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Simple starter question, we are able to see the balance between how many males or females will be answering the rest of the questions. An easy starter but is also quite important as we need to be able to relate to both genders in our music video. Exactly half were female and half were male which is very convenient as that means we have an equal balance or participants and makes analysing a lot simpler.Meaning our results will hopefully be reliable and un bias or lenient.

Again, another simple question but this is a significant factor to our video. How old our audience is and the most common age range, its clear to see here that the most common ages were between 17 and 21, which is a great age range to connect to as ourselves are in this category and our initial idea for the video will be easily connotated with a younger age group.Smash Mouths audience age is similar to these results here, which is again convenient for analysis.

This question is our indicator of technological convergence, what our audience views music videos on. Meaning whatever we stream our video off of has to be able to link to the platform that they view videos, in this case we will most likely be using youtube, luckily, Youtube can be streamed off almost all of these platforms except for TV.Meaning our audience will have easy access anywhere.

Another easy question with simple answers; here we can see the start of what will help make the base of our video, even though we have already got initial ideas we needed back up to support the chance of our video appealing to our audience, in this case the most popular by far was rock, indie and pop. Which is good for us as that’s the base style that we want to work with.

Here we are able to get to the core of our understanding, being able to match a similar narrative or features of our video to what is popular and liked by our audience.Luckily again our highest liking is Parody/Comical which again is exactly what we wanted to see and means we are able to go straight ahead with our ideas with sufficient back up.

The interesting thing about this question and its answers is nobody said no, which is positive despite the high ‘I don’t mind’ answers, which would mean we have a relaxed easy going audience who may enjoy our video by whatever we make it into rather than following strict rules and regulations.And with our results of age and gender I believe we have suitable and effective narrative to please our target audience.

These results mean we have a strong reason to link the lyrics to the video as we go along, with small gestures and props I believe we will be able to add subtle hints to connect to the lyrics without them being massively obvious, distracting or unpleasant.

We can see here a large amount of results, as this question was multi choice we have a lot to work from in terms of adding features to our video that the audience will like. In this case the majority vote was; Humour, Narrative and Lyric links.Which from the previous questions we can see the audience are still strongly for these specific and important features. After all of this research its clear to see that our group initial ideas already fit with the results from this survey and these results will support us through the process.

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