Page 1: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

“Every moment is the chance of a lifetime”Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

Olivone, Ticino, Switzerland · 25th July–20th August 2016


Sufi Summer Camp

Page 2: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer


Dear Seeker,

Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to learn, share and participate in how to journey on this path called life.

Here in this Alpine meadow of Ticino we have been creating a sacred space that allows you to drink deeply of nature’s beauty and power and to inwardly tread the path that leads to the soul’s awakening. It is a space where you can dive deep into your inner life and through spiritual practices, silence, prayer, music and dialogue reconnect with your timeless nature.

Our programme is rooted in the teachings of the Inayati Order, a Sufi path of spiritual liberty, (formerly known as the Sufi Order International) and what we hope to see blossom, through all who visit us, is a uni-versal message of the power of love, of the harmony that exists in the universe and of the everlasting beauty that is found in each moment.

In these pages you will find an abundant offering of workshops and retreats over four weeks. During this time you have the choice of tak-ing part in seminars or doing a guided individual or group retreat in

“ …dive deep into your inner life and through spiritual practices, silence, prayer, music and dialogue reconnect with your timeless nature”

Page 3: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

our very special silent retreat area. We have a wonderful camp within the Camp for children, so you can come as a family and we offer special workshops for teenagers and young adults. You can come for one week or four!

One of the magical aspects of this Camp is the work camp and the take down camp. The work camp starts in June when there is noth-ing more than the mountains, the trees and the cows. A group of people of all ages, and with different skills, gather to build the Camp. Alongside physical building work, there is spiritual practice and the cultivation of community.

At the end of the four weeks another group gathers to take down everything that was built and return the land to the state in which we found it.

Do come and join us! You can come to build, participate, take down, or just visit. In joining together, may we all be strengthened and inspired to discover the spiritual liberty that exists in us through our connection to the Divine. For as Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan the founder of this Camp has said: “Freedom gives infinite power, it can move mountains.”

Page 4: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer


This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the Camp, my father, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. Accordingly, this year’s Camp will be dedicat-ed to his memory – and to his ever-living spirit. Though he left the world twelve years ago, Pir Vilayat’s pres-ence is still strong amongst us. This summer’s Camp will feature much of what he loved: luminous meditations, sublime classical music, interreligious dialogue, and the sheer exaltation of a high elevation.

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan

A day at the Camp

Our day starts with early morning meditation or singing.

We have two teaching sessions in the morning and afternoon.

After lunch we have additional activities: walking meditations, the telling of stories and dreams, yoga, whirling and music.

Our evening programmes usually include zikr (“remembrance” – chanting) or “sama” (music, poetry and spiritual dances).

Page 5: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

25th–30th July

Seminar 1A The Joy of Reunion

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo & Shaikha Hayat Nur Artiran

Two years ago Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo joined Pir Zia for an explora-tion of the commonalities between the paths of Buddhism and Sufism. Last year, Shaikha Hayat Nur Artiran came and brought the wisdom and joy of the Mevlevi Sufi Order. This year we look forward to a felicitous reunion: Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo and Shaikha Hayat Nur will both come! Together with Pir Zia, these revered teachers will unfold a contemplative dialogue concerning the fulfilment of life’s purpose. As in previous years, there will be meditation, chanting, and rapturous Mevlevi music.

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, Ph.D. is a scholar and teacher of Sufism in the lineage of his grandfather, Hazrat Inayat Khan. He is the president and spiritual leader of the Inayati Order International (formerly known as the Sufi Order International), founder of Seven Pillars House of Wisdom and Suluk Academy.

Shaikha H. Nur Artıran is a researcher, writer, scholar and educator on the path of Rûmî. She is the founding President of “Şefik Can International Mevlâna Education and Culture Centre”, a founding member of the World Foundation for the Disabled, a member of the Scientific Board of the International Mevlânâ Foundation and is on the Board of Directors of the Universal Sufi Council.

The Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo is a professor of Buddhist stud-ies at the University of San Diego where she teaches Buddhist thought and culture. She integrates scholarship and social activism through the Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women and Jamyang Foundation, an innovative education project for Himalayan women.

Seminar 1B The Caravan goes on – Bach’s Mass in B-Minor

Maarten Ophiel van Leer

Pir Vilayat once described Jerusalem as the spiritual heart of the world.

Straight after Christmas in 2016, a special choir will perform Bach’s magnificent B-minor mass there. It will also be performed in different locations of the holy land, emphasizing the unity of religious ideals.

Page 6: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

Rehearsals will continue throughout the year, but our program in camp will be the main preparation for the concerts. The programme in camp is open to all, even if you are unable to travel with us. The score requires some singing experience, and we would also ask you to prepare yourself beforehand.

The choir will be conducted by Ophiel Maarten van Leer, who has been leading choirs in the Zenith Camp since 1978 and has been involved in this project from the beginning. He will be assisted by Tarana Sara Jobin, a pianist and conductor living in the US.

You can visit the following site for more information and updates:

Group Retreat 1C On the path of Enlightenment

Munir Voss & Malik Hirschberg

Look into your own mind time and again. One´s mind is translucent, it is beyond form. It is made of the Clear Light of the Void, and it´s like the immaculate sky. It is singular and it is all knowing.

In the retreat we will encounter the source of our inspiration, but also our shadows. Eventually we may discover who we really are and why we are here.

United in dignified silence we will walk the path of awareness, of peace, and inner mastery. We will tune in deeper and deeper to the music of the soul and the silence in the heart of all things. Spiritual awakening, God, Religion, Illumination - these are all thoughts and

Page 7: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

concepts. Fana, the annihilation of Self, and Baqa, spiritual resurrec-tion: these are very big words, but by means of meditation, we shall build an energy field, in which they will become real. A field that will eventually transform our lives and ourselves.

Munir Voss has studied philosophy, physics, psychology and astrology. He leads the Heidelberg Sufi Centre. The main focus of his work is his respon-sibility for the training of retreat guides and leaders in the Inayati Order.

Malik Hirschberg is a retreat guide and representative of the Inayati Order of Austria and bears responsibility for the Inayati “Sufi” Centre in Vienna.

1st–6th August

Retreat 2A Eagle Vision

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan

“The key to the plane of splendour,” said Pir Vilayat, “is ecstasy.”

Life becomes pale and wearisome when ecstasy is absent. Consciously or unconsciously, all beings harbour a deep nostalgia for the inner planes and yearn to ascend to a higher range of emo-tion and awareness. Pir Vilayat was a master of spiritual flight. In this retreat we will follow his alchemical instructions, rising to higher altitudes of feeling and knowing and then descending again to solid ground with renewed vision and pur-pose. Along the way, our sessions of meditation will be punctuated by Pir Vilayat’s favourite pieces of classical and sacred music.

This week will be a silent week.

“ …all beings harbour a deep nostalgia for the inner planes and yearn to ascend to a higher range of emotion and awareness”

Page 8: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

25th July–20th August

Individual Retreats

Tucked away in one corner of the Camp is the silent retreat area, where you are surrounded by the soothing sound of water, and held in the beautiful container of the mountains. The sacred space that has been created here by all those that have been on retreat over the years is one of the most valuable treasures of the Camp. Your retreat can be as short as a week or as long as 4 weeks. The individual retreat process is carefully structured and led by a qualified retreat guide. We have a wonderful group of guides from around the world who come for the summer. You can find more about them and the retreat process on our website:

8th–13th August

Seminar 3A Lucid Dreaming, Dreams and Visions: Comparing our experiences using Sufi and Buddhist perspectives

Nigel Hamilton

In Sufism, visions, luminosity and dream lucidity come from the cleansing and opening of the Heart. In Buddhism it is held that they emerge through clarity and focus of mind, otherwise called: the at-tainment of subtle mind.

Page 9: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

This program will delve into both the Sufi and Buddhist perspectives on Lucid Dreaming, Dreams and Visions. Where do both perspectives meet and where do they differ? And how can they inform each other?

We will investigate methods for developing dream lucidity, focus on its importance as a powerful tool for developing awareness and explore the subject of dreams as spiritual guidance. We will also shine a light on the significance of luminosity in dreams.

Active participation is encouraged, as some of our dreams will be explored, using both Sufi and Buddhist perspectives.

Nigel Hamilton, Ph.D. is a UK representative of the Inayati Order. He is the Director of the Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education and Dream Research Institute (DRI), a Transpersonal Psychotherapy Training Centre and Clinic in London, where he lectures and practices as a Psychotherapist.

Page 10: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

Early bird price (before the 1st May)

Basic weekly price (with own tent): CHF542 €498

Youth Camp: CHF380 €349

Young Adults Camp: CHF 452 €415

Price after the 1st May

Basic weekly price (with own tent): CHF602 €553

Youth Camp: CHF422 €388

Young Adults Camp: CHF502 €461

Daily Price: CHF113 €104

If you stay for 2 or more weeks, there is a 5% discount on the additional week.

Supplement for weeks 1A, 2A & 4A: CHF 82 €75

Tent Rental per week: CHF136 €125

Dormitory per night: CHF15 €14

Price table*

*Prices may vary according to the exchange rate

Payments by bank transfer or cash on location. Make all cheques and money orders payable to Zenith Institute. If you pay by cheque, please add CHF 20 / €17 For transfers please use: Zenith Institute, Postgiroamt Frankfurt (Germany) Payments in Euro only IBAN: DE35 5001 0060 0301 1666 06 Swift/BIC PBNKDEFF or Zenith Institute, Banca Raiffeisen Olivone (Switzerland) In Euro: IBAN: CH61 8035 0000 0010 0626 2 Swift/BIC RAIFCH22 In CHF: IBAN: CH84 8035 0000 0010 0623 6 Swift/BIC RAIFCH22

Zenith Institute, Ellesmere, North street, Westbourne, Hants, PO10 8SS, UK

Phone: +49 (0) 40 18158997 E-mail:[email protected]


Page 11: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

8th–13th August (continued)

Seminar 3B Awakening from the Illusion of Separateness

Sarida Brown, Zumurrud Butta, Ta’lim Knobel & Maumud Waterman

“The greatest separateness of all is separateness from God.” Hazrat Inayat Khan

We have lost our forbearers’ sacred connection to the natural world, taking us to the brink of devastating ecological consequences. The momentous task of our time is to heal our relationship with Mother Earth and with each other, and to heal ourselves.

Nature surrounding us arouses a longing to reach beyond separate-ness. Through intoning and imbibing the divine names and attune-ment with the qualities of the masters, saints and prophets, through breath and deepening the sphere of the heart, through music and poetry, we will awaken further to the fullness of being connected with the Divine, with the Earth and with one another.

Sarida Brown is Kefayat for the Healing Order. She is an acupuncturist, works with Jungian body-mind psychotherapy, and founded and ed-ited Caduceus Journal. She believes that healing is about embracing with love our earthly limitations together with our yearning for wholeness.

Zumurrud Butta serves as vice-president of the Universal Worship in Europe, teaches Sufism, leads retreats, and is very involved with human rights and refugee relief work. She sees the Universal Worship as a path of

Page 12: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

love and as a service of peace, quickening understanding, benevolence, appreciation and inspiration among people to join forces to build a beautiful world.

Ta’lim Knobel has studied physics and has founded two companies for the development of innovative products. He is head of Kinship Europa and president of the association “Hope Project” Switzerland. Ta’lim leads the Sufi Centre in Laufen, Switzerland.

Zak Maumud Waterman is the Head of Ziraat for Europe and a Cherag in Universal Worship. A psychotherapist, trainer, manager and supervisor of a drop-in counselling service, he considers his work, marriage and spiri-tual life – nurtured by retreat and Ziraat in particular – as one journey.

Seminar 3C

Zamir Roehrs & Ulrike Greenway

“Find your relationship with the universe, which has nothing to do with space at all.” Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

Zamir Roehrs and Ulrike Greenway are friends on the spiritual path. They met because of Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. In this seminar they will be sharing practices and stories from the Zen and Sufi path on what inspired them in their relationship with him: his curiosity and the longing to understand what is behind that what appears, paired with his sense of sacredness and the ecstasy he could transmit.

At the heart of their teaching will be one of the gifts that he gave his students and fellow-travellers, which was how to create an inner home, while remaining a traveller, seeker and builder of bridges between people, worlds and the cosmos.

Page 13: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

Martin Zamir Roehrs’ current passions are awakening into life, reconcil-ing the personal and impersonal aspects of life and leading explorations in meditation and zikr. He was co-founder of Zenith Institute and Secre-tary General of the Sufi Order, as well as Pir Vilayat’s assistant, secretary and friend during the last 15 years of his life.

Dr. Ulrike Greenway has dedicated most of her life to science and teach-ing. She deepened her Zen-practice in the lineage of Zentatsu Richard Baker-Roshi who ordained her as a priest in 2007. She now explores the interconnectedness of spiritual practices and everyday life.

Group Retreat 3D The Alchemy of Beauty

Saki Lee, Ph.D.

“Our work is to create a beautiful world, a com-munity of friendship. The awakened heart is the embodiment of spiritual friendship.” Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

Our nostalgia for beau-ty awakens us beyond the world of appearances to the dimensionless place in our hearts where we can see and hear, with different inner ears and eyes.

During this Sufi alchemical retreat, we will create a sanctuary for the sacred within our hearts. Our own inner work will lead us to creative renewal, healing and transformation for the benefit of all.

Saki Lee, Ph.D. has been guiding retreats as a way in which to tune body, heart and soul to a spirituality of living with meaningfulness, depth and truth. She sees retreats as a way to enter into an ever-expanding circle of belonging where solitude, community and sacred service meet as one.

“ Our own inner work will lead us to creative renewal, healing and transformation for the benefit of all”

Page 14: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

Seminar 4A Pir Vilayat: His Spiritual Legacy, his Soul and his Journey

Thomas Atum O’Kane

In India Atum asked the elderly Pir Vilayat how he wanted to be remembered. With a smile he replied, “As someone who was never possessed by an “ism”, including Sufism”. During this week we will invoke his legacy through some of his most profound teachings and practices. We will challenge ourselves to reclaim our capacity for mys-tical union through ecstasy, splendour, sacredness and illumination. We will learn to detach from distortions of our self-image and strive to awaken into our soul’s perspective and potential, opening ourselves up to manifest our divine qualities for the fulfilment of God within us.

Our goal will be to follow Pir Vilayat’s example of serving the emer-gence of a planetary consciousness, which is so essential to the healing of the heart. Fostering spiritual liberty in order to encompass the oneness of the human family will be our main focus, in full rec-ognition of the call of the Spirit of Guidance to be co-creators in the unfoldment of the divine intention.

Thomas Atum O’Kane is a graduate of the Guild for Spiritual Guidance. He holds a MA in psychological counselling and a PhD in transpersonal psychology. In addition to sharing the path of student and senior teacher, he worked closely with Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan in several organizational roles for over three decades.

15th–20th August

Page 15: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

Seminar 4B Young Adults Retreat – The music of Life (ages 18–29)

Deepa Gulrukh Patel & Jacob Ellenberg

Hazrat Inayat Khan said: “Music is the religion of the future” and Pir Vilayat was fond of quoting Euler, saying: “The pull of the future is stronger than the push of the past.” These ideas combined yield a potent kind of magic, useful in our lives and in the world.

This year, we’ll explore music, nature’s rhythms, our past and future and work to find the note we’re called to play in the symphony of life.

Deepa Gulrukh Patel is a campaigner and facilitator with a special inter-est in the arts, interdisciplinary collaboration, contemplation, diversity and equality. She is the Coordinator of Zenith Camp, as well as being the International Coordinator and a Representative of the Inayati Order.

Jacob Ellenberg has been a student of Sufism for 20 years. He has 15 years experience in founding and working with start-up and Fortune 250 companies in the fields of organizational strategy, video production, marketing and storytelling. Jacob holds a B.A. from New York University in Mysticism and Organizational Behaviour.

Group Retreat 4C Spiritual Yoga Workshop

Munir Voss

In our workshop we will explore what in the Yoga Sutra is described as the Inner Limbs of Yoga: Pranayama (the science of Breath) - Pratyahara (renunciation) - Dharana (concentration) - Dhyana (medi-tation beyond form) - Samadhi (perfect realization), culminating in what Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan used to call Samadhi with Open Eyes.

We will throw a light on these by making use of the vast inheritance of Pir Vilayat’s life’s work: Sufi practices, but also raja yoga, Zen and entirely new ones.

This workshop will take place in the Retreat Area and participants who wish to do so may combine this workshop with an individual retreat.

“ The pull of the future is stronger than the push of the past”

Page 16: Sufi Summer Camp · Welcome to the Zenith Sufi Summer Camp, where your fellow seek-ers from around the world have been gathering for nearly 30 years, to ... Maarten Ophiel van Leer

Other Programmes

Children’s Camp

Majida Heiss and team

During the main programmes of the Camp, children of ages three and up are wholeheartedly invited to join the Children’s Camp! Majida and her team will be available during all four weeks of the Camp, offering children the chance to sing, dance, play and be creative together.

Working at the Camp

We need help building the Camp and then taking it down again. Come and join our diverse and energetic group of Camp volunteers!

During Camp we also wel-come additional help. There are vacancies for one week up to four weeks, in different areas (the children’s camp, driv-ing, kitchen, admin and tech nical help). You can work either full time (Staff ) or part-time (Work-Study). To build the Camp, work as staff or as work-study, it is mandatory to apply and register in advance!

General information:

Accommodation: you can bring your own tent; you can rent a tent or stay in our dormitories. Individual rooms are also available.

Food: We offer simple nutritious vegetarian and vegan food.

How to book a program: please find our registration form online at:

Please check our website for more information, updates and for detailed descriptions of our seminars and teachers:

“Every moment is the chance of a lifetime”Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

Olivone, Ticino, Switzerland · 25th July–20th August 2016

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