
Streamlining – The Need: Costs Saved and Lessons Learned

Facilitating Disaster Preparedness, Response & Recovery

Parallel Tracks – One Goal

Regulation / Health, Safety and Welfare

Design / Solution

Reconstruction and Business Continuity.

Timely, Effective and Significant

Understanding Interdependency.

• Municipal

• Departmental

• Individual

• Technological

Mutual value of Public-Private Coordination.

• Disaster preparedness

• Planning

• Response

• Recovery

Existing cooperation and Increase Collaboration.

Traditional Model-

Designers Solve Problems

Regulators Review and Approve

Understanding the roles, responsibilities, and


• Local

• County

• State

• Federal

• Private sector (traditionally regulated)

Existing Regulations that may impede efforts.

Go time is too late…

Access – Process - Resolve

Responsive Process is Critical

Develop an action agenda.

Strengthen regional disaster resilience

Private Sector Construction Firms and Government


Key participants

Specialized Roles

The Critical Role of Building Departments

• Damage assessment inspections

• Authorizing utility reconnections

• Plan reviews for more complex reconstructions

• Issuing permits

• Field inspections of reconstruction.

Licensed Professionals…

The Role of Architects and Engineers

Regional Pool

Qualified Inspection Personnel and Contractors

A New Form of Mutual Aid…

First Responders Role Critical-Event Specific

Building Department-Leadership- Comprehensive Coordination

Identify and EliminateOut-Dated and Conflicting


• Slowed Response

• Duplication of Effort

Incorporating the Right Tools

Find the Median

Technical Sophistication

Practicality and Service

The Most Powerful Tool

Current – Contemporary – Effective -

Performance Based – Uniform

State of the art Standards


Greater Uniformity in Codes and Administration

• Enforcement Processes Expedited

• Availability of Public and Private Response From Outside the Disaster Region

Streamlining - Well Staffed, Funded and Trained Building


Effective and Efficient Code Enforcement

Incorporating GIS

Damage assessment inspections

Effective Use of Information Technology on Day-To-Day Basis

Not Just in Response to Disasters

Advantage to the Municipality


Insurance Services Office, Inc.

Codes, Staff and Training all play a critical role in the ranking of a municipality…those same benefits are directly translated to the property owners.

Identify and Eliminate Areas of Conflict/Overlap

• Statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations…

• Impact on disaster response and recovery.

• Keep in place to protect health, welfare and life safety during disaster response and recovery.

• Can be suspended for a reasonable period of time during recovery

Return on the Investment!

• Efficient and Effective Economic Development and Growth Model for the Community.

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