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  • 7/21/2019 Stuff and Things


    Devolutiondecide alone issues which affect you exclusivelyno constitutional recognition of right to self-determinationautonomy at benevolence of state-wide majorityautonomy as the new gold standard

    opposite of this:No state or region has the right to develop its own governance within the framework of the Constitution, nor does it have the power to elect its Chief Minister.The citizens of each sub-national entity cannot select the members of its own executive department. Therefore, the central government is the dominant authorityand the Constitution provides for a complex structure that hides the highly centralized nature of the stateand gives no real autonomy to regional communities.

    Protection of rights of minorities in autonomous regions, in his proposition justifying international legal support to intrastate autonomy as an alternative tosecession. but background is that the right is remedial only. to protect minorities from discriminations and violations of human rightsBuchanan mentions of a vestigial function of autonomy vis-a-vis secession, where the state functions to control over the way an majority, as the harbinger of c

    reation of the autonomous region, treats the minorities within it. (Page 142, Identity, Self-Determination and Secession, written by Allen Buchanan, edited by Igor Primoratz and Aleksandar Pavkovic)



    Self-determination is the idea of a community's right to control its own future,and thus physically to survive and prosper to the fullest extent possible. A community's power of self-determination is perceived as a crucial aspect of its identity, and so also, in holistic terms, of its health and survival. When the phrase 'self-determination' is a part of a community's political lexicon, it therefore becomes a very powerful expression, and carries great hope for the birth ofphysical changes in a community's circumstances.


    The MNLF had been formed in 1969 by a group of young secular-educated men who rejected the traditional aristocratic leaders of Mindanao's Muslims. According toMNLF leader, Nur Misuari, " our armed struggle today is a jihad for national salvation from colonialism" and involved setting up an independent "Bangsa Moro Republic" (Che Man 1990: 87). Full scale war between the MNLF and government forceslasted from 1972 until the mid-1970s, resulting in approximately 50,000 deathsand the displacemet of at least 200,000 people with an additional 140,000 refugees in Sabah (May 1992). Other estimates put these figures considerably higher.

  • 7/21/2019 Stuff and Things


    Self-determination as non-domination promotes a shift from government to governance-- whereby governance feels less hierarchical form of governing and supportsdecentralisatoin and local governance.

    Territorial autonomy has been the classical means of settling self-determinationdisputes outside the colonial context. It denotes self-governance of a demographically distinct territorial unit within the state. The extent of autonomy granted will normally be established in the constitution and/or an autonomy statute. This statute will often be legally entrenched as a special or organic law, to ensure the permanence of this arrangement. While operating within the overall constitutional order of the state, autonomy implies original decision-making power inrelation to devolved competences.Devolution of powers of self-government can occur state-wide, establishing an entity which is not quite a federation, but which is nevertheless entirely composed of units of regional or local government endowed with signifi cant and equal devolved competences. More often, however, devolution takes place in relation toonly certain parts of the territory, resulting in asymmetrical autonomy. That isto say, the overall state continues to administer itself under an essentially centralist state structure, offering special status to one or more entities whichenjoy autonomous or even federal-type competences.

    in Kida v. Senate, where the synchronization of ARMM elections with the nationalelections was at issue, the decided the case on the premise that the ARMM, although given special status in the Constitution, remains a local government

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