  • 7/30/2019 Sucrose analogs- an attractive (bio)source for glycodiversification


    ISSN 0265-0568

    Natural Product Reports Current developments in natural products chemist Volume 29 | Number 9 | September 2012 | Pages 93710



    Isabelle Andr et al.Sucrose analogs: an attractive (bio)source or glycodiversifcation

  • 7/30/2019 Sucrose analogs- an attractive (bio)source for glycodiversification


    Sucrose analogs: an attractive (bio)source for glycodiversification

    David Daude,abc Magali Remaud-Simeonabc and Isabelle Andre*abc

    Received 27th April 2012

    DOI: 10.1039/c2np20054f

    Covering: up to April 2012

    Sucrose is a widespread carbohydrate in nature and is involved in many biological processes. Its natural

    abundance makes it a very appealing renewable raw material for the synthetic production of

    high-valued molecules. To further diversify the structure and the inherent properties of these molecules,

    the access to sucrose analogs is of utmost interest and has historically been widely explored through

    chemical means. Nature also offers a large panel of sucrose-scaffold derivatives, includingphosphorylated or highly substituted phenylpropanoid esters amenable to transformation.

    Additionally, the use of microorganisms or enzymes could provide an alternative ecologically-

    compatible manner to diversify sucrose-scaffold derivatives to enable the synthesis of oligo- or

    polysaccharides, glycoconjugates or polymers that could exhibit original properties for

    biotechnological applications. This review covers the main biological routes to sucrose derivatives or

    analogs that are prevalent in nature, that can be obtained via enzymatic processes and the potential

    applications of such sucrose derivatives in sugar bioconversion, in particular through the engineering of

    substrates, enzymes or microorganisms.

    1 Introduction

    2 Natural occurrence of sucrose derivatives

    2.1 Phosphate derivatives2.2 Phenylpropanoid derivatives

    2.3 Glycosyl derivatives

    2.3.1 Glucosyl derivatives

    2.3.2 Fructosyl derivatives

    2.3.3 Galactosyl derivatives

    3 In vitro synthesis of sucrose derivatives

    3.1 Keto derivatives

    3.2 Ester derivatives

    3.3 Glycosylation of sucrose

    3.4 Phosphate derivatives

    3.5 Sucrose analogs

    4 Sucrose isomers as alternative sucrose skeletons

    4.1 Leucrose4.2 Turanose

    4.3 Trehalulose

    4.4 Maltulose

    4.5 Isomaltulose

    5 Potential applications of sucrose derivatives in sugar


    6 Conclusions7 Acknowledgements

    8 References

    1 Introduction

    Sucrose (a-D-glucopyranosyl-1,2-b-D-fructofuranoside) is a

    widespread carbohydrate among plants. This non-reducing

    disaccharide is formed by an a-D-glucopyranosyl unit and a b-D-

    fructofuranosyl moiety covalently linked by their respective

    anomeric carbons through a highly energetic bond (Scheme 1).

    Sucrose is known to be the most available low molecular weight

    carbohydrate.1 The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

    estimated its annual production at around 167.5 million tons for

    20102011, mainly ensured by extraction from sugar cane and

    Scheme 1 Chemical structure of sucrose (a-D-glucopyranosyl-1,2-b-D-


    aUniversite de Toulouse, INSA, UPS, INP, LISBP, 135 Avenue deRangueil, F-31077 Toulouse, FrancebCNRS, UMR5504, F-31400 Toulouse, FrancecINRA, UMR792 Ingenierie des Systemes Biologiques et des Procedes,F-31400 Toulouse, France. E-mail: [email protected]; Fax:+33 561 559 400; Tel: +33 561 559 969

    This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2012, 29, 945960 | 945

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  • 7/30/2019 Sucrose analogs- an attractive (bio)source for glycodiversification


    sugar beet, which contain 20% and 15% of sucrose by weight and

    ensures 77% and 22% of sugar production, respectively. The

    extremely efficient purification process leads to a remarkably

    pure product for a moderate final cost. Although sucrose has

    been mainly used so far for nutrition purposes, as a food additive

    or in the chemical industry, its natural abundance makes it a very

    interesting renewable raw material for synthesis reactions. In

    particular, with the anticipated oil shortage, sucrose could be

    seen as an alternative sustainable feedstock for the chemical


    In the search for carbohydrates displaying novel properties,

    the access to a large structural diversity is of utmost interest.

    Aside from the variety offered (and often hidden) by nature,

    artificial glycodiversification can be generated via chemical and

    biochemical transformations. However, carbohydrates are

    chemically difficult to handle due to the presence of numerous

    reactive hydroxyl groups. Regio- and stereo-selective modifica-tions thus require appropriate protection and deprotection steps

    of functional groups. Independent of these problems, the use of

    microorganisms or enzymes may be an alternative to diversify

    the sucrose-scaffold and synthesize, in an eco-compatible

    manner, sucrose derivatives that could display original properties

    for biotechnological applications. In particular, sucrose is used

    for the production of biodegradable polymers,3 synthetic inter-

    mediates or novel carbohydrate derivatives as sweeteners and

    prebiotic oligosaccharides for the food industry.4 Indeed, sucrose

    proves to be an interesting and accessible starting material for a

    variety of biochemical reactions. Among enzymes utilizing

    sucrose as donor substrate, glucansucrases (EC, EC, and EC from the Glycoside-Hydrolase (GH)families 70 and 13, fructansucrases (EC, EC and from the GH68 family and some fructosyltransferases

    (e.g. EC, EC or EC from the GH32

    family have emerged as attractive synthetic tools.58 Given their

    broad acceptor substrate promiscuity, these enzymes have been

    widely used for the stereo- and regioselective synthesis of original

    gluco-conjugates, oligo- and polysaccharides.9

    Magali Remaud-Simeon

    Magali Remaud-Simeon

    received her PhD from theUniversity of Toulouse in 1988.

    Then, she was a Post-Doctoral

    Fellow in the Chemical Engi-

    neering department of the

    University of Pennsylvania and

    became an associate professor at

    The University of Toulouse in

    1990. Since 2001, she has been a

    Full Professor at the National

    Institute of Applied Science of

    Toulouse. As the head of the

    Catalysis and Enzyme Molec-

    ular Engineering group since2002, she is involved in enzyme

    optimization by protein engineering to provide useful tools for

    white biotechnology and synthetic biology. With her collaborators,

    she has elucidated the mechanism of action of several glucansu-

    crases synthesizing dextran, alternan or amylose from sucrose

    substrate. Her work is currently focused on the search for enzymes

    acting on unnatural substrates.

    Isabelle Andre

    Isabelle Andre received a PhD in

    Molecular Chemistry (1995)from the University Joseph

    Fourier of Grenoble (France).

    She held a post-doctoral position

    (19961997) in the crystallog-

    raphy department at the Insti-

    tuto Rocasolano-CSIC in

    Madrid, Spain. From 1997 to

    2003, she occupied several posi-

    tions in the Computational

    Chemistry group of GLYCO-

    Design Inc. (Toronto, Canada).

    Upon her return to France, she

    joined the CNRS in 2005 as aResearch Scientist and she was

    promoted to Research Director in 2011. She is working at the

    Laboratoire dIngenierie des Systemes Biologiques et des Procedes

    in Toulouse (France) where she manages the computational

    biology research activities of the Catalysis and Molecular Enzyme

    Engineering group. Her research interests include understanding

    and exploiting enzyme mechanisms and structuredynamics

    activity relationships, developing molecular modelling methodolo-

    gies to investigate molecular motions and assist protein design, and

    rational engineering of novel enzymes for chemo-enzymatic

    synthetic pathways and synthetic biology.

    David Daude

    David Daude received an engi-

    neers degree in biochemistry

    from the National Institute of

    Applied Science of Toulouse

    (France). He received his

    diploma in 2009. He is currently

    finishing his PhD under the

    supervision of Prof. Magali

    Remaud-Simeon and Dr Isabelle

    Andre at the Laboratoire

    dIngenierie des Systemes Biol-

    ogiques et des Procedes in Tou-

    louse. His work is focused on the

    generation of protein libraries

    using original semi-rational

    strategies and their screening in

    the quest of enzymes with novel specificities. His research interests

    include the structurefunction aspects and the molecular evolution

    of glycoside-hydrolases.

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    Nevertheless, the sole use of natural sucrose limits the variety of

    accessible products to glucosyl and fructosyl derivatives; therefore

    limiting the production of original molecules. Efficient modifica-

    tions of sucrose are thus important in order to envision their use as

    alternative substrates of sucrose-utilizing transglycosidases and

    enable the production of a larger panel of glycoderivatives, such as

    prebiotics, tailor-made glycoconjugates and oligosaccharides.

    Combined with the use of enzyme engineering techniques, one can

    expect major advances in the development of novel biosyntheticways to access carbohydrates.10

    Althoughextensive work has been done over theyears to utilize

    sucrose as a raw material for chemical and/or biochemical

    conversion into high-value molecules (e.g. 5-(hydroxymethyl)

    furfural, polyhydric alcohols) not structurally related to sucrose,

    we have chosen not to discuss these aspects here as they have

    already been reviewed in detail elsewhere.1 The intention of this

    reviewwas ratherto describe themain biological routes to sucrose

    derivatives or analogs (up to trisaccharides) reported in the liter-

    ature and that can either be found in nature or obtained via

    enzymatic processes. As they were out of the scope,total chemical

    derivatizations of sucrose have been voluntarily discarded from

    this survey or only mentioned to discuss advantages of biologicalroutes. For further details, refer to articles by Khan11 and Que-

    neau.3 An outlook on the potential applications of sucrose

    derivatives in carbohydrate bioconversion is also given.

    2 Natural occurrence of sucrose derivatives

    Sucrose is synthesized by photosynthetic organisms, such as

    plants and cyanobacteria. Precursors and derivatives of the

    molecule are naturally found in these organisms as well as in

    sucrose-utilizing ones.

    2.1 Phosphate derivatives

    Two types of sucrose phosphate derivatives are naturally

    produced i.e. sucrose-60-phosphate (S60P) and sucrose-6-phos-

    phate (S6P). The biosynthesis of sucrose in plants, reviewed by

    Lunn and MacRae,12 involves two distinct enzymes and a

    phosphorylated precursor. A sucrose phosphate synthase (EC catalyzes first the conversion of UDP-glucose and

    fructose-6-phosphate into S60P, which is then hydrolyzed by a

    sucrose phosphatase (EC to form sucrose (Scheme 2).

    S60P is a key intermediate of the sucrose biosynthetic pathway

    and is found, for example, in plant leaves such as spinach,13 tea or

    strawberry.14 The levels of S60P in strawberry leaves (Fragaria

    vesca var. Royal Sovereign) and in tea leaves (Camellia sinensis

    var. assemica) have been estimated at 0.36 and 0.05 mmol per100 g, respectively. A concentration of S60P of about 0.03 mM

    has also been measured in the cytosol of spinach leaves. Chemical

    synthesis of S60P has been described by Buchanan with an overall

    yield of 6%,15 and further optimized by Kim up to 15%.16

    Another phosphate derivative of sucrose, S6P, is commonly

    found in sucrose-utilizing bacteria and results from phospho-

    enolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase (PTS) sucrose

    uptake.17 For instance, S6P is an intermediate of sucrose catab-

    olism found in many Gram positive bacteria including B. subtilis,

    cariogenic Streptococcus mutans or saccharolytic clostridia.18,19

    As shown in Scheme 3, sucrose catabolism involves two steps.

    The first one, involving the PTS system, allows sucrose trans-

    portation into cells. The S6P formed is then hydrolyzed by the

    specific sucrose-6-phosphate hydrolase into fructose and glucose-

    6-phosphate (Scheme 3).20,21

    2.2 Phenylpropanoid derivatives

    The majority of naturally occurring sucrose phenylpropanoid

    derivatives have not yet been experimentally synthesized in vitro

    and only a few chemical syntheses have been reported.2224

    Accessto most of these original molecules has been mainly achieved

    from crude material to proceed to further use and characteriza-

    tion. Phytochemical investigations have led to the isolation of

    unusual phenolic glycosides. Among them, a variety of sucrose

    derivatives have been characterized. These compounds listed in

    Table 1 and captioned in Scheme 4 reveal a huge structural

    diversity in terms of the nature and position of the substitutions.

    Indeed, more than 70 phenolic sucrose esters have been identified

    over the past 30 years. They have been extracted from various

    plants, such as tobacco,25 bulbs of Lilium species,26,27 fruits of

    Scheme 2 Sucrose-60-phosphate is a key precursor for sucrosebiosynthesis.

    Scheme 3 Conversion of sucrose to sucrose-6-phosphate for internali-

    zation into the cell.

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    Table 1 Naturally occurring phenylpropanoid esters of sucrose

    R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 References

    (E)-Sin H H H H (E)-Sin H H 102H H H H p-(E)-cou p-(E)-cou H p-(E)-cou 103H H H H (E)-Sin (E)-Fer H H 30H H H H (E)-Sin (E)-Sin H HH H H H Ac (E)-Fer H HAc 3-methylvaleryl 3-methylvaleryl 3-methylvaleryl H H H H 104

    H H H H H (E)-Fer H (E)-Fer 105Ac H H H H (E)-Fer H (E)-Fer(E)-Fer H H H H (E)-Fer H H 106(E)-Fer H H H H (E)-Fer Ac H(E)-Fer H H H H (E)-Fer H Ac(E)-Fer Ac H H H (E)-Fer H H(E)-Fer H H H H (E)-Fer Ac Ac(E)-Fer H Ac H H (E)-Fer H Ac(E)-Fer H Ac H H (E)-Fer Ac AcAc (S)-3-Methpenta (S)-3-Methpenta (S)-3-Methpenta H H H H 25(E)-Fer H H H H (E)-Fer H H 107(E)-Fer H H H H (E)-Fer Ac Hp-hydrobenz H H H H (E)-trimethocinna H H 31p-hydrobenz H H H H (E)-Sin H H(E)-Sin H H H H (E)-trimethocinna H HH H H H H (E)-Fer H H 26(E)-Fer Ac H H H (E)-Fer Ac H 27H p-(E)-cou H H H p-(E)-cou H HH p-(E)-cou H Ac H p-(E)-cou H HH p-(E)-cou Ac H H p-(E)-cou H Hp-(E)-cou H H H H p-(E)-cou H HAc Ac H Ac Ac p-(E)-cou H Ac 28Ac H Ac Ac Ac p-(E)-cou H AcAc H H Ac Ac p-(E)-cou H AcAc Ac H Ac H p-(E)-cou H AcAc H H Ac Ac p-(E)-cou H HH H H Ac Ac p-(E)-cou H AcAc H H Ac H p-(E)-cou H AcH Ac Ac H Ac p-(Z)-cou H AcH Ac H H Ac p-(Z)-cou H Ac(E)-Sin Ac H H H (E)-Sin H H 32(E)-Sin H Ac H H (E)-Sin H HAc Ac Ac Ac H (E)-Fer H (E)-Fer 108

    Ac H H Ac Ac (E)-Fer H (E)-Fer 33Ac Ac H Ac Ac H H (E)-Ferdh-Fer H H H H H H H 34H H H H H (E)-trimethocinna H H 109Benzoyl H H H H (E)-trimethocinna H Hp-(E)-cou H H H H (E)-Sin H Hp-(E)-cou H H H H (E)-trimethocinna H H(E)-Sin H H H H (E)-Sin H H(E)-Sin H H H H (E)-trimethocinna H H(E)-trimethocinna H H H H (E)-trimethocinna H H(E)-Sin H H H H H H H 110(E)-trimethocinna H H H H H H Hp-hydrobenz H H H H H H HH (E)-Sin H H H (E)-Sin H H(E)-Fer H H H H H H H(E)-Sin H H H H H H HAc Ac H Ac (E)-Fer (E)-Fer H (E)-Fer 111

    Ac H H Ac (E)-Fer (E)-Fer H (E)-FerAc Ac H Ac H (E)-Fer H (E)-FerAc Ac H Ac p-(E)-cou (E)-Fer H (E)-FerAc H H Ac p-(E)-cou (E)-Fer H (E)-Fer(E)-Fer H H H p-(E)-cou p-(E)-cou H p-(E)-cou 35(E)-Fer H H H (E)-Fer p-(E)-cou H p-(E)-couH H H H H H H p-(E)-cou 112p-(E)-cou H H H H H H p-(E)-coup-(E)-cou H H H H (E)-Fer H H 113(E)-Caf H H H H (E)-Fer H HH H H H H p-(E)-cou H (E)-Fer 114H H H H p-(E)-cou p-(E)-cou H (E)-Fer 115H H H Ac p-(E)-cou p-(E)-cou H (E)-FerAc H H H p-(E)-cou p-(E)-cou H (E)-Fer

    948 | Nat. Prod. Rep., 2012, 29, 945960 This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012

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    Prunus sp.28 or plenty of medicinal plants, including Bistorta

    manshuriensis,29 Polygala species,3032 Sparganium stoloniferum,33

    or Vaccaria segetalis.34 These molecules are usually bioactive,

    acting as plant growth inhibitors, insecticides, bactericides or

    flavour precursors in the plant. Some of them have also shown

    therapeutic properties. Two phenylpropanoid esters of sucrose,

    namely vanicoside B and lapathoside A from Polygonum lapa-

    thifolium, which exhibit anti-tumor-promoting effects and inhibit

    Epstein-Barr virus early antigen induction, have been identified

    as cancer chemo-preventive agents.35 Some phenylpropanoyl

    sucrose compounds from Polygala tenuifolia also revealed their

    efficiency in the prevention of memory disorders.36,37 Consid-

    ering the potential applications of these glycoside derivatives and

    their low natural abundance (less than 5% in plants),38 the

    identification of genes39 involved in their biosynthesis could

    enable the development of efficient microbial production

    processes via metabolic engineering.40

    2.3 Glycosyl derivatives

    A variety of monoglycosylated derivatives of sucrose can be

    found in nature. These trisaccharides differ in the nature of the

    glycosyl unit linked to sucrose as well as in the specificity of the

    glycosidic linkage between this unit and the sucrose moiety

    (Fig. 1).

    2.3.1 Glucosyl derivatives. Erlose (a-D-glucopyranosyl-(14)-

    a-D-glucopyranosyl-(12)-b-D-fructofuranoside) is a trisaccha-

    ride occurring in honeys and royal jelly.4145 The erlose content of

    469 samples of honey was analyzed by Devillers and coworkers,

    revealing an average proportion of 0.33% with values going up to

    1.55% (e.g. for acacia honey). It crystallizes in two hydratedforms whose structures have been determined.46,47 Erlose is a

    sucrose-like tasty carbohydrate but it is non-cariogenic.48,49

    Along with erlose, melezitose (a-D-glucopyranosyl-(13)-b-D-

    fructofuranosyl-(21)-a-D-glucopyranoside) is commonly found

    in honey as well as in honeydews and saps of many trees and

    plants (e.g. meleze). Melezitose is the main component of aphid

    honeydew (59%).50 A correlation between the amount of

    honeydew produced by aphids and the intensity of ant-atten-

    dance has been underlined. Thus, ants are attracted by melezi-

    tose-rich honeydew secreted by aphids and protect them against

    natural predators creating a cooperative mutualism.5153

    Scheme 4 Naturally occurring phenylpropanoid esters of sucrose.

    Fig. 1 Naturally occurring mono-glycosylated sucrose compounds.

    Table 1 (Contd. )

    R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 References

    H H H H (E)-Fer p-(E)-cou H (E)-FerH H H Ac p-(E)-cou (E)-Fer H (E)-FerH H H H (E)-Fer (E)-Fer H (E)-FerH Ac H p-(E)-cou Ac p-(E)-cou H p-(E)-cou 116H H H H H (Z)-Fer H (Z)-Fer 29Ac H H H H (Z)-Fer H (Z)-Fer

    p-(E)-cou H H H H p-(E)-cou p-(E)-cou H 117(E)-Caf H H H H p-(E)-cou p-(E)-cou H

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    Melezitose has been crystallized in two monohydrated forms.5456

    Gentianose (b-D-glucopyranosyl-(16)-a-D-glucopyranosyl-

    (12)-b-D-fructofuranoside) is another glucosyl derivative of

    sucrose trisaccharide that was first extracted from Gentiana

    lutea57 and is commonly found in gentian roots, hence its name.

    2.3.2 Fructosyl derivatives. Three fructosyl derivatives are

    commonly found in nature, namely 1-kestose, 6-kestose and

    neokestose. 1-kestose was first observed and isolated during theaction of yeast invertase on concentrated sucrose solutions.58 It

    has been identified in honey, as well as in many plants. 5962 In

    higher plants the synthesis of 1-kestose results from the enzy-

    matic transfer of the fructosyl moiety of sucrose onto another

    molecule of sucrose and is catalyzed by a sucrose:sucrose fruc-

    tosyltransferase (1-SST EC In fructooligo-

    saccharide-producing plants, the fructan synthesis starts with the

    synthesis of 1-kestose. NMR studies have shown that both

    neokestose and 1-kestose were present in plant extracts, such as

    Asparagus, Festuca or Dactylis.66,67 Anion-exchange chroma-

    tography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAEC-PAD)

    also allowed the detection of neokestose and 1-kestose in table

    grapes.68 Neokestose and 1-kestose were also found in Agave veracruz.69 The less abundant 6-kestose has been isolated from the

    seeds of the horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.).70

    2.3.3 Galactosyl derivatives. Raffinose (a-D-galactopyr-

    anosyl-(16)-a-D-glucopyranosyl-(12)-b-D-fructofuranoside) is

    another sucrose-scaffold based molecule that is encountered in

    many plants though in small amounts. This water-soluble

    trisaccharide can be found in cottonseed meal,71 jute plant,72

    sugar beets,73,74 sunflower, Gramineae species,75 lupins,76

    soybean,77 and many edible leguminous crops.78 Although

    abundant in human nutrition, this oligosaccharide is non-

    digestible but is fermented by intestinal bifidobacteria, thus

    acting as a prebiotic molecule by stimulating the beneficial gutmicrobiota.79,80 Notably, raffinose is used as a functional food

    ingredient in Japan.81 Raffinose also shows cryo-preserving

    effects,82 and ameliorates atopic dermatitis in human subjects.83

    Two enzymes are involved in the biosynthesis of raffinose in

    plants, namely galactinol synthase, which catalyzes the biocon-

    version of UDP-galactose into galactinol and raffinose synthase,

    which catalyzes the synthesis of raffinose from galactinol and

    sucrose.84 For Arabidopsis and the common bugle Ajuga reptans

    L., these enzymes are located in the cytosol where raffinose

    appears to be first synthesized before being translocated across

    the envelope of the chloroplast by a specific transporter.85 The

    presence of raffinose has also been detected in algal cells of

    Chlorella vulgaris where a chilling shock stops the cell growth andleads to raffinose accumulation.86 On the industrial scale, raffi-

    nose is extracted from molasses,87 in particular sugar beet

    molasses. Raffinose usually represents 0.52% of beet molasses.

    Upon desugaration, the blackstrap molasses contain up to 15%

    raffinose,88 from which the molecule can be efficiently extracted

    and crystallized.89,90

    The a-galactosyl derivative loliose (a-D-galactopyranosyl-(1

    3)-a-D-glucopyranosyl-(12)-b-D-fructofuranoside) has been

    detected in Lolium sp. as well as in Festuca species.9193 Its

    biosynthesis is ensured by a UDP-Gal:sucrose 3-galactosyl-


    Another trisaccharide, namely planteose, was first extracted

    from the seeds of Plantago sp.95 where it acts as a reserve

    carbohydrate.96 It was first prepared from Plantaginaceae,97

    tobacco or mint seeds,98 and has been identified as the major

    carbohydrate in seeds of Fraxinus excelsior.99 Its structure

    was determined ten years later as being the a-D-galactopyr-

    anosyl-(16)-b-D-fructofuranosyl-(21)-a-D-glucopyranoside. It

    has recently been reported in honey samples.60,100 Chemical

    synthesis of planteose involving a low yield multistep mechanismhas been proposed.101

    3 In vitro synthesis of sucrose derivatives

    Due to a limited variety of sucrose derivatives available in nature

    and their low level of natural abundance, the extraction of

    natural compounds remains a tedious task. In vitro synthesis

    using either microorganisms or enzymes appears thus to be a

    solution of choice to access sucrose-like carbohydrates in mild

    conditions with selective introduction of a variety of functional

    groups at distinct reactive positions of sucrose-scaffold. An

    overview of these modifications is proposed in Scheme 5.

    3.1 Keto derivatives

    Chemical synthesis of carbonyl-sucrose derivatives was first

    demonstrated by Andersson using bromine oxidation of sucrose

    in aqueous solution, a mixture of four keto-derivatives was

    obtained.118 However, the process presented several drawbacks

    as 10% of starting material and acidic compounds remained in

    the final mixture. Furthermore, the keto-sugars showed a low

    stability that required their subsequent conversion into more

    stable O-methyloximes to proceed to their biochemical and

    structural characterization. The specific etherification of sucrose

    into 2-O-benzyl-sucrose has also been performed to produce a

    precursor for the synthesis of 2-ketosucrose,119 albeit thissynthesis involved a low-yield multi-step process. To avoid such

    problems, efficient enzymatic syntheses of carbonyl-derivatives

    of sucrose have been proposed. Different categories of enzymes

    have been used for either C-2 oxidation or C-3 dehydrogenation

    of the sucrose glucosyl moiety (Scheme 6). The D-glucoside 3-

    dehydrogenase (G3DH EC from Agrobacterium

    tumefaciens has been widely studied during the past decades for

    its capacity to regioselectively produce the 3-ketosucrose (b-D-

    fructofuranosyl a-D-ribo-hexopyranosid-3-ulose).120122 The

    activity of this enzyme has been shown to be dependent on the

    manganese concentration in the reaction medium, which can be

    optimized to increase conversion yield.123 The enzyme activity is

    also FAD-dependent, thus using whole cells of Agrobacteriumtumefaciens offers the possibility ofin vivo cofactor regeneration

    but raises the problem of separating 3-ketosucrose from other

    compounds present in culture medium. During 3-ketosucrose

    purification, Hough et al. also obtained a clarified concentrate

    containing a significant amount of 2-ketosucrose (b-D-fructo-

    furanosyl-a-D-arabino-hexopyranosid-2-ulose) probably result-

    ing from enolisation of 3-ketosucrose.124 An alternative synthetic

    route to 3-ketosucrose consists of using a pyranose dehydroge-

    nase (PDH) from Agaricus sp.125,126 Notably, PDH from Agar-

    icus meleagris efficiently catalyzes dehydrogenation of a wide

    range of carbohydrates (yields $ 90%), including sucrose.127,128

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    Nevertheless, the reaction necessitates an electron acceptor, such

    as 1,4-benzoquinone, that has to be removed after reaction.127

    The in vitro bioconversion of sucrose in 2-ketosucrose has

    recently been described.129 A commercial pyranose-2-oxidase

    (POase EC has been used for the reaction catalysis in

    water with oxygen aeration. This oxidation and the associated

    reduction of O2 into H2O2were coupled to the action of a catalase

    (EC used to degrade the neo-formed hydrogen

    peroxide and prevent enzyme inhibition. A full conversion ofsucrose was observed within 24 h. The enzymes were removed by

    ultrafiltration and the filtrate was dried into vacuum to obtain a

    pure fraction of 2-ketosucrose. Of interest, sucrose keto-deriva-

    tives can also be used as a starting material for other chemical

    transformations including amination, silylation,130 cyanohydri-

    nation,131 or epimerisation.123

    3.2 Ester derivatives

    Fatty acid monoesters of sucrose (reviewed by Polat and Lin-

    hardt, 2001)132 have drawn considerable attention for their

    pharmaceutical interest or potential applications as surfactants

    or emulsifiers. The regioselective esterification of sucrose can be

    achieved through chemical means. Industrial routes using basic

    catalysts have been developed. They involve solvent or solvent-

    free reactions yielding sucrose ester mixtures containing

    predominantly monoesters (up to 70%). Among the eight

    potential reactive hydroxyl groups, the primary hydroxyls at

    carbons 6 and 60 exhibit the highest reactivity. Nonetheless, the

    synthesis of selectively acylated sucrose in its pure form remainsdifficult. The synthesis of acylated sucrose at position 6 0 with a

    yield of isolated product up to 43% has been described in DMF

    in the presence of 1,4-diazobicyclo[2.2.2]octane (DABCO).

    Prerequisite modifications of sucrose using dibutyltin oxide have

    also been reported for the synthesis 6-O-acylsucroses and 6,30-di-

    O-acylsucroses in DMF with good yields.133,134 The synthesis of

    2-O-acylsucroses in anhydrous pyridine has also been achieved in

    4564% yield.135,136

    Numerous studies have shown that enzymatic catalysts can be

    used as powerful tools for the selective acylation of sucrose.

    Indeed, a wide variety of enzymes are able to convert sucrose into

    Scheme 5 The in vitro synthesis of sucrose derivatives.

    This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2012, 29, 945960 | 951

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    mono or di-esters mainly, depending on the acyl donor, the

    reaction conditions and the catalyst used (Table 2). Among them,

    lipases are commonly used to produce a large panel of sucrose

    esters using a variety of acyl donors of different chain length in

    distinct solvents. In particular, lipases from Candida antarc-

    tica,137 Thermomyces lanuginosus,138 Mucor miehei,139 Byssochl-

    amys fulva,140 Pseudomonas sp.,141 Penicillium chrysogenum,142

    Aspergillus oryzae,143 Aspergillus terreus,144 or Rhizopus sp.143

    have been shown to be highly efficient to acylate sucrose at

    positions 6 and 60. Proteases from Bacillus subtilis and the met-

    alloprotease thermolysin from Bacillus thermoproteolyticus also

    lead to the production of sucrose esters modified at positions 10

    and 2, respectively.145,146 A protease from Bacillus licheniformis

    can also be used to generate sucrose acrylate esters,147 sucrose-

    containing aromatic polymers,148 and sucrose amino acid


    Original chemo-enzymatic processes for sucrose acylation

    have also been proposed by either coupling the use of lipases and

    chemically-produced sucrose acetals,150 or by glucosylating a

    glucose-6-acetate with a fructosyltransferase from Bacillus sub-

    tilis.151 The preparation of the sweetener sucralose also involvesan ester derivative of sucrose, namely sucrose-6-acetate, which is

    chlorinated and deacetylated to give the final product.152

    Another way of retrieving a partially acetylated sucrose consists

    of de-acetylating the easily chemically synthesized sucrose octa-

    acetate using proteases and lipases in organic solvent.153,154 In

    any case, one major difficulty in obtaining acylated molecules in

    a pure form is related to the low solubility of sucrose in most

    organic environments, thus requiring the use of non-environ-

    mental friendly solvents in which the disaccharide is more soluble

    (e.g. pyridine, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), dimethylformamide

    (DMF), hexane).

    3.3 Glycosylation of sucrose

    Sucrose can be used as a glycosyl donor or acceptor for the

    enzymatic synthesis of short oligosaccharides, such as functional

    galacto-derivatives or short chain fructooligosaccharides (FOS)

    acting and classified as prebiotics.155157 We will limit our review

    to both naturally-occurring and tailor-made trisaccharides

    synthesized in vitro using transglycosidases. We did not consideroligosaccharide production resulting from additional elongation.

    Galactosyl transfer onto disaccharides has been proposed

    using both activated and non-activated carbohydrates. Besides

    its extraction from plants, raffinose can also be efficiently

    obtained by in vitro synthesis using the galactinol-sucrose gal-

    actosyltransferase from Vicia faba and sucrose and galactinol (a-

    D-galactopyranosyl-(13)-1D-myo-inositol) or p-nitrophenyl- a-

    D-galactopyranoside as substrates.84 Reverse hydrolysis activity

    of the a-galactosidase from Absidia corymbifera, which acts on

    sucrose and galactose was also investigated to produce raffinose

    with an overall conversion ratio improved up to 10% (w/v)

    (Scheme 7).158 b-galactosidase from Bacillus circulans has been

    used for the synthesis of lactosucrose (b-D-galactopyranosyl-(14)-a-D-glucopyranosyl-(12)-b-D-fructofuranoside) as well as its

    b(13) isomer.159 Biosynthesis of planteose has also been

    proposed with the cell-free extract of sesame seeds (Sesasum

    indicum) involving either UDP-galactose or galactinol as donors

    and sucrose as the acceptor.160 Synthesis of planteose has also

    been described with an a-galactosidase from Plantago ovato

    using galactose.161

    The biosynthesis of umbelliferose has also been demonstrated

    in an enzyme preparation from leaves ofAegopodium podagraria

    L. using sucrose as the acceptor and UDP-galactose as the

    donor.162 An original trisaccharide derived from sucrose has been

    Scheme 6 The biosynthesis of carbonyl-derivatives of sucrose.

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    synthesized by transglycosylation using a recombinant b-glyco-

    sidase from Sulfolobus shibatae. This reaction involved lactose as

    the donor and sucrose as the acceptor to form a new product

    whose structure was determined to be the b-D-galactopyranosyl

    (16)-a-D-glucopyranosyl-(12)-b-D-fructofuranoside. The yield

    was calculated as 20% from the acceptor sucrose.

    The biosyntheses of melezitose and erlose have also been

    performed by incubating, in an artificial phloem sap, isolated

    Table 2 Esters derivatives of sucrose and their synthesis conditions

    Enzymes Species Acylating agents Solvents Main ProductsYield(%) References

    Lipase Candida antarctica Ethyl butanoate tert-butanol 6 and 60-O-butanoylsucrose

    1 137

    Ethyl laurate tert-butanol 6,60-di-O-lauroylsucrose 35Vinyl laurate tert-butanol:DMSO

    (80 : 20)6,60-di-O-lauroylsucrose 170


    Vinyl laurate tert-butanol:DMSO(80 : 20)

    6-O-lauroylsucrose 98 170

    Vinyl laurate tert-butanol:DMSO(80 : 20)

    6-O-lauroylsucrose 70 138

    Vinyl palmitate tert-butanol:DMSO(80 : 20)

    6-O-palmitoylsucrose 80 138

    Mucor miehei Capric acid solvent free 6-O-capryloylsucrose

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    guts of Metropeurum fuscoviride and Macrosiphoniella tanace-

    taria, respectively.163

    The in vitro fructosylation of various disaccharides involving a

    fructosyltransferase or a fructofuranosidase has been

    described.164 The enzymatic synthesis of lactosucrose has been

    performed using levansucrases as catalysts, and sucrose and

    lactose as the fructofuranosyl donor and acceptor, respectively.

    With the levansucrase from Aerobacter levanicum, a yield of

    32.9% (w/w) was obtained.165 The fructofuranosyl moiety ofsucrose is cleaved and transferred onto the glucopyranosyl

    moiety of lactose via the reformation of the sucrose characteristic

    a(12)b linkage. Lactosucrose bioconversion from lactose and

    sucrose using whole cells ofPaenibacillus polymyxa has also been

    reported.166 More recently, the efficiency of lactosucrose

    conversion has been raised to 43.2% using a mixed-enzyme

    system containing a levansucrase from Zymomonas mobilis and a

    glucose oxidase for increasing conversion by removing

    glucose.167 The levansucrase ofPseudomonas aurantiaca has also

    been used for this purpose.168 The use of b-fructofuranosidase

    from Arthrobacter sp. K-1 also enabled the synthesis of lacto-

    sucrose from sucrose and lactose with an overall yield close to

    27% (Scheme 8).169 The conversion has been improved up to 50%in a batch process with an equimolar ratio of substrates. Kang

    and coworkers have reported the synthesis of erlose from sucrose

    as a donor and maltose as an acceptor using levansucrase from

    Leuconostoc mesenteroides B-512 FMC (25% reaction

    product).174 A similar synthesis involving the levansucrase from

    Bacillus subtilis has also been described with an optimized yield

    of 45% (calculated from the donor sucrose).175

    The production of 1-kestose using the intact mycelium of

    Aspergillus phoenicis containing a sucrose fructosyltransferase

    has been described from a 750 g L1 sucrose solution with a yield

    of 300 g L1 of 1-kestose in 8 h.176 A continuous production

    involving an immobilized b-fructofuranosidase from Aureobasi-

    dium has also been proposed with a 1-kestose concentration of 90g L1 for up to 168 h, allowing a synthesis of 287 g during this

    time.177 1-kestose production has also been performed using a

    fructosyltransferase from Aspergillus foetidus expressed in an

    invertase-deficient mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.178

    Levansucrase from Lactobacillus sanfranciscencis also mainly

    synthesizes 1-kestose.179 Recently, a combination of both genetic

    and substrate engineering has been used for the preparative

    synthesis of fructooligosaccharides, notably 1-kestose.180

    The conversion of sucrose into FOS using whole Penicillium

    citrinum led to the conversion of sucrose into both 1-kestose and

    neokestose. Kritzinger and coworkers have optimized the

    production parameters of the trisaccharide neokestose by Xan-

    thophyllomyces dendrorhous (Phaffia rhodozyma) to reach a

    production yield of 0.85 g of neokestose per g of sucrose and aproportion of 95% neokestose of the total oligosaccharides.181,182

    The production of the other fructooligosaccharide 6-kestose

    has also been demonstrated using, for example, the b-fructo-

    furanosidase from Thermoascus aurantiacus or Schwanniomyces

    occidentalis.183,184 The b-fructofuranosidases from Saccharo-

    myces cerevisae and Rhodotorula dairenensis are also known for

    producing mainly 6-kestose.185,186

    3.4 Phosphate derivatives

    Sucrose-6-phosphate (S6P) was obtained using permeabilized

    cells of different strains. Martin et al. have first identified a

    phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system inStreptococcus mutans.187 Two enzymes are involved in the

    catabolism of sucrose by S. mutans, a sucrose phosphotransfer-

    ase (PTS) and a sucrose-6-phosphate hydrolase. Permeabilized

    cells of a mutant strain constitutive for the PTS system and

    missing hydrolytic activity have been isolated and used for the

    biosynthesis of sucrose-6-phosphate.188 More recently, Thomp-

    son et al. showed that phosphorylation of sucrose as well as that

    of its five linkage isomers was possible using permeabilized cells

    ofKlebsellia pneumoniae at low pH (Scheme 9).189 Previous work

    by Kunst et al. showed that sucrose-6-phosphate can be

    synthesized from glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and sucrose using a

    levansucrase, which under the operating conditions led to the

    conversion of 45% of the G6P into S6P.190

    3.5 Sucrose analogs

    The sucrose derivatives described previously conserve the

    sucrose-scaffold, which constitutes a fructofuranosyl unit linked

    Scheme 8 The biosynthesis of lactosucrose using the b-fructofuranosidase from Arthrobacter sp.

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    to a glucopyranosyl unit via an a(12)b glycosidic bond.

    However, another way to modify sucrose is to replace the glu-

    cosyl unit by alternative glycosyl moieties. Following this idea,

    sucrose-like disaccharides which conserve the characteristic a(1

    2)b glycosidic bond have been produced by fructosylation of

    various monosaccharides using fructosyltransferases (e.g.

    levansucrase) (Scheme 10). The synthesis of four sucrose analogs

    by fructosylation of D-glycopyranosides, such as D-galactose, D-

    mannose, D-xylose and D-fucose, was first described using a

    levansucrase from Bacillus subtilis with yields of 54, 4, 62 and

    21%, respectively.191 Further biocatalytic investigations enabled,

    fructosylation from sucrose as a fructosyl donor to othercarbohydrates, including monosaccharides (e.g. 2-deoxy-D-

    glucose, D-allose, 3-ketoglucose) and disaccharides (e.g. iso-

    maltose, maltose, melibiose, cellobiose or lactose) with yields

    going from 0.01% for D-allose to 53% for isomaltose. Using

    raffinose as fructosyl donor, the fructosylation ofL-sugars (e.g. L-

    glucose, L-rhamnose, L-galactose, L-fucose and L-xylose) was also

    successfully achieved with yields going from 0.1% for L-rham-

    nose up to 27% for L-xylose.175 Interestingly, some of these

    sucrose analogs a-D-xylopyranosyl-b-D-fructofuranoside (Xyl-

    Fru), a-D-mannopyranosyl-b-D-fructofuranoside (Man-Fru) and

    a-D-galactopyranosyl-b-D-fructofuranoside (Gal-Fru) were

    further tested as acceptor substrates by the highly active

    recombinant b-fructofuranosidase from Aspergillus niger,

    leading to fructosylated products, such as 1-kestose and 1-nys-

    tose analogs. Of note, two analogs were previously described by

    Avigad et al. using a levansucrase from Aerobacter levani-

    cum.192,193 In this report, Xyl-Fru and Gal-Fru were synthesizedfrom 10 g of raffinose as the fructosyl donor and xylose or

    galactose, respectively, as the fructosyl acceptors to produce pure

    Xyl-Fru (400 mg) and Gal-Fru (70 mg).

    4 Sucrose isomers as alternative sucrose skeletons

    Some properties of sucrose isomers, such as sweetness, solubility,

    or cariogenic effect, differ significantly from those of sucrose,

    thus offering novel opportunities for the development of prebi-

    otics or edulcorants. Five sucrose isomers are naturally accessible

    and can be produced either in vitro using carbohydrate-active

    enzymes (CAZy)194 or in vivo using selected microorganisms. Of

    note, the fructosyl moiety in sucrose isomers has been found inmany different forms (e.g. acyclic, cyclic, furanose, pyranose).

    Hereafter are described the biochemical syntheses of leucrose,

    turanose, trehalulose, maltulose and isomaltulose (palatinose).

    4.1 Leucrose

    a-D-glucopyranosyl-1,5-b-D-fructose, commonly named leu-

    crose, is a reducing disaccharide derived from sucrose. Although

    half as sweet as sucrose, leucrose is fully digestible and non-

    cariogenic. It was firstly isolated from dextran-producing

    cultures of Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Streptococcus

    bovis.195,196 Different experimental conditions have been tested,

    allowing high product yield and the proposition of a kinetic

    model.197 Production of leucrose from sucrose using immobilized

    dextransucrase entrapped in calcium alginate beads has been

    carried out, showing its best results in a tubular reactor.198,199

    More recently, immobilization of the dextransucrase from

    Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B-512F using a convenient

    affinity interaction with resin showed promising results by

    increasing conversion rate up to 74% after one day.200

    4.2 Turanose

    a-D-glucopyranosyl-1,3-b-D-fructose or turanose was first

    discovered by Alekhine in 1889. It resulted from the hydrolysis of

    melezitose, a trisaccharide extracted from Turkestan Manna,

    giving an equimolar mixture of glucose and turanose.201 Likeleucrose, it is non-cariogenic and half as sweet as sucrose. Tur-

    anose has also been identified as a by-product of the polymeri-

    zation reaction catalyzed by amylosucrases.202204 The synthesis

    of turanose from sucrose using Neisseria polysaccharea amylo-

    sucrase has been improved by increasing the substrate concen-

    tration up to 2.5 M. The production of turanose was thus

    favoured and allowed a maximal production yield of 56.2% after

    a 120 h at 35 C. Turanose was further purified using preparative

    HPLC.205 The amylosucrase from Deinococcus geothermalis has

    been described to synthesize equimolar amounts of turanose and


    Scheme 9 The synthesis of sucrose-6-phosphate using permeabilized

    cells from S. mutans or K. pneumoniae.

    Scheme 10 A schematic representation of sucrose analogs synthesized

    using a levansucrase from B. subtilis.

    This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Nat. Prod. Rep., 2012, 29, 945960 | 955

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    4.3 Trehalulose

    In 1973, Lund and Wyatt identified the a-D-glucopyranosyl-1,1-

    b-D-fructose in cultures of Erwinia carotovora var. atroseptica

    grown on medium containing 24% sucrose.207 This compound,

    also known as trehalulose, is a highly soluble reducing disac-

    charide nearly 70% as sweet as sucrose.208 It has been found in

    honeydew from Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius), thus relating its

    production to Insecta.


    The presence of trehalulose has beeninvestigated for various plantinsect couples going from 0.3%

    up to 70% of the total carbohydrates.210 The biochemical

    synthesis of trehalulose was previously described in 1959 using

    a-glucosidases from yeast strains.211 Novel methods have since

    been developed for the in vitro production of trehalulose.

    Among others, sucrose isomerase from Erwinia rhapontici

    NCPPB 1578 or immobilized cells of Pseudomonas

    mesoacidophila MX-45 have been used for the conversion of

    sucrose into trehalulose with yields of 60% and 83%,


    4.4 Maltulose

    a-D-glucopyranosyl-1,4-b-D-fructose, or maltulose, is a natural

    sucrose isomer. It was isolated in low yield from a-amylase

    hydrolysates of waxy corn starch214 and rabbit liver-glycogen.215

    Its presence was also detected during saccharification of

    starch.216 It was identified in honey in 1959 thanks to its previ-

    ously reported infrared analysis.217,218 The in vitro synthesis of

    maltulose from sucrose using intestinal a-glucosidases has also

    been described.219

    4.5 Isomaltulose

    Isomaltulose (a-D-glucopyranosyl-1,6-b-D-fructose or pala-

    tinose) was discovered in 1957 in Protaminobacter rubrum iso-

    lated from sugar beet raw juice.220 It is about half as sweet as

    sucrose but less soluble, less hygroscopic and much more

    stable to acidity.221223 The US Food and Drink

    Association approved the non-cariogenic health claim for iso-

    maltulose in 2007. Moreover, the slow hydrolysis of the glyco-

    sidic linkage limits the diffusion of glucose into the blood,

    avoiding glycaemia and insulin peaks,224 and making it suitable

    as a sweetener for industrial applications.225 Isomaltulose

    naturally occurs in honey and sugar cane.226,227 Its biochemical

    synthesis has been widely studied and various methods of

    production have been proposed.228 Glucosyltransferase-producing microorganism Klebsiella sp. can be used for the

    conversion of sucrose into isomaltulose with yields up to 86%.

    Strains of Erwinia sp. are also likely to perform this

    bioconversion and various processes have been proposed, such

    as immobilized cells,229 free cells,230 fermentation,231

    potato tubers as bioreactors and high isomaltulose yields

    were obtained.232 Bioconversions involving microorganisms

    such as Pantoea dispersa UQ68J,233 Enterobacter sp. FMB-1234

    and Serratia plymuthica,229,235 have also been investigated

    leading to a remarkable increase of conversion rates up to 98


    5 Potential applications of sucrose derivatives in

    sugar bioconversion

    If recognized by the enzyme, sucrose-like molecules could offer

    new opportunities as potential substrates of sucrose-utilizing

    a-transglycosidases. Among them, glucansucrases, classified in

    families 13 and 70 of glycoside-hydrolases are naturally able to

    either polymerize glucose from solely sucrose or glucosylate a

    wide variety of hydroxylated acceptors.5,236,237

    These enzymes arehighly specific for the glucosyl moiety from sucrose and only a

    few examples can be found in the literature where a sucrose

    derivative has been used as an alternative glycosyl donor. A

    sucrose epimer, namely a-D-galactopyranosyl-1,2-b-D-fructofur-

    anoside, has been earlier described as a substrate for a prepara-

    tion of amylosucrase from cells ofNeisseria perflava producing a

    mixture of galactose, fructose, and an aldosidoketoside, likely

    being a trisaccharide.193 Another example concerns the utiliza-

    tion by a dextransucrase (E.C. of the 2-ketosucrose for

    the synthesis of novel carbonyl-group-containing dextrans.129

    The last example, to our knowledge, uses allosucrose (a-D-allo-

    pyranosyl-1,2-b-D-fructofuranoside) and an amylosucrase func-

    tioning as an allosyltransferase to glycosylate low mass acceptormolecules.238

    The three sucrose analogs reported to date as an alternative

    donor substrate for native glucansucrases only bear subtle

    chemical modifications compared to parental sucrose. None-

    theless, such successful examples of novel catalytic reactions are

    full of promise and one could envision extending the concept to

    sucrose-active enzymes in general in order to enlarge accessible


    6 Conclusions

    The main purpose of this article was to review the main biolog-

    ical routes reported to date to produce sucrose derivatives oranalogs either by direct isolation from natural sources or in vitro

    enzymatic synthesis. These structures may differ in the type of

    regio- and/or chemo-modifications of sucrose, the type of

    glycosidic linkage, or the nature of the glycosyl moiety linked to

    the fructofuranosyl moiety. Libraries of sucrose-related classes

    of molecules are thus accessible. Within this pool, sucrose-

    derivatives are all attractive intermediates for further glyco-

    diversification through carbohydrate chemistry and/or

    biochemistry. Such future developments may represent prom-

    ising sources for novel oligosaccharides, polysaccharides, sugar-

    derived synthons, rare sugars, alternative sweeteners, or biolog-

    ically active molecules.

    However, all these molecules may not be accessible yet atyields compatible with industrial applications or further deriva-

    tization. In addition, regarding biological transformation, the

    diversity often remains limited by the substrate specificity of

    the enzymes. These drawbacks could be circumvented through

    the engineering of enzymes to generate more efficient catalysts

    with adequate substrate specificity for non-natural donor or

    acceptor substrates,239 although this has not been explored yet

    for sucrose-utilizing enzymes. Another major evolution that

    could be considered is coming from the rising field of synthetic

    biology. Indeed, optimization of native metabolic pathway as

    well as redesigning of synthetic metabolic pathways can now be

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    investigated for the development of novel synthetic processes to

    access carbohydrates displaying original properties and the

    multiple products derived from them.

    7 Acknowledgements

    D. Daude was supported by a grant from the French Ministry of


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