  1. 1. Margot da Cunha Wistia Step away from the screen: The Value of meeting customers In Person SUPCONF NYC 2016
  2. 2. @ChappyMargot Step Away from the Screen: The Value of Meeting Customers in Person
  3. 3. #WistiaFest / @twitter-handle Hello! Im Margot Customer Success Manager at Wistia @ChappyMargot
  4. 4. @ChappyMargot
  5. 5. #WistiaFest / @twitter-handle Fun Fact: My childhood nickname was The Tank Can you guess which one is me?
  6. 6. @ChappyMargot Think about your most meaningful relationships
  7. 7. @ChappyMargot Technology
  8. 8. @ChappyMargot
  9. 9. @ChappyMargot
  10. 10. @ChappyMargot And this isnt just true for personal relationships
  11. 11. @ChappyMargot My Favorite Customer: Cleve from Dollar Shave Club
  12. 12. Above all types of online relationships, ofine one's are still the most powerful and important I would rather have four hundred ofine friendships than thousands of online one's for this very reason." - Dan Schawbel, Personal Branding Guru
  13. 13. @ChappyMargot Take your highest value relationships ofine
  14. 14. @ChappyMargot Agenda The who/when/where/how/why to executing in-person customer meetings Stories of successful meetings with Wistia customers How to create human connections at scale
  15. 15. @ChappyMargot
  16. 16. @ChappyMargot Average number of emails a U.S. worker receives each day 122!
  17. 17. @ChappyMargot Make real human connections
  18. 18. 77% of people believe face-to-face meetings are a necessity not a luxury Wall Street Journal
  19. 19. 85% believe face-to-face meetings are more likely to result in breakthrough thinking
  20. 20. 82% believe face-to-face meetings bring out the best in people
  21. 21. "In-person business meetings let attendees develop transparency and trust in ways that are not possible wit other forms of communication." - Joe Mullich, Wall Street Journal
  22. 22. Make business more human
  23. 23. Skeptical Ben CEO at Guitar Tricks (online guitar lessons) Business relies on video Using Wistia lightly (just for short marketing videos) Unsure about moving his video library to a new platform Burnt in the past
  24. 24. @ChappyMargot + Were always worrying a lot about downtime. We dont trust our video service company. When we experienced over 5 hours of video downtime we received no support. Their canned responses on tickets and lack of a phone number make us feel like they were hiding from us.
  25. 25. @ChappyMargot >100 emails + 3 phone calls + engineering
  26. 26. @ChappyMargot 14,000 videos!
  27. 27. @ChappyMargot More $$$ baby!
  28. 28. Face-to-face visits are rare in our business. Now we feel like someone has our back. Putting a face to the name in-person really added a level of trust we never had with our last video service. "
  29. 29. The Anonymous NPS Detractor
  30. 30. Come on over to Wistia! What is your team working on/ towards? How have you been using video/ Wistia? Pain points, feature requests Tour the space Next steps
  31. 31. Live Training on Wistia Stats for the entire Academy team
  32. 32. Thanks again for conducting that training. Professors instantly started bouncing ideas off me afterwards It was really well organized and you touched upon everything we needed to know. Everyone thought it was incredibly helpful.
  33. 33. @ChappyMargot Dont take detractor as an answer!
  34. 34. Invite your unhappy customers to the ofce
  35. 35. Your might be unable to ll every need of the customer, but showing empathy & creating a human connection builds loyalty
  36. 36. Who? When? Where? How? Reach out to a small list of your highest value customers in a specic radius When it makes sense! Start small/local Your ofce, their ofce, a coffee shop, a bar Let the customer decide! Send a friendly and direct email explaining why you want to meet
  37. 37. Step One Step Two Step Three Step Four Identify a list of 20-30 of your highest value customers in a specic radius Reach out with a friendly/detailed email explaining why/when/ where youd like to meet Prep for the meeting & meet! Research their account/ company and come with a exible agenda of items to discuss. Bring gifts! Follow-up with actionable items!
  38. 38. But, meeting every customer in-person isnt scalable
  39. 39. Our Goal = 1 in-person meeting/month
  40. 40. While you cant meet every customer in person, you can
  41. 41. Interact in a more human manner Add an avatar to your email alias Use the video cam on your phone calls Communicate like a human-being Incorporate 1:1 videos into your communication
  42. 42. @ChappyMargot " A Wistia Customer Cancelled
  43. 43. @ChappyMargot What could we improve? Absolutely nothing. Im just not using video in my biz, anymore. Boohoo!!
  44. 44. @ChappyMargot
  45. 45. @ChappyMargot
  46. 46. @ChappyMargot Record Videos
  47. 47. @ChappyMargot
  48. 48. @ChappyMargot
  49. 49. @ChappyMargot
  50. 50. @ChappyMargot
  51. 51. @ChappyMargot Send Personalized Screencasts
  52. 52. @ChappyMargot Host a video making competition to get your team thinking about this!
  53. 53. Create a video email signature Send out quick recordings for negative/positive milestones Create screen recordings with live-action bumpers Host your own internal video making competition to delight customers To Recap
  54. 54. Not sure where to start? your-rst-video
  55. 55. Turn your customers into advocates by making real human connectio
  56. 56. @ChappyMargot Questions ? @ChappyMargot

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