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Suction is the flow of a fluid into a partial vacuum, or region of low pressure. The pressure gradient between this region and the ambient pressure will propel matter toward the low pressure area. Suction is popularly thought of as an attractive effect, which is incorrect since vacuums do not innately attract matter. Dust being "sucked" into a vacuum cleaner is actually being pushed in by the higher pressure air on the outside of the cleaner. The higher pressure of the surrounding fluid can push matter into a vacuum but a vacuum cannot attract matter.

Humans can create a sucking effect with the use of the lips, as in the case of drinking through a straw.

Pumps[edit]Main article: PumpSee also: Suction pump

Pumps typically have an inlet where the fluid enters the pump and an outlet where the fluid comes out. The inlet location is said to be at the suction side of the pump. The outlet location is said to be at the discharge side of the pump. Operation of the pump creates suction (a lower pressure) at the suction side so that fluid can enter the pump through the inlet. Pump operation also causes higher pressure at the discharge side by forcing the fluid out at the outlet. There may be pressure sensing devices at the pump's suction and/or discharge sides which control the operation of the pump. For example, if the suction pressure of a centrifugal pump is too low, a device may trigger the pump to shut off to keep it from running dry; i. e. with no fluid entering.

Under normal conditions of atmospheric pressure suction can draw pure water up to a maximum height of approximately 10.3 m (33.9 feet).[1] This is the same as the maximum height of a siphon, which operates by the same principle.[2]

In medicine, suction devices are used to clear airways of materials that would impede breathing or cause infections, to aid in surgery, and for other purposes.

See also[edit]

Look up suction in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Implosion sucks – a (sometimes vulgar) term of disparagement Suction cup Suction cupping Vacuum Vacuum cleaner

References[edit]1. Jump up ̂ (Calvert 2000, "Maximum height to which water can be raised by

a suction pump")2. Jump up ̂ (Calvert 2000, "The siphon")

Calvert, James B. (11 May 2000), Hydrostatics

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Suction Curettage or Vacuum Aspiration Abortion:

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Abortion Methods

Suction Aspiration

The mouth (cervix) of the womb is stretched open. A suction curette (hollow tube with a knife-like top) is inserted into the womb. A strong suction (40 times that of a vacuum cleaner) tears the body into pieces, drawing it into a container. This is the most common method of abortion. Great care must be used to prevent the womb from being damaged. Common concerns are: failing to remove the entire body of the child thus causing major infection, accidentally puncturing another organ such as the liver, kidney’s or bowels. And last but not least leaving scar tissue on the inside of the womb which can cause difficulty in conceiving a child at a later date and sometimes even cause infertility.

Dilation and Curettage (D&C)This is similar to the suction method, except for the use of sharp loop-shaped knife (curette). The knife cuts the baby apart. The pieces are then removed through the cervix.

Dilation and EvacuationThe cervix is stretched open. The opening must be larger than for a suction aspiration. Specially designed tools are used to dismember the body of the baby and to crush the baby’s skull. No fetal anesthetic is used. All of the dissected and crushed parts of the baby’s body are removed using ringforceps. This method is used up to18 weeks gestation.

Saline InjectionThough outlawed in some countries because of it’s risk to the mother, this procedure is used in Canada after the forth month of pregnancy. A concentrated salt solution is injected into the sac surrounding the baby. The baby inhales and swallows the solution, has convulsions, and dies one to two hours later from salt poisoning dehydration and hemorrhages of internal organs. The mother goes into labour. A dead or dying baby is delivered within 48 hours.

Prostaglandin AbortionProstaglandin’s are hormones that induce labour. They are injected into the sac surrounding the baby or given in a shot or vaginal suppository form. The mother then goes into labour, giving birth to a child either dead or too young to survive. Sometimes poisonous salts are injected with the prostaglandin’s to kill the baby.

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Hysterectomy AbortionLike a caesarean section, the abdomen and the womb are opened surgically. In the hysterectomy, however, the baby who is lifted out is usually too young to survive without immediate medical treatment. The baby is simply put aside to die.

Partial Birth AbortionThis procedure involves birthing an almost full-term baby feet first, in the breech position.  When only the baby’s head is left in the birth canal, the body is turned so that the head is face down.  Surgical scissors are inserted into the back of the scull, and a suction aparatus is passed through the hole.  The baby’s brains are suctioned out of its head, collapsing the scull.  Then the dead baby is fully removed from its mothers body.  To learn more about the controversy surrounding this procedure click here.

For more information and to see the references and sources, please visit

For testimony from three abortionists regarding the most commonly-used method of abortion, visit the Priests For Life website page:

For information on abortion methods from a source outside the pro-life community, as confirmation of the facts on our website, visit the Pregnancy Centers website.

Photographs and videosMany people who have seen pictures showing the truth of abortion is, and how it destroys babies, change their minds from being pro-choice and become pro-life. Many pregnant women who were considering abortion changed their minds once they saw the photographic evidence. That has been the experience of Father Frank Pavone of Priests For Life, who has received hundreds of emails testifying to the effect of the photographs. Here are links for the photographs on the Priests For Life website. Also here are links of videos of abortions being performed. These images are disturbing, but they show the ugly truth.


Suctioning a Tracheostomy

The upper airway warms, cleans and moistens the air we breath. The trach tube bypasses these mechanisms, so that the air via the tube is cooler, dryer and not as clean. In response to these

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changes, the body produces more mucus. The trach tube is suctioned to remove mucus from the tube and trachea to allow for easier breathing. Generally, the child should be suctioned every 4 to 6 hours and as needed. There may be large amounts of mucus with a new tracheostomy. This is a normal reaction to an irritant (the tube) in the airway. The heavy secretions should decrease in a few weeks. While a child is in the hospital, suctioning is done using sterile technique, however a clean technique is usually sufficient for most children at home. If your child has frequent respiratory infections, trach care and suctioning techniques may need to be addressed. Frequency of suctioning will vary from child to child and will increase with respiratory tract infections. Try to avoid suctioning too frequently. The more you suction, the more secretions can be produced. 

Care Techniques Sterile Technique: sterile catheters and sterile gloves Modified Sterile Technique: sterile catheters and clean gloves Clean Technique: clean catheter and clean hands

The size of the suction catheter depends on the size of the tracheostomy tube.  Size 6, 8 or 10 French are typical sizes for neonatal and pediatric trach tubes. The larger the number, the larger the diameter of the suction catheter.  Use a catheter with an outer diameter that is about half the inner diameter of the artificial airway this will allow air to enter around it during suctioning.  You can also compute the catheter size with this formula:  Multiply the artificial airways diameter in millimeters by two. For example, 8 mm X 2 = 16, so a 16 French catheter.  Also see Tracheostomy Sizing Chart for recommended catheter sizes for specific Bivona and Shiley pediatric tracheostomy tubes.

Older children may be taught to suction themselves.

Suction Depths Shallow Suctioning: Suction secretions at the opening of the trach tube that the child has

coughed up. Pre-measured Suctioning: Suction the length of the trach tube. Suction depth varies

depending on the size of the trach tube. The obturator can be used as a measuring guide. Deep Suctioning: Insert the catheter until resistance is felt. (Deep suctioning is usually

not necessary. Be careful to avoid vigorous suctioning, as this may injure the lining of the airway).

Signs That a Child Needs Suctioning Rattling mucus sounds from the trach Fast breathing Bubbles of mucus in trach opening Dry raspy breathing or a whistling noise from trach Older children may vocalize or signal a need to be suctioned. Signs of respiratory distress under Tracheostomy Complications

Equipment Suction machine Suction connecting tubing Suction catheters Normal saline Sterile or clean cup 3cc saline ampules (“bullets”)

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Ambu bag Tissues Gloves (optional for home care, use powder-free gloves)


Illustration courtesy of the Department of Otolaryngology, Cincinnati Children'sHospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio

Suctioning a Tracheostomy

Procedure Explain procedure in a way appropriate for child's age and understanding. Wash hands. Set up equipment and connect suction catheter to machine tubing. Pour normal saline into cup. Put on gloves (optional). Turn on suction machine (suction machine pressure for small children 50-100mm Hg, for

older children/adults 100-120mm Hg) Place tip of catheter into saline cup to moisten and test to see that suction is working. Instill sterile normal saline with plastic squeeze ampule into the trach tube if needed for

thick or dry secretions. Excessive use of saline is not recommended. Use saline only if the mucus is very thick, hard to cough up or difficult to suction. Saline may also be instilled via a syringe or eye dropper, which is less expensive than single dose units. Recommended amount per instillation is approximately 1cc.

Gently insert catheter into the trach tube without applying suction. (Suction only length of trach tube - premeasured suctioning. Deeper insertion may be needed if the child has an ineffective cough.)

Put thumb over opening in catheter to create suction and use a circular motion (twirl catheter between thumb and index finger) while withdrawing the catheter so that the mucus is removed well from all areas. Avoid suctioning longer than 10 seconds because of oxygen loss. Note: Some research has shown that by applying suction both going in and then out of the tube takes less time and therefore results there is less hypoxia. Also, there are now holes on all sides of the suction catheters, so twirling is not necessary.

Draw saline from cup through catheter to clear catheter. For trach tubes with cuffs, it may be necessary to deflate the cuff periodically for

suctioning to prevent pooling of secretions above trach cuff. Let child rest and breathe, then repeat suction if needed until clear (allow at least 30

seconds between suctioning). Oxygenate as ordered (extra oxygen may be given before and after suction to prevent

hypoxia). Some children need extra breaths with an Ambu bag (approximately 3 - 5 breaths).

Purposes of bagging: hyperoxygenation, hyperinflation, and hyperventilation of the lungs. However, this is usually not needed for stable children with no additional respiratory problems.


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Illustration Source:The Center for Pediatric Emergency Medicine (CPEM), Teaching Resource for Instructors in Prehospital

Pediatrics.  Illustrations by Susan Gilbert.

The child's mouth or nose may also be suctioned, if needed after suctioning the trach, then dispose of that catheter (do not put same catheter back into trach).

Turn off the machine, dispose of the suction catheter, saline and gloves. In home care, catheters may sometimes be used more than once before disposal or cleaning if the child needs frequent suctioning. Keep the tip of the catheter clean, and store it in the original package. Some catheters have a protective sleeve to help keep it clean.


Bard Medical Division Tracheal Suction Catheter

A bulb syringe may be used between suctioning if the child is able to cough up some secretions on his/her own.

Be aware of color, odor, amount and consistency of the secretions and notify doctor of changes in secretions.


Illustration Source:The Center for Pediatric Emergency Medicine (CPEM), Teaching Resource for Instructors in Prehospital

Pediatrics.  Illustrations by Susan Gilbert.

Other Suctioning Devices A newer suction technique, which is used most often in hospitals for children on

ventilator support is a closed multiuse catheter system, also called an "in-line" catheter.

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This closed system allows suctioning without disconnecting the ventilator. The catheter is protected inside a sleeve and is usually changed only once a day.

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