
Finn MeachemMrs. GartnerSocial Studies Period 42/20/14

1. Ancestor- a person from whom one is descended. My great aunt, who lived before me and is dead, is my ancestor.2. Bureaucracy- government by many bureaus, administrators, and petty officials. Qin knew he could not handle such a big nation on his own; he set up a bureaucracy of officials to lead others down the line.3. Censorship- the act or practice of censoring. In the Beatles Abbey road album, the American Government took the cigarette out of Paul McCartneys hand.4. Confucianism- the ethical system of Confucius, emphasizing moral order, the humanity and virtue of China's ancient rulers, and gentlemanly education. The people of China thought Confucianism would make the people more satisfied with their government-if the government acted like a good father, the people would be good sons.5. Dialect- a provincial, rural, or socially distinct variety of a language that differs from the standard language, especially when considered as substandard. The people in Haiti speak Haitian Creole- a dialect of French.6. Dynasty- a sequence of rulers from the same family, stock, or group. The Qin dynasty was supposed to last for 10,000 generations: it only lasted two.7. Feudalism- the feudal system, or its principles and practices. The Zhou dynasty was a time of feudalism. It meant the poor worked land the nobles owned, and the nobles paid tax to the king.8. Middleman- an independent trader engaged in the distribution of goods from producer to consumer. The Chinese used middlemen to trade their silk so the secret couldnt be stolen in Europe.9. Oracle- Someone who can see the future and peoples destinies. The oracle told him he would become famous with her crystal ball.10. Provinces- an administrative division or unit of a country. The Quebec province of Canada speaks French, but the New Brunswick Province speaks English.11. Seismograph- any of various instruments for measuring and recording the vibrations of earthquakes. The Han dynasties seismographs helped the government know which province had had an earthquake, so they could send help right away.12. Yin and Yang- two principles, one negative, dark, and feminine (yin) and one positive, bright, and masculine (yang) whose interaction influences the destinies of creatures and things. Yin and yang were opposites that helped the Chinese explain the things they did not understand like lightning and floods.

Famous People

1. Ban Zhou- Ban Zhou was a woman who wrote books and stories about womens etiquette that is still used today. 2. Cheng Tang- Overthrew Jie, an evil emperor who was the last of the Xi dynasty. Also called Cheng the successful, he was the first emperor of the Shang dynasty.3. Confucius- A philosopher during the time of the one hundred schools. His works and laws of obedience are still followed today.4. Han Gaozu- The first emperor of the Han dynasty. He rebelled against Qin Shihuandi and overthrew his bureaucracy.5. Jie- The last emperor of the Xi dynasty. He was considered evil and eventually overthrown.6. Li Si- The advisor over Qin Shihiandi and a strong Legalist. He swayed the emperor into doing legalist-pro actions like burning the books of Confucius and other philosophers.7. Laozi- The founder of Daoism; a religion still followed today. He believed you should stay in harmony with nature, and leaders should be in the background.8. Mencius- A follower of Confucius, who made Confucianism popular after he died.9. Mozi- Born about one hundred years after Confucius, he was the inventor of Maoism. He believed you should treat everyone with love, no matter who they are.10. Qin Shihuandi- Qin was the first emperor of China, who made many good changes, but also was a harsh legalist with no love for his people.11. Wudi- An emperor of the Han dynasty who expanded China into a great empire. He took over Mongolia, some of the Koreas, and other parts of modern-day China.12. Yu- The man who made China a nation when it was many different tribes. Started the Xi dynasty.13. Zhang Heng- A mathematician, astronomer, and geographer that was part of the Han court.14. Zhang Qian- A pioneer and middleman for emperor Wu of Han. He gave the first reliable information about Central Asia to the Han court.


1. Between Mencius, Loazi and Mozi, I agree with Mencius the most. He believed that obedience and respect could stop evil from happening and if the five basic relationships were strong enough, you could live happily. I think he is right because when people force themselves into doing something, they usually start to like it. When people say things to themselves in the mirror, they start to believe it and when you are forced to go to school, you make friends and enjoy being around them. In addition, when you respect people, they respect you, so respecting everyone should result in you being a figure of obedience and being friends with more people.

2. Li Si had much influence on Qin Shihuandi and being his advisor only strengthened their relationship. Li Si was a strong Legalist, which meant that he wanted Qin to be a Legalist too. When Qin found out that some philosophers opposed him, Li Si advised him to burn the books and have the philosophers publicly executed. Qin obeyed him and made sure people couldnt read the books again. In addition, Li Si hurt China because he told Qin to keep enforcing Legalist laws, which made his people dislike him.

3. An example of Confucianism in the modern world would be the amendments in the constitution. If we are obedient to our government, they will act like a good leader. Everyone has agreed that the twenty-first amendment is good, and that women can vote and do things that men should. When people follow amendments, they are rewarded with a good home and a place to start living (the country opens up to you if you obey their laws).

4. An example of censorship for the common good is the rule in school that says you cannot wear clothes that have inappropriate language or symbols. The rules means kids arent exposed to adult topics that their parents are not paying taxes for. In addition, this helps kids not grow up with these things, because, (as I mentioned before), when people see things or hear things all the time, they believe it is okay to do or say and start to believe it.

5. An invention that solves a problem would be rubber. Charles Goodyear was an entrepreneur who was totally bankrupt, had been jailed for not paying his taxes and totally abandoned by his workers, but he managed to mix sulfur in with the sap of the rubber tree to create what we now use to protect vital engine parts, keep our feet protected, and stop electricity from flowing. It is different from the seismograph because it is a multi-purpose substance, but it does get people to the scene of the earthquake faster, because they have cars with rubber tires.

6. An example Yin and Yang in the modern world would be your body. It survives off of bacteria that if consumed by another person could be deadly. The bacteria and cells in your body only care about you, because they live in you and help you digest food. Another less disturbing example would be the moon. The moon emits no light, it reflects to light of the sun, so technically, if there was no Sun, there would be no moon (we couldnt see it).13.

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