Page 1: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish

Volume 25, Number 11

November 1st, 2019

Like us on Facebook and stay connected!

Church Office:


FAX: 918-335-1664

ECC: 918-333-3814

Daylight Saving

Time ends


November 3.

Set your clocks

back one hour

before going to

bed on Saturday,

November 2.

Newsletter articles for the

next issue are due in the church office

by noon on Wednesday,

November 20th.

Email articles to [email protected]

East Cross News

Monthly Publication of East Cross United

Methodist Church

Stewardship Series

Blessed Church

November 3

Communion / All Saints Day

A Generous God

2 Kings 4:1-7

John 3:16-17

November 10

Lessons in Generosity

1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19

Luke 12:13-21, Matthew 6:19-21

November 17

10:00am One Blended Service

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Malachi 3:8-12

2 Corinthians 9:6-15, 8:1-15

November 24

Thanksgiving Sunday

Thanksgiving at Zaccheus’ House

Luke 19:1-10

Sunday, November 17

10:00am Blended

Worship Service

followed by

All Church

Thanksgiving Meal

Christian Life Center

Page 2: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish

The Journey Continues… - 2 -

Another step in our journey…

T his is the month we celebrate

Thanksgiving. I want to express my

gratitude to the East Cross Church

Family. As I look back at the past

couple of years, you have shown grace, mercy,

kindness, and love time and again. You have

responded to opportunities to do mission. Many

of you have stepped up to help change the lives

of those in need. I have seen some of you

accept new challenges to do good works. Some

of you have looked for ways to increase how

you give of yourselves to others. It seems that

every month I hear of another way that we are

ministering where we are needed.

When a pastor is appointed to a congregation, it

is a dream-come-true to get to serve

congregations that do these things. I watch you

and I am challenged to do more. The ministry

and mission we do together as a congregation

challenges others to be more actively engaged

in reaching out to others. I sometimes share

with other pastors the amount of mission we do

together and as a result, some have challenged

their congregations to do more. We are the light

of Christ in our community, and beyond, even to

others we may never know about. So, again,

my heart is filled with gratitude as I watch you

and participate with you in ministry as we all

grow together in Christ because . . . we are

learning to follow Jesus, and inviting others to

join the journey.

Pastor Jeff

Contemporary Worship

Y our church family

always comes

through. I feel it’s

been proven to me

time and time again that the

people of East Cross are what

make up our church family. We

are on this journey together,

and should always be looking

for ways to support each other.

Many people probably don’t

know this, but Spence Rigdon is

the reason the East Cross

family is now my family. I was a

poor first-year teacher and

coach in Bartlesville when he

invited me to Wednesday Night

Connections (I think he knew

mentioning free food would be

the hook). The night I finally

came, he made it a point to

welcome me and introduce me

to a few folks. The next Sunday,

I showed up for service and

was asked if I was interested in

helping to lead worship, and the

rest is history. Over the past

few weeks, I’ve thought about

that part of my life, and how

influential Spence has been in

my life since becoming part of

this church. He wasn’t

annoyingly persistent, he

simply offered me a place of

belonging, which was

something I was looking for

whether I knew it or not. Since

then, I’ve been blessed with so

many great relationships within

the church and connections

with people I know would do

anything for me. I hope you will

join me in continuing to support

our church, keeping the

Rigdons in your thoughts and

prayers, and being a light that

draws others into our family.

Zack Michel , Contemporary Worship

Page 3: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish

A s the Holiday Season

quickly approaches, I

want to give a gentle

reminder. Don’t forget

about Thanksgiving! I am not

talking just about the one day of

the year that we gather with

friends and family to give thanks

for the blessings in our lives while

we eat way too much turkey,

watch way too much football and

let our naps go way too long.

However, I want to encourage

you to be people of thanksgiving

throughout the whole of the

Holiday Season and beyond.

This is what we read in

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (CEB):

“Rejoice always. Pray continually.

Give thanks in every situation

because this is God’s will for you

in Christ Jesus.” The best way to

accomplish this, is to find at least

one thing to be thankful for each

day. Your one thing could be

family, friends, work, school,

food… When you wake up, take

a moment and say thank you to

God for that one thing that you

will carry with you all day. When

times get stressful, take a

moment and say thank you to

God for that one thing. When

moments of blessing happen,

take a moment and say thank

you to God for that one thing.

When someone cuts you off in

traffic, take a moment and say

thank you to God for that one

thing. When you sit down to eat,

take a moment and say thank

you to God for that one thing.

When you get ready to fall into

bed at the end of a busy day,

take a moment and say thank

you to God for that one thing.

When the next day begins, find a

new thing to be thankful for and

repeat the process. If we practice

this long enough, eventually

giving thanks to God will become

a natural part of who we are.

For the last month, the song

“Give Thanks” by Don Moen has

taken up residence inside my

brain. This song has challenged

me to be more thankful in my life

and so now I share with you so

that you might be challenged as


Give thanks with a grateful heart

Give thanks to the Holy One

Give thanks because He's given

Jesus Christ, His Son

And now let the weak say,

"I am strong"

Let the poor say, "I am rich

Because of what the Lord

has done for us"

Give thanks

Let’s be people of thanksgiving!


learning to follow Jesus,

inviting others to join the journey - 3 -

From Pastor Chad…

T he choir has been

singing many anthems

centered around praise!

“It is right to give our

thanks and praise!” God has

been doing so many wonderful

things at East Cross! The music

in our worship services each

week is a perfect way to give

thanks and praise for His

goodness to us.

I am so thankful for the faithful

members of our choir. They

serve in so many ways in our

church outside of the Sanctuary

Choir, but each week they

choose to lift up their voices

together and be leaders in

worship. We are so blessed to

have the amazing Ms. Jan as the

worship pianist. Her beautiful

preludes, offertories, and

postludes are a gift. It is an

absolute joy to collaborate with

her each week. I’m also very

thankful for Zack Michel and his

creativity and talent! This year we

have worked together to plan

three blended services with

another one on the calendar for

November 17. I love this service

for the combined music, but also

because our East Cross friends

are all together.

God truly has blessed our church

along this journey! Take a

moment today to give Him thanks

and praise!

Margie Green, Traditional Worship

Traditional Worship

Page 4: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish

EC Kids

The Journey Continues… - 4 -

O nly the very best

make the Hall of

Fame. The heroes.

The legends of the

game. At least, that’s the way

the world usually works. But

God doesn’t treat us that way.

We’re ALL important to Him.

To Him, everyone’s a VIP!

What if we actually treated

each other that way? Honor is

letting someone know you see

how valuable they really are.

What if we chose to show

honor? What if we let people

know, with our actions, that we

see how valuable they really

are? All people have value

because they were created in

God’s image. God values each

of us so much that He sent

Jesus to make it possible for

us to have a forever

relationship with Him. We

follow God’s example when

we show others that they have

value, too.

We begin the month of

November in 1 Samuel 17 with

David. Being overlooked is

something that David knew all

too well. From being the last

person considered the next

king of Israel to having people

question if he should face

Goliath. But God chose him

and helped him defeat the

mighty Goliath. In week two,

we continue David’s story and

his friendship with Jonathan.

Throughout 1 Samuel 19-20

we discover that Jonathan

should have been next in line

for the throne, but instead he

understood God’s plans for

David. Jonathan, in an

ultimate act of honor and

loyalty, gave David his robe,

his sword and his bow. In

return, David makes a unique

promise to look out for

Jonathan and his family even

though they could be a threat

to his kingdom. We pick up

David’s story in 2 Samuel 9:1-

13. Time has passed, and

David is now officially the new

king of Israel. The only person

left in Jonathan’s family was a

man named Mephibosheth.

David didn’t owe

Mephibosheth anything. But

he made a promise and he

honored Jonathan and

Mephibosheth by not only

making good on that promise,

but also going above and

beyond to welcome

Mephibosheth into his own

family. We finish the month

looking at another person who

knew something about honor.

In Daniel 6 we learn that

Daniel was known for faithfully

praying to God. And when the

leaders tried to trap him and

have him killed, Daniel

honored God in spite of what

could happen to him. Daniel

was thrown into the lion’s den,

but God shut the lion’s mouths

and rescued Daniel.

Everything we have comes

from God and we can honor

Him by giving Him credit. We

pray that kids will start to

notice all of the ways God

helps them and in return, learn

how to honor Him.

Aimee Hall, Director of

Children’s Ministries

CIA – Thanksgiving Meal

Each year, CIA uses this mid-

day meal as a way to serve

our own church family within

our own walls. Our All Church

Thanksgiving Meal on Sunday,

November 17, will be served

downstairs in the Christian Life

Center. Our group of kids will

help carry trays and/or drinks,

help refill drinks, help pick up

plates and/or dirty dishes and

take them to the dishwasher

and pick up any trash they

see. CIA is for children 2nd-

5th. Sign up at the EC Kids

Check In Desk!

Page 5: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish

learning to follow Jesus,

inviting others to join the journey - 5 -


W e thought this information might be timely and of value to share as we are also sharing this with our Early Childhood Center families…

“Toxic Effects of Preoccupied Parents.”

It’s likely no other word better describes most parents today than, “preoccupied.” Parents are overwhelmed by too many demands and roles that consume their energies and attention…financial stress; health issues; being in the “sandwich generation;” shuffling children from one activity to another while also sometimes holding down a full-time job. All these attribute to having little time, energy or emotional resources to invest in the nurture of their own children!

Preoccupation with even legitimate demands of life undermines warm responsive relationships with children. Children often communicate more through behavior and body language than with words. Preoccupied parents often fail to truly “see” their children and often don’t pick up on the subtle nuances that communicate volumes about their children’s emotional state. A child can interpret their parents’ preoccupation as an indication that they are not important and are not “worth it.”

We’ve all heard that “quality time counts more than quantity,” in reality quality time rarely happens without quantity. Genuine connection and understanding aren’t always planned, they are often spontaneous in the context of daily life when adults are consciously aware that they should be fully present with their children. Consider what all children need:

The Gift of Presence – Through eye-to-eye contact, facial expressions, body language, undivided attention and truly listen. When these are done there is a sense of value and lets a child know their company is enjoyed. Protection – Knowing that adults are “big enough” to protect them and are a protective shield is of great value for children.

Playful Engagement – Doing something fun together that the child truly enjoys is a great starting place in building a strong relationship.

Understanding – this can mean that we know what makes that child “tick.”

Acceptance – It is knowing that each child is loved and appreciated despite their transgressions and quirks.

Respect for Authority – Children have to know that they are not “the boss” and so setting firm limits and adult supervision help them feel safe. There is a difference between controlling and being in control. Activities for the month of November:

Scholastic Book Fair (November 4 – 8) again is offered to all families in the ECC program and our church families as well. What a wonderful time to purchase a special book for those young children on your holiday list. Our fair provides books for the youngest children – infants through preschool and beginning readers.

“Count Your Blessings” annual fundraiser that directly benefits each one of our teachers begins this month and concludes just before we all enjoy the Christmas holiday break.

Thanksgiving and its celebration is part of each class’s activities. The Preschool classes will once again have their own version of the ever-popular “Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.” We always appreciate all the support and prayers for the children, their families and our dedicated teaching staff!

Coleen Williams, Director @ East Cross

Early Childhood Center

Phone: 918-333-3814 Email: [email protected]

Page 6: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish

The Journey Continues… - 6 -


T hanksgiving is definitely a day that

everyone looks forward to, but it should not

just be celebrated once a year, it should be

celebrated every day. We should always

be thankful of all the blessings we receive. We must

learn how to appreciate what we have, not what we

don’t have.

While you and your family enjoy all that

Thanksgiving offers, be sure and take a moment

to think about everything you are thankful for, and

thank God for all the little things in your life that

you may sometimes take for granted.

Through November, as the season of

Thanksgiving comes, the 3-PreK class will learn

stories in the Bible of times when God’s people

helped others, did what was right, loved, obeyed

God and how we can show our love for God too.

Nehemiah builds walls 1-2, Jeremiah obeys—

Jeremiah 26, Daniel obeys—Daniel 1, the writing

on the Wall—Daniel 5.

Please remember to sign your child in and out of

the nursery. This is for the safety of all. Cold and

flu season is upon us, so if your child is not feeling

well, please do not bring them to the nursery. We

don’t want to share our sickness with the other


Liz VanDeVenter,

Childcare/Nursery Director

All Saint’s Day Sunday, November 3

8:30am and 11:00am Worship Services

We will celebrate and remember the lives of church members and loved ones

who have passed away over the past year.

Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 3.

Set your clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday, November 2.


Initial meeting will be on November 10 at 2:15pm in

Fellowship Hall. The VIM will be October 16-24, 2020.

We will go over details and organize. Anyone who is interested

needs to be at the meeting. Redbird needs the number of people

for sleeping arrangements. We will also begin filling out forms

and talk about transportation. Questions? Contact Bill Amburn

at 918-607-9911 or email [email protected].

Page 7: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish

learning to follow Jesus,

inviting others to join the journey - 7 -

November Outreach News

The Mountain of Food is

growing in our church. We had

an awesome first week and we

will continue to collect food

through November 3. You do

not have to sign up to help on

Saturday mornings...just show

up. We meet at the church at


I have contacted our three

receiving agencies Agape,

Concern, and The Lighthouse

Outreach Center and they are

excited and feeling blessed by

your generosity.

We will be delivering the food to

them on Monday, November 11.

We always need extra

volunteers for delivery and it is

a great time to fellowship as a

congregation and with the

people we are serving. Trucks

and/or dollies are also helpful,

but we mostly need you.

We will meet at the church

around 5:00pm to divide and

load the food. Delivery to the

agencies will be about 6:00pm.

Come and be blessed.


RAY OF HOPE, our recipient

of November donations, is

continuing their high level of

care for child abuse victims and

their families through the child

advocacy program. They have

now stepped up to the plate to

fill a community need offering

counseling and group sessions,

as well as a crisis telephone line

to assist in rebuilding lives of

those affected by domestic

violence and sexual assault.

Executive Director, Rhonda

Hudson, stated that they will

continue to respond and ensure

that survivors of domestic

violence, sexual assault,

stalking have access to the

same compassionate care with

which they’ve always served.

The staff at RAY OF HOPE

feels that at this time their

clients would benefit the most

from a collection of toiletries for

women and children in crisis

situations and may be seeking

emergency shelter or even

foster care placements. Such

as: hair brushes, hair ties,

shampoo, conditioner, body

wash, body lotion, soap,

toothbrush (adult),

toothpaste, and feminine

hygiene products.

Will you be able to help us fill

our Generosity Boxes this

month to support RAY OF


Tuesday House

They are trying to make

shopping a better experience

for customers. Come shop on

Tuesday from 8am-4pm and on

Saturday from 9am-12noon.

Donations are accepted on

Monday, Wednesday, and

Tuesday from 8am-12noon.

Thank your for shopping and

sharing information to your

friends about us.


Can you spare an hour or more

to help us support MUTUAL

Girls. Come get an application

and join a great group of

people. Fellowship, friendship,

and sharing. Ask for Elaine or


ANGEL TREE...coming soon


All Church Thanksgiving Meal

Sunday, November 17

following our 10:00am

Blended Worship Service

Please continue to pray and

invite others to join our journey!

Page 8: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish

The Journey Continues… - 8-

The Outreach Committee is sponsoring the annual “Mountain of Food” drive which begins Sunday, October 13

through November 3. The food will be distributed locally to Concern Food Pantry, Agape, and Lighthouse Outreach

Mission before Thanksgiving. East Cross has always been responsive to Jesus’s call to Feed My Sheep (John 21: 17)

and help local people in need. Last year we collected over $17,000 to purchase 932 cases of food.

To donate complete the form and make your check payable to East Cross Church noting “Acct # 41014”

on the memo line. Items are listed by case quantity (number in one case) and price per case. You may place your order

in the collection plate on Sunday, mail to the church or drop it by the church office through Sunday, November 3.

Small groups will be sorting the food from Homeland on Saturday mornings at 10:30 at the church. If you

would like to volunteer please contact Kay Ruehlen at 918-815-3564. Prepare to be blessed.

Kay Ruehlen, Outreach Committee

ITEMS TO ITEMS ORDERED CASE PRICE NUMBER TOTAL BUY TO DATE QUANTITY PER CASE OF CASES COST Meat Stew 12 $38.28 Ravioli 24 $22.32 Chili w/beans 12 $16.44 Spaghetti-O’s 24 $16.56 Fruit Cocktail 24 $35.76 Sliced Peaches 24 $40.56 Green Beans 24 $13.20 Corn 24 $13.20 Canned Potatoes 24 $18.96 Macaroni & Cheese 24 $ 8.40 Tuna 48 $47.52 Luncheon Meat (Spam) 12 $21.48 Peanut Butter 12 $23.88 Jelly 12 $15.48 Flavored Gelatin 48 $23.52 Instant Pudding 44 $25.96 TOTAL AMOUNT No. Cases: $ 1 case of each item = $381.52

Your Name (Please Print): _________________________________________________ Thank You to Homeland on Madison for their assistance and Thank You for Your Support!

Page 9: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish

learning to follow Jesus,

inviting others to join the journey - 9 -

We have contacted 32 students to include on our college ministry outreach list

and we have partnered each student with a church member for the coming

school year. Each church prayer partner was provided with the student’s

college address and birthday along with an introduction card to mail to the

student. In October we mailed a $2 bill to each student with the following

message printed on a small card:

You may feel like being a Christian on a college campus is like a $2 bill - you never see them.

Tuck this in your wallet as a reminder that they are out there - Christians and $2 bills.

Seek and you shall find. Matthew 7:7

Kendra Deffenbaugh and Kim Wood, College Ministry

Job Opportunity

Part-time Bookkeeper needed at MUTUAL Girls Club. Job responsibilities include efficiently

and accurately execute bookkeeping and payroll duties. Successful candidate will have an

Associate’s degree in accounting, finance, or business administration, or at least two years

equivalent business or bookkeeping experience, with a non-profit organization preferred.

Preferred good working knowledge of QuickBooks non-profit software package,

Microsoft Excel, and Word. Background check and drug testing required.

Go to for more information and to Apply.

Bless the Spence Rigdon Family

Three and a half years ago, Spence was diagnosed with stage 4 colon

cancer. After numerous surgeries and extensive treatment, he will now

be transitioning to hospice care. Spence has positively influenced

many lives through coaching, teaching, baseball, church, athletic

administration, and community involvement. Many have asked how to

best support and show care for this amazing family. Spence’s wish is

that Christina and their children (Rilee 19, Bradee 16, and Cy 11) not

be burdened by medical and mortgage debts upon his passing. To

support his wish, we have set up a GoFundMe account. Your donation

will help make a difference in the lives of the Rigdon family for years to

come. Donations may also be made directly to the fundraising account

at BancFirst Bartlesville, 918-338-4390. Checks should be mailed to

BancFirst, Attention: Angel Bradshaw, 300 SE Frank Phillips Blvd,

Bartlesville, OK 74003.

Page 10: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish


New Request….

Rhonda Burress, Don French

(Debbie Potter’s brother), Alfonso

Paniagua, Nita Wakeley


Chris Ambler (Scott and Martha

Ambler’s son), Alan Beckworth

(Diana Trammel’s cousin), Annie

Bollinger (Charlie and LeAnne

Christensen’s daughter), Amelia

and Kate Callaway (Drew and

Debbie Coffee’s granddaughters),

Kathy Christian, Dave Faust (Melda

and Gary Howard’s son-in-law),

Muriel Faust (Dave Faust’s

mother), James and Stephanie

Fernandez, Summer Flenniken

(Diana Trammel’s granddaughter),

Marcia Goode, Linda Harjo, Bill

Henning, Don Keeler, Amy Kelton

(Teresa Dietz’ friend), Pauline

Kenton, Barry Knuth, Emily Kuntz,

James Kuntz, Steve McAllaster

(Joyce Taylor’s brother), Virginia

Messick, Barbara Nissan (friend of

Teresa Dietz), Colleen Oldfather,

Corinne Pichler (Nancy Pichler’s

granddaughter), Jack Randall, Deb

Richardson, Spence Rigdon, Betty

Shiers, Jeana Smith (Tim Smith’s

sister), Greg Spears (Charlene’s

son), Joyce Taylor, Jeremy

Waldorf, Chris Watson (Chad

Perceful’s aunt), Beth Wiley (long-

time missionary out of East Cross),

Michele Willoughby, Allie Zoldoske

Condolences to…

Catherine Templeton on the death of her husband, Henry Templeton.

If you know someone that needs to be

added or removed from the Prayer List,

call the church office at 918-333-0810.

ONLINE GIVING...You can give electronically by going to our

website Click the menu tab on top of the

Welcome page and click on “Give Online” OR scroll to the bottom of

our Welcome page and click on “Give.” Funds can also be withdrawn

automatically weekly or monthly by completing a request form

available in the treasurer’s office.

East Cross also offers a mobile version of our

online giving page to make it easy for you to

give anytime from your smart phone. Simply scan

the image to the left using your phone’s Quick

Response (QR) code reader.

The Journey Continues… - 10 -

All East Cross men are invited to meet for breakfast

and fellowship on Saturday, November 2 at 8am at

Bartlesville Lions Club Pancake Breakfast ($5.00)

at the Bartlesville Community Center!

Pray for our Military

November 11th is Veterans Day!

Please thank a Veteran for their service!

Relay any changes, updates, and/or

additions to Melda Howard at 918-327-9416

or email her at [email protected].

Please keep our active duty military and our

veterans in your prayers.

* Deployed

* SSG Gary Mabry

* SSG Jared Seat

MAJ Derek Smith

SPC Luis Balli

LTC Darrin Cox

LTJG Lisa Freeman

Mark Hathaway

LCDR Eric Rolfs

CPT Daniel Smith

CDR Robert Staten

SFC Clifton White


Call the church office at 918-333-0810 and leave

a message on extension 105 before 7:30am on

Sunday mornings. You may also have a standing

request to be picked up each week.

Page 11: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish


8:30am Traditional Worship Service 9:45am Small Groups for all ages 11:00am Contemporary Worship Service 11:15am Children’s Church 12:00pm S.A.L.T. Lunch 5:00pm Youth (Not on 11/24)


9:30am-3:00pm Early Childhood Center


4:00pm Prayer Group


9:30am-3:00pm Early Childhood Center (Not on 11/27) 7:00pm Sanctuary Choir 7:30pm Praise Band Practice



9:30am-12:00Noon Early Childhood Center PreK (Not on 11/29)


Weekly Activities at East Cross

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


6p S.A.L.T.


2 8a Men’s Breakfast

details on p. 10

Daylight Saving Time Ends; Set clocks back 1 hr



All Saint’s Day

Mountain of Food Ends


6:30p Prayer

Shawl Ministry



Connections 5:30p Meal

6p Small Groups


6:30p Children’s Council


6:30p Church Bridge



2:15pm Redbird


5p PG Small Group

11 5p Mt of Food


6:30p Young Adults

7p Miriam


7p Outreach


Connections 5:30p Meal

6p Small Groups




6pm S.A.L.T.


17 10am Blended

Worship Service followed by

All Church Meal

6:30p Charge Conference


6:30p Prayer Shawl Ministry

7p Trustees


6p Piecemaker Quilters


Connections 5:30p Meal

6p Small Groups


9:30a Rebecca




Thanksgiving Sunday

5p PG Small Group


6:30p Young Adults



NO Connections Tonight




November 2019

learning to follow Jesus,

inviting others to join the journey - 11 -

Thanksgiving Holiday

Church Office Closed

Early Childhood Center Scholastic Book Fair—1st floor

Page 12: Stewardship Series Blessed Church...“Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The best way to accomplish

EAST CROSS NEWS (USPS 164-540) Published monthly

Postmaster: Send address changes to:

East Cross United Methodist Church 820 S. Madison Blvd. Bartlesville, OK 74006-8533


USPS 164-540

learning to fo l low Jesus, inv i t ing others to jo in the journey

Rev. Jeff Burress Pastor

Chad Perceful Pastor

Youth Ministries

Aimee Hall Director of Children’s Ministries


Linda Smith Ministerial Coordinator

Kevin Graham Treasurer

Coleen Williams Early Childhood Center Director

Liz VanDeVenter Nursery and Childcare Director

Margie Green

Traditional Worship Director

Jan Watt, Pianist

Zack Michel Contemporary Worship Director

Charles Binau Coordinator Audio Equipment/Volunteers

Jon Colliver Building & Maintenance Coordinator

Meet Kevin Graham — Our new East Cross Treasurer!

As many of you know, Linda Thornton resigned recently as our

church treasurer to pursue other opportunities. We are very

excited to announce that her position has been filled by one of

our longtime church members, Kevin Graham.

Kevin joins our staff after retiring from a career in accounting

and we feel very fortunate to have found someone with Kevin’s

level of expertise to fill this most important position! Kevin

previously volunteered as our Financial Secretary, so our

nominating committee will be looking for a new volunteer to fill

this role. As part of the change, we are transitioning the job to a part time position so you can find

Kevin working primarily mornings in the church office.

Pictured with Kevin is his wife, Debbie. Both are faithful members of our Sanctuary Choir having

sung with the choir for many years. Their sons, Matthew and Michael grew up at East Cross!

Welcome, Kevin! We are so happy you have joined our staff!

Tammy Shepherd, SPRC Chair

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