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women’s ministry newsletter summer 2011 edition

From Sea to Shining Sea

Mark YourCalendarsFabulous Female FellowshipPresents: Aloha BuncoFriday, July 15thTickets on sale June 19th

Growing in GraceWomen’s Bible StudyWWe are currently on summer break. Please Join us when we resume in September.

Fall Women’s Retreat:Warrior PrincessSeptember 30th - October 2ndGuest Speaker: Laurie ColeRegistration begins SundaRegistration begins Sunday, July 10th

When we hear the phrase, from sea to shining sea, we most often recall these words coming from an old patriotic song, “America theBeautiful.” “America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhoodAnd crown thy good with brotherhoodFrom sea to shining sea.”

TheThe seas that surround us are quite impres-sive. They frame our great nation and give beauty. In the northern part of our western shores, magnificent trees line the seashore while in the southern beaches, palm trees sway in the breeze. I have never been to the eastern seaboard, but I hear the water is warm and cleaclear. At certain areas on the coast where we live, the waves can be very big and you can actually feel their power as they hit the shore. As a little girl I once got caught in a series of these pounding waves and thought for sure I was going to die. Regardless, I have always loved the ocean and enjoy visiting it because it hashas played a significant role in my life. Besides the almost “drowning” incident, I have fond memories of going to it as a young child, riding my bike to it as a young teen and then eventu-ally meeting my husband at it as a young woman.

In addition to all of that, I have always had a huge respect for it because the ocean is vast, powerful and awesome. It speaks of the very handiwork of God. In the book of Job, chapter 38, verse 11, it states that God is the One who created the sea and gave it its boundaries. “This far you may come, but no farther. Here youryour proud waves must stop.” Have you ever wondered why the waves stop where they do? Why does the water stop where it does, obeying the tides, the moon and so on? The Bible holds the answer to it all. Psalm 33:7 “He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs.”

God Himself controls the ocean. When the Isra-elites were escaping from the hands of the Egyptians, they came to the Red Sea and we read, “Marvelous things He did…He divided the sea and caused them to pass through; He made the waters stand up like a heap” Psalm 78:12-13. Pretty amazing stuff! Oh, how I love thethe miraculous things of God. He alone is great! Even though the waves are strong and mighty, they don’t compare to the strength and might of our God. “The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea” Psalm 93:4. Meditate on these things.

Daily Grace

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On March 11, 2011 a massive earthquake rocked Japan, followed by a devastating tsunami. Homes, businesses, farmlands, and an unbeliev-able number of individuals were swept away by the force of the raging sea.

Do you feel as if the giant wave of a tsunami is poised above you, ready to crash over your head? Then cling to God’s promise in this verse, “They will pass safely through the sea of distress, for the waves of the sea will be held back, and the waters of the Nile will dry up.” Zephaniah 10:11

LookLook up, past that wave, and see! Reaching down from heaven is the all-powerful and almighty hand of God. With His outstretched arm and strong right hand, God Himself holds that wave in check. It cannot crash over you to destroy you or your loved ones. You will pass safely through your trial. This is God’s promise to you, founded in His Word.

YYes, the giant wave of distress may overshadow us for months at a time. Sometimes we travel through the valley of the shadow of death. If we can discover the mysterious secret, however, of taking our eyes off the threatening wave and focusing instead on God’s strong right hand, His peace will wash over us. Our panic will disappear. Renewed strength will flow through us. Step by step, moment by moment, we will make it through that sea of distress and safely through to the other side.

WhenWhen the Israelites reached the Red Sea, they panicked! Yet God held back the sea and they crossed safely to the other side. When the storm blew wildly around the disciples on the Sea of Galilee, they feared for their lives! Yet we see in Mark 4:35 that Jesus had told them “Let us cross over to the other side.” He was asleep in the stern of the boat because He knew the storm could not destroy them.

LetLet’s take our eyes off the waves. Let’s look instead, to the One Who loves us with an everlasting love. Let’s put our trust in Him. He promises to hold back the waves and bring us safely through.


Trust God to HoldBack The Wave

Valerie Koukal

Walking on the beach at dusk, a distant mound caught my eye. Sunset cloaked the blob in long shadows. Up close I recognized the remnants of a washed out sandcastle village. Skillfully carved turrets had melted in the wave’s ebb and flow. Seagull feather flags withered on outposts of shell-dotted ruins. WhatWhat architect had overlooked the tide’s path? How many hours were spent forming, shaping, scooping, smoothing? Once elabo-rate, this grand estate was dissolving back into the sand it was molded from.

Try as we may, we cannot hold onto the ‘sand-castles’ of this world for long. Whether it is investments, real estate, fit bodies or precious gems, eventually everything comes to ruin. But John 14:1-3 offers great hope. It promises “In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepareprepare a place for you.”(NKJV) We can look forward to an eternal home in heaven where loss and decay don’t exist.

God’s Word is the original blueprint by which all our days are designed and His Son, Jesus Christ, bridged the gap into eternity for us. While manmade wealth and security fade away, God can close escrow on the heavenly home of your dreams. Open a Bible; your key is inside.

SandcastlesAnd Mansions

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MinistryMattersAudio Ministry

Life After College

By Beth Kelley

What HappenedTo My Career?

By Manya Urane

It was hard work to muscle-up those college applications. Then came undergrad years filled with hefty class loads, part-time jobs, internships, schedule juggling, and finally a Bachelor’s degree. Yahoo!!

Here I am world, ready for the career I’ve been working towards for years. But where are the jobs?

Crashing waves of discouragement jostled my confidence: few jobs, experience required, fruitless career fairs and I’m floating in limbo. Can’t employers at least acknowledge that I exist, that I’ve accomplished something useful? Or was it all a big waste of time? “Take heart!” cry the Scriptures. “Do not lose courage!” the Word declares.

GodGod has a plan to give me a “hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11. He “establishes the work of my hands” promises Psalm 90:17. While forming me in the womb, God appointed that I would exit college at this exact economic time, “…in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” Psalm 139:16.

Each morning I resolve that it’s all in my Father’s hands, and I press on, pray for direction, keep applying, and use this time to get to know God better. The Supreme Human Resources Manager has it all under control.

The Audio Ministry at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills has a purposeful mission. It is to make sure that the message of the gospel is heard loud and clear. The main goal of this ministry is to help others worship God and to hear the Word by using soundboards and mixing equipment to get the message out to thousands of people all over the world. “How beautiful are the feet of those bring the good news!” Romans 10:15b

KevinKevin Frost, working under the guidance of Pastor Morgan Lawrence, understands his calling. “To take what God has created for us; sound, which is the movement of the waves of frequencies in the air, and bring them together for a clearer understanding of the worship and the gospel messages, delivered by our pastors and worship teams.”

TheThe audio booth is up and running with staff and volunteers every Sunday morning before anyone else arrives. Faithfully, this crew prepares for Sunday’s three morning services and Wednesday evenings for the Bible studies and His Channel internet television. They also set up for conferences and special events like our annual 9/11 service and they do it with a joyful heart. In addition, the newly completed east wing has been installed with sound equipment linked to the main sanctuary and has created an exciting new facet to the Audio Ministry’s challenges.

GodGod has equipped the Audio Ministry with the tools to bless all those who have an ear to hear. If you would like to learn more about how to become a part of this ministry, please contact the church office.

“Their sound has gone out to all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.” Romans 10:18b

How shall they believe in whom they have not heard? - Romans: 10:14b

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By JudiMcDaniels


For families: Keeping your family busy and happy throughout the summer may be a bit daunting, but never underestimate the power of water. Don’t have a pool or live near the beach? No problem! Just set them free with a sprinkler, super soakers or any other water toy; even teenagers love to get each other wet! When the younger ones get bored, give them a big tub filled with sand and access to the garden hose, so that they can build sand castles. Make sure to get Dad into the picture too. What better way to finish oget Dad into the picture too. What better way to finish off an after-noon of yard work than with water pistols and ice-cold smoothies? Surprise your kids by getting a bit crazy and you’ll be making a memory they won’t soon forget!

For couples: Summertime fun isn’t limited to just families with kids…couples can use the season to add a bit of pizzazz to their relationship by picnicking together. Sunset is a great time for romantic picnics. A picnic under a full moon is even better if you have a cozy blanket to snuggle under. To add to the ambience, include tea-lights in your basket and if they are citronella, they have the advantage of keeping bugs away. Romantic picnic food should be dibe different from the normal meals you share together, but it doesn’t have to be extravagant. Keep things simple and consider packing a variety of small portions rather than a full-blown meal. Stores like Trader Joes or World Market are great places to pick up fun and inexpensive items. The destination isn’t as important as spending time together, but look for parks and beaches that are away from crowds where you and your honey can be refreshed and recon-nect.

So whether you’re a family with children or empty-nesters, be creative and this summer can be the best one yet!

Refreshing Summer SmoothiesBy Michelle Perez

Cool down on hot summer days by inviting friends and family over to share a delicious smoothie. Everyone will be refreshed and blessed with these ice-cold healthy drinks.

Strawberry Raspberry SmoothieStrawberry Raspberry Smoothie1 banana1 cup frozen strawberries1 cup frozen raspberries1 cup milk6-8 fresh strawberries, pineapple chunks, and fresh melon ballsSkewersSkewersIn a blender mix first four ingredients until they are well combined. Place a fresh strawberry, pineapple chunk, and melon ball on each skewer. Place a skewer of fruit in each glass to serve.

*Mint Green SmoothieCucumberHoneydew melonHoneydew melonLime½ cup apple juice½ cup pear juice½ cup fresh mint leaves1 cup ice

*Peel and chop half of the cucumber and half of the honeydew melon. In a blender mix all the ingredients until they are well combined.

Squeeze a tablespoon or two of fresh lime juice to taste, and blend again. Pour into iced tea glasses and garnish each glass with a sprig of mint leaves. Serve and enjoy!

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FINDINGFRIENDSBy Catherine L. Osornio

“Ointment and perfume delight the heart, and the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel.” Proverbs 27:9

Everyone wants sweet fellowship that delights the heart. But how do you find friends amidst the sea of strangers in a large church?

First, pray and lay your desires before the Lord. God designed us for fellowship, so He has people in mind just for you. In addition, pray for boldness. Proverbs 18:24a tells us, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly…” God may want you to be the one to reach out to others.

Next,Next, ask God to direct you to a church ministry. What better way to meet potential friends than in a ministry that is near and dear to your heart?

Finally, be patient. God has His own timetable, even in relationships. Let Him do His perfect work so that you can enjoy the healthy and hearty hand of friendship.

We’ve all heard that a kind word is often the best gift you can give another, and yet it is so easy to let time slip away without letting others know how much they mean in your life. Since not one of us knows what tomorrow

holds, may we all consider the sweet exhortation of Henry Ward Beecher:

“Do not keep the alabaster boxes of your love and tenderness sealed up until your friends are dead.Fill their lives with sweetness. Speak approving, cheering words while their ears can hear them and

while their hearts can be thrilled by them.”

“Treat your friends as you do your pictures and place them in their best light.” Jennie Jerome Churchill (1854-1921)

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+ Women’s Bible Study (Thursday Evening/Friday Morning) + Sister to Sister Mentoring+ Women’s Intercessory Prayer (Thursdays 11am) + Biblical Guidance (Applying the Word to Life’s Problems)+ Healing the Broken Hearted (Sexual Abuse Bible Study) + Door of Hope (Post-Abortion Bible Study)+ Moms in Touch Prayer Group + Agape Stitches (Learn to crochet and knit)+ MOPS! (Mother’s of Preschoolers) - Tuesday Mornings



Dear Gigi,Our son graduated from high school last June and it has been one heartbreak after another. He quit college because it wasn’t his “thing” and now seems content to settle for less than what we had hoped for him. What now?


Dear Disappointed,Dear Disappointed,DisappointmentDisappointment happens when expectations aren’t fulfilled. You are unhappy because things haven’t gone as you planned, but perhaps they are not supposed to. As Christians, we love to cling to scriptures that confirm that God does indeed have a plan for our lives; verses such as Psalm 138:8 “The LORD will perfect that which concerns me…” or Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” But, have you ever stopped to consider that these same promises apply to your son as well and that the Lord’s plan may not look exactly like yours?

AlsoAlso consider this…rarely do we succeed at something on the first try. It takes effort, mistakes, and many “re-try’s” to get it right. The Lord is at work in your son’s life even if it is not clearly apparent. God will move him out from under your umbrella, so to speak, and will teach him how to be an adult, but just know that the process has the potential to be a bit unpleasant. Hopefully, you have already done your part, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old(er) he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6…now be patient as God continues to do His.

“Now we exhort you, brethren…be patient with all.” 1 Thessalonians 5:14c

AtAt Your Service,Gigi

Do you have a question for Gigi? We would love to hear from you. You can email her at [email protected] correspondence will be kept strictly confidential.

"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." - Proverbs 18:10

How sweet the name of Jesus soundsIn a believer's ear!It soothes his sorrows, It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,And drives away his fear. John Newton


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