Download - Success, happiness

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Happiness, successand

self-development for everybody

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Happiness is the feeling of being happy

happiness = pleasure = joy = delight = contentment =

ecstasy = euphoria = nirvana

Which other words can we use?

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What was your happiest moment last week?

meeting friends?

Walking around?

Falling in love? Spending time with family?

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For each of us happiness can be different…

Singing a song … Listening to music…Meeting a friend…Good work…My favorite hobby…My family… My friend…

Success… A book… Walking around… Travelling… Good weather… Good dinner…

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What makes you happy? Make your «HAPPY LIST»

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we can do nothing… the sadness comes to our life..

Life is different and one day…

We can help ourselves! What are the best techniques

to feel happiness again?

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Smile, please!

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Be grateful …

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Meet friends and family …

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Sport and hobby are very helpful!

Go jogging!

Go dancing! Go to the gym!

Go to the cinema! Do something you like )

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Other ways…

Something sweet

spa zone

having a bath

Going to the swimming pool

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Be responsible for your happiness!

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Habits of happy people Make the list of happy habits!

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«Happy habits»:- Smile a lot- Sleep well- Do sport- Do meditation/yoga- Get up early- Give thanks and be positive- Help others regularly- Do what you love- Build relationships that matter- Treat everyone with kindness- Dream big- Speak well of others- Take time to listen- Surround yourself with positive people- Be honest- Regard your problems as challenges- Do not complain

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So, make happiness a habit! Happiness is a choice!Take steps to happiness!

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Be happy!

Happiness is the key to SUCCESS!

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Happiness is the key to your success!Love what you are doing and be successful!

There are many successful stories in each life!

Before you start moving ahead always remember

everything where you have already succeeded!

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Well done!And go on dreaming and setting big goals!

Let’s try to find the steps how to succeed!

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Who wants to be successful in life?


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Here are a few tips on how to become successful in life

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How to get from where you are to where you want to be?

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Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life

«You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons or the wind, but you can change yourself». Jim Rohn

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Be Clear Why You are Here

«Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know everythingin life has a purpose» Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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Find what you love to do and do it!

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«Success follows doing what you want to do. There is no other way to be successful.»

Malcolm S. Forbes «The biggest mistake people make in life is not trying to make a living at doing what they most enjoy». Malcolm S.Forbes


«Starting out to make money is the greatestmistake in life. Do what you feel you have

a flair for doing, and if you are good enough at it. The money will come».

Greer Garson

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Dream and think big!

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Clean up your incompletes!

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Believe it is possible

The number one problem that keeps peopleFrom winning in the United States today isLack of belief in themselves.

Arthur L.Williams

It is really possible for me to …Whatever mind can conceive andbelieve, it can achieve. Napoleon Hill

Sooner or later, those who winare those who think they can. Richard Bach

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Believe in Yourself

«You have to believe in yourself when no

oneelse does. That’s what makes you a winner».

Venus Williams.

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Act As If

«Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail». Charles F.Kettering

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Surround yourself with successful people

You are the average of the five people youspend the most time with. There are two types of people –

anchors and motors. You want to lose the anchors, and get with the motors, because motors are

going somewhere and have more fun. The anchorswill just drag you down.

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Do not be afraid of failure!

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Ask! Ask! Ask!

You have to ask. Asking is, in my opinion,the world’s most powerful and neglectedsecret to success and happiness.

Percy Ross.

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See what you want, get what you seeImagine!

«Imagination is everything. It is the previewof life’s coming attractions». Albert Einstein

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Take Action

If your ship doesn’t come, swim out to meet it. Jonathan Winters

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Practice PersistenceMost people give up when they are about

to achieve success.

It is always to soon to quit.

Fall down seven times, get up eight times!

History has demonstrated that the most notablewinners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won

because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.

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Start now! Just do it! And NEVER give up!

«Everyone who got to where they arehad to begin where they were».

Richard Paul Evans

A journey of 1000 miles must begin with one step. Ancient Chinese Proverb

«First you jump the cliff andyou build wings on the way down». Ray Bradbury

«Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? It is becauseThey are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out». Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Never give up and for sure YOU will succeed!

All steps to get success lead you to great personal development! Or: otherwise!

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What is «personal development» for you?Personal development - activities that develop talents and potential,

enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations.

What we can do: - improve or develop skills orlearn new ones- becoming a self-leader- build or renew self-esteem - developing strengths or talents- improve wealth- enhance lifestyle or the quality of life- improve health

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Make a Personal Development Plan

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Develop Four New Success Habits a Year

You can’t do everything at once. But if you keep adding a little progress every day, over time you will

have built a whole new set of habits and self-disciplines. It can take years, but it is worth it.

Psychologists tell us that up to 90% of our behaviour is habitual. 90 %!!!

The individual who wants to reachthe top in business must appreciate the might and force of habit. He mustbe quick to break those habits that can break him. And hasten to adoptThose practices that will help him to

schieve success.

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Good or bad habits always deliver results!Your habits deliver your outcomes! Succeful people don’t just drift to the top.

Take action to develop better habits now!

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Personal habits1) Getting enough sleep2) Flossing your teeth3) Make a bed4) Wash your hands5) Save money each month6) Take a break once a day7) Thank someone

1) Take a walk every day2) Do exercise3) Park your car far from work4) Take the stairs instead 5) of the elevator6) Perform a specific number 7) of push-ups or sit-ups8) Take a dance class9) Jogging every weekend

Fitness habits

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Healthy Eating Habits1)One glass of water before meal2)1/5 l of water per day3)Add one additional serving of vegetables to one of your daily meals4) Drink a cup of green or white tea every day.5) Eat smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.6) Eat breakfast every day7) Begin a practice of eating more mindfully and slowly. Take twice as long to eat your meal.8) Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. Consider having it only on weekends.

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Thinking habits1) Once you are aware of your negative thought patterns, practice interrupting the thoughts and thinking or doing something positive. 2) Take 5 minutes a day to contemplate everything you are grateful for.

3) Write down positive affirmations about the way you want your day or a particular situation to unfold and say them out loud to yourself in the morning.

4) Spend five minutes mentally reliving a happy memory including as much detail as you can remember.

5) Review any recent or past failures or mistakes for a few minutes a day, and think about what you learned from them and how you can apply what you learned.

6) Mentally challenge yourself during a project or task to push yourself just beyond your comfort zone or a bit longer when you want to quit.

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Daily Habits 11) Wake up early2) Exercise3) Review or rewrite your goals4) Read or listen to motivational material5) Visualize the day ahead6) Write a TO-DO list7) Blog8) Take time to look good

People call me a perfectionist, but I am not. I am a rightist. I do something, until it is done

and then I move on to the next thing.

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Daily habits 29) Ping a friend10) Eat well11) Save12) Have family time13) Take time for yourself14) Say «I love you»15) Review your day16)Go to bed at reasonable time

«He who stops being better stops being good».

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Read any kinds of books, that help you to understand yourself!

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Find a coach and work with him

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It is time to live the life, you’ve imagined!

Work on yourself, be yourself, wish and make your dreams come true, succeed,

be happy and make everybody around happy!

Thank you!

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