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An engaging approach…

We think it’s important to listen to our own advice, so our delivery methodology ensures we role-model engaging behaviours in how we work with our clients, but also encourages them to demonstrate their willingness to engage with their employees right from the start.



Specialists in measuring and impacting employee engagement through combining science with flair.

It means we use robust data but have fun helping organisations connect with and understand it!

Contrary to popular belief, for us measuring engagement doesn’t start with a survey. It starts with involving employees and listening to them. Our blend of qualitative and quantitative research will enable you to really understand what is affecting your employees and their desire to give their best at work as well as the practical steps you can take to make a positive difference.

Whether you have 50 or 50,000 employees, Ixia can help you measure the level of engagement across your organisation and provide reports to all your managers in a format they can easily understand which highlights where they can most impact their team.

Ixia believe true engagement happens at an emotional level. Therefore we are passionate about collecting meaningful insights that resonate with employees, managers and leaders over and above purely statistical results. We use several simple yet powerful techniques to draw out what is most important to employees, real examples of what is impacting on their engagement.

“Ixia’s overall can-do attitude and expertise has re-energised our survey,  providing us with a wealth of new and thought provoking ideas. Their simple yet effective tools and resources have allowed us to truly engage in the things that genuinely matter to our team. “   t: 0844 809 9589

e: [email protected]


Impacting engagement through surveys & research  

Global survey? Due to their very nature, global surveys tend to be fairly generic and don’t always help managers to be clear about what they need to do differently to create a positive impact. Ixia work with teams, departments or divisions of global companies to drive underneath the headline results and determine the specific behaviours, actions or processes that have impacted the results. This enables them to identify what positive changes need to be made to impact on team performance and business results. “Ixia helped us improve our global engagement score by 26%!”


Our approach to gathering qualitative data from your employees not only gives you greater insight into how they feel and why, but also enables them to articulate what would need to happen for them to feel great, giving you solutions not just data. Our unique framework also drives the individual to think through what they can do to improve their engagement and encourages them to take ownership for how they feel.

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