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  • Stress Is the bodys and minds response to a demand. Stressor Is any situation that puts a demand on the body or mind
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  • 55 Types of Stressors 1. Environmental Stressors Conditions or events in your physical environment that can cause you stress. * Pollution* Poverty * Crowding* Noise * Natural Disasters 2. Biological Stressors Conditions that make it difficult for your body to take part in daily activities. * Illness* Disability * Injury 3. Thinking Stressor - Any type of mental challenge that can cause stress. * Tests* Homework
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  • 5 Types of Stressors 4. Behavioral Stressors - Any unhealthy behavior that can lead to stress. * Not enough Sleep* Time Management * Using Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco 5. Life Change Stressors Any major life change, whether positive or negative, that can lead to stress. * Death of a loved one* Getting Married
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  • Life Changes That Can Lead to Stress * Death of a parent* Having Arguments w/ Parents * Death of a sibling* Getting Married * Parents Divorce* Failing a Grade in School * Serious Illness* Increased Parent Arguments * Parent Goes to Jail* Beginning or Ending School * Death - Close Friend* Boyfriend / Girlfriend Breakup * Being Pregnant* Making an Outstanding Achievement * Getting a New Job* Moving to a New School * New Family Member* Suspended From School * Change in Financial Status* Trouble with a Teacher * Excluded From Social Circle* Change in Sleeping Habits * Going on Vacation* Getting a Traffic Ticket * Serious Illness to Family Member
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  • The Fight-or-Flight Response During the Fight-or-Flight Response your body provides you with the energy, reflexes, and strength, you may need to respond to the stressor.
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  • The Fight-or-Flight Response During the Fight-or-Flight Response your body releases Epinephrine (formerly called Adrenaline), which prepares the body for quick action by triggering the changes listed Below: Breathing speeds up, which helps get more oxygen through your body. Heart beats faster, which helps the flow of blood to carry more oxygen to your muscles. Muscles tense up, which prepare you to move more quickly. Pupils in the eyes get wider, which allows extra light for more sensitive vision. Blood Sugar Increases to provide more fuel for fighting or running.
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  • The way you respond to stress emotionally or behaviorally depends on whether you consider the stress to be positive or negative.
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  • Two Types of Stress 1. Positive Stress ( Also called Eustress ) Stress that energizes one and helps one reach a goal. Makes you feel alert and lively and will appear more confident and in control. Ex: Giving a speech in front of your class. If you choose to make it a positive experience, you can use the positive stress to motivate yourself to do your best. By using Eustress, you will attract and hold the attention of the audience.
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  • Two Types of Stress 2. Negative Stress ( Also Called Distress ) Stress that makes you feel sick or keep a person from reaching a goal. It can keep you from doing your best, no matter how capable you are. Ex: Giving a speech in front of your class. If you choose to consider giving a speech a negative experience, you may forget your points you want to make, lose concentration, your words wont flow well, your voice may sound to soft and shaky, which will result in the audience becoming bored and confused.
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  • If your body experiences stress continuously over a long period of time, you increase the risk for a wide variety of stress-related diseases. Headaches Heart Attack Weakened Immune System Infections and Colds
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  • The General Adaptation Syndrom Is a model that describes the relationship between stress and disease. Learning the stages of this model will help you understand how stress can affect your health
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  • Alarm Stage * Your body and mind become alert. * The beginning of the Fight-or-Flight Response. * You may experience headaches, stomachaches, difficulty sleeping and anxiety. Resistance Stage * If the stress continues, your body becomes more resistant to disease and injury than normal. * You can cope with added stress, but only for a limited time. Exhaustion Stage * Your body cannot take the resistance to the stressor any longer. * You become exhausted in a serious way. * Organs, such as your heart may suffer and your immune system can no longer fight illness
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  • 1. Take Care of Yourself - Exercise Regularly Exercise relieves Tension ( A physical effect of stress marked by straining muscles ) in a healthy way. - Get Enough Rest Get at least 9 hours of sleep a night to stay alert and deal with stressors when they happen. - Eat Right Eat nutritious foods that give you the vitamins, minerals, and energy you need to deal with the everyday demands of life and for your immune system to function properly
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  • 2. Learn To Relax - Breathing Exercises Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing, inhaling and exhaling for at least 15 min. Deep breathing brings more oxygen to all parts of your body and keeps your brain alert and focused. - Tension-Releasing Exercises Start by tensing the muscles in one part of your body, then relaxing them. Keep performing this until you feel less tension and more relaxed.
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  • 3. Build Resiliency The ability to recover from illness, hardship, and other stressors is called Resiliency. Resilient people continue to be optimistic when life gets tough. They struggle less and succeed more. Resilient people get their strength from their Assets ( A skill or resource that can help you reach a goal )
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  • Support Family & Friends to help you. Empowerment Feeling of valued member of society. Boundaries Clear set of rules & consequences for school, family and relationships. Productive Use of Time Choosing creative & productive activities. Commitment to Learning Understanding the value of schoolwork. Positive Values Having values like: Caring, Integrity, Honesty & Self-Responsibility. Social Skills Communicating effectively, respecting others, and avoiding peer pressure. Positive Identity Having high self-esteem, self-control and a feeling as if you have a purpose.
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  • 4. Change Your Attitude Use Positive Self-Talk Say or think positive things to yourself. Be Confident About Yourself The better you feel about yourself, the more positive your perception of a situation will be. Dont Worry About Things Out of Your Control Accept the things you cant change, and then make the best out of the situation. Put energy into what you can control.
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  • 5. Manage Your Time List & Prioritize Your Projects - Make a list of your projects and to prioritize your goals. - Prioritize To arrange items in order of importance. Know & Set Your Limits - Dont take on too many responsibilities at one time. - Saying No sometimes is a healthy way of taking care of yourself. Make a Schedule 1. Enter Priorities First 2. Be Realistic 3. Prepare for Problems 4. Make Time to Relax 5. Do It
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  • 1. Effects of Loss All forms of loss can cause you to experience a range of emotions, such as sadness, anger, numbness, and a feeling of doubting your mental stability. These are all normal emotions. If the feelings dont pass over time, then you may need to seek help. Loss can cause the body Stress. Examples of Loss Death of Family Member Divorce of ones Parents Death of a Pet Breakup w/ Boyfriend or Girlfriend Moving Away from Home
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  • 2. 5 Stages of The Grieving Process Grieve To express deep sadness because of loss. 1. Denial - You refuse to believe the loss occurred. 2. Anger - Experiencing anger or rage is normal. You may even try to blame yourself or others, which is not something you should do. 3. Bargaining Is the final attempt at avoiding what is true. Ex: Promising to change if the person or thing is returned to them. 4. Depression - Sadness is normal. If feeling sad keeps you from your daily activity for more than a few days, get help. 5. Acceptance Even though its still painful, you begin to learn how to live with a loss and life will go on.
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  • Wake Is a ceremony that is held to allow family and friends to view or watch over the deceased person before the funeral. Funeral Is a ceremony in which a deceased person is buried or cremated. Memorial Service Is a ceremony to remember the deceased person.
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  • Suicide Is the act of intentionally taking ones life. - The truth is that most people who attempt suicide dont really want to die. - Many people who have considered suicide considered it only for a brief period in their life. - Most people who attempted suicide and failed are usually grateful to be alive. - Suicide does not happen without warning. They usually ask for help in an indirect way. - Drugs & Alcohol can put people at risk of acting on suicidal thoughts because their judgment is impaired
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  • Feeling Hopeless - Feeling of sadness that interferes with their daily activities. - If it lasts more than a few days, it could be harmful to them. Withdrawing From Family & Friends - Strong sign someone is considering suicide; - Get support from family - Talk to your friend who you may think is contemplating suicide. Neglecting Basic Needs - Person stops taking care of appearance ( Not brushing hair, not showering and not changing clothes ) - starts to lose weight and trouble sleeping. Experiencing Loss of Energy - Dont make an effort to do anything. - Dont take part in things they have interest in and sleep more often.
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  • Taking More Risks - Rebellious - Self Destructive - Reckless Behavior - Violent Towards Others or Themselves Using Alcohol & Drugs - Not only Self-Destructive, but also leads to more anxiety and depression. Giving Away Personal Things - Giving away personal items is a way of saying goodbye without words. - If someone give you something very precious to them, you may want to ask why?
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  • Taking All Talk of Suicide Seriously - If a friend talks of suicide, tell a trusted adult. Tell Friend That Suicide is Not The Answer - Suicide is not the answer for a temporary problem. - Remind them of all the things that would be missed if they werent around. - Tell them to talk to a trusted adult. Change Negative Thoughts Into Positive - Help your friend use Positive Self-Talk. Dont Keep Secrets - Dont agree to keep a secret if friend asks you not to tell anyone. - Get help for your friend no matter what!

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