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  • Strong Korea?
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  • [Correspondents report] Chinese Diplomacy Ignores the truth Segye Ilbo Empty calls for both North and South to excersize restraint and engage in dialogue. Refuses to differentiate between agressor and victim. Ju Chun Yeol, Beijing Correspondent
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  • U.S. Twin Deficits
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  • Source: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Share of World GDP by Region
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  • Growing Isolationism in U.S. AgreeDisagreeAgreeDisagree The U.S. should mind its own business internationally and let other countries get along the best they can on their own. We should not think so much in international terms but concentrate more on our own national problems.
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  • Donald Trump Piers Morgan Donald Trump on Piers Morgan Tonight (CNN)
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  • Donald John Trump Why should we send our aircraft carrier for free to protect Korea? They are our rivals! Piers Morgan Donald Trump on Piers Morgan Tonight (CNN)
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  • GDP % Military Spending U.S.A. $14,120,000,000,0005.20%$741,200,000,000 China $5,745,133,000,0004.30%$98,800,000,000 Japan $5,068,996,000,0000.94%$46,859,000,000 South Korea $832,512,000,0002.70%$27,130,000,000 India $1,310,171,000,0002.50%$36,600,000,000 Russia $1,231,893,000,0003.90%$61,000,000,000 North Korea $40,000,000,00012.50%$5,000,000,000 Israel $194,790,000,0007.30%$14,309,000,000 Source GDP World Bank, Military Spending - SIPRI U.S.A.$14,120,000,000,0005.20%$741,200,000,000 China$5,745,133,000,0004.30%$98,800,000,000
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  • GDP (% Military Spending U.S.A. $14,120,000,000,0005.20%$741,200,000,000 China $9,104,181,000,0004.30%$380,000,000,000 Japan $4,138,481,000,0000.90%$33,192,000,000 South Korea $1,324,360,000,0002.70%$36,774,000,000 India $3,752,032,000,0002.50%$92,000,000,000 Russia $2,687,298,000,0003.90%$82,500,000,000 North Korea $40,000,000,00025.0%$10,000,000,000 Israel $205,939,000,0007.30%$15,103,700,000 Source GDP World Bank, Military Spending China $9,104,181,000,0004.30%$380,000,000,000
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  • Chinas Military Spending Peoples Republic of China
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  • Chinas New Aircraft Carrier
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  • Chinas Estimated 3,000 Nuclear Weapons Source: Washington Post
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  • Asymmetric Power Weapons that allow an otherwise weak actor to avoid the strengths of the stronger opponent and strike at his weak points. Nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles, chemical and biological weapons are examples.. Asymmetric Power South KoreaWeaponsNorth Korea NoneNuclear Thought to posess1 to 15 war heads NoneChemical 2,500 to 5,000 tons of nerve gas, sarin, tabun, phosgene, adamsite, prussic acid and a family of mustard gases NoneBiological Possess large amounts of biological agents Maximum Range 300 KmBallistic Missile Rodong, Scud, Daepodong missiles can carry chemical and biological weapons
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  • 40 Sukhoi -25 Chemical weapons: 2,500-3,000 t (est) Nuclear weapons 1 about 10 (est) North Scud, Rodong Missiels: 300 to 600 350 Long Range Artillery 80 IL-28 Pursue Patriot missile deployment Introduction of MLRS Early JDAM introduction 180 MiG 2 N Ks Asymmetric Weapons and Delivery Means South
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  • Source: YouTube, marumicchy
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  • A small but strong country Population: 7.3 million (2010) GDP: 217 billion (2010) Defense Budget: $16.2 billion (2008 1/500 of Surrounding countries
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  • Peace is possible when nation is strong. Easy access to weapons More powerful than U.S. in the region Army 19 combat-ready divisions Air Force Nearly 3,000 sorties a day Quantitative, Qualitative Superiority At time, rebuffs U.S. pressure to go its own way
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  • Lets create the alliance of free democratic nations to protect world peace

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