
    World’s first Turbomiser with Dynamic Noise Control installed in London

    WELCOME from the MD

    This edition contains news of a num-ber of firsts, in terms of both technol-ogy and projects, which I and the team are very proud of. On the technology front, Cool-Therm is responsible for the world’s first installation using Geoclima’s new Dynamic Noise Control (DNC) system. This ingenious device can be fitted to a Turbomiser or any chiller, and ensures a pre-set sound limit is not exceeded. It is the solution to growing concern over noise levels, which is becoming a particular issue in city centres and built-up areas, where commercial premises exist alongside residential buildings. The system is proven and cost-effec-tive. I look forward to reporting on the results of onsite measurements once the chillers have been fully commis-sioned. On the projects front, we are pleased to announce the first installation of Hitema chillers by Cool-Therm in the UK, in a project for Lionhead Studios. Another first was an order for the smallest Turbomiser installed by Cool-Therm to date, for a compact but beautifully-made 190kW unit for Venture House.Ken Strong

    Summer 2013 | Issue 07

    The world’s first installation of Turbomiser chillers

    equipped with Dynamic Noise Control (DNC) was

    successfully completed by Cool-Therm last month

    in London.

    Two 400kW TMA Turbomisers, purchased by

    Sisk, were craned into position on the roof-top of

    1 Commercial Street, a new 22-storey develop-

    ment of premium apartments in the heart of the


    Cool-Therm’s Steve Soffe, who secured the deal,

    attended site with John Shipley of Sisk to help

    oversee the lift operation, which went without a


    It is the first project to feature Geoclima’s new

    active noise monitoring and control solution,

    Dynamic Noise Control (DNC). The system enables

    a noise limit to be set; the DNC system then

    continuously monitors and controls the chiller to

    ensure the limit is not exceeded. For more on how

    the system works, see item below.

    Sisk specified DNC for the installation in order to

    guarantee that noise limits for the site would be

    delivered. The building is primarily residential with

    penthouse suites on the top floors in close proxim-

    ity to the roof-top mounted plant.

    Steve Soffe says: “It was vital that the specified

    sound levels would not be exceeded, irrespec-

    tive of prevailing climatic conditions. To achieve

    this, the chillers are acoustically enclosed and

    equipped with DNC to provide the total reassur-

    ance required by the client.”

    The system has been proven to work in indepen-

    dent tests carried out under the auspices of Hann

    Tucker in Geoclima’s test lab in Italy.

    Dynamic Noise Control - how it worksDNC is designed to overcome the increasingly stringent requirements on noise,

    imposed by local authorities, planners and end users.

    It constantly monitors sound levels produced by a chiller. If a pre-set noise limit

    is reached, it actively controls and adapts chiller operation to reduce sound

    levels – while maintaining chiller output, to ensure cooling to the building is


    Tests show that sound levels can be delivered in most cases with only a tiny

    sacrifice in energy efficiency and no reduction in cooling capacity.


    the chiller and air conditioning experts

  • NEWS In briefPeople news

    Welcome back to Jon Laheney who returned from his three-month sab-batical at the beginning of May after visiting many countries, including Thailand, New Zealand, and Australia - to name but a few.

    Welcome back also to KellyWilliams from maternity leave in June, following the arrival of son Max last September. Kelly will be taking on a new challenge on her return, assist-ing Larry Barlow and Rob Young in the Sales-Project department.

    Debbie Buffery has been appointed to a permanent position in her role as Accounts Administrator after success-fully covering Kelly William’s maternity leave for almost a year. Deb has been exceptionally successful in credit control and keeping the cash coming in on time.

    Paul Williams from Brunel Manage-ment has been appointed to stream-line our Health and Safety and ISO procedures and documentation. He is currently working with Alex Strong on optimising the server files, to make them more user-friendly. Paul is also steering us towards attaining ISO 18001 status by 2014.

    Cool-Therm lands prestigiouscooling orders, and more firsts

    Successful RNLI charity sailing day for Tiger II

    Cool-Therm has a series of major orders over the

    past few months.

    These include the first installation of Hitema

    chillers (x3) by Cool-Therm in the UK, in a project

    for Lionhead Studios, which specialises in cutting-

    edge computer games.

    An order from Carillion, project managed by

    Rob Young, was destined for MoD Feltham. A big

    thank you to the engineers on site (Steve Baker,

    Andy Comerford and Gareth Johns) who helped

    make it a problem-free installation.

    Another first was an order for the smallest

    Turbomiser installed by Cool-Therm to date, for

    a compact but beautifully-made 190kW unit for

    Venture House.

    At the other end of the scale, Alex Strong secured

    two orders from Aqua Cooling Solutions Ltd, for

    three 1410kW Turbomiser chillers for installation

    at Jacobs Urenco in July-August this year, worth

    some £705,222.

    Steve Soffe secured an order from Sisk for two

    Turbomiser chillers, for installation at 1 Commer-

    cial Street, London. It is the first installation to

    use the new Dynamic Noise Control (DNC) system

    from Geoclima. (For more on the project, see

    article on page 1).

    A new mobile water chiller unit, the MobiFlo, de-

    signed in-house around the Hitema 10kW chiller,

    is now in use at Amcor Flexibles Winterbourne

    plant, allowing cooling at various locations

    around the factory.

    Finally, to conclude a very successful few months,

    in a supply-only project Cool-Therm delivered a

    200kW Turbomiser TMA chiller to Salisbury Hospi-

    tal, ensuring that the Cool-Therm name remains

    high on the NHS supplier list.

    Alex Strong skipperedTiger II in the RNLIRegatta from Mermaid Quay in Cardiff, with the help of Dave Blackmore acting as his competent crew. Guests, all from NG Bailey, joined the Cool-Therm crew and 25 other yachts in raising more than £20,000 for thesea-going charity.



    HOW TO CONTACT US:Cool-Therm (UK) Ltd

    South West (Bristol): Tel 0303 030 0003Wales (Caerphilly): Tel 0303 030 0002South East (Reading): Tel 0303 030 0004Midlands (Bilston): Tel 0303 030 0005

    Email: [email protected]:

    Finally, who is the man

    with the winning smile?

    None other than our own

    Ken Strong, pictured in a

    1989 company brochure.

    Happy birthday Ken, and

    many more to come!

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