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Page 1: Survey results

Analysis Of My Online Survey

This power point analyses the results I have put into graphs. I have converted my results into graphs to make reading my results easier.

After I have made my conclusion on my analysis I will then talk about how it will effect my own project.

I will also analyse and compare some of my other team member’s results to come up with an overall answer for individual questions.

Page 2: Survey results

From my results I already see that I have Nine responses to my online survey. Six being male and Three being female.

The age of my audience range from under 16, 15-25 and 30+ however my main audience appear to be between 15-25 years of age.This suggests to me that although like the Arctic Monkeys may have fans from different ages my main audience the same as for Arctic Monkeys is 15-25 year olds. Therefore I need to make sure that all our packaging , Digipaks and so on are all appealing to my target audience within my rock genre.

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On the Genre question I have allowed my audience to pick more than one answer to give me other possible genre ideas they might be into. However I still find that although my audience are interested in all the other genres I made available, the rock genre still came out with the highest amount of votes. With 5 votes and 55.56% of the 9 responses voting rock as a genre they like along with another genre.

For what style of music video my audience prefer to watch, I gave my audience more than one choice of answers they could chose. I found there isn’t an overall popular answer there for the top three answers with three responses each should be taken into consideration. Narrative, concept based and Animated. This gives me the idea that the music video will be narrative with the concept being about the love story line and we can edit some of our features to match the robot theme we have chosen however animated effect might be very hard for the amount of time we have.

Page 4: Survey results

Majority of my audience say that they listen to music through YouTube online and also the radio. Therefore, for promoting our final video to my audience will be free and cost effective as we can upload it to YouTube for our audience to find.

Relating more to my rock genre video I asked my audience if they would like to see a narrative or live performance video. Although majority chose live performance the narrative video we chose to do is also in a style of a live performance. Therefore meeting both expectations.

Page 5: Survey results

Asking my audience how they watch music videos I have found that 100% watched them on YouTube again. Along with music channels being a big option too these are the answers I expected. As we wouldn’t be able to publish our video professionally onto a music channel I suggest the best way to get noticed again is by the use of

I asked my audience if they prefer the theme of their digipak, album cover and CD to be consistent and 100% said yes therefore when thinking about my group’s album and digipak we will need to make sure the theme runs throughout.

Page 6: Survey results

When asking what my audience prefer the album cover to be they all produced an even split of answers with 3 votes per answer;• Simple shot image e.g. landscape, location, with no artist or band present;• Image with band and artists on that relates to a music video in the album;• Artist/ Band photographed specifically for the cover.These answers tell me we can range between any of thee three I think this will all depend on a final decision between my group on what final photos look best. Therefore we can try images for all three ideas so we have a range to chose from.

Majority of my audience said they prefer the same length as a song for the music video therefor we do not need any extra acting or filming.

Page 7: Survey results

Jack Liddle’s Survey results (Representing us a group) analysed AND compared to my own…

For what ways our target audience listen to music I have found that majority of the both our results have chosen YouTube, This gives me even more assurance that the video we create as a group should be put on YouTube.

For how long our video should last our audience have both answered the same length as the song. Therefore we will be making the video the same length as our chosen song.

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With majority of votes being 5 and 7 out of 10 for how essential our audience feel it is for a video to include a narrative, this also links to my answers with narrative being picked in the top three with an even amount of votes. Therefore we will definatly proceed with a narrative based music video.

For what gender our audience is I found that in my responses majority where male. In Jack’s responses majority are female. Therefore combining our results make our results unbiased.

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Majority of jack’s audience where 16 to 18 years of age. The second highest being 19-21 I feel that this fits with my majority being 16-25 therefore I feel we should aim our video again to that target audience range. I also feel this will add to the fairness of our results combined.

Majority of the target audience have said they watch music videos on YouTube just like my results therefor we will publish our video on YouTube.

Page 10: Survey results

Similar to my results the majority voted evenly for the top 2 choices for a video. Narrative and Live performance appear to be popular therefore we will base some live performance within our narrative video.

Majority of votes appear to say that our audience watch between 1-3 and 4-6 videos a week. This could suggest that they watch only what they chose to discover e.g. on YouTube. Therefore by publicising our video link onto Facebook and YouTube more people will discover our video and it will be one of their videos they watch during the week.

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Majority of Jack’s audience have chosen rock as a music genre they prefer listening to along with alternative and other styles. This supports my results as my results show the rock genre is the most popular however the other options I made available all had a fair range of votes.This suggest our audience will be interested in other genres as well as the genre we have chosen. Therefore making references to other genres will be okay if we wanted to do it in our video.

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Jacks results to this question give a more definite response compared to mine, with majority of results preferring a simple shot . E.g. Landscape /location and no band or artist members. This suggests that the shot we may be looking for could just be a location that represents the band’s music style. (Rock urban street.)However I think we should still take into consideration the option from my results of trying the other two suggestions so we have a range of different images to chose from.

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