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  • 8/8/2019 story attempt


    Chapter One.

    Oh holy crap! Is that really the time? I gazed at my watch as if

    hoping that the longer I looked, the real, much earlier time

    would appear. I should have left half an hour ago! Muttering

    expletives that would have had my grandmother in seizures, I

    peeled myself out of my elephant beanbag and pressed stop on

    the dvd player. It seemed wrong to leave Meg Ryan at the top of

    the Empire State building, but I figured Id apologise later.

    Anyway she wouldnt get mad at me once Tom Hanks shows up.

    God I loved that movie. It was one of my secret shames. When I

    wanted to fill in some time or escape to a utopian paradise I

    would put Sleepless in Seattle on and pretend that I didnt

    know the screenplay by heart.

    Already feeling the onset of a panic attack, I hurriedly began to

    shove anything that looked remotely useful into the two large

    crates on the kitchen table. My apron, knives, and the bulk of

    the ingredients were already set up and waiting for me at the

    other end. I furtively thanked the guiding stars that I was so

    anal in my planning that I had already driven there three times

    to check on and set up things. Nitpicking, although somewhat

    annoying to others, really does have its uses.


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    Why all the cooking stuff? Well tonight was my make or break

    debut as a caterer. I had always liked to cook, usually so I could eat

    whenever I needed to satisfy a craving. Also, I really hated working

    as a pseudo waitress at a local caf run by the spawn of Scrooge.

    So I took the plunge and announced to my friends and family my

    intentions. It was through one of my oldest friends that I had

    managed to land this catering gig. Michelle works as an accountant

    in the city somewhere. I can never remember the exact address

    because Ive managed to avoid actually visiting her there. Its not

    that I dont want to; Im just scared of driving in the city centre with

    all those bizarre hook turns, and dont even get me started on the

    parking issue. I wont take the option of public transport since the

    last elderly man felt himself up while sitting opposite me and tried

    to hold my gaze. I still shudder when the no. 6 goes by Anyway,

    Michelle works with a guy called Andy whos recently become

    engaged and when she heard that he was looking for a caterer to

    sort out the engagement dinner, she bullied him into calling me. It

    wasnt a large number of people, so I was fairly confident that it

    would all work out for the best and I would soon be on my way to

    financial security and other associated benefits. That is if I got there

    on time.

    Groaning and cursing, I managed to drag the crates to my crappy

    old Toyota. After a prolonged bout of asthmatic wheezing, I

    frantically cleared away old fast food packaging, random items of


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    clothes and assorted chick paraphernalia to allow for some sort of

    space in the back. Now dont get me wrong, I love my car. She

    may not be much to look at with her patchy faded bonnet, multiple

    dints and oh so uncool stickers plastered over her behind, but Fifi

    and I were a team. Wed been through a lot together. I had

    survived my first, last and only driving lesson with my father in her,

    wed shared the joys and heartbreaks of a flat tyre, almost run over

    several animals, and got hot and heavy in the back seat. Well not

    both of us, Fifis too much of a lady. Yes, I named my car Fifi. Well

    to call her by her full name, I named her Fifi Trixibelle Pimmington-

    Smythe the 3rd. Im not really into naming cars. I really think its a

    joke, hence the illustrious title I gave her. You know, it really does

    suit her though

    Drawing upon energy reserves I didnt know existed, and knew I

    would pay for later, I screamed like a wild woman and hauled the

    crates into Fifi and onto the back seat. Catching a glimpse of myself

    in the side mirror was a big mistake. Like a stupid moth and a

    fluorescent bug zapper, I just had to take a second devastating look.

    Well hello beautiful. My short dark hair had undergone some

    serious mutation. It had transformed from sexy, slightly rumpled

    bed hair to a matted wild and crazy birds nest; my eye shadow had

    deteriorated so completely that I was rivalling Alice Cooper, two

    aliens from the planet Acne had taken up camp on my forehead and

    as for my clothes.


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    Aaargh! There was no time to change now. Luckily I packed an

    emergency bag for such occasions. I threw it into the car with

    my standard heels and leapt into the drivers seat. This energy

    seemed pretty pointless considering the constipated state of the

    traffic I finally managed to wedge my car into, and that was only

    when I managed to cut off a blue rinsed demon in an Austin

    1800 who leant on the horn while gesturing offensively with her

    gnarled arthritic hand.


    Oh great. Hallelujah. It was that time. My mobile gave me a

    gentle, yet persistent reminder that I was meant to be elsewhere.

    Even the most die hard of the workaholics I was trapped in here

    with everyday had managed to slither home to whatever caves they

    dwelt in, awaiting the new dawn of a productive work day. I really

    couldnt put off leaving for any longer. The evening awaited. An

    evening to celebrate the bewildering stupidity of my normally

    perceptive best friend. After spending all day trying to flatter and

    soothe the overexpanded egos that I had to deal with on a regular

    basis, all I wanted was a few pots at my local and after a few more

    pots, to round the evening off with a decent kebab, then bed. The

    last thing that I felt like was some boring, sophisticated dinner. It

    would have to be this evening that my oldest friend and work

    partner was celebrating his engagement to The Turkey. Of course


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    that wasnt her real name, but Veronica, although she looked like a

    goddess, was a nitpicking, shrewish, social climbing woman with a

    god-awful laugh that was a lot like a gobbling turkey trapped in a

    blender with a mule.

    Just thinking of what the evening had in store for me made me

    shudder. I could see it now. All her little anorexic harpy friends

    would undoubtedly be there, pushing food around their plates,

    constantly reapplying their gloss in the bathroom, and all the while

    sizing up the available financially secure prey. The food would be

    served on oversized slabs of porcelain; the portions would be in

    direct contrast with the sizing and most probably consist of garden

    weeds and slaughtered baby birds, as seemed to be the fashion of

    the times.

    I just didnt get it. How Andy could have met, liked and become

    shackled to this demon masquerading as a woman was a complete

    and utter mystery to me. If nothing else it was an extremely good

    reminder that being single was definitely preferable to all the

    torment that he was going to be subjected to. Till death do him

    part. I really hoped for Andys sake that death came sooner and


    Dolefully looking at my watch, I realised that if I was going to get

    there at all, I would have to go now. Taking one last look at the


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    office, I headed to the car park. Why postpone the inevitable.

    Waiting for the friendly chirp of my car alarm, I dropped into the

    drivers seat, carefully placed my briefcase onto the slick leather of

    the passenger side. I had spent too much on the upholstery to let

    rushing to the party equivalent of Armageddon allow me to mark it

    in any way. That reminded me. It really was worth the extra two

    hours I spent last weekend waxing and polishing her duco. After

    allowing myself a minute of silence to appreciate her beautiful

    gleam, it was time for a little driving music. I found just the right

    thing to suit my mood and put the disc into the player. Turning the

    stereo up to almost eardrum tearing volume, I pulled out into the

    already constipated traffic accompanied by strains of High way to



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    Holy mother of all things crap! The only way that I was going to get

    there in time was if my car miraculously transformed into either

    a hovercraft or an extremely tiny motorbike. Since neither

    solution chose to present itself, I chose instead to continue

    stewing in the traffic. While I waited for any sign of movement

    from the cars around me, I looked in the rear vision mirror and

    surveyed the actual damage. My skin had that telltale shiny

    blotchiness which seemed to scream out Hello! Look over here!

    This one doesnt know how to cleanse tone and moisturise!!

    Lets not forget that she also likes to pig out on cheese and

    chocolate! Well a little powder and a hell of a lot of concealer

    would fix that. I reached into my trusty bag and pulled out a

    rolled up electric blue netting skirt, a set of flannel pyjamas and

    a pair of extremely tired moccasins that once were pink but

    were now a dingy old flesh colour. Oh no! I must have mixed up

    my never fail in case of emergency bag with the bag that was

    to go to the charity bin, which meant that my good shirt, pants

    and my make-up were probably sitting on a shelf in the

    Salvation Army at about two dollars each.

    Okay Claire, there are two ways to deal with this. You can start to

    cry, which I admit feels like the best option now, or you can make

    the best of the situation. My pep talk wasnt really convincing, but

    I chose not to give myself a snide remark. I would rise above this


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    situation. Silk purse, sows ear. Silk purse, sows ear Chanting

    this mantra I began to dig around on the car floor while stopped at

    the lights. Under the empty boxes of cheese biscuits and old drink

    cartons I felt something that could be promising and pulled

    There! That doesnt look too bad. I tried to convince myself that

    it was going to be possible to wear the wrinkled black sharkskin

    trousers that had been festering there since New Years Eve, three

    months ago. Well maybe once I picked off the mud and what

    appeared to be a small vomit stain

    The overlong blaring of a car horn jolted my thoughts back to the

    road. I started to move forward. Meanwhile the car behind

    continued to rudely sit on their horn. Okay, get over yourself! I

    screamed at the reflection of the black penis extension of a car

    behind me, and purposely slowed down to a crawl. All this did was

    aggravate the situation. The car rode my butt the entire trip until it

    passed me with a squeal of rubber at the lights. Impressive? I

    didnt think so.

    Just my bloody luck. Not only was I stuck in traffic on the way to

    somewhere I didnt want to go but had to be there; now I was also

    stuck behind one of the worst drivers in Melbourne, who happened

    to be female as well. Fucking typical. Driving a bomb with the

    studied technique of a manic bowls playing senior citizen.


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    Keep it together. Suddenly the radio was unbearable. I switched

    it off. Nope. Much worse James, now you are stuck with your own

    thoughts and if you keep talking to yourself you are going to want

    to throw yourself out of the car. I mean you really are crap at small

    talk. Whats the best line youve got? Something about the

    weather no doubt. No wonder you are still single. Now where did

    that come from? I was happy to be single, if you look at the

    alternative of Ronnie the Turkey.

    This was getting ridiculous. I accelerated past my tormentor,

    cutting her off sharply. Perhaps a little too close, but at this point I

    really couldnt give a rats' arse. It was twenty minutes to seven

    thirty. I could still make it in time to the dinner from hell.

    As far as I was concerned, that ego inflated, status symbolled

    accident waiting to happen, issued a challenge I was more than

    prepared to accept. I know that Im supposed to rise above

    retaliation, but hell. If he wanted to cut me off and get away with it,

    he had another thing coming. Easing my foot to press further on

    the accelerator, I slowly smiled as I prepared for my bumper to

    gently nudge the offending car in front. Just as I was about to

    connect with the bumper the lights changed and he sped off again.

    Still I had his licence plate and a good friend at the EPA who owed

    me a favour


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    Chapter Two

    Of course it would start to rain. Why wouldnt it? Well at least I had

    found the street, and with ten minutes to spare. Now all I needed to

    do was find a parking spot. Pretty easy in a suburb like Carlton

    where there were barely enough car spaces for the residents let

    alone any hapless fool who needed one. Just as I was giving up

    hope, I found one. Hurrah!

    Damn! It was a parallel park. So much for the joy I had been

    feeling. Bring on the anxiety. I so did not need this right now. I had

    never really mastered the parallel park in my car. I did have the

    excuse that I only had a mirror on the right hand side, making the

    curb impossible to see. Usually I just continue driving until I find a

    space that is devoid of any other cars. There was just no time for

    that luxury tonight. Heart beating faster, I began to turn on my

    indicator. Then there was a squeal of tyres. I glanced in my rear

    vision mirror.

    No way. No Bloody way. There, behind me in the space that was

    rightfully mines sat a smug black Mercedes. The very same car that

    had terrorised me earlier was in my CAR SPACE!

    Finally.Finally. It had only taken about four laps of the giant block where

    Andy lived before I found a park. I mean Carlton is a fantastic

    address to have. Well, thats what all the purring trophy wife


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    wannabees seem to hint at. But something has to be said about

    having an address with available parking for guests. Maybe I should

    have just got that bike like I wanted instead of being pushed into

    buying the merc. It really does make a better impression, however

    free my old bike used to make me feel. Wouldnt be searching for a

    park now though, could have just chained it to a fence. Still there

    was a parking space and I needed to get it before someone else did.

    Gliding into it nose first, I gave out a sigh of relief.

    I did not see red. That was too tame a colour for the mood I was in.

    I turned off the engine, set the park brake and stormed from my car.

    I marched over to the overpriced status symbol, gave a feral smile

    to the driver, kicked the immaculate door, and then proceeded to

    spit on the bonnet, right in the middle of the gleaming duco.

    Satisfied with the speed of the saliva drip, I walked casually to my

    car without looking back. Ok, so not one of my classiest moments,

    but classy doesnt always make you feel better.

    What just happened? Did that just happen? No way could that

    have happened Its official. The world has turned against me. I

    didnt have time for this, but I would not tolerate it. I made my way

    out of the car in an instant and began my tirade before I had even

    started to process what I was going to say. This was probably not

    going to be my finest hour.


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    Hey! Angry footsteps followed. I continued to walk to my car.

    Hey, you! The footsteps kept coming. Oh great, this was all I

    needed. Spinning around angrily, I spat out a response. What? I

    bristled, pulling myself up as tall as my diminished height would

    allow. I looked accusingly at the tall dark haired man in a business


    His grey eyes bored into mine like silver bullets. It was as if he was

    daring me to lose my cool even more. Well two could play at that

    game. I fixed him with a calm yet icy glare. I think you know

    perfectly well what. He replied. His voice came out extremely

    controlled, clipped and blatantly angry. I mean, what kind of

    psycho are you to go and do that to someone elses property? Are

    you on medication? Should you be? There was no way I was going

    to take his bait and justify his sentiments with a response. I was not

    going to lower myself any further. Besides, I never could think of a

    fittingly scathing comment off the cuff. If I could stop time for say,

    half an hour, then I would be able to triumph. Having no such

    abilities to break up the space time continuum, I chose the more

    sophisticated approach of opening and shutting my mouth.

    I dont have time for this. Apart from that obvious statement, I

    was wasting too much energy on a psychotic female obviously on

    day release from some facility that was far too lenient when

    assessing stability. Enough time had been wasted on this midget


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    with blazing eyes and high strung, offensive manner. I turned,

    locked my car and made my way to the dinner of doom.

    The arrogance of him! Just who did he think he was? I turned on

    my heel and got into my car. Slamming the door I quickly reversed,

    aiming straight for that immaculate shirt and ridiculous silk tie.

    Laughing as he jumped out of the way, I changed to first gear and

    sped off whilst leaning on the horn. Bloody prick! Just then I

    found an even better car park. This one was right outside the house

    I needed to be at, and I still had five minutes to sort everything out.


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    Chapter Three.

    Adding the finishing touches to the main course, I exhaled sharply

    and sat down for the first time in about an hour. Glancing at my

    reflection in the swanky stainless steel cabinets of the designer

    kitchen, I had to admit that the hot steamy spice filled environment

    I was currently residing in had not improved my appearance at all.

    Now my short hair was beginning to frizz and my clothing was

    spotted with grease stains that the apron just failed to protect.

    Sounds emanating from the dining room seemed quite promising.

    The snatches of conversation that wafted through when Michelle

    whizzed in and out with the food and drink seemed in favour of the

    wine that was being served at least. They had already gone

    through enough alcohol to pickle an entire German sculling team.

    There was nothing left to do now but wait until it was all over. The

    chocolate mousse were already sitting chilled in their individual

    glasses, waiting for the precise moment to be presented and

    devoured with gusto. Well, that was what would hopefully happen

    unless something else was going to go wrong today, I muttered. It

    had been a pretty crappy one so far and no one was that

    unfortunate I decided. Picking up one of the trays I launched myself

    confidently into the incubating room of cheesy jokes and lame


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    double entendres, straight into a chair that had been conveniently

    moved to block all access to the table.

    The air seemed to thicken as time extended itself to allow for a slow

    motion performance by the mousse as it hit the table and a solitary

    glass managed to smear itself over what appeared to be a top

    quality suit. Well that was what I thought it was. It was kind of hard

    to be certain through all the chocolate, cream and cherries.

    Oh I am so sorry. I didnt see the chair. Who leaves a chaircan I

    get you anything? Something to eatno, probably not the best idea

    huh? Ha ha ha. My mouth kept spewing forth apologetic verbal

    diarrhoea as I tried to mop up the worst of the spillage from the fine

    wool of the mans jacket with a once crisp linen napkin. My hand

    worked fastidiously as I bleated out further apologies, when a warm

    firm grip on my wrist stayed my movements. Really, it doesnt

    matter The voice seemed familiar. I looked up at him and into a

    pair of grey eyes that registered shock. The surprise didnt last long

    before they transformed into twin mirrors of rage Oh crap!

    I dont bloody believe it.I dont bloody believe it. You! Are you completely deranged and

    stalking me now? Did you plan this whole sick twisted scheme?

    The words came out before I had a chance to filter them at all. Here

    I was. Face to face with this half-wit dwarf who had apparently

    taken it upon herself to slowly drive away any last shred of my


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    sanity or faith in human kind. A second later, I began to regret

    speaking as rashly as her eyes gave a strange feline gleam.

    Oh my godOh my god. How funny you look James! Andy, doesnt Jamie look

    so silly covered in all that mousse, I could die! Never did I imagine

    that I would want to, no, welcome Ronnies nasal, insipid tones, but

    here I was. It was officially the twilight zone. The sound rushed in

    my ears. I realised that the whole confrontation between me and

    the pigmy from hell had gone unnoticed in the crowded room.

    Every one had been absorbed in the spilt dessert.

    Claiming what little dignity I could muster, I stalked to the bathroom

    and surveyed the damage. It wasnt pretty. The suit was written

    off. Well the good news was I was going to have to get a new suit,

    so I would have to leave the party from hell. What a shame. Just

    when I was starting to have so much fun. A short time later, after

    avoiding the asinine entreaties from the turkey, which turned

    quickly into tearful threats of youll ruin the evening. Everything

    was planned for this exact number, blah blah blah blah I was at

    home, in clean clothes, slobbing in front of the TV, watching a re-run

    of some Tom Hanks movie with a cold beer and no threat of

    anything edible being lobbed at me by a demented pygmy. Where

    did she get off! Pelting an entire dessert buffet at someone just

    because they took a parking space? Get over it. Women. They

    so are a different species.


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    Well, that couldnt have been a worse night if I had planned it that

    way. I mean, how embarrassing. Michelle will never let me live it

    down how I performed a full frontal calorie assault on her bosss

    best friend. Great. My chances of contracting malaria from a

    regular mosquito bite were greater than the chances I have of

    picking up clients from that exclusive dinner party. Plus I really hate

    it when I lose my temper. I looked like a real idiot tonight. I

    couldnt slink home to lick my wounds fast enough. I mean, who did

    that guy think he was?! So I had a slight unladylike discussion with

    him about parking cars, but the dessert was an accident. The way

    he looked at me was inexcusable. I only wish I had keyed that

    stupid car of his.

    Claire, there is no point wallowing in this spiral of negativity. I

    needed to look at the real problem at hand. This mishap had left

    me with no jobs lined up. No jobs meant no new income, no new

    income meant not affording rent, and this all lead back to having to

    scab off my belligerent parents again. Please, let someone up there

    have a better solution! I couldnt get through another x number of

    months of not so subtle reminders about the vastly increasing debt I

    owed my parents. Believe me, they are masters of laying that guilt

    on nice and thick.


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    There was no other choice but to go back to the joyous world of a

    crappy caf waitress. No offence to those who choose this

    profession, I just know its not for me. I mean, I dont even like

    people, let alone making witty banter, serving their food and dealing

    with irrational complaints.

    There was only one thing to do when I was as depressed as this. So

    I picked up the phone and called J. I could always depend on him to

    cheer me up in his own self-depreciating way. Typically the phone

    went straight to the answering machine. Now that could mean two

    things. Either he was entertaining, highly doubtful, or he was

    screening his calls due to his latest theory that 95% of phone calls

    are from potential serial killers, stalkers or telemarketing fascists.

    Of course if you speak to J in length about this, he will tell you that

    the former names are just fancier ones for the latter title. Anyway,

    he picked up after I had begun to colourfully abuse him by

    describing his latest attempts at nonconformity in the conforming

    world. I had just got to the part about him dressing like a designer

    slob when, Ok Midge. What do you want? It better be good, I was

    watching re-runs of the Gilmore Girls. Did I mention that he also

    has a rather disturbing fascination for cheesy family TV shows?

    When he isnt watching Rory and Lorelei trade snappy quips hes

    settled in front of 7th Heaven for yet another humdrum episode. J

    and I have been friends for so long now that I dont question the

    absurdness of it anymore.


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    I quickly described the events of the evening, and my impending

    hospitality hell, trying to ignore the barely smothered laughter from

    the other end of the line. Finally, after a full blown snort from J, I

    cracked it. Well Im so glad I rang my best friend to cheer me up. I

    no longer feel like a bit of a loser, Ive graduated to complete

    moronville. Thanks heaps buddy! I began to slam the phone down

    when Js tinny phone voice stopped me. Settle down my

    melodramatic Midget! You have to see the funny side of this? Im

    sure its not the career suicide that you believe. Tell you what, Im

    taking you out next Friday. I returned the receiver to my ear. J

    always got invited to the best parties. Now by best I dont mean

    socially elite, which they probably were, its just that I always have a

    good night out with him. I agreed, only after he promised to drive

    so I could drink my pain away. Man he was a good friend! Now all I

    needed was some kind of job security. I vowed to get up early and

    buy the paper to start my employment quest, and maybe a crunchie

    and some salt and vinegar chips. Well you cant find a job on an

    empty stomach.


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    Chapter Four

    Primed from a decent nights sleep, I spent all of Saturday morning

    circling possible jobs until the paper looked like it was seriously

    contagious. Unfortunately, a lot of the jobs I had marked I really

    had no qualifications for. I just thought they sounded interesting.

    Looking back over the red circles, I eliminated about two thirds of

    them which left me with, a babysitting position or helper at a lawn

    mowing service.

    I guess I could always go crawling back to my old boss. The

    problem was he was a real sleaze-ball. I mean the last time I quit

    was because he raised the skirt hems of the uniforms by two inches

    and if that wasnt enough, he also removed the top button on all the

    shirts. When I questioned him about it he just laughed and said

    Dont worry sweetie this will make you less frigid and bring in more

    customers. You can understand why I wasnt rushing back there.

    Just as I was giving up hope my mobile rang. There was just one

    problem. I had no idea where I had put it. I eventually unearthed it

    in the bathroom from under a pile of discarded clothes. Susannah.

    The friend with the Midas Touch. Shes one of those annoyingly

    wonderful people who just get everything. To make it even worse,

    she is also the nicest person I have ever met. The girl you love to

    hate yet cant help but love her too. I can remember the first time I


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    met her. We were at uni. I had managed to sit in spilt correction

    fluid while wearing my new brown pants and now was sporting a

    highly suspicious stain near my crotch. I was desperately looking

    for somewhere to curl up and die when I ran into Suze. She of

    course looked great, but what I hadnt expected was for her to be

    my salvation.

    Well the usual Saturday morning run just didnt clear my head as it

    normally did. In fact, all it did was allow me more time to mull over

    the disaster that was last night. I actually felt a bit bad about what I

    had said to that woman. I mean, maybe she was part of one of

    those outreach programs for seriously disturbed people. You know

    the ones where they try to integrate the freaks back into society

    one horrendous incident at a time. I dont, however, feel bad

    enough to retract what I had said to the she-demon. No one has the

    right to speak to me that way.

    I spent a large portion of my morning cleaning and waxing my car.

    Ridding any skerrick of malevolent d.n.a. that had been left when

    she spat at it like a snotty scab infested fifth grader. Still, it did feel

    good to actually interact with someone who hadnt immediately

    sized you up as ideal husband and baby making material. That was

    a nice deviation from the depressing cycle my life has slipped into.

    Anyway, regardless of all the former ranting, its not like I am ever


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    going to cross paths with her again so I should just put the whole

    incident behind me and move forward. Alone.

    The shrill beeping of my mobile phone dragged my thoughts away

    from all that touchy feely stuff. Is this Mr James Munro? The

    woman had that clinical call centre feel about her voice.

    Speaking. What are you selling? I can tell you right now I am not


    Quickly shoving the phone next to my ear I trilled the customary

    greeting and awaited the obligatory response. That given, I

    launched into my own post-mortem. I quickly outlined the travesty

    that was my career suicide, pulling no punches. It was the little

    details I was able to include like the textures created when mousse

    is splattered on a $700 Armani suit combined with the various

    shades of purple the human complexion can change into that really

    made my retelling.

    Oh Claire. Stop having histrionics. It really wasnt that bad. I

    mean, the food was great, andwell the food really was excellent.

    Hmm. Not really comforting words. I waited for her to redeem

    herself. After an awkward pause, I decided to forgive her this time.

    Besides, I was going to need her help if I was planning not to let J

    down on Friday night. I decided to take refuge on the couch until

    further notice.


  • 8/8/2019 story attempt



    after initial fracas with James. Goes home fuming. Is called

    by friend to help out at big catering function. (friend helped

    her get set up) is already going as a favour to her friend

    Christopher as his date for evening. Finds herself seated next

    to James

    James ends up new boss

    Michelle starts dating him double date situation

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