Page 1: Stillwater Ripples€¦ · righteous manner; in the often sited Proverbs 31, the “wife of noble character” is honored by her husband and children for her virtues. But, motherhood






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Ripples “Sharing Jesus Christ With Our Neighbors”

Stillwater Free Lutheran Church

1401 Church Drive, Kalispell, MT 5990, (406) 257-4614

Pastor Craig Scavo: (580) 916-8544

Youth Pastor, Dan Wilhelm: (406) 261-8004

E-Mail Address: [email protected]

Web Page:

We must not be content to have the

Spirit without the Word

or the Word without the Spirit.

Our lives must travel along these two, as

the locomotive travels along parallel rails.

It is only by our devout contact with the

Bible that we shall be able to detect the

Holy Spirit’s voice.

It is by the Word that the Spirit will enter

our hearts, as the heat of the sun passes

into our homes when its beams of light

enter the open windows.

F.B. Meyer

Word + Spirit

Page 2: Stillwater Ripples€¦ · righteous manner; in the often sited Proverbs 31, the “wife of noble character” is honored by her husband and children for her virtues. But, motherhood

The more you take refuge in Me, the more aware you become of My overflowing Love. In Me you are utterly safe,

for I am your Rock of everlasting Love!

This book has touched me so much, I have read it twice; and

now I'd like to share it with you.

The story is about a woman whose life wasn't anything she

had imagined it would be, not unlike most of us. How when

tragedy & uncertainty touched her life she "Chooses" to see

God in it all.

She shares her struggle with depression, untimely death,

adoption & so much more.

Submitted by Sherri Scavo

Book Review

Choosing to See

by Mary Beth Chapman

It seems like this year is already flying past! In just a few short weeks we will be putting

up the tent, and starting our summer worship program. And before you know it, it will

be time for Vacation Bible School, and then school will be starting up again and… If we

aren’t careful, we can miss all the things that are happening around us!

Like was stated in John Lennon’s song “Beautiful Boy” – Life is what happens to you

while you’re busy making other plans.

So, take a moment and see what is going on! And as we enter into May, remember that

May 8th

is Mother’s Day. A day set aside to honor our mothers.

I hope you will take some time to do something special for your mother — or if that isn’t

possible, to somebody in your life who embodies the grace and wisdom we associate

with Godly mothers.

The Bible speaks highly of mothers who raise children and guide their families in a

righteous manner; in the often sited Proverbs 31, the “wife of noble character” is

honored by her husband and children for her virtues.

But, motherhood wasn’t a requirement for Godly women in Bible times. And just as

today, not every woman who wanted children was granted her wish.

However, mothers and matriarchs of the Bible exhibit qualities that all of us, male or

female, parent or not, should strive to emulate. Here are a few of the famous mothers of

the Bible, with links to their stories:

1. Mary, the Mother of Jesus

Perhaps no more famous mother exists than Mary, who at a young age learned from an

angel that she would give birth to the long-awaited Messiah. Her song of praise in

response, and the well-known events of Christ’s birth, are what usually spring to mind

when we think of Mary. But her role as mother brought her grief as well as joy; we can

only imagine what it must have been like for her to witness Jesus’ crucifixion. Read her

story in John 19.

Can you believe it – May is here already!

Page 3: Stillwater Ripples€¦ · righteous manner; in the often sited Proverbs 31, the “wife of noble character” is honored by her husband and children for her virtues. But, motherhood

As most of you know we spent a week in Mesa, AZ for a mission/service trip. Eight youth go & three adults went on this trip. We spent most of the week helping out at Calvary Free Lutheran Church.

On Easter morning we helped prepare fruit & cut muffins for their brunch. Afterwards, we attended a service. Sunday night we got to see the world’s largest organ play at Organ Stop Pizza restaurant. Monday we painted several doors & shelving for the food pantry. That afternoon we helped unload the food truck & sort the food.

Tuesday we met with Pastor Ryan of Gateway Gathering. Gateway Gathering is a new church plant in Mesa. Our job was blitz canvassing. We split into teams of two, passed out flyers & magnets to every home in our mapped-out area. Later, we went out in the dessert to off-road/trail ride on ATV’s, jeeps & Razors. It was interesting seeing the dessert from that prospective.

Wednesday, the ladies attended a women’s Bible study at church. We then practiced our puppet show with Lavonne leading & teaching us the “way of the puppet.” That afternoon, we helped unload the food truck & sort food. Later we helped out at their kid’s club & performed our puppet show. After dinner we went to a park to perform the puppet show for the kids at the park. Then we returned to the church for an hour-long music service.

Thursday we finished painting at the food pantry & helped complete a paver sidewalk in front of the church. We also helped unload & sort food. That evening we found a skate park where we passed out tracts & tried to get into some spiritual conversations with people.

Friday we helped again with the food truck & then had the rest of the day for fun. We visited a mall & enjoyed some down time. We finished up the week helping their food pantry ministry. All week we were seeing what led up to Saturday, which is the day they pass out the food they gathered during the week. It was an amazing thing to see how much food goes to hundreds of families each Saturday. I was glad we were able to see that side of it also.

Thanks to our congregation for wending us with prayer & support of our fundraisers!

Wednesday Attendance


Apr. 6 2 4 Apr. 13 - 6 - combined w/Faith Apr. 20 2 1 Apr. 27- 6 – Jr. & Sr. combined

Wed., May 4th ~ Jr. & Sr. Youth Group ~ 6:00 – 7:30

Wed., May 11th ~ Jr. & Sr. Youth Group ~ 6:00 – 7:30 Wed., May 18th ~ Jr. & Sr. Youth Group ~ 6:00 – 7:30

Wed., May 25th ~ Jr. & Sr. Youth Group ~ 6:00 – 7:30

Free Flyers Youth Group

The Free Flyers are committed to serve the community through our strength in Jesus Christ.

May Youth Events

2. Elizabeth

Mary’s was not the only miraculous birth recorded in the New Testament. Elizabeth

was a Godly woman who was “righteous in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s

commands and decrees blamelessly” — and yet she and her husband were unable to

conceive a child.

God answered her prayers late in her life and she gave birth to John the Baptist, but

is perhaps best known for her prophetic encouragement of the young (and perhaps

frightened) Mary: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will

bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As

soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for

joy. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”

Read her story in Luke 1.

3. Hannah

Hannah is one of the most inspiring mothers in the Bible, although her story is less

well known. Despite years of patience and prayer, she remained unable to have a

child. One day “in her deep anguish Hannah prayed to the LORD, weeping bitterly”

— and God answered her prayer at last. But Hannah’s character truly shone when, in

gratitude to God, she dedicated her newborn son to His service. Her son would one

day become one of Israel’s greatest prophets. Read her story in 1 Samuel 1.

4. Sarah, the Wife of Abraham

Sarah is one of the great matriarchs of the Bible — yet she didn’t become a mother

until very late in life. In fact, her reaction to God’s promise that she would have a son

was to laugh, as memorably recorded in Genesis 18. Nevertheless, she did give birth

to a son, and her lineage would include Jesus Christ himself. Read her story in

Genesis 18.

There are many more famous mothers described in the Bible; many of them righteous,

some not so much, but all used by God to bring about His design.

So, as we give thanks for the mothers in our lives, consider how you can embody the

traits that define a Godly mother — patience, kindheartedness, faithfulness — and

consider how you can encourage the mothers in your community, young and old, as

they work to meet that same standard.

Pastor Craig

Awana will begin

again in September

Please contact me with any thoughts or concerns, Dan 261-8004

Youth News

Page 4: Stillwater Ripples€¦ · righteous manner; in the often sited Proverbs 31, the “wife of noble character” is honored by her husband and children for her virtues. But, motherhood

There were ten ladies present at our meeting: Heather Meyer, Sherri Scavo, Julie Hanson, Hattie Stahlberg,

Bonnie Upton, Carol Starbuck, Linda Lund, Neila Elgin, Linda McGrew and myself.

Hattie opened with Devotions titled “Hope” Psalm 42: 5.

Elaine read the minutes and they were approved. Linda gave the Treasurer’s report. We have $230.91 in the bank.

On May 14th at 6:00 p.m. we will have a Mother-Daughter Salad Supper. All mothers are welcome. Hattie will

decorate and Neila and Sherri will have entertainment.

We will have a bridal shower for Nicole Sliwoski on May 19th at 7:00 p.m. We will hold this at the church. Susan

Shea will make the cake. Thank you, Susan. The shower will be in place of W.M.F. for May.

On June 9th at 10:00 a.m. we will have W.M.F. at Heather’s home. Carol will serve as co-host. Bonnie will do

Devotions and Sherri will have Bible study titled “Alive in Christ” Lesson 6, Colossians 2: 8-15. Please try to attend.

There will be another retreat at Bitterroot Lake in September.

A very delicious lunch was served by Hattie and Elaine. Thank you, Hattie, for opening your home for our meeting.

Submitted by Elaine Lessor, Secretary

April 21, 2016 at Hattie’s home

A young boy had been misbehaving,

so his mother sent him to his room.

Sometime later, he came out and

told his mom he’d prayed about the

matter. “That’s good,” she replied.

“If you ask God for help to not

misbehave, he’ll help you.”

“Oh, I didn’t pray for help behaving”,

said the boy. “I prayed for God to

help you put up with me.”

Tuesday, May 17th the Stillwater Prayer Union will

celebrate its third year of growth & blessings.

We have learned that by focusing on one Psalm

each week & then petitioning the Lord afterwards, we

have much for which we are thankful.

“None can believe how powerful prayer is, and what it is able to

effect, but those who have learned it by experience. – Martin Luther

A Prayer for Mom

My sincere thanks go to all the kind people of this church for your heartfelt words and prayers, visits to the hospital, cards, memorial fund money

and for the very nice lunch served at Norma Hanson's Celebration of Life service.

Julie Hanson

Page 5: Stillwater Ripples€¦ · righteous manner; in the often sited Proverbs 31, the “wife of noble character” is honored by her husband and children for her virtues. But, motherhood

Is it enough to think today

Of all our brave, then put away

The thought until a year has sped?

Is this full honor for our dead?

Is it enough to sing a song

And deck a grave; and all year long

Forget the brave who died that we

Might keep our great land proud and free?

Full service needs a greater toll,

That we who live give heart and soul

To keep the land they died to save,

And be ourselves, in turn, the brave!

Sunday, May 29th ~ 4:00 p.m.@ the church

We will be watching “The Ultimate Gift” ~ James Garner

stars in the story of a spoiled young man who after a series of events in his

life realizes the Ultimate Gift his grandfather has left him.

Come out, bring your friends & share a time of fun, food & fellowship!

Bring a snack to share if you like. Popcorn will be provided

Mother-Daughter Salad Supper

Saturday, May 21st

8:30 a.m. - 4:55 p.m.

“Iron Sharpens Iron” ~ Men’s Conference See Pastor for details and registration info

Annette Wynne

VBS is coming July! 25th – 29th

Watch for more information & when pre-registration begins

It’s that time again…

“Spring Cleaning”

A sign-up sheet is available in the foyer for tasks needing to be done. Please sign up ~ Your help is greatly appreciated!

Thursday, May 19th

7:00 p.m. @ the church

Saturday, May 14th

6:00 p.m. @ the church

Please sign up to attend. Bring a friend & a salad to share.


Ladies, mark your calendar now for the upcoming events you won’t want to miss.

Bridal shower for Nicole Sliwoski

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8:30 – Worship w/Communion

9:45 – Choir Practice

9:45 – Sunday School downstairs

11:00 – Worship w/Communion



2:00 Ladies Bible Study @ Ruth’s

2:00 Prayer Union

Praying Psalm 66


5:30 – Music Team

6:00 – 7:00 Bible Study

6:00 – 7:30 Jr. & Sr. Youth Group



10:00 Quilting



8:30 – Worship

9:45 – Choir Practice

9:45 – Sunday School downstairs

11:00 – Worship



2:00 Ladies Bible Study @ Ruth’s

2:00 Prayer Union

Praying Psalm 67

6:30 – Rowdy Ropers

11 5:30 – Music Team

6:00 – 7:00 Bible Study

6:00 – 7:30 Jr. & Sr. Youth Group

12 7:00 Deacons Mtg.

7:30 Trustee Mtg.

8:00 Church Council Mtg.

13 10:00 Quilting



8:30 – Worship

9:45 – Choir Practice

9:45 – Sunday School downstairs

11:00 – Worship


17 2:00 Ladies Bible Study @ Ruth’s

2:00 Prayer Union

Praying Psalm 68

18 5:30 – Music Team

6:00 – 7:00 Bible Study

6:00 – 7:30 Jr. & Sr. Youth Group

19 6:30 p.m. WMF @ the church


10:00 Quilting


22 8:30 – Worship

9:45 – Choir Practice

9:45 – Sunday School downstairs

11:00 – Worship



2:00 Ladies Bible Study @ Ruth’s

2:00 Prayer Union

Praying Psalm 69

25 5:30 – Music Team

6:00 – 7:00 Bible Study

6:00 – 7:30 Jr. & Sr. Youth Group


27 10:00 Quilting


29 8:30 – Worship

9:45- Set up tent

11:00 – Worship

4:00 – Movie Night


31 2:00 Ladies Bible Study @ Ruth’s

2:00 Prayer Union

Praying Psalm 70

5:00 – 7:30 p.m. Feeding the Flathead

@ Christ Church Episcopal

Neila & Hattie


8:30 a.m. - 4:55 p.m. “Iron Sharpens Iron” Men’s Conference

7:00 p.m. Bridal Shower for

Nicole Sliwoski

6:00 @ the church

Mother- Daughter

Salad Supper

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