Page 1: Surya Namaskar as a complete yoga
Page 2: Surya Namaskar as a complete yoga

Presented By Guided by

Dr. Mukesh Kumar Dr.Manoj Agrawal

M.D Scholar 1st year Professor & HOD

Dr.Mahima Shrivastva



Rani Dulliaya Smriti Ayurved PG College & Hospital,

Bhopal (M.P.)

Page 3: Surya Namaskar as a complete yoga


Suryanamaskar is a specific combination of some Asanas.

There is no reference of Suryanamaskar in classical Yoga texts.

Suryanamaskar is being practiced for more than 2000 year in


There are 2 different practices regarding Suryanamaskar, one

include 12 steps and another 14 steps.

12 stepped Suryanamaskar is practiced widely.

Each step of Suryanamaskar has a Beeja Mantra and specific

body part to concentrate upon. That Beeja Mantra should be

chanted in mind and that body part should be concentrated

during that specific step. This enhances efficacy of Asana.

Suryanamaskar is a considered as a complete Yogasana as

involes each and every body parts and even mind also.

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Suryavansi samuday were used to practice Suryanamskar

around 2000 BC.

Ramayana & Yuddha kaand a canto 170

1920 (Aundh raja )

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Position 1

Pranamasan (Prayer pose)

ák¡ fe«kk; Uke% (Aum hram mitraya namaha)

Normal Breathing

Chakra Anahata

Muscles Postural, from soles of

feet to crown of the head

Organs/glands Cerebellum, thymus

Spiritual Raising consciousness to higher levels

of awareness


Good for the diseases of the throat. Voice is enhanced.Both mind and body become healthy.

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Position 2

Hasta utthanasana (Raised arms pose)

á¡ jo;s Uke%(Aum harima raveya namaha)

Inhale deeply

Chakra Vishuddhi

Muscles Back, shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen

Organs/glands Kidneys, intestines, lungs,

Adrenal glands, thyroid /parathyroid,

Spiritual Invoking the grace and power of higher


This pose stretch all the abdominal organs and improvesdigestion. It exercises the arm and shoulder muscles,tones the spinal nerves , opens the lungs and removesexcess weight.

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Position 3

Padahastasana (Hand to foot pose)

lw;kZ; Uke% (Aum hream suryaya namaha)

Exhale while bending forward

Chakra Swadhisthana

Muscles Hamstrings, buttocks, back, neck, shoulders

Organs/glands GIT, kidneys, thyroid

Spiritual Surrender to the powerful forces of gravity


It reduces excess weight in the abdominal region, improves

digestion and help to remove constipation

Better blood circulation

Strengthen lower back Increase the elasticity of the lungs tissue

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Position 4

Ashwa sanchalanasana

HkkUkos Uke% (Aum harim bhanave namaha)

Inhale deeply

Chakra Ajna

Muscles Legs, buttocks, abdomen, thorax and neck

Organs Cerebellum

Spiritual Removes darkness from delusions

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This pose massages the abdominal organs and improves their

functioning, strengthens the leg muscles and induces balance in the

nervous system.

Improves body metabolism

Diseases of the throat are also corrected.

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Position 5

Parvatasana (Mountain pose)

[kxk; Uke% (Aum hroum khagaya namaha)

Exhale fully

Chakra Vishuddhi

Muscles Legs, buttocks, abdomen, thorax and neck

Organs Cerebellum, tones spinal nerves

Spiritual Salute to the one by whom time is measured


One gets relief from the pains –

specially of arms, legs and the knees.

Body muscles become strong

Improves body metabolism

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Position 6

Ashtanga Namaskara (salute with eight part or points)

iw".ks Uke% (Aum hrah pusne namaha)

Hold your breath

Chakra Manipura

Muscles Legs, buttocks, abdomen, thorax and neck,

shoulders, forearms

Organs Recharges solar plexus, stimulates metabolism, Adrenal glands, Kidneys

Spiritual Salute to the giver of strength


This pose strengthens the leg and arm muscles, develops the chest

and exercises the region of the spine between the shoulder bladders.

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Position 7

Bhujangasana (cobra pose)

fºj.kxHkkZ; Uke% (Aum hram hiranya garbhaya namaha)

Inhale deeply

Chakra Swadhisthana

Muscles Stretches abdomen muscles, anterior neck muscles strengthens

posterior back muscles

Organs kidney and liver, digestive system

Spiritual praying to the awakening of creativity


This pose keeps the spine supple, improving circulation in the back region and

toning the spinal nerves.

It tones the reproductive organs, stimulates digestion and relieves constipation. It

also tones the liver and massages the kidneys and adrenal glands.

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Position 8

Parvatasana (Mountain pose)

ejhpk;s Uke% (Aum hrim morichayenamaha)

Exhale fully

Repetition of Posture 5

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Position 9

Ashwa sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

vkfnR;k; Uke% (Aum hream adityaya namaha)


Repetition of Posture 4 except that this time the left leg is

brought forward

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Position 10

Padahastasana (Hand to foot pose)

Lkkfo=s Uke% (Aum hraim savitre namaha)


Repetition of Posture 3

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Position 11

Hasta utthanasana (Raised arms pose)

vdk;ZZ Uke% (Aum hroum arkaya namaha)

Inhale deeply

This stage is a repeat of position 2

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Position 12

Pranamasana (Prayer pose)

HkkLdjk; Uke% (Aum hrah bhaskaraya namaha)

Normal Breathing

This is the final position and is the same as position 1

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Duration and repetition for Suryanamskar:-

There is no reference for the time duration for steps of


In practice each step of Suryanamaskar should be done for 3-4


Total rounds of Suryanamaskar depends upon one’s capacity

(half of the strength).

Starting with 3 rounds is good.

It should be done in morning time in empty stomach.

On the completion of each round, lower the arms to the side,

relax the body and concentrate on the breath until it returns to

normal. After completing Suryanamaskar, practice Shavasana for

a few minutes. This will allow the heartbeat and respiration to

return to normal and all the muscles to relax.

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Physical Benefits:

1 Promotes anti-oxidants

2 Increases body flexibility

3 Helps with better sleep

4 Tones up the digestive system

5 Strengthens nervous system

6 Provides strength and fresh energy

7 It’s a complete exercise

Mental Benefits:

1 Increases concentration

2 Reduces Stress

3 Improves memory

4 Enhances ‘mind-body’ coordination

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Acute inflammation


High blood pressure

Coronary artery diseases


Intestinal tuberculosis

Pregnant women ( after 3rd month of pregnancy)

Women should avoid surya namaskara during


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By considering all the steps of Suryanamaskar it can be

concluded that it is a complete Yogasana. If one does

Suryanamaskar daily he need not to practice any other

exercise or Yogasana.

It is particularly beneficial for them who cant find much time

for exercise, because it takes very little time to perform

Suryanamaskar. For 10 rounds it take around 20 minutes and

it is sufficient for a normal person. This is most suitable for

modern society.

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