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On 14th March voting will open for the Students Union Annual elections. This is your chance to pick the team of students that will run your Union next year, every student can vote so it’s really important you have your say. Voting can seem confusing so here are some common questions and answers about UCSU elections

How do I vote?Unlike voting in general elections you won’t see ballot boxes and voting papers around, that’s because voting is entirely online. Simply log in to Portia and you will see a banner at the top of the page saying ‘SU Elections’ click on that banner and you will be taken to the online voting system log in with your normal University username and password.

When do I vote?Voting is open from 10am 14th March to 8pm 18th March

How do I find out more about the candidates?The candidates will be out campaigning for your vote during voting week, so if you see them make sure you say hello and ask what they will be doing for you next year. They will also be putting up posters and distributing other publicity so keep an eye out. Every candidate has also produced a statement of who they are and why you should vote for them and there’s a link to each candidates on the voting page so you can make sure your fully informed before you vote.

I want to ask the candidates questions in person, how can I do that?The SU will be holding ‘Election Question Time’ events on both campuses which the candidates have been invited too. Come along listen to the candidates speeches and ask them questions about their plans for your SU times and locations below:Wednesday 16th - 2pm Election Speeches Only (E124)

7.30pm Sports and Societies Federation Presidents Debate (New for 2011) (Zee Bar)Sports and Societies Federation candidates will have a chance to do a longer than usual speech and take part in a chaired debate with the audience at Zee

I’ve heard UCSU uses an unusual voting system, how does it work?If you’ve ever voted in a general or local election you will find the UCSU’s voting system is a little different. For each position rather than just voting for one candidate you rank the candidates in order of preference (number 1 for your favourite number 2 for your second favourite number three for your third favourite and so on) if one candidate receives more than half the 1st choice votes they are elected by if no candidate does (say there are four candidates and they each get roughly 25% of the vote) then whoever comes last will be removed and their votes reassigned to their number 2 choice, this continues until one candidate has more than 50% of the votes. This is much fairer than the other system and means that nobody can be elected without the support of half the voters.

Will giving somebody a second preference harm my first choice in the election?No, the only way your vote will be transferred away from your first choice is if they could not possible win, so you can’t harm your first choice by picking a second. It’s a very good idea to put second and third choices as they can often be the deciding factor in an election and even if your favourite doesn’t win it might mean a candidate who shares many of their views will.

When will the results be announced?The results will initially be announced at the elections night party Zee Bar, then posted on the SU website and on Portia. The first results will be announced at 9pm and the final ones should be out by 11pm, come along and celebrate the wins or commiserate the losers.



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Angela GoodersonAfter running a very successful year as RAG Officer, I feel I have the drive and determination to be the next UCSU President. I have first hand experience of how the exec committee runs, have been involved in meetings regarding the welfare and future of our students, marched against the rise in tuition fees in London, along with raising a substantial amount of money for charity through organising events such as RAG Fest and the naked sports calendar. Having been involved so much with the Students Union and the bar, in which I photograph and serve drinks, my hope is that many people have met me at some point and will see that I can follow in the footsteps of my predecessors. Of course there are ongoing issues I will continue to tackle, like bus fares, housing and student safety, but I have the ambition to fight against a wider circle of problems including the ever rising tuition fees slapped on us by the government. Ultimately, I will strive to create a better experience for the students of Chichester University while they study and help build some good memories to take with them after graduation. Vote me number 1!

Alex SalterBognor - More opportunities for Bognor, specifically development of more societies there and offer incentives for existing societies to commit to activities. I will spend time on both campuses each week. Discounted bus fees in the event of particular positive events.Societies - Training programme for people overseeing societies or volunteering, volunteers are the ‘best resource we have’ and we want to invest in them. Regular meet ups with those overseeing societies to discern progress and search areas where help is needed.Mature Students - More social events which are appropriate for a wider range of students, social activities other than drinking in the bar.International Students - ‘International Cafe’, a new initiative in which we can celebrate our diversity and learn from other people. The Students’ Union will work more closely with International Students.Inter-departmental relationships - Work more closely with Student Services, particularly with volunteering and awareness of services available. Weekly Updates - Each week I would release a video on the UCSU website informing students of progress at the SU.Diverse Social Activities - I would work with whoever is elected SU Vice-President to implement more diverse social activities.Get into bed with Spread


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Pete FinlayI’m Pete, known as “Finners” by my team mates. I am a History Student, the Lacrosse team president and Lacrosse Captain and I believe that I would also make a good Sports Federation President. I believe this for a few reasons. Firstly having assisted in the founding of the Men’s Lacrosse team here at Chichester I am well aware of how difficult it is to form new teams, to expand existing teams and to develop teams who are going through hard times. I strongly believe in the need to give teams as much support as is available to help them maximize their development, potential and their competitive ability. As president I would endeavour to offer this support. I would try to further develop the Alumni as a way of raising funds, I would assist new efforts to create new sports teams and I would like to see Chichester rise up the BUCS points tables. Furthermore I would enter into talks with the University to see if there is any form of compromise that would allow for lectures for all courses to finish earlier on Wednesdays and create more opportunities for students to participate in sport without jeopardising their grades.

Charlotte LetchfordHi I’m Charlotte Letchford, I’m currently in my second year studying music and have been part of the Chichester Cheetahs cheerleading squad for nearly two years and Social- Secretary for this current year!If elected Sports Federation President I will aim to ensure that the success and enjoyment of sports throughout UOC will not only be maintained but improved for the coming academic year. The main things I aim to achieve this year are to make funding equal for all sports teams, stop the price of Sports Federation cards from rising again, continue to push for Wednesday afternoons being free to all students, review the relationship between the SU and SARC, change the destination of the sports tour creating variety and finally aim to bridge the gap between the two faculties of sport exercise, social science and business, arts and humanities. Voting for me as Sports Federation President will ensure the continuation of a smoothly run sports federation, one that makes you proud to call yourself part of the WSIHE team!!!


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Hannah CartwrightHi! I’m Hannah Cartwright, a third year English & Creative Writing and Media Studies student. I’m known as “Speedy” because I have Narcolepsy and take medication similar to Speed. My battle with Narcolepsy (Google it!) hasn’t made my life easy, but has made me stronger and very determined. I play an active role in representing the University, having been a Course Rep for three years and a Fresher’s Welcome Rep. I’ve worked at the Zee Bar since my first year and have been a Student Ambassador on University Open Days.If I was elected Vice President, I’d develop Fresher’s Week, making it fun and worthwhile for students across all years, whether living on or off campus! I’d also bring more variety to nights out at the SU throughout the year, in terms of music and themes.Using your ideas and contributions I’d work to make Exploded! Magazine as popular as Pulped used to be - more student orientated - with updates on the success of teams, societies and events, and encourage the integration of sports and art/humanities students!I’m hard working, approachable and a good listener. Everyone knows I have a loud voice, let me put it to good use!

Celica DouglasFirstly I would like to introduce myself to you all, I’m Celica ‘Cee Cee’ Douglas and I would like to be your next Vice President at Chichester University. As an individual I can’t offer advice on how great halls are, having never lived in them myself, but I can say that being part of a society like I have been for my whole 3 years makes you feel more involved and like part of a team at this uni. It is for this reason one of my main aims is to improve opportunities for all societies. I have been vice president and president of the Afro-Caribbean Society. Our aim is to promote equality and diversity which as vice president I would like to further endorse throughout the whole uni. I have also been the sports therapists of the men’s rugby teams for the past two years.With my open and active personality I think it gives me the ability to approach people and talk to them about anything. This is what I feel gives me a leading edge as to why I should be vice president of the students union.Vote Cee Cee for Vice PresidentKeep smiling for Equality



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Dan MillarA warm hello to all! My name is Dan Millar and I’m currently in the final year of my undergraduate degree in Music. With both of our full time officers unable to run for a third term in office, change is in the air around the UCSU. With that in mind my campaign is not only promoting change, but also for continuation and reassurance. So what will a vote for me achieve? A vote for me is for an increase in awareness of new and existing security measures implemented on both campuses. A Vote for me is for the encouragement of communication, integration and education of all UCSU Societies in conjunction with Societies Federation President candidate Hannah Wickham. A vote for me is for the continuation of providing support of various calibres to students who need it, bus passes for Bognor residents whose courses are based in Chichester and vice-versa being a prime example. A vote for me is for a candidate who has drive, passion and the hunger to perform my duties to the very best of my ability. All I need from you is the opportunity. A vote for me will SHAPE YOUR STUDENT EXPERIENCE. Happy voting!

Chris MowattAs Chairman of the Senate I Give my promise that I will give students the chance to voice their opinions to the senate and that they will be heard. As a member of the Executive committee last year I have experience in how the student union is run, and I can bring that experience to the Senate chair position. I feel that my experience will be useful as I can use that experience to best help the senate when chairing meetings My promise is to uphold the integrity of the senate and adhere to the rules and regulations that will govern the student union in the next coming year while also being totally impartial and not influencing senate members.


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Kim SkinnerSocieties are an excellent way to broaden friendship circles, become more involved in University life, increase experiences and so much more. If I’m elected as Chichester SU’s first Societies Federation President I intend to encourage every course to set up their own thriving societies and would also like to see a lot more general societies set up and will make it my responsibility to ensure students have the confidence, help and support to both set up these societies, and run them effectively so that societies aren’t just something you sign up to and never hear about again. As well as this I also want to provide students with their own general socials night and provide you with the chance to get out there in the most ridiculous fancy dress imaginable and show the sports socials and other students what you’ve got. We only have a few years of University life, societies can be a huge part of the experiences you have in that time, I want to push this message out and get everyone involved, please vote for me, Kim Skinner, to be your Societies Federation President.

Harlie Sutherland(No photo submitted)Since being at university I have always had a passion to get involved within as much as I can. I have learnt the importance of societies towards students because societies make oppertunities and create new ideas for the students, it also shows what ahievements can be made if you put your mind to it.Since running The Mack soeity at the beginning of this year it has really opened my eyes into what matters most........ The students. We took the approach of our society that our ideas would come from the student voice not just ours because they matter most into creating success. If you vote me to be your socieites president I will help carry on this creation of oppertunities for my fellow students and make it possible for future and present students to have there say on what happens and also help have there societies created amongst the many this university holds. Believe in society- Create Your Future



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Hannah WickhamHaving set up and been president of a new society this year (UCSU AHA Society) I am very aware of the ins and outs of starting and running a society. Along with many other society officers and members, I believe the most important thing to help them flourish is communication, both between the societies and the SU and between different societies. I therefore intend to encourage societies to have representatives on the monthly Societies Federation meetings. These meetings will answer questions societies have, allow societies to communicate easily and plan joint events, and allow the SU to supply relevant information. I am intending to create more documents for societies to make sure they know what they are entitled to and so can fully use their SU to their advantage. If elected I will encourage new societies to set up with posters, a presence at the Fresher’s Fair and a concise document outlining what is required to set up a society, making this process easier to understand. For these policies and more vote Dan Millar for Vice-President. Communication, Integration and Education are vital to a successful society, a vote for me will help societies new and current with all these areas.

George WoodfordI am running for RAG officer because I believe that although our university is already good at charitable giving, I feel there is still a lot more that can be done and I feel that I am the person to achieve this.If elected I will work towards having a greater RAG presence in and around the university; by ensuring a continued RAG presence on campus all year round and not just at specific events we will be able to maximise the amount of fundraising that can be done. I will put greater focus on fresher’s week, this would be done to add heightened awareness to the RAG name and to get new students involved with RAG as they start university. I will recognise that not just elected officers raise money for charity; that ordinary students at UoC also do this and therefore I will strive to give every help to the students who are raising money. If elected I will also strive to ensure the continued success of RAG RACE and RAGFEST but also to build upon previous years to make them more successful than ever before.Please vote George Woodford #1 for RAG Officer.


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Jasmin TaylorI want to create events that you will remember as some of your best times during university. I feel that events within the student union should be run by us, the students. If elected, I will strive to create events that cater to your interests, whatever they may be, I want to hear them! I promise to work with students to create regular events that enhance and improve your university experience. In every part of UCSU, it is vital that the student voice is heard, and I want to hear yours loud and clear!I want to make UCSU events accessible for everyone. This includes off-campus, mature and disabled students. I will endeavour to make events welcoming and friendly and make every student, no matter who they are, feel a part of UCSU events. I believe that UCSU events should cost you as little as possible; the student life is not cheap! I will create as many free events as I can. Our events should also not cost the earth and I will aim to keep our events sustainable.Finally, I will aim for a wider variety of events throughout the academic year at UCSU, not just during fresher’s week.

Mike TucknottDiversity is Chichester University, but is it proven? I believe that there are ways I can make the University and Chichester a place.The Night is for you. I will find out what music our students enjoy and create a request night or integrate it in the current events through facebook. The technology is no excuse; you hear what you want to hear.There is more to Chi. I will construct better relations with our local bars, venues and clubs to build stronger links and discuss more potential events concentrating on alternative genres. We all like more than mainstream repeats, it’s time to open Chichester’s ears.Let’s EXPLORE. I would like to organise more outside trips away from Uni. Paintballing, Thorpe Park and potentially pushing further out. The possibilities are endless. These are just a few ideas. I’m no Nick Clegg, so vote for me. I will keep my promises and do my utmost to make sure all students enjoy a night out and make Chichester a place you’ll want to stay in. This isn’t for me. This isn’t for you. This is for US. Experience Event organiser for Park Centre Youth Club- 2007-2009Band promotion- 2007-2010Butserfest promoter- 2010


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Harry TurpinI love taking part in everything the university has to offer and doing my bit to give back to the student society, to create an enjoyable environment! My passion for events came from setting up my own society The Mack society, where we organize safe, enjoyable and pumping nights under the creative name of handh!This year i have been heavily involved in organizing Pack the Mack, both of these organizations has given me a feel for what you as students want and enjoy!If i was elected i would add to the lively life we have here at chichester university and through alcoholic and non alcoholic events re adapt the nights as we know them. Bringing some of my own ideas from massive variety in music suiting everybody’s tastes to fancy dress ideas you have never even heard of!handh has given me a massive understanding of how a successful event will run. Ultimately it is your SU therefore your Events, this will also be something i would love to do, give you more choice in what you want in. Not only for fancy dress themes but other nights as well! Promise = Fulfillment Vote for Harry



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Carmela CuratoloVote Carmela Curatolo for Open Portfolio Officer!Hey I’m Carmela Curatolo, I am currently a second year dance student and captain of the Chichester Cheerleaders. I am a dedicated determined person who is outspoken and willing to stand up for what I believe in. If I set a goal I work to achieve it. Over the last two years there are certain issues at the University that I feel need to be addressed. I believe I am the best person to help make these changes.I will aim to find other facilities for students so that we can work effectively. Speaking from my own experience there is very little rehearsal space for dancers. The space is always booked and it is a struggle to find somewhere suitable to work, nine times out of ten you end up sharing space with other students. I will look into making links with other establishments in order to do this. I have heard from a number of students that nights at the SU can become a bit predictable. It is the same thing on every week and I will work to push other ideas to bring something new and exciting to the table which.. (discontinued due to word restriction)

Lizi MutterI am running for a position that gets the opportunity to get my view across on various parts of the student union and I intend to make full use of this by working closely with many of the different officers. A specific area I am keen to work closely with is Events to ensure your time at university is as enjoyable as possible by creating more diversity in the themes offered at Zee Bar and the Mack. I will also be looking towards improving the bus service that runs between Chichester and Bognor Regis. My aim here would be to make buses run at a more appropriate time for lessons and try to get some service at weekends between campuses. As well as this I would like to ensure that societies have a bigger say towards what happens in their Student Union; I would like to spend more time making sure societies are heard properly as I recognise that they pay a key role in our University. Overall, I am looking to be an open-minded and honest candidate and so please vote Lizi Mutter as your #1 for Open Portfolio Officer.


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Hollie RowlandI’d like to be an open-portfolio officer because I feel I could be put to better use within the student’s union and the university if I were available to help out with a variety of issues rather than be resigned to a specific remit or set of responsibilities. I want to focus on the issue of the treatment of students under the age of 18, academically, pastorally and socially; this is a problem that is often overlooked and has no specific position assigned to deal with it. I’d like to see more activities and events aimed at their demographic as well, since there is little available in the evenings for them at the current time. I would also like to look at issues such as the security of residential buildings on campus, the opening times of the accommodation office and the possibility of audio recording lectures. I feel I would be suitable for this position as I can take on many small tasks at once and I am easy to spot in crowds or around campus if people need to find me to talk to me about anything.

Jess CollinsHi, I’m Jessica Collins - I am a second year music student running for Volunteers Officer. I have volunteered oversees and at home through construction, social care and orphanages. These non-profit volunteering projects are rewarding for everyone. I aim to gather a team of like-minded students who really care about the issues surrounding their place in society. I want to help build bridges with the community, grab hold of the ‘typical student’ stereotypes and smash them out! I believe, as the future generation, we need to challenge society even if it gives only a few people food for thought it will have done something! By introducing a student-led volunteering scheme, I believe that we can work together to create a student-friendly community. I aim to achieve this through a creative outlet; one of the first things I would do – if I am successful – is to contact the council about a possibility of having a space for students to produce their own art or graffiti in town. Another idea I had was for students to perform through street theatre or dance within the town square so that our local community can have a fuller idea of what a student really does!


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MEDIA OFFICERCANDIDATESRobert Head(No photo submitted)As Media Officer, I will take Exploded Magazine down new avenues; I will make the magazine more student-centred: I will allow you the opportunity, participation and influence that you deserve. At present, I feel the Magazine is not representative of the university as a whole: minority students, such as LGBT, disabled, and international students, are unheard, and have little say in the discourse that shapes university life. My improvements will allow a conversation between minority students and the university as a whole.I will design a creative writing supplement to enable students, especially first-year English students, to have a part in building the profile of Exploded; I will create a comments and suggestions section, in which students can promote their work and advertise events; I will reach out to Chichester newspapers and magazines for means of work experience and publishing opportunities; I will also use the magazine as a medium for local clubs and organisations to advertise their services. I will make the magazine about students, for students. My expertise is ideal for the position; I am qualified, and I am tenacious, perceptive, and determined. Vote for me and I will bring about the changes to Exploded that you deserve.

Ali Mans-CornwellYo! As you can see my name’s Ali and the plan is to be elected as your next Media Officer working like a fully-fledged trained monkey to ensure that communication towards students is on top of my priority list. But as we all know monkeys need bananas, and said bananas come in the form of your beautifully curved, yellow coloured votes.In the interest of your attention I don’t want to bore you to tears with long words and political style ramblings, instead I want to draw your focus to my main ambitions at hand. What I really want to do is generate more direct communication with students helping to promote interest in opportunities not frequently advertised. These opportunities include involvement in the university magazine allowing students to showcase their creative talents, offering a potential student podcast as well as motivating awareness for every student union night out. Alongside this, I will oversee that the SU website is kept up to date with news and events; utilising further contact with the students as well as improving upon existing ideas that will keep the SU tightly linked with students. VOTE ALI FOR MEDIA OFFICER/WELL TRAINED MONKEY.


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Cagri EvcitUniversity of Chichester has large amount of international students from various countries and they are living and stuying with homegrown students. However the challenges they are facing is different than the homegrown students. Perhaps the most important problem that they are facing is student fees. International students are paying double amount of fees than homegrown students. As an international students officer candidate if I am elected I will raise the issue of high student fees and find a common and reasonable ground. I am going to make sure that university senate is aware of this issue. Over the years cultural awareness has been an issue in university. I believe it is caused because of lack of cultural awareness and lack of information. I am going to talk to the international students and get their input of this issue. I believe what they think really matters in the issue of cultural awareness. With the help of my previous work and academic experience I will organise events that will promote awareness for cultural diversity. The events will showcase their culture and living habbits of international cultures. Most important job of the international students officer is to build a strong bridge between students.. (discontinued due to word restriction)


Oliver ChapmanI’m a first year student studying Psychology and I’m one of two student reps on my course which means I deal with any issues or problems that Psychology students may be experiencing, and as Welfare officer I would be looking at problems or issues that may affect any student at the university.As Welfare Officer, I will be promoting better sexual health awareness and STI screenings, drug and alcohol abuse awareness and will be dealing with any discrimination on campus. However, I will mainly be focusing on any accommodation and financial issues students may be experiencing, such as debt, savings and advice on moving accommodation and borrowing money. I will also be offering support with student housing and the issues that come with this, such as bills. Alongside this, students will be able to contact me with any issues they wish to discuss.I feel that I would be a good candidate for this role as I have personally had a lot of experience with moving accommodation and handling debt, and as I’m a course rep for Psychology I feel I already have a lot of experience in dealing with student’s issues and making the changes they want to see.


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Ellie Walsh“I am a final year Creative Writing student with a history in charity work, and humanitarian and environmental activism. I am familiar with student issues, and have every intention of ensuring that topics such as multi-culturalism, student welfare and increases in tuition fees are pushed for discussion at this year’s NUS Conference. My first priority is to make sure that minority groups, whether they are students or small University departments, are fairly represented at every stage. I think it is important to work with other delegations in order to transform the NUS into a union that is relevant to student needs, and is of greater benefit to members in the future. Fundamental changes to the way the NUS works will be debated at the conference this year. I will be supporting the movement pushing for a major reform in the NUS organisation, making it less likely that financial crisis and political irrelevance will prevent it from delivering for students. If all of this isn’t enough then vote for me because I eat the cheese of wisdom.”



Hannah Cartwright(No manifesto submitted)

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Julia YoungFull time support for part-time studentsI am a part time mature student on the Creative Writing English module with 3 years left at Uni.I have worked for the Uni in a supporting role over the past 10 years.I want to be a voice for all especially the part-time students. I am friendly and don’t bite! I will be a listening ear and a pointing hand for help needed.After many years out of the class room I understand how scary academic conventions can seem – I have literally been there, done that and worn the T shirt!I understand about juggling family, work and study.Above all I love to chat and want to help everyone join the University community.




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