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Scene 1 For the first scene we have done a montage of pictures of people doing their homework. This has been done because it instantly tells the viewers what the documentary is on and is also a more exciting way to start the documentary which will make the viewer’s carry on watching as it is important they don’t get bored in the first part the video. This scene will last around 30 seconds and will include music.

Scene 2 The second scene will consist of information about the college, as an introduction. Information that will be used would where the sixth form is and the amount of students that it has etc. This will take about 10 to 15 seconds and is there just to give the viewer’s more knowledge on the college.

Scene 3 Scene 3 will be a time lapse from the waist down in the corridors at the college of the students passing by. This is just for a background so that this gives us a chance to introduce some facts about homework instead of having a plain background so that the audience is not getting bored. This will last around 20 seconds.

Scene 4 This scene is similar to scene 3 as these shots of college students working in the college will be used as a background so that the narrator can again produce more facts that are unbiased. This will lead into the voxpop interviews eventually. This scene is about 15 seconds.

Scene 5 Scene 5 is where we will put in the voxpops interview and as this is an important part, we will have about 45 seconds to a minute worth of it. This scene will be used to get the opinions of homework of the students. We will do a medium shot type and have the student positioned to the right as this will make it feel that he is talking to the audience.

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Scene 6 This is again another scene where we have gotten other students learning in the college library and this is to be used before the experts so that we can introduce them and also summarise the opinions of the students that was played in scene 5. This scene will be around 15 seconds long.

Scene 7 This will be the scene with the experts in and we will ask their opinions on homework like we did to the students in scene 5. This will give us views on homework from students and also the principle of the college who will be the expert that we will be questioning. We will be looking at doing this interview in his office to make it look more professional. This scene will take roughly 45 seconds.

Scene 8 Scene 8 will be a panning shot of the examination notice board, and we could have Paul’s narration about how homework improves exam results. Having this over the top will be more interesting than just a still shot on Paul giving his answers and keeping the audience watching. This scene will be around the 10 to 15 second mark.

Scene 9 Scene 9 will be the second batch of voxpops which will give us more students opinions, but this time maybe less biased and more positive on homework to give a range of views. Like scene 5, we will be doing a medium shot with the student positioned to the right.

Scene 10 Scene 10 will be an interview with Julie who is the student development coordinator of the college. She has a different view on homework than Paul as she sympathises with students more. This will be good as it shows a member of staff at the college agreeing with students and again gives more opinions on the topic which is always a result.

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Scene 11 The last scene will be a shot that is going to wrap up the documentary and will be a shot on St Alpheges (Primary School outside the college) and that were going for a break. The narrator will say, we see how children in primarily school are involved with homework from an early age, or something along those lines. This is a good way to finish this documentary as we are making the viewer wanting to carry on watching.

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