
Sugar Creek United Methodist Church

JUNE 2018

~Our Vision~ Sharing Our Joy in Christ Jesus by Reaching Out to Show God's Love.

PORK CHOP DINNER Saturday, June 30


Adults ($9) Marinated Pork Chop, Baked Potato, Green Beans, Salad,

Dessert & Drink

Kids Under 12 ($4) Pork Burger, Green Beans, Potato

Chips, Dessert & Drink

In honor of Father’s Day we will be serving slices of

pie during our Fellowship Times (9:15 & 10:35) on

Sunday, June 17. Please help us honor our fathers by

bringing in a pie/pies.

Sugar Creek UMC Saturday, June 9

7:00 pm

The Biblical saga of Joseph and

his coat of many colors comes

to vibrant life in this delightful

musical parable performed by

the youth of First UMC of Allen

TX & Daring Productions.

Admission is FREE so invite a


The Missions Team will be serving breakfast during the 9:15 am Fellow-ship time on Sunday, June 10th to benefit the Habitat for Humanity Methodist build.

Make sure to come to church hungry on June 10th!

Happy Father’s Day!

The greatest gift I ever had came from God...I call him Dad.

June 17, 2018

The last Wonderful Wednesday meal and small groups was May 23. Enjoy your summer! See you in September!

Vacation Bible School July 22—26 @ Chatham UMC

Once again, we will join forces with Chatham UMC for

Vacation Bible School. Make sure to save the date!

VBS kids will go on an exciting white-water rafting adventure on Rolling River Rampage! They’ll experience the Ride of a Lifetime with God and learn that Jesus is with us all the time, even in rough water rapids. Along the river, children discover that life with God is an adventure full of wonder and surprise, and that they can trust God to be with them through anything.

Theme Bible Verse: When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. Isaiah 43:2

1st John & Cathy Atchison

10th Rick & Diane Miles

11th Larry & Susan Perko

12th Ralph & Rose Baker

13th Galen & Marsha Johnson

15th Steven & Cindy Chase

19th Don & Vickie Henley

19th Jeff & Kathy Koch

21st Nathan & Erica King

24th Jesse & Jennie Ayers

30th Tom & Karen Dozier

2nd Gene Scott

3rd Cathy Atchison

4th Jessica Sharp

4th Lance Perko

5th Crystal Matthiesen

7th John Anderson

7th Peyton High

9th Doug Kent

9th Matthew Behl

10th Carl Kessler

11th Todd Lowary

12th Joe Pickrell

13th Cathy Gregory

15th Lauren Pickrell

16th Bob Gruen

16th Griffin Boblitt

17th Tom Stelte

17th Kevin High

18th Helen Wallace

18th John Halford

19th Larry Perko

22nd Louis Ealey

23rd Holly Taylor

Don’t see your name on the birthday or anniversary list? We don’t want to miss your special day, so please contact the Church Office to let us know.

[email protected]/217.697.4643

In your eyes

I’ve seen God’s love

In your words

I’ve heard His wisdom

Through your life

I’ve found His grace.

Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord

and who has made the Lord his hope and confidence.

Jeremiah 17:7

On Sunday, June 3rd we will honor our

graduates. Cake will be served during the

two Fellowship Times (9:15 & 10:35).

Make sure to stop by the fellowship hall

and congratulate our graduates, and have

a piece of cake.


Isaac Albracht Illinois Wesleyan University

Grandson of George & Phyllis Fairchild

Cami Dowson Southeast Missouri State University

Granddaughter of Ron & Edwina Dowson Granddaughter of Sue Weston Sister of Erica (Nathan) King

Carl A. Germann MD. University of Illinois Chicago (Master’s)

Son of Clark & Barb Germann Grandson of Janice Germann

Jeremy & Jillian Lewis University of Illinois at Springfield

Son & Daughter in-law of Harry & Shelly Lewis

Lance Perko Southeast Missouri State University

Son of Larry & Susan Perko Grandson of Tom & Judy Lowary

Gavin Scott Virginia Tech

Grandson of Gene & Maxine Scott


Christopher Bale Glenwood High School

Son of Lynn & Cathy Bale

Luke Chase Glenwood High School

Son of Stephen & Cindy Chase

Carl E. Germann Santa Fe, New Mexico High School

Grandson of Clark & Barb Germann Great Grandson of Janice Germann

Eliana Martinez Glenwood High School

Daughter of Carrie Martinez Sister of Ash & Luke Martinez

Cory Scott J.E.B Stuart High School (VA.)

Grandson of Gene & Maxine Scott


Grace Cleeton Springfield Ball Charter School

Daughter of Richard & Donna Cleeton

Katy Smith Glenwood Middle School

Daughter of Barry & Jennifer Smith

Your attitude determines your direction


Caregiving Team Tuesday, June 5 @ 6:30 pm

Education Team Monday, June 11 @ 6:00 pm

Trustees Tuesday, June 12 @ 6:30 pm

Leadership Team Tuesday, June 19 @ 6:30 pm

Missions Team Tuesday, June 26 @ 6:30 pm


On April 28, five women from Sugar Creek journeyed to Normal to visit The Baby Fold

which is supported by the United Methodist Church and is included in the Our Conference,

Our Kids initiative. The goal of the initiative is to raise at least $2.5 million to keep spiritual

life ministries as a part of the five agencies that serve children and youth in our conference.

This tour opened our eyes to the incredible work being done through The Baby Fold..

The Baby Fold started in 1902 when orphan trains were making stops throughout the country. By the time the

trains made it to Normal, Il, the most desirable children, the older boys and girls, were already adopted, leaving

the less desirable babies, minorities or disabled children aboard. Methodist Deaconesses saw a need to provide a

home for these children and started what became known as The Baby Fold.

Since that time, The Baby Fold has grown and developed into a lifeline for children and families who are strug-

gling to survive. No longer an orphanage, all babies and children are now in foster care, and The Baby Fold has

highly trained employees who come alongside foster and adoptive families to help them support the children in

their care. They also identify expectant women at risk, and offer services to help these women learn to nurture

their babies, even though they may not have received nurturing as they were raised. This has been an especially

successful program (98% success rate) that helps to break a cycle of abuse and neglect. In addition to the services

provided for these families, The Baby Fold has a day school for students within a one hour bus ride who struggle

with behavioral issues or Autism. The staff work with the family and students to build connections, meet the

maybe not so apparent needs, and get these students back to the home districts as quickly as possible. The work of

The Baby Fold is critical to so many families. Healing takes place and harmful cycles are broken.

The Baby Fold is just one of the agencies included in the Bishop's initiative, Our Conference, Our Kids. It is a

goal of the missions team to provide an opportunity for Sugar Creek to visit each of the agencies included in this

initiative. Be watching for the next tour date to be announced, join us as we learn just what work these agencies

do, and start saving your change for the "noisy" collection we will be taking the 4th Sunday of each month for

Our Conference, Our Kids.

Shelly Lewis, Mission Team Chair

We will have a “noisy collection” for Our Conference/Our Kids on Sunday, June have your change ready! United Methodist Men

& Ladies too! Monday, June 11 @ 6 pm

Join us at the Chatham Café (414 N Main St, Chatham) for

great food and fellowship! Dick Sena will share stories with us of his 20 plus years as a prison guard for the state of Michigan. Dinner from the menu.

Invite a friend!


Mondays @ 10 am

Balance, Flexibility

& Stretching

$10 for each class you attend.

You will be contacted by your team chair in the event of

cancellation or date change.

New Sound System!

Verizon used to have a commercial that showed a man testing one of their cell phones in different locations. The idea was to show their extensive area of cover-age for service to their customers. The commercial used various locations with the man speaking on the phone asking, "Can you hear me now?"

Soon, neither the Pastor and Choir nor any one else sharing in worship at Sugar Creek UMC will need to ask, "Can you hear me now?" anymore! On May 15th

the Leadership Committee, the sound system proposal having been approved by both Worship and Finance committees, voted to have a new sound system for the sanctuary installed upon the raising of the funds.

A fund raising committee has been selected. The members are Gale Cannedy, John Anderson, Tom Hale and Shirley Rickman. The cost will be just over $43,000. You will be hearing from our "Can you hear me now?" committee soon!

Looking forward with you to this update to our church building and ministry.

Pastor Jack, Worship Chairperson

Sunday, June 3

Chuck & Jessica Sharp

In celebration of family birthdays.

Sunday, June 10

Larry & Susan Perko

In honor of their 30th wedding anniversary.

Sunday, June 17

Jeff & Kathy Koch

In honor of their wedding anniversary.

Sunday, June 24

Jesse & Jennie Ayers

In honor of their wedding anniversary.

Altar Flowers

When we are generous— to God and to our families,

friends, neighbors, and others who are in need—our

hearts are filled with joy.

Sharing our JOY in Christ Jesus by Reaching out to show God’s Love.


FUNDING GOD’S MINISTRY June stewardship message: Our tithes and offerings are an expression of gratitude, worship and praise. Giving is

an act of faith.

General Fund Contributions Expense Missions & Benevolence Conference Obligations

Program Expense Salaries (Pastor & Staff)

Utilities & Cleaning

Total Expense

Net Income (-loss)

Building Fund


Year to Date $102,626

$9,457 47,304 $6,215






April 2018 $28,740

$1,959 $1,826 $1,781






Please save your empty peanut butter jars (18 oz) for Vacation Bible School. Look for the donation box in the Church Foyer.

VBS will be at Chatham UMC July 22-26


God created you to do amazing things!

~Ephesians 2:10~

You’ll have to excuse me, but I feel a need to talk about a subject matter, which

I’ve been thinking a lot about lately – namely, time. So, for a brief time, I’m going

on a time trek and I encourage you to come with me. The reasons for my time trek

are some recent milestones occurring in my life that quite literally led me to reflect

on “the time of our lives.”

I know what some of you are already thinking: “Uh oh, our pastor is experiencing a mid-life crisis.” Let me assure

you, I’m almost certain, it’s not that. If it were a mid-life crisis, however, wouldn’t you say I’m overdue for one? Having

just celebrated my 60th birthday, statistically speaking, aren’t I already moving beyond what some would say is the prime

of my life? Besides, if this were the result of a mid-life crisis and this is as bad as it gets, my wife would be the first to

express a big sigh of relief since I haven’t pulled up in our driveway with a brand-new Porsche.

As I just mentioned, I’m experiencing some important milestones affecting my life. For one, my daughter

Miranda is being commissioned as a provisional elder this year at Annual Conference, on her way to becoming a fully

ordained elder in the IGRC in two years. For another, my first grandchild, Charlotte, is turning four years old in August

and is growing up so quickly! Added to this, there are some exciting changes on the horizon for the extended Dinges/

Bollivar families. (That’s all I can say right now! ) Most importantly, with the death of my mom in November 2016,

and closing on the sale of our family home in Sublette last month, a wonderful chapter of my life has come to an end.

With all these milestones taking place, “Where does the time go?” is the question I’ve been pondering lately. Of

course, no one knows for sure where time goes. All we know is, first, time “keeps on tickin’, tickin’, tickin’ into the

future” (to quote a line from a song of which the title escapes me – perhaps a sign of old age). And second, like everything

else in this temporary and uncertain world of ours, time is a gift from God.

God’s gift of time is precious. Yet, realizing this usually doesn’t occur to most of us until it’s too late. When that

happens, feelings of regret soon follow. Inevitably, experiencing remorse for lost opportunities or for misspent time puts

a heavy physical, mental, emotional and spiritual burden on our lives. This is because, no matter how hard we try . . . or

grieve . . . or worry, there is no turning back the clock. Even though sometimes we are fooled into thinking otherwise,

time never stands still or goes backwards. Wouldn’t it be better, then, if we tried our best to make the most of the only

time we really have? That time, of course, being the present.

Indeed, it is much better for us to make the most of the present time we have (and are only ever assured of

having). We can do this in several ways. First, by giving God thanks for the gift of life and another new day, and by ask-

ing God’s guidance for using the present time we are given wisely. Next, we can value our time by not wasting the present

by regretting the past or worrying about the future. Otherwise, we’re just squandering the precious time we have, because

focusing solely on reliving the past or dreaming of the future means we’re not living fully in the present. Finally, we can

make the most of the present by practicing proper stewardship with our God-given gift of time. This is important, because,

ultimately, we’re not wasting our time; we’re wasting God’s time!

What I’ve said regarding our personal time also holds true for our church. I believe SCUMC is at a critical junc-

ture in its mission and ministries. In the present, we’re taking thoughtful steps forward, both as we look to the past, while

collectively straining to see what’s ahead in the future. We’re making some changes, generating some enthusiasm and,

yes, even trying new things! We’re focusing our priorities on the mission God has for our church, and discerning ways to

perform the ministries of the church more effectively. While we will need to stop occasionally to review our progress, es-

tablish our bearings, and discern our direction, we must be careful not to waste God’s precious gift of time by going con-

tinually back and forth from the past to the future without truly living in the present.

In pondering the time of our lives, then, I believe SCUMC needs to celebrate the past, live for the pre-sent and move toward the future to fulfill the mission and ministries of the church, which are the work and will of God for us in such a time as this. Thus, I encourage (even urge) us, both as Christians and as Christ’s church, to pray about and work toward this goal so we can make the most of the time of our lives! Just a thought. Pastor Paul

THE TIME OF OUR LIVES Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the

most of the time. . . . – Ephesians 5:15-16 (NRSV).

In the past year, May 2017-May 2018, Sugar Creek has done the following

through the Mission Team:

Fifty students of the North Mac school district are discreetly provided kid-

friendly food each weekend of the school year through the Panther Pack back-

pack food program. Sugar Creek helped launch this program and support it this

year through a Trivia Night, food collection, and a Sunday morning breakfast.

The North Mac community is joining in the support of this program.

Through year round collection, 50 shoeboxes were packed and shipped to Operation Christmas Child to be

distributed world-wide.

Supplies were bought for the twelve sewing kits that were constructed at the women's retreat and will be included

in this year's Operation Christmas Child boxes.

Mission Trees collected food for the Panther Pack, Chatham Food Pantry, and Contact Ministries during the

Christmas season.

March to the Manger collected $2521 which was split between Kumler Outreach in Springfield, Midwest

Mission Distribution Center, and the Advance Special-Our Conference/Our Kids.

Shoes were provided for children in need at Ball Elementary.

Sunday morning breakfasts raised funds for Panther Pack, Operation Christmas Child, New Directions Heating

and Cooling Center for the Homeless in Jacksonville, IL, and Africa ELI. Anita Ayers Henderlight was a special

guest at one and shared what is happening with Africa ELI.

Anita Henderlight/Africa ELI and Willie Burman are supported as our missionaries. A third will be added this


Six frozen meals, each to serve 25, were prepared and delivered to New Directions Heating and Cooling Center

for the Homeless in Jacksonville, IL. These meals were made to be used when local food is not available from

funeral meals, etc.

Support was sent to Asbury Childrens' Hour afterschool program in Springfield. We have a volunteer that helps

weekly and are seeking more volunteers to help this program continue to serve the needs of school-aged children.

A tour was organized for The Baby Fold in Normal, IL. More road trips are on the way for Sugar Creek to visit

other agencies that benefit from Our Conference/Our Kids.

Much mission work is being done at Sugar Creek! The United Methodist Men, United Methodist Women, and

Youth all have successful mission projects that are making a difference in our world. This list above is just what

has come through our mission team. Lets all keep working on God's Team to make a difference!

Sugar Creek Missions Team

Congratulations to our 2018 Confirmation Students

Katy Smith ~Alaina Brockway~Lily Frazee~Grace Cleeton (Listed from left to right)


Join us at 7 am at Chatham Café (414 N. Main Street, Chatham)

Everyone is welcome to join us for this small group opportunity.

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