  • 7/24/2019 Surf Machining Quick Ref Card


    Surface Milling quick reference

    Type ApplicationRoughing











    Straight Cut X X

    From Surface Isolines X X X

    Cut Line X

    Projected Cuts X X

    Straight Cut:Straight cut lines projected fromretract plane down onto surface.Lines separated by STEP_OVER orSCALLOP_HGT-derived stepover.

    3, 4, 5 Axis

    From Surface Isolines:Cuts are projected onto the surface,and Pro/ENGINEER strives to fitthem along lines of constantcurvature on the surface.

    3, 4, 5 Axis

    Projected Cuts:Straight cut lines projected withinconfigurable boundaries that areprojected up from the surface.

    3 Axis only

    Cut Line:Cuts are blended in shape based on

    any number of sketched or selectedgeometry references.

    3, 4, 5 Axis

    STEP_OVER vs. SCALLOP_HGTSTEP_OVER can be entered manually, ordriven by the entry of SCALLOP_HGT, whichallows Pro/ENGINEER to consider surfacegeometry in order to produce a surface withparticular amount of scallop remaining.Pro/ENGINEER dynamically calculates the

    resulting step over, and uses wh


    ichever issmaller.

    Surface MillApplications

    = recommendedX= not possible

    Copyright 2002 by PTC PTC Technical Support

    Cut LinesClosed:Useful where one cut line encloses thother. The tool will make concentric passes,blending from one cut line to the other.Open:Useful for all other situations.Projected:Allows a cut line to be sketched onthe retract plane and projected down to the

    surface being machined.

    Reference GeometryModel Surfaces:Useful for directly milling theexact geometry resident in the part. One ormore surfaces can be selected, and theselection is used only in the current sequence.Mill Surface:Ideal for combining references topart geometry with newly created geometry, orfor trimming down part geometry. Once create

    can be used repeatedly.Mill Window:Useful for keeping the tool withina particular boundary, or for quickly selecting aregion on the model to machine

    ParametersLACE_OPTION:While the cut definition controthe shape of each passes, the lace optioncontrols how one pass connects to the next.REMAINDER_SURFACE:Toggles the creatioof surface geometry that represents the materimissed by the sequence.TOOL_OVERLAP:Another way to control thetools step over, by specifying the amount of

    overlap between passes.CUT_ANGLE:Rotates the angle of cuts aboutthe Z axis

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