
Submission to MorningtonPeninsula Planning SchemeAmendment C224morn

Submission date: 18 July 2020, 12:41PM

Receipt number: 1

Related form version: 1

Question Response



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Do you represent other people ? No

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Written consent

How would the proposal affect you ? I visit the area

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In Summary, my comments are :

I have provided detailed comments on the attached sheets


Upload comments MPSC Proposed Schedule 29 to Clause 43. 18 July 2020.docx

1 of 2

Submission 1

MPSC Proposed Schedule 29 to Clause 43.02 Design and Development Overlay 29 1] I submit that the existing 3 storey buildings on Point Nepean Rd do not “scream” at you, and suggest that the panel should consider whether 3 storey is appropriate at the “bookends” i.e. at the intersections of Beach St and Pier St with Point Nepean Rd. If it is to be, that 2 storey is the new preferred height on Point Nepean Rd, I suggest that 3 storey buildings should be permissible in Beach St, from the access laneway to Gibson St, consistent with the treatment of Pier St.

2] 4 metres seems excessive for architectural features, masts and building services that exceed the mandatory height, even if they are only 10% of the roofprint 3] The Draft DDO is silent on signage. When developers and builders from Melbourne present plans, especially those with national clients, it’s often the case that the size and number of signs is consistent with a much denser and more urban environment like Sydney Rd, Brunswick where signage jostles for attention. Clearly that’s unnecessary and inappropriate for a coastal township outside Melbourne. Note that VCAT agreed with this assertion when considering the new First Choice Liquor outlet in Rosebud, and required the applicant to reduce the size and number of signs. I suggest that the DDO should give guidance to applicants on the size and number of signs.

Submission 2


Submission 3

From:Sent: Sunday, 23 August 2020 3:15 PMTo: Strategic AdminSubject: C224 PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENT

Dear Miss Barlow, I am emailing you to put forth my strongest opposition to this new planning scheme amendment C224. 

As a ratepayer who has already been greatly effected by a 3 story development next door to my property I would ask that you please consider my objection for the following reasons. 

1 The noise factor by having so many apartments in one area 

2 The parking issues both on street and within the development 

3 The overshadowing caused by such over developments 

4 The loss of privacy by 3 story developments being built in close proximity to one and two story homes 

5 The lack of green space that often the case with high density builds 

I have lived at my address for over 15 years now , summer is always very difficult for the residents of Dromana with all the tourists and holiday residents who come to this beautiful town, why would you want to add to this congestion already suffered by so many of us in Dromana. 

Please reconsider this Planning Scheme Amendment I have had to live with all of the 5 points noted above, I have lost all the reasons I first wanted to live in Dromana, for the quite and the peace, my property has taken a sagnificant drop in its value due to the apartments next door and I would hate to see a repeat of such at the rear of my home. 

With hope of your consideration in this matter,  


South East Water Corporation ABN 89 066 902 547Internet


10 AUGUST 2020

Katanya BarlowE-mail: [email protected]

Dear Sir/Madam,

Town Planning Scheme Amendment C224morn of the Mornington Peninsular Shire Council Planning SchemeYour Reference: C224mornOur Reference: Case Number 36811777 File 20PD2257

I refer to your letter received on 21 July 2020. South East Water as the Water Supply and Sewerage Authority has no objection to the proposed Scheme Amendment C224 of the Mornington Peninsular Shire Council Planning Scheme.


South East Water has no objection with the proposed Mornington Peninsula Shire Council Scheme Amendment C224morn.

South East water will look into more detail in identifying any augmentation work required when detail information becomes available to us.

Please Note: As South East Water has no objection to the Scheme Amendment, we request that both your Council and Planning Panels Victoria do not provide any further correspondence to us regarding the Amendment.

If you have any enquires please contact Carmen McMahon on +613 9552 3499.

Yours sincerely

Darren Woodward Team Leader Land Development

Submission 4

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