobic Exercise

High intensity training is the opposite. Where you train at an intensity which your muscles requirements for oxygen exceed the amount you can supply via breathing. Naturally, you wouldn't be able to train for long periods of time because your muscles would fail to function. Your heart rate will be racing at 90-100% at this pace. E.g. 100 meter sprint followed by a 50 meter walk.

Following this, there would be a build up of lactic acid which will cause your body to fatigue. At which point you will have to slow down back to aerobic to regenerate energy.

The Best Cardio for Fat Loss and Abs

The best cardio depends on your,

• Current goals • BF%

And of course what you actually like to do. Slow go aerobic exercise sounds like the logical way to go, as your body will regulate itself creating enough energy to carry out the required exercises. However, in order to boost your metabolism, you'll want to focus on high intensity anaerobic activity. Doing so allows you to create a deficit of oxygen during your workout. This deficit will stimulate your body to continue to use energy to replace this deficit for hours after your workout = Metabolism boost.

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How much HIIT?

Well, if you have a BF% of 20-30% then the following beginner program will be a good start.

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Page 167: Stay-Fit Buzz No Nonsense Butt · PDF fileThe No Nonsense Butt Building Program 5. ... as having a good shaped butt will make it look bigger. Building a big butt is also something
Page 168: Stay-Fit Buzz No Nonsense Butt · PDF fileThe No Nonsense Butt Building Program 5. ... as having a good shaped butt will make it look bigger. Building a big butt is also something

And once you're ready to step it up a gear to get advanced...

Page 169: Stay-Fit Buzz No Nonsense Butt · PDF fileThe No Nonsense Butt Building Program 5. ... as having a good shaped butt will make it look bigger. Building a big butt is also something
Page 170: Stay-Fit Buzz No Nonsense Butt · PDF fileThe No Nonsense Butt Building Program 5. ... as having a good shaped butt will make it look bigger. Building a big butt is also something

How much cardio you do will depend on your muscle/fat ratio.

Aerobic = burn less calories, get lean Anaerobic = rapid fat loss

If you're at the 20% an under range for body fat, then focus on aerobic exercise say once or maybe twice a week. I say maybe because too much cardio is tough on your joints and ligaments and will result in burning muscle instead of fat. Which is what you don't want, as you need more lean muscle on your body to keep the fat burn on and of course to maintain those new set of glutes that you have built :). If you're above 20% then up to 3 times a week of anaerobic activity for the first 12 weeks will work just fine.

Again, it doesn't really matter what exercises you do (As long as no weight training is involved). Simply do what you enjoy, just using the workout structure for anaerobic activity above. And a day or two of aerobic exercise if you're already under BF 20%. Here's a body fat percentage chart that you can use as a gauge for what body fat you should be from a health/age stand point when structuring cardio around diet and weight training.

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Remember, there are no right or wrong cardio solutions. You simply need to just do the cardio you enjoy. Keep a detailed training journal, but only use it to see the path you took to reach where ever you get to. And not as a gauge of what does/doesn't work. You'll over obsess and not live fitness as a lifestyle if you go that approach. In a nutshell.

High intensity > More oxygen consumed as muscles use energy when they contract > The more oxygen is consumed, the more energy is expended, the more calories you burn.

Simply use the format I described throughout to determine which of the 2 types of cardio will be best suited to you.


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