Page 1: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Student ChoiceStudent Voice


WORDY WEDNESDAYUsing a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When you are finished, click share and send it to your writing teacher.

Melissa BarnhartMichelle PirroPhyllis Musial

Page 2: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When



Page 3: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Student ChoiceStudent Voice

If you were going to

live as a superhero,

who would you choose?

Elaborate, please.

Enhancements to focus on:


Page 4: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Student ChoiceStudent Voice

If you found a hundred-

dollar bill in the hallway, but

no one saw you, what

would you do? Explain your

answer with details.

Enhancements to focus on:


Page 5: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you could choose only one,

would you rather have the ability

to speak or to listen? Explain

your decision with reasons and


Enhancements to focus on:

• Interesting lead

• Word choice


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 6: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Is it better to have a

lot of acquaintances

or just ONE great

friend? Explain why

or why not?

Enhancements to focus on:

• Interesting lead

• Word choice


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 7: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If everything in the

world was only one

color, which color

would you pick? Why?


Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 8: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you could pick your own

superhero power, what

power would you choose?

How would this power be

helpful? How would your

power impact the world?

Enhancements to focus on:

Description and Ideas


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 9: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you were granted a wish

to pick one age that you

would be for the rest of

your life, what age would

you choose? Explain why

you made the choice you

did? Elaborate.

Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 10: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you had to live your

life inside a movie,

which movie would you

choose? Why? Please

offer details and


Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 11: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When


Would you rather have

the ability to taste or to


Elaborate with details.

Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 12: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you had all the money

in the world to build

something, what would

you build? Explain why

with support and details.

Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 13: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you could change

something about Frey, what

would it be. Think of

something that is innovative

(out of the box thinking) and

will improve your education.

You cannot choose to have

recess or P.E. all day.

Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 14: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you could change one

rule that your family has,

what would you change?

Why? Elaborate.

Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 15: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Of all of the things that

you are learning, what do

you think will be the most

useful when you are an

adult? Explain.

Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 16: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you could grow up

to be famous, what

would you want to be

famous for? Explain.

Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 17: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you could change lives with

another Frey student for one

week (in our duo of classes),

who would you switch places

with? Please elaborate.

Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 18: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you had the ability to have

any superpower, what power

would you choose? Explain

in great detail how this extra

ability would enhance your


Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 19: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you were able to own any

non-domesticated animal as a

pet, what animal would you

choose? Elaborate and explain

your choice. Offer information

about what pitfalls or obstacles

you’d have to overcome to own

this animal.

Enhancements to focus on:


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 20: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

An accident or incident

has occurred that makes

the United States and the

rest of North America

unlivable. Explain in detail

what has happened and

what the impact is.


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 21: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

What was the scariest event

that ever occurred in your

life? Try to incorporate as

many detail in this piece as

you can in the time allotted.


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 22: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you could choose to live

inside of one book for the

rest of your life, which book

would you choose? Explain

which character you’d like to

become. Elaborate with a lot

of details and support.


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 23: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you were going to begin

an ANTI-bullying campaign

here at Frey, how would you

go about it? What would

your theme be? Explain how

this would make an impact

here at Frey.


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 24: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

As humans, we all feel

emotions. How would you

describe the feeling of an

emotion? Take love as an

example, we feel love for our

family members. How do you

explain what love, fear, or

sorrow feels like? If you can’t

see it, how can you prove that it



Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 25: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

A fire has started in your

house, everyone including

pets are able to get out

safely, what one possession

would your grab before

exiting the structure? Why

would you grab this item?

What does this item mean to



Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 26: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Is there something in your

life that you wish you could

redo? What was the event

and how would you do it

differently? Elaborate.


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 27: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Would you rather live to be a

100 years old because you were

overly cautious and didn't do

anything fun or daring or would

you rather die at a young age

having lived a full and exciting

life? Elaborate.


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 28: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Convince someone why music or art are important in your life. Make

them appreciate your viewpoint.


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 29: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Is there a machine you feel you could

not live without? Explain.


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 30: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you could only speak twenty

words for the rest of your life, what words would top

your list and why?


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 31: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Imagine yourself as a

teacher. What type of student

would you like to teach and why?


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 32: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Name and describe a teacher

who made a difference in your life. What did that teacher do that was so special?


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 33: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Describe the most difficult thing about

being your age.



Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 34: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you could study one subject in

school that wasn't offered, what

would it be and why?


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 35: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

If you had a chance to live anywhere you could, where

would it be and why?


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 36: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

The saying goes, "Money cannot

buy happiness." Do you agree or

disagree? Why or why not?


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 37: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When

Many popular children's books are made into

movies. Some people feel that the movies are never as good as the books and

it keeps children from wanting to read. Write an opinion piece discussing

how you feel about books being made into movies. Use actual examples,

reasons and explanations to express your point of

view on this topic.


Student ChoiceStudent Voice

Page 38: Student Choice Student Voice WORDY WEDNESDAY · Student Choice Student Voice 1 WORDY WEDNESDAY Using a word document in Office 365, pick a prompt, and let your imagination go! When


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