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    The International Convention on Standardsof Training, Certification and Watchkeepingfor Seafarers 1978, as amended in 1995 and

    again in 2010, sets those standards, governsthe award of certificates and controlswatchkeeping arrangements . Its provisions

    not only apply to seafarers, but also to ship-owners, training establishments andnational maritime administrations.

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    In June 2010 significant changes to theSTCW (Standards of Training, Certification

    and Watchkeeping for seafarers)Convention and Code were agreed at anIMO Diplomatic Conference in Manila in

    order to bring the Convention and Code upto date with new developments.

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    These changes, known as The Manila

    amendments to the STCW Convention andCode are due to enter into force on 1 January 2012 and are the first major

    revisions since the Convention and Codewere updated in 1995.

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    New requirements relating to training inmodern technology such as electronic chartsand information systems (ECDIS);

    New requirements for marine environmentawareness training and training in leadership

    and teamwork;

    New training and certification requirements forelectro-technical officers;

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    Updating of competence requirements forpersonnel serving on board all types of tankers,

    including new requirements for personnel

    serving on liquefied gas tankers;

    New requirements for security training, as wellas provisions to ensure that seafarers are

    properly trained to cope if their ship comesunder attack by pirates;

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    Introduction of modern trainingmethodology including distance learning

    and web-based learning;

    New training guidance for personnelserving on board ships operating in polar

    waters; and

    New training guidance for personneloperating Dynamic Positioning Systems.

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    At present the fitness for duty requirementscontained within the STCW Code 1995 requirethat:

    1. All persons who are assigned duty as officer incharge of a watch or as a rating forming part of awatch shall be provided with a minimum of 10hours of rest in any 24 hour period.

    2. The hours of rest may be divided into no morethan two periods, one of which shall be at least 6

    hours in length.

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    3. The requirements for rest periods laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2 need not be maintained in the caseof an emergency drill or in other overriding operationalconditions.

    4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and2, the minimum period of ten hours may be reduced to

    not less than 6 consecutive hours provided that anysuch reduction shall not extend beyond two days andnot less than 70 hours of rest are provided each sevenday period.

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    A number of changes have been made andadditional requirements have been added to therevised fitness for duty regulations in the STCWCode 2010. From 1 January 2012 seafarers will

    have to comply with the following regulatoryrequirements:.

    1. Administrations shall take account of the danger posed by fatigue of seafarers, especially those whoseduties involve the safe and secure operation of aship.

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    2. All persons who are assigned duty as officer incharge of a watch or as a rating forming part of awatch and those whose duties involve designatedsafety, prevention of pollution and security

    duties shall be provided with a rest period of notless than:

    .1 A minimum of 10 hours rest in any 24hour period; and

    .2 77 hours rest in any 7 day period.

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    3. The hours of rest may be divided into nomore than two periods, one of which shall

    be at least 6 hours in length, and theintervals between consecutive periods of

    rest shall not exceed 14 hours.

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    4. The requirements for rest periods laid down in paragraphs 2 and 3 need not be maintained in the

    case of an emergency, or in other overriding

    operational conditions. Musters, fire-fighting andlifeboat drills, and drills prescribed by national lawsand regulations and by international instruments,shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes the

    disturbance of rest periods and does not induce fatigue.

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    5. Administrations shall require that watch schedules be posted where they are easily accessible. The schedules

    shall be established in a standardized format in theworking language or languages of the ship and in

    English. 6. When a seafarer is on call, such as when a machineryspace is unattended, the seafarer shall have an adequate

    compensatory rest period if the normal period of rest isdisturbed by call-outs to work.

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    7. Administrations shall require that records of dailyhours of rest of seafarers be maintained in astandardized format, in the working language orlanguages of the ship and in English, to allowmonitoring and verification of compliance with the provisions of this section. The seafarers shall receive acopy of the records pertaining to them, which shall beendorsed by the master or by a person authorized by themaster and by the seafarers.8. Parties may allow exceptions from the required hoursof rest in paragraphs 2.2 and 3 above provided that therest period is not less than 70 hours in any 7 day period.

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    9. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to impair theright of the master of a ship to require a seafarer to performany hours of work necessary for the immediate safety of theship, persons on board or cargo, or for the purpose of giving

    assistance to other ships or persons in distress at sea. Accordingly, the master may suspend the schedule of hoursof rest and require a seafarer to perform any hours of worknecessary until the normal situation has been restored. Assoon as practicable after the normal situation has beenrestored, the master shall ensure that any seafarers who have

    performed work in a scheduled rest period are provided withan adequate period of rest.

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    The master of every ship shall

    ensure that watchkeepingarrangements are adequate formaintaining a safe navigational


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    Under the master's general direction,the officers of the navigational watchare responsible for navigating the ship

    safely during their periods of duty,when they will be particularly

    concerned with avoiding collision andstranding.

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    The officer in charge of the navigationalwatch is the master's representative and is

    primarily responsible at all times for the safe

    navigation of the ship and for complyingwith the requirements in force of the

    International Regulations for Preventing

    Collisions at Sea 1972

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    (a) maintaining a continuous state ofvigilance by sight and hearing as well as by

    all other available means, with regard to anysignificant change in the operating


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    (b) fully appraising the situationand the risk of collision, stranding

    and other dangers to navigation;

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    (c) detecting ships or aircraft indistress, shipwrecked persons,

    wrecks, debris and otherhazards to safe navigation

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    (2) The look-out must be able to givefull attention to the keeping of a proper

    look-out and no other duties shall beundertaken or assigned which couldinterfere with that task.

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    (3) The duties of the look-out andhelmsperson are separate and thehelmsperson shall not be considered to be

    the look-out while steering, except in smallships where an unobstructed all-round viewis provided at the steering position and

    there is no impairment of night vision orother impediment to the keeping of a proper


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    (b) full account has been taken of allrelevant factors, including but not limitedto-

    (i) state of weather;(ii) visibility;(iii) traffic density;(iv) proximity of dangers to navigation; and(v) the attention necessary when navigatingin or near traffic separation ;

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    (c) assistance is immediately availableto be summoned to the bridge when

    any change in the situation so requires.

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    (a) visibility, state of weather and sea;

    (b) traffic density, and other activities

    occurring in the area in which the vessel isnavigating;

    (c) the attention necessary when navigating

    in or near traffic separation schemes or otherrouting measures;

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    (d) the additional workload caused by the natureof the ship's functions, immediate operatingrequirements and anticipated maneuvers;

    (e) the fitness for duty of any crew members oncall who are assigned as members of the watch;

    (f) the knowledge of and confidence in theprofessional competence of the ship's officers andcrew

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    g) the experience of each officer of thenavigational watch, and the familiarity ofthat officer with the ship's equipment,

    procedures and maneuvering capability;

    (h) the activities taking place on board theship at any particular time, including radio

    communications activities, and theavailability of assistance to be summoned

    immediately to the bridge when necessary;

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    (i) the operational status of bridge instrumentationand controls, including alarm systems;

    (j) the rudder and propeller control and shipmaneuvering characteristics;

    (k) the size of the ship and the field of visionavailable from the conning position;

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    (l) the configuration of the bridge, to the extentthat such configuration might inhibit a member ofthe watch from detecting by sight or hearing any

    external development; and

    (m) any other relevant standard, procedure orguidance relating to watchkeeping arrangementsand fitness for duty which has been adopted by

    the International Maritime Organization

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    (1) The officer in charge of the navigationalwatch shall not hand over the watch to the

    relieving officer if there is reason to believethat the latter is not capable of carrying outthe watchkeeping duties effectively, inwhich case the master shall be notified.

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    (3)Prior to taking over the watch, relievingofficers shall satisfy themselves as to the

    ship's estimated or true position andconfirm its intended track, course and

    speed, and unmanned machinery spacecontrols as appropriate and shall note any

    dangers to navigation expected to beencountered during their watch.

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    (a) keep the watch on the bridge;

    (b) in no circumstances leave the bridge untilproperly relieved;

    (c) continue to be responsible for the safe

    navigation of the ship, despite the presence of themaster on the bridge, until informed specificallythat the master has assumed that responsibilityand this is mutually understood; and

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    (d) notify the master when in any

    doubt as to what action to take in theinterest of safety.

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    (2) During the watch the course steered, positionand speed shall be checked at sufficiently frequent

    intervals, using any available navigational aidsnecessary, to ensure that the ship follows the

    planned course.(3) The officer in charge of the navigational watch

    shall have full knowledge of the location and

    operation of all safety and navigational equipmenton board the ship and shall be aware and takeaccount of the operating limitations of such


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    6) When using radar, the officer in charge ofthe navigational watch shall bear in mind

    the necessity to comply at all times with the

    requirements in force on the use of radarcontained in the International Regulationsfor Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972.

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    (7) In cases of need, the officer in charge ofthe navigational watch shall not hesitate touse the helm, engines and sound signaling

    apparatus. However, timely notice ofintended variations of engine speed shall begiven where possible or effective use made

    of unmanned machinery space enginecontrols provided on the bridge inaccordance with the applicable procedures

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    8) Officers of the navigational watch shall knowthe handling characteristics of their ship, includingits stopping distances, and should appreciate that

    other ships may have different handlingcharacteristics.

    (9) A proper record shall be kept during the watchof the movements and activities relating to the

    navigation of the ship.

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    (10) It is of special importance that at all times theofficer in charge of the navigational watch ensuresthat a proper look-out is maintained. In a ship with

    a separate chartroom the officer in charge of thenavigational watch may visit the chartroom, whenessential, for a short period for the necessary

    performance of navigational duties, but shall firstensure that it is safe to do so and that a proper

    look-out is maintained.

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    (11) Operational tests of shipboard navigationalequipment shall be carried out at sea as frequently

    as practicable and as circumstances permit, inparticular before hazardous conditions affectingnavigation are expected. Whenever appropriate,

    such tests shall be recorded. Such tests shall also becarried out prior to port arrival and departure.

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    (13) The officer in charge of the navigationalwatch shall bear in mind the necessity to

    comply at all times with the requirements inforce of the International Convention for the

    Safety of Life at Sea, 1974. The officer incharge of the navigational watch shall take

    into account-

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    (a) the need to station a person to steer the ship and toput the steering into manual control in good time toallow any potentially hazardous situation to be dealt

    with in a safe manner; and

    (b) that with a ship under automatic steering it ishighly dangerous to allow a situation to develop to the

    point where the officer in charge of the navigationalwatch is without assistance and has to break the

    continuity of the look-out in order to take emergencyaction

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    (16) The officer in charge of the navigational watch

    shall ensure that range scales employed arechanged at sufficiently frequent intervals so that

    echoes are detected as early as possible. It shall beborne in mind that small or poor echoes may

    escape detection.

    (17) Whenever radar is in use, the officer in charge

    of the navigational watch shall select anappropriate range scale and observe the displaycarefully, and shall ensure that plotting or

    systematic analysis is commenced in ample time.

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    (18) The officer in charge of the navigational watch

    shall notify the master immediately-

    (a) if restricted visibility is encountered orexpected;

    (b) if the traffic conditions or the movementsof other ships are causing concern;

    (c) if difficulty is experienced in maintainingcourse;

    (d) on failure to sight land, a navigationmark or to obtain soundings by the expected time;

    e) if, unexpectedly, land or a navigation

    mark is sighted or a change in soundings occurs;

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    (f) on breakdown of the engines, propulsionmachinery remote control, steering gear or anyessential navigational equipment, alarm orindicator;

    (g) if the radio equipment malfunctions;(h) in heavy weather, if in any doubt about

    the possibility of weather damage;(i) if the ship meets any hazard to navigation,

    such as ice or a derelict;(j) in any other emergency or if in any doubt

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    (19) Despite the requirement to notify the masterimmediately in the circumstances referred to insubsection , the officer in charge of thenavigational watch shall in addition not hesitate totake immediate action for the safety of the ship,where circumstances so require.

    (20) The officer in charge of the navigational watchshall give watchkeeping personnel all appropriateinstructions and information which will ensure thekeeping of a safe watch, including a proper look-


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  • 8/13/2019 stcw-pstp 13(GROUP1)


    Tank Opening ChecklistBunkering Checklist

  • 8/13/2019 stcw-pstp 13(GROUP1)


    Bridge Before Arrival Checklist

    Bridge Before DepartureChecklist US Waters Navigation Checklist GMDSS FamiliarizationChecklist

  • 8/13/2019 stcw-pstp 13(GROUP1)


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