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Surah Al Qiyamah C lass 4 – (Ayah 20 -25 )

This is a transcript of a lecture given by Sister Eman al Obaid. We ask Allah subhana wa ta’ala for His forgiveness and His Mercy.

Anything that is good from these notes is from Allah subhana wa ta’ala. Any mistakes & misrepresentations are my own. I ask Allah

subhana wa ta’ala for His forgiveness and to put forgiveness in the hearts of those who read them. JazakAllah Khairan

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From the name of the Surah, Al Qiyamah one can tell that the Surah is describing “Youm Al Qiyamah” (Day of Judgment). There are many impacts of Surah Qiyamah that reform the human being. Every Surah in the Quran nurtures and reforms, the person, who realizes the Quran as guidance from Allah and accepts it

In Surah Al Qiyamah there is mention of اامة in the beginning. This is the basis نفس االلوfor the impact of the “Youm Al Qiyamah” in order to reform the human being. Then there is mention of the different things that will happen on Day of Judgment. On that Day there is no refuge expect for Allah. The Surah Al Qiyamah make more a person to be aware for all the things that he did and those he delayed. It makes a person to realize if he is sinning, he needs to abstain and stop it. Also in this Surah we learn that we don’t need anyone to judge us. We know if we are doing right or wrong. After that, it is mentioned how the Quran was revealed on Prophet SAW. He wanted to know and grasp everything that was in the Quran, he don’t want to miss anything. He was hastening the recitation, as he did not want to forget. Allah gave him glad tidings that the Quran will be in his heart (the meaning) and Allah will perfect the recitation on his tongue so he will live with the Quran. Generally in the Duniya the human being has a problem that he is impatient which is why hastiness is mentioned in the Quran. We can find connection between hastiness and

اامة Sometimes we commit a sin because of hastiness. When the hasty person .نفس االلوremembers the Day of Judgment it will make him to accuse himself that is the way of repentance.

Ayah 20

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This Ayah tells us what makes a human being to be heedless in the life. This is because he rejects and does not accept the commands of Allah. What makes the human being to be ungrateful to Allah? Allah sent the divine message i.e. the Quran and the man is heedless and unaware of the greatness of the message from Allah. The reason for this is because the Man loves to be hasty.

In the Quran, Allah describes the man as عجوال (hasty). He loves the things to come to

him quickly. عاجلة equals Duniya. The عاجلة is the description of the Duniya that makes human being fall in the trap of the Duniya. The man forgets and becomes negligent. How Allah describes the Duniya? it is described as hastiness. What makes the human being to not do good in the life? Because he wants the reward quickly. The love of the Duniya is overpowering for the human being. He wants to get the reward in the Duniya itself. In Surah Al Baqara is it said the Dua by itself is a worship (Ibadah). The purpose of the

Dua is to make one close to Allah. When people are عاجلة they want the response of the Dua to come quickly. People are impatience when making Dua. He feels restless and he wants to fulfill what he desires. He does not accept whatever Allah decreed for him. When

a person is عجوال then dua will not be answered for him. We should feel full of joy as Allah made it easy for us to make Dua.

What is the reason behind Shirk? It is due to عاجلة (haste) that we attach to somebody rather than Allah. We want the results very quickly from the one in front of us . Shirk can be major or minor. When we attach to somebody equal or more than Allah or we magnify someone more or equal to Allah then it is Shirk.

What is the reason for Riya (Showoff)? It is عاجلة. The human being wants others to praise him. Sometimes people do good deeds, as they want monetary benefits. If people do good deeds because they want praise then it kills the deed. Praise should only be desired from Allah this means. we need to want praise from only Allah for our good deeds.

Why do people argue? it is because the man is عجوال and he loves عاجلة. He wants to answer back and take revenge now. When people fight with each other it is because they

are عجوال. Generally

1. Human being is عجوال

2. He loves the عاجلة The relationship between people and Allah is spoiled because of the above.

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If a person love عاجلة then will he accuse himself? No, as he will blame others. In the heart there is love of the Duniya. The love of the Duniya is dispraised. So we don’t love the Duniya, what is means? It means we don’t get attached to the Duniya. The nature of a

person who loves عاجلة is that when he gets what he desires, he is overjoyed, he will admire it and admire himself. If he does not get what he wants, then he will be very sad. If something good comes then we need to thank Allah and appreciate him. We should not indulge in it. We need to act in moderation. We need to take the blessing and attribute it to Allah. It should make us more to do good deeds. In Surah Toba Allah described the characteristics of the Munafiqeen (hypocrites) in the time of Prophet SAW that if they have the victory they feel so happy but if anything happens that they don’t like they get upset and unhappy. According to a Hadith of the Prophet SAW Allah said the Duniya is cursed and everything that is in the Duniya is cursed except for three things that are not cursed:

1. Anything a person is using in this Duniya to remember Allah (Worshipper) 2. Teaching someone (Teacher) 3. Learning (Student)

Learn, share and apply the knowledge. Everything other than the above is cursed and will be cause of regret. When will be the regret? When he did not spent the time to make himself close to Allah.

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Ayah 21

In this Ayah we are told that the human being leaves the Akhirah. عاجلة comes now

while ااآلخر ةة comes later. This is the test. We need to worship Allah hoping from Allah

and loving Allah but we need to desire the reward in the Akhirah. The more we want the reward in the Duniya; the reward in the Akhirah will be less. Any blessing that Allah gives us in the Duniya should make us close to him. We should not to be busy with Duniya and forget about Allah. The love of Duniya cannot exit with the love of Akhirah. Everything we see in the Duniya can either deceive us or it can remind us of Akhirah. Duniya should be a servant to us rather than we being a slave of the Duniya. We need to make the Duniya serve us for Akhirah. Hadith of the Prophet that people are miserable who are slaves of the Duniya. When we love the Akhirah and we leave the Duniya; the Duniya then comes after us as Allah appreciates us. In life we are presented with choices. if we make our choice as Akhirah then the delights of the Duniya will follow us. We are created for the Akhirah and not for this Duniya. Even if someone lives the best life in the Duniya he will consider that he did not enjoy at all compared to Akhirah. Our place is in Paradise. We have 4 stages of the live

1. Womb of the mother. This is to complete the limbs, organs. 2. In the Duniya. This life is to complete our deeds and faith. This is our mission. 3. In the grave. This is to complete the transit time till the Day of Judgment.

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4. Life of Akhirah. This life is to complete the desire and pleasure for the good and the punishment for the evildoers.

Very important time is the life in pt. 2 as it completes the deeds and faith. This life will determine how our life in grave and Akhirah will be. If someone does not completes his Faith then his grave will be tight and this will be least punishment of hell.

Ayah 22

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This Ayah describes how the two groups of people will come on the Day of Judgment. The first group is described of those people who love the Akhirah and who prepare for the Akhirah in the life in the Duniya. The Ayah is describing their faces, its not talking about the heart but of their faces. Why people’s face is mentioned? Because the face is a mirror that shows the feelings. Glad tidings or any good news will show on a person’s face. The face reflects the feelings of heart.

What is meaning of ناظظر ةة ? This is from “nadar” which means glow, beauty, light. In this

Ayah we are told that the faces for the people who did good in the life will have reflection on their faces. Submission to Allah has a light on the face. When we do good, Allah gives them from his light. If someone does bad Allah deprives him for his light. At the time of death the glow shows on the face. The results come to a person, when the person dies the angles give him glad tiding. Every angel in the heaven will give him glad tidings. His book will be put in “illeyeen”. Then his soul is put in the grave and he answers the questions of the grave. When he will be resurrected he will get glad tidings again. Every day in Paradise the glow on his face will increase till he gets the ultimate glow which is explained in the next Ayah

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Ayah 23

As per Hadith of the Prophet SAW "When the people of Paradise enter in Paradise Allah will say them, 'Do you need something more?' They will say, have you not whitened our faces? Have you not entered us in Paradise and protected us from Hell? Then Allah will tell them he is pleased with them and will never be angry with them then he will remove the veil. Looking to their Lord will be lovelier to them than any thing else given to them How much is the distance to look at Allah? It is narrated in al-Bukhari and Muslim from Jareer Bin Abdullah al-Bajali that he said: "We were with the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) on a full moon night. He looked at the moon and said, 'You will certainly see your Lord as you see this moon, and there will be no trouble in seeing Him'". When people will see Allah they forgot all the places in Paradise. They have the delight that no one can express. Our test is to love Allah in the Duniya then Allah will make us deserve to see him in the Akhirah. Anything that we do in this life we need do it for the sake of Allah. We need to love everyone for the sake of Allah. People who love each other for Allah will be looking at Allah from the same place. Looking at Allah will make the faces of people of paradise to glow even more. The people of Paradise will look at Allah depending on their levels:

1. People who look at Allah morning and evening. This is for the dwellers of Firdous. The ceiling of Firdous is the throne of Allah. It is from Firdous that all the springs will gush.

2. People who will look at every Friday (once a week)

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How much will we look at Allah in Paradise is dependent on how much we are longing to see Allah and how much we love Allah in this life. What is Ihsan? It is to worship Allah as if we see Allah. How can we see Allah in the life? Through his names and attributes. We need to see everything as Allah’s action. We don’t see people’s action. The second degree/level we need to be afraid that Allah is seeing us.

Ayah 24

In this Ayah Allah is telling us about the other group. باسر ةة means ugly, dark, gloomy sad

and frowning. This is opposite of ناظظر ةة why are the faces of these people باسر ةة ? Because

they are hasty and busy indulging in the Duniya and they did not use the Duniya to go to Akhirah.

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When do the people get the bad news? It is at the time of death. How Allah is so merciful that people don’t go to hell at the same time they die. It happens gradually. At the time of death, the angels of death come to them in an ugly manner. These people did not prepare for the Akhirah. The angels will scold them and beat them because the soul is not coming out. They will continue the scolding and beating till angels say you deliver your soul. Then soul comes after. The angels take the soul and the people take the body. Angels will take his soul and they will shroud him with the shroud of hell fire. The gates of heaven will close on him. The soul will free fall in the grave, where the Angels of grave will scold him. There will be assigned one angel who will beat him in the grave. He will wish for the Day of Judgment to never come. He will be resurrected, only to be entered in Hellfire.

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Ayah 25

means the فاقر ةة .will be done on them فاقر ةة This means they are sure that – تظن

backbone. Because of the horror it will break the backbone. Backbone is our support. This means the horror of the day is like the backbone is breaking. In this Ayah we are told that the person is sure and guarantee that a severe punishment a great torment will be done on him.

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