


The Dover Printing Company,PUUL[HHEIWiNi>PttORlETOlt.1.

OSce on Moim Btrset nsar Blaokmll,



O n e Year, • 8 2 . 0 0S i s M o u l i n , I ' "T u r e e moutba , - - - - - - - DU


UP 10E. I I WK. | 2 WKB. j 8 WKB. | I HO.

1 Inoh It ra|» 1 MM 1 M « ' 7 5


1 loot.2 "8 "4 "5 "

i OoLimn.

1 75

4 251 56 25 76 50 88 00 10

IB 00| 19

$ 4 Mil* 6 00

45 0065 00




Fa n all tlio principal line* or atDamsbiiiB/rom H™ V;rfe lliLhornool nt LOWEST


WK. VOETEAN, Prop'i.A well kept hotel with every aocomniodd

tioo far man and liorwe. The bent lujuuiand BepRrH at tbe bar, nnd comfort dime• t i n every department. Livery attached.

kept on bund and sold in largequantities.



Of tliol

•Hi iinwt itiiiirovnl tttvliH, Toin! ( r iv t l i l l i i A I



Counsellor at LawAND



r of niaekwcll ami Bu»neJ[ His.

DOVER, N. J.I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.





p EO. 0. CUSIMIN.-I, II. B..





<M DOVER, N. J .




SUSSEX STREET,(b«w«onlh«MAK8IOSHOtl8Ea»clHopJI,)

DOVEB, N. J.•:- ThQiMcehftBljoencutirclyrflllltcdlti * nnati BMitiiuT. LADIES' anil CHILDREN'S IIA1H




':, .^Cor. Blackwell and Silases Ste.5 DOVER. N- J.I . H. NEIQHnOCn. A. 0. B1IITH.



Offleo over QE0. RICfJAHDH A Co.'* HTOUE,

DOVER, N. J.&peei»l office biurfl on SatunlavB rrnm 8 A.

H,UII12M. 17-tr



DOVISH, N. J.OfflM orcr A. Wifihtim'B move and tm muro,tt-I3 Bliok^dUtt^i.

rtj. x. LBPUltT.

'Counsellor at Law,AND MASTER IN OHANOEBY,

Office in tbe National Uniou Hank BuiMinR

3HAOT».T,I ,BT. , DOVEIt, N. J,


BUILDERS,Dover, Iff. tT.




STOVES, RANGES,So. Aliuinrb'tyol





IH,nti<liill kiiiikorjoljliii.^ In my lino

Ili^hrit |>iir<* pnitl lor uli! Iron,


1;I wlio]i')iii!(> tuiiln only. I nm »\w;\\s [ln'imivd

ID SUl'PLY STOHK.S with Hie BEST(3OOPS tit Miit

LOWEST MARKET PRICES.TlilHparl of W:invu County h iioli-i] fur itu

QOOD I iUTTEll SUKI-1W. 1 liwi'll* M fcimW

of PAHMKI1H I'ltOIinCF.. Onl i r tir tiiiii! mill

ffi. i l l Jr.,BLAIIISTOWN, N. J .











Hone Mmt, (iumio. I'oildretLAND PLASTER, itc.

WOOD sawed in stove lengths

STOVE, EGO, CHESTNUT.Onlfint nm? DO fuldrpnat^l tlinmifli Hi?

Oftitt- HDX 2S, or lufl at A. Hcnmr'n

IlIiACKHHlTHB COAL c'liiHtantly ,,u lia



M I U K im




Joseph Torki



tiroticricN and Provisions,

SEASONABLE FRUITS,irt'i(jn nnd (IOHICNHC, (lie brut grades ofiKiH'il (Jotuk, am! nil HUIUJUCH uf themsi-bold iu bin lint:.Care will alwitys hu taken to secure goods

of the hnnt ijnality ami o(|Util pniim lo KI;1]uem lit tlie MDMI rciisoi dlilt.1 HllUfiiun con-

Ireet, near ihe corner of Hluukwell, Dover.October 17tu. 1«7!».

GEO.HANNr:iH ( a!! liie fri o Iliavi

i CLINTON H.i- t ,(hohaH a


ltd n veil fit led mill compile

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYncrfrrl order. Alw", t'ii> l>c»tlicr <irinl«, nnd Hie plmicrnt

HMOA1W. All who r.vnr mo with n p*II willbl ld ln i i i fd d

The New Empire




l,;ir),'c Afwortmpiit of OIIKT Htybf

8tu\t!«, iu. ,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE,Alto, a choice Htock of

Iliirdware, Cutlery,Qhbt, Wooden, Co]ipct, ['lain and Japanuet


Pts, Lanip», n B ami OK iLLTB, Trai ts Astral OH (u

i'1*'.) Mao,


A Natural, Sparkling MineralWater, Imported from the

Rhine, Germany,guaranteed ne s mire cnri- fur Dyt-pcpHin. Im-

I rLBV." Al"'','* he Tiilt- "t " "'"* * "'^ *

HUNCARIAN WINES,for the 11 sen of (tic su*. mm IIHH bv Mi« IVCH-iili-iit, liiM riflfinmir-iKlcil by all hiiilinfc iiliv-nicifLiiM an Leing alit.iliilHr pure M1(i l.,-nt)lilul.






LOWEST PIlICES in tlio State.

Isaac N, Doty & Go.have lnrgclj added to their elegantissortmcut of FALIJIUKI WINXEB

DRESS FABEICS. Tlioy shownil iieiv colora, mntaialB and styles;:iow PlusheB, Velvets and Velve-teens, now Silks and SatinB, newIrooades and Moiro Stripes, now

Ombre and Roman Stripes, newPluidsin fashionable combinations,ihuddnh Cloth, Cornels Hair Cloth,

Sutiiis, Armurea and Cashmeres inicw Autumn colora. Our pricesfor Black Cashmeres are positively

Jlow compatitiou. To becomethoroughly familiar vith the nowand fashionable colors, styles andiibricB, examine our unequalledissortnient. You are always wel-miiio to inspect the stock whether>r not you wish to purchase.

Formerly Morris 4 Doty,


159 & 101 Market St.,

Newark. N . J .

FOE THE HOLIDAYS WE|ittyallrti(]til to.

vnirliuii!t1R Scnlts nt Manufnt

1S11UKN A ROKNEIJj..', maimfaisturtTH nf HUNNELL'S SELF-







HOP BITTEES(A Medlnlne, ti*t n Brink.)




I t dncn ' t psy tn Dipenrarnt wltli Hour. Artyottr (tracer for tlio fitnoiu

VIOLA BRAND,i takc no other. I t in aittifs pond-can h<

d upoD efpry time. Kindernr>n »ti Oil)m brand Increased hit flour twile Q00 vu

L 29"tf

, WAGES'%• TO MINERS!^ "^Miners Wanted at Midvale,- „ ' P18A1C CODSTIT.^.J. Taio Hontrlsir

County Collector's Notice II will bs kt the office or Ibe flarrogtto Mor-

-^town, far tlin tntmaclion of CDQDIV btii<M,an Thnndaj or eaeb w«k, and .1 n,f'-n of fleorpe Bichirdi, E»q., Dover, on

d«f •, Tnewtaj., WnlDndus and Frufm,WH. H. L\USERT,

Qmnly qollwtBr.

iTTrTTTI>t" l>t | M * » berola HBfDir



THE BEST PLACEifit»Uud forenjovmcut J:i iliii settiou ia


DOV'KH, N . J .st rcw-ivtil and jilnml in jioni1'0" THREE


BilliardFool Tables

fruui tbo cclebntrd m»tiariicirrj of J . M,URUNSVICR k BALKE.

SEW BLACKSMITH SHOP!Chas. T. Clark & SonFivr mimed R nrw nhop in Dover in Scaring'i

bnilihitj;, C05LNF.U BLACKWELL AKD

I!El£Ol!N 8TS., and invile lhapnir>nnRt of the public.

Horse Shoeingmailo » "spocinlty oF tlio biiHineBR, >D(1 > trial

tmi nwacrs of liomoa iareipootfuliv solioiied.


Miners Wanted at Midvale,PA88AIO COUNTY, K. J. TAKF


OEOEESTBIONbas alao junt been mppllod witb new mmlinnr] nlll doHgta! tho pitronn or the bonse monthan evo', furnlihinff mniiio eqo»l to a brail


LAGER BEERlln»>> on ilnojli l and Ibe b i l l or

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS•VIWUB provided Tor tbe patroni nf


1KUENBE BALER I BOTH WANTED]PnsKllTai Good eontnliiion I 25r,ATE8T

OhromD Dird*. B PHrUtloni. B lidv or itrnteormwindrota » e . lilfor. H. V. JONEHJoflwwrj, H , I . Tuoagsnoy . KMtr



Hand and Power Fodder CuttersBaniftga Chopper* a n d Corn Mfaeller*,


JODI Fan jiflli. Older and Wine PreiicBilked, Sccopi, &e.

oobleand Sfagia Drecch tod H n u i e L-.»(inn Qan*, t Iftftft t t u t r l a fo t nUonf Gna

Fowiier, Boat, Cip«, Fasa, Wadi, *o.HOUSE. LAP BLANKETS


Wire and Wood Flnwrr Pot Standi, HanBjmiVeti, NMtfnR.Ao.

A full lino DftiflW jutternsBmiti, Steel,Bronwand Iran Andirons, Blmvohi anil Tnngi,

Faadcrt, SparLQai rd i , Coal Hotti,Birtem,fto.

Afifnti rnr Colambti ind Clnb Dlcjcle.


Coffees! Coffees! Coffees!




all nearly new; on easy terms

and loss than present cost to

build. FARMS—Sizes and

prices made to suit.



and Mining machinery. Also


suitable for all kinds of work.


Ironia, N. J.

Freeman Wood,FIRB



DOVBH.N.J.^Dll) ftutliorlzu'd agoDtof tbc ToltcvitKurat*

OIBBB companies—the beat In l i e watid:


OLOBE, Capital $20,000,0110.


Capital £10,000,000.


Capita] (10,000,000.


Capital 85,000,000.


Capital 8300,(100.


ofFhlladglplite, Asiets *CiM.rm.The London Aasnmnoe CorpomtiOD of

London, oapiUl»5,f*0,0(Hl.SprinRfleld Fire InsuTanoe Co., MauubK-

Weilofaesttr Fits InsaraBes O o n t u j foNew York, capital tS00,0O0.OEBUiR'AKSBIOlV 11,000,000



Freeman Wood,loitie* of tbe Peiaa » d Police Hi glitrlte.

MABTIN&BICK,Hauso, S i p d Qra&aeni&l Faisien,OCMNEIlfl, OILDBBS »nd FAPEtt BANOBBS. Conlnot i taken aod mi torhh fumfnbeiJ.Huomi decDTftted in fresco* ilyl*i, BBTITIRt l b k n l d r boms a d i pilo

Tftted in fresco lyl*i, BBTIRowledpe or boms aod ii«n pilot-

ICR, no led eorapotent tr> meet tfao demindiof all. Faint ihop over Mtia White's tnillloerj

( t toVonoht A KllKortfa droR ilotof all. Faint ihop over Mtia Whites tnillloerj

•(ore, n n t toVonoht A KlilKortfa droR iloto.

ofitflooll ontlins.19-U A. BUCK.






Of'P.D.L.&W. R. R.


Finest Old Gnv. Java only" " Mocha "

29 ots,35 t(

mixed TEA,We n:.U thu u\» Hal »\ Idilidii of IMIHIIMIH rri to

Sun OUop" GO otm.

TIMHTEA IfRiinr^iiloC'il 'ibi'nuiiinxliiHiu'y yniiwii 1 nv in Mori in County fo,' 8Ho. Noliimiitiig.


«»• Fruits for the Holidays -©Jlicp,"CliiTaiitB, r-j-Hin-f.'. f'iir.'n. I,.-iir'i]-,Ai-. \\\- ii'-.-VosilivfU'wi-Mm^ ll'ii'i-io Rwdu


T H E yovER LUMBER CO.offoia to builders tho best ojiportunititiH in the purchase of LUMBEEof every grado and description including LOW PRICES and the greatadvantage of having

Lumber Worked to Orderby inacliiiiary at tho place where it is purchased, groatly lessoning the

tiost of building by tho groat saving in mnaual labor. Ourstock always includes

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsml LUMBER of every description, ami ospeciiil pains are taken

to give natialiiction iu every particular.

W M . II . L\Mnr.iiT, Snc'y and Tree

ff, Grn'l Manager.


wi»wil wuli Ri-»nl»' *wl marWb pi win." With

HiiiJu!iUliat]'(.'iinl«aiii<tj lim piiliiicTHOS. JOHNSOK.

AnentB for Fairbanks' Scales an&Tei-

williger's Safas,




Rrionttnrm Impleroents, fieede, FerlillzerB,ic. PiiLti, Oiti, GlasB, eto.

WALTEK A, W00D*S Celebrated


Horrittowo, Doo. 181b, 1878, ,



ITD thoroughly faratabed ttri rffioiontly

rfUl \hTB8 C


Ebrel'u, Pilsner, Htlwinien. Toledo, CtDofn-ntti . St. Louis, Pfitar Doelger'i nod LtonBravery LiRen, Tko beat WINES, Linto«a

tbe bar.



OFFICE «d]otDhfr tb t Do»er Inmber Com-ptay'fl mill. Oontrtcti Ulten, »DA plmt,

ipeciflrtlioni «D3 milerlil* of oiery hind for-nlibed fur buildings. Jobbing • ipeclftlty.

SLATE'.ite fnniftbed from tbe bert .

tbe tb»]| qau t l t j or car Icwtd, u d•rod, br experiaoeed workman ' '

psrtlcntarlf llioao Tiho bnvo Tbin, Pol* Lips,Cold Hamli «na Feet, end who are MlhoutBtronEl(i or Ambition. Theso Pills quiet llioKervei,glve£trciii;(li to tlic Body, Induce Ito-Irefhlnc PIppp, Inrich end Iwpra** Ibo qiulltyof the filoo.1, *sd puriry nnd JJri(lnc» ihe Cora-jilciiou, Tl»» tare Palpllntlou ol tho Heut, KrrvonB Ilp«d»cb^Lencorrhoa, rslnt In thoPntk, end oilier f«nnit Fcmnlfl WciihneB& KcmnnW that Iron laeoftiiecomtrtneiliioEtiieLiooVnd la tbe


New York City.


Axes and Edge Tools,ROCKAWAY, N. J.

Itlnvlncbum] repnrtcti tliat till" otd-entab-inhed niid wutl-tnuwn firm lias Ronn out ofbURincHS, wo tube ibid UIPSIIB uf informIIIR thepublic that pqcii is not llio cnB*. Wotrr«U1lIn biiMjii'iw, lmvi< no roiiirectimi wltli »ny otlicrdrm nlintcier, and HIISII enntinao to nuke ourirclMiitiinn courts wjib grtintercsre tliati nver.Allonr si'oiinnrc tmnil-mnle tbroCBlmnt (mlwe ate tbv only dim in BockftwavmaMnR snob——"g entirely by Ii»ni3. Water Tuyew for







17-am . DOVER, K J.


751 BROAD St. NEWARK, N. i .


for »ll Mndt of fanll&ngi, and the conitraction

t>f building! lapwiataiiiftd. 23-lm


(loa i u laow i.7tk.)



Tu tbe old fcrmbnnie, wlilrh ind Htond in longfor* liw UiwniDg of bi» b >mbie lite,

Wlieie b9 bud beartl hU raotiier'* r idle ioUff-One year *so lie led liii L*rpy vriTd.

Few urroir i 'neulU that anoieat roofhtd oatniSI tUe peaceful je i r s he called ft homo ;

B tliat In whioii a matlier found rcpansBciiJe Hit loving Eire from oarthly woes.

fwas bera tbe mnrnlns ni bla life did da«Q,Twaa bore bin cblldlioud duys hid iirlltl;

loin;And hero, a gocidly licrltssge bis own,

Tbo fair briilo cttme to lira with, factnec 1

Abont liormaiij ciros TIUDIT Vary went.rclieerru! urcBauce marine homo a clmtro;

IVUile be wilb tlent,

Filled tlie broad torea or bla biooraiog fsrin,And ricb and bouatoong goliua barresti c»miAi rrom HeepBridos or tabled fame.

Olid nai tba farmhouse oa the green blli-fildn,

And Joba nai hippy pith the boo ay bride,Whose sweet blue ejen h td leldom known

tear,Wboie tcuiler bear!, that laved iti Lord io

well,Hud naafiht bnt eweet rsmembraoaea to tnll

And JrcimcJ af r.ajght but tie would f]d«tn

>urago, bura with puro auo-

PiB ilrsnge tlist peico sloald rrom tbla home

Wlioro rirtu.'g blmcd light io bngbllj

Wbora love, pnie fcudunsBlflilitrom tbe heart,Had reared a laorecl i l t t r of 1's ovra.or ever brighter Eden bloomed below,

That fell BO iiidilen aud ao 'all ol HOD.Alas! wlmt ratal blight h&d power to Uy -

So rair A ruiu la ft Blngle d»y ?It wag a bitter qiurrol cams botveenTlie proud hearts of this whilom happy

twain;Which turned tlielrsnnobine to ft night of

painAnd took away all l>etatv from WM itone.

n<t uablo Jnbn, vrho occe bad been ao bind,Forgot hiB gQodncsa to tbat geutlo wifa ;ud aoulil jwiaa fault wltli berfororer find,To keep freak fnol on their Itiadlcd itrife.Witb soft und vaalug worda stie wautd ei>

To drlvo tbla first and ftUl eirifo awiy;But whoo ibe failed, her belplea* lips waald

cry:" Uttreuhnji John, tbon bait more faults

UlEtlll"iU\ hn: We'll aoe, my finltleBi beauty's boaatHnall to the teat be put thin very s igh t ;Iu two ueir bookse&ali otban' foalti we'll

wrilo,ud at a rurtnlRbt'a ond Btie wbiob h i t most."

lie da^B mlfed ouirartT ana the plighted ha<trtOf btiwliose lave might evtry Btorw duly,

'.a wototitul ullenoo prgjed tba gloom to part,leb liaDR boiwean her anil a mm ay iky,nvtly itnad, ns ODD at sen would ttUu'l |

Tu turn the hut, long look upon the landWhnso a?et-loveJ md fast receding iiliore,ffftu fading from tier sight foreTflrmore.

ler hnll-fnrgoltep book i> gpolleia white.Sine wliere ' t i i blotted with bar burning

No trace of wwda on any Dtge ippean—

'isho cannot be blgjudxe—abe wilt not writ*."

il la«*. Iho welcome day of redmoluii oame,On nhioli tbeir long auoouata tbey wero to

read,Add us tlie;balanced, provB ibe one to b lunt

For all the troubled dayn lhay yeL mlgbtload,

nliu's book WSB full or ovil deeds alio'd done,Fnge after page be counted, une by one;Tlien cam» tba wblipored word! DI ber ao

"Dear John, I I I T O H O faaltdo reidof you,Who are th« Idol o7 my IQTO aad lire I"

He tnoklierin hia slrong anna ttiere andtbno,

And wooed tier wonted irollei tn Ufa again,Ana thanknd tbe Lord who gate him lack ft


Fiiotimatlo Bell-tlaltiuA system of pDeamatio call bells nndiDtmciiitors tbat baa been in DBB for

same titaa in England has been rotseatljrmodifleJ and improved for ia trod action

ito America. I t conaiats eaaeotially o(smiill bellows, an air-tobe, tad a seooad

belli) we, I bat may t e used to strike s?ong-bell or control the dfala of an ao*

icciator. Xbe bellows, vrbloh is quitesmall and intended to ha operated byb;md, is closed by pressure of the floseron a pu ah-button, by polling a handle,ir b j pressing on a rubber bag thatforma tho tassel or rnd or * cord bangfrom tbo nail. The dosing of the bsl-

s sends an impulse of compressed airthrough a small tnbg, and causes a cir-cular bellows to expand. At (be end ofihis Liellowa faun upright rod Ibat moves

srgmeot of tnovea witb it, anil causestbe hummer of a gong-be)I to give a Beries<jf ni|jid Btrohes. Tlie bell "chatters "ike an eleolrio bell for a moment, tbe

pressure being removed, the riojougmechanism returos to its original posi-tion b ; iti off D weigbt, ' No clock-workor spring is rpqiahed, all tbe parts bqag

ilf-iotiug. The iorenttoD, in its pres-

ent contlition,»in dwellings, sjteambota.

ama likely to be of valuenil hotels, and OL board

Tbe Detroit ^Vw Prm reports thefollowing di«ciiKsmn of wotnun suffrageby tbe Lime-Kiln O!ub :

"The secretary annonqoed a letterfrom Annitpflite, I II , signed Thotnnaones, ufikiog fur tbe general opluion vt

tbe club on lbs Bubjeot ot woman'srightB. Brother Qurdner said that an

p y would be giveo all memberstii express opinionn, and tbe Kev, Pec-stock nrose and declared hia objectionsin a speech seven miautes long. SirIHBOU WulpoU aaid tliutif politicj cor-rnplerl men, it would aoat aortainlj dp.grude wDtnen. Trnutce Pullbuck saidtbat it ntimoTi could veto every office inthe country would be filled by men wbopart 'heir biiir on tbe centre line, J a gKuniffbud nUectled a saw ing aooletj towilnebs the elect ioa of A President, andhe bad Been every woman in tbat Bociolyvote for herself seventeen successiveimen. Picklei Smllh luougut tustwhen moihera of families would baretheir beads cropped and their ejebrowacolored in order to wear blonde wigs,the ballot wasn't exactly whot tbe femalesex wonted. Turions other membersdeolored their objections, and when dis

finally ce*sed, (be Presidemsaid i 'Dis clnb doe-, not furor de no

movement—not tt pres-mao Buffent. '"

Redheaded pereoQe, eapeoiallj tboaeof tbe female persnusion, are proven-hot tempered, pad by allowing this factto escape bis memory, Mr. William Jan'sen, of New York, came near being madean unfortunate corps" of. He was ap-pealed to by a yonng lady whn bad beendispnting witb another fair creature us


nbareupon tbe disappointed prodnred a

ponket-knifeaod proceeded to jab tbe

referee in eerera] places, but fortunately

failed to reuob a vital part. Sbe is now

in iftil, but it will be a chill? day *ben

Mr. Jansen agatn nnderttkea to notify a

woman that her hair it red,

to tbe co'or of the latter's bair.Jansen promptly decided that it I




It is safe to sny that DO messagesent by telegraph wuaof Hitch nationalInterest a tbe oae wUiob Mi. William E.EetlleB. tlieD tbe operator in tbe serviceof tbe Government nt the War Pepart-Meutat Wasbiogton, received from Kicli-mond on Hie morning of the 3d of April,1865. Mr. Kettles, then a mere boy o!16. but an expert telegraph operator, wai

tbe Portress Monroe and CitiPoint wire at Wusbingtoa. Bborttyfler 9^0 the Washington and Cberry

otoce operators were engaged on a lunglUGssage, wLen suddenly both men weretaken ab»ok by wliat seemed to be afoolish demand from Fortress Monroe" Turn down for Richmond, quick I'Sad a flash of lightning struck tbe wullsit that moment the shook could not

bare been greater than it was on thepart of every mas in tbat room.

Tbere was great nlaority in turning;down tbe adjuB'ment. There woretrembling flagera while it was beingdone, and there was a. gathering aroundf many operators with cunusily, sns-

poase and impatience combined to neohat it meant. Hare enough I the sig-

nals of the operator in Washington werehounding along tbe Ilao. Mo signal wasever answered more promptly. 1'lieu

me tlie question :" Do you get me well?"" I d o ; go uLeud,""All right. Here's the first message

lor four je ius ;BIOHUOND, TA., Apiil 3,18G5.

'Eon. B. M. Stanton, Becretury of Wur:We entered Richmond ul 8 o'clock

.his morning. '*G. WEIIZEL,"Iitigtidtet-Geoeml GommaudiaR,"

)fr. EetllfB concedes that he copiedLbe npessuge, bub he could nevor tell

He remembert) starliug up frombis cluir and apastting iukBland and in-strinoect, of kioVing over a tin Iliat catt tlie fire-place, in order to mako a

noise; of rusbing for Gen, Eckert'aroom, where Bat Pres. Lincoln and Mr,iober, (be Cipher Clerk, talking in a

ow tone. As Kettles was about to baod.lie message lo Mr. Tinker, tbe Presi-ent cungbfc sigt of tbe body words, aud

witb one motion and two etridea, toes-ige find President were oat ot siaUt on.he wny to Secretary Stnnion's room,

Mr, Tinker and everybody else wasdumbfoundec]. Kettles quietly returnedto bis iustmment, walking like ooe in alream ; proteeded mecbmioally to lornhe iakstand right Hide up, and tor.iigbteo up bis over-turned maobiue.

Then be sat down inliiscbairand atared.might before bim (a blank amazement.

Around him were tbe other operators,every man iilike flustered and uoable loget their minds back to tbeir work orto utter connected words.

In lessthnn one-quarter ot tbe time ittakes to write thlx tbe operating room

s tilled witb officers and Bnb-offlcers,President Lincoln and Hecretary Stantan

me in end shook bands will] every onea the room, and tben every one io tbfi

room shook bunds with one anotbBr,and then with the President and Secre-

again. Then tbey all crowdedtronod tlie Fortress Monroe instrument,auogry lent newB. Settles Ent at bis in-strument while questions were eboweredn on bim from every mouth. Ho wns

asked more quentions in thoso ton min-ute 8 iiian he will bo Hkoly to be everiaked again io tbat apace of lime. Atlast, tbe information came that Richmondbad disconnected itself for tba present,

ll retired to I?BD. Eoltert's room exceptMr. Tinker and Kettles, who stood bvbe window endeavoring to hear them-

selves think. Neither ba3 drawn a per-ceptible breath for teo minutes, Ont-

e were tbe brnad grounds of the de-partment buildings. Looking from tlieoperating room nindow tbe prospect was

lear; not a single person was to baseen. Suddenly a Georgetown horae-

,r appeared in the distance. Oa itcame at the uanal rate. Near tbe build*ng it Mopped. A man got off and:arled witb slow, leisurely stops up theenter walk lo tba door- Iuuide tbe op-

erating-room the thrilled operator* look-qg out OD his Flow, steady pace, and

could scarcely oontoin tnemoelvesat bisQConcern. He was meditating, actu*

illy meditating -as luongli there WBBng to throw off bla ual lot nud

cbeer till be was himrae. Keeping onbe presently lifted his bead and lookedat tbe window. Tinker was there aodnew bim,"Any neffB?"na caasually inquired.Tinker leaned far out ot the window;

" Bicbmond'a fallen 1" be anid,tongue can describe Ibo features of

thut UAH while he was coming to him-self. He turned red and white by tarns,till suddenly realizing tba meaning ofIhe words, be waved bis arms thentnroed and ran. Down tbe street tierun, spreading the news ta ever; one hamet. Soou there wis a great crowd,Tbe excitement ruse. The neopleseemed almost wild. The War Depart-ment was SOOQ besoiged. Outside was a

Hi IHBICIB weie noMeft otELcera,clerks, operators, and an excited Presi-dent. Tbe outsiders looked in at tbe in-iders, and the insiders looked out at tbe

outsiders. Questions came hot and fastfrom tbo multitude, and answers weroBboated back from every man wbo couldget hia bend to one of tbe two windowB.Tbe crowd got the news fairly in itstniud, and seemed to want three cheers.The three became fear. Then tbty

'anted epeccbes, They got them.Half a dozen speeches were under wayio Ius3 tbnn that miiay minutes. Somewere goad ones. Andrew Joan&outhere. He was saying: " God blosa tlieold flag. If I was President of tbe Uni-ted States "—

At this point something exciting oc-curred. Secretary Stanton entered tbiupernt ing-room leaning on Gen. Eckert'sarm. Gen. Eokert pointed oat tothe boy who had received the message.Tbey were formerly in trod used. Xbenext moment Kettles found bimsulfseized by tho SeoreUry and held at arm'slength oat of tbe window nbora thorowd. The Secretary called to tbcrowd that this was tbs young man. wb.<jbad received the dispatch of the fall ofRichmond. The crowd wanted a speechfrom bim. Kettles gave-them a i e e bin a few words appropriate andia a few worda, appropriate and poiated,for be was in tlie humor.

Then followed other scenes, l i r e ta-ginea were brotiRht out—anythinmake a noise. ID the emniDfrtbe _ . vv u a b l n e with illnmlontionB. Eettlet,wbo if. now an operator in Boglon, a mbe can aerer forget bow Father Abra-ham lUrtea fox Seoretarj Blanton'i doortfler reaeiviDB the dlspitoh—bop, skip,and Jump, •uoutlug, " O l e u t h o track;"—PhUadiiphia Ifwut,



The tariff diseassioii voa opened Intie Senate on Tiiesdsy of last werik byMr. Morrtll, Republican of Termout,wbo catleil up ln» bill tax tbe appoint-meutof acommiwion to invastfeats thequestion of turifl and internal revenuelaws. In tbe course of the able o-ud ia-eresting argument l>e made, which he

began at 12:C0, lie said that en eolarga-meot of the free tifit, essential reductions,and readjustment of rateB are to be fullyconsidered acd some errors of conflictingcodifications eorrecled, Vfs C-B expectno further examples of receipts exceed-iDg tbe estimates by nearly $190,000,000,tor of cipecditarcB fulling abort of 8290-

000,000,. Oar normal condition, modi-fied by Rational growtu, moat be resum-ed.

Tbe policy among ancient nationali-ties was to nceamnliLte large sums in re-serve for oouquert or defence. Thus,when war arose, no new taxes were im-posed, bat money was paid ont so plan-teously tbat every borne industry wsaanimated end mode more profitable. Wemay deplore the fact tlmt tbe victors of-sn plundered and even enslaved tbeooqitered ; yet the financial economy'Inch provided in advance for great om-

ergcuoiea mast bo commended, and itpresents a alrikiag contrast ta tlia policyf leading nations in modern times,

wbicli seems to be to create colossalNational debts, to mortgage future rev-nues, and pledge the honor of posterity

to be responsible for both tbe necessitiesuni3 ucbotmiled prodigalities of theirncestors. A public debt inoreases the

cost of living and tbe obligation to payf ten loses vitality anti becomes decrepit-ill age,

Since thoeraofPreaidentJaoksonourpopulation has mare than trebled and

io wealth of tbe nation is many, manyiniuB grenter ; but tbe future Presidentwbo may have the eminent fortune toiu a ounce to tbo Atnericaa people that"all tbe remains uf the public debt have

en redeemed" will mark an epoch, andmli a day will be OQCO mote celebratedi a Nutional jubilee.Mr. Murritl then proceeded to show

iat free trade wfcfl not the creed of oarfathers; (hat Hamilton, Jefferson, G&l-lioua, Monroe, Jackson, Olay and Madi-ann all favored proteo.ion to home man-facturers. "Later we have endnred

eeasoiia of inBtability. bat oar nearestapproaches to free trade have been sea-ons of National disaster, strewn with

the wrecks of a general ruin, ns were the'87 '47, and '5T, and the farther we

ave -eceded from free trade, the betterlas labor fared and the greater hat beenlie material, and, I do not hesitate toiy, tbo educational advancement of

Ihe country. Free trade witb foreignl affords no buoyancy to life at

lome, butHkB a patept )He preserverrrougly adjusted would pat our headsuder water and laeela uppermaBt."Referring to the Morrill tariff lav of

1881, the speakor declared it to bo as anaucUl measure an unprecedented suc-

cess la spile of its supposed pntronimi*cal inonmurance; in wool alone it hasecond 9189,159,676 in 1871, against153,107,511 in 1760, and our total trade, 'ixporta and imports, in I860 appears totre ripumlo 1 in 1BB0 ta 81,613,770,633,itb gram! excess of exports in our favor

nf ®lG7,G33,gi2, aud nu excesa in 1881 of259,72G,254, whilo it WHS $20,010,061

aguinst UBJL 1800. A great roduotion oftbe National debt hns followed, and tha

tercsl charge fu I ten from $143,781-191 in 1667 to about $00,500,000 at theresent lime. Ot wheat, corn and c*U

there was produced 1,183,540,849bushelsin 1860, but in 1880tlio crop had swelledo 2,022,200,039 ; in lflBO we made 987,-

659 tona of pig iron to 4,295,414 tons in880 ; and of railroad iron the increase

from 235.107 tons to 1,4€ 1,837 tona.Ia twenty years tba production of sailrose from 12,717,200 bushels to 29,800,-S93 bushels. No BreviooB cotton cropequalled the 1801.000 bales of I860;but tho crop of 1860 is larger, and tbat

f 1831 is reported at 6,606,000 bales.Tbe giant water wheels have involvedmore briskly, showing tbe zaatrafaotaref 1,797,000 bales of cotton in 1880

agaiast only 979,009 bales in,1860, andbrouRbt up the price of raw cotton

:o higher figures tban in I860."The speaker declared that oar tariff

bicldoil na in 1873, when tbo fioanflialstorm struck u s ; that free trade pros-perity was on' tbe wane. He paid bisrespects at length to tbe tree trade prop-

gandiits of England, showing tbe fallacyof tbeir own arguments, and bow thateoumtry has steadily deteriorated sineathe adoption of free trade iu 1886, ind

toofBrilUU ngrioultaw, longdepressed and chronically exposed tobad harvests, ia now threatened withrum by foreign competition." :

"Free trade, BB a theory," he said,appearssimple and seductive. Tear*'

ing down custom houses as o knock-down argameot, is held to bo Boisntifio,bat is not oonolasiro, Howover, freetrade comes to America, it comes as atrait jacket, and whether new or second'

hand, it ia equally a misfit and onaocep-table,"

Tbe Bpcaker in closing took occasionto BUOW the discfimioaUoti ot Britishfree trade, and that all its colonies, Inata<alone ercepted, have riiten in revoltgainst therigorons exactions imposed.'

His peroration beamed with fit illaatra*tiona of tbe dangers ibat menaced Amer-ican pgriQultarat and meolianical pur-suits by tbe introdnotlou of free trade,.aod declared that there i s not a Statewhose interests would not be jeopar-

Bus KHEW I T . — A S the Taoiflo ezpreutrain tras coming out on the CeDtral1

Road readied Ana Arbor tlie other day.there were many to get off aud on, andthere was MIB nsaal hnrrj and confusion. -Among those getting aboard WBS a littleold noman nbout Eiity years old, whoaecarcd the auut&naa of tbe bnk«m&a.and drew herself up the step of the!smoking car.

; Tlria way, madam—tois nay/ 'c i l ledthe official as she laid her hand oa thefloor ot the sookiDg car; bnt abe paidno stteation to him, he oootinaed >

'' Hold on, madain—that ia tha amok- •lag car."

Wall, don't yon s'pow I've traYolod

enoafih to know that V ihe queried, u

ihe whirled around. " I gnou i know'

when to go whea I want to nooks 1"

Ana she entered and set down, filled

her old clay pipe, lonoired V ]..,

was aoon unOlng away in tho |


THE IRON ERAChe Dover Printing Company,

Sitnrtlay, Dec. 17, 1881.

Board of Freeholder...Jlii? Dpcr-iulwr mootiJiR wan LuM in tlir

Cnuitv Hall, Horriitowii, Wednesday, witJiallili<'- memtore prcBuut.

Tin; minutes of tlio laflt moating wcra resdami fl]>uruvoil,

A tar«t number of liHUwore ordered paid.Tin> rnluawcw siispuinied to bear * iicpuU-

titmt'Kwni frum ttiu Ui>nU Couutj Ohailtlc*Ai<\ Asmtfiatioii.

Sir. Gfo. Walker Jenkian said Hie tlcptitatlctiwt'ir (ipiiointtii) a commttttio of tlio Morris


THE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE.According to announcement tbe U'ftclwni

of Morris County assembled at tbo DoverPublic School building on Monday, A, M.,Dec. l'-tb. By niao o'clock tliare was a

assemblage, and tbo arrivinKi brought continual acct&iuous, until

tlio hour of ton found nearly every Beat iutie comfortable and spacious assemblyroom filled with an Intelligent, fducattd andexpectant audience.

According to tbe pre-arranged programmeProf. Iieigex, of Lancaster, Pa., was to

occupiedUHJ morning hours; but thehour of 10:15 having arrived and Prof.Heigos cotbaritigiirrived, the County Bu-

ult'Dt suggested tbe jWHtjioniiof tbe regular organization of Iho Instituteuntil nfttir tho dinner hour—tbe teaclic

Ueuess ended. Prof. Hcig'.a roMimpd tlieconBiderationoflilM formuln, (tfuan above)and ite furtuer application to tbe sola .ionof problems iu uiechauicH. He also dowirib-ed cheap nud simple inrtboda of construct-iug [ippimitua to illustrate concretely thelaws of tbo six ineobnnia.1 powers, Variousproblems were wived by tbin nituple for-tnulft. Tbo process of oonvertiaa a pill• * _ , , 1 . . * . - • _ _ . _ , . . _ . . J ....In

nly ClilEtlton'tt Homo, to mil f<of tbe children now at Iho Tour Huuae Ui iiiHtitutirn. Ho reid the enaotmunt an -riziuR such transfor of til clilMi^ . idof t l i rco and riitfien yo»M,wd tin-nn-nt cif $1.60 par n-tich for Ibe support ofli. Wliun tliifl act was pawed tl*«ro WHB IWritalile iiutitutionof thokindln tho county,

ns voar n unriutj bus been formed which lift*iti-il aiirninrty of twotity-Bvo acre* at Var-ilia»j,plHiaatlj Incatri, ivitli commodiousiliiiiign, fur the icouramoiUti f tl

devote tho interim to a Intercourse) aud

iliould s ouly correct orthography.B agiiiu nuiiotuicud.d Pf Hi


box andwon described


ocess of oouvertiag pr bor into a vtiecl aud axlend priKluced much

iuUinetliod Of ttuubl

ribed and priKluced much vHfi elased by exhibiting tlio host

f t b l ' tlio great law tb»ter and tinio can only be gained atother's eipiHiso.

TVm'ki KVESIKO LECTUBE.Tlio events of the (In;

OBITUARY,_ record to day tbe dealt of Hon. j

Joshua Doughty, which occurred at liis resi-dence in tiomorville, N. J.. on Sunday 11thinat., of paralysis, in his fcUil jcar, liavingbeen born neiu Long Hill, Horns Co., Feb-ruary 2fith, 1709. At tho ogo of 18 he lehie homo to Bt.jpv.-c- in tho diy goods buai-neiw iu New YOIA'City. Upon rencbing MMmajority bo went into bntiincHt. in Uabite-Alo., and nfter throo years engaged in biisi,nem fur himself it Appaliichicola, Fin.wlioro lio sold tho first goodn ever offers'for Hnloin thnt, nioflt nf tho inhabitimtR nt thnt time being Iudians.

In 183G be relumed to New Jersey ancbought a Hue farm in Soniervillo, and his

' in ono of tha oldest lundtunrks inUiBtlfty worn fltUtifjly crown New Jeiwy. having boon built in 1757

(1 by Superintendent Apgitr'a lecture of Ihe brick imported from nnllnnd, ujion wbicl*- - —'itled, ' Turin, Tbe lleftutiful. ho nindo imndHomo improvements. HJ

rliililron. Tbor propose U> «»r ami educatethem, and provide th"ni wttii goad boomswbrn the? beecmio of tnlfoble (.go. All theyBHkBil wni thn (mnsfuror tboso children, wulUjr'iiiiimipriallrinoftl.Weftcbporwfekalluw*vd by law. which should boffrttitftd, a* it co*t«froinU iiO to 11.70 otch per week for ]>rovin-

nlono forticMcbUdriinitlhe _Tiny would need 12,500 to carry tlieiuthrniifflithe first jfur.wliicli would boobtaincd withoutoutside solicitation, t500 of tlio amount havinglei-u already stibeirrlbeil. They expected to.,|..n tlio ilo'mn tho second ffock in Jannsry•nil a* tlie Dowd would not moot agtin bofurothat timo tlioy nuked for tlio tra.ii.ror now.

Director South warmly cotnmended tbe \no-poscil action.

Mr. M»llicr offered a resolution ordering thetransfer of tho children, and directing tlit-pavment of (1.50 per week for tbo board, nuto -teiuiiro *atl education of ouch, uliicb naiaikjitedliy a unMiiuiuun

The Cumnittco nn accidents reported theyliod «>oiii,tr<ifi»M-(l Hir f25 s claim of Chlm. E.Bnll] for injuries luatalnod by tho br<down uf & bridge neat MorriBtown.

Mr. llriltiu speko of a resolution puiodlflKi Jnnu directing Frechnlileri to report b«-fun-Jan, 1st tlic number <»f mldiers1 graven toivnshijis nitlinut lit add to nun. Hit hadr<.mi<I four in ClmUiain township—twnuftrbonhml .li-.l by nrtfent antl two DBtnnllr>

Sir. HnpkiiiH cxprowoda wioli to ha-o ibrnmnl meet on tlie 1'mid KridgD ot lloontontThe Director Btiitttl tbat tlie Hoard wouldtluri- nt tbe tail or tlie Ohnirman or tliu (

Tim resolution reforrinu to soldiers' Ii«tran;9 was read aRftin, wliuii It was foondfiriU>rv upon tbo Frcelwltlew *« emst Iicswl-dtoticii over tliu graves only ol aoWleritlji'il in tho wit,

Tlie Hoard nd|onrned.

i viewing the town.At 2 P. &. proceedings began by the elei

on of the following officers : T. P. Mot11. It. King, B^retarien; ? . £ . Dem»-

<t nnd N. S. Van Duyno, committee onrcHolutiouH, Tlio roll cull of teachers was

i by calling the numbers of their noboalirta There are 107 school districts in

.he county.

Organization being effected, tho Countyfiuporiutfindent introduced Prof. Ifoiges,who ftrrlvcd after tbo nioniinR adjoiiru-

. Ho is a man of strouR pliynical nndtnentfllualibrr>, e, little part tbo mcridinu of

well used in physical and mf-ntal Mi-ence, and with thirty-two yean uiporionce

The Dog Tax QueBtion.EDITOHInosEn*: Acomrinuicationinyon!

ianuu orDec.lOlh Trnm "Citizen" on the dup1st contains so many inaccnracicB as to cullJnr currtrtion. Ill tlio fint plnco lie aHBcrtnthnl tliero are iOOdogs in tlio townsliip, As-n w r roller's offlefol IM coctniiis but 33".

Alfalu ho nays UioroiionlytiOO aheop dura.sciK.wbcreai the trua amount 1B (4B5, cicln-

Hive of the coats of isaoisfDg and mtkiug outami pouting up lists of dogs and tboir owner*,nii(] tbo coIIeclcr'B fcfB and tbo usual poreent-

ange for IOIB in ci»llcctinff. Theso itetna beingaitdml to the bill for damage make a total onlymtew dollars IOBB ilinu tho taxlovy.w neartliat donbta ara outortaioed if tho amount ro-ftlizi d from tlie iai will pay the bilU in full.t>(, tnncli ior tbo v queer tlgiireing."


qseeniBtoiloiiliI if anywhere near

liolontimbor ordogBuaa bran found byf i i d

tliewliolontimr gAt Bt»8Qr Potter. Of tliiauo proof is prcnoniodTliu Imtfi of dogn anil tbeir owners, posted u|in live pnblio plncta ID the township soon aftctthe aBBeifiniont was made, ga.*o to 0TCW " c i t '

t l o g to tho notice olriticR eny t i g hieb hail escaped

iKBcwmcnt auil to liavo hail tlioni added to Ibelist. Ev«incw"Citi«"»"na8aocMi to theanBtBBor'fl t a i list In tbo liantls of CollectorMunBon.Rufl if he flndfl tbit a,ny owuora oldogs bavB wilirnlly ncglocted or refund to rn-jmrt such IIORB (O tbo AaBWsor It will at One*

1h d t f Collector MnnBon on pro

en upi»riioitr to ttfitlinriticR eny tiogB

jmrt s u h Rbcomw 1hn dntj of Collector MnnBon o|1(.lng fainlilud bin to institute suit



|1(.lng fainlilud bin toeach offemten and collect tlio flue Imposed byUw to added bo to t_Lo amount of dps Us. The,coals of wit bavo.aUp to bo paid I ty^e o f f c u '

AKalh"'"dittiwi11 'broadly'littnuloi thatthen ««B not the amonnt of iKmiffo doiw

ren"'h*n a light to, know tlirt no!damage is allowed nnlcen accpraimDied by tli<ox()i« of two diBiiitcrested. respeotablo"true-iioldfirs "add Ihboffncr of Ibo'abfccp, BO tti»tt l i rn pmooBmuBt conimUl perjury befowfrniKlnlent cliftn mn t*n and i{ inrcitiicnillciiU upon ToTfn OJcrk UdicbattlieBtlcklEoHBO Jio will Uoahnwa. & list of tbo claimant^Jor ilircj- diinigci »f,Drffblcli I dbnot boltoto irlll evm iiiliiri'nle1 tfa'at'ituf of them woiil

wmiinftperJnryforthoBmmiiittlaimea. 'I would i l ? in eoholuBion that .tbo only mi

KM "dtiH'D"|coiio lf«v Eheopia.Qtr tnnnibipi>q well fltlwl for eheep^ntbrniciry la bo-csnEo of tbfs pHtordogipukinir tlie burin"'-i couBfani'source of aniilety a i d loll.'

City."Tiio l«t!turer began wayiua thnt tho firstmention which we have of Farm occurs inCnener'H Coinmeutariea, whore it \* relerrpdto IU it ccllectinu of mud huta. From thispoint it* hiitory wusrnpidlv ukotcltoti downto tho time of tho firwt Napoleon, underwhose skillful touch it began to iwnuniBtlistcbiiracterof cli'aiillnPriH.bcftutyntid ele-[iince, and thnxo projiortions of grftudanrriiifU clinrncterizeii it to-day. A large mapit HIP city wan thrown upon the ucroon, anditeriniiticon vinwn of the most foinatiK plncofi,vem nlso Ibun exhibited. Buiing theoo ei-liitiitioiiB, bixtorlcnl associnlious were brieflytouched upon, and the lucid exphwvtiouHwhioh wire given altput tbe Industry audscholarly r<wnroh of tho lecturerduriug bis

Btnum Iu "Tho Heautiful City."The tmiiie of Napoleon neemn to bo in-

ol>ted with all tlmt coustttuteH

in teaching. Ho began with the proposi-tion tlmt tlio true and cnturtl niathod ofleaching cbiMron is, to liosin with tho oh-jootivp ami end with tho subjectiva—tbotrannitiou from tho forinor to the latter

abed to bo gradual. -Tho propositionIN supported fn ftvnrietyof ways, dhowing

that (ilitldrenac(|uiro neaily all tboir knowl-edge from external objeota through tbomedium of tho HBIIHOB. HO would discoumgothe inure memorizing of formal dnfiuitlonsand pursue a course calculated to dovolopthouglit, Ho claimed thnt muoli ktiowl-odfio [H taught In our HOIIOOH nn tho pfanof mental (tovpfopnxmt, (tint will never bo

• would ]iursue

sepiiriljlyIbo fintortaiuineut apprnpn-

terminated with a ropreneutotioD ofParis.

hid ''tftst Mourn at 8t. Ilelonn.Uunlmttxl interest wan munifeatod in tho

the p d i t t W ddma Hp-, at tho iustitute on WoducB-tlav. Tho tbrtmteuiug aspect of Iho wonth-

proino d no porcepliblo diminution inQ attendance of ti'nchora. The prolmi]-

oe»consisted in reading tho twontpalm, by Uev. J. Oljde, and

tbo attinary

tilt largely upon flluiu Htreot, and ii_ labliubed a large Htoro, doing a genera]mfrciniile bnunosH.

He orgnuized mid boenme Prexi'lontthfl Somersflt County Bank iu 1818 t_heli that nosition for 2(1 years. He vuI'rettldentnf tho Uaritan Water Power Co.,.nd a Urge stochholdur in tho Ceutrnl It. K,rfN.J.

Iu pnliticg, Mr, Dmigbty wns a HtunncDaraocrat nnd in ISfV) wnn oae at the dcl<

to tbo Deraocrtitin National ConventiintGhnileston.S.G, Hu wan elected HlatKcnntor for Soraersol County, iu 1BC3, bylInrgoxt mitjority ever given to n the County, and WHK known to tbo jiecp!o of the Comity nud Stits n& a manHound principle, corroct Jidbita and Bbiutegrity in nil tho relations of life.

Mr. Doughty wan tbe eldest brotherHna.E. S. Sougbty, present Hanator-oloct nr Sniaerriot County, nnd also of MrAcnes JnclfBon, tho vencrnblo mothoiour towoHmnn, EL E. Jaakson, ESIJ., aDr. J. W.~'JudfEoii, of ItTokawiy. 1leaven a large and himdsomn estito to tlwidow nnd two sons nnd Six dMiBbterti-the» linving bflennnbrenkin hismarriogilifn of 47ycnr« until ho WAH taken away.

Among tlia Inrgo min ber of prominentman who attended the fun oral we noticedGov. Lu'llow, Attorney General Slo

tlo mbjeot of school finance, It w» sbitedthat Now Jorspy niailo Ibo mOHt libera


State (ipprojiriHtion Upanes of u>iy stnto iu tbi


utiliml in nfUr life. H>vhiob would socum njually as pupilntnl (iGvolnpnient. and at tbo sanio Sup

lime itnpurt knowlodfio of n character HO I'rof.eminently practical that it will ba of use all gey vtho way along the Journey of life. , 1 ti-tu

Hift illustration of wh'it is practical ~~

miles tin) iniioid b

edueitiounl pu:Union. Tlio tai

linlf mills on tbiin th<> xchool I

nf ths Bcbool fund to bai tI)y railing noortntu ftuiouut per

'hiitli at proHont io four dollars,rintondont ApRiir was followotl bli'iaca, wbo coTitraHted tho Now Jei,li tbo Penn«ylvnnia ednontianal (iyn-

mu»* to tho tdrantAffe of tbo furraer.l'unnHylTaiiia nutthnd oF BrantiuB ««"

IWIMIRC, drawn from Uio great law of {tiliuiten wns sovercly oritiuiaod-Uiose so-;pnnnionby k-utand uontrw'tion by ab-; vcru r<"»triotlous which oharnctunaotho Hi

Kence of hent, wm apt unit to tho point.' Jerney hv-v tn tbis matter, beiug uiuob tWflti r, m tn thn Inn of contraction, unittj? j pnrii>r.Ihe Rolitiiry <?xcc>ptiou to tiiifl otliorwisc all-! Lwing Hi is topic, tlio aubjoot of objoot

' ' " ; and tho c^utomplitlna of I Imchlnu wMn«iln taknti np. How "the t!oiiH€(|uenee« wliich luiiat enNiio but fortbis exception, bo would bold up to hit*pii|)ilnH(i nn Illustration of tbe goodnesttandwiMlmn of God, lie tenches Mich truths be-IWIBO they aro, nnd alwava will be. imeful.F.von arithmetic should bo taught by ob-juotfl, bconuHo ohjocti loud to Us production.To flhnw bow obeaply nppamtim can bo pro-ducttd for object tenching, ho donoribod indetniltlie proeowof coverting nn old fllntcfrnmofntonn nbacuxby lnonnHof a gimlet,

few red and white beans, and n piece oforJ. Prof. Utipes concluded with a Hliort

illustmtioii showing how rapid nnd acouratoaddition nifiy be aocomplUhed by montoringtho forty.flv6combinntionB£tha sum of thediBitfl)beginingwitlil.

Vrof. Joocnot, a very pleasant kinking,etdurly man, was iioit introduceil. IIo bo-RBU by Raying that a workman ought to un-dorotund the nature of the materials uponwbiuli be works. A carpenter should bo no-c{iiainted wi!h tbe nature of wood, a bUcb-umitb, the nnture of iron. A. Ifaohrr Bhoulduuderetand the nature of mind, tbe muter-inl vpon wliicb ho works, Children should

o the tools of knowledge in order to learnthe nature of the tools. To learn the na-

i of ail ax out, of a scythe mow.Knowledge, liko food, to bo of any use,niutjt bo assimilated. Several canen of ar-rested mental development seemed to show

liif. wftsngin piixl tMi ininuto ol.jactivo le

' t l d li H i -

thnt some kiudi of knowledge iiy belaquiral in childhood. Tlie oonorelo or ob-jective method If bost for primary nohools.Some tbingocan bo taught InstAnUy by ob-ects when words produce no impression.^irst study tho objects themselves, then the

forces by which they aro governed. Prof.Joasnet illustrated nig principles in variouswnya—hia entire leotnre Rning to Hhow th ~

iiportnnce of pursuing tho objective meth-od nnd of properly clarifying miacollauo-ous knowledge.

Mr. W. J. Callon, of Mine Hill, noited1

"The Outcast" with BO muob pathos andsucli RppropriaU oipreBBion that it waa re>eeivedwith l ' :• - •ith npplftnaa

HwR»i then resumed tho flubjeot orby objeeto H b d d f i i t i

! g b t l ) s e ix He aettractlw ofslieep-bydogs.

•• • • JLAJOH«WCIIT«HIJJW,, ,Oliairman TowneliJp Comnilttefl.'

Common Council Proceedings.Tho December .meotinp of lh« Common

Conucil yin held on Monday, cvculnff. Vm-cut— Mnyor Bkliardr,' AWcrmsn 'Seatli,1 amiCanmilmin'CclUnl, Hafthbnio, Nmltb amiLewh.' TlioininuUioMhfllMtlu«read and approwd. • :

A petition from J, L, Erovn, ilatton agentor tlio Central Uf Uroad, . iw. read, aRking iwr-miKniontoeicctalamp oil SU'BBCI Btrobt.op-

posite tlia platform of thB Central depot,(jrautctl. ' ' • ••

•Marshal KelJoy wpwlrf one axmt andllririy tnropfl sccoinmodntect fltU lodginr

durinj; December.rolico Jmtlce GBRO reported t7 collected i

flue*. Both reports worn tocrptoit.Lilts a* follows worn ordered paid: MaralM

Killoy, *50; Janitor Corcoran, HO; W., m.42', Fwd. A. Oinficld, (12.20; MnrripCnunty Machine and Iron Co., 112.20; Corpo-ntion' pay roll ,for NoTember, t».TO; J . J.Vrtvclindt (3-051D- Woller, for Btcaracr Com-

pany, 18.

Upon motion It iraa rnolvml to change thoname of Uofltatn itrcet \o Dnlon street, amiElizatxith street to Moreer itreet, so as toctrry ont tha original dDiign of iam!aK thecrosi ilrceti after the eotmtiei. These aretbe two atreeti neit below Bergen.

Upon motion it was wiolwd that tlia D., L.k'Yf. R. H. Co., ltiseu'of tho MtttrlaJt FnexIlsilroail, bo dirocted to place ft flagman uponthe cronlng wliare tbo Morrlilown roadoroasE-i tbe t rad i ,a t t l i ipo in tof the tnoun-talu, nsar tlio residence of ilobert F . Or»m,Hud that tbeMarihnl (erre » eerliBod aopy ortha retolution on the said railroad company.

A irapplemont to an •rdinsnee respoetinB, wbith 1B pnblnbed eltonhcro, wi\

teachlDR by objeoto. Hubs and ^definitionsho would rtserTO for advanced instruction.In reply to n queBtfon hi) sai'li "Iristnio-lirm tibould begin wtere (hn child's knowl-eilge ends.", An eiplwutioii pf a pbeap proT;«BS of constructing nppnnituufpr the pur-

r| ieof iltnatmtlner the different'conditionsi which matter may exist—os the solid,liquid and gasoouB state, and (ho,which avbfitances may ba converted fromriufinlDteintounntber, was very interesting.KB closed thin seoond lecturo by touchingupon tlio fourth condition of awttor-'llieotaorinl—n problem whioh ia boing kveiftl-gnted by'meh of science, both fn this coun-try and Europe, • . . ' . • . . . . . . .

MiasRluyloek failiujrtoputinnnappejir-nnce, Prof, neiges gave n teotuts on the"Appntent Absumih'es of Nature'," showingthat wbab appeantd to be-parndoxiDftl wasBtraplo manifestations of tbe goodnesx amwisdom of the Creator, and that Natureindices no mistakes. He nho spoke of the«nu ns helag tlie graat source of light andheat, and toll how to,separate i tsmyaIntoits light and benrt giving ones.

Ho confidently ' redlcten" thatshould won bo alile to' > tnke' thosetlmt.nro light giviag and to bo nblo. to iitil-.J7.o them in lighting our dwellings. Thewhole teture was &cJorittB<i nod Boliolnrlyand wftBliBtened to -with rapt attention.

,, , ., TDEBDAT..Prof. Jonnnot was the first speaker. Ho

would distlnEfniHh between leBSonlng andperceptive prooeBees in teaching arithmeticto primiry pupils, AVe know that 2 andH makes 5 by pereoption and not by reason-ing. Teaching tbo four fundameUtiil prin-oinleH of orithmbtioin somhihation -ma sag-gedied 03 an .improvement upon tho.pra-vailing method. Teach tho ohildron to outgeometrio Sciiresfroui paper'; tils will bothe best possible Introduction tn geometry.

U 1 J L c ' l i n i ' n a v , 1 4 , ^ i i j j i . u i i n / u ' " w « . | ' n ' •

coDomtiily the nil forms of adliexion, thodivisibililv <>f matter, papillary attraction,impenetrability, and, In foot, all tbo proper-ties of mutter, was HO dearly elucidatedtliattho inti'rant of every teaobor piemnwas thnroiifihly arousad.

After a recitation by Mr. W. J. Onllon, oMinn Hill, eutiUwI "CBMWOII of Spring.field," reoiiBH was anuouueod.

After rooosi «omo excollent mus'0 wiurondur'd followed by n lecture on laQtuonof teaoliinR history, by llev. Mr. Clyde. *nearly tin could bo inforrcd, the metbmlBiHts in Hoieoliiig tjomo prominent hlstor calolaracter as a UUCIBUB around which, togroup dates and uvimls. In other wordi—hlstorv may IM liiught by biogmpliy.

It being tho design of the innnn«ers oftbo institute to bronk up nt nn onrly hour,so that (lio teaahaH liit Ut ilopait for homoby the P. H. train, the nftoruoon seasionbegan a hour earlier tbnn usual. Front1 to 1:'J() wita eptnt Iu the usual iutrodae-tory oxorcises.Prof. Fleiges a(j»iu Decupled tho platform—

tho npplnuso with wbiub he wiw greotod, iu-ciicatiiift tho papular it y wliiob ho hasaohiovfd. Hfl began ty explaining how,for ths Hum of ton cunts, an apparatus canba constructed, denigned to prove tt)at uouudIs pro lueod by vibmtioiis. From the sulject of vibrntions m oouueited with souunnd light, he pas.4ed to the consideration oftho physioal laws of attraction nud topttllien and nxplntncd how a riniplo oontriv.inoe wlU sorvo bi illustrnto thoso truths.Next cnmQ a consideration of the law wbiabunderlias gnlvnnio eloatricily, and of a cop-per wire, a Btrlp of zino and a dinoDihoweledfrog, its truth can be visibly demouBtrated.Prof. Heigea closed with a fow partingwords of encouragement to tenchont, tu-mindiug thorn of their groat refiponslbilt-ties, and the sweet and comforting hone ofultimata Toward in tho "Bright Beyond." :

Next, Mr. W. J. Oallan wu called,upontorppitii "SbniuuB O'Driun," no Irish poaiawbiuh ho rendered with flne'effeot,

; County Snpcrinlencient Thnrber innda tho•losing remarks, nrgirig tUs tencUeta tomnke praotienl application of tho knowl-edge wlifoh may havo ileea gained bj1 al-tendingtfaeiniititate. Ho then nnnoiinooi).Us adjournmeat BINE D'.G and the threednya "faoet of intellect and. fiov of BOUI"ens ended.

Tim following resolutions wore ndoptaduQforoadJMirmnent,:,, , , . . . . •'VttEnEAs, We, tbo.teaohers pf Morris Coun-

ty, convoued nt thn1 call of our cBliniable' County SiiperintendBnt, hare been ngne-ftbly.dQtortttiued! and laro received pne*cal imfornmtion which will be of muoli

'berientto'iiB'inoHr wbrk, and'KH, Tho people of i Dover, through', p

.their .trusteoft,h

, g,'extended .to us the

id d

pOOUDCII tdjoarnsd.

The perception of number and form oughtto be cultivated. AB to , technical terms—achild will remember long, hnrd words Mwell as Bhort, ea«y ones, if familiar with theobject which tho word represents. Howould toy the foimdnlion of the variousfloiences in tho pfiinnry department. Herofollowed an ItitRnwting description of a plnnnf Kuccossfully teaching physiology to chil-dren.

Attar recess Prof. IleigeH explained hisplnn of conducting A reoitation in color byobject niithods. He would develop a cor-rect idea of whnt h , primary—nnd so leadup to tho tbreo primary colors—rod. yellowand blue. Thin would naturally lead to thasubject of the [ornution of secondary ool-ong, as (bat yellow and blua mnke greenand yellow and red make orange, Ao, Thiswonld lend to tbe Bubjt-ct of tintannd nliadesnnd onwnrd to complementary colors andlaw of task. He concluded by desoribiog asimple object method of teaching the law ofcomplementary colors to children. <

Mr, W, J. CaUen.of Mice Hill, next, re-cited "The Death of Marmion," by Sir Wri-ter Scott Thii wot well rendered and rd-'eei»ed BpflaaBe. ' • • • • • , ,

Prof. •Jobannot followed, illtutnttlng thedescriptive and comparative, methods.. Hewould have different animals examined anadeBcribrf aodcotnptred with won other;1'IfMusible, he would have the animal brought,Into the school room. Ha wquld, occasion-ally have a cat brought into school.' Hewould compare a K^BO with tf hen. " ' • • • • •

Tb« P. U. «e«ion wns opensd by Hinging"My Country 'HB of Thee," which develop^

use of their school building, andftnttiV'thrttigb tlie klnanss,, of tliostevnrdo of the 1st M. B. Church ws have,beoa nllowed the frea use of their build-ing. Therefore, be itItEBOiYED. Thnt M nil these

we rotnrh our uiuoere tbaoks, and, there-forebeit,; , ., \ •

HESOLTEO, That we tender OUT thanfoj ._onr worthy State Superintendent, Prof:Apgar, for bin Instructive and intertniuinglecture onPnris,.&nd for the eminent in-structors sent to us, and bo ft

RKBOLVED, Thnt onr thftubt are also diietoMr. W: f. Callan for bis pleasing reeita-tions .so admirably rendered.


Ancthar Handioma Brick BuildingTlio DoverLnmter Oompanj, at a mcttiag

on Ttwidiy evening, parchABcd of MayorUlcharrii the build!Dg now occupied byQeo.BJchardi ft Co., on the corner of Bjackird! andSnuBM itreeti. Thii ii the building wu Iiadreference to when we still wo knew of a bnlM-iDff Ibren itorfei high which conld be leasedfor mnDftotaring purpoiei. ThB LumberOompanr also parotiiwid of Menri. RicbarijsMd aitnpiou niiteen addillonal feet to theirlot otfioilte the mill on JJlaekwril ninti, towhich they will remove thti building. Theypfrfer fcaslDK the tdUdlng for jBinuf»oinringtmrpoBei but fUliog In that will convert it intoa laree tenement. Oua. JUdmrfl* & Oo, will

My Country UB of Thee, which developed the fact of considerable ' singing ability

tl t h w ' :

tenoment. Osrr f lO it once XbiAr stock of Rood* totyt

tirpiitorei of JbtuUlm next d*or, n&tbe removal of tho baflaingwill follow,lmmo-dlatbly. Ai coon ni (he bnflains U oft tbef U t l B m i W a w i l l U s i f i M o o c e t h o

WEEKLY IRON REPORT.The Engineering and Mining Jonrtnl of

last Hatnrdiiy inys:The week under reriew I1&3 not. brought

withitany Inijiortnut bnsluepH, and pricesare about m tliey were a week ago, Thsituation is a very strong on'ei nnd it wouldnot bo fltirpHsing if aotno large, oonlraohwere made betnre tbo enl of tho joar, whilo

- m nfter thero will probably be many more..bntncAs Pici.—We learn of snleR of WOO

tons of NOB. 1 mil 2 X Thomas iron at $24(o\$2(l respcotivply, and 100 tona of CranNo. ] Fpnndrv nt ? There is eomNo. 1 iron, a tehlgh 'innko, which has beenrefnsod, oflforing nt $25, bat does sot findtakers, owing to qunllty. It; la enid.thatHomo North Hirorbrnnda (ifKo. 1 Fonudrj


Col. Ditvid gandereon aud otfiew.

THE LATE FIRE IN MORRISTOWN-In getting tho wrloilB nppnratuflea to I

in on Thursday morning of lout week, c<Hidernblo delay WFIH oronmoncd by tho fine-'imiBniiHBnf (lie homes. In tho cato of thosoleloiigl i'H In tbo trnck tlio delay wns fruupvilb ncrlniis cnnspiineuoDH, for it in ganeriiluimilted Ihat had it not been for the loss•tlejiftt twmity minnloK ocojwionetl in tbiftny thn • lives of tho two women burnedvoiild In nil probability have been mThin t'trrinmltiiKi) led to a movomott Iiins ia I he CRfaihliubmont of nn elaclrioalarm for tits place and Iliu cmpl"jmonlres'iiurly tniincil liora H for tho ajipiirnfu

Tim Oornner'nini]uGHt wns coniiluded 01Tuowlny lasl, nnd a venlicl of considerablI-'DKIII wuH romlornd, tbo mitatanco of whicIH thnt the two womou 01 mo to tholr don1 Lnl mannor, and tint the orifiiiof the flro wns occasioned, by a defectiveflue of the heater, Tliere in however a lie-lief quite gonemllr prevnlenl thnt it came

11 lump wliich one of tha sermiils U. . xeil to bnve left burning in a closol

down Htnirn, nnd irliloli either exploded 01carried flro to 0110 of tbo shelves or HOUMother object near by.

In rottpoiiHo to a enll From tho Mayor rlargely nttontled raoetirg of cilkenB wmHold in WiLHliiiif-ton Hull on AVedncada-ivoning lo cmulder Iho quostion» of olectrltalnrre nnd horses for tlio tiro ilepnrtmontt)

A. Inrgfl audience wns axsembled, o«whioh II. O. Pitney, Es<],, prenidod nnd MiIi. O. Stilus was secretary. Tlio qtiestlmof an electric nlarm and hnm<in for the Apartmont wero Tory nnhHuntivoly dlaanssedbut no dofinlta ndiou u-ns takes, tbwholo matter bcittK lflft wl*h n oommlttoo 0live for further inventiiratlnn. Tho Com-mittee are Messrs, Goo. W. Colles, Tlieo. PRnndolph, II. 0. Gucrin, Clina. E. Noble andH. O. Marsh.

The It . E. Church at Teabo have concluied to have a minister from Drev Hemlnaito take charge of tho Hervloes. He is ox-lieutctl to prenoh his first sermon next Sub-julh. Tho congrefiatloii, In goneml, thinkit. will bo lictlnr for the prosperity Df thechurch. The choir is in a. good cnndHioa.They erpeot to have a goodly number of anthchiH, choriiseB, ete~, for Ohrintmai Th(Sahbnth Sohnol will sing nnd perform a ctitn Buitablo fo tb o iultablo for the

I am sorry to say that thero nre a largenumber of young men whq gather themBelventogothftfevery Sunday' afternoon to have a;nme of root-bat),- nttrnoting the attentionthe children of the Reboot, as tbey have th<caines so npan'to tho ohupoh, tha* they <*ty seen and heard from the.wlndowB pf the•inks.1 "Now, l r t t i . w parties dd nbt stopthis gamo. they enw, obitalnly expect thatsoiao one will nmko u»e of the State lai

. . ' . . . . . . . . . cMWifnyi^ ight . . . „ . . . , , ,The Cbllcb^n'fl Night enterfsmmont civ

•iy the young MW'of the' FrosbyteHnn Hibath School waa repeated to n goM attdinboe'on Friday nicbt of last veok. Ws bslievothis entertainment? hfcs goneiaUy been aooepted atftaWiigWeH (be r t d r y r b e s t ^ taicmenDevei; gi^onbjijroEng p

pted atftaWiigaicmenDe,vei; giD T i l l t

es t^ntpetolQ

weroacmenDe,vei; gi^on.bjjroEng petolQ UDovor. TaaillttBtrated ThymRB wero eaolB n A n U p o i t o i t i 4 l t h i I t U b A dy


nAnUpoitoition14wilthierrepIt»ie Sharp, tirade Allon andere decidedly good fbr'nu'el wo

p I » o , b yd Willie Shi woe HtUe folks.

p, ade Alon anwere decidedly good fbr'nu'eli woe HtUe folThe exerclao in calisthenics waa supocb inita harmony, grace of motion and intricatemovements, and tbe operetta, " The Lnudof Nod," was aharmitgly rendered. ThelerfcctlQQ of t b b p l ^ H tfcctlQQ f tbflwbpq^DPABorjipHm.nnt 0he highest cbarecter to tho skill aud tuto oh h d i f c M a y . w e b a v e mrno

Hmo North Hier brnro offering an loirNo 1 Foundry fit *23(*H3@2i i P

Dover; -Chester,- , .,Mine Hill, - ' ,-45 German VftUey,Mt. Freedom, - - '7 'Snccniunni., ' -XL'Hop*' ' -

f i t , Prof. Helges Again oocnpled theplatform. Ha,b«gan by nnswering-Bomoquestions growing out of his lector*, of theevening before; relating to the vibratloos anto round and IlRht Also to the'qnostiott,"To what kingdom does water belongT" Heahowod by analogy that wator belongs totbe" mineral kinfrfom. Ho thun enteredinto ft conBlderatfoi of the bent objectmethods of teaching pupils the laws of me-chanism. A thumb-latch or pump handlewould illustrate the laws.iind implication ofthe- formula (P. X P. A. - W. x W. A.)would solvBev»rj problem in mechanics.After Bhowinglio* the formula ikottkl boapplied to two of tho irowers-lbe lever and

Newt SaleiTbe number of single copies -of the

$24.50. "Weqoote

ERAsold in this vicinity averj wcekfo as followai

'240 Port Oran, - '\ Btathopo, -

• Hfbernia,JIritEockaw» • * J

HaoketUtown, -., - 5 Flanders,VcMhmni " - - '*" Ironla,

.41. 1

, „ • - , , „ .• , . T o U l , , - ,-Of coarse Ihis la enly nnmnl! item in com-

parison wltti the edition which goes throughthe mails, but wb«n yon take into consider-ation that no other paper in this port of thecounty sella 100 cnploi all told at theseplace's, ». pretty good idea of tbe relativecirculation of newspnpors is obtained. It INnn easy thing to brag mil bluster, bet ooldfaols liko these develop tlio truth.

' Het'uccl (him Death.TVilHam J. Omifiblin, or Komprrillo, mm.

mya: In the fall nf lS'fi I was taken vifliblmding of tbo luiiKa fr>llow«l l.ooiiith. I hut my (ipnotite d flhconfinodtomrbed.t t l b l U l Tl

of tbo luiiKa fr>llow«l l.y a Hmirhut my (ipnotite and fl«sh, and WRmrbed In 1877 II d t tn

to tli


plane—he cloned, to me again at HOD

ertoUon of*,'h»nd«offio:trick bnildlaif. vwill ctrry the bointifnl deitso of tlio newb a l t t h ^ u k ulltl? « j i u n d thb a l i n g o r t t t h f l . ^ k ull.lj j iou thearner Into B u u i itreot, and tulip t\togslhcrtbi, inert bB.lh*«bai!akK In thii Motion.V^tti*, halkliOf next the Bunk till be

d l n t ^ r i th f T I EV ^ , fpedlq]fnt^w>riiic thsnit^is uf Tai IBO* Eni«n'l ttw'diia offti CBUbllBbm'ent, 1S7O; kha'apott theconi«r bsfldiof iaotberl>«riilir UIBB»n» of Geo. Blchirdii A Co, -|Agwti lio#V>f,JL F. sud A. 51., will occupy ths third liorr ofttc new bnildlBK. Thrills tue^rbrlc Of 'MiiW-

e town

fatnr. tout. A a™ minute rrcen fcUo»ea.JJUT rwem Prof. Jobaonol mnln id-

iretud lit inaUlnte. 8abjeei, "Obiect

filionof litUs eu-nUagbt In . ca»-th.obJMtbBoj lo l i t o J , „ ,„„ , ,o[. , b | ,

ib H

,n liecnred. I .donn more Rood thanI liftTO taken ninco a y iteknriB.

J tpoimi io t l i i inr iMobsoon. Hi»tit being aftpoaed of, JIB rammed hli lub-Jict. First, Ibg pu|jl oburrtd and tliMperception iB oulttrated. 8«;oDd—tUougbtk (bus developea. Third, fapreulon ofIJIMalil rlepeloM l«nmuBo. TbB popll•Iipol4orp>»«lJ,Ujo06lil' lo irrlUoo Ian.— " - attlr'a pm«U. Tbo "mmtlm i~'

i t*iad4b«IU moUnVar'vrliliftind not Mere iaoob»n(4aj ydikVnvmber'of ^aeatlonS weftftiwweroontainedtli* stat-

' a Bpelling'booic" •The pupil

In ray ]nsg ne lilp

notite and fl«sh, and WRHIn 1877 II WUH idmittedlnctnrnidM Thndatiolo

alf dnllnr. At onoh I d Itime a ropnrt went around tlmt r WBB dond. I

Biivo up hopp, bot a frirnd told mo of Dr. ffm.Hall's llalnnm fur thoLonpB. I cot 1 battle,

0 myl t

. irprisf,reomnenep<riofcoHot-tr.dav I fed bettor than for tiresit. I writo (big lioplnc; overv onoHi dwoixtol luufffl will take Tit. Wm.

mm, anil ba connncrd tliat oonnomp-enn poiitlvel-all the cthoi

.Jysajlthsi.;hor medietsoB

Have You Sean y ,-'.be clognnt line of Enulinh and French nov-eltlea—Jrist suited for nChrlstman or aKuwYmrt jrawnt-fct J. A. Qoodale's Sea FrontD r u g S t q i e . . •• • ^.^••-•.- ••'•••-. • . •

• V. S o n i s t h l n / u i e f u h •An.eleqant ont glagi bottle filled, with cx-

trnct of 100 flowers nwntfrtetorpd and forsale OJ*LT at f, X. Oood&to'fl Red Front Druga t o r t . • • • • • • • ^ ' - • - . .

•", T e T d i c M / i n d ot l ior i*ciin,rpid

r* LjWjTirT retetittN/ and otlccupitions Jtiro but.little,.ezercf Ctrter'a Little Liver Pills for to

ta: ilio ohaVinrnf(1wj » new Ofc. tooth mt

itfnl f cth eWofoljr

nrnnew Ofc. tooth mth : u t ii simply.f cth eWofoljrWtnmeiid It to'

i, «ayi orh : ' u t iisimply,

d It to'

.* Death, of a former Raiidant,—Mr. Wm, B. Anther, fonnorly, of Dover,

died af bin home; No." ID Hill Btreet, Kewart,pn Satnrday last, at the age. of 40 yean, HnWM forniorly.iv Member of the .firm of Geo.lEchards A Corded resided hero four orIre years. Laterhe has boon salesmiin oftbe

nogers OnUory OQ, '. He node many friendshile living tn Dover, by whom the pews of

11s death was receiTcd with sincere regrel.HiHfnnereltookplaoB on IVednosoJiy andwas attended by some of our Dover pooplo.l i e floral gifts from.those who heldliim inesteom ware very .fine, deluding a pillowwith; too/word ,\'Husband,11 a boantlful•roken,column .froin tho Prosident ot tbsogers Cotlery Co., vreotbs, baskcta, on*

)hor, and other designs, . The daceanodavea a mother, wife and ROD.

'. Grand Army of tho Republic-At tbe eleottoa of officers of Mnj. And _

son Post, No. M of Dovtr, on Moudny even-inc..the following were chosen;'

OotnmBnder—0. 5. AUen. .S.V.CJ—E;i>, Hdlsey.J. V. G.-J.'"W. ^»e ' -Adjutant—FrankKflnaller. 'Burg.—M.M.8taR8.Chap;—'Rev; "W. H. MoOorraicli.Q. ift.-Wm. H I^ tnber t , ,0. D.—Wm.xLepoit . '" '0. ff^J; W.Ilogftrt."

: S, M.—Thou. Scattargood.. Q. M. 8.-J»8. P. Kefiey.

Ouard— TobnD.,Bpace. . * .^ t i l A l l n y Otto. .

The Naw fork Tribune.•djli'l ho foaiul the proi-pcetaB of3h.Republican nereBfuper, tUe New

ihiojr IB pre-omiiioritly titleading Jonrnal of tlio pa^y, because It If i_perfect Jtcvord iritu):and in able advocate of,.bit boat of all tho prinsiplaa of t lo party Ja proactive UrilT, which Ii the Ufa of this ironproducing dlatriot. Republican! of thislion BraapprecUting the Tribune for ita ablo.(homey o[ tboir cauie.m well ai its adrano-

«I poiltion in all matters perlaining to theelUreoftliepirtTandtbs beit fi i or

tlieeonntrj. Abloand dlpnlflod in edltorlaljanil enlorprliingin thn collection of una,khiTribune meoti tho rioivs of our reading publicra«re nearly than any Dtherpaptr. It Is cor-tain tint no nownpapcr adfocttlng free tradeBill be recognised ni R Bepubllcan Journal IDUiis vicinity. Read carefully t ip proipo.tuB

of tho Tribunoand Ihon lend forit, ! - •'' • • '

, Lecture, ai Rockaway.Tho Itev.0.8.p Colt, ?rciii.liiV Elder of tho

Patcraon District, Newark Conference, hayinglicen aliroad tbo past summer and traveledquite intensively In Eng I and, .Ireland, Bmtitn-land and other eonntrlofl on the Eaatern Con-tinent and having baen In atteodanco, at theMelbodiit Ecnmcnlcal Oonferen'oo, held inLondon, in BcptemW Hit, hai'oonient«d'tolecturo onhi i tmoU lattoSLE.Cbnroh atItccltanky, on Tuciilayevoulns ncit.M.h intt.Tliero*mb*n» fit tat «da)tHlau,bat tool-

ctlon frill bo, trtpn op »t tho close of tha lee-are to aid tho nuances of tha tnntleei. Doori

open at 7 o'clock; lectors to commonoo atquarter to 8.

I have been very ikk ovor two yean. Theyall gave n^po as.Bail.oaro.. J tpej Mia moatakillful ph>g!ofani, bnt (hey aid not reach thewont p i r t Tbo Innsaund lioart WDnld fill npvorvnight,Bpd.diBtrpsB modtod. my throatras Tory .bail. a . told my ititWrm[•ibeier

ild die in pcacs until I hid tried Bop Bit-. Ihavo taken, fwp,,hot,tl«B, .Thoy.haro

holpod mo roryinncli ludEUH,. Iain now wall.Tliere w*8 & lot. of liok tolku hero who ,bivoBOCH how they heI)H>d mo, and they tiaed tbomand«re bnred, ind fool us tliankfol as I d« th» thero is BO nlnablo a medicine made.

WINBIUN, Fursyth Co., N. 0.G r a m - 1 desire to oqpress to you my tbaoki

for your wonderful Hop liiUoti. Iwastrouled with dyapepaU far five yeurs prerfouicommencing tbo nse of your Hop Bitters BomeBix months ARO. 11/ care hat if eon wondorfai

sin pastor sftho Ffrit Ucthodlat Cburch oftbis plaoo, and my whole congregation cantestify to the great vlrtnee ot yonr BitUri.

Tory respectfully,BET.H. FZBEBEE.

Smart Wood and Bolkdtma* combined wlltbe other lDgrn<!ionti UBOII in tbo bout paroaipunters, mftlo Garter's 6. W. it B.Btekaahe^lastcrB tbo best in tbo market, Prioo 39 0 t i .

Aldorman Tucker, BoBton, aays yan £itftto thtt I tmvii paid for modiolne uml t nnun tin 20 yuan $3,000, without roer-Sunc 1manoiitbenoHt. Entlrolyoorud or hUaiK(Bait ibcum) by Oatioura Reinodioi.

H. E. Oarpontcr, £nq., Ufindorson, N. Y.cured of PaoriafiittorLoproi?, if twenty yearn1

itandinpr, bytUo CutlcnraBe«ol«int tnternalljind Cuticun and Ontioura Soap eitornall;rho moat wuiidorfnl case on ruoord.

W. S. COLLARD,Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture Upholsterer,M0BRIS STItEEt, D0VEH, N. J,

Hair MattmuBcs medo to order and old mat'tra*soH nmdo orar. Window aJ-aflen made ahung. Oiders Tnr ill kinds of upholstorlneatly and promptly oiooated. Carriage trimmius in all its braiiclius. Prices modnrato,

CARRIAGES... , ofjjvcrydflaariptioo made and sold at



atrnotfDDrao tho ap

t tmttoriah, latent doilgDB in oond tlio nioat comtiotent vorkmon,cuhloa of Ibo cafaMiabmont.

Geo. McCracken.Dwor.H. /.,ApHl Slh, lBDf.

FUNERALS!TITY HVHlom orfimall PrbBts spprocl1VJL Quality and worhmanihip or the bout,

Y RVfltom orfimall ProBts spprooiated."uality and worhmanihip or the bout,

__., ..jnlfsror liberal pa^nnagfl in tho pastOrdom by telegraph raosBcngorortolopUon

ittondoO to.JOHN JONES, Undertaker,

3-lv - Rockaway, N,

DATE-At Allan lline on tbo 111h lust,Obarlra Edmu, eon of Jjpbn Dtto, agedraoiiflm,

RTKER-M HdlaoytDwn, ' Doc. IOtb, SOfHiker, EC yean <H . . . . . . . . .-•..

iDBINGEn-At Nowark on tbo >13.b fmFloyd BntiRh, Ron of folio L. and DonGlover Birlfilngor, acej ajcsr« and 2 months.'J'lio rnmains wore mtorredin tliat pliPafrmount Oemotoryon WiMliiewiav.






U w • Obo.ltr, X.

F O R SALE.A Good Furiiacc and Heat-

Ing Apparatus,til in good ordert Apply to

it. BIEBEB,Cor. Blaehwell and EaBDi Sts., Dorer,

S-a.3L.E3A (1001)


on Blackwoll St.', Dovor, N. J .

T.TflU Omoi . ,

Morris Circuit Court,AJPOBUH BEEMIU } in Odia.-.:... \B. ' • i» f Foreign

•vv-t.OynDB O. FOECB, TB, )v AtUebiuep** -HntWiB hereby clrfn thaVa writ of-ftili.moot at IlioBiiitof Alplioni Beemer ag&lnit tbrfchlgjind cradltH, rumieyv aud eflbcti, good

fbnltcl*, landi and tiiiiements ol Oj-rnt1 ••!'•• a noi(.mlilentdol)tor In tho snm

' ont of tlio Circuit Ootirt or tbeifOntohor,ilrddayofOntohor

lurnjprl into the nati. _. jtboBberiffortbuConr

.i.bri flftcentli ilav.r.f Ootohor,. 1 8 H ] . . . ' . . MtVfJS 8. GOND1T,ChrkNEio&nove k Sunn, Attye, forFIMutiff.DDpomberfl,Jfl81. . •



MoiTistown, KT. jr.

Buildings Raised 0Removed at Rea-


ArriiNDKD TO. -B and >iwcin»tloni furnlBh.A when J


CROCKERY.Tho Jargcnt and best dis

play of CROCKERY cveioffered at Auction in tliCounty, together with a:assortment of IlcimtifiDecorated Toilet Sets amFancy Articles, will be solion MONDAY, TUESDAYand WEDNESDAY EVEN-INGS, Dec. 19th, 20th and21st, at 71-2 o'clock, at thestore next to PABDEE ACLARK'S, Dover,». J.

These goods must positivelybe sold.



The Candy ManSUSSEX St.DjOVEB,

o n , in hi,

Christmas (Dandies

artlss, FMtiTalB, Ohris^M|.^op«

'do., >t lia, I k u N.w Titk irtm. :

ptcUl r.Jnslloni lo ttorehu. iho iU••'• '< .blinrialoekot' •" ' ;"' •

i Winter Fruits, ALL WHTOElirOtLT ioW. duriwr til*

. CTtlre Imlij.. u^nn, *


Tta" annoal mmtlnir for' Iho atesllon of

SKI1:'*-'1'1""""-.-HTM*. - , r ^ -elann o'clock A. M.' >

JA7S. TREAT, Oaahiir.

Mbtice of Application to theLegislatu'rfe:11-

Kfotlce IB Vmihr given lb»t »pp!le»lioo wliB mad!, D ih B Lep l l . t 0 r . 0 f tnlaBUleTttCnt Minion thereof tor tha paiRigeof a billropml •n act entitled "An tot to repeal antttwi " l V * '^vg^JJipploincnt^to tb« mt

J.A«iiiEw0i8TutLnrM,A.'o.'8iiiTri.DtMd D t m b e t 1th, 1B81. M w

linery and Fancy Goods.itn 0 tiling new for tbe nolidoyi In Uilliua r

MRS. H. FARR.BT OBAM, lias roplonlBLml licr Block ofory good! and dcNtre to call tlieaitoulionpublic to tbo LOW PlilCESiitwliicliDOIT offering thorn. A Ign in onutiuclion'T store can tie found a flw etoeV ot

. 'Xho IBOK KBA irilL M« brlbn,o . m

A Supplement to an Ordinance90titled "An Ordlnanoo declaring nnlnnnuoBand providing for tboir abatement," paa«i7ulv m\> 1870.

BKO. 1. Bo it ordafnod by the Mayor. Kocur-der, Alilermon and Oommou ConnnilmenDriver, tiiat floctiuii Qrat of tbo onlinnncBwtileli tills 1B a lunplomoit wblob rends as fiIOWB:

"8EO.1, Bolt ordained by tbo Mayor, He.oordor, AUermon and Common Couuollroen" Dover, Tliat bopt stored, mi

nfaotnred; all aiulis, CQHSP'JOIB, priviesejeavationB of any kind; all \i\g atyn amhospenBwitlitntboHniltiiofDDvoremlttliT

" notions or nulienltby oilnrs or KtnollH, 0IT0" liva to tbo ROUMB or iDJiirinm to tbo bcsl"ofiirraons within tlio noifbborbood of BU;••building, tnannfuctoryor erection, wboroii" tho flimo may bo kept,Btorod, deposited o:" accnmulalad, BIIBII lio conaidorod and tbi"Bane are hereby doclnrod to be nulmnooH,'shall read as follawa: Ite il ordalnnd by IbMayor, Recorder, Alderman and OnmiaoConnoilmen of Dover, That any mibstanckept, stored or mintifacturetl; all links, <pools, privies or ezcarutluns of any kind; alboo: peiin, pip Btya, suwvrs, drains or otho3Efeni>ivD or unwliolcaome liuouoa or plsoall ulauffliicr liouBeg, butcher * tails. c«llaB tab) as, tall ow cb mul lorn B lions,soap fun tori csen-ore within the Iimiti uf Dover cmittinjnoiioua or nnhealthyodura or mnalU, olTutiBlvilo tb« watOB or injurious to tlio kcaUb uf nciions ffi'bln tbo UL>i(;lib;>riioo<l of any bulldi -mBUHfautorj' or erection, or near auy nlao.deputit, aconniulition, drafnage or flowiKO,flball and tbo sumo la iiutuby declared to ba &nulnanco,

8KC. 2. And be It Turtlier ordaltiod, thatordlniincea or parts of ordinances oouflictwith tho proriBfona of this suppiemonl bo amthe aame ere horcby rcpeilod.

HlRnod, OK0l\QE MCJIAUDH, Bfnfor.ATTBBT: W M . H . LASIBKBT, Clcffc.


175(173 Mwuiflcoot Gift Bwks; Got... _, iirenile BunkB; Hunerli DISJICB nnd PravcBotibu utmost given away. Or (ind B"Ii<lniCataloguii froc, JSig terras to Unuday-HuliouU.

LEG&AT BROS.,81 CHAMBER* HI'.. 8<1 door weit of OJtv Hall

Ths Leading American Newspaper.

employ wltb Increasing BUOCDBR tlio wort an<the methods which hftvo won tot it so latga menBure of popnlir approval.' It lion alatncd,nnd moaua. never tn loeo, tlio blel•tandard af saccoas which WRB AIIUGII *t bylfounder, the lnrgoat circalntion nmonK Ib" " people. 80 largo n circulation nud onBO widolj diBlribuled over the eritlnrtorritbr;of.the Nation has herer IWOIH atuiuad by Diliotlior finwampor In tiip UnHod StntoB. Vftaccept tliiti fact BB the venjiot of tlio Amoriaictwoplo npon tlie conduct and character of theTribune, Tho poHitfou It oooiiulcs could uovoibavn Iwcn gained nor retained but by jiro-em-Inent Merita M a nowepBppr, aa no organ oltound opinion, atid onadTooatoofJuit pnblli

In ebort, Ibo Tribune will, as faorotoforonnt.nuo to be tho medium or the boBt tbouRb

anil thqpico or tbo bout ixuiBolenco of flic' i ; will keep abreast of the lilgbost pi

is,, fnvor tlio froost dlBcuislon, boarB, appeal always to tbo moHtonllglitoiu.IlijtcnoQ and tbo purost morality, am

rpruBB porempforili- to oator to iho tantosothe vilo or tho prejudices nf tlio Ignorant.

Tho wol-known spnolal features of th.Tribnno will bo carefully maintained. ItAgricultural Department wilt remain an It iftho foUnt aud boat. The Hou«obold irnYonnn Folks'Departments, tlio literary, Bolcntiflo, and rollttcugfoatnroB, tbo standard msrbet reports, will all bo kept np and oxlonOoilBB opportunity pay serve.

TAWJABIB PBimnM8.-Tho Tribune .„cover been equated tivany other paper in tlpermanent and lubptantiat value of its preminmB.Bod the oitraordlnnryliberality Dfthterms npnn wblnhit hm offered them to Ipublic, We tako ploasnre in calling attontiof all intelligent roadora to tbo following offers

The Library of Universal Knowledge,embracing Chambers''Eneyelopnitia complete,omitting onlv Homa of the cuts, with citensiv,additions: by tn ablo ettrm nf American edito]treat log about 1B.0QQ additional tontoa, tjiuioaphlf ^morlcanlglnff tbo entire *rork,addlnito H over SS per teut, of tbe htcst, froihoit,and most valuable mutter, tho whole mnklag15 Itandiome octivo votutnoa or0 by 9) iuchoin PiHs, averas-nft nearly 600 pages lo tho Tnme, printed In lame typo on Rood Biroratendored napcr. and neatly andeubstantiabound in oloth. , . ; . . • . ."

An entirely nevr edition or iliooompliDrtflorOliarloa Dickons, printed from nc

-loittrotvpo plates, larfto, cloar typo, on flcalendered. pBper, Id ID volumoB, 51 bynnhc-i ia aiue, containing over 800 PUBOB oaol

licaatiMIy bound in clotti, ellt. TlifBinmor tho liRnilBoiiMBtflfliWoiii-crplolrcnB'ii woflever iiHiicil, Tho price of,tbo set \nt 16 fiUHIDBm(32.S0.- We-ranMtid ettliortWcltenli'eirorki or ihe Librflry of UH.VPCMI Knoirlodito,as ahcive rtencrilied, on tbo folloniitfr torma :

FpBllB^-TJio Llbmry of Untrorwi Kno'wlffh.'W Dickens1* Comnlptn Works, an abc<losorlDoa, and the Weeklf Tribriuo flve yet

1 one anbtcribrr.FOB f 20.-Thp Library of TMvwsal Know!

«di?e, or pickeiis'B Oqmptote >Vnfkn, aa Bbov.aesorilioil; &il ibo floml-WeoVly SVibimo flv"ear* to fi,ia'(mb«crihor.l

FOB SlQ.^ho Library of Universal KnowJildo, or DIohons'B Comploto Worts, aa nboydeBcriliod, and ter conies ot ttio Wcekl

FOB KW.—ThBLihrnredge, or DieJiMiK's (jnmidqaqrlticd, at(d livonly cTribniio on*, year.

mt hv

of Oniwrsal Kmlote Works, tin RIIiinicB of tlio .Vf&

thnm ..., limy can

» Boat. In packngos,o Ii ml much cbe&pur.

The d-rsat Bible Concordance.iTtalytical Concordauco io tha Diblo, on.ireiv neir pl tn, contAiiiii,£ ^vory v'irtilialiotical order, arranged iiiiilc-r'its HobraOrfck orlfiintil, with tho litfmrmitnninc'h and KB pronunciation ; oiblhltinp 811,1

. ..Tenn««, llH.OOn hoyond Crndon ; markinj30,000 varimis rcwllncB in tbo NoifTunta m«mwith tlio Intent iufnnimlion nn Blhlmul Oonrapby nnd Anlimiittes, etc., do . Ry Itlim

Isfiotiof thn Hebrew and Greek Scripture!Cnncino Critical Commonls on the atica.1 Anaiynw or Ibo Minor Pfophiin Hclirnw; Bibhcnl Notes and QacrloaITi'lircw Grammar, ote.

Thin great work IR comprised In one bampoino quarto volumo, conlaitilcg 1,100 throe(Mhinm pftgn, neatly and substantially boamin olotb.

I t in nl onfie (i Concordance, a Graeji, Hcbiand EnfjliHh Lvxtecin of Biblo wonls, unuScriptiiriil Garrlterr. and will bo na valoablito atn lontB nr Ibo IJnlv Wonl na an Unabridgei]Dinlioiiary )B to tbe gHHiml reader. > In fact,uTory home that has a Biblo In it onelit aleto haro tiiii great help to Biblo readme anRtmly. It ii n» ivoll K(la-,ited to tbd use of tbcommon reader aa to that of tbo ediolarlj

' ^ l l 0 '"'J™"!? rimiarkably low r*teB:F<ir K tho Concordance and on6 copy of tho

rfukl.vTrllinns five .ream, or flvocopIeB onoear,'o uifforeDt addreBNei,, > ,For t i l tbo Concordanco and ono cnpvof tho

Semi-Weekly Tribnno five yuan, or tm copliono yoar, or ten copies of tliD Weokly Trlbui)imjtear, to diflbrent •adrciBOB.,- / , . r

if HID Weekly Tribune one year, to, difforfinl

The noBtaca on tbe Ooncordanco Is 40 centwhich (be Bntariber will remit if >I«hinfr IIBent by milt. Except for nhoit diglanew tliimall will bo cheaper than tho oxproM. ^

Dim6»(*itiM>^Wa can fnniiahie now reriBed and tnlargod oditlnn nfeithe

bartra or WorceBtcrB Qitarto UnabrMce!Hctionary and Ibe Wuekly Tribnno five yoarsor 111; or the Somi-WedWr for 117. Ikmom-icrthattheso are tlio new and enlirgod odl-lona of these Rieatworka. ; ; !c ,! . , n

- - je.onBhl to be In Brery home and ovorynw In thojand gddOVportrBltB at James A.

QaraeldandklBherolowifo. To ennblo evorvme to poiitei* them, ovflry anbsflrFbor ta ' t l i iWbane who, with hia BnbBcrlption, will sentA'ebnll idditloinl lo pay for paekiBtr ant]

lUgo, will resolve a t a preienl from tho.untie ID eletrtnt 11fc-like lAirtrait'cif 'tho'

lit* PretldentlariieldochlBwire,whiGhovermay be preferred:orforiW oenti additional v ewill send, them both. , TboieLporlrailn theTril.nnohu bi.lDEgn.vod Ir. the beat atvle,ajid t h e ; u-e;pcrfeot fBO-almlleB o f tho bout«»yon likeneBBSH ever taken ot tho mir t j r'reiidDnt and hii nnlile wife, Thcr *ro bea n-" - w l t t t o d tin1 fine ' . u S p a S * 5 a b " "

TQ Biui, and wmiw drnamanlB to ;

parlor, library or offleo, , ,

, Terms of the feibiuie..'• . : , r jCWrTBont PBKKHIIM.) ,


Single oopy, one yeir, •'Ivo copies, one year, -* i'on copies, one year,Ana one extra copy with srorr any person making nn a clu!• per o^nt, oigh.cpmmliBlon.

I W M C I I .l-DOcach.

tan' n a r t Vmay retain

nRlfl Copy, one year, -ToOoplei,onoyoar, . .

an Obpfei, onayoar. .

. cant, caib, eommiition.The price otTas DAILT

.onlha, (I A r n a moali.. , 1 b Sandaj Ml-Djalonila U p»rj"«r. , ffa tamiot »ir»rdabratoaoreomiDlnionaO&.DAO,! aabBcrip.

Bncmo 1 bf,olth»r'Balll6n'or:The

'iiTigjnlti Bmy'P^B^lSqo

9"ln>a"l^tpjia-r.or draft "oa'Hew


ORANGE CO. FARM,For Sale sn Easy Terms!

A valuable farm, coniprialpg 114 acres of thewell known W. L. Ben'dii-t homcHtead. in thoheart nfilio WHnrinfc Valley, tlireo-rourtbuoa milD enat of the Warwick ratlrnad depot, antwithin ons-clKblb of a mile of the corporatioi"mit», iflofremi fornalo.

Tim land (•> a portinu «f the oldest and tnoprodnollvo farm fn the Vulley. U ia Blttmtecniihlnnno mile of ihe creamery of tho Warwick Valley Milk AMOEiotion, near the ' -pnblic scbonl in tho Plate, and wllbtinitnnten' wain of olinrsbea of all denomlna-tioDB. TIIG farmslTmk tlio flriflst site for

J: ry midrnce ot any In the Vallov. U hi. .E!lagetnio«&nd town taxo* rarolyoxMif0 cents on HOO of aswmiei. valuiUlou. P»NPBvinn will I'd Rivf-n immediately, VHco toiflonabfp, and to.000 nf tlie pnrobaRO mnnov <r-aiiin on bnnii and mnrtRBgo t t 5 por cc•PP'r on Ibo prum 1 BOB or adrlr^nB

•4w Warwluk, Oracle Co., N.

Vol. III. commsnees NOT. 1,2881.NOW IB THE TIME TO SUBSOIHBE.

TlicYflntifi Feoplo lua beou from tlio UrninoceBflful bcyood anticipation,—NEW Tin

It IIBB & distinct parpOBo to wbloh It BteadadheroK—that, caniely, of aupplnnllnff tbevldoan paporB fur tlio yonm; wilb a papermore attractive, BB well as more ' 'BOHTOH JOURNAL.

For neatnoBj, ologanco of engraving, amcontents fienerallv, It ie ntisunnflsod by aujpnblioation of tlio kind yet brought io ounotiea.—PirrsBDnan GAZETTE.

Ila tveekly visits aro cagorly looliod for, nonly by the childreD, but »l»n by pnronU wl~ nxioiiB to provldo pure literature fortla, .._ mil boys. -OniuaTiAS ADVQBATE, Buffuln

New York.Affetkljr paper Tor children. whlahpiiL,

nocd not roar to let ibefr chiidroa read at tintmjly flreilda.—HiRitoRD ID*ILI TIKE* .Jnat the paper to tako the eya and mi

Ihe attrition of tLo boys and girls.-BPBimHELD UNION. ' : •'

TERMS: ..HiBPBa'a TODNO P B O P U I «l 60

por year, postago prepaid, ( 'Single numboTB Four oonta eaob.The bound voluino Tor 1WT will bo rond]

early in Hoveinber. rrlen 13] poBlauo propaid. Cover for Young People for 1881, 81cents; postapo,lScenti additional.

BomluanccB ahould bo made byPoat-OlaMonoy Order or Dralt, to avoid eliancc ol lomonoy Order or Dalt, to

Kewapapors are not to copy traont without tho express ordor

atliigliig nflvern




HARPEE'S MAGAZINEXllu.stx-ea.todL,

" A l w m varied, alffayB good. ahvnyB Iproving."—OnAHtEs FKAKCIS ADAMn, Jr.

Ilarprr'B jragnzlDo, tho most popular llliitrntort (mrlotliraitia the world, (.cRiua its silt;fourth volatile with the Denemlior niuuUur.represents what IB boat in American literati,and a r t ; and its marked BUCCOSB in Engli—where It linn nlroadr a dmnlation lurthan that of any Eitirlinb mAgaziiio of tho BBIcl&st—has brought into its servlco tlio tutetnlacnt writer* andartlBts of Great IJri tsThe forthcoming volumes for 1883 will

ory respect aurp&M tliolr pretfeooBaore.


Harpert Magaiirie ; . , . . , . . . WHarpor'B Weekly ; .Vfr... iHorpor'fl Ba«»r..Tta T bTtau THBES above publicationsA

107Any TWO above named

flarper'B Yoong PcoploHarper's Migflrino IIlarpor's Young Pooplo f ••*•Harper's Franklin Squiro Library,

year (62 nuaibern) inPostage freo to all anbsoribera in tbe Uniti

a^atea or ~ "

The volume* of tho Migaztno he^la with tltinrahers for Jnuoand Deeoit.bBrnfci.di yrIVlienuo timo is ppooifiafl, il will ho uuiliitood that tbo flnb«oribor wiabcn to bogiu witbo eDrront ttnmbflr. ''

A complete Bet or Itarpcr'n Masftfinn, onrisfnc G3 voluinot, In nwit cloth bindlns, «

IJO dont by esprenn, froicrlit (it B*|jrtim> of IM* nr, oh receipt or $2 35 por volnrar. Hiiif....jnen. by mall,post-paid, *3. Cloth ens,

for bludlnR. SO eentr), bv mnil, pimliiaiil.Index to Harpci'n Mngazine, alphabotir

innlyticnl and oinsBifinl, for vi>li,mi'!< 1 tnicliisivfl, frotn ,Timo, 1850, to Juuu, 1830, ovol., five, cloth, f 4.

Ilpn.ilinncvB xiinuld be tnailo bv PoRt-OflliUinioy Ordnr or Draft, to nvnid clmnw of Inn

KewatiapprH nrennt lo oojiv this advertimciit witliimt tbo cspn^s ordrr of IlMti'Ki

cRR AddroHHAItPEIt A DllOTnEns, N


HARPER'S WEEKLY.Xll-u-stx-evtod..

Harpcr'fl WMy Htanla at'tho hend of Annlean illuBtr»ted weekly lonrun.. HyllBpartirtan nosition in politico, its admirajllimtratlonn, ita eawfnlly chunen nori!Bbort Rtories, flkotchea, and pnema, cnnlbutMI by tho forotuont artistn nnd nutliorHtbuday, il oalrfoti Instruction and on tortmnnt tn tbniiBandt of American domes.

It will tlvnyg ba the.nim of the publtstto mako Harper's WeeVly the most popularattractive family newspaper in tho world.

Harper's Periodicals,

, . , , &4

Harper's WeeklyHarper's MuRizinoHarper's Baiar

sTaiiEEalo^publioatlnns 10/TWOabovo named 7

fiarpor'a.TonngPeoplo ., 1

Harpei's Young Pooplo f B

Harper's Franklin Square Library, onoycir (53 numborB) 10

Poetdge free to nil anbacribers in the UnltciStates or Gannda.

Tho volntncB of the Weekly begin with .„n t numbor for Janunry of cnoh year. When

io time is mentioned, it will bij undorstoodiat the fmbjcrlhor triaboB to cotnmenen in

the number next arfcr^thoydcijipt of order.. (TC.B l»Ht twelve anmitl volomes of Harpor11

Weekly, In noat cloth binding, will he sent bmail, posUpo paid, or by expross, fcDoof ospeanBAjrOTlTlod tlfe frclKht dnbB not exoeema dollar per volrnne), for *7 oioli.

Oloth IOSBM for each Tolnnte, aoIUblo forbthdiDff, will' bo sent by null, postpaid, onreoejptnf l loach,

ltemlttAncofl ahonld bo made by FoBt-Ofllco1 J " " ler of Draf t ,« avoid obanoo of torn,

•ronot to'copy this ndvertlatbe esiireBs order of Hini-Eu



1h\t popnhr jonrnal in a rare, combinationliteratnre, art, anil feihlon. I u Btario"

emi, and otBnys" art by tba best writ,re <iropo and America; M. engravingH pnnici..

hlrtrttJBtiflreipellenoei '«ndr*in -allWtb hkLfon iUt ini™S»li

h l d i h i t it ini™S»lauthority

oonUlmnnthe Und. Tho nowbrilliant novtltlEB.


Lny TWO albtrM iaxmi :.l'.:;. i;,'.;,..'. "i.'.!) ? « )~ in^People,r,...»,rr.,.,. .150

[arpor'a M^giilno 1 • Knn

larper'B loniiR Poopto j >!• > V.* *•!• V.'.* •.'. ° °°tarper's Franklin Bqnare Library, ono; ye»r (53 nnmbera) 1000

Postage free lo tflutrtisctibert, in Uio United— ' T B or Cannae. ,,.-, ->.

pLtolnmdor.tbpBiaftr^eln.with.thnntribef for Jaari»rjr or'oion year. 'Wtion

itlrmii.mentioned.Jt »iU.(jB..niid(:rB(poiat tho unbscribor wlshc* to commonco withennmbcTnnfafVir"tiro'n!(iflrp't'»ror(lo:ilc T n n f f V ( r p r r ( l o i .

twelve annnal iTplnmea of-H»rpor'«lauftlnneat cloth binding, will bc'ibrif brnail, pofttafte.pal(l,iOF. by cypress, fraeotei*wn» (provided tbo freight douB not eiooodpp6dnllarp«fvnliin,Bj,fort7oach; r . . .Clntb casea for-eaoti ntltimo, snltable forfliDp, will bo sent by, mall, pMtpaid, on

aelptorileaob. < • > ••, • ,Remittances ibnnld bo made by Post-OfKeo

iy Order or Draft, to arotdeb f loc not to cepj t

e by PosOdebanofl of l

papora arc not to cepj t d tithout tbo

IRB. AddressHAKPEB * BftOTHEltS, New York.'

CHAS. C. QRIFFEN,rAGONiti SLmGH PAIBTEE,Shop cn'diatbn'St.'i DoveT.' •'

oat work, ii tho fraaranto, I offer ofiiilT>lliiy to pleaaa tlio pabUo. Now iB the timo

ure aleigliBpauitoa. l>lj




Accordeoiis, Violins,





W.S. BABBITT.We juat received from the manufac-

turer another very large inroice of CLOAKS,

DOLHASB AKD JIOEBTB. These, together

with what we alrea y have i s onr store, we

will sell at ahont two-thirds tbs original

prices. We would not have y<ra infer from

this that they are ID an ; way damaged, for

such is not the cam TVy emhraoe all tbe

newest styles; and wa will guarantee the

prices to be lover than Hew York wholesale

bouses ask. Our OMz-raiax STSTXU allows

m no alternative bnt to mark all of oar

goods &t the lowest prices we can afford to

sell them. Tbis Is usually lower than oni

competitors. In material for oloaks we have

a large assortment; one example will aaSoe

to ehow the state of our prices, One oloth

wbiob last year sold for four and ft half dol-

1'ira Bella this year for two seventy-Href

There are a grout many pieces fa our stock

and if you will ezainlno our yoodB aud

prices we feel couvmced wo will Hell you or

your friend who needs tho article.

Our PLUBREH, black and colored, range

from throe to eight dollars per yurd; wid tli

is ono and a half yards. Iu DIIEBH GOODS

wo have a flve.<juiuter all wool drcas flannel

for fifty cents per yard. Thin is heavy and

in twilled. A number of pieces of FuEuan

BnooADE, forty inobefl wido, solid colors for

twenty-five cents, A now goods conies in

black from Paris called D'Cordonuier, all

wool, and forty-four liiclien lu width. "A

DiiKrtH makes n durable and protty Cbrislmaa

[ircniint. Our CAIIFET KOOM is constantly

receiving now ndditioun.


MomtisTowK, N. J.




90 Cents a week will bn

a new Organ.QUICK SALES, •



$•3 •—

o S :

8 3 '



• s - s l

Watches, Clocks,

if all' kinds has the finest and

\ mbst"varied assortment of

!Vcr seen in this vicinity,to wliich lie invites theespecial attention of thetoiyiiiff public.


>vcr, N. J., Noveml)or 3a, 1881.

uindicul nutlinrltfGH

faRtiiniKlninMll. Forhai.ili^


Tin: (;irii,f)Khx i,.\uan?

CAT'S CR1BLE,T!^ liiiiHlH.imrnt fim, nrl juv.-niln inmk, wit I,c.ilom! lhisii-:i!J,.T,s 1 rnl. Qiurto. f i. .

It. UOli'J'HINGTON, 7711 ltmadwny, N. y . -


Moller's Opera House,DOT K R. ' '



The Original Elks,%vill fjivM I wo r»i'forinniic(fS, on ivlilcli occo.-

jiioiiu tliev will ]jri-M.!ti!. tlio iiitoruutiiiEMi.U'tinUlutiul drama

The Miner's Daiighter; orthe List Loaf,

by Gfo. M.Btil.'or,G!Kii.,ofDnHU)n,nithjiluiio 'iiifi'li-ntai miiHifi, prdpiirliou, Ac , IIK pre«entedat tho QIOIHI TJicntro, IJOSIDH, with tli a. fallov-.iti|;«tr'iii(,'Biii,ii)iiiiy:

Inatlor Hminnck,-D. Jlilvrort. WarncEudlev Q\\rk, •A!. Diinimxl,Frank Drake,Fred. Morris,Will Parker, - - .GunGitTurd.HUrry Witkits , :

farco " JiirBL-j, ,Tijf

lin Harris,Hrrta*<Z



Scale of Popular Prides:

'scrvcil Heats witliont extra cliar,go ff,.r<:dinflavanco. ' • '

EVENING.' 'p ' ' ' " •'Oonoral AdmlBniou \.............. 8BctH...

'served amU enn- !>o sconrGiT for oithorini'^l'S?.,."" "I"1, "^rDecqinber iptli »t

Its popularity Is Unparalleled,,130,000 SOXMD11

nn.l tii.ll morenKwita arewflntDd.^oHiipuly thfl,.,woiulerrul RIKI inerciiHing .fleraam]- for if ttr ,

w IBAVIFIFI??1"11^1 ' l in i1 cllOftl>OHt L i r K

is jirefuHoly illualratotl, tolls Vii» oritlro Ihr i l - /


iiprofiwoly iliuatnlod, tolls t.iinpfltoryuf!),« Dvunttiitlifoaini

b i t l l i d d;


nr oiitHoliliill otliorpilitiiiLB bqcniino tliu bottniiil chi-upcBt, and our t(trnn to ngonta urn tiioiniiHt of miy. Huporb tttcel jiluto por-trait H fn-c I Ontiit EOr. lAir proof of elcel-'

ilTJllij'AKD miOS.,I'»f)B.1, l'hlla!


OEOIiOE E. LUIOM.Atl'yatL.w,

iS imrS / ' o ' ^ i fV for P n ; I i m ; r i ^ E x -

^ E R I A R E FrankGies,MASON and BUILDER,


StDno and Brick Work, ilnafering-itti'^obbiog promptly»H«iidea to;• Grfn«ilBll««Wm. H. l!«to-» jtoro ¥ m n M l v a m n t £ ?id prompt attention. -


«joniff omnpitUfl-old use!Mi.: 'UtaUfiK^Rji^TVT. . . . — . . ^ j , v™. nuuB-nuw I a n aitino«iHtrlia,{i.Ti tnd Bfttnruanf ritiua



f The boys wont skating on Monday.The Baptist festival In Murrfstawn netted

(142.Frotfiotloo regulir meeting next MOB*

D'gbt,Tiu laoB EBA 1bla nock prints an edition

3,m.J. 1.Swift IB building a 1600 chicken coop li

lorriatottn.Joah.KHItga iaotared in Morristown last

Jnesday night.OlirlnlniMand Haw dear's will bo obaorrci

- on the Mondaya following.IUndolph Lodge, 1 .0 .0 . F,, have leased tUi

I bill in Mr. Bairhouao'B now bntldlng.There It too much dolay in the oonatruotlon

of tbe iron bridge on Eltwkwell street.The Bookaway rolling will 1B doing Bplen<

dhtly sod largely Inoroailng Itt product.Morristown lias 21 resident clergymen a:

HTO otbGre non-rosidett pay tsxoB there.AbaudnomcRold witch Trill U (Hsposod

by chance at the coming fair at ML Hope.Brick for tho now oar shops Ian baon ro-

ocivod el tlio rate of sli oar loads per day, ear loads cfbriok for tbo now

car sliopa bad arrived up to Wodnesday nfgbt.Hr. Tfm. E. Goofole eontemplatea improv-

IDR bis drag storo with B floe plate glass front,Oounty Superintendent Tlinrber u d Hr. J,

W.'Snmpuineicnangoa properties tho Bret orthia week,

'TboElkamaaea favorable Irapraaslnn ontboir anditore last evenlnK."~Nflwark Jour-nal, May 6th, 1B8I.

A vein of oro tblrteon feet in width baa beenopenod on tlie property of P. D. Ferguson,

Tho congregation or Eov, J. Krante, Jr., o!SnaiervIHe, latoof Boonton, reoenlly preaontodJiimwttbapnrBOof*245.

Mr. and Mrs. 3. 0. Buck, of BacousntintL,cclpbratnd tho fortieth anniversary of theirmarriage a fen days since.

Jen. MorriaBoy, MorriB O'Brien and EllenO'Brien aro under ball to answer tbo elmrgo ofstealing coal at Tesbo Mine.

Mr. John 0 . Hill, of Fntiklln, ]m bad elovenslieop tilled by doga in two moke-ten InBookaway and one in Randolph.

Hon. John Bill lias boon appointed on tho'Congressional Oommlttte to prepare a rat-•morla.1 of tbo Into Frealdmt QarQcid.

There aro tally iovcniy-fko positions heldunder the Gonoral Government of tb( ~~States by renldontfl of Morris county.

^iRbt tdd-'dtcnQfl'tujipliod by thoTOont for the unmarkod graves of soldiers Inthis vicinity, have iirriYpd at the depot. ,

Mr', and Hifl: J. Wosloy Bummis cclebrafitha t^iitli anniversary, nt their wedding nitll aInrgo party of friends on Tuesday evening.

An nrgnnkation of oolorod men In Horriitown hnvo nnbod tlio Common Council to puttbam^iocbargo of JNIaga,r.a Stc&mcr; Bo. 8.'_

TlwralibflrqorVsatHontvlNo irotol>aen-lnffiod. llio Rubber Company having leased fortint purposo tbo mill property of J. W. Potter.

Tho Olmlbjfa Presbyterian Chnroli haa et-tondvd i unnpimona oi.11 to Rev, J. 13. Beau-mont, of WnBhlogtonrlllc, Orangoootintv, NewYork. T. -. . ' - - ,

.TnottupiiBt festival in Madison to providetor a, fire ftppu-ttaa Was n failure. A big blasione of ttyase day* nil! bring tlio people to thoirHOniBB.'-.' ''

'A number of tlm morQlmnts who advertisel\\ tbo E E I eay thoy did D larger trada last Bat-otihythan everbeforo giuoe;tl.cyha,vo beeniabnalnoBB. r >• -,-- „

Jj. Trewt lm WHB on ,TiioBiliiv tfrroMeantiB instance bf ttle law^nti Ordrr Icngur on

tho old priftrgo. ,Ko'fnrnislied bnil tn iippmtrfor trialboliiru ftiUnnf.ii Euncli r.u Urn 17th.

.The publisher! .fivo crlutnt; of tlinPNBidtat'fl mossaKO, mM Ihnn in au o.litorUItasinuatCB tint it ilnenn't nmmmt io much. Itmnstri'Hiiroa hlg litjiidtb rocancilo tho two..' Notftp <s RiVen that njipiicntimi willl>c mn<b

• io the'next Li'diBlHtiireior n l:tw torHnco tintbfmntyi"1.11 *« Mn(>w.i.iil,i(.riwil l,y law, inFcqpRiinciik twiihiiiii, fruin (brro ilidlarti t jono iiolinr.""Tliti.'Elb lirwcrvo crcilit Tor thoir ju>rl\>i-

K mttneb l«st_ fivoiiiiiK, tho varii

Wcdnoii3*y nigbt.

Wo have hut tbo pieman of tho perusalnumber of pnpora from the Ptmflo slope

inilly neat us by FranelB Lindeloy, Esq., cDanville.

It Is reported ibat tbe Bodda Broa. will sooiBBtabliBb tbemselvos aBainin the meat bus:ieai in Dover and will ueonpy the ataad oppo

site tbo depot.The cost of tha coustrnatlon of tbe new D.

L, k W, extenBlou during the month of Novembar was (438,000, We aro told tbui it huegone u high aa tSSB.00(1 la a single month.

Mr.Gran,ofHQrr.Btown,)naater builder oftbo D^L.&W.roaa, liat been awarded th<contract far building tho new ear shops,Bkeds are boing erected lor tho storagebrick.

Mr.W. COilloc, flon of SarroRate Oilland Hls« Clara, duURhter of P. V. Wolfo, Eaq.were united in marriage on Thursday evening,Hay their merit moot its true reward in ovorincreaainff {nye,

Blr.Jtus. Blanobard baa htd two ahoop vorybadly bitten, and ho believes they fatallywounded a dog ongaged in tbe daughter,Ihotie fioquoatlj recurring nragc nara iiuoagh

' tbodagB tuxed out at exlB'tenao.

The oonoert at tho New Fonndlandtenan Church on Tuesday evening last waa agrand success, tnualoall; KA flnsnoiMly. Over1300 was setted. Tho ohoroh has been ro-paictod In a bandsome manner "by Mr. BMbor. of Dover,

The Thomas Iron Oompiny bavo leased anumber of mlooe on Sabooley's Hoantatn andpropose to test them thoroughly daring thewinter. Mr.BamnolSoaddenhaBboouiesnred

Qonoral Superintendent In charou of all tbornlDing opon.tlo.ii.

I t U Bnid tliat Mr. Damol Holler is oottora-plating the removal of bis creaeut building totome olh'or Bite and tho erection of anew open banso at the present location. ThetoDfiraatlon of this DOWI would be woloomed>y Toiyraany poople,

Ancthor inoldeht In tbo oventfnt llfo of JohnW. Ford: Drunk in Now York, Blaokwcll'i"sland for ibrco months. Friends intoroofle,

Wife Borapca enough together to go down andbegforbls release. Petition granted. Jolincelebrate) roleaae. Arrlvis homo boiliogdrank.

OaTliarediyof lastireolt JolinViorobnno.olSomorvillo, n carpenter working on tbo Cuu.Iral Railroad In Duvtir, WUH thrown by tliobreaking of a BCalTuIil ngaiuBt a pont with nucli

•ce that ooo Df Its rila van brohon and howanDprlgnslyiujnrad interuilly, Hunan Hont

< 1I!B homo.

Mi\ Gilbert Prndon, of Grocn Village, a cap-tain of a hargo in New l'ork, caiDO homo »nofU-rnoon last nenk' and umom.nod ta hieimilj that tin bad aonn- homo to did. JI< (lit'J,t balt'-pnBt L>lutqn u'uV'ck tho u»rao night,ie had caught a Bcvcro cold from a fall intobo rivor a few days bcioro.Tbo ladleB of tho Bocknway Pronbytorlau

lliuroh will on Thursday flvutitaR tiDXt ivo aslyBtcr sapper In tlio parlow of tho cluirch, to

whtoh ill 'an Invited. At ih<<

p tbur mlm iily bti rjfttamidnB«>rrodlyRpplftmlo(l."-Ki«Viirl( Daily A1-vertiBpr,Maj;GLli,lRSl.

Thn.paster of thn Fir«|. SI. E. Ohurch an-ridiMoiTnirSiiiHiay that ho hid ]ilwlf,'t>rl him-Bolfto rinse HOtt teforo tho l«t cirJIaynpit,

. to l-plpliriiiidRtn lira ikbt or f 6.000 now rentingon'tiiDlloimtuiiehuro.].

Tho liaiikert.' and Morcimnt«' tclrgraiili line,' vrttkh croBMi'tliis onuntyin tlie ndghliorlionri

of.Qr.cre». Tillnpc, lisp ppRtctl noticed on cacli!_ pdi)'«f(eririR JiTOWfird of KTO for the arrost: anil conviction of any [it rsons cutting them

Hwn'.'"'1" " '"' '•"'" ' '•Mb'pWtrioiiinprooeJiiat Roctiwavie work-igapIcndidiy.'.A third paddlhig furmtcois

iiilt, snd another will babnilt in con-'niih tho duoiidizor, nmlfiiiB four Itiitt" '" ' iibtroleuhi I T tho first of

Tho'BirBtM.E,Snlibath School arotnaklugpropirationB for OhrlBlmaH. Amnng tho ouo entitled "Tlm AdvontNigl.t,"..mftdQ np of curolfl nml responsiveroulInpB. -The children willliocntertalnoa intbo rooms below nftor thu ocrvicuB.

Tbreooliildren lioloiiRlnn to Jrtmrn Carr, wholiTOH'bnt.voQl. .Euho lako nud Uloomin^lnlc,wprp.bittoB hy a mail dog on Thurmlay fir Inetwook. The dog bit a dog and a cow, and thniirlia intoalant aiul 'lied in COIIVUMOIIH.

Messra. Jafc B. Mcllol and Trnnt Cos wrrobuiitlngm thovicinitFofFlnndcrsoii Mnndny

"~£wi*Tiu5JerBiiav6iiil.e]i itfono day inlliat BCC-"'Won tWH neaaon. Arnnag othor things they.capturctl a hr%a mlioil roil and pray fox,;. - Tlie En* thin reek if tho lurgnat cewipippr•••ever rrnbligliDd In MorriH County. Tho forty-

*nvifloncDt>f tbo liuBinesB growth of thia town,Ianilotthoconilijcn'co the TJUBUJEBB. lijon liivg

j U J B qf flnlaljcd Iton was ahippod,rrom DoTCf roUiug mllltj»st weea. Tlior haraordet&jiofaT f}i6id tli»t ^]oy |vro boon com-polled to fofan orttsn for sliort'cloliverj." Thomtlli »ro running night and, day and about13S person! now find employment akrat tho

Wto!U!>'»T (Id C i promptly rosponued

Odminoii Oonnoil totlio, croillpg at tho pointHhftV?nt a t

pbrfoifianoo prbTed &

L :ftnaw«o.«? J

M l i M f r f e f i tT Abel Blri»dto rilmnmB, Jamte, locatoi at Uorriitown, and byn'ali i t th W4

h u eTooka tbe following offioora; Sr, 81i-Bienon* iboamtndii;, .Wm. 1 Beok«r,, Senior

Tica C o m m d ; WK E J i Tl-Bienon* iboamtndii;, .Wm. 1 Beok«r,, SeniorTica Commander; W.K. Eramons, Jacior Tloa'OM;|DfJP:iTT Q M t / B n ^ f e ' l T h d '

If joa a n in doubt as tn whit tu Bondyour favorite Kirl teal ber a big bat.

The fiuo wcatbor a allowing tho rnnnlug ocanal bootn beyond the time cxpeclod.

Eilra coploa of our double papt-r cat bo hithia week at the usual price, flvo cents.

Oorpontion UZOB aro past due nnd Taetdvnext !• tho last day for the payment or town-Bhiptaxes.

A hnrac and vitfron were stolon from the

3 time tlioinp Ladl B1 Misalonivry Hand will ba<

iblD for thoeftleof Tancy articles, on whichlany attractions for tlio holidays will bo diB-*yod.

W B , P. Ely, of Hanovor, found his horfleInning tho other niglil from tlio stable. Ho

;avn Ihrue of hix neitrUbora $10 taeh and <\h-atchod tlum In ilifforonl <liroctii>us and heivtcrt in another. Tho noit mOraiog it wasiirnl tht horns hnil wandered tu tlio pro ml seahia noxt luiighbur, vbo bad put tho niiiiualliiif ar»l>li> tili mornbiff. ' I

Kc uniiitcutmiinllv crnitlcd tbo nornoof Hoc'. H. McCormaok.'of the Second JI.E. Obnreli,

tlinno who garo 110 ta tho curliopfnnd. Tho fact that the rnlcs ofhiado-nnlDntioii nill no), allow him to ban roxirlonttha tuivn vory lutij- nt tho mont, mnkon liiw

't of an otisLlilsh eliai-actc-r, Knil worthy of• Ktiun lm-m*> it allow, x gouulni. rega«l lor

i> reliably iiift.rIbtomi Mr. He

\n tlfitlicr n

nii-d Mint nt tlio Into liriitt.ftjfci-tiii. tlm hardi Jlnm,, wan tlie mcnii!rnmiliijroorofftjiordi

m li» imtwrt lliDlailii':.l!ii>i:i It

i'il inu ivditiiiKaltia that lui wiuld haMrs. WnUh had tli« Udil

mi led IH-N, 11 Intl.-kni^r.Mr. Itnbcrl Urnliv [if Krhooli-ptwitliiitirnlilt BcnLI.'iit ittioiith t)1 Ihu M inst., which fur rtovnml ilays tli.od to prrnv fatal. Tlio vail or a churticb he lvnR Rt work Mil iircoiiHUtinff lfltiiiicu of Iliirty-fivu fi-ot, umid tlmth Whlcli ho H'flfl parlitilly OTnil was fructnred, and bo received other veryriinm iujirrios from wliidi it wu tli'juKtit im-iHHibtfl fur him t<i recover. But his friends0 now iii liope.ttlitttlioinay survive, although

in w, bj no mcunH out of ilsngor yet.


wl. Hi

p gacbiuo and Manillafull supply water a


' . WHIPPANY..\7hippany,Iili0ourcoimtryin genEral, is at

it in a nourishing c3iidltinn,iiN our millseither running to thoir fullest capacity

LiuR ruady t» ilo BO.The paper mills which nro bolngran hy Mr.onry Louinon,p*per iltaler, oT 25* mid S'10nriatrcot.Now York, Lave all they can do,fact tho grtat trouble la to gat thorn to do

oufih. Tho great drawbaok baa been thonit or w»t«r, filHioui?h it haa rained ovory,v daj'B thu ruin aecraod to have no elTdCtion tho it reruns until Ilia recent ono wbichR in ink- a full supply fur the. pCflflont.,A now Htcani cn«ino is bolnR pnl IH tho Oal-cmian Mill which will bo ruady for work

foiV ana "wliicb will "add considerable" to"tl.eipacityotit. Tbia mill haa jUBt completed a

irgo order o! papar far D. T. Babbit fatloapr f p p e r s . . . ' . . : • • A •

At the Eden Mill thoyure at present aia colored paper on onti tbo other, nnd with

./(jo imoant, (romeiRU „ r .._.,,t.—a manuracWed aaoh.vcQk. TUU mUliupjr-oularly adapted ^> ,^e manaficturo of linepV-'aBTf-la-ioiirfflr ihSTmest Bpringa of,torin thinparlof .hoBtato*, tiw sitaatod

ihout hnlf n milo aborc tho mill and is brangbta thoro tlirongU two Iron pipes. Tha water

rrom this upring has bcon used at Itio in ilia Tor•o than hairtoaaturyand was never known

Tho niotquito netting ificma at tho cottonictorr aro telng gotten Mady to start an fasta it It paiBiblo to tlo aa, and uow bands aroiolng takon on fvory day. • '\ .Jdrcuiiab Qenung, another old.resident of1

, blB pince ia hii DOth jcir, dUjd nt hifl borne !n•J • Whippany Inet ireok, amfwai buried Injiio old burying ground. Mr. Ctanong wastorn at Eait Mniimm and lim hecn a toaidoot

tliia ouualy *11 his lifo, oieopting a fowirs gpeut in Nuwark f earn ing his trado. (

TJia yoiinacr portion of tbo coilffnjgiltit"' °f> Catliolio Churcli am very onuy got lingidy for their fair, which is to bo held In St,trv'H Bchool hoimo (luritiR the lolidays, last-• a week. Tlio pruHiicd at proiont U that It

'ill 1M otic of tlio most HiioocsBful evaf hold

PORT MORRIS." Who biB ham mnnJog into you sidowaya ?'

I aaid Io tie Conductor o! coal train ND. UFriday, " Well," bo aafd, " tho sixth car fromtio CDBIBO came anooapled »*t both ends, tornlog down tho mountain, jumped the track,turnedBtimuierwtand settled down bet.the two tHokj. The balance of iho trainright pait it wits t'uo resalt joa lee."

It was a ilnfio'ar and very luoky accident.Tbo cornut poiti were broken on a few can,and the others wore ]usl wratolied ao that youcould BOS It, and there was a bole pnnobod intlte lawer part af tha wboata. Ike Falter nsedtoteilorioiinffafrelghtcar out of hit* trainthat way onoe on the Brie road between Tutner'aandflufferD'B, bntltwaa io dark he did

tilho went to pot his train iothe Bvltcb at Sufferns. Tbo boyr tuod to callitBuOriB1. TIIBIO aro tbe only two acoidontBof that kind I evo." board af in ail mr railroadexperience.

It 1B my painM duty to record the death ofMrs, Qoorgo Stout, whldi oooarred early onMonday morning. Mr. Stout has tho sympa-thy cf tbo entire communlf;. She left himbaby of a hw months old. Mrs. Utont wm anoioolloDtwornin and will be mourned bylarge otrelaofWandi.

Mrs. W. Q. Day, who has beoa elott tor aomeUniB.iB getting bettor.

We are going to hate a Ohrlatmai tvoe. ThePresbyterians ofBtauhopa we going to haveBomothingortlutkiudtuo.

Tbev tell how a vonng man from Coloradoout through Stauliapo tlio othnr nighttevolver in each baud aaylng be-coald liob

ny fn Btanbopo. Under tbo ofrepmatao-CI>B I thiuk nouc of tbe toys cared to taoklohim.In Colorado in a few yuara. Jmt at proBent theUusox boyi prohr to fight with their fists,

On Monday evening, i t tbe regular mso'L Olive Lodgo nnmher 41, I. i). 0 . F., SouthStanlopo, olsnttd Ira Motrery Beorotary forthe tin expired term of William Wfilor.

Tbo regular election cfolHcora Iu tlio OddallOrVB* Lodges throHRboat tho State oa the

last mooting tn Dooombar.A now Haaoiiio Lodgs was organleed in

Stanhope list Friday evening which will bilown aa MuBconetcong Loilga Ho.— The foL

lowing officera wsro installod iW.M-A..B.Cope.8. TY-O.K.Davidaon.J. W-0 . F . Ooobru.TreaanrDr—M. Van Hern.Secretary-Jacob McDonnell.8. D-Bor. 0(jo. Millor.J, D--A. A. Maberry.Obaplitin—Bav, Josonh W. Porter.

) Pamuel Poterion,Stewarilt. > J. 3. Davidson,

J T . J . Knight.Tjrlor— George Drako.This Lodgo IB working tndor dtttpensatlon

A present, but I pru^amo tbero will bo so dif-isulty in Rotting a charter when tho Grand

inoetfl, I wiali tlio uovr lodgo tbo 1ntniuaanra ofsnoccBB.

o farnico at Franklin Is chilled nud willto go ont of blast, Thoy propone to barerij,' affAfn In six wnokB. The Lackawanna

unrl Goal company, whoso property It IF,Dialling all tho atccl mils for tho N. Y.

. & W. 11. R. and aro <Uiiif( all thmr Btcolinking facilities to bavo tbo raila ready &Bmn \B tho road bod. This trill pat them baoklittlo may bo, but that old furnace wilt harej cut oro nnd coal and lime a tone EM Boon &B:K.'}'gut it in Iilist again.Did yuu BOO Ihu coiuot that paiBod over tlilaiad Tuuiday ?The New Orleans Picayune of tho 8th Init.,

ilii tha proceotlinga of tba nallroad Oon--, . jr 's tiro laiaraooo Association of thonitod etnlofl and Canmli, wbloh met ID thatityou tho 7th. Tbo delegates were velootn*d by the Uaynr, wboiio namq 1B Bhakespeuo,i a noat littlo speech. Ex-President S. Titusilivoredtho annnal address, and PresidentIriglmtn fulluwod ID a abort addroas of hie

~ botiofl ODD of tho* conductors is uauvd__.. ^andourUr. DQVoeoftra.De 5 noilfltiB appointed one of tbe committee on ooa-titatjfKi iln^bT-jiws. DOVQO (« a flrat-fllassntidnctor Jn'moro than ono aenao and aWaysvoa a civil austror to piwongerB who like toik queationfl—and their name is lofifon. Ex-

?reiideot Titna stated that in tho (anrioon-ears of tho existence of tho dBBociatloa i t ,has paid out in buiuifitsto its membtiis onemillion of dollar*. They haj twonty-aovon fts-

IIJ tn for the UBI ycar-eighteon lorIcatlis, oigbt for disability and ono lor expon-

Thu total aniniint of beuniltH paid for thowas f.tG,8O2. Total rcooiptu, $18,551.22

itnl Bipgnriituran, f33,tiJ4 84 ; total raombiT- |ilp, Serrt. let, 1B81,1,551. Fnr tho braoflt of |io miiniiiitod 1 will pay thia is n mutual lu-irnm-i-, il hJis no IJIR hoi Mini; io pay rent for,i ..i;,-!.!* lo inako ft livintt out of. Wbuu

tuom^^, "riadisuUlffl, IllO Grftlltlflcc-tiLryj«[i(.Ufii'diif thof»ot. no intiHoM tlie.rums divimoiia nm! "ncli ni:>mlicr is iiDtillhtl 'iimyfl, It is iiiltiuili'l that liif^o imcus-

committee, that the rapper realised betweenArty and sixty dollars, for wninh they dailre toexpress their thanki to those who braved tboitorm to attend it. It this estimate should

provo to bo a few cents more or lorn than theo!BcltlflgnreBrIhopen(>oQewUl think it hiiduty to rash into print and call me a liar. Idon't know anything tbont It.

There will be a Christinas ttoo at the M. E.Churoh; SJBO, I uadorstand our HethodlstWends propose to have au ontflrUinmeut oriomoklmlsoon. What Bhapo it may tako I

mot at prudent panf lively informed, but Itwill be good when it canoe.

Mrs. Stout was burled Thursday afternoonfrom tbo cliapel at Fort Morris. Bov. Mr.Tattle preached tha fuuoral Bormon aud Rov." Miller itid & fsw WDrds alBo. T ^ palboarori were: Mrs. Peter Mowary, Sin. Wm.

llhgahaw, Mrs. Sayld Hoffman, Mrs. PeterHulTinitn, lira, fiamucl LftjMJ anJ Sirs. Stew.

rt Fraahor,If sny of tho EIU'B roadoraflod a oroam col-

ored spitz dog nltb a> black itraak on bis nosowhich rum down hii breast, running aroundloose ho belongs to JamoB Thomai, Engineer,Port UorriB.

Tbe rolling "mill i« in fall blast and onrgenial friend H. 0. Reynolds is nronnd withtho caih for tbe men every two weeks, and

iva cash for charcoal on delivery.Tlic foundry is fall of orders. I andei-

stand tbitt Mr. Hoogland will bnlia his fonn-drf of briok, Ho hns a\iw\3 oommonoodand will flolBh in tbe Spring.

The two forges are running night and day.Tbe merchants are nttiug up witb holiday

roods.Norris has got into 111" DBW brick store.Tbo tAlk is now of a new hotel,Tbe Buuda; Schaola are preparing for

grand tdmo on Obrtsimna. Theill bo nnnouneed by hand bilk.E . W. Seam has opeued a new boot ..

ilioo fihop where you ODD get your work donaIn gnod order and on time, whloh 1B Bome-'liaaiiowin that line.

Our Rcbool teaoben attended the Institutethis week.

Harper's Publication..In tlia broid realm of American literatureicre are no publications that oomparo with

thoiie of tbo Harpers, tho prospectuses ofhicUappaar in anotlior colamn. They are

tmoigtho very best edncatorB tbat oaa ba&Dfd In the liotsoholfl, and add greatly toie onlture,education and entertainment ofie homo circle. Ho money 1B as well expond-

id for Itteratuce OB that laid out Is tha cost ofme nrrnorooftheso pnblioatlom. ByBpooial.rrangomenta made wo aro able to furnish anyif them-with tbo ERA at greatly,t follows:

Harper's Monthly MagaUnfl and thoEai , IS;irlcesDparatolj.lG.Harper'a Weekly and tbo EnA, (5.201 prloaiparatoly, 16.Haroor'B Bazaar and the EIA, I5.S0; pricoipaiatoly, (3.Harper'n YonDg People and tba EBA, t3.20;

•IOO Boparaloly, $3.50.

IK'd (> o tln> ffid) of tbo do-W] ]> who

imo. Til era

; ihu dcail man conimitt.Jil (tiieiile.or ilimo J.oothor tiling wliorohy lho big inenrinoopanymay lio oiinbloil to ..nibble out ofiufTlliuvridnp or fatherless chililmi thoamount of tlm inminuce. Tho Locnnio-EiiBiiiiw* nn«l Od.l Fcllnwu linvo a ninilar

em of life inwrmice and it works well aaiy can loatifj.

Ths woather Is inoro Uko April thun Dcosnv

iiiRratuUto the ppvor pcnplq on .tba re*Dn of tlio our simps thoro. flomo pooplo3od$ deal, of staWtrg- aUont » graspingratiooa" lo t they-wouia'tnilB thflm ifiliouIJ happTnTtomtrtooat; " "uiUin class of politicians make a big fussa railroad man happens to got nomioat-

Kl forBoniopctlyoffiCB. They doclarohois thomil' df tho railroad company' which ovna

..~ body and liootB, that ho will have lawslagged tOTBiBOtbo far 0 and freight traffic and'icporir aoludbd 'publ|a,Tflll,be, skinned bytn. Suppose those railroad companieaKiuldshut up tliblr pookei'booka, Uko uploir rails, kuock thofiro ont or thdr locpnc-roB, what would bocomo of their little dtlea.

' B O D N T O N . ' " ' . ' , . .Onnof onr nnjorlakora bad two funerals In

day this week.' , ;-Vis. 3. D. MockrldgQ U balldlng aa addition,

AQ, to hjs carriage manufactory in this) l a c c . , : - ' . ' • • : •• .Tlie ObriBtmas tree exoralaea of the PreBby-

torUn Church will take place next'PrtdayevcninR. " ; ;

Bi 1 KM conflaoted at tho Oonuty PoorHOUBO evo/y Bnnday afttmoon by tbe olorgy-men of thiB plaee.

At.thii ml ting. WedntBday, (be rolling millwat wilting lor coal to arriva to start np.• Thd Presbyterian Sabbath Bcbool wiil Boonhave new Bingina; hooka.

pTuesday aad Wednettday, on aeconnt of tboTcaobors! Initltute.hoW ai>Doter.on-thoseh)i j

Wa are able to report this woelt aa extmor-dinarj,occ4rrBtiDe I t IB that a woman pcaad-*4herhoi$an.dwi|h a. piece of ciprd^wpod be

aho'diij something that dlspleBBOd her.h h t h f t

SUCCASUNNA.Oar enlcrpi-iiiiR carnnntcr and builder, Mr.

Claronco YOUURB, ban finished a boasc for Mr.I'anchur, a lid hati one iu course of orce-

ion for Mrs. Ooor^o Larison, to Uko plaoo dfID recently burnod. Mr. Youngs Is au oaor-

;otlc and oDtorprinlng yonng mtn, prompt tolors, moderatoiahis termSiudpBiforras

.-.. .trkitta-Mttifaitory manlier.,'' >•'•*•Tho Presbylcrian flunday Bcbool'fchblarB areractlcUig^CliflitoiaB.^., I '•

Tbe sobhf (5»tlier.uRi-tt4h» ProsbyterinctrsauagOtTtiiitsday and Friday ovenlnijB wer?1 pleKuntf offaira, judging from outw

HnJrnowhaTiogBldd w Ik ballt lafronf.fctblnginaohinwdod

nil which will Io greatly ipproclitod 'l,y pe-avBtduilillllt.1ftfin1 0amin,ine,pl>nB8r aadDbucplonof the Bids walk baainoBs to tbhuuo.

' t Moh'lBBDnioieat gtnr-l d o n o " ' '• ; : "

Tbo Good Tonplars of this dlitrlct IIBU

election of offioBri. TOarn woro twontj-BTOf i ^ f d F

and jo toi th Hi* Ai"Goodal«'i Ked FrontProg Store, .b.HiBiniiii -•i.-Liin

n m y h ^ f l ^ , .Mri. Sarah J, DonnrBBt,' aged 74 years', died

n Friday morning, of,pnoataonfa. ; She hidcon's1rtbiitonogr:4wfl jbJB.' This faooralirflooY wera baia^^eMMdtiiooMj'f-ber

danghter,,M!iii. Timothy (Jl>3ion, OD Tbars-d A d f l f c ' ^ B i l r t f f S ' ' ;' f::"'n

In eomo piacos In this town, crowds of'row-Hlf.t congrottatB on tho iiaBvaikslnthBOVBD-Ing and make oBpii|ivB rarnarkiabotit^pwplflpassing. Wo tttnU tJnt'iUfl aootft ttmo' ihd

on OonnaiJ-enrorced tto ordinances ro-td*peb[st»lB4n:<*B,'!n W*j rblimmw

ipa It would, be % good idea

^Bpod^pj^ntsmm.; i".Thia nutaanoo auoald be stopped In some way. arrest Thomas L o s a s ^ - b a i l v dmakanddiBOrderlf. Ho WM jfeHio^UMJ quite rongbLrwhnn'a>D>st&naari!nn3il>4ilJ -aasletaboo andhelped biaa to get Logan to ths atatlon house.In the erojilng I«8»n hid-'a hwring-bofonPolice JaVtFco Dloiham, wfao flood him » .

Job.ri;ftff^a«n*t56Ty oTaD&ut 18yearaorpgi)'employed by Mr. John, J. Kopp, who propnroahim frura OaBtlo Garden a aboVt timo ago, ranaway with pono money belonging, to, bis om-plo»r liBtwobk. aocatabb Hylor btpiiRbtb'lra, back'^s.lnrdai .afternoon. The.'maaojr'wWUVen iTnln'tihn'and'tboii lib was rolcBrisd.


but BeeniB to hare learned Its ways qaiokly.Th>(lc.ilti»ffv<fchiT.rtlioMi1E(Otliiroh li 15,-

8W. ltVkB^ouhil I^lnqalry •mong'tbo cred-iton that tbo debt could be pitd off for, aboutono-hair. On 8anday'alMuli18;O00waanisodbTMbiedpllqn apdjbo pastor, Rev,.J.KiDgi" willgoW ptrfon and loliolt- aid from

obnronVto'piy tbo balance'. HlBoffurh|ho fltifttingor thpobarpu « o for/,

iiy. Desidci this flu tins debt thoroIB a mortgage on, Ibo chnroh for 10,000 whichthey t l i f | » i t l «^on i^ f j ; arrar-rcb otnW'his


STANHOPE.Tlielectoro of VLV\. Dr. Hi«giiia in Ihn M. 1!

chnrcb wsn poatpoaoil for ono waok.wbicb. wilbring it on next WeJues'lay evouiuc Tlitmbjuot of Iho Itoturo is "The Majesty of thilaw-Gritcaii'ncmniiani. trial." TuoDr.hais way of miUmg any su^j t«l Interoatin« to hisLsnrors, as tbUpirtlcular subjoot Is Jnst novroagroasins Ilia attfutbn or the whole civilisedworld, uo dmibt tltcrn will be a full buaie toboarwhatMr.HiBBinabas to Bay abont It. Ican prominnau iDtuiloolual treat to those wholike iach things, and who will not ml«i t,og Ibis lecture at tba M. E . Church neit

Old Jnpiter Pluriaa lriod to make It is diaa-gretublo as poBslblo furthoss who wanted toattend tbe Presbyterian lupper, Tbo flntevening was cloudy and damp and manythought they would! wait until Wedoeid*y

ninjf; Wodnenlay tlie old oliap railed theplug oat of the water tank end It ralnod allday u d far iatotbanight,when It turned tosnow, md we had tbe earth all drewed in

beautiful won" on Thursday morning. Hot-am Informed, by one of tbe

d b t

Oh, What a Cough IWil11'ou hcud tbe waruiiiR. Tho signal per-

hDpB ut tlio suro s|iproneb uf that mere terri-ble diuB%Hu Coumimption. Ask yourtelvei IIyon can affurd for lbe sako of saving 60 els. toruu the rink and do nolbioK fur il. Wo knowfmra eiperienoo ta i l Uhilob'B cure will careyour oungli. I t nevor fails. Thm explainswliy more tlisu k million bottles were suld tiit>past ,voar. It relieves drottp itid whooviug

At nl i>noo. Mathers do nut ba wlthaal It.hi nek, side. <ir ohtMt; use BIIILOUTmt i'.illcr. Sold by Vuught k Killgoro.

Dyspepila and Uver ComplaintIs it nut worth tbe small prioo ofW cents

free yourseltrcBBingcor

tlf of even

ndse tk I«ttlebasa

srmpiom ofyou ttilnk so

'bottle Vf'aLilob'B Tltalisor,

Wo have a apeudy and positive eure forcatarrh, (Uphtbfttia, osnker monlh anil haa<?Mho. IpSblloh't S t u n t Iteinedr. A n r 1

injoctorrroe with each bottle. Uao It ir j>._doBirelioaltb and awMt breath. Price 60 cU,

For uie by Vooght A Killgoro.

Olear head atid voice, easy breathing, awoel.breath, porfoot wmoll, taste and hoarlng. noconcli, no dlstreia. Those aro conditionsbraUKhtabanlia Catarrh by tlie use of Ban-turd's ltidfoalOure. Ouo bottle IUdical Oure,mo hoxOatarrhal Holvent and one ImprovedInhaler, in ouo package, for EL

A Singular Proceeding-Mr. tJniille, cuuneol for the asaawln

3nitcsu, io a. lecturoin Waablnslon oti Wod-icsday evetiinR, road the following letter

liclihcfiaidlioimilreooived:WABHIBQTON.N J.,Dec.lOtb, 18S1.

B . ScnyiLLB : -Sir—Thin la to inform you that I representc rrcHidcrt of a QarfloW wanning club iu114 I'ily, ninl that should you oaccoeil in oloar-ic (Imtuiui nurliaiid, witli others in tUinbUtoill tli-;l juslico to you niul oil concurtu'ti iourt. rftwsrft Inrcrengo.\MEI. F . BKATTV, Unj-ot of Washington, N. J.Tho uoxt evening Sir. Iltatty appeared with

iiis ESOO lor tho detection of tbe writer.nttiTC'r tliG ri^ht of tho lUbttor may l>o, Itmkible Hint Mr. Bcatty will obtain con-

urabJo ailvertidinfj at ft very littlo cunt.

Railroad and Rolling Stock tD be GivenAway on New Year's Day-

For overj' cnih purchnnc to tho araount ofmo dollnr at lireeau'H Holiday Sloro, the

irchaner will bo Riven a ticket which willilitle tlio bearer to a cbauco 011 tho nbove

railroad.The loooinotivo which ifi run by Htcnui iaW on cihibition in'g show window

and ie attracting muoh nltcntion.

Just V^hnt You are Looking For.SomethiiiR tbat will nmka uny lady or poo-

etnaa ft vory linndtioiuo proRcnt now forsaloat J. A. Gooddo'sItedFrontDrngStoro.

HATS, UIOC,'. KcnehcK, WalorHiip

W nni] Hed and Black•- - '-itN cat ravcnounly

rHon'e Eittermin->r and iliu. No.rhiuUimilis.

inciioliifl often oloarfilluht, BcHtniul clioapoat verminworld. No failure in 90 yisara.

Enirv"iiiix"waiTanlcd. 8okl bv all RrocerB endilriiL-Kislft. Auk fur rarsfina1. Slailod for 25

• i. by IVKEKS & I'OTTEB, DoBtun, Haas,

Read I Read IIAn immenao qiiantUy of liolidny eltppera

in exhibition at Itoderer & Heiigan'fl

Call and exnmtne the elegnnt Btyloa Enjents, fins shoes at Boclerer & Heagnn'a.


Euy your winter overcoats at Fiorson'B.Holiday goods at the Urick Drug Storo.\f. 8. Babbitt lina A LOW add in thii

•eek's.Tbe best camphor cionm at the Brick

drugstore. .Teeth eitraotea' for 25 conta at tha Brick

)rug Store.Pftlnii, oils, glaaaand putty ohenp at the:riok Drug Store.Vf, 8. Babbitt 1B Rolling cloaks at one-third

f October prioea.Beaa and reflect npon Vf. S. Babbitt's

ow advertisement.Hia BaraliartAYassarrabbora. forsftlo bj

BodererandHeagan.. A full line of E. 0. Bnrt'a fino shoes at

Itoderer & Heogaa's.A fmnity box of Ohriatrniut and floe roiled.nilias nt Tretnuthn's for SI.TVhat finer holiday gift can yon giveyonr

'fiend* tinn one of tbese flue aeol Bkln capsfttFieraon'B. '

A fine stock of hair goods may be seen atHenry Heitnan'i? Bae Hive, comer of Bns-

ix and Oanal streetg,'Oood,U,e4,hay,«nd fine potntotea—a car

bad of eaoh—lust received nt Frank Cox'aEmpire Market, Warren street,.-. TuBOompoindTarOough Syropprepw-adat the Brick Draff Store is the most re-liable for all lung Affections.* 'CU' yontf preaorlpttanB' put np ' at theBrick Drug Store to secure acourftoy and ex-perienoe. Btore aatobUshed la 18^1.

For groceries end ionsehold aapcilea onll_ tba store of GEX Tloraon, Millbmck.

where you will now find a fresh end full

Geo. PlerBon has lbs "best facilities of anydealer in this section for supplying timberof all' kinds, railroad ties, etc When inwant let him know.

Pianon; opiwilto the psBfoffloe'hftsIdireds'of novelties for'Ohristmns presents—[Iqvaa, flue ties nnd scarfs, elegant silk tand-lercoiefa, Haarf pina, olc, etc.

Lunger & Movery, the enterpriBing tner-«nantBi of Btanbope, a n ready far the lioll-days,with all t he inn Bad useful things *their lines of goods. Call on them.

AU medicines advertised in this paper isold at tha Briolc Drag Store at them prio™.25 cant articles for 20 oenta; JiO cent arUdenfor 38cents; llartloleBfor 76cents'

Biding Bftdaiei, bridles, whip,' ha. , . . .bmBhefl,' aaddla niidA; oollara, OQB, leatherpoliBheB, ohnmofa and in fact all goodskept in a fint-claas harness store, at A . 'lor t Son's.. , . . . , . . .

Carva that Christmas'turkey'with one ofonr Walrus carvers ( prices eitremely low."nst received B fine lot silver-plated wan ;uat the things for OhriBtmas gifts. Allen.

Ths N. T- & Ohina^ea Oo. nntonnos agreat, .redaction in prioea of coffees ( and

i and a new stock of fralts for the hoi-j Head their new advertisement on

the Drat pogoofUiIi paper.;Horson,.lh6 Clothier, not only oturlea thi.

iiaaviest atock of winter clothing for manand boyB, but every customer in hii plaoftreoeivea coortaona attention and flnda that

^ r ^ l rid t•h'BJjBtter..' The^tnuiget,IB ^

(jiticuiaBlood Poisonings, Scrofulous

Ulcers and Itching Humors,Abscesses and Glandular


LEAD POISONING.Mr. Albert KtuRsliury, Kumio, N.n.,tionL.

leil witt bail IiUtimr 011 liands mid neck,canned Ly lend poisouiu^. (H*J'« n painter.At times it would break out, oratik o ilbs ubiii K t p t f th f l hpiocta, sufiol

ip ,Htingiufl.

, k opuii. aniltti from tho flesh m inrgngroat contiimnl itching am"

liaiHxl yor "--it internally, and Outicura

md Outicura Boap oitnmallF, and in loea thanbroe nmntlia effected a cumiiliito euro, and

has not boon trjubled liuco. Corroloratod byID & FCBIEU, Drut'RlstB, Keono, H. H.

GREATEST ON EARTH.J. W. A DAUB, Nowark, Ohio, lays: « Cuti-

oura ltumedlun aro tbe gro&tntt modiclucs onearth. Had tho wont case salt rboum in tl-Jicounty, H ; mother bad It twijntj years,, anil„, J y mother .in Fact diod from it. I ki le

Havod her lifo. Hy iCuticura w

rme, breaet 1.3 CDVorod for'tbroo vours, whmlirollutod or ciirad until I lined tbo

_ __ BoHolvont internally, ami Outionmanil Cutionra Soap externally.

PS0RIA8I8.B. E. Oarponter, Ksq., HondQison, K. Tt,,ared of Psoriasis orLeproBy.of twcntyyoari1

.anding, by the Guticora Branlvont intornallyand Oul learn and Cnlleuro- Boip extoruallj.Tbo most wonderful CBBO on record. Ouuoortiflud to before • justica of tbo peaoe andprominont citizens. AlUfflloted vrltli itchingmd scaly dlaeaaoB Bhoold Bend to OB for thisBBtimouial In full.

SALT RHEUM.Those who have oiporlonoed tbo tonnenU

jtSaltnheara can spproolsta Lho agony 1 011durodtor years, untu ourod by the OntfcunRoBolvont intornstly and Onticura and Out)'cum BDSD flitariiallv>


CUTIOUEACutioura Soap externally and OutlcuralTOtit iatornally will positively euro evury

ppBoios of finmor. from a Common riir.plc toScrofula, frloa olOatioura.Bmallboios.SOo.;Urge boiOB. It . (Jutioora Itcaolnont, II perbottle. Oaticura Boap, 250. OuticUfa Shiv-lag Soap, lso. Hold by all druggists, Depot


Sanford's Radical Cure,Complete Treatment

FOR tl.H)B*nford'B HaiUc*\ Gate, C»t»rrhal BoWcnt til J

I Improvwl lalnlor, vr»i>pod In onopwlutfic withI full dlrtctlottt, *nd Hold bytll dru(i|[lBta far onoaolt»i. AeifirSatiford'S Radical Outo.

From 1 siniiilo cold or Inlluenza to tlio rotting.,tloiiBliInu ami Jontli or DID suiuwHnf small, twin |•nd he»ring, t!ii» «"•»! wineay Is Daprewn,

th»*<ont"«»miinfliiibr»aQ citanged, il lain foe tod!luutbcd »nd healed, hetii and voice cienroJ,smell, Uste »nd licirlnf tettortd and oonslitii-tlonal »ii«|ir» clitickiHl. TUUB, oitcrnallT andl t l l . dnon thU Rroat PC mm mi ml romody

t t L ^ i i l d i t lork, lli t i l tLj n ^ i i p irmtliuntllf rl

1VEEKS_SJ MTTETl, Jlontnn.

mSatiu, Black Soi^o, Lnimcl, Liulios Cloth, or any otLor rubric, orlor 11 iiitc pair of





In great variety ID Boien, ant! a groat asaoctment of



Whitlock & Lewis,NO. 6 NEW BLOCK,

COR. BLACKWELL and MORRIS STS.Alwa;» on banri 11 fall lino of GHOCP,IireS AND l'HOVISIONB.

E. SIEBERhu reduced tlio prlco Tor plain painting to

$1.90 PER DATfrom tbii dttc, and will tako contract! st very

fignroi to ocrreipond with tint r»to.



apou tbo lowoBt torrai, Contnati takan for

Frescoing InteriorsuToJiuroiieBindresIdonoca.BpeoinioDicirwbloti

wlliboibomiif dosired. My stock of

II now complete, cm towing


DEBI0N6. l o s i l l "papuri from fl centa to fiO coata pop roll; (toldnaperi from 40 olB. to SS. I canDot bo under

- KlMoa.

BORDERS, DADOS,Celling Decorations,


Gold Mouldings, Hooks, &c.

Blio for papcrinft and kalsomininp walls.Also kftlsomino rolled Io crder in ever; color

*I to put on by (jotrt or gallon.


Dover,! N.J .

FM1HEH0LIDWSIE.Lindsley & Son


IHOLIDAY COUNTERIfilled with all tuinnor of goods smUblo for HOLIDAY Girra; also a

TEN GENT COMTEK,:a a largo variety of neural mini

iiiYcatuiutit. Andagciifntal articloa for tbia Byaf allbludiiat

GOODS SUITABLE TO THE SEASONthroughout tlio entire Ktoro, Everything uow and desirable ID







•ai —

onnonncea a grnnd exposition of HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, -wortliyof inspection, including the largest assortment of W A T C H E S ,blocks And Jewelry, at prices calculated to satisfy the wants of all,A you should hasten to improve this chanco before our choicest nov-elties aro gono. If you aro unable to make a suitable selection. Ifyou have not succeeded in finding exactly what you want and areAnxious to secure a really deBirablo gift, do not fail to rive me a calland I will ahow you BARGAINS which I guarantee wilt fill your soulwith happiness and make you smile.






XTO tddUtonftl charge ror extrtotlng wbeiel \ mtrteothkroiniortod. Wo u e oiiwtoak-'igbewllfulntiortotthlor



)OTDt,8opt»mbotaSib,18T«. .


BIAUKWELL BTIffiF.T, D n . m i Tii irai kOLABK'U, DoTor. N. J-, li now rc&dy to mootlho dcnatid cf Iho public In tho Ml trailo of



. C Monroe's Remedy,WHHOUT TEE BSE OF qUINlSE,

WARRANTED A SURE CDRE,which mtny prominent ettieani c*n toitifj

Aik yoar Dragglil for it or tddre««


1D1JORALEMON ST.,/ , Brooklyn, N. V.

¥E(tD POB 0B1CD11IU1. U

IffOTTC P r i

All ttio now ilikpoi In HATS ana QOKNEIS,trlmrood Kod nntrlmmod. AH tlm new liudusin Itibbonfi, Plaxbai, Volveti, 8itlnR, Fetth-on, and F l o w n . AJu a luge Miortmont ol

Ladiet' Clottka and Solmifiil

S. H. BERRY'SHardware Store


SKATES-SLEDS,J S l i J J 3 l l T l C l

FARM OF 160 ACRESFOR SALE!indorifgnotl will IBII 160 AORF.8 of hi

firm i t Bmld'i Laka. N. J.; homo KxK, £VLrooms, Imientont »nd oollir; bam 93tU withcollar «UbIoi; oirriigo hooie 34iS0; two milkbouiwi, Tbebnildinntarunoarlr new and In— J repair. Qondnpring of witw near the

a. QoodapplooreliinJ. ElRUtraemofplough land in goad lUto of anluvatlon, Tonactei of raoidow: Hprouta from two to twentyj o i n growth. FITO aorei good timber) 8QQoordi or good wood lUnJfnBoaiitamp. Qootf•pMlmeni of slno and Iron orei D I M

XERUS-balf «•&, UUnca la bond »Dl]l P r t b l » ^ i l U U i








SILK SUSPENDERS.Any of the above articles would make a very

suitable present. Besides we have many other

things whioh would be aooeptable and are

less expensive.


Doc. 10th, 1881. DOVER, N. J.

3oll«. Tool


DEEN'S TABLE SETS, and many other goodsunequalled for HOLIDAY PEESENTS.



[ havo tho boat ami largoat ntnek of SIQ.RDH or any dunlor in thia part or tbo aimnty, both/ELLS and rORTLAKLS. Thoy art' HT good watcrihl, triiumeil in raw nillt, criiiiHon pltuh(1 bniMBolM carpet. Tlio ornamentation ia vory ehb'jratu ami attrautivo; Htripod with golilif; aro very artistic in design; arocotiHtnic-Lui! in each a iiinoncr an tu com!>(no Btrongtli"• '"ihtnejg, elegance with ilnrabilitv ami cmnrnrt; nml will j*t=ll thorn at tlio lowest QKurea

,«, ..^raod in tliiH mnritot. FULLY \VAllIIANTED to bo SB r e p r i n t e d . Do not f.aku anvbauonsln buying bolan Boeing my Block. I havo on Imnd CAimiAOE AND anOOERV^AQONB. AlaoCarriiige, WSKOII andBleigli Uatorialu.



FINE CUSTOM TAILOKmG!I wonltl respectfully invite tlio ntten*

(ion of mj friends niid tbo general Dubloto my FALL AND WINTER STOCKOF CLOTHS, OASSIMEBES ANDVESTIMGB, nil ot tlio very kteut BtyleBnuil being carefully aoleoted by tayesMwith a view to combitiog excelleace witheconomy. The cntting nnd mabo up wiltlie all that could bo desired of my pricesm law na nonaistsnt nitb first -class work.

^ M experience iu the tailoriugtrade willI e my excuse for aajiug that thoseplne-mg their a dcrs in my bauds can rdfltnssurcd thn notbiug wilt be left undoneto give tbo ulkst BOtisfaction. Beforeirdering yo r suit call and aeo tbe utoetuit you can get for from

to #25at tho old stand.



T H E IRON FRONT !Oai TALL nud WINTER stock complelo iu cverj DEPAHTMEKT,


at(orlraont or MEN'S

CLOTHING[OW BE ADI. MODS' Sasincsa Boits, in all the newewt styles, from $10 to $19,

Dross Baits, in Glottis, Diagonals, Busket Piqiios, 4c., from $15 to 826.



-PALETOTS,FROM 80 TO 825. A olitfce tarlety of PASTS from (1.S0 to 17.

Our BOYS' and CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT 1» nilcd with1001U exclmlTolr OUR OWN MAKE, and in rrlce, nualllj nnilnarkmnmiblF, worlliy of close Inspection.In our CU8T0H DEPARTMENT we offer a select; line • ol

NOVELTIES and STAPLE GOODS, bath Foreign and

Domestio, a t reasonalle rates.

MCGREGOR & Co.,850 and 852 BROAD St., NEWARK, N. J.

: S Doom below Newark *. N U T Verk R. H. Otpot.

IMMENSE HALES I . UOYTun alive 1 Good

Ohrond cards, 5 riirUtioni, S liBilvor. ""

*. *»«o»B;«nBj,,se . IllaB.o.

moot, Sin

T Do'u'l locllB balori m i n iX onr Jama. Blnr * fia-ltluSuloguo I m . J.F.UXSOUA,

New York Weekly Hera tONE DOLLAR A YEAR.

MAUK m v i x



Mark IVuin was recently ut B dinner

of the StaDley Club in Taris, &o&, being

Ciille.l n|ioii for a speech, is tlniH reported

)>y the Continental 0aittte : "Mr . E,yai

Hiiii] t-i me just now tlint I'd got lo make

a st'eei'h. I suid U Mr, Ryan, "Tlit

U«WB camo ton Inte-to save Roger Me

PiH'rsfC.' It is cad to kiio v that name

tbiuj-^s iihvnys come too late, nml tvli

I look nrmiud upon thin britlinnt

srml>!y I f<*l ilisnppoinietl to think

what a iiicfi tiiiofdi I aiiglit liavo inn

what fiut- lojiics I might lun-fl found

Paris to spruit uliout uiuong Hifisu 1

toriL' iti'iiiiuafiits. tlia nrcliihtftnre of

Filii-*, tin? towers of Notre Dame, tbe

C-IVPS, mul oilier iincii'iit things. 1

I might Lutve suid eouii'lbiug nbout

objecleof which Paria folks ure foud—

litersilmv, nrt, metliciiie [theii taking a

curd from his rest iuwkt't ns if to take a

ginned tit bis notes,] aud adultery. Bu

tlic news ciiino too late to savo RURUI

McPliersou ! Porliaps you are not na

well acquainted with McPlter*

nm ? Will, r i l exiituiu whoMcFhennn


Whmi Im siiled from New York,

('.'inif CHI boaril a man nil Uu££[>i

IUITO skeleton. He vas'iit ir,ncb of a

uiiin, he waj'nt, and on the vn.vngc we

often lintnl him say to faimwlf, 'Tlie

news c.tinp toe Inta to save ltojrer Mc-

Pliersmi.' I f;ol iutereslejl, and I wnut

Pll tl! kllOtV Hklllt tllO 111U1I, SO I HSke(

him who was HUcPbcrson, aoil ho said

' I uni MoPlicrsou ; but Ilio news CMM

too Into to savi' Wnger JIcFtierwni.1 How too Into?' I nuked, 'About three

weeks too Ink',' ho replittd ; ' I'll tell y<m

hiwitbiipppiied : A frioud of in

nnrillitM-loMincImuHt tnko liis bcJti.v

on tin1 curs to his pnmits in Illinois, I

fuiil I'd iln it, nnd they gave me a cud

wifli Ilic mldruss, nml told me lo r»o

down to tlio depot and put it on a box

I'd find there, liiiva the box put on tho

bflRffflR6 uiir. aud go right along willi it Ifomtiltlio box nil right,

ami niiilt'd l i r .MI.I on it, ami put it on

the citrs ; then I went in tbo tlfpot and

pul ii Rtindwicli. I WUB walking tirotinil,

eating my Kiimhvicli. ami I passed by

Hie iMggiige-ronu), mid tlii'ru win ujy

hnx, willi ii young mm walking ti round,

im.kli.Lr.K ,I,;,nd l.r 1,1,1M card in his

hand, I felt like geiug up to ilia! yuuita

mini and suvinp, "KlnuiRcr, thnl'n my

corps,'." li'nll ilidn'l. 1 wtilki-d im,

nk! my siniilHicl), mul wliou I looked in

nguin tho yonng iiiun WHS gout1, hut

tlu-re was that card nailed right on tbe '

box. I went uml looked ou tlint curd,1

It WHS directed to Colonel JIMJIIB, Cleri

Inrnl, Ohio. Ho I looked in Urn cur, an

tliero WJIW my box i.ll right. Just ln>for<

tile rmiu aliulpi!, a in;iu onme into tli

itsgCTgr curund laid it lof of limbfrpi;

cbeese down on my box, he didn't knov

whsit was in my box, yon know, and

didn't know what WBS in Ins nnper, hu

I futind out later, it WUH nn awful mA

nigbt, and lifter we Blurted tbe bng 'uRi

mnsier came in. He WHS a nice fellim

JohnMia was, and he suid: " A inn

would freeze to dentil, out there; I '

innko itull riglit." Bn lie shut all tin

doors nud wimlowH, and built ii r>

coiil fire iu tlio Btovo ; tlie he look turn1

fliiug the cir ami poking tlie tire, till

bcgnu to smell something nud feel tin

comfortable, so I moved IIB far awn

fiom ray corpse as I could, aud Jolmso

snya to mo, " A friend of youra ; tlitl In

dierecoutly? Iliia year I mean." Suv

I, I'll Bz it." H o i opened a window

and wo took turns breathing tlio frun

air. After a while Johnson saya,"Let's

smoke, I think thut will fix it." So v

lit aur eignrs and puffed a bit, but pi

HO sick thut we let them go out upuiu-

it didu't do nny good. We tried tbe ai

agiiin, soya Johns'u, "He 's iu ti

trance, ia he ? Then) ia doubt nbon

some people being dend, but there's iic

doubt about him, ia there ? Wlmt diil

lie die of?" We stopped at a station

nud when wo started off again Johmon

camo iu with a buttle of tliEenfoeJor, nnd

eajs, " I've got sonielhiiig now Uiut'll tl

it." So 1T« Hprinkled it nil around, over

tbo box, the liciburgcr, nnd over every-

thing ; but it wouldn't do, tbe smalls

didn't mix well. Johnson mid, "jnal

tbink of it. We've nil got to die, nil got

to come to this." Thou we thought we'i

more tbe box to one end of (he car ; sn

we stooped over it, I took ono end urn

Lo the other, but we couldn't net it fur.

Johbson Bays, "We'll frceue to dealli i

weHtoy out ou:tlto plotform, we'll die i

Jie'ltnVin here." So we took bold of it

again ; but Johnson he, couldn't stum!

i t ; tie fell right over. I drugged bin.

out ou the platform and the cold nil

soon brought him tn, and we went intc

theftar to get wnrm. "What ure we

going to do ?' nsketl Jobnaon, nud hi

looked ill. " W e a r e s ^ r e to have ty

jilioid and bit If a dozen other fevers.

"We're pizened. we are I" At lust ivi

ttiotiglu it wiiB best to go (jut on Ibi

platform. Iu an bonr an'l a lialf I wai

taken off that platform stiff, noarly frozm

to deulli. They put me to bed and I

had all those fevers Mat Johnson *pok

about. You see tbe thing worked or

ray uiiud. It didn't do me no good t<

lunrn, throe weeks later, tbut there bud

been a nmlnke—that my corpse Intel

goue to Colon el Jcnks, Clcvolninl, nnd

that I'd taken bis box of rifles for decent

burial to Illinois. The newg c.iine too

Inte to snvo Roger MePiiersoo—aboni

tliree weeks too lute." Amid rour* of

Bpplanse. Mr. Twaia cloned hy saving,

" When I'm not prmmred to speak 1

always apolugizj and that's the rtwon

I've told you GO much abont Eoger


r c n l » m | |

Uiij; mm* <>i I in- Daily Il.-mia .imful in iiaiidv ilcntrtnii itl^. Tuu

FUitEIUM NEWSiritws special d 1*11.1 (die* frnmoil qis gltibc. Uiiiii^r the fowl or

ABIE«1CA\ NEWSfrLvtti Hie Tulcgmiiliift Ji> t-imtolieV fivm all imrtKiiftW t'uiitti. l'ntniu iiiukiH

THE WEKKLV HE-HALOtiluwi valuable istiruiiiHe in ths wnrifrlirnptail. Evtirx w.-iik if tjivi'ii

troi.lTicxL NKWS

inliiMt' ii{j uoiiiiiii'tv ittul dtniij)ri-!i•itU'ttcii tr.ti» \Vi..-Uiii^l'in, uiiili(ipiirln nf ilm vpi'frhi-d ui umiuoMII ilic qtii'nti'PiiM ul iin: lutur, '


tflin- Wi-t'kiv Ik-talil Rives tin- lu!

• kit•> for raiwnu Ciitlli-.i'miltrj. (J, ( lil(s. Tfiit-n, /cr., with Kujtuu-ttiui|p<jl>u>liii>gii Htul hrmtntt li«i!

utireBtsirKKILUilD I.UIOlt

riokiH) nftor, ninl uvi'iytliirj"iiniwHflii.l lulmr Kivnig i'-'il. Tin-re in u IWKC ili-vottulI ]>)iu«i:ttf)t' Hit. ULiMiii'm ni;iri

,-r |.V>>I-T w,i:k a» Ilic WYekiv Hi-rutd, nhMiKill, pn.itll(Ji> Ifl'C, Ui[ Oll#'j)uliitr. Vrdl fii

Tin- NKW YOISK llr.n.iLu. in n ivrftitv furuONE DOI.HK A YUAH. Aildi*^, '

NEW YOItK IIGUALI),Broailivuv nml Ann St., Ni-w


COAL YARB!D o V3311.




N E W fOAL YARDm tli<: jirnpiirly '


..Hi,,, ,,nli,


Lowest Market Rates


OF HEAL ESTATE!!T h r w i W r l l i - T H , E s m.i-* nf Hie 1H«| WI

Illlil li'Kt;i[tl('llt ill' !'<>ti't [i ', I]M,-<';IS>II. Li Inl Ilii' ( ' (unity til JJnr. is, Hjll K'll lit J'llh.iVtllillli-, im t IJL- i n i n i r n H, mi

THUIiSD.lY, -Tim. 5lli,







FINE BUILDING LOTSright In tlie HEART OP TilTOWN, wllhlp live in in II n^Hulk nr Hunk, CliuKill's, I'oitOffice ami Hcliools,

TirOHOUCHLTDRAINEaii<l blithely level, ivltli excellint soil above a hard liotlom.





K K A O Tlllfl K O L I - O W I N «

riT.m THE IRON EUA nrOclobcr 22il, 18s]

A Growing Community.rI l.-it iiiirt nt Urivcr (nun ]ivi^n itlcnl <n

t nf tho imiprf ilrnin gf

noccupied |in

' Mni lhei

>tlM(IWIl 10 Illl.M'l

175 ACRES.en nf wliu'li on! lllhihln. nml in aof ciiitivatiuii '. Hie ImfjinT, u ilulmnl T3ilu liiiilif

irtt II.


KEW MAMJPAtTOIir,nilwilli now appliance* mul nihttful Uvi

i n . ' - • - • • • -

i.r ivhiih w \r,i\. . . .istlHt,' ni'istlv <.r \VhU

.HTk. A L«

It L^ppeneil on n rnilronrj train whicli

was going—well, it wuan't exactly

ligbtouiug ciproaB, Tbe engineer \this-

tied "iJowu brakes,"

" tt'bat's tbe trotiblp, conihiefor ?" ei«

citodly Rsketi n iinaseopcr.

" Cow on the tmck," coolly rcaponded

tbe conductor. The nan WES Butisfled.

Shortly aflerwanl "tlown brakea," wna

again wbistleJ,

11 What's tbo Irottlle now," cried the

tame passenger.

"Cow on tbe trnBk," was tbe reply.

" Great heavens I" criad tbo man,

"haven't we caught up will thit cow


Eeferring to tbo ronriufi farce cnaclcil

in Judge Cox's coart at WnHhiugtoc, a

contemporary remarks: "Salmon P.

Ciiase clefireiJ the galleries when the

BndieDceat trial of President Jubnson,

over which tie presided, onca ventured

to applaud. Is tbe impeachment of a

living President a more solemn cere-

mony than (tie trial of -tde murderer of

s dead president ?" Apparently no one

is being tried for tbe murder of Presi-

dent Garfield at all, but a jury has been

impaneled to find out, whether the mur-

derer is insane or not, tbe murderer

himself presided over the trial.

PIASOS AND ORGANS80LD ON IKBTAI.TJMENTH inrt shipped toall p»m of the country. PRICES LOW am)evtnn of piTtnent ws")1. Hena for caalofjiiM.BOUACE WATERSt,Co., a>*»u/«;innT* »ad• - ' "— •-—*-xy, hen York. 3Mt IHC

^ H l f i t i , BOO Srojul

tlic 11,rd and nlulnjt iliriniKhllii-lnrn yn

• rifopii at tin- Imiisn,,i^ rh-i'f 1 ,IIIM ii i,n ||K, h l .•IInl (iffimlinjuu.i1 mill winsurlah'i' l'ir iimiiniiii-tiirhih' \»t'inliiniiu or I'xwlk'iil Irtiit. E\

;c vni'i] in 'from uflln) linnsit,

irHii'i-n Xciv Jfiwy, I'liiifuly frcit rrum nn.rm. Tin- aliuve I'in'iii'riv Will l>t< n>M il

rih-r luirtiuiiliirH rail .HI"\V'ni!"ll^It,•<, or L. M. T M , mi iln- invniisndiliuns niiiilc kiimvii uu <i,ty n!' S.IUI.


L. M. TKRI,,

• rhfttuhitrn S,* iU\ iftfif E l < l c u t t H

SHERIFF'SIn Giiincor.v of Sow ,T« i-Kn.r-Ki. ff

E|>ituv'i>;i1 Clinrvli itt Port Ointn is il^fcinliml. liL-kinmbln (ciOeiolinrTLrin \ , y . 1H8]

Br virtu ot tlm n KtnU-tl wril of tl<!lon i my haiuln, t slinll (IIIIUHC tor »n!<- :i

I'nMiry<.>ii<liic(iit HID Court Honm., In Morri

MOSPAV, the lBtli day of Decpni!it>r ncA. D. 18M, bntw(-.-rt tho lio.irH of la M. m

V I l T . M . , I l t i t 2 ' d k Ifiltenu

>t Inmll

iitl (tayy"(lint rr.iL-l n

ti nf niii y, int r

nnd p r e m i e , ^itniir:. tviltnso (1r 1'i.n Orsini, in tlm

tli>l)'lt, in \\u< Ciiiintv of Mnr iNMy Juri-cy, boiimleil and d

l l ' K :

IMii: inlu' Huiil MaliodtHt Clnrt h'.ainti)..l<)liii Hiiiuttd Mnrch 22, 1872, :>ent enrner «l I<<ip|H'tilI'nrl Ornm la

erJHuiin mil|lunni; rompu

f ld

ud trdi liv do.'d

t J ln lliu

d Firnl «t n><!lil1'si« Lot Ni

SIIUIH IIT HOV Jt'rm-y Iill iK'niiHHt ilio nuriliH

l i d i l


n a cmru n r t la (innrlITflegrnpfi enwt Truin nn Iroiii in Raid utrectfl wlipro ilii'y ITI>B, mul whlcli wild irnti pmi h In

murk Ilic rornor ktion-n HH (lit- i-r>r"Urirrr! F i rm" at the r-irU.;filil l h t B k '

ml <iu i l k

nb'ion ForfK>.nuwMifcI Pfmf Bin-L-I, ant) brIti) ljrt,'ilining cnrniT ot fulfil whulc titfcnnl io in tho d m l to wilil Cbnieh, anitso iliikciibi'il QH the hi'^iMinti); pf rrtt'r totr-t Itil tint one JIUMII llnnl nonvi-v..,] lo t!diirn<] I'ujitu-nliiixcn by iheA of An'il HHi.IKiT.nmi rcnir.lHl hi Bunk A 7, ppRfi 154, Ac.tml IUDR tlwiiL'o r.lciii),' tho west HNII> *.! m\.••ii»l Blrcut, ns the ticodlo travnraoil in 1871) iinrlli tffrtitv-si'Ti'ii mid R Irnir rltBri'fl

rani tlliy-fniir rod locurncr In In Sn •! MIIIUnnicl IJnvil; ihfticu nloii); 111,. , , , i ,w a' tnnKlpHlo.aidBlrcHjf'J)

IllilKa balf vtvtl one hnndrriri 'roi

niy-Rcvcn ntul a UM di

tintlid nlnt

lining tlh c i ami i>rv(<nl.v>fir

I'hlK DliirlSiigf' i» 111:1(11* HlllijiRt to till'ml reservation tit naiil ilutil uiutitiontiil.



SAPONAXTbaonlrttMthwubendaneilbTdnitliti. Hnrm.

jMAiwiUr. Dtlltloni'r UnTntd. WiU poilHrrfyelMOMud p r w r\«lhe(«Mli u d perftunii the breatb



MRS. KEARNSdeals In tbo be»t OmirRnrEii ANB FHOYIMOMB,





Confectionery, Nuts, 4c.• ire mo & call and I nill try mil ple»io.

HIM. REA11113, Miro Rill






Witti better facilities I am enabled tn putin KLATE HOOFS clieaper tlinn e«r uriogonobut the best quality of iltta And em-

ploying first climn mocbauicg. Ioitn g«»r.anlce material and work in t*erj partlco<

Tur Bhealbing Felt iJwaji on band.

Dmt«d Octsler 18th, 1830.

ul mirpniiH rLsiHinnili.j,'nurt IriiiimitiR iluuc in di>'



CiMirtMftrlliiit. Ft. t i . rl• •i O t T

n . - i - r . InH.1N7U.rm, Aitj'K.

nrris Circuit Court—Mnrtlm ClmUoork'f UlnvMiiJ. Alii-xli, in. di- liiIn »1i'W. Ik'tiinifi'ili' lo M-iv T.'vri18(111. Kcini i i i i i i 'u A H M I T I I ,

nrriH Circuit" Cnii--t-Hfrrv Hfchs vI'lir.VKiul. f i . fii. it.' I mil". i'l li'i1.Itut nruaUi" l((()>:toluTT.Tiii, A. p.

BY virtne of the niiove ntiitr><l HTIIB at lienfuel i m ii tny ha nils, [shuil fipDr..- Cor fili-

l ili l ' H C U i M

mi'] llmlP"


n.l Mr. W

I Mr.'j. II. ili'lici

I Mr. J-jf-'jili Qilc»

Hr. 'j.Kj!"vRT'fl».l

y hvolirui 'ml fict Kqiiiiri- MII

MONDAY, the llltli d

A. D. 1881, belwcon tli' l ' k [ ' .M.-tliut iBt

noim ot HI id liny,r , r c ]«n iHHl Qiid pi'(iii-niiiily iltscrilicd,

thy UMvnsb:t)HriH and Klut

l ] f l t

rorDKCEStl lRllnMi,

J linnis of 12 M.n. . _

ill liint ^•riiiiiiiri

>Hlmii!oi!>li,ii!oi!>li, iu

ljL<] ;iK f(>ltnu>, tu-ivit: 'iK HID tiuue Im nr land andv<!t'iMitl<il|t'd totlic Ktiil Mitrfliidiv .if I'diricli Cliryst;il,.l.'t'i>n. mil or Kui<l PiilncJj, muter nporlnf UoiiimiHHliiiiriK In tinsiTvorN'nv JurM'v, Dlt'd in H

et S. 18GD, Io l|1(. lun.I'l. under haid will, nr.d IM thd us rofl ll

in. Cm

imo lp slo

nth Illlv

nlul M I "

I T ; tU'Wt: (1) «.,|f)frlv*- i:\u\m Hid fi(I Kloni'H liv Mie n

;e!li>Bnw Vii./Vit.1

mill of I

i lln> lmv\ Cnnfit<• uurlh ftliy-tlirH MINI niiu- rtii old c.ri.M in



: (C) dioiinrcw nnrt (Ivurty-rmir dcc

to Willim

lo.I. K. ttn:ichin<lconltd ('

* ; («) i-

•hiiiriii nnd innctv-flve links tn a Hlniinlnbc»fie(9)Hni(h flriy-tlvu dcijri-t's nci' 111liliiiiti'MWi'Ht nliifcliuliiH nml ttl'ly linksinn 11 liickorv tn-n j tlvttsi? (ID) nouth Hnull! ilPcrcoiiinilllltci'ti miniiK^ win I B'lmiiifl nml eiglilcctt linlm lo Ibf ticclin

c note; bein

nul tliirti-Hi

. . Ma-tlm Clirv.1,1 ,HPRO Chrysial, datc.l AIIKIHI 17, ISRrt, nnlnd itt tlii? MorrH Oonnly Cirrk's oflk-i-, tuli IV (1 nf ili-uli. pndo 'i70, ,tc.Kid'iHinp; nut OF Uiti nhuvc il.'xarilin) trmniiicli >1un-nf nfl iv»*t onnvi-vi .1 b\- nfli.l Qisi

ClirvHiulmid wife tn Jriiii'iili limlfriT lv (|Yfil»t<:<l \nKiiht 1H, 18(1(1, rccnrdi'l in Mio M,,rrCniintv lU'cori] <>r D>i'rlH, In H <ni{ W G. rii^'t282. X'c, (•onlstnintr 82-1(11) ncrcs innrc <.r Ut*-

urrtstmitlier Iruct enm-pytiil by tlio sn

iljlnii-d FMinuiy 17-h. 1870,' •> Morris O0111 1 Ttic nl of Dcil- , it

iuiiiR 14-07 ii.'ipillont V 7. rlonM-rlt-mi. Alwialotlirynt:il ami iTlfi. fo Ilcnlinnin Wymi't. .hii'h loiEinn' In tlin bounds or tlio iCBcriln'iltrnPt,


The Sun!NEW YORK, 188*2'

Ti l t ' S r s fm; 1HH2 will Iicii.o \U l i r t ru i t l i

itflu isr.rml ; lint i• hilt' it tmii

t Jo.,

iii.-d ninl niiU.i|)-i.!, (le|)ratf(.il *w\ii^n. The stun'.*

k i i I

renliocalay nil (lie news of the world, . . or lnim:in iDier«*>. nnd oommeriiiiif;jHiti afrnTS witli tjic rparlfiiiiifTn or nlmolincitlt'Pt'n^pnco. Tl icuoremof IIIH Biportmi'nian Die -nfconB of tlio 8nn It tlTeo'oii * poi-nccul dinni-niiiltiOBiylont AmntiOHii nuvs-ipprn. Every impnrliuit Jonrnal emabliBlii-di liiin conntrv fo ilio drion v<inm ti"*t lins?en alter tlio Sun. Every imimrl-itjoui-uaialrtiily exintinfi hanhcoii rn'»1'floiinl btt!<'rcd1>TtliDforet1»Mlii!Stm>eiitrn|iio,The BIID oriSfi'J will lie tlio HSIDP nntfpiikL-n,

rnlli-ti'lllnjr, an<l tntm'sting n-w-jiap-r,Ey a liberal not) uf thn inraim HIPIHI ntt

ibtiudiiiit pni»(ientv aiTur.B, wti xhnll nnl.i' i!

ill print all the lie IT?, putting It fnti.rcmiablr uliopr,audnionBiiritiKatH iinimrttiiK-cHit by the traititloiial jnnUtirl;, - • -i» l inien-Hl lo tlir> pruptc. Dii

-Ititlntjt Hetise h'aasrc is not tin-iti(in willi tltc* fiun. Win '-vi

nl liy ii


- - l


lictlior It l

ID politicire iccn*tn;hat ran b

linlt about

[.pt-n« In i):'o»K

<• ilociilrd opioiixpn-iii - •

i' viTv'lH'Mt plaui-H fur ]«calinn nml iim-at-



SOVEMBEH llltli, 18B1.In Ilicmnttprof JimoR U.Tnnltlhs, Aamtnii

rorWilllntnTonkinp,tJeconi«)d. t*urio-M order to limit utciliiorB.milieutlnn n([bo abovu nnmpJ ndmlnlt I d l b th P i

M sidniinlHlrniditorsnl Uic

liller (.

l y ht nnoKate t in t tlor Rive piiMid: notice to tliBtuli'nl'ttiiid decedent to britininiids nnd claima siRtiiiihl Hit

t l i i t h r t lmr. mii t.hy so ff up n py thin o r , ithii'iily dityulierealtor, In flvoor Iliomnut ntil,ititot-B In tba county nf Huriii for tnnlliK, RiicUlsriwillinitlio vnld tironty dayniivortiainftt-lioiiaiiio 'ti t lie " IRON* Eiue nf tlio iionrnpnpfTfi »r tit In Stole, for tlncKpsiePof timo(tlio.inrrnHtite]iuifftncai]ilir-rnoiicetolto itiinacensniy); Miil irnn

creditor Hindi neglect t«. oil.ihit 1>I* or ludcht. demand nml clnlni witliiti tlio unid peril

r l i l b » , p a 1 i ; t 8 n n t l c o M n R K\n» ?iicb crdditor limit bp foroverdiifi nr lior nctlon there Tor OR*, nat illiHtrittar.

*)IP mtnnlflM,

Morris County Surrogate's Office.NOVEMBER lfith. \ m .

In tliB mutter of Ahl'y JI. fliwnrprnnd Tnlm Iyf lnwr . A(lmini»triit..rti(ir Willintii H. Sn»i

nileefinsRil. HiirriiRito's onler to litnli


c-ililwrs nr Ilio e m t * of unM ii.wiFcnI loltliciiMloblK. •leiiimids an.] ,-hmw .,':iin.

itlm twnity tinys lierrntlpr, in il"" nl . . . .tnokt itniillc iilnrM in HipC»ii]i!vofM(iiTin fortwo riiriiitliB.niul aim witliin (lie KMIII twenty


fiiJnrhenldSnd .'Inini vlthln the sniil pcrimi of itft. nilldir nuiee li(;ni(f i;lveii us sirnnmnii'ditiirnliill be foi-evfrdnhnrrfd or Ii

ncti.m tlierernr^'Jilimtllip tmid Admlis. A true nmiy fnini tlio minntis.


Morris Oountr Surrogate's Offioa.DEO. let, 1AB1.

IP mutter of H<nrv 0. Wigelnx, Artminltlnr of .lihu Brnivn. .leKenned. Hum

to'n order to limit cniditrrs.

.•ilerett br tin n .. „ Inr Rivepiiblir nnticaho creditors or tho (Wind* or said ufCtiU'nlirinc in tlinlr dutus, <!tnii)ti(lfi ond clnfi•JHIIIHI llio en me. under "Bill, within ninetinnlbx from ttiin date, by pcttlnc tip a copv1 tbiitontor, wltliiti ivrotity diva Lrn-artor, in>TI> of ibo niimt public plioew in thi> Con nty «

Mnrrie rnr two tnontlw, nnd ainn witliin thanfi] tivonty *I:IVR b r nd^ortiMni; tlio same ftlm lni>N EIIA, ono of tlio nomoiper* of ihi<tt>U\ Tor tbo same Mmcr or time (tlie Snmi[utejudKtns Rttv fnrtlifr notiL'o tf> ln^Ufititc

ilub'll'lifo or her rielit, di-manJ nnd clalrcifhin the mid pirfodnl nlnn niotitii*, publi

notiro being Riven n> arnfinld, sucb creditoxhnil be foruvnr a<?tur»'1 «if U . or«— iiolloi

icrefor asuic-t the pnid Adminia|rator.

A fme uopy rr>m the mlniitcH.

L-lOw CHART.ER A, GILLEN, Sarroi;ntD.

t ospras tlictii in !ititilemtond. Wo -iv wlm

i ntnl cient-. Tlsfit Ijulr tliH Sun's pulitmil con

y im KattiiTi intti eiSln |thn brat matter o[tbo HfVuti liaiK' iarnKM.

i H u m l Dcpirtritrniok f t r e p N Jp , nJ

rarv. HPientiQc. anomplete Hit IV'ccklI nswjpEptr lor llii

m c v i r p i l i

r n f uiiFinJ » hb.-r.

d Ip


iHrmcviWho ita'itnlny hnn,mla oMnl ersHJDii l

or -he dav, pr.»ewn, tinnmr—niinl b.«ik. in.l

y ]

tter ennncti to DM niflfliiit"lym.,te «"».,"

t book; big or If tile It " ! 1 ', a four-pa^n uliret of 21jiumiiH, tlie pnet bv mail, puBt-panl, i* 05•nti a month, or 10,60 n yfir : or, iotfludioi*re SaniiiTMpM. an ciclil-pattp! or SBilninns. the prife ih C5 i-entn per monlh or



T|,B , ,-v«lw: „«',,« hr>nl«Uja,:lliu™-•.. .nClral,,rln»,,,lil|i, in, r tba Kalilcnev

•i J.i«. C. \nwj,'iT, contnininj;

35 ACRES OF LAND,en wMrli !•» n Slon-Ori't Mill in nom) rnnnincin.ltr wuli three run omuim-. Ttm mill U inexeillnit.n«iom •tnml.nmlihi>pm^ninirnorfan* cniDtKl 10.000 bunliclx of oiHtniti cr.ilnper nnantn. be«iilr>N about M mnoli of lux own.There it a Inn > Btmr mill witii nprifflit andcirniJar sawn. A Dwftitnif Hinsn oti th.jirrmi'rH in nerirly nr-w, nf modern style, trlihIcnrnom", very convenir-nllr urranqeil. midRiinil wpll of water on hitphon porch. Onodfliid c tntcnffiit l.srti nud ot-iblei, new withinfltn rfirn, wnRiin hnnHR, lien honm1, ('tn.

A|ir>lp, pear »H(I clicrrvorchardn. nil uelrotedfrniljni-t liPRinninijto henr. Thtrr in nlnn affnoil minrralaltmeiliiti'm tbe prrmltKn. F>rparlfrn1«rn app'y lo tlif inbftori tier Rt tbeStnrrlB Omnly Ponr Honne, or tn J. *.. DraKe,Real KHtitfi igent, Uarrlstonn.N. J.


Notioa of SettlementNntkc In hereby given thnt tlio icconntn of

- o r tl» Sun .iiNofn.- tbo RabMnlMn, Eipcolnn or WHIUn H.•d nepimtel* it 11.20»]«i»ini;e Jiild. Wat-r, drecaiifid, wfll bs atnlltodand fitted 1)Jt tirJce of tlie Weekly fimi, elffhl paEPB, ' Hie Hitrrn(r»le, RIII! rnpnrted for noUlemrnl tonnipS M l la j far , po-Uno paid. Pur the Orphani'Onnrt or t ie Comity of Jlorrii,or tun (lauding 110 *e ml! Bond m e i tn on MoniJiy tlie 5th I!»J nf Peperolicr nuit,

* " " " Ju-ini H.Biucn,

. £»Ud Bept. lGth. 1881. ' iUw

Fall ^d Winter SeasonHKADHlAI lTKl l* FOIL

Millinery Goods!inuito<n z so

3 nI ?Novelties in Trimmings.

fT We tako plen«nriJ in announoin^ fo Ibi|inbli« tlutt our Millinery Departmentuder (be iimiiiiR'-ment »f coinpotcnt nincr-( cs[)L>riuuctd iu uity trjido.

Mi-H Minnie Dnlim, tlio well-known mi!liner, of t m o aud ubility, may be fouudiho old stand, nt



I Ir"1 •£


crcat variety, Bedl'snoilBiiBrl In west price



17-2m MOttKWTOff», N.




alwnrw carry B complote




Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drilltbe boat in the country,

Drafts and Passage Tickets

to ind from Europe,

SHERIFF'S SALE!lev Jor.nv Siprcino Court—Rpbraim Wat'tcifl, Ailmlnmirntor nl1 Jolin wnttent. decM»>. Pi'icr L. WatiiTR. Fi. to. do linn, ot lorIn ilcbt. Itctnrmli'o lo IUHO Torni, A. D,im. OiKJAB JEFFEUY, Att'y.

By virtue of flio nboi-o sUted writ of fierifin* In m» linnilK, I Bbnll expoiio for sale a.nhliL- Vi'iidiic i t tlio Oourt HuuW. In Mui-ulown, N. J. ,on

MON'DAV. the Dili d n ; of January next,. D. 1HK2, hatAwn tlio hmini or 19 M. and I

>Vlnek ]>. At,, that in lo flay nt 3 o'clock In Hitillnnionti nf said day, all llmsa corUlo troutuii' piiru^lit nf ini»(l anil itroai'ien, nitoalci, lylncrmd iK'inf; In Ilio towinhii* nt It nt jnry, in tlm^ i n l y of Monh and Htuto or NKW JCIHOJ,.ml in'boiiinlwi anil dumribttj as rnllows:

irnorof MiirrlnS. Alnncli*o:nl ttpur the pr.'»cnt ra«m\a Jnitn 0 . W.l lc t , -o clinln ind nixltuk:

ICT, It 111 I rilliw ill<rillT'7 aur*li( H I'll 'VllflWk'rii tlm ncpillp pnlnlnd in lite wa r 18H!

. , .....l'h nlity.||Fo mil nnfl'litlf ili'Rivm ui-nleven rhdn» md nln<-tv imV* t» • lino of Unilm y r d ItyOakb H, Ijippf-nf.nU Io .Tnlm 0

Vllli'l; (3) (Ion? unid I It* a nnrrli twciiiy-fpinrml oiir-ltnirdn.Tf'CB wr»t twniitr-fiHii' rluiitiultd ililrly linhB to A corner bv Hir n » d lt«<|->Cl>om FhiniliTM to Ritecnminiiii PMittn; (»)lime «niil niiiil nnrlli. nUtv-tnitrdcjirera enstini'leon rbiiliiH atnl n|ii<* linliH lit ft eorni'i- olni.ii irmmcll's lind in tin' Mad ; (4) nliinifntil MT«nm-n'8 line mitt!) i«-[.|itv-!iv>i mi-l nnn-nir d n i w x eatit twt'tily-ift ciniiri- nttd twin-

t.vcii linlix tn n mrli n corner of mild Iffm.ncll'HInmi; (5) vonlli nlnu dcRproncnBt four

wti1* Imid ; (II) alone Ills land mwi'lli tliirtyrren <xi>*i seven eh-tlm and twcntv-aiin Intn tlio Rfitrvnitd road; m aliina thelOitnrHi unveii di>ftre('f» f-mt twn oliii'iia aminH-ltirpp HnhH to tlin iitucn n r ImsJnnins

.mtniniiip HriT acre* md 51-100 nf ,MI nere.THE SECOND TEAOT tie jiuH nt a pnint in ihe

middle of Ihe road Jeicltnt; frmn Hnccanutinn'lit™ lo Flsnlcrs, oatd pnint in dtnlnnt niitv-- - linlm on acenrpo norlh Itrcnly-fnnr nntl

•lialldigrcpfi wi-ft from tlm mimt north*.-•itfT'y uotner of the IIKIVP di>Rerllmr? tract,

mil rniij Ihinee ilunc Hid rnsd (It smithv di j ; r a« went eleven chiinH nrnl tliirtv

— n . «-*'-• n u t bu I L I I II11JJ1H HUH LI]I

; (2) nnnlh tvnilv.«ixflpKreeiii!a!it tilliMltnenivtii i .Btoilm middle of (lied'np frnm Lvman N. G;,nliicr'g to

ncMMiniM V\um ; (S) nlnnp mid mad sotnhili-dvc rant elcvpit rliainu BHI] nfitelT

tWHy-Bli rhain • ; U K " * m

i ami ninetr-rnir hnnVlrcVlfiit]>[

ncty-twn |inkf>tot.i)hitt(f tlifrty-tll t f h


i HIV , u i ; r*(i;iii Jnilll UN WllH POnVliVffl tfk thl t

id P^rL. Vlm,tm\j ,hSVZil\V0.[J, ilnled Mnrali Sfiih, lffln, n--

Notice of Settlement.Nntfro la lipreby eiven tbiit tho iceonntu ot

Iwriber, Adiainiflti-ninr of BlarRftret(Ucfimed. will he andilfd »nd stilted by

u -...-rrKBte, nnd rfpnrled for Hctilctnent inif Oriiliana' Oourt nf tho Countv of Morria.

Monilnv tbB tf erjly-tLitd day of JnnnarjI{- Jmim MEEKCB.Dntcil NOT. 15th. 1891. 80.99

Morria County Snrogate's Office.NOVEMUEU29lh,lsai. •

tbo matter 0! Hirriet S. Alwnrd, Admln-tratr i i of IBR-O H. Alword, dtceaecd. Snr-jRato'H firdir to l inl t orcdilorg,

"VN application of Oie above-nnned Admtn-J islratrii it I* ordured br the Bar TORI to•st Mill AtltniniRtrslrix givo pnliltc notice toit creditor! or the p»tato of Mid decedom tonnij in tlieir debts. dcmatidB ami clalmi;afnat tlio tarn, under oatb, within nine.inthft frotn Ibi a date, by editing nn • copy of

the most nnbllo pl«c« lo'tho rannt/ofiaor-i for two monthii, KOH alanwilhtn the ulilrentvdatii by aavertisinR tho name In tlie[ron &• ,"«»« of thtf DPWBnipnriiof tM« BUte,

Hume spsca of timo (thn Burrow to.*..,,{ any further notice to be nnneoorwarT!;

id If any creditorabatl noglpct to exhibit fiU• her debt, demand ind claim wit bin the iniaprioa of nine monlfas, pnbllo notice beingImn u •rbrtmlO, «aab eroditor ah&i! ba rDi-

sfer debarred of hit or her action therefor

A troB copy from the mlnutoi.

12-lt fM.60]


DRESSn wbicb uiivy be found novelties (ind new fabrics for fall wear, and ih

iiuw(<»t aud befit tilings in all kinds of

GOODS.:n the GUOCERT DEPAETMENT ive are canyiag tie usual largo

stocks of boat goods for tbe table, and are doing a. targe trade in the

Celebrated Granulated Flourwhich is giving general satisfaction. Also complete assortments of



ALrUJN 1 rUH tlllililJlo


Sewing Machine.Three-quarters of all tlie sening nincliiiics

sold liii'uiiglioiit Ilic ivorlil lire Singers. Thisworld renowned iiiiicliinc is sold (in inontlilypnyiiioiitN of $:$.0<). We dinrge IKI fancyprice for fancy wood covers. A solid wal-nut covor with ciK'h nnicliiiio. Every jten-ulno Singer lins a gilt trade imirk in Iliostmil lo.' of i-iicli inncliiiic. All otliei'N aremere iniitatiuiiN. WE ILU'E KKM0VEI»to New iStiire on MLACKWKLLSt,, NEXTTO U'.ll. II. MAKER'S STOKK. Needliss,oils mul everything iicrliiinint to (lie«|)iiiriiig a sitecialty. Ituy direct throughtlio coinpiiiiy'x office unil linvo a resiionsiblcM'ariMiilve. We liirnish any machine intho niiirk't at lowest ligures.

F. II. UURRELIi, Sole Agent,AT T U B N E W S T A N D ,

DoTor, K. -I.. Pol., ten, 'l ml. II I.,;. CKIV KIX ST .





^ B O T T L E D LAGERS A S P E C I A L T Y . ^ *


deal only in the very beat articles* nnd my prices will bfoi nd espociiilly favorable to dealers mul faiuilieH. Orders by mnil oi\el tgraph promptly attended to.


WIlEltl". OltDI'.ltS I\IAY HE LEFT.




IN BATtltELR AND CARE9.MACHINKHY OIL^.-Wc' •:liii)cr.viiNiloilitT II<:tvv Oil*lIH- WCRIVC IIICIIl Mil- lii'lli'lli

I SHlitiinclion, lx)t!i in iiiulil;

EsIM Eneino Oil,Tullnw Engino Oil, rNo. 1 Engine,D-irkEiiolnoOil,Snern, Mncliiuerv Oil,No. 1 Ilaoblnerv Oil,Dark Lnliriciitirifz Oils,*~ niiid Liibricntm1,

ftinKLnbricntor,I Viruiiliii Oil,

SIMIU Bofi11.1l (Minder Oil,

•"»«l i " WmirlOil,

No. 1 gpiwlle Oil,

Brioh ll'-csfed Oil,

W. B. SimjniOil,

W. B. Wtinlc Oil,Primp NaaKtiiol Oil,

N't. 1 Neiitfefflot Oil.

W. Slruiooil Prime Lutil Oil,No. 1 Laid Oil,\V. Pino Suliiil Oil,

r|i,nllni.. till Titnha. Aif-nU|l.» pure. MoSIIIOAX H On., Wim,

[>• I>ILM«I

uu j inu

r White 130"; Prime Wlillo K rosone 11! 'II intt'ixinciiif; to the trade ocrv&riotiflgradciH uru lunimrucmruri by Uri at oar wnniH, coniml Hiiporviaion, and Ruaranvou t hem IORIT

W. White Oollon Bred Oil,W. Yrflciw Collou Seed Oil,Dark Oar Oil,Sneiin PunkingOil,Ellru Rioking Oil,Piinlfrs' Oil,"Cro«iu"IiiKlt( CorapoUDd,"Pasgitio" Durk CtimpouDii,Hullluu Mill Oreaie,Aile Qrenae,Slicrm Signal Oil,B. h. He.Jliflit Oil, 1501,B Htmlli6l)t Oil, 150.1,E. HHul,iBlil Oil, 160,,,Qjmilme, 90.,Omolino, 88',Qimline, 86%Dioanrizrf Naptlias, nil QraTilies.

yMy ontire Fall and Winier stock of

CLOTHINGHENS', YOUTHS', BOYS' and CHILDREN'S WEAK is now completed and

ranges as followB:

Meps' Business Suits from $5 to $15,Youths' Cassimere Suits from $4 to $15,

Dress Suits from $10 to $20.BOYS' SVITS FROM $3 to $9,





unequalled line of Foreign nnd Domestic PIECE GOODS forBDtB nmcle to order, is exhibited in my establishment I willntee that all orders will be attended to with despatch, and willids and trimmed in tbe best stylo at a vary reasonable price.


HATS! HATS! HATS!very latest leading styles from 50 cts. lo $3. All this yon oan

find at


»8* H. B.—I desire to call yonr attention that I vill save no painaBn >wing goods vLetfaer joa puroliase or not, G. F.


C. S. JENSEN,Dyet iiud Carpet Weim-r, wonld nnimnane to tbe rlli

ha will meBt all iliolr w&tita in djeing iuid curiitt waiviN oi tLis plnae «ud vicinity that

Lndfrs MnrinoHQ(!CftiljineroDrew*CB, eiinwlnnnd Oloiikfla«peoinlly j anil all kinds o'briciiireneail.v deaueJ, djfd aud duittlied. G«n(Iaineu'n gnrmeuia, coalR, pnuta ond

vents ulcMiii'il nr djud imd uftilly flulHlied wlttiout ri|)piuR. JJy cleaniug &DA dyeing fadedid worn I'lotMiR ibfy tulghl be ruude wtriueable li»rulongttxue.

TAK VET W K A V I M i !-H.tviiif{ (he very lientLoomsi for List on d Jin it Carpet,nnd evutjibiuR filled up for fifrt-fla-w work, I lliiuh I can deliver what thu lidTeawaDt,ifter t\wy Imve tnken Ihu (nmble to tut nud uaw tbuir mgt niosly, n gond rag curpet. Ikeep (lie very best warp for my cOHtomert iind till mdera are atleailed to witb oiire. Oir-pst rnys djod any oolor. A rtjawmnlilti price \mi<\ Tor mimt t^tt. Ciirpet mi bund lorrale. Plutt ftf btmiiicna in tho OLD FBIiSBYI'ERIAN CHUliCH, COK. BLACKWGLLAND PROSPECT BTS., DOVEK, M. J.

C S. JENSEN-Dover, M. J., B-iit. 20th. 1881.



FREDJJABBimiClothing Hall,




MONTHReliable Cutters, fine materials,

lowest prices and the best satis-faction given.


CHICAGO, BOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC BYIs Tho Croat Connecting Link between the East and tho Wont 1

rreat feature a our 1'alaco Can la • SMUKINOA LOON whi-N- y..n c a u enjoy your " H u w i "

a! all linurmf (tic day.

IUIV. ni«nV»n6rM«afe«offeiVlCoiffitlll]toiriIKanim ( i i j . Leivcnwordi and Atflilson, €Oti-

thle'crout Triir«ueti*I.liie<Br«n(«Cfo"l(iiw»iAtcmcAOO witu all diverging lluei tar th»

It" main line rum from Chicago io CouncilIII u ITs, [jaJiliiKllitmiBh JoHet, Otlawn, Infill I»,

Scnuto. Hullne, Rock lilHtiJ. DaTiinirart, WotIberi)' IoimCIl), Marenen.llrooklyii.arlniiell,

tic.*B«rt !A*IIC»"Cw*ltn brancTies from tlurcnuJunction lo 1'ciirlk; Wlltain Juiirtluii to Muti'a-


itrrTlllB.ITincston. Trenton, Gftllalln.CsTne-, Leftvenworth. Atdilmtt. *n<l Kauais I'iij;h l t o i i t H l O i r n f y O s k a l i s a am] Kniu

on, Leftvenworth. Atdilmtt. *n<l Kauais I i i j ;WashliifttoiitoHlEOiirnfy.Oskalijiisa. am] Kniu-

tniisport. indeiKiiJent, Elilori. Dltuniwi, Edily-Tllle,(Hk»lona«.Felli, Monroe,ami lieniMulncs;MLZIonlnKcoiBuquii Nl'wlon to Monroe; I>caMolneitoIiiJUnnlainJ Win tenet; Atlantic to(Mswold and Audutioni and Avucito [larlan•nilOrsun. TIUi It niMitliel; tlm only IU11-roail which OVKIL aud oiifTitc? a throuch Unarron.Chi«FO Into tlieHUW of Kansas,

Tlif()URl>Eipre»Pan^nKPrTraliii,Tflthl>i>ll-mtn I'alMcCnri nitachnl, are run carti wavilallrbciwren CiiiCAtm aud I'isiiitu, KANBAS I.'ITV,CoDBCIL ttivm, LiAVKMroHTH and ATCIII-BOK, TnrHUglioarnirofltiioniNletwefriUilwau-kt'a aud Kausiu City, via tlie •• Mliwaukio andRock IilBnd Stion Una."

Th* "Great ltork Islaiirl•• It m»enlfirent!requipped. Iti road liBiMsslmplriwrAc; ami Itstiflcklilftld wlthatetl rails.

Wliat will ptriMB y u st will I t l l

taffil7r2^«iit,SfJlin5oBrni»BiilBceiiU)Hiliiei;«r«ih»t(iTlirnugh Kipress Trains. You pi

foraeieulj-l)*ecciiu.preslstlnjj the fart that a majlepretsrsppHri»tc»nnrtments'


stand sn

C M. A*Kt


ILLH with Ijt. cent. R.R.

rt*l.lric"J ano RocK 7atvt ^ F e i R iMi-nttT wliti the PaMojJort Dliltl

joi»ils,wlttiCD. M- A'F*I>. 'H. R.

AtCdi.utiliUS-iUHOTJoN.Wllhll.C.K.AMlltKAH)rri)MWA.wlth Cetilrnl low* It I t ; Wn

it I. A nr-, oml c: .It. ali<l Q. R. Rdt.AtKnnf!l'K. wliliTt,!., 1'ed. A War.; W»h,,8t.

At LlCAVKfttVOLlTIT Witfi tJnlUll PftC AHIlKftn.teiiUt. IMS.At JiASKiiK Crir, with all llnei fortlto Wo«

For l i i i i i h m n.jTo

n. n. CAIILE, MT. .JOHN,



20 per cent, saved.Prices nover lowerthn n at present,THE STAR PAR-LOR and CORNISHCOMPANY ORGANSstand at the headto-day, and thomanufacturers meanto have the peopleknow it. Sold onensy terms or a lib-eral discount forcash. Every organwarranted for sixyours. For an il-lustrated catalogueRiving M l descrip-tion, free, address


FLORIDA!Atlmlln ami GnlfCfiiit Canal and Ok-eehn-

be« Land Co. 6(1.000 HHABE8, 110 encli a tpar with a bmmn nf Wie res for etch 10 nhareii

m ebofce landior the " Disston Pnrrhtne.11

Icc i : Third iDd Cbulnnt flli., Pliilifla,Droadw»j, S . T. rooms 111, 118. Detailed

Mjpeelni with (laioriptlTe m t p i malted free.


Carpenter and Builder,t i ln lb» »t»p n Sina ilreel, IIIIIT

Mnpled by Jn. IhprittR, nu flrit floor or thellltHng. Jobbim nil npatriw unmpllftended to. A lcn|r eiperlenca ID tho bail-11,rtll1lb.llo..,.».bl. Be le (IT. ..!!>.


ContHoti Ukon ind ntteritla rnmiibcdror


•od ill kuai ot notk, »telL«t ol II1I0S orBTON*.

0B» under T o I m I u bolldlnj, HorrUU.CI

4 (\ All FnD b Obromo Oardl. KDItoBI,III. 1. B.HDSTID, Simo, K. I .

l o * Issue. Holiday ExtrafOL. XIL DOVER, M0KM8 COUNTY, SEW JEB8EY, SATUBDAY, DECEMBER 17, .1881. NO 2




As we sat in our sanctum the otheilight there* came from outside a well

it musical, tinkle of bells, followed bfew quick raps at the door. We calleiit an invitation to enter and a mome

,ter a goodly corner of the sanctuwas filled with a great furry presence."the lamp flared in the draft and thewas a momentary apprehension of an

impending danger, for the presence borethe outline of some huge beast, raththan anything human, The portentiousfeeling' was quickly dispelled, howeverfor as the presence raised its furry visor,the genial, kindly features of Old Santa;iaus, friend of our younger days, we:it once recognized.

" Ah, you rogue," he exclaimed, " youlave grown considerably in the ways olnen since the days when 1 filled yoitockings," and he pointed to the bag olDurham " on our desk, after which

luge pipe was produced from the depthif his shaggy vestments and the last ves-ige of tobacco in the well filled bag dls-ppeared into the capacious bowl. Ashe great clouds of smoke rolled towaihe ceiling he began to grow voluble.

Do you know," he began," thatiave always had a kindly interest in'.ese Dover people? When I made myiunds in this section but a few years

Ince I had only a growing village toupply, but these folks of yours aeem tomultiply nnd replenish the earth" to a

vonderful extent, and now I find ayoung:ity on my hands. I was enjoying theliirora borealls the other night whenny private-telephone brought me thetews that these go-ahead people ofours had secured the big car shops thaio many towns were striving1 for* Soaid to my wife, ' these Dover folks areeservingol something good for Christ-nas, so I'll just drive down and see howheir storekeepers are prepared for them

if they not equipped right up to theimlte- not a soul of them shall longer

ixist in. my kingdom.' Well, I came•n and made the inspection, and as I

,me<l that the ERA was about to Issueholiday paper, I thought I would stop

n and tell you about it."We assured the old saint of our wil-

lingness to publish the results of his in-spection aqd he continued:

" I dropped in first at *


Do you know, Mr, Editor, that when Iruke my rounds I keep the run of people,ind I mark down their histories in mynemory 1 recollect well the found;Ion of this house. About thirty-five

:ars ago my venerable friend, JLoderer, bought out the business

a Mr, Heinl who had a shop in whatnow McFarlan's park. And here is aliday lesson for the boys: By strict at-ition to business, good judgment, hon-

ijesly, ind a thorough knowledge of the^wantsVor^us customers he acquired in*^thc course of twenty years a handsome

competency and retired from business.Me \v is always noted for the excellence

qothts work, and I tell you its a fact|8e made the first pegged miner's boot in

i-sjLmerica. ;Do you know how he came) ilo it ? Why he was that thorough thate went down in the mine and workedimseir, thus finding out just what they

irantcd. Well, his son John succeededlim. He had learned from his father to;alue integrity and business knowledge,ind he, too, made his mark. He also,cquired considerable experience byraveling in different parts. He enlargedhe building, making it the fine struc-ure it now is, with double plate glassronls Bled with, beautiful goods anil hisrade increased with his enterprise. Butinfbrtilnately, after a successful businessareer of eight years, he was cut off in

the prime of his life and prosperity,lut the old house was too solid and wellstablished to go down. Upon his death

the house was reorganized under thefirm name of Roderer & Heagan. Hiswidow associated" with her Mr, P. 0,Heagan, one of your Dover boys, whoselong experience in this store and in oneof the principal shoe houses of NewYork had-given him a training in theusinessof practical value, Goodness,

gracious! how they have prospered 1 It.does my old eyes good to see genuinepluck and business ability win in thisway. Under their management thehouse has extended its business and builtup a trade second to none in Mew Jersey.Why, man, I tell you for a fact that theirimmense building is packed full with astock of manufactured goods and leatherworth $15,000 to $10,000. I have it diretfrom Burt, the Bay State Shoe Co., Mer-rlam, of Newton, and other big manu-facturers, that they sell more goods thanany other house in the State. Theyhave always prided themselves on thefact that they sell the best shoes thatmoney can buy. In ladies' goods theykeep tne famous Edwin C. Burt's world'sexposition priie, the productions of Mer*riam, the celebrated Newton maker, andthose of the Bay State Shoe Co. In men'swear they handle the goods of Hannan& Reddish, who stand at the head of theNew YarVshoe makers, as well as thoseof Stacy & Adams, and other well-knownmakers. I find also that they employthe very best workmen and make a cus-tom boot or shoe that fits perfectly andcomfortably and wears till the ownergets tired of them. Their stock of rub-bers, too, is so great that I have reachedthe conclusion to order a car load or twofor my people in the Arctic regions. Itell you, Mr, Editor, that when I seesnap and real merit In' business I appre-ciate it, and I am downright glad thatthis firm is ao well sustaining the repu-tation of the old house. Never in its his-tory have I heard a word of complaint,or a charge against it of false preteior unfair dealing, and I am more than

• glad to know that its good reputation isbeing so well sustained. This town isgrowing and the firm of Roderer & Hea-gan is bound to grow with it, for theyknow how to keep up. They don't palmoff a 'poor article on a customer for agood one, and thus make him so mad asto never get any more trade from him,but they mak< it a point to please himso well that he will always buy of them.

. This is a live town and this way of doingbusiness, with nothing srjodtly or meanabout it, is just the kind to take with al iw people, The people of this thrivingcommunity won't go. barefooted, andthese folks at the old comer store knojust how to get their trade by keeping up\9 the . times and dealing squarely.

Hereafter, ir you want anything gopdthe way of shoe gear you know jiwhere to go. ,

-E. LINES LEY & SON.As I wandered down the street to set

what you had done in the way of im-provements since my last visit I carr.ticross that handsome new brick bloc!

built upon the ruins of the old store.looked up at the signs and there I founblazoned In handsome script the nameE. Lindsley & Son. I wondered to mself if this could be my old-time frienEphralm Lindsley, and I entered quick);to find out When I had got inside thihandsome front, there he stood, suenoflgh, as brisk as ever, and lookinjnot a whit older than he eld ten yeaago. Do you know, sir, that it did myold eyes good, to see this genial, kind-hearted old friend ot half a century 01mare amid such surroundings? VVh,I've known him, man and boy, moreyean than I care to count, and I neverheard a mean thing of him. Fifty-fiiyears ago I flaw him start In life. H<wasn't a bit afraid of hard work, and

hadn't any capital he climbed up onan ore wag-on, and he drove it for eightyears, carting ore from Teabo, Mt. Hopiand Wetdon, with as much care and aitention as he gave his own business after-wards. You tee he was one of thatkind of men, so very rare nowadays,who dignify any labor they undertake,whether it be driving- mules or paying-out dollars in a bank. In 1835 he wasgiven a partnership in the store at Peters-burg, .near Milton, not because he bad:apital, for he hadn't any—labor d!dn

iy very heavily En those days—but because he had business ability and coulidraw trade. In 1841 he went toRocka-way, and alter conducting business therefar eight years came to.Dover, in 1849,so you see he has been steadily engaged

business here for thirty-two years,ind is to-day the oldest business man iifour community. I tell you, my friend,t takes a food strong1 bent of charade» maintain a clean reputation through. business life of forty-six years. Thelerchant, if he is naturally tricky or dis-lonest, has a big opportunity to takedvantage of his neighbor, but no man

ever yet uttered a breath of suspicionagainst the business reputation or pri-vate character of Ephraim LindsleyWhy I know families in this section tovhom he has sold goods for three gener-tions—yes, sir, to the grand parents,lie children and the grandchildren, andhey would all just pin their faith to his

word as much as anything in the world.Why ? Because he never deceived them.Some years ago he associated with him

ion Frank,'who has shared the re-ponsibilities and honors of the firm. Aireak of sadness comes over me yethen I recall that fatal October night attle more than a year ago, when it

seemed as if the results of a lifetime hadbeen swept away at one stroke. It stag'jered us so, you know, that we forgothere was one thing the fire couldn'tveepaway, and that was a good busi-2ss reputation. Great Jove! how much

;ood it does my heart to see how the oldirm has rallied from the" blow. As 1aw my old friend in his handsome store,ir rounded by throngs of buyers and airps of busy clerks, I came to the con-

that there wasn't a pair of ;houl-ers of the same age in my dominionsiat carried as young a head.Was he glad to see me ? Why, of

ourse he was, and when 1 loltl him that'anted lo see the whole of bis new es-

.blishment he just took me down to the:ar ofthe store and said we'd begin at theJttom. Then we got on some sort of asw-fangkd arrangement, which helied an elevator, and by the easiest waygetling down stairs I ever saw we

ion found ourselves in the cellar. Iiked around and found the large base-

rient filled with every kind of householdtores. I don't go much on appearances,

I just took the liberty of samplinglings, I can say I never saw suchrime molasses in my trips in the Southicre it is made; the butter was none

f this greasy olco—what-do-you-call-ittuff, but the, pure dairy product fromussex and Orange, and the cheese was

as prime; the coffees and teas Ii tell by their fragrance were prime,

and everything else that they had for thetable were of the very best quality. I

well satisfied thatthey hadn't hiddeniy impure or unwholesome food under-round, and so we returned to the firstoor, by way of the elevator of course.Here 1 fonnd the whole of one sidelied with groceries from the stocks in

cellar. On the other side was areal big dry goods department, fullyeventy-five feet long, 1 should thin It.nd such a display of ail kinds of fabrics 1fhy, it bewildered me 1 They brought

out great drawers filled with silits,satins, and other fine materials, especi-ally in mourning goods, in which they

iy they have a very large trade. Now,icre's nothing old-fashioned about me,ren if I have lived so .many years, andhen they showed me a handsome stock

ladies'cloaks and dolmans, just pur-hased, and all new and stylish, I 'madep my mind they wouldn't beep theming, for I would go and tell every lady1 this section that E. LEnsley & Son had1st what they wanjed. You tell them

for me, and it will save me a goodnany calls. And then there were skirtsnd shawls, pretty dress patterns, dressimmings; stockings Tor thousands ol

iretty feet, kid gloves, laces, ruchings,lannels soft and warm, mittens, silk andlamtiric handkerchiefs—ob, pshatr) I:ant' begin to tell you all I saw. You'lliave to go and see for yourself.

By the time we had got through wewere down by the elevator again, uponwhich we established ourselves and wereson whisked up to the second story-

:at, capacious floor, filled with alltanner of house furnishing goods, Suchleganf parlor suits I never saw before,

vhile the bed room and dining roomuitts showed that the people of thevorld were Improving wonderfully inneir ideas of taste and comfort. I waslad Mr*. Santa Claus wasn't with me

am sure she would have wanted tomy enough fo furnish the house all over,md just at the present time, with sonany children to be looked after, I couldtardly stand the expense, you know,

And than these were supplemented byan awful nice lot of carpets, oil cloths,

ittings, window shades, and ever soiny other things to make the house

ook neat and pretty, I think that whenSpring comes and I recover somewhatTrom the terrible expense of Christmas Iwill bring Mrs. Santa Claus down herein fl buying trip.

But what most reached my heart atthis time was" a table filled with beautiful

goods suitable, for holiday gifts, whichthey have just fitted up on this flooThere was a display of the finest chiand glass ware, perfumes with deliciouodors, very pretty whisk broom holder!toilet sets, cases with brush, comb anifrand glass, unlqui majolica ware, vifancy cups and saucers, moustache cup!sets of knives, forks and spoons; mirroiand countless other pretty things.

Then, too, right near it there wanother counter, Riled with all manneiof useful and ornamental articles,could not begin to tell you all it con'tained, but I was wonderfully surprisedwhen they told me that each and everyarticle on it was sold for the wonderfulsmall sum of ten cents.

1 was also much surprised when the;told me that there was still another stoifilled with goods, and again I mentalblessed that elevator for saving thiclimbing of stairs. Here I found reall]another great big store filled with furniture of all kinds from the plainest paterns to the most elegant designs,did not want to see any more for I waswell satisfied that the house of E. Linds-ley & Son was better established in itsold age than ever before and betterequipped to meet the needs of all itsthousands of customers. So we steppedupon the elevator—how my old limbdid bless it again—and made a quickdownward trip to the first floor.

Here I stopped a little while anwatched the trade. A half dozen sales-men were busy hustling out the goodsover the counter, cash boys were runningquickly to and from the cashier, a coupleof delivery wagons were carting outgoods to all points and a ceaseless throngwas pouring in and out of the doors,tell you the sight was pleasing, The re-ward of long years of toil and labor wasurely coming at last. The fruits of bus

iness integrity and honest living seemedike an abundant harvest In the fall time}f my old friend's life. My heart had in

more of rejoicing- than it had knownor a long time before, and I have had a

very happy sort of existence. I was gUdor this enterprising, progressing firm,ind more than glad because I knew fullveil that the people o( this section, lorrhom I have a tender regard, have such

stocked place where all theirrants can be fully met on the basis oficnest dealing and fair prices. Forgivene for taking so much space. My onlyixcuse is that the house of which I speak

worthy of It.THEWARTHA'S.

Ha, hf., ha 1 Why I laughed till mydes fairly ached when I met the " Candyan." There he was, jolly and fat as

ver. Do you know he would make airst-class Santa<-Claus ? I've half a mind

be jealous of him. Why his store ispacked so full of good things for the littlefolks, and big folks too, that I'm afraidhe people will begin to think he is Santa

And his good wife is constantlylustling around, fixing things up for oldnd young, which she wants them

to see, whether they buy Or not.'hey have cleared away all the oldlock an their shelves, and in theirlace they hav* the bleeest kind ofdisplay for the holidays. They are

ixious to have everybody know that itan't cost anything tosee them, and theyill make everybody welcome thatimes. They propose selling this year,wholesale and retail, at prices that willstonish buyers, and they wilt supplyurches, Christmas trees, fairs, festivals

id parties at the very lowest prices. Inys they never had such a display be-

They knew the good times wereire, that the people would want a great:al this year, and they have got readysupply their every want. They have

nough, it seems to me, to delight theart of every child in the community,

here's wagons, sleds, children's sets,rns, trunks, games of every descrip-n, dolls that will set the little ones

rild with delight, cornucopias, jumpingtcks—why, my dear sir, I suppose Imid sit here and enumerate the things

an hour or two and then not begin toill you all that they have to make thearts of the little folks glad, as theyiou!d be, at this happy season.In their candy department they show

ie best of good sense, and the "Candy[an" well deserves his nam«, because

makes the finest candies of the purestlaterials, t was out in the candy room,'here they were turningout candies in

on forms the marble slabs. Theyfere getting out a terrible big quantity,

t I made up my mind they would falllort, so I despatched right -home forveralofmybest hands to help themit from now till Christmas. This re-inds me that just at this season, when:opte are so liable to catch colds, thatie " Candy Man" makes a cough candyiat can't be beat the world over. Theyve also in stock some of the finest

utts to be found anywhere—fresh Ma-tga grapes, prime figs, delicious or-nges and the like, together with a veryU supply of nuts from all the cKmes ofie earth, all which go to make up ajmplete Christmas treat, There is fur-icrmore someting new and very neatthe musical line to be seen here—a

omplete piano, with keys, and played1st like any other piano, which sells for

ly$iS. It is called the Metallic Min-ure Piano, and they told me that they

1 (ended to dispose of one of them and aliniature violin by chance on New Year's

lay. And, by the way, they want me toy that all the children who call on:tn on Christmas morning will be given

treat. Now this is as generous andind-hearted as can be, and I have noubt but what lots of little folks will

tccepl the invitation thus given. Peoplekind as this won't want for friends

11s world, and they can always countid Santa Claus among them. My dep-ty stands on their counter to indicateiat I am with them, and I intend toat they dont run short on Christmas

;oods this season until every man, worn-in and child that desires a merry Christ-

as and a happy New Year is suppliedll h d hi hwith all the good things they want.

Therefore, you can say for me, Mr, Edi-or, thai Trewartha's will be kept full ol

nice things during the entire season, andas they are supplied1 direct from myhead-quarters there shall be rm lack ofgoad things for the supply of my people

this vicinity. Don't forget the place,L's on Sussex street, between Blackwelltreet vii tho depot. When they gelito U thu children will think they are in

fairy-land because of the many beautifulthings to be seen and bought for a littlemoney. Be sure and make a visit thereitfore Christinas.


Do you know that if aman can afford itie mostsensiblcgifthe can make ta son

or daughter is a reliable musical instrtment of some kind. I was think!as I was on my way to town, wherwho should 1 come across but m;friend W. S. Wright, in his musical 1pair shop at Franklin, 1 like to recmmend a man who knows his business,and Jf any one should step into this shiof Wright's and see him at work thwould have no question but that hiknows just what he's about. Why hifurnishes any part of any instrumeneeded, and he'll take an old piano <organ and put in an entire new actioKnows his business 11 should say he diHe learned his trade in one of the behouses in the country and he's been be'fore the people of Morris County asdealer for twenty years, selling instruments by hundreds and giving suchgootlatiafaction that nobody ever thinks

finding fault with him, He told me hehad a store in the new brick block, ithe same building with Breese, at No. 3,and when I arrived in town I went irand took a look, I tell you its the mostcomplete musical warehouse in this enofthe State. He deals in all kinds olpianos and organs, but he makes a spec-ialty of the Estey Organs, anil Math'ushek pianos. His long experience hitaught him that these are the very bestinstruments of their kind made, and peo-ple who are wise will defer to his judg-ment in this matter. Talk about nolbeing able to buy an organ for your wifeand daughter ? Why he arranges mat-ters so that 90 cents a week will put an

rgan in the house, I have been a clos)bsorver of the actions of men and Ihav<ieenn good tnanydisreputablethings dony musical agenls. They will get up

fancy case and sell It to unsuspectingeople as a. first-class instrument, when

all inside of the fine woodwork is naughtbut a jumble of discords. When I was

Wright's he showed me two organs.)ne looked much handsomer than the)therwith all its fine filagree work, butWright told me that the plainer one wasorth the most by $20 and he proved it,

too, by the line music he brought out of. Now if he had been dishonest heould have sold me the facy one for the

same cost, or more, than the other,dmired his square dealing so much thaitold him to ship the best one at once,

y raindeer express, to Mrs. Santa Claus,le's a man after my own heart, Wrigh1, and when I come across such a one,look upon him as a good stake to tic to'hen he keeps on hand all the latestings in sheet music, and as soon a new

and popular Instrumental or vocal pieceppears he sends right after it, Vou

people must alt drop In before Christmasnd see the big stock of other things he

also has in the way of musical instru-ents. There is the marvellous orguin-

tte that everybody can play without;udying music for four or five years1

ou just stick in a sheet of paper, turn arank and away she goes, grinding outtpular melodies by the yard. I wish

ley'd make pianos that way and kill offtost of the folks that murder music witheir fingers. He has also something

rery good indeed in the way of Stirling>rgans and Billing pianos, and a lot of

cond-hand instruments which he sellsery reasonably. Then, there are real:ute little pianos for the children; they

st only $1.50 each. Who wouldn'tive music in the house at that price fFext comes a great Big stock of Violins,luitars, Banjos, Accordeons, Metalo-

ones, some very pretty things for chil--cn in the way of toy cornets and trbm-mes, fifes, tambourines, music boxesevery description, the largest stock of

larmonicons everseen here, and otherstruments of every description,. Hells me that there is now a great com-

letltion between the makers of drums,

that they are selling at less than the;tual cost of mailing. He also makesolins and strings a specialty. He sellsstrum'ents from 50 cents upward, andstrings he deals in the best manufac-

ired. They cost him more money andmakes less profit on them, but he

'ants to satisfy the people. I want tot a flea in the ear of those people whoto the city when they want a musical

istrumenL They pay every time fromto 20 per cent, more than they would

re to pay If they bought the same in-irument of Wright. The reason is thattey have to keep up big establishmentsid pay enormous rents; therefore theyusl have big profits, Wright buys di-ct irom the manufacturers at the same

>rice as they, and as he has no enor-ous rents or fancy salaries to pay forigh'toned salesmen he can beat themII to pieces on prices. Doesn't it look:asonable that he can ? And what Isstter than all you know him. His long:aling and business reputation are aifTicient guarantee that he is bound to.tislyyou. He lives right among youid has built up a big trade by dealingnestly with your people. A first-class

iano and organ maker himself he issmpetent to do every kind of repairingnd there is no excuss (or not keepinie instrument in your house in good re

ir. He warrants all the work he doesd if It is not done in, a satisfactory

nanncr he will refund the. money every

ime. " I tell you he is relja'ble,' and yourleople will make a big mistake if they;o anywhere slse for anything in his linehat they need.

In the same building with Wright isH. Breesc, with his. great" bazaar of

sliday gift goods. Breuse has alwayslade the biggest kind of an effort to

ivide the people withall they want atioliday time, arid this year has actuallyiutdone himself. The display he makesi perfectly bewildering, and those who;o early will get the pick of a stock theike of which is not to be seen in Morris'ounty, Besides they will get well wait-id upon, which is not always the case ifhey delay. tiU the rush comes and the:ore Is filled with more customers than

can be attended to properly. The stock,great as it is, is necessarily limited; thegoods are even uow going fast. He tellsne that all goods ordered now and paid

for will be kepi until called for. Andwhat a stock to select from I There arcbooks and boohs without end, from tholatest novelty in a child's story book tothe handsomest publications issued inthe way of holiday gift books ; Christmasenrdsso beautiful that you cannot helpwishing that you could buy them all;comb and brush cases, work b.iakets nntboxes, odor cases, vases in beautiful vn-rloty, albums for everything, writingties s, plush goods, fancy boxes of writ-ing paper, glove boxes, ladies gold pensand casaa, and a variety of other thingssufficient to, set all [ho wives nnd daughters In this neighborhood wild with de-light. For the men he has got the larg

est assortment of pocket books and diar-ies for 1882 to he found in town, mus-tache cups, and lots of other things thatthey will appeciate if they have anysenseofthe beautiful. The number of thingshe has got for the children is endless.There are mechanical toys that wimake their little hearts fairly bound witjoy, as they witness the grotesque actionsHe has his window filled with them amgives a fine show to the children uvcday ; that complete railroad and traincars running by steam he proposesgive by lot on New Year's day and fcevery cash purchase of $1 in his store Igives the buyer a chance on it. Thcithere are telescopes, magic lanterns, lot;of Interesting games, toys and everyhing else. And do you know, Mr. Edi

tor, that Breese sits in the front as usualwith his Christmas candies. He maktit a point to be always in the lead in thparticular, and won't occupy a secantplace. I also noticed in his place tw<handsome Remington Sewing Machine.He told me that he had gone out Df thaibranch of business and would sell thefor less than cost m order to dispose 0the stock. I tell you, sir, that I know bymy experience that there is not anotherdealer in a town of this size in all mrealm that tabes such pains as does,Breese to supply" the people with rareand beautiful things for the holiday!Let me advise all your readers to drorin and sec his display, for it is as good an art exhibition, and the sight of it justow will repay the trouble of miles oravel.

VOUGHT & KlLLOORE.It did me good to drop into this old

corner establishment once more and fimstill so strong and prosperous, Whalbusiness they must do 1 Why they

thowed me all the prescriptions put upiy this house since i8jr, and It fairly;ook my breath away when I looked athe number on the last one—324,120

that don't show that they have the;onfidence of the physicians, and thade ofthe buying public I do not kno\

ivhat will. I was delighted to noticethat they had made greater preparationsthan ever for the holiday trade. In adjltion to the always big stock of neatnd pretty things they carry I noticedhat they have an entire show windownd a large show case completely filledith what I call real gems for holiday

gifts. Among" other things there was al rge variety of perfumes in elegant cut;Iass bottles of all sizes, including theiew perfume that is creating such a sen-

tion—Reed's Grand Duchesse Cologne;new and taking novelty in the way of'all pockets containing comb and brush,hich everybody needs, mailing it a

rery useful present; toilet sets in theost charming designs and shapes coti-

:eivable ; mirrors in artistic patterns ;iomething new in the way of brushesind hand mirrors, so arranged that they:an be taken apart for washing, thus

ving the hacks upon which hand paint-g can be executed or monograms

worked 1 combs in leather cases; thoseiew match safes in luminous paint, which

n be distinctly seen in the'dark, a•eat convenience when you wanta light

the. night 1 perfume atomizers, anditintless other things to delight thelost aesthetic taste.' And, just here lette drop a hint of practical value to theidles. If there is anything that willlake a husband happy about Christmasime it is a box of choice cigars. Vpught

Killgore have the very best, and Ieem the hint sufficient. No wondericse people thrive, when they makeich efforts to please the buying public,did one much good to notice that

ince the last time I was around theiriusiness has grown to such an extentat they have been compelled to buyore property and make an extension1 their building. Of course I knew itid to come to that They deal only inre drugs and medicines, and those

ho buy cf them once go again, so theirjade must increase. By the way, 1

arly frrgol to notice those famous pro-le tary remedies of their's—the XXrugh Syrup and XX Camphor Cream,ie first for colds and the latttcr formeness, cuts, bruises, sprains,etc. Bothre so valuable and efficacious that everyimily in the community ought to think

much of keeping them" on hand forimes of need as they would any otherirticle of daily use,

the aamo tioau that they are grmuii.Yon cannot nfford to tutto elmncoH vthyou go to buy goods in his line, aitherefore I say that when you go to bmytbing in this lino of gooda, goHairhotise, aud thus bo sura Hi at yare getting just what you pa; for.


Bight next door wo again find arjotbeold established Dover business nmu,wlio has built up on the good foundu-

of bonust dealing. I mean JohnPicrsou, tlio hatter aud clothior, wbositaste is so neat Uint for years past thanbug not beau another storo in NorfcbiNew Jernoy tbat could coinpnre with hifor elegnuco in diapky, or for Ha 1stocks of clothing, hate, caps nnd gents'furuiHbiug gooda, Now my frieml,there is any season of the year when thrhousehold should \m well ami comfort-ably clothed it ie jast at this time, Ho<can joa oippct n nmu or boy to enjo<himself amid all tlio pleasures of tbnappy Benson unless ho is decimtijilothed ? Therefore, all who liftVt

provided themselves should go aroundto Piereon's and see bis stonk, By al-ways treating bis customers courteously,by dealing with thorn in tlio most honor-able nmuuor, and by Belling them onlyexcellent goods he bus built up a trndtif wonderful proportions, for this style

ot doing business always soils gooila,Thereforo be is a tremendous buyor.Now it stands to reason that a man wlibays in Bucb quantity can got the best ol

nnd can sell for tho lowoslmouoy. Piersou knows this, nnd therefore can offer tlie biggest kind of induce'mouta to purchasers. But I forgot;must toll you shout his stock. He's golovercoats enough lo clothe a regiment,ind they are of the latest cut, tlie mostlurablo material, anil tba neatest pat-orne. Tho anme may be said of hi

and boys' suits, and if 0 munwants to be dressed in corroot taste nndteal sure that Lo has Mometliinp on liiiframe tbat will wear, bo should startriglit off iiud buy liis olotliiug oE Pierson, Then in bats nud enps thero ieuotliiug new that doesn't appear in histock aa soon as it 1B out, while in col-[ure, end's, gloves, shirts, all kinds of nn

scarfs nnd pins, bnndkor-nnd everything else in Hint line

ie is riglit up willi tlio titnoB, nud Ii>VQry imaginable article (tint tho most

buyer can need, I liitvoIbonglit bow many of these tilings wouldranku excellent Christmas presents lor

Ie members of the family. Tliey uim0 bought at & very littlo outlay, nnd

lothiiig could bo more serviceable. IEinything tnoro elegant than these isleaded, Fierson has some very choiceiitioles iu fur goods, and no ono couluekeb ft aioeo njjproprinto or ttcaeptahloJliristmns gift than a flue seal skin cap,ur eollnror fur glove*, in nil of wliicli10 has a mostelegant lino. So wlion yonire making your rounds, trying to selectomothiug useful, as Tjell as ornamental,

a holiday token, don't forget tbat'iorson can supply yon ; oiul always:eep in remembrance that in his plaooon will receive tho moat aourtooun at'eation, as well as honest representations

I tell it to yon, for a fact, Mr. Editor,iat when I got into t in now staro ofulins Hairuouse,ncxt door, I thought Iiad got into the treasure bouBe of onoif earth's biggest potentates by mistake.

loll a collection of beautiful things formsehold ornamentation anil personallorument this communityiversaw before. They fill great wall

conntereases and mudow cam,impletely full. Wuy, thealook of goldid silver watches fc simply magui (fceut,ad embraces everything,' from the la-oring man's servicablo time-ttcrpor to10 moat superb chrononiufer. Why,

must buy his watches liv tbo curtload I And ob, what cSiuice designs,what elegant shapes, in Bilvor aud silrer-Inled WUTO tlie great cases contain,'hero iB everything from a baby's Hpuou,

tb.e most elaborato dinner pet. of imported Vienna goods, particu-larly took my fancy, the designs wore so

\t, tbe colors sorioL and hujIcuded, and ttie trncary so delicate.

Every article In ttiis department is iuitself a choice holiday gift. . They enibruoa scoras of noit things in gold, Bil-

tnil gliisa for mantle oroameutufioa..nil then you should Bee bis 'assortmentf dainty French cloaks, a gift of ouoliiob would provide any ludy with a

mre for n life time: Add lo these aultluliaity of charming bracelets, (now

most etytiih pices of jewelry,) neck 'laoes, chains und charms, ladies' operachains, ladies vest chains, scarf pins,

irriugs nod jewelry of every descriptionup in hundreds of ornamental do

.coa, nud nguin add to tliese dpectaeles,ye gliiBses, opera glasses, telescopes,iDgor rings, and soorea and scores ofrtiotai tan many tu name, aud you haveBlock to aeluot from thai fairly beggars

iy powers of dcscriptloul Ami what ajcantiful display tboy rauke in nil theirriohocss. Its euaugh to make a manfed wealthy to look at tbeni oven if ho

n' taoout in bis pocket, My onlyronder is hon* n. body could come inere and make a election witboat being

pnazlotl as to wllioh of tbe iquny choicetbirjga to tuko. And right back of it al

tlie fuut Hint you know juBt nbo yoiare denliug with, for Hairliouse lias beuuwith you so luug tbat you have bud a

taaco lo try hita. You know tuitt lit!never triod to paliq ofl ny thoJiSy goods

Q jou. trying to moke you bollevo at

J .W.Of course I dropped in to sec merry,

olhVkfng " Jaak " Sampflon, tliu lintoher,in SuBsex stioot. I know him when lieivod in the hind of tlio holly und mistle-oe, where tboy keep Ghristuiaa green.Iy stars, man, be wnB as jolly a fellow

could bu foaud in atl tho width ofCornwall, and the logtie banu't sobereddown n bit since lm got into this nowcountry of yonrs. Lot mo toll you

lore's nothiiig meun uboat a man who9 always bnpny, nnd has a emilo andust for everybody, like " Jack " Samp-

Whon a man IB mean his oon-aiBDao won't let bim be in a coolantoooi.faumor, and ff "Jack "sliould oat

dishonest steak I dou't lidievo bomill laugh in a week, nnd that wo-ildtil him suro. Tiiat's tbe wbole eeorctit, and that's what's tho matter with

Js jolly butcher. The people nro gladsep him in his shop and glad to BOOn when lie comas around with liis

upon, because tbey know the; aro eurotwo things—one is that they will g«t

something gaud to eat, and tho otherthat they will haar somo joko or merryanecdote that will keep tbeni laughing

ml diivo away the blues For a week,mv Christmas time is pattkuhrly dear

Ji:«V " and ha is gettiug ready forto occasion. For the holidays ho williwo tho tendorcst and jniciost roasts and

alcnks in all kinds of moat, prime eausago miido hy himself ont of meat tbat

knows is good, grout pi amp yonngkeys, obiokcus aud nil kinds of pmil-

y, itttd vogotahlos to match. Tlioro is101I deal iu tlie meat buHiueuH, fur

ure is uot n buyer iu ten who knowsicily what ho wiuta. Thereforo Lolias got to rely largely upon tlie dealer.

his being tliu CUBQ I tako great pleasurethis liolitlfiy timo Jti rccuwmonding

iy worthy friisud "Jack," who I knowill fulfill fiH your wiJihtis and give you aecu cf meat every tiinu lliat will makeir mouth water wbun it conns* upon

e tabte. Tdere's tmotliot1 tiling, fun,iat shouldn't bu foigotLuu. SJUIC pio-u liuvc nn idea nluioat uuyhudy

in run the hutoUor business, Uut. itm't BO. Benidps bdng ithle to cat npteat, u man mtist know miinothiug aboutuying well o.mililioned aattle nud tliou

iff lioivlokilltheuiproperly, *'Jncl["IUS luaruefl about nil theao tilings, tor lieins made the butcher business tliD study

his life, tiud I liko tu ruuuminojid aian who knows his business right up Lo0 hamllo.


T didn't intend to po out ot town, Mr.ditnt', in giving you tho rcaullfi of myuppciinn, hut there in one firm of miriinoi'lhy elinrnctcr at your emmty swtitBaunot lielpmuiitjunhg HJOID. y»inii toivuamnu aud lriend, Mr. Win. B.[ontiigne, Las aasnoiatcd himself will]ill. J. Lime, nt Morristoivn, and under

10 firm mime of Lowo fc Moiltiigue,loy lmvo But ap ao uxtemivo busiucsnibucconists and newsdealers. I spunk

this because I know ymi have tlion-wrads ot reuderfi throughout tlie county,iu well us a great innny in Morristow.iund I want them to know particularlyjimt tliu plnco WIILTC tbey enn be suited iievBrytliing needed liy {bo UBUITI of Hiwceil. Tlic-y nu on South streol, justaw doors beltiff the coin or of the park,md (i (jhnca nt tlm interior of thoiitoro will snfllce to show tlmt they nroright up tq timu ID all Ilia leading Lliinf

in tlioir bnsin&SB, Tlmy lmvo tho clioicostimported aad daaicHlia solars. X tried

io Uint "Monty" offnroil me, nnd Ion't know wbqu Fvo had, anvtbing tlin

HO culm'M ' u nerves olid oxrrteil en^jaonthiiiK JillueocenvernijruiuJ. I {,"1box rigbt awuy, and wheu I got throuilooking after tbe (Jbristmas neuda of tlpeople I am going to sjt myself doiund Jiavo one long deliciuua BCOSOUsmoke. Tiiey Lave also all tbu kadiaud flue grades of chewing aud emokjlobaccoe, together with a largo stuckineor&cUaum pipes as well as pipesother materials, in all shupuH, eegaholders, toliucco poi.clioa, nnd allyou want in Ihoic line. Tltoy aha do siimmense wholesale tmaiutiBS in Begun

bieh reqtiiroa all tho uttoction ol MrLowe tu lit tend to tbo manufacturedelivery, wliilu Mr. Moutugae looks nftetbu retail trudu at the store, Tbuy Iiavi

my customers among tbe dealersfour town and neighborhood and tlie;ioep tbeir trade by supplying it with tb<ttost goods, while tUeir promptness 11HI ling orders is an especially gratifyinifeature. I tell you that when you findyoung flrru that Lave tha simp or gooi

ibiuoss judgment of tliean young men11 caa, Djttke up your mind, my dear

sir, ihnt they we bound to uucoeed,'hey know the value of trade and bo

to keep it when tbe/ once obtain iWhen any of your Dover people aro iiMom'stown, ou business or pleaaure,tuejshould make it a point to go down to thestore and ace "Monty." Ibis a pleas'mtphico to stop at, for there you wi'eel at home, aud if you arc In need otimoko you can rely upon it that h

inks enough of his old Dover friendito givo them tbo very best he has iu thilargo establishment.

JAB. A. QooDAtB's.To my great satisfaction I found Mii

old friend and long established druggistenjoying the best of health and thor-oughly equipped for tlio holiday sOasou.lis rod front drug store baa a splendidiisplny of out glass bottles, 0 fresh stockf delicious perfumery, including tbe fa-lotis Extract of 100 Flowers, tbnn which

is none batter, a baatitjful stock ofimps, suggesting the finest and mos

I of holiday presonta, fancy per-umery bottles aud looking glassesHushes, combs, knives and a thousaud

id 0110 things tliat are as useful as theyire pretty. It would bo useless to unlertulie tu describn bis store—it i& sonil ol everything valuable iu his trade,bich bis uusinoss eijierienco of thirtyii-s or more lias told him tho people

BOII. Tlioro is no uso of my rocom-aemliug him to tho public, for tho pub-ic knows bim. What there is about the\vug hmiaoas that he does not know inmt worth knowing. His prescriptionsire nlways pure and reliable, hia stock ofnediclues embraces every popular remIy and his own proprietary goods, Gs-

iklly bis Expectorative Cough Syrup,innot bo boat. Iu anything in his Hue

can satisfy your fullest needs.Wu. HAHMS.

Plensc toll all your trienda that vmteeaicy see the stock of Win. Harris, tlio

". street Jowolor, before tbey buyleir holiday goods, tboy will ho diwip-inteJ. His neat nnd cosy storo is lit-Lily packed with raro ontl valuablengs, nnd thoBQ who have dealt with

im know thiit lie never misrepresents,IVGU in tba slightest particular, Tho.mount of silver plated waro tbat bo bass simply astonisliiug, and bowildoriog1 its elegance of design and form. Bo-des this be fans n most beautiful line ofold nnd silver watches and Americannd French clocks, a Buporb asportroont' flngsr rings, chains for gentlemen anddies, bracelets, earrings nnd everything

the Hno of jewelry, each nud everyie of which would mnko a saitahlo hoi-Iny gift. Then too thero is somethingIse vary neat for gifts in an nnustmilyirgo stock of gold peas, which aroIways acceptable presents. Likewisu ajmpleto line of sped notes eaiuiblo-for

lights. In goode for mantel ornn-ents he has also been extremely foitu-ito in bis polectiona. In fact, every-ing iu his store is new in design, ele-mt in appeamnco, aud moderate in•ice. Just tell your readers t lat Santoius takes extreme pleasure in com-nding thU place to them.

Borax's,Do yon know I tako n notion (o a manke 8, II. Barry, who takes ap a distiuo-ro Hue cf basinoss and gives it hisbola attention ? He's bound to succeed,id Ilia lurge and growing business ho is[ilding up in the hardware trade shows

People go in him because it is hisliecinlty and lie knops ovoryHiinffthoyced. Ho keeps rigLt up to the timesid I votico bus somo vary valuableifts for tbe holiday season, protninontnong which is a splendid line of skatesir old aud yinniR ; sleds of ovary do-

nn for boys and girls; somethingtry nice and reasonable in price In theay of decorated gmuils ware ; A lot ofinka for oliildrcn that won't broak-4Uh liu'd got np Bomotbing of tbo kindr tlio big fidkH; table cutlery in unlim-

mnuilifcy and very Quo in quality,;i'ving kiiivcsaad follts, oliildrou'a tabloits, nud many useful things in hotmoinifaliing gooda suitable for holiday

is. Hut J do not only speak for bimaccount ofthe boliduys. His busi-

m is valimble to the public nil tlioii' round, find bca!doa house furnisb-t goods lie always keeps the most

mipfoto iinos of everything ueoled iulildors1 Unrdwaro, with all tliu modern'entiuns in the way of tools for me-luios.

M. Ki

X ttnnw thnro is no need of introducingfriend KiiigHbnrg tu tba peoplu, for

hn9 been long euonyli here tu got welliqimintcd, But I want to my a goodfird for him, fur bis storo iu tliu newick blook is tilled with tlio goods tbeojilc waut, nt tliis liolidiiy snasun. In,uly-uia<lti clitthiug for young nnd oldi hiiH an nlmndntit and leliulilo titaottexe^l'unt goudu, now in stylo and w r-nted lo weur, Al«n a very hi'iivy linegent's furnishing goudu, in which you

ill Hud every need fully met in RIOVCS,1, cuffs, sourfs, lies, shirts, under

lotliing, ilua hoaiory, ot-;. His Hue ofmis nnd oup3 i» new ntd fatliiouablc,

d ho lids evorytliiug in tlio wuy of•nnks, vnlisos and Iravuling bags. Ins cluttiuigiloparttncnt be makes :i spec-Ity of ultra suits for very largo men,liicli tiru often difficult to tluii, Hiaing imBiucua cumiostiuii with the peopleicrc U 11 u evidence of tbo fuet Unit Iiiilisfles all who fuvor him with theirtiHtom, uuil lie is shrewd enough tumow tlmt hy felling good articles foiimidl iirutlts ho cm cuiumnnd n big.railo. As the cold Aieatlior \H setting v

would adyise all wljo, vijsb, to hn com-ortunlj clad, at reasonable prioos, to

drop into liin fiiu< new store and provideiomselvus wilb t'ao ii^at.jj;tt t must tn'd you good hye,"saiil

tho old Saint as be stmigliteiieil liiniup aud gat tiered his furs about him.

I am BO busy yisl iiow tbat I fear liiatI Imvo nlrendy staul too Joug, but Iwanted to gi»a your popte an idea of allthat tLran GuterpriBdog meruliouts aredoing to piovide for the wants of yoiuI j p l e . Good bye, oud a Merry Christ'mas lo you nud all tho Eiu readers."D a wosaeut them was n murry call tohe liornod steeds nt the door, and agai

tbe eoutid of musical bells, which BOOfaded In tbo distance.




On Curlstmnu tuoraTlio Ul)o was butu,All iuwly iu a munijor,And aoi;oU cninoWitlionu nodal01To littil lUo infant utrangor.

O'er Dotblohcm'a plainTlio glad toltaiaOtpeauo, goal wilt forovoi,Was bonio alongIn lioaroalf eong, ~ADII ccaeoe novar, noror.

Tlie wise rnon BOUffhtAitdtoliini broughtIu liuiottlo atluratlon,Tlmlr gifts ol goldOfwoilliuutoid,And spice /or acceptation;

To-dny wo slugi bring,

o to cue auutliar,

igOar hunt will kabvWu woruliip film (urovor.

ACOODTIMECOVIINC'Tlioro'a 11 good tinio oumin^, boys,

A sou] Utnc oomlilR,And toys MIIO.I1 Btiow tlio nursery floora,i m l lltllo gtookiiiRft liniiff un Ooum

Iu the good tlrau cumiu^;Tlio cltildron, uyci witU wondur bnglit,Bliall RO to bed to-morrow ulglit,And loufi, oh I Joug, bfforo 'tis lijflit,81ml! cluiubur Bloaiiog down tlio stair,And raise a murrj buillain tlioro,

lu the Rood tiino coining.KriBB Krinplo drives liis roluduor team,

Aud Lopes aiid love groffutruugar,Aud Ifft is radiant as a drunn—

THE BAD LITTLE BOY.ko early on Clirialdiaa raora,

And rnsliud duwn to tliu llro-plnco;ut Locurldd bin sraall lip in ucoro,And ilisgUHt wan upon, liis fair foeo.

tlioro In lila Burnlay IIIIHO'KM no eaiuliuH, 110 gundicfl, nor " aiclt;"

at, suggeotivo of tilings lucbrymaso,Wiu kiti tnollior'a confonntlud old switali.

A MERRY CHRISTMAS.A merry, worry ClirUtmaa I

TD or own tbu olojlng year;roaco ami got>.\ wifl ta morfalj.

And worcla of liuly choor 1VfUm tlHKigli tlio clronry laiidaoa

Do rnliod in drlftlosg nnow,If ou tho Bucial lieaitli-ntuuo

Tbo Obrlntmttfl flro may


What I wns gnino to roraarfc," began

rother Gardener tw tbe meeting opened,

"was to my dat d e Boaaou has now atoTfi

sn do cry fur obnrlty am beard fa do

d, au' people who liev a dollar to spare

'speoted to pass it obei to de poor. F a r

convenience of paople whoso lioart aches

suntbio', I liov oompiled a list of pa-

ts nnd will fumiBh it freo grttis on ap-

ioashun. De man who loafs all Summer

bog«liiHwav {raw do Winter am on de

Do woman who sella hor clothing fur

iey to buy whiskey am on do l is t De

lieB vtio rapport two or throa dogs , -a

OB1 a dozen liena on de pie an1 uweet-

begged by da aMl'en am on da IH.

I dat list I hev pub down men who will

id a coat or west ober de bar la exchange

drinfe, I uev pu t down meu who

tent dBir days in sleep au' Idleness when

orars were bolug paid twelve abillu's a

I hav put down families who sleep

fltraw an1 live ou bread, an ' wutor, and

tifdayahouldbeliandadft dollar In money

mid use it all En pnrviain' an oyator aup-

If I had time, I oonld make a list

)U weald prove dat nine tenths of do

ibarity eubjeotn in Detroit am de bnaeat

nds, an' dat ebery dollar placed in da

ds of de obersoer of the pool am Mack-

II on taxpayer* When da father of a

ily kin aira from a dollar to twoha tOiil-

'a per rlny, an' do mother from fifty cunts

dollar, what rig!it;hov day to aafc fur

larlly ? If a man nm old an' poo' wo hev a

nty house fur him, If a poo' man nm

t, vo hov bospitaU. When 0 child am

orphan, we uov homos and asylums.

P a hull Bubjook aui A fraud on workm'

Dple, Wo am Bluply offerln' a premium

loaferUtn, lazInesB, and degradoahun.

irv time wo hev Increased our poo' fund

hov inoreiHed do number of beggars,

ary dollat bostowod upon a beggttt makes

Iiate work HO uiuoh de harder. A. child

ecea Us parohta live by beggary

sartin to coteh. do same I&WB and pmo

idesame prinoiploa Foller de people

i tlio oftetiest nt de ptw' mnHtur'H au' you

I find neighborhoods whar' da moat petty

vin'am pmcticedanMo mos' l»ziaesu am

indulged lu.

Whan dMth antera da family of A work-

man ha mny want a loan. When a 1A-

' moebi wld nu neddont his iu-

Rtonn, and to lido him obor de gap nm

uden duty. When charity goes h e -

id ant it RupporU fraud and breeds vice.

. t rol tFreo Press.


Dotr.iit raothor tlrod with watching

sr a nick baby, onrne down ntnin tor a

socanuV mat. Bha heard tlio vofao of

littlu fonr-yoar old pirl in tho linll by

lf, nud curious to know to whom tthe

tilkiug, fltoppfd a mmntmt at tlio halt-

in door. She Raw that tho little thing

llatl it qtmir up in front of tlio tela-

ine, nud Htooil upon i t willi tbo piece

-d against tbo sida of her hoiut. Tito

iraentno-B of tho child showed that she

iu no plnyful mootl, nud this WAS tlio

urfinttan the rnotlwr Iwnrd, while (ears

>ad thick in her eyes, the little ona crying

both Hides iu it fiUa wero repeating the


'Hello t*

'Weil, wuu'ft there ?'

'la God there Y


'la JewtiR the re? '

r '

I JPSUB I wnnt to Hpnnk tn h i m '

'Well V

'In that yon, Jo ins? '

•Yen. What in it V

'Our bnby is flioV, nvi we wnnt yon to let

gut well. H'on'tyon, nnw 1"

o nuawer, ami «u\toiuent and question

iia rcpBnted, finally ucawurcl by


The little one put tho oar-pleoe back c«

book, cinmbered ilow.n fwm be t chair,

id with nradii i i t fnuu, w«nt fur mother,

o catifjtit hor in h^r STIIIB.

Xhe (jnty,wlione lifo hud been despaired

b f l u to moud that il 1 v and got well.

A hindsoiao asaortmout of New £oac oal

l l iH

BABY'S STOCKINGS,Hme tip tliobaby'guiCKkmK,

llu Htirfl y«a il»u't forgot 1Tliu dear littlo dimpkd daiimg t

Slio uiifor flair UhrlHtmaH jo t ; -Uut V vo tnid Ler nil about it,

Aud HLO opuiiRd Imr biff bluo Pje»,Aud I am iiuro abu unJurHtood me,

Shu looked so funny aud VIEO.

Dear, dcur, what a tiny (looking IIt douitu't tako nincb to Uold

Bueli littlu piok tOBBOi liaty'aAiraj from tlis frost aud cold.

But then for tho baly'n OlirintmaiItnut-urtrilifiosUUIl,-

Wiiy, HiiutaUluus wouldu't he loolting.for atijthiug half so small. ,

I kuow wbat wu'll do for tbo baby;I've tliouglit of the vur; bent pUn;

fU fiortow a aloekiug of graadras—the lu»({t.-at that erar I can,

Aud jou'll liaug it by mliio, iloar moihor.Jlight huru In ihe coruor, m,

Anil write • lottur to Simla,And laaLcn it un to tuu too.

Tr'rik, " Tliin ia tbo baby's HtookiiigThat liangB in tlio ccrnur hare;

Von ucvor \it\o seun bur, Sanla,For 9I10 only csmo tills rear)

But BIJD'B just Urn UcsaodiiHt baby;And now, before yuu s°t

JuHt cram hur atucidug with goodies,From iho top dear down lo the too."

CHRISTMAS CHEER.A bad and huqhiug welcome to tbo martf

tmaH belli,All hull with happy gudiiofltt tlie well-known

chant that strolls 1We list tho poiliugattliom ohord, wo hoar tho

midulphtslraiu.And love the tidings that proclaim a Oliriut-

mas-tiilo ngaiu,Bat tlioro mast bo a molodj, of pnrer, dapper

sound,A rloh koynoto, wiiono colio raus throagh all

iha mssh nmai,Lot kiuilij VOIDUD ring booeath low roof or

For t-boao aluuo arc Cbristmaa chimoB thnthlusi a GurlHtuiaa Hume.



The readings of t l o goofie-boni indicate D

motley winter. There will be a good deal

of BnowRnd a few cold daja, but no pro-

tracted cold weather. I n the month of Do-

ceiuber there will be DO very cold weutber.

During the last of the nioutti there will be 0

few dnjB whon fires will be cheerful owl nn

Dvorooat comfortable. I t will be an exceed-

ingly disagreeable montb for oat-door work

withauow or rain eyery day or two. The

irobabiljtfes are for a wet, gloomy Olirlst-

tnut. Tills kind of weather will continue on

through Jaiiunry, wltb a few ecld dnyn

landwiclied betwoen rain and snow. Aboat

the middle of January there will be a few

clear, cold dnya, wben tbo moroury will go

down below zoro. Xbe ifitli and iGtli of

fanuary will b.13 as cold days aa any oipe-

enaed in thin latitude. Tbo Utter part of

ie month will be wot and gloomy. There

will be more genuine winter weather

crowded into the littlo month at February

in December ami J a n a n r j , but tkero

will no t be any inteuse cold. With t he

sption ol the few days about taa .middle

if January, it Is nob likely that thu mercury

rill go far below zero. The goose-bone lias

mg been au honored weather prophet . I n

Rome of tbe back counties in Kentucky the

farmers make all their arrangements in ao-

eordanco with tho predictions of tho goose*

one. l a some localities the gooBB-bone is

h i d aside, labeled with the year, nod It In

Baid that one bid fanner in Brantbitt County

has the bones extending book for more than

forty yenm, and la all tha t time i t In assorted

;bat the bone bos never been mistokon as to

B weathdr. To read correctly toe winter

any year, tako the breast-bone of a gooae

itched during the preceding spring. The

ae is translucent, trnd it will be found to

Dolored aud spotted. The dork color and

•avy Bpota iudtoate cold. If the HpcU are .

f a light Bhade and transparent, wet woatli-

ir, raia or snow, mny be looked for. 'There

ire a good many people all over the country

fho pin their faith to tbo goose bone, Of

tbe weather prophets it 1B the most hon-

ored. The little ground-Log disgraced him- '

self long ago, and now very few people ever

watch Oandlemia day, and hogs' melts a re

0 longer trusted In, A few years &gi>,

rhan Tioe and all human weather prophets f

iredioUd the moet Bovere winter ever

known, the gooso-bone told of a mild open

winter. The future unrolled just as tbe

bone Hftidit would, and poor oia Tlce bad to -

change hist predictions every day. Tbo

gooae-boue never ahangos and nover fall*.

reporter hna examined three hones, one

'rom HouthoaRtern Kentucky, one from Jef-

'ermn Gonnty and ons from Laporte, l ad .

They aro identical to one another, and tba

"iting here given will bo found t be name

tbe breast-bnno of any goose hatched

last spring. Gut tliiR out, lay i t aside for

reference, and as you crowd up dose to tho

ire on tba 15th of January, TOO will be oon-

iDOctl ofthe great uukuown power of tho

oose-bone.—LoulBYiUe Post.


Tha children must not be forgotten on

e m Many parents a n tbougbl-

ftbout tbo littlo ones , and look upon

presents and festivities nu ckildinb things

that nro better neglected tban attended tn.

VL.U if thete attuatlonB are ohildbh ? Haw

aauy nf us cannot look bfwk to narlr dnys

nd Btill remember tha di<iappoiutment

'fitting MB, when, nt Parly dawn on Christ-

v morning, we crept ont of bed nnd down

lire to find tba stoukiug's empty nod t i n t

Snnti Clous urnl so t been nt our home, All t

a tears that fell And the cuokiog sensitlon

nt wullcd up iu our throats then, ean never

forgotten. And wheu wo went out and

net our playmates and found that* Bsmto

had not forgotten Iheiu, it seemed as

all tbe world wero nnklud, nnd tba t tuera

as little to live for woith tuo liviog.

Do not forgot tho obildron, Lot i t not bo

ild that Bauta Cinus bas neglected ona of

hem. Let there not be a single iie*ri mada

uliappy through neglect an thin Christmas

noruing, Tha exponso of making them

iappy h fitflftll and the reward that will

ollow tbeir lusty shoats wlieu they HBO their

wall nlted stookingH via over repay tho

lunouut aud the trouble. Our first tnoagbt

1 Ohrlfltnuu morning nhould bo for t U e w

ippiuesa of t i e Uttltt ones. ' ' """ '

GhriHtmnscomoH bu t once a year, -

cd wlieu it coinos stiould br ing good cheer ."


Tho popular We* of Santa Claus finds i ts

origin in cnrUiiu Qcrmnn villages. Kaula

Clans, known us Knecht Kupart, was c o t

;hern an abitraotitm, but a tnnu, to whom

befopi Chrietmas all t be parents in the vil-

lage nont tbe prwenta t l iey intended for

their cbildrou. On Christmas morning this

'earing high bunkinfi, a white robe, a

mask and on enormous flaxen wig, went

solemnly from housa to lioase. When h a

arrived, ho called for tuo ohiUlreu, yiho-

came timiilly boforo him. He would quea-

nn them an ta luoir bvhuvior, and iu t b s

nl haBtow hb gttts, ChrUtmaa was a mil

\? for the ebildron in tbe boose which

upyht Hupott pawed witbout entering.

Mont of the healhen nations r^gardtid t b e

winter Hoisttoe on tbo '

renewed life and notivUy of the $rawers o t

niituro." They wore m fond as wo ur t h a

nuperuntuml, and i n tbeir Ignorance goon

>d ihnt from the 25th of December t o

the flth ot Jannnry they could " Irnca on

earth t he personal movemeata o£ thvir creat





SATURDAY, DEC. 17th, 1881.

MESRT CHRISTMAS.•' Ilctp on wor* womt-tlio wind i« «UItiillut itwliiillo.bitwill,Wo'U kt»n> our CLmiriia* merry BtiH.1

—Sia \V»i.tP.u Scon.How muscially the words fall from ih

lips as a token of hearty greeting. Tinhave been sounded through centuriaijjune, yet upon each recurrence oftnaul day of the Saviour of mankiiviht'j- spring up as fresh as if just born'the ordinary methods of salutation atvgreeting change with the generationbut those words, although they have irtfie authorization of Holy Writ, lithrough tln> ages. They have in theillic inspira.ion of God, else ihe itwetUi1

ingenuity of man would have

So with the custom of celebrating thanniversary and the promptings inhctris of men to make it the gladde:event of the year. An inspiration frtdie Almighty lias taught the people ofages that it of all the days of the yearlist must wort by of human renieinbraniThe New Year quickens the pulses withu|>e for the beyond ; the birthday of ll.* Father uf Uis Cmitnry " awakensutic emotions; Memorial Day brin;sadly to our mind the terrible costiniiiulaining- the national honor; tFourth of July fills us with exuberatiand jollification, and perhaps withoverweening pride ; Thanksgiving brinjlo but a few comparatively iu full iiof gaiefulness and prayer; but Chriimas—Merry Christinas—exerts anconsciuus influence in all hearts,tin're are tew who ilu not little they may avail themselvesit—the beautiful story of the comingthis day of the Son of Cod to earth to r<deem His puuple. We make it a gliday fur the children in memory of tlchild Saviour, and we reserve fortime the best gifts for our families aifriends, in commemoration of ihe glorfact that on this day God gave the greaicsi gift which his divine power coulb^stuw upon the human race.

No wonder then that in the centuripast of the Christian era it has been tlone universally acknowledged holidaythowj whu acknowledge tiie sovercigtuf the Son tif Jehovah. Nor do we wuider thai the history of its keeping by ofathers is ever pleasant to read uf airecall. The Saviour's praises on tlday will be sung in all the tonguesihe earth, but the burden of the. songthe same. Especially dear and but lt<varying are the customs of the Englispeaking nations upon this anniversaThe cheerful anthracite grate may ha1

succeeded the blazing yule log, theiicuotis uf climate and soil may subsitule the cedar and the spruce for the ho!and the mistletoe, but the heart prom[ings are just the same, and the an theiyet is "Glory to God in the highest, aion earth peace, good will toward men,

Scott, in his " Marmion'" from whi<(he lines above are quoted, tells us ho1

—" Well our Cliriituo ures of oldLoved wb»n the yeir it* count bad rolled,Aud brotijjlit bhtae Chrlalmts back again,With *!liti inimitable trim.

EngUnd vii murry Eoglind whenOld Clmitm&g broUfllit bn iporti tj»iu.

A Gbriitmu gambol on cuuld oliourThe pmr mac'* lie&rt through hair tba j « r .

And so it remains even to this dayoccasion of joyfulness, the memorieswhich remain to cheer the heart wtwthe decorations which grace our churchiand our homes have lust their color antheir life. The carols still ringrnusic in our ears, the tokens of friernstill gladden our hearts and Christmirecollections grow tenderer as theygtovolder.

W e are again nearing the Yule-tidiLet us make it if possible the most jo;ful we have ever known. Let tlchurches wear their holiday garbwreaths, festoons, symbols and wonof Scriptural prophecy and fulfillme:for this crowning day which led lo the <tablishmentofthe church of Christ. Lithe hospitality of our homes be as gre;as our means will allow, and linked wiigratefulness because our Father whogaius His Son on this day, has also given vnow aseason of prosperity that will makthe joys of Christmas possible to almo:every home. And as we cherish the meiones of our childhood associated with thday I t t u s not forget the children. Thgifts ofSanta Claus always becomesweeer with the knowledge of after years, anthis pleasant mystification of childhooonly makes more indelible in the minithe tenderness of parental love. In thiconnection the Christmas treats of thiSabbath, Schools art not to be under-valued. The hearts who provide themare enriched by the labor of love, andthis practical demonsution of humangoodness will make more easy the way toimpress upon these young hearts the lib-erality of our Heavenly Parent whogiveth all good things unto his, childrei

But let us not be too selfish in ourgenerosity. God's gift on this day wa:so unselfish in its nature that it compre-hended an inestimable blessing to thosewho were at emnhy with him. May theremembrance of this soften our passionsand eliminate all feelings of enmity andhatred from our hearts.

We may go yet farther and realizethat the whole world was in spiritualpoverty when God placed within itsreach the wealth or eternal spiritualglory. None were deserving of it, andyet to the worst it was a free gift. Maythi* not remind us of the poor and unfor-tunate all about us and cause us to imi-tate the Divine charity in overlooking allquestions of merit? "The poor ye havealways with you," » a teaching thatshould come with additional force to usai this season, coupled with the reflec-tion that we may not be entirely worthyof the good gifts that have been so lav-ishly bestowed upon us. In what betterway, then, can we show our gratitudefor the beneficence we enjoy than by de-voting a sraall portion of our substance,at the least, to the making happy of somepoor ones on this day when all Christen-dom should be glad ? Even in the timesof greatest prosperity there are the unfortunate, as well as the misguided, towhom the advent of Christmas will beas but a bitter mockery unless there isrevealed unto them the bond of humansympathy and aid. When He whose

commemorate was with us onA Leader WHipaKton acted thft

iar and unfortunate and in words whichit a terrible emphasis He made thiis

.du ra t ion ; "Verily I say unto you,oasmuch as yc did it not unto one of"* least of these, ye did it n°t tome."u i verbal offerings of thanksgiving «•is day, and our fervent prayers for iheiccoringof tfafc poor will not awUustuch in the estimation of Him whoidgeth by the deeds of men as well as

,.je words or their mouths, unless ourpetitions are accompanied by that prac-

MI, substantial sympathy which-ithin our ability to bestow upon the

poor. That must have an inspiration/Inch led a little son to exclaim lo *'parent, a good Deacon uf the - ^ ' ^vho had just prayed fcrvr^ a t ( h (

family altar for the re'^f o f t h e p [ ) o r

Father, let me J r ^ t the keys to youiranary, and L will answer your prayei

in five minutes." Let this spirit actualius in. our benevolence and this will be tius, in the fullest sense of the acceptsterm, a " Merry Christmas."

Estimating that each number of thiERA. is r^ad by at least three persons,these lines will come to the notice olabout six thousand people. They embrace nearly every household in this vicinity, and many are to be found in everyportion o! the country—in the businesscities of the East, on the farms of tinWest, in the mines of Michigan, Nevada,Colorado and California. In gratefiacknowledgement of the kindly interesiJieyhave always taken in this journalwe present to them this holiday numberwith all the compliments and well wishesof this happy season. Wherever theymay be, and whatever their condition iilife, may their joys be sufficiently numerous to make this a MERRY CHRISTMASindeed to all.

2app7 New Year!This was the salutation of onu brie

year ago, and yet how much sorrow and•icissitude we have seen since that timi

For nearly one-quarter of that perio;the nation endured an agony of

(iense such as it has not borne beforesince the dark days of the rebellion,long continued drouth has brought dis-comfort to many and loss to others. Theangel of death has unfolded his wingsover households as he has done for yeaigone by. Families have hetn bereft andindividual losses have been sustained,

In fact, the year now closing, like alits predecessors, illustrates the fact thaiit is the Divine will that sorrow amjoy should go hand in hand thouglthe earth; yet we believe that at thislime we can place them both in the balance and find that the bountiful hand olthe Giver of all good has borne down thescales in our favor. Prosperity ha!reigned supreme throughout the lambusiness has flourished and labor h abeen abundant. As a people we ha'been refined by suffering, and find our-

Ives greater and more thoroughlyunited than at any period in our hislor;

The new year will doubtless bring inmuch of sorrow now kindly veiled from

:yes, but the glimpse that comesus now through its opening door show:us the rosy glow of a certain prosperity.The great iron industry of the countysterns to be established upon afirm basiand ihe prospect for an increasing dcmand was never better, warranting thebelief that this greatest of all the avoca-tions of Morris county will grow to suchproportions as it never knew before.All ourestablished manufacturing indus-tries were never before so busy, and theorders ahead warrant a brilliant pros,peel for the coming year. New manufacturing industries among us haibecome established facts, and promiseus an immense increase of populatioibringing- with it the certainty o! abundant labor. The merchant has thipromise of many new customers, thecarpenter and mason the prospect ofsuch a period of building as they havenever known before, the mechanic am'laborer the assurance of all the worktheir hands can find to do, and the farmer can see before him a larger and bet-;er market than he has erver known be-fore. Look in what direction we ma;:hedawn of the New Year is flusheiwith the promises of prosperity. Stouihearts and willing hands only are needed

"make assurance doubly sure."Under those circumstances it is witl

confidence we can wish our readers iHAPPY N E W Y $ A H , and we can do si

with the sincere hope that the comingtwelve-month may contain for them thiiappy realization of all the bright pros,

pects of the present.

A Diversity of Interests.The silk business was never Letter in

his country than at one time during thirucent panic, and when the locomotiveworks and other great Industries of thecity of Paterson worn crippled this branchof her industries tided her over her crit-ical period. So with Dover. Whenouimines, shops and mills were idle :goodly force was kept working at thicar shops, and men calculated w> meet-ing their obligations when the " car shoppay " came around. In this respect theseshops are invaluable, for the railroad

ill be operated in times of adversity, aswell as in times of plenty, and the repairand building of cars will be constant.

Thus Dover has apparently two excel-lent institutions to offset any depressioiin the iron business, while our iron in*dust ries may offset depression in (he silkindustry. This is the value of adiversltyof manufactures, and It can be consid-erably extended, for there are manyotherbranches of manufacture that couldprofitably be conducted here. For manyarticles in common use there would bea large home market, Let us continueto invite manufacturers until wo shallnot be seriously affected by any anebranch of business and shall have ameans of support in time?, of generalpanic.



Local pride—a just pride in" the thrift_; culture of a community—is a mightyincentive to xht growth of jtoth, and "there be one especially good trait U* *

onle of Dover, it is that thtf? r •. ™Ehly attached to their to- ' - « thcr-gy

stitutions. The reasoi1-,9 for this are best

We wish Mayor Richards and t h i |Common Council a Happy New Year.The indications are that i! will indeed beso to them, because a matter to whichthey have directed their best efforts foia number of years past will doubtless beaccomplished before many months of thenew year have elapsed. This is the ex-tinguishment of the last vestige of thetown debt. The success that hascrownedihtlr efforts should bring to them thehearty congratulations of our wholepeople. When the evantful day of, thelast payment arrives we may set of thefireworks.

We wish Hon. John Hil! a Happy NewYear, with the hope that his efTotts InCongress for the belter protection of theiro*n ore interests of this section maymeet with all the success that hascrowned hut previous labors for the ad-vancement of tariff legislation.

A HappyNcwYeartoPenatorYoung,blood and Assemblymen Johnson andPost. The experience of the past yearleads to the belief that their efforts in:he coming Legislature will promote thehappiness and welfare of all the peopleof Morris County.

A Happy New Year to Hon. OscarLindslty. May he turn from (lie errors'of his political ways and succeed in es-tablishing a strictly prohibitory tariff on" taffy,"

i'itip1""1"-'11' a n d a f o r e c a s t o f t h e

| , .£ future-tie past js a record of wonderful

growth. Old men rtmember when tlietown was composed of but a small clus-ter of houses, and men now in middleliie can recall the time when what isnow the business part of the town wasonly a number of open fields. At themtbreakof the war of the rebellion ithad attained to the proportions of a fair-sized country village, and in 1870 wefind it a town of less than 1,900 inhabi-lanls. To-day we have a population offully 3,500, with an excellent prospect ofdoubling it in the next decade, Itsgrowth is more rapid than that of anyother town in Northern New Jersey, andthe increase in commercial prosperityhas been still more wonderful.

Its rank to-day as a business commu-nity is, proportionately, second to nonein the Suite. In the nrst place it is thecentre of operations of the great iron oreproducing industry of Morris County.Located centrally upon the great beltsof magnetic veins that cross our county,it is the place of residence of the largesloperators, and to a large extent the op*eratiuns are directed from this paint, Iiis also the base of supplies of thousands>f hard-handeii men who toil beneaththe surface, and from this source alamderives a revenue ufno mean proportions,To this is to be added the benefit of it:internal industries—the car shops of thtDelaware, Lackawanna and WesternRailroad, the rolling mill, and spikimills of the Dover Iron Company, themachine shops of the Morris County Ma-chine and Iron Company, the lumbeimill and yards of the Dover LumbeiCompany, and the large employingfirms of carpenters, masons, boileimakers, etc., furnishing employment algood wages for hundreds of mechanics,which is the genuine source of the business prosperity of any community.

Of its substantial prosperity it is givingabundant proof. Since its incorporationnearly every street in the town has beeifurnished with substantial pavements, a(ire department has been created withhouse and apparatus second to none,handsome business blocks and buildingshave been steadily springing up alongits principal streets, dwellings are beingerected in every quarter, and its business firms are increasing in number!and standing. Of the standing of thimercantile portion of ihe community iineed only be said that duringthedepressing years of the panic there was bu1

one failure of any consequence in thecommunity.

In its government no town hasbetter managed. Its incorporationtwelve years ago necessitated many ne'measures, and for the first four yeatthe expenditures were necessarily greaifor the grading and lighting of thistreets, the establishing of the lire department and other modern innovations,Seven years ago the bonded indebtednessofthetovin, caused by thew improve-ments, was $31,000, and the last of thebonds were not due in twenty years.Dut so carefully and economically havithe affairs of the corporation been ad-ministered that as high as $4,000 hasbeen paid per year out of a general levyof $5,000, and the present fiscal year willwitness the cancelling of the last dollarof the town's Indebtedness, enabling usto make the proud boast that we live ina town, township, county and state, eachof which is entirety free from debt. Thisalone is an inducement which cannotbut prove of the highest value in com-mending the town to manufacturers andbusiness men.

Another advantage of practical valueto the town is its location. It is the naural geographical centre of the county,as well as the centre of railway commu-nication. If the convenience of the peo-ple of the whole county was consulted itwould be the county seat, for no other

n the county can boast of morethan ona line of railroad- Dover is atthe junction of the main line of the D.,1. & W. Hail road an<i its Boon tonBranch, at the intersection of the Ches-ter Branch with the main line, and uponthe High Bridge Branch of the Central.Within a radius of sUty-five milts of thetown is one-sixth of the entire populationof the United Stales, and our railroadsgive us direct communication with everycity of importance within that circle.The D., L. & W. gives us two routes toNew York, touching the great cities ofNewark and Patenotu By the Centralwe have a direct lino to Trenton andPhiladelphia. The main line of the D.,1 , Si W. goes direct to the coal fields ofScran ton, to Utica, Oinghampton, Oswe-go and tlie Urge cities of the interior ofNew York, and will soon place, us upona great trunk line to the West. TheMorris & Essex Division and the Centralfurnishes us competing lines to the fur.naces and coal beds of the Lehigh Val-ley. The Sussex Branch carries us di-rect to great lines of Western travel, theNew York, Susquehanna 8c Western andthe New York, Lake Erie & Western,besides connecting us with the Lehigh &Hudson, now building. To the freightadvantages of the foregoing are also tobe added those furnished by the MorrisCanal.

The railroad facilities for bringing ustrade, from many other lesser, but thriv-ing towns, in the immediate vicinity arealso excellent. Rockaway, Denvilte,Hibernia, Drakevillt, Port Morris, Stan-hope, Port Oram, Succasunna, Ironia,

j^hester, McCainsville. Flanders, Naugh-rightville, Barlleyville, German Valley,Middle Valley and others are in tradecommunication by rail with Dover, add-ing largely to our revenues, and LakeHopatcong, Woodport and other pointson the Ogden Mine Railroad soon willbe by the connecting of that road withthe Central.

When we consider all these advanta-ges our commercial importance docsseem truly wonderful. When we go be-rond them and look into the future theirospect seems indeed marvelous. Thisirospect lies not in visions of the imagi-it'ion but in realities which are rapidly

assuming.shape, The new silk factoryis already enclowd &ml ere many months

lapse it walls will resound with the humif looms. It will be occupied by two

manufacturing companies, which be-ween them will produce finished silk

from the raw material, necessitating thelabor of five hundred operatives. Therebuilding of the car shops of the D., L.& W, railroad, now assured by ihe en-terprise and liberality of the people, it isixpected will give employment for fromve to seven hundred men, and possibly

before a great time to fully one thousand.\l the least calculation these two indus-ries will in all probability employ beforeing fully one thousand pair of hands,he greater part of these will doubtless

have families depending upon them for

support, which willrfour populatiofVtb^ -**e an in0ux to!

ted, f&fc •'' "• can hardly be esti-uirt' $• - e d a t l d clothe all these will

is*' 'C labor of many others, The; .ion arises, where will be put them ?tberc is not an unoccupied louse, orpart of a house, in the place, and a nuovtar of mechanics art DAW compelled tofind places to live in some distance fromthe town. AH this means that theremust be a vast amount 01 building inDover for some years to come, furnish-

fing employment to large forces of car.penters, painters and laborers, and re-quiring all theenergies engaged in everykind of business in the place to keeppace with the needs ofthis large increaseof population. The merchant will sellmore goods over his counter, tlie laborerand mechanic will be surer of stea "employment, and every man who ownsa foot of real estate will be richer be>cause of the increased value of his prop-erty and the enhanced prosperity of thecommunity.

And this rosy view of the future isstill further heightened by the prospect.hat these industries will prove the nu-;leus around which others will cluster,if we may judge from the history of othermanufacturing towns. Few other towns:an offer such inducements to m a m '

turers of many goods. Onr proximity tothe great trade centres of the East* theexcellent facilities afforded by our railroad facilities and competing freighilines, our exemption from town, countyor state debt, and a large home marketfor many1 kinds of manufactured goods,are all inducements of the greatest valufwhich in the future will attractthe aliention of other manufacturers and inducethem to locate among us.

So we find that every resident of Dove;has a just cause for local pride, and par-ticularly so if he has given either of histime or his means aught toward thebringing about of these good results. Ifhe has done nothing toward them, if hihas been content to stand idly by whilihis neighbors have worked hard tor theiattainment, he must be a selfish man indeed if he can enjoy without any qualmiof conscience the good that will come Ichim by reason of the energy and enter-prise of his neighbors. It is well for thipresent of the town, will for the future,that Dover has but few drones in heibusy hife. As a rule, the spirit of go-ahead-kiveness seems to have leavenedthe masses and the town has derivedwealth of good words and wishes fromthose who have not means to contributeto her prosperity.

We are surely fortunate in the posses^sion of such a past and present and theprospect for such a future. But wishould not halt now and content our-selves with the idea that all things neeessary have been accomplished. Everypossibility of success should be met withan enterprise and liberality sufficient toensure it. We are happiest and mostuseful when striving for the good whichis before us. Let us take heart of cour-age and press on, keeping in mind forour guidance the old precept--

M0RKI3 COUNTY.The history of the County of Morris

is replete with events the narration ofwhich will always prove most gratifyingto her people. The occurrences whichmake her soil almost sacred in the storyof the Revolution ; the loyalty of herpeople during the War of the Rebellion ;the wealth of treasure hidden beneaththe earth within her boundaries; therapid advance in her industries; thegrowth of her towns and villages, andher progress in all things modern, are allvery gratifying subjects for the reflectionof her people. But there is one other,too seldom thought of, which should giveus cause for no small amount of congrat-ulation. This is the good governmentwhich has ever been a marked featureof the county history. Recent statisticsshow that this is the only county in theState of New Jersey which has no publicdebt. In other counties all about us theBoards of Freeholders have succumbedto the mania of extravagance and, and in some instances tocrime itself. It cannot be said that theyhave done more for the people they rep-resent than the Morris Board has, for theresults do not show it. Our county insti-tutions have been as well governed asthose of any of tlie counties and our pub-lic bridges have been second to none,and are far superior to those of mostour adjoining counties. But while(hey are all groaning under the burdeiof debt, our last annual statement showedthat Morris County County was not onlyfree from it, but had a balance of thirty-five thousand dollars to her credit.

The secret of this is that in all the townships the members of both political par-ties have taken pains to send only honesimen to represent them in the Board, andalthough its political complexion haioften changed, the interests of the countyhave been looked after instead of thosiof parties and Individuals. The variouiBoards have also been remarkably fortu-nate In their selections of presiding offi-cers, for with such men at their head asDirectors Hopper, Becker, Howell, Jack,son. Smith, and others more remote,peculation ot extravagance would haibeen impossible.

The gratifying record made by 0111county legislators contains in itself thebest lesson for the future. There willbe the same party strife for ascendant;as there has been in the past. Let ushope that with it there will be the samecare exercised by both parties in the se-lection of Freeholders, that we may everhave reason to feet the same pride in ourcounty government that we have now,and possess the same security.

Out Iron Oro IaduEtry.It is only by a comparison of figures

that we get an idea of the extent of theron ore productions of Morris County.

According lo Ihe statistics of this depart-ment of the census, recently made pub-lic, we find that the whole production of |ran ore in the United States during therensus year, was 8,022,398 tons. In the

order of production Pennrylranla ranksfirst, with 3,175.415 tons; Michigan sec-ond, with 1,834,711 tons ; New Yorkthird, with 1,339,959 tons ; New Jerseyfourth, with 799-545 tons, and Ohio fifth,with 604,241 tons. New Jersey's per-centage of the total product was 9.97 percent., but the richness of her orei madeher per centage of the total value of theproduct 13.82 percent .

Of the amount raised in New Jersey:he county of Morris alone produced[68,4:0 tons, or more than, one-four-ieenth of all the iron ore produced in theUnited States. Nineteen mines onlyproduced over 50,000 tons in the year,and two of these were in Morris County—Hibernia and Mt Hope, the formerbeing eleventh in rank, with 85,633 tonsind the Utter nineteenth, with $0,179tons, As an ore producing county ftranks third—there being only two coun-ties in the United States which produceL greater quantity—Marquettc county,Michigan, and Essex county New York.These figures show how much interestwe have in a tariff which will protectthis great industry.

THE X&Oft SEA-W e present to our readers this week A

double number, the extra sheet of whichis filled with a large amount of local sta-tistics and information which will make

worthy of keeping for future ref-erence. This enterprise, we feel confi-dent, will cause oar readers to pardonus if we say a few words respecting our-selves,

With the last number the ERA enteredupon the twelfth year of its existence,It has not attained to a great age, lo besure, but as it has endeavored to keeppace with the growing community o(which it has been to some extent a rep-resentative, it finds itself to-day with acirculation, surpassed by no newspaperin Northern New Jersey, and is accordedan equal standing with all the old journals of this section. Perhaps a portionof this result may be attributed to theeffort it has made to reach the frontrank, but nevertheless we cannot helpfeeling that it is mainly due to the busy,thriving, energetic town it has had at itsback, making possible many enterpriseswhich would have failed in other com-munities. In every improvement wehave attempted and in every new enter-prise we have projected we have beenaccorded a hearty and substantial support. For this acknowledgment andsupport we are sincerely thankful, andwill endeavor in the future to fully repre<sent, and if possible promote, the besiinterests of the town and community,

In a few weeks we shall be establishedin our new quarters in. the handsomensw building now being prepared for usby Mayor Richards, next to the Bank.The two floors which the ERA will oc-cupy have been especially fitted lor itsuse and will make one of the nnest print-ing offices in New Jersey—heated bysteam, supplied with water, and in everyway arranged for ail the convienences oflabor, light and material. Due noticewill be given when we shall remove, andthen we will be most happy to greet inour new quarters every reader, patronand friend of the ERA. We only stipu-late that they do not all come at once,for in that event a ten acre lot wouldhardly contain them, ^

OUS AEVEETISEHS.It will be noticed that the advertise-

ments in the HOLIDAV ERA are almostentirely made up of the business housesof Dover. This is in itself an evidenceof the business energy of the community.Candidly speaking we do not think thatthere was ever a time in the history ofDover when its stores contained such adisplay of beautiful and useful things suit-able for holiday gifts, or such large stocksof substantial things necessary for thebusiness and living wants of the com-munity. As every announcement inthis number is entirely new, we ask ourreaders for their own good to look themover carefully from beginning to end;and then, after reading them, if they willgo to the stores and examine the variousstocks advertised, they will find"* thatthere is no need whatever of going cutof town lo snpply their holiday wants.Bear in mind that every advertiser inthe ERA has something to advertise andtakes this method of presenting to youthat you may know he is fully preparedto meet your wants during; the holiday

:ason. T H E HOLIDAY ERA is issuedthus early in order to bjing these thingsto your notice.

; POPWIATIOW OP VOBWS comm.Presuming that' this number of the

ERA contains enough value to cause itlo be kept for future reference, we givebelow the corrected census returns ol1870 for this county. •-

TOfrNBRIPg.Boontoa 2,Chatham.Ulif-ater...ILtitovtr .

1 i»tt' noa.










c miiu'ri mn smm IN AILWIDTHS. ALSO JlL'IiHI.UrS S1I0JES












Tlio subscriber bega loavo to ialunn liiw old pnfrons and customersthat ho him rocentJj opened ti MAHKET on •

HEATS, FISH A I VEGETABLES,tugoltmr rtith ii oboico stoak uf

for tlio Holiday period. Mj Clirintnia» candies tiro


in a. great uarlety of beautiful J«S!RUS, and are ciiarnntce'l entirety pure nnrt free from anyinlotonw ingredients. Mv ei()ori«iu3 of hi t yimr IUH HIUJWH ma that I cannot doitsflalebUMiDoas aud attend ID myrotnll trado, tlm iluuuutl uf tiiu UUir belnii t.o g,eut, BO

I sliaJJ davoto all my etmrglui lo atipplytag tlio pujpiu n.t

vlt.i all tliey need iu my lino. A call nt my utoiv will unuviucc all tint I liavu THE FIN-EST AKSOKTMEXT OF


anil ell ,irn invit.M lo in^.Tt 1h" ami" h'fi.p> fillini,' (!it it- li .liMn

m- if ©•sr&'ER'S' AH"© S & S E S -©a

iu (heir season, mid nil goods pcrtuiuiug to « FIRST-CLASS MABKET.


Having an eiHonm'Oe of-29 .vein's in this bus loess, I fl -itter mystj] f I can pfiuderthe lunteuud iji'ufl of iin.Y mi^liU'tieil (nihlto, un<l cat] £U;iiMiita» ihut ut all Hme

i b j h l fthe lunteuud ijiufl of iin.Y mi^liU'tieil (nihlto,my Oiiirkot will bo miii()iiej null the ohmc-st a

T ld h i j l T

Mi ihut ut al

l i i iy Oiiirkot will bo miii()iej null the ohmcst ainl fivsliesii (mt.Uie<.vi »)f tlie BCHBOII.T<i my old himijj) uml jmuoiis Therein- extend u i-uiJiul iuvilitliou to cuuiti anil

tee me. Tiio public will ut nil tinuw tvcjivi» from mo cuurtuuiiauUuuLiou 10 theiruma, u td fiuj u LU&iuu to pkuau all, uu 1 liu jv.111; of



6,837. . . . I bill)



Beaton 2,fe7|DnviflIftoo 21%• 788Uttdiaou..

Whinii.njIkook-lde\lm dbam.. 2114Uvcnttillfl HfiItorriHtowa 6.4IHU i l l l t o 1 1 2


ttt ninct ioi> u--Train vmiey,.Dovur 2,m WMbYMij...

DOVER CORPORATION.Major-George lUcbard-i. 18S3.Beoorder—Thw. It. Orittenden, 1882.Mdetmwi—CoVumbun Beach, 1833 ; h

ll»nce, 18H2.GouDcilmeo—Wm. 8. Collard, 1B82; Ju-

lius Halrhoitie, 1882 j J.<. B. Le*i«, 1683Albridga 0. Smith, 18S3.; MaUOu G. Whitlock, L8S3.

Tbe dutei Indicate the expiration of tfaairterms of office. Tin .OomnlUeei of tbiOotDtoou Council:

Finnuofl-Beach, GrittendeB, WhiUoclt.Streets -Crillendett, Buwb, Oollud.Piw—HalrboaM, H-nee, HmltbOfflwrattQd Salariek—Oollud, Hoirhouse,

Wfchlwk,Police-Lewi-, Bfitoh, Grilteudoo, Lewis.Tbe officers of tbe corporation u« as fal

Iowa:TreMitrer— Wm. H. Lambert.Etrwt Commiwic.t.M-S. D. ROM,Mantal-Jai . P. K e % .Aamaor-J. Saward Xamaoa.Collector—Ghaa. H. Munaoa.Attorney-Win. T. U ortJiuilor—Peter Coroorio.Found Keeper—tiamuel Butclel.Tbe Common Council meet* OD the wo-

ond Mouday araniag of etch moult *t theirmoina lu the engine bolu*.

The charter (lection takw plaot OD the

BmYm PLATED WAKE,line Gold Obuins for all utirp H->, Pinx, m»1 him-Ire]H nf WHtiliTill t l i i t i-s U>v hoiifxiliciM

onmniotit jiud ju.<nj<>ml attorn in?,', iii.ilmiy ln« NtiTu a p e M m

HOLIDAY BAZAR.w- Buy soon and get the choice of goods. As I

buy in large quantities and get the lowest possible

cash prices, I can compete witli any house in this

section of the State.


Superintendent Keasoner has the bestwishes or the people of Dover for aMerry Christmas and a Happy NewYear. His efforts to secure the locationof the car shops here have made himworthy of the good wishes of all ourpeople t » x'"'

May the New Yewrpmvt a very happysne to Sheriff Howell by reason of actiontaken by the Legislature to restore theTees of his office to such a figure as willcompensate him fairly for the duties heis called upon to perform; ,

May Surrogate Gillen have a HappyNew Year. We believe the glad newyear will bring him relief from the ardu-ous duties of his official position, andrestore his valuable business talents tothis community.

Col. •' Bob." Ingersol! has our sincerewishes for a Merry Christmas. May theInspiration cf the day impress him withthe truth born on this day which ailChristendom has accepted.

A Happy New Year to the Singleton'Silk Company. May the coming yearrcaltte them all the good results whichtheir enterprise and liberality so abun-dantly merit, :

To Mr. Chas. H. Munsan we extendall the compliments of the season. Mayhis prosperity in 18S3 alone In a meas-ure at least for the disappointment a





(Decorated Granite WIMV, Pocket Knives,Tool Chests, Table Cutlery, Cases of Scis-sors, Children's Table Nets, Sound Banks,Carpet Sweepers, Jfandsonio Carvers,

SlfiN f ' I ; TW. !JAJ1[,(]''i; DdVp-Mt. N, ,!.





THIS, H O I J I D A Y S will bo oliwi'vod at tlio store of

COR. BLACKWELL AND WAHHEH Sts., DOYEE, H. J.,by iiu , ITur! ID (i], IUUI (,is i-iNtotm-rs iu ;itl kind* o! f, H>>U in hK 1.HW for tlw wiwiw. In

w imd very s

DRESS GOODSOF AXL KIKOS, including Coj.huiBr.-i!, Bluck and till Oulori, ladies Ctalh, double width nud all wool, UuiMhtftCIotU, Bomtllii. R uuw ajjil very pretty la idl ODldra..'



A TOLL LIKE OS HOSIERS, containing all tlie lending loitllUs lot Mtw, tara, boys, mines ana cnMreo. A Sun numrtment of- ; " ; v ; • ' ' ; ? ^ $ % 0 $ S g § 4

HOODS, JACKETS AND- OTHER; W O B M N ©OODS. :v::.'.'::S|'ipld|AI10 oomphU linea of BUTTONS, C0MB3. TIES, GLOVES, MIOAD LACE COLLARS, HOOP SKIRTS, and all oilier article! iu' Olid line. JUST Trenfcrw.n » KEW • -'

AND HANDSOME LIMB OF , , ^™t*#fei!

ol new wait n d dtllgm, Including I M a h Demmted Toa BfU, Funor Hon«!«o'n Cun« ana a»no»n, Deotrnted FUtta'fnr Ollldr™, Onu VASES of i iw a a . f i i . " « i S * u 4 ; * SSUITABLE FOtt FINE HOLIDAY OIF 18. IN ' . "" T' g ?^v™'! .Ss iJ>' !


IEOH ERA.Holiday Edition.

Phristm-ff, 1881. New Year, 1882,


Whra tbf Lord from lienVn dBBOflDdiug,Took on Him our uiortiil frame,

Anpal b.<niin. Hi* nlpp« nitewUng,To tba wnudViup »U"»benin iame.

" Ju.vful nuua," we hear then) singing." Feacu on ORIU), good will 10 men ;"

T" tbe lnt-t Htlv.iiion 1'rlnRiug,Ghmt is bnrn in JMhltjlieiu.

h» 1 the slur of bltt flpiHrnring,To Lin fmt Hit) Mn|<i bringK;

G-iM and wyrrli, auii im-mm* bringing,Orowulun Him tlie Kim? of

£ irth itud tieflVii RO f»nti to went Him;SMI nol we unite wilh tlmm ?

AH our PriftC: aud Biivioar g eet Him,Blessed Babe of Bettilubeai ?

Wbfln unr Lord from heiiVu ileKjePclipg,Sailed on Hut judgment tbroue,

Angel t».im.n his uuur*t) ni tending,Ooiiif B again ta cleim HIH own :

We, IIH His the j,l >ry,Won by Him for wiufut nieu ;

Sin^ittg a i l ilia oL', old ^ory,Cbcim WHK born in UotUtelieni.


Morrlhtowii lmd two natdemiee in 1795.

Tie firbt M. E. Cburcli in Dover van built

T b e i e a r e 1 Q 7 i c t i o o l d i a t r i o l i i n M o r r i s

C o u n t y . I a t i e . t o w n s h i p a p p o r t i o n m e n t s

B a u f e l p b d r a m t h e l a r g e i t R i n o u a t , | 9 , 6 J 5 -

2 3 , a u d B t w k a w n f n e x t , f l 9 . 3 B 2 . 4 f l .

T b e o l d K l o i f i h o u s e a t N e w F o u n c l l a n d

- w u * d b y T h e o d o r e B r o w n i n 1 4 8 > « a w o l d .

W i n a d d i t i o n t o i l w a n b u i l t I D 1 7 7 8 . fiotli

a e v t i l l I n a g « o d s l i t e o r p n w a r r a l i o u .

T h e f o r g e a t G h o r i o U e b u r g , J u s t o v e r t h e

1 ' a s n a i c C o u n t , } H u e , w a s w o t t e d b y B r i t i a l i

H ^ R A U M d u r i u i t t h e B t » o l u t i o u i u t U e m a n -

i f a c t u r u o f O d t t n o a b a l l s C u r t b t i r a r m y .

T l i e ftrst B C I I O O I b u u s e i n t h e o e i g l i b o r l i o n J

u f S u o d n H U a i i u w a n b u i l t i n 1 8 0 8 , n e a r M r .

U c D o a t t u r t * c i i r p t s n U r n h o p . C h i l d r e n t w i n e

i l l t b u m i y t r i ' U i 8 . i , n ! i < > [ ) 0 t o a u n i i l M > I K M > I .

T U B fiiBt i i b u r u h b u i l t n t G e r m a n V u l l i n

r k l e U , i u 1 7 7 5 , g u n p i n e * t » I l i a U u O N

c h u r u h u w u t i d t i y i b u P i o n b y u r i . n j K a u I L u -

n a . I l i d d l * o f r U i l n t i o l p h i . 1 , L a s t i i e

o r i g i n a l B t i b s u r i p t i o n f o r I h o m i j i j i o r t u f a

d a u u i u g a c a d u i n y i a M U I T M U W U i n 1 7 » ( J ,

l i e u d e d b y t h u a u t o g r a p h o f Q c o r ^ u W u s h -

i u # t o u , f o r * 4 .

B first F r > . ' t i l ) p t T i a u C l m r f l h i n U o r r i -


i . S T M O P O B O r L O C A L B T K H I f .

3. Dover Umber Co. decide to rebuildtheir mill.

5. Justice Uiao Bird, of Mnrrirtown, died.6. Wm. A. Oondlot, of Panlppftny, dltd.8. BOY. J. W. Couklin, of Boonton, tailed

f»r India aaa mtalonary.12. E. A. Mnir, of Murrutoffti, died.16. R v. D D Bi«hop prea<-bt:s as Hector

o. St. John's Church, Dover.26. Wm. TtmkiDg, of Port Onm, died.27. MaMon Mucuon. of Dover, died.27. Mr. ami Hrn John Hall, of Danville, c

ebmle ttieir golden wedding.2b. Hurry WjUfiunn killed iu lfiuh-ird mil

In 18118.

Wellington township w

/ l i u r c b i n l l i ' 4 , l l i u M I i C i u i i d i i n \ W -

I t . l ' u t t r ' o ( J l i u r c h i u t « : 7 , t i n . * S . u t h ( i t

J h u r o t i i u 1 4 4 1 .

T h e o l . l Q i u k e r i u u u t l u x h o u - x . i m . i r D o v u

i n a u e o i t h t o l d u s t , i f n u t t i n u l d t t - s t s i t u i u

s c t i a u t b i i t W . I H d j v u t - . ' d t o r u l i g i m i h

i j ) , t b i i m w M t h n u s t ; o f w i r ^ h i j . b u v i n j !

jenr 171)8.

Chester township was ionned from Boxbury iu 17D0.

K t o t w r u i l n n i d C r . r n i i n l e i i i n n n . - n i i e i . 1

f o u n d e d i n t b u j D j . l t » f r i ) m M o r r i n t o w n t o N i - w u r i i i n J u n i

1 « . J » . A t l l i i n d i t L > M l i i i j i - B m n f n n u O w

N . V . , L y w n y o f N f i v t o n a n d J l i l f u r d ,

a ! : « ) f r . » i u H i r o i i , l H l m r l { 1 V a .

Tbo first boune iu Dover to bo paintedwhile HUH iu 1841.

Tim wifit of ux-Presidcnt Fillmoro wm n

bought up niluntive of &

I n H I M I

( > • f o r t e u

T h i H m m i n m r i h e a w

i n K a u i l i J l p h t o w i i H t i i p ,

I n 1 7 ' . ; . 1 . M m r i M n w a

t o w n i u M o r r i s C o u n t y .

A m i l i t i n c o m p a n y i n 1 M

I i i l 7 7 « t h r r u w i i K i i h i ; 1 i i . . .

B i t e i f V u i i y b i , V K i l l ; ; ' L U ' W r

I h e c o : i h U H t n k c n l u s t A u f

T h e r e w * w J J O . . . ! w i n e

s l u p i i r i n r t u i l i r K i - v n l i

T h e l i t H t y r n r T o r t O m t n •

l i t n n . d c i i e i u l y i : i , ( H H ) t o u t s u

K c l u w ! . • > • ' » M m m t i t i u ! ] • •

I f r o n i W i n . K r l i i i i i | i . . v , a n m i l ;

U i p f l r K L u U T u y n

1 . M i t l d o g s p i u t i f u l un<l t i

1 . U . ' v . E I V . U H K i i i f i i u l l v

F . n i i i i o i i n l I ' r i ' K b y t v r i i i n

1 . T i n t n i i o i i i u t i - r H - 1 l i u l o w z e

L I . M M . E l i r i h a S k c l l i i U B e r , o f

b u r n w l .

.'.. H o n . K i i t u t i n u l N I I P B I I I

n y k i l l t x l .

! I M p a w t o r

7 U i - v . . \ V .


• , B C u m t y C L

. - s i .

n t i - K A i J . W . m u

i t i . n t r i t r o . t , D o v

• d i e n f « r o

I ' r t t b y t c

I n 1 8 ( 1 ' , t h . ' I t i ' v . B t i r u i i l i i w K i n g c u

[ ( l o k t i w a y , i . » d f i m t i u t i u 1 m t i n s p a n

f i l i . i t d i m r h ( u r U K u > t h i n fllly

i k - r k - l i i m V i . l K - y a n d S p u r U .

T h . l i i h t r h u i r h u T w n m - d i

u f J i - v . D . i v u l M , . i

u t l i v H i u i o l d i u L ' I

on ut i7;tc

i i j > i i U l , . > i . « > f l U . M o t l n

l s r , i « ) w r . i t i r . ' i i i i l « » ^ i i

i i h i s h i n i n r c u i i l o ; W i

i k s I I L H I t l i i - p u j m l i l i o

A d m i t 1 7 i " i u r "M \

. . • | ( , i w . L y , i t i u ] I n r ^ i - H v

i . m i i r , i U K i . r k . i t t » y

o f I S i u

p d p u U ' i d i i

I I . M a d d . > ( , ' k i l i i - i l o n 0

H c v , I ) . E . 1 ' l i i l t r r

M f M o n i n H u c k u

C h n r u h .

M r , , 1 > . U . O v i - r ' - m , D o v e r , f l i w l .

I I I . M . L . U n r i i i i t . \ I i i d i n o n , d i f d .

1 4 . W m F u . n c t ) f m u l l y i n j u r e ! i u D k k c

I i i . D m i h n t t f W t u . T u j l u i : , w . d l i l . i a s H a l

! o w y , u f D o v t i r .

5 . L i r . i n i . r y o f M . I l d n R l n u d , H o c k u w a y

burned.t(i. ll.-nrv 0, Hyram, of Dover, died.I a . 1 ' o r l O n u i i f t i r n i i G K b l i w u o u t .

•Ill D . j v t r C m n i c i i , " N o . « , 0 . U . A . h i . t e l o

b m t i i i l i h u n i i i v i r K t i r y .

•>i. C o r n e l i u s • > . O i c k u r s o n , M v C u i t i H V t i l e ,

d i e d ,

- ' t i . ( T i f t r l e r m e m b e r a o f D » v c r T i r o D o -

U,l L,.

I K ' h o

r M - ' i 1 1 7 l i f t .

N o t O H O h o i ™ i n » t l i o i i x m i l i n i l i i n v i v i n .

^ A w s l \ . f t o r i i - H W i u h i t l i i i i r l i m < l q n n r t . r

| k t H o . - k u M ' i t y V u l h y t l i n i n f i l h < ; i t . - v . i l n i i ' K i ,

T i i c d a t f o f t h e s r i l l i ' i u i ' i i t o f M ' r r i h l o w i :

| I s n o t u i i r l i i i u l j k m - w n , . u t i l w u a U I J C U I

T b f i i r u t l i o i m - i n M o r r i s t o w n w t i » b u i l t

D U t l i u H l r t u m u t ' u r t l i u p r e t i e u t g i

T l firfit c h u r c h i n M o n i s C o u n t y w i

l i t e P f P b j t t n m c U u r c h u t W h i p p i t n y b u i l t

ftn 171b0 Tun iRt 1781, IliePtmieylviiniatrocpn

^ f tl It votutioLHry uruiy at MoitimcD oltod

1 bewunf tho HeTolution Ihe vllii1 Jtor ibiowu numbered a populutiou L.f


r Tli rt arflnnw fifty-eight post oflloeu iu

lirtj fhe'. f I J i n S t , n > l t . o f r i . i i i d i ' r f l . n r c v . i l n -

| t i n y ( H i L t r WUH u h i i i W t of [ I K - f . u i w m

} n S I , r l

^ A l t l h H I C R l K t l U K i l W I 1 4 i l l f 3 i h t " I I M ) U t

i . i H i l l , C U O U T t c i w u - l i i p , a t i U i . i T ( * .

o I t v o l u t i o n .

I l i c f o r t ! 1 S 0 0 S n o i ' r t s i i i i n i i v a * v i s i t e d

• j i i i l i - i u i . : o f H m i . l l l ' ^ a i u l u I , - , • ! • . ]

w l o i l l h . - n > .

t T l I V u l i j t i - r i i i i i e l m i t ' l l , a ! C l i e * k T , w . i >

/ . a i n 1 7 . V 2 , a n ! b c g . m i t s i i u - . - i i n i ;

i l i o i i t 1 7 ; " * , " . .

T i fir^t M i l i t i i r y C o m i m n y i n M o r r i s

j N ^ O t y w i w f o r m e d u l W l i i j i [ ] n n y i n 1 7 7 5

[Gaul Cupt. Morris.T l t e r r i t o r y i n c l u d e d i n | ) i u n e w G . t h o -

| l c d B I W ! o f N . i w n r k c n i i t u i n s 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 C a ' . h -r u t w b u u l 1 0 0 f i r l u s t s .

Y i l I t : U H J A M U r i c u n A r m y w n s i - n c i n i p c d

l a d i » v c d e x c p o ' . l i u g l y f i t u l ,

\ U a l o l n h t o w i i N b i p w a s i m i u e d s f l i T

h o r u F i t z R a n d o l p h , ft Q m i k t r , w h o

t a o n M i n e H i l l i n 1 T r . L l ,

j f T h first M j l t l c r i u D o v e r W I N J o h n J n e k -

h o i n 1 7 2 2 e n - u t f d ft f o r ^ o a n t l i «

i i o f m u t o f t l i ' * H n i d r f s i t l n i t ' o .

U G O G r n . W m . W i i i d n . o f H i t v o l u t i o u -

^ r j f l i e , l o c n t c - d o u i h n l i u u b w l i e r e I U H * *

\ h t F . o n d T u n * O m n i n o w t e s i t l u .

i r n n n d l h o r i i s t c l i u r u l i u - i t s I n i ' l t j ' l i n t l y

b y 1 L u ' h ' r m i H a n d I ' . i ^ b y i . T i u i n i u l 7 7 " .

C h . i l l . n m t o w n H l i i p w m r » n n > d T o m M - . r -

' t i s i l l l W M U u a w « H n c t t b d [ j n v i n H i l u t h - -

I k - v o l n l i i i u b j t u i i j ^ r a u i K I r t m i U m g M R N J .

T i n t flrnt H c l h w d i n H " i - k i w a y w n a i - s l - . h -

l i s l i e i l n b o u t 1 7 7 1 . n u > l « n n l < n - . i t . ' i . w l i r r . - t h i -

t l i o r e b i d e n o o o f D r . J o h n W . X i u k s m , i m w

C - i l J i w b F r . l . J r . . h n i l t M • u i v U - \ v i n

1 7 7 0 . m i . 1 v o i d I o M r . F i w o ' i i n 1 7 7 2 , i n

• w h i c h y e a r t h o f n r i . u c e w u a b u i l t h y t i n -

l i t I I T .

G i n . D i i n i e l J l o w a n , t h o d i s t i n g u M i n t l

K e v n l u t i o u n r j o f f l u r r , w - m a n n t i v u n f N e w

J e r s e y m i d i t i n b a i u v i d w u s b o m m - a r M o r -

. l i s i i u i n I l i o w i u l L T o f 1 7 H I I , t o

e i i p t u r o ( i f W i - . K l i i n g t o u . H u t .

. / . n i f r r a i n m u d . - I L l i f n v y u r u n

u l u l i l i u i r h o r s . H j i n u i K f u r t b t r

! < > ' ! ( i i i n i u i m f r u n l ! i o " l i o c k

J c i f l t i d i i u s i . T h u i i i - , - , 1 t i h u r t r i i

)nt «Thu lirnt mislor wan Iltv. JniueB Tul-

o f [ l i i j n i r l . v M i i B o

e x i s t e d « t B r k H l

I I t i i t ol' hut u

I O V H o f t h i n

.. V . i l l e y . I t

H at t'a

M A I I C U .

2 , J o u i ' l m u I I . S m i l b . o f M o r r i u t o w n t

i i , U m i h t i o f ( J h i t H , T r u w l i r i d g o , b u i m g u i a ,

b u r n e d .

• 1 . I : : i i u B « r u t i o u o f P i i i a i d u ' i t G a r f l e l d .

N u i n b t T K f r o m M o r r i s C o u n t y p r e a a n t .

,r.. S l i g h t l i r e i u H o r r i s l o w n , i n r t u r o f f a r -

f i . A f . r n u W h i t e , l i r u l t o n i a n , d i o d f r o m i n -

j u r i u K r u c u i v u d n t W h i t t h i d l .

I i . ' l ' w t * i i t y - f i v o p u r s o n u r t c o i v t d i n P o r t

Omm 11. E. Ulmri-li.8 . T o w i i H t i i p t l t c l i ' j u H ; F r L ' t l i o l d t T R R e -

p u b l i c a n , ! ) t o f i ; l . d t n i o l p h T O W B -

h h i p U e i u o e r i i l i K O o i i i i u i t i i i o " g o t l u f t . "

1 1 . J u h u n i K i D . d l o u k i l l e d o n r M l r o u l B t

I J o u n l o u .

1 2 . W i n . S t i l l , B l o o i u i n a d a l e , f i d d l y i n -

1 C . A r t l i l i i ' l C u r t o r , M a d i s o n , d i e d .

H i . U u k u o w u killed at

2. Bouse at OhM- (UUan, n t u Donrburned.

2. DUtillecy ot Win. M. Bndd, Ch^Ur,boned.

8. Jtoob Miller. FUader--, died laddinly ttKowtoa.

4. Exteniite oelebrmtion In Dov«r; k euo-C*M with tlie exDcpttOQ of thaflra«

10. Uoaixi .eno j thumometer aboT« 100s

10. J u e s Ut-morial Chareb, Chester, d»dOAted.

12. Work ooaameaoed on Boonton iilkfatory.

18. Frctholdere resche to supcrat-t) ttflexes at the Poor Hoaie.

11. Rev. W. M. Wifigfci appoioted Ci*hop t

1C. Susbei II. H. toM to the U , L. A W

1 « . C o n t r a c t f o r b u i l d i n j j n i l k f a c t o r y

l ! l . M I H . W i u , M . H u d d , C l i t b t o r , d i e d .

1 9 . U L i l d o f W i n . P o n i d d a o n , D o r e r , f » t a l l y

b u r n e d .

1 1 * . M i i j . A n d u r B o u F o u t , G . K . B . , o r g i i

i i D o v t

L ' l . T t h e B j n «

p l u i u t o f U v

. V i n i k u t H o i

, o d O r d e r L e a g u e .

E i c u r a i o n t o t b o

•2G. M v t i . V a r i f i t U O i t d a t M o r r i i t o w n .

-7. Freo Mfcthoditila uaiup meoliuj, &t 8t(lio|)t».

-'7. Duvid Miller killed in tlie Bakar inine,I Gro, W. Nelaoti burned to doutb in I

kota,31. Ffty pnor ohildrou of New York mat to





•h* Hill


i C o


uuoil rm*nt of M-

d i t i d I Q

okes three Ii<i r r i i i C « . p e » c

Morria PUir.

wuoes.h * i .

i s A H T - firnt cripBt huuwn to havo yinitede x t t o i i u t y W U H l l e v . V . U i i l g « r , o f l ' . i t -

H i i l i o u t t b « y c f t f 1 8 » 1 . T h o t n - i t p r i u u t

w b u v i u i l f d i l i n u u u u t y « V i i i H o v . J u b u O u l -

n o f U o v u r .

H u d s o n a n d P u s - a i t : c o u i i t i o n I m v o l i e

r g s a t d c i i U i r ' t t o f « u y i n ' l i o S l u t - , b > i g

; e r o v L - r L ' l t o t - n c l i l . U U i l o t p o p u l n t i u n

d u r i n g t b t s C D i i ^ i l H v c i i r . I n M o r r i n t h e < l < . n t h

U o W i i H l i l . S f i i n 1 . ( 5 0 0 ; i n H i W i e i , I L * O S ;

n d i o W u r m u 1 4 i U .

l t m i d o l p l i t o w i i s l i i j i

: l m i _ - i l I M I I I I I I I ( K ' [ 1 r

m e d i n 1 8 0 5 .

u l l i i i ^ m i l l u

u c L u d i

T l ! ' - , l i t < 1 i l l l h < ' H 4 I H . ! y - I U I I 1

i m ( . T . c l c t t b y U r i i l O a i i l i l d

[ , M - y . T i n : M K . C l i n r u h w i s

v l S a n i l t i n : l V u i b y l e r i t i u i u i t t l : . ' .

" i ' l i t i first i r o n w o r k * i - » l i i u l i ^ h e d i n I L -

U i i i l « l . s t u t m w t - r o b u i l t « t 1 1 ' j j h H r k l y . t i u

W a r u i i . i i « ; » l i . i i ! - f o r I L i u A m e r i c a n u n i i y

th . .d

m n i i i c c u i i p L i t i k i l b y t w o c o n i r

I f l l m i n H t u i ( M i i i i i i w H , n i a d u l m

' t i d Q w u n s t k u , fln-d I m h m d m

t i . d t i n - f i r s t p i n t o r

i s b u r k - d i n t h > -

T i n ; t ;

, i s , d i ' d l l n r o h L ' T t h , 1 7 7 7 ,

t i 1 7 4 S .

I l u i i o v u r l o w i i H h i i ) w , w firs! k n o w n a s W h i p -

> n i n i ^ . a n d w a s r ^ n i i H i l u b u u t i l i o y u l r 1 7 U 0 .

I W H S f i r s t k n i i w t . n s [ L i u o v n r i u 1 7 1 i i . I t

. i w t i f t l u l l i u K i S . ' i . u u d w a s t h e t l r o t H u t t l t s -

u n i t i u w b u t i r i u i w o i u b r . i o i i d i u l l o r r i a

» i , d S u - m - x C o m i l i B H . l i u i i « r , m t a f r o i i i E i B -

i i , N i - w E i i t - l u n d > m i L o n g l i t l u t i d w u r u

L«»» ih-ui fifty y r a n ng> n lot 1HD Foit

\ G w , llifihard-i & d . now MIHHJ. W,U ofT^r.-il

(or 4400.Tlia BnAhton Irnn \Vorkn wer« crwta., in

]83()nndwero known «» Ibo " E.tit Jerspy' Iron Maumnutiiring Coiupnny," nml uost

• r i m A I . E . C h n w l i o f F l i u i i i i ' t H w a s

p c n m i c h n r c l i " f t l i a t i l ( i i ) o m m ; i l i ' i n i n

l n ' P n ' M j y i t ' r m n C l i u r u h n t S u u c f t s u u n n

o r B i t i i i / . i i l i U m u i 1 7 . " . l > . T h « o h u r u i i t ' d i

w i w b . . i l t i i l > n u ! 1 7 7 1 1 A t . . t i » t i m u d i i r

l l i u l U ' V o l i U i o i i , w l i e u t b u e o n l i i i L ' i i t u

• > k l u l i u r c h " u s u s u J a . i . U > H | n t , 0 , u u d * t - o r

. l i t - ' s u r n - i i i k r o f I t i i r f i . i > - I i 4 a p . i r k o f h i , i i r -

i l l . r y w i s h l o n d t l i e r u f i > r - i t t u k u i ' p i , i g .

I n 1 7 3 , . 1 H i ' i l i K i r l b r i d u l i o i i u h l o f t i n

i r o p r i t . ' . " i h o f K i - t J . - r - i t - y n l . i r g u p r t u !

S h o r t l y u f t . r , W i l l i u n i S d i o f i V y i m i v n l f n m

N O W M i l l I t r i i o k . M r . R i i l i o n l e v W U H I

m e e r , m i d . - i i i i - i n ' i l n i l U r n h a n M i i p , w U i u l i

i m i ' i i ' l y u l l i ' m i i i i 3 f n t H ^ t t K r r t .

l ^ j i i i i i i i U ' C ' a i K i . i i i l l y w . i - o ,•• u f i h - n . 1 - H

u i b l i i p t i u M r r i H O » t i y . . u i . l h . i s i ' i I . i H

a M M H - h i [ i s i t i f f 1 7 4 U . I t ! n i N B i i . i - o t n - f i

• a t l v n - d i i r c i l i u u l i - i i t ; j u t i m u i 1 7 ! ) U {,

L H 1 4 i l i i i r l i i i l t i l t h f 1 - r g - H ! > x i . - < t o l ' t t - r

i t n r y * i f i m y t o w i . u h i p i u i b n c o u n t y , m d i i

r e n W U H u i f t r l . v . u / i n l I " t h u H I I O I U u f E d s t - :

( H i u t v . T h f B m i l l . n t t u m p i r t i c m n l ' w i n

Jer-ey, tlie first having been built nt Anbury.Wnnen county.

Morris County WAS taken from llunterdoudon County in 1733 and W»B namod afterHon. Levfa Morria, at thut time Gareruorof the Province.

On the day cf tha Hurrender of Oornwil-Us, Out lBtt, 1731, tbe Brat stone- housa ontbe road from Dover to Chester WM Hufohad

The first principal of thv Dover publicMihral * « ft Mr, Jnlmsin, who confewed tobnvli'g been implicated ia tbe abduction ofMntgnu tbe Free Unxnn.

Tbe lodltn name of Suocaatumn was "Socb-Opnfe," meaaiQg hwwy alone, »od..fffts prob.

ably derived from the outcropping o n ofthe Dickenoii mine.

The fiirm adjoining the Oeatie GroveSchool Hnnu, wiw pirohand ID 1789 byDaniel Onrrell and tamalned in the family

. until a few yean liooe.

The Whippanny M. E. Ohuroh wai bnlltIn 1826-26. It « u dedicated the Sundaytefore Laf-iyetto dined at tbe old MoFultnHotel new by, In 182G.

, Bishop Janes located at Buoonannoa in1B« »ud sabBoribed t ™ fur lha bailding•of »«hnctoh there. Ths thtttob nus hegqnIn l&W and completed in 1852, -

tTbo ••diirie* of leading postmasters InthU s-otijn u s : Morrii'own at 92,8tlltDover, #l,80o ( Boauton, *l,400; Bnltidorfr81,4001 HaokatrtowD, 91,600;*l.*0Ot K«wtin, 91,700,41,700 and Washington, 41,000.

1700.Tlioro wera a few squat1 era' cabins in

Mendhiiu as early ns I71!t, and tha tille nfthe hotel, "Elnok Horse," is about us old BHtha village itaelf. The lavem via-, e&UtblNh-ed by Ebeuecor Byram who died in 17fi3.The oldest stono ia I be Rravc\ftrd is that ofBtephen Onoke, Deo. ID, 1749. Tha Presijterian Chumh of the pluoa ditea biok

beyond 1740 and tho flrjt uiniater Wai RerEllub Byrara, who oam& there from Matwa-obnBettH [a 1743 Tlie obureh tint nqi'da«K

In tbe HiTOltitioo.

20. Itubui V».n lMt, M.,rriBtowa, diu].•jr, John Uuun killed iu D^lrytuplu miuD.'11. lloutia ot 3Iru. lluutiug, Madinun,

burned. LOB ., &1V2 )IO(I'M. Vu^iiil h UHU in MoiTiotuwu hurnt'd.:i«. Ncwmk .\I. E. O.M.ftruiici! mtit. Kevs.

U, l>. Opdyko itud W. 11. MuUorumck

Al'llIL.a. lMh.irSLe.rnn, Moiri-tuwn, .lied.a. llousLttf J,ia. Futfiu-ty, ito.intoii, burtkd.4. JUH. MUULT killud iu ii.ik. r mint,.4 Kd*jid O. Gr,.vi.T, utur Morriutowu,

•1. Dr. Ii. It. Imiiien, 11 loutun, diud.i. JJovtr cur sh"iw purtially dentroyed by

tire; IOHB, $ir..t)UO; $1UD,000 worth ofproporty Mivtd by flru dupitrlin^ut.

C. llnrvtsy Tucker, 1'owervillB, drowaed.(i, Col. HupkinH Morrintowu, diud,a. A. G. King, BtuuLope, difd.

ll). II ill.: of Ur. Miiiiii, JiudU'a Inko,

11. Henry Kut-uo, Pniuktiu, ooriously slab-bed by Wm. Uoopor.

II. Amzi (Jum^ioii tlR-d, peudiug liis triallorfwguiy.

ltuv. W. W. llolloway, Jr., ulettudjMudi-rutur.

.2. Si.w dupol at Morrntow.i projected.H. -fobn Wuur, Duvur,' dius on hid Umh

hirlliduy.14. Airs, aurali liurroll, UttdiuoD, diops

15. M. K. Chuwh at Sliltou comuiBnced.Hi. Duyloii Murtiu, M.disou, di.-d, ng d 98.

Sou ul Jim. 1'J.rlH, Whippiiuy, dro^nod.10. tiluru ot G, II. Lungvr, Humtiope, but-

gl inzud.17. Luyiuu houaeor Aud»rurlroa Company,

at llinrjr.iiu, bncuud. '18. Vigil-mt II wo Easter Monday ball.III. JUudolph Lodyu, I. O. 0 . F. cwlebrato

•20. Aug. W. Bull, MorriBlown, dies md-

'Si). Bilk fuutory pro j eat ularttid iu Dov<

C. Greut tUuudor st"rm a t (Jammo Vulleyb/iru uf I'hiiip Hoffman buniod.

B. Doysin Dover orclerud raunlod.!*. 1'rottciion i"iuurBion to tha Hen (thore.

tore of D. HtryVer, Ironia, buruBdhi.d iH'riHboa lu tie flam en,

1. B.irni.f FBtriokRjftn, Mine Hill, buraei Dr. Chimibro died at HaYorntrnw.

IIIIDHO of JOM. Uyer, New Vernoibumod. •

8. FranciHco SerRius fatally injured c

gravel train at Port Oraia.I. Daniel D. Driant, Ora&efovn, died.

21. Wm. S'lyro died at MorriNtowu.23 Wm. Giovor, ChPHtor, died.L*3. Hptciaf cbartt*r election—A. 0. Bmilb

eli ctod Couuoilrnau,i. Tt'rriblt accident in llaciltbftrnoj uq

dim. Tone), Win. Gulick and (2eek inHUntty killnd.

'• Mcnduna on firo all oier the oooatrj onaccount of the drouth.

I. llrothertoa House «t Mine Hill bnroed.BEPTEMBEB.

New Bohool Louae i t Fort Ortm pro-jected.

. Mndirion bank opened for bosincis.

. Witter celling for 35 cbi. pur bbl. ID

7. Frco HethodiKtOonferoEUfl COIITODOB inDover.

7. Tho holtfiit d 7 in ten jeare7. Grout fire on South a I m i , Morris town

M'-^ni, TLntcbor, Crine and othtnburnidout; loin $1G,«K).

7. tli'lvin Coudiut, JJoontOD, cominittei

B. Duy of prayer (»r Hie rooofery of lb(

Tha Lenou ot Christmas.All Ohri.UQ'ioa. Till «ooa be recderi:

farouU thanks for ttu birth of iiuusr. £<tbo» who do BO* worahip Him we happierCbristnuuiarniDR 'wcaQtfe "f tUa birtbBethlahem.

Vhntever breachw the aetftolh) of modplni .-.'.pby ronj be iBitluug in the

mwt,. f tb« CuriitiftL Cliurcb and ho*rtir wi luHpreud may be ti:n doubts whieiIttu iiKjiiiry era on^cnderiiig BH to CLilh«^l'iUy in itH prftspnt uottiploi iJevtli

M ) t , t l l d ' i

u n i t ) * i u U o t , l i w p r « g n a b l e , a n d o f e v «

t i n t ; e c d i m u e u . I L i n t h a t I h e w o r l d c u

' I T b « t u i d e h i p p y e x c e p t h y m u t i n g i

i d i m l l u e u b e t t e r , a n d t e a c h i u ^ ( h e r •

' f t t d t h u l i B p p i i L C H o f o n e u y U r i b f u l i u l |

h u ( i t t i j . T s ' i i i p p i n o s f l .

. u i c u m u r t t w o r k t o g e t h e r a n d f

h e r . n t i d f . w t b e p l . i r y o f G d l » b o

u l l . i n t h e ( J n r i t i t i u n i d e a o f L u y i i n d u t y , h

i n a n i d e a n o p e r f e c t i u i t * p o e t i c b « a u t y ,

i i i i F i u c i h l e i n i t s r e l i g i o n n t r u t h , t h » l r u a t i -

i c d m u s t a l * i » j i a t r i i R f j l D f o r i l a r e a l i z u i

l i c * t l > 3 r t h e y c t t l l t L e m a u l r r u C b r i u l i a o s o r

l O t .

W e u r e j e t a l o n g * r n y « f f f i o m t h o i i m u

h e n w i d e l y w i l l l i e c o i m l n i c t e i i a l

t i r i M l i i i t i m o d e l , b n t m m i j d i f T t i o i i t a n d a i j .

M ' u i i s t i o f > r c t « » r e w o r k i o R t o t l i u t e n d ,

' c r y C l i r i s t m a a b r i u K M u i u e a r t r t o

o p * u u r l i i o e t r y a n d p r o f h c 2 j a n d p b i l o a o -

>y n i l h t i j i t l i m i t B v u u t u i d l y c o m e ,

Meu go iimd in trying to work oat theenning and to determine the fulQltneotupliccy. Tbe time for the second comiug

if Christ h&n otitiu be<-n fixed by crack->d readers of the Bible, who have treat-

ggE <!rippen, J. 8. Gib

LihraryCittimiitee-EB. White, W. H. Gillen.

1'rw.idw obnerved tbrou^tout thi

II). Only tbrco wellu in Chester conUined

eek junt ended thorniometeifroiii 'J5to

10. For

10. Jacob Guest fatally injured UL nubroadn t G t r i i E i n V . i l l c y .

11. Churches of Chatkan unite and pray formix

13. EpiKcopal GonvocalloQ In St. John'i,Dover.

14. Second M. E. Cburob bell put up.18 Hi v. A. Hiller OIOHCH pnntor»te a

man Vulloy.11). i-r,.Ki(H-:it Qurfiald diod; the DCW1 told

in Dover by midnight bulls.19. Geo. Dray ton, Boonton, killed on rail-

road at Hnckensack,20. Dtw ial me«ting of Pmbytarj of

t GroUiiu, burned.

25. Now Juniuy Geiit

House, Buhuulty's Moun-

nl It. R. Company as-u clmrgo of Dover aud Uockuwuy

tu King, Mine Hill, burned,gtirty, Mine Hill, diuci, aged

I t . 1 1 .

3 8 . l i t i r u o f W M

3 7 .

'i'J J O J . I I n n t , W M p p i m y , d i e d , a i f e d '•>'!.

; l i ) . H m j m , d L i l y W o o l u w k k i l l e d o i l rail-

r o m l I L L t h i ' W - t i p i i i i b r i * ! ^ - ' , u t - u i r D o v e r .

1 1 1 ) . 0 1 a r i J U u u S t u o l . h o u s B , a u u t i o p t i 1 d r o w u t d .

1. I

t i c k e t e k ' c L u i l \ v i t b o i i t o p p o - i i i o u .

< 1 . l t l a s t f u r n u c t < a t 1 ) o i u o n b l o w n o u t .

7 . U o o i i t - n c l i i . t t t i r t i l u c l i o n ; E t w i n W o r -

u i n i i e l t c t t d M a y o r j I t u p u b l i c u n C o u n c i l

l l . N e w H o a r d o f F r d t b o t d e n . o r g n u i z o d ;

i i e o . I t . S m i t h , D i n - d o r ; I . W . P i . - r -

H i m , C l u r k : V / m . H . L i U i b t - r t , C o u n t v

F i r s t [

u j I t . u l r . » i d .

I f l G i l e i w J u u o b u x , M o n t v i l l e , d i e i l t i u d d i i n l y .

a B i l k O o m p i n y u r g a u i z t i d .

l t J ( o r t s U r t i u g S t .

w h o o l .

1 ' J .

' 2 i . S u i w c r i p t i o u

M a r y 1 - * p o r o c b i i t l

' i ' i . H e r . M r . A v u l i l l , p r u i i t h i i S first H t s t i l

iu Kouhawoy Pn^byterinn Churrh,130. Dr. F. J. VHII WagDL-r, Mailiwn, died

euddenly.. Decoration Day obBeriod ia Dover,

Roekawny and Morrliitovn.31. Great storm in thin Titiuity; much

ditnage done by hail and lightning,- JONK.

4. 3aa. S. Oolemna, of MadlnoD, »ppoiot«dStreet Commiwiloner (f Mew York.

fi. Attempt to bum fioue's Hotel, MiuoHill.

miuisten in Moni* Connly daringtbe Bevolntlorinry period were obitfly Pren-bjterift-i and Bntoh BaTotmBil, Tha leudlogFreobyterinn mioiBtein ware Joh&H at Uor-

, Green at Hanover, Kennedy atgrldge—a pnrt of'whiob was in Ihln

ooontj—LewU and his iraooeuaor Jnline atMeudhnm, H/irlnn, Airhn Biohardi andBnidfnrd nt Bottle Hill, Wmdhnllat Obnater,

h G ^ r iaud Joseph Grover at Davidp ^ p p y ,, Onngregntinnnl, at Oheiter, and

Domipie Myert ut Ponipton PJatui.

NEW YEAR CARDS-Th« enntom of culling on Sow Year's Day

in beoaajJng moio and more prevalent in tliUvicinity, and katyeai t h e E a i filled manyorders for railing cords. We hare reoeivedfar the ooroing New Vent sims at tha

dtamrat derfgn* isjmd thin Benson furoa'liug ourdK, bei'den cfirae new mid vary

Btylfti of type with which to print them.wo were nnahlu to »upply nrfera that

<nme Ute l u t je»r wa tboold soggeBt thatU o nintiog tbtm laiva «a ewly order.

6. Alfred S'umpf, UcCainB»illc, a roned .IS. Oblldreh'a Da; tn the hi. C. Churobe*.U. Morrin County Bible Soolelj meet at

Flanders.14. Mine Sill tore etmok hj lightning,15. Samuel B, Harrison, Fin ipp.nj , dittJ,

iged 7B.16. Daniel T. Leek, Unndham, died ni-

denly.IB. Hnbbard BUokle, Boekaway, died, iged

97.22. Undd Famiij rt-nnioo at Bndd'i Uke.28. luso Oaderdonk. Dover, killed b j fall

from building34. Feqnatmoo Paper Mill, BloomlDgdalB,

burned-26. Dr. Wm. B. LeFena, Dover, died, aged

77, ,80. Ohaa. D. Tattle, Rockawiy, died,80. Hatueof John Piukerton, nearBoontoQ,


2. Hevn of tbe •tuning of thi PruMantnaeived | txdtament tbroaghoatUie coan'j,

2. Boy named Hooking dtowntd ftt Lueni'

n d O r a n g e n t

H i - i o r i o i l u r m o n I i y D r . I r v i n g ; R e v .

M r , \ T C r i l l r t c B i T e d ; R e t . D . W . F o x

e l i i L ' t e d M o d e r a t o r .

I I O U R O o f L e w i i K n t c h a r , M j e r s t o w a ,

b u r n e d .

! 2 . M r . W i U U t u s k i l l e d i n E v e r m i n i , U i o a

H i l l

' A . G a r f i o l d M e m o r i a l D u m b e r o f t h e E h i U -

c d .

! G . I ' r e s i J e n t G a r field b u r i e d ; b i i ' i n e g s

i t h r o u g h o u t t h e c o u n t r y a u d

u a n r i c e a h e l d i d t h i o b u r c h e i .

i f M r s . P a r k e r , C h e s t e r b u r n e d .

i f > . 1 J R H O A l w a r d . B u o c a n u n n a . d i e d l u d d e n l y .

1 0 . G r e e n U c k c o n r e n t i o n ; B . B . O r i a v o l d

f o r S h e r i f f ; W . F . H u g h i o n f o r A m i n -

b l y .

O C T O B E B .

5 . E o p u b l i o o n C o u u t y c o n r e u t i o n ; W m .

H . H o w e l l , f o r S h e r i f f ; W . T . L e p o r t

f o r A H B n a b l y 3 d D U t r i o t .

5 . M o r r i s C n u u t y S u n d a y S c h o o l A s s o c i a -

t i o n h o l d s 1 9 U i a n n u a l c o n t e n t i o n a t

R o c l n i w a y .

J a n . V . B e n t l e y , M o r r i B t o w n , d i e d .

W m . N . S p e n c e r , B ' r k s i i i r e V a l l e y , d i e d ,

fi. J o l . n D K i i c , P o r t O r a m , d i e d .

G . D e m o c r a t i c C o u n t y C o n T o n l i o n ; O b u

H M u a s o u f o r S h e r i f f .

7 . M m . M M i l l s , M w l i s o n , a g e d U S , d r o p i

d e n d .

0 H « ' v . D . B . G o l l i n t i i n n t a l l e d p a j t o r o f

V t t l l e y L u t h o r n o O u u r c a .

1 . l l o u n o o f M M . Q U O . L i r l u o n , F U n d e w ,

b u r u e i l .

. 2 . E . C . T u n i s , p o s t m a n l i - r o f M * d i i o n ,

. 2 . L u k n C o o n o y k i l l e d i n I V e l d o n m i n e .

> , i f I t a i i d o l j i b , d i e d .

. 0 , S U u I e j O o o g r e g n t i m f t l C h a r o h d e d i p » -

t e d .

1 8 . H l r i h " p W i g R p r c o n s e c r a t e d .

i O . Q - I d o t i w n d d i n R n f T m l g e n o d M M . F r e e -

n i n n W o o d , o f D o v e r .

O u r O r i i a r n o u i i u a t - M l f o r < b e A w * m l i l y .

• J . I t l i l r o i d s t a t i o n a t D o u v i l l e b u r n e d .

( l . G c o . W . A l l e n , M t . F r e e d o m , d i e d .

1 0 . D u v i d l U k o r , D ' t o r , d i o d .

M . M r . n o d M r s , D e n n i a V m U e w , l a b a r t j

C o r n e r , d i e d .

2 1 . F « r r a b u i l d i n g s o f J o h n S c l m y l e r ,

B l o o m i E R j a l e , b u r n e d .

2 r > . A n d r e w C o i r p t o n a n d w i f e L i b e r t y C o r -

n e r , d i e d .

2 5 , W m . 0 . J o h n s o n n o m i n a t e d b y t h e R e -

i n o f l i t D i s t r i c t ,

3 G . L . A . V o R t m i i n i n t t f l d b y D e m o e n U o f

I K I D M r i c t .

2 0 . K . H . D r a k e n o m i n a t e d b y D e n t M n '

D f 3 d D i s t r i c t .

2 7 . N i c h o l a s H a r t , H i b i r a i f t M i n e , f a U l l j

i n j u r s d .

2 9 . J o h n F . P o e t n o m i n a U d b y B e p n b l i o a m

3d District.

•d the prophetic viwionB of the Old 'ut ax if tiiey were matheinaticMl problemiwhich they oould find (tie aolution. The

nrly fulloweiu of Chriut eren looked for theif l i»vua *i near at hand in theii

ij ; and in later t iuss hair-splitting theu-(UIIH hMTfl been diviied in opinion au tlutber ttioiBCOua advent would cotno bo

>r« or aftiir tho milltnniuta.Bui HO far as the teuliuiion of Christ'

lea of human wociotj ia ooncumad, all meiropiophata. They nil fureste thut ihore

nioit come a time, call il the millenniumif you like, when wan will cease, be en us«mue will b*ve di>oov«r«d how foolish theyare; when loietice will 1ST* brought thufuroea of BBlnr* under euijocliou to taan'Hwelfure; and when even sdfiubnean Tillhave found out that the adraDtage of ell igtuential to th« adrant^e cf the iudiriduul.

Tlien wilt come t\n milleniura. Audeverybody who loads this cao bistun tlie d>i;hy righUous living and by cultivutiiiK thirtooa of (kith, hope and charity. W.

theiefora offur to our rwdorB as a Christiangift, cordlil words of choer in all their ef.forti ta reullM tha 1-ijjQ of GbtlHt on eaitli

md to E



J is luppy to bo ablo to maki the anuounconiont that h u prepiralitmii tre all completed fur

M A I I I G €L©TMIMG TOcheaply ai tb a b l . > t o H ' 1 1 l l x - i n n v <

. v . - r c l i - p h v i - i ] i n D e v itlioir counters, »fact which he will demonitrtt* tD all who will gWo him a trial. His stock soinprmoi the bait

T, nckic(od rn,!i; tliu laleyt importations tad itomaatio maltei, and oumbloing witLt liluat utylnspattern*, tho B.oat dcmrible gcode In Ihe market.

I v o r j l h i n g n e w a n d a t y l i a h I n H I P H B R O I K I g . I n t l i p C D T T I N Q A S D M / K I N G o f g s r m r n l B I e m p l o y o n l y t l i e e m i t i k j l l e d w o r k m s n , * t i d ( t l v e m y p e r a o n a l n a p n r v i i i l o n t o t l i e filling; o f e f « To r d u r n o t h a t I k n o w t h a t e v u r j o r d u r I U M b c u u c o r r e c t l y filled. M y o x p s r i o n t B a m i t L e » p B 0 i a l i d v * n t » g o i I h « r u i n t h e t r i d a e n i b l o * m o t u n u l t o

A Meat Sudt tow fr©m $12 to $i5aREMEMBEE THE PLACE,




rholefimilvof Man.mill«Dniil bappiaHs for the

Dover Fire Departinent-Chief Engineer-Seagwick R. Bennett.AuhtUnt Chief Engineer-Woi. .T. Uport .

J P B O T X D T I O N H O O I A W D L i D D E E 0 O W I K T .

Forsraen—S. H. Una**.A^isU(»t Fonraan—J. Frank Uaae.Olaik—Qeo. A. m b dTTreasurer—J. E. Hurt,aiewird—U. B. Cain,Librariao-Fred, H. DIckerscn.Audition Oommittee-F. H. Llndsler, E

W. Weal, Ed L. Diokerwin,Investigating & mmittoa—Wm, Oroff, E.<!rippen J 8 Gibo

M. Searing, JO

RBfiilftr meeting third llondar eveningf moh month.

V 1 U I L A J I T B O I E O O U F A K T .

F o r e m a n — W m . I I . L & u b e r i .A w i n U u t F o r e m n Q — 1 ' h o g . W a l a hC l e r k - U i f l h a e l H - M a l o u o y .Tr.-aaa»r-/ . J. B 'tkoff,Bt««rd-Miohiol IlBi&l.lnve-.tig«tinK Ci)iniuittia—JamesHeapm,V. Eg»n, Joi. H. Lambert.Auditiag Committee—J. V. Cain, Frank

Coi.Beyobr rocttingt ieoondWednitdftj even-g of each mouth.

CITI or t>OVU IXIIMKI 00UP1KI.ForeraaQ—Briact L. Hedd^n,AthiitUut Fnnnian—J. J. Vraeland.Clerk-L. D TiUver.Treaaur^r-J. H. Burohell.EiiRineir-A. II. Hmith.Au't Engineer-Win. U. Maie.&toker-S. U. Clark,Awl 8tnker-A. F. Kice,Steward—Tho*. Soattvrftood.Regular mettiuga tha latt Monday even.








h mouth.Th* annual i lee'ion Df »U the companies

lake* placii ihi sacond Monday in August.Th* departiaent V H organiied Februnrj

i6lh, 1874.nakvEx'i BKXJIF /JMIOOUTION.

Freaident~Wm. H. Lambert.Vice Praaidtnt-FraQk H. Lmdslej.Secretary-Win, T. Leport.Treaauror -Sedgwiok B . Bftunt-•irviUtB of the Fund-Hubert Killgore,

Tu. 8. M«llck, UriantL. Hedden.Finance CommitM6~W. 8. Oollard, S. H.reuuQ, Ed. h. Diokersoa.


Director—Ooo. B. Smith, Hanover.Clerk-Imae B. PfetMO, Uorrii.Gollcotor-Wm. H. I^mbert, Itaadolpb.Counsel—N. 8. Kitoutdl, Boonlon.Co. Saperiutendent of School*—L. W.

Tburbar, Bauiolpb.wnom,

Boonton—Chu. F. Hopkiu, B.Chatham— Wm. J. Brittin, B.Cheater—Cbaa. llardin, D.}Unover~Oso. B. Bmito, HJeffenou—Benj. Hopper, B.Mondbam-JiM. C. Letik, J r . D,MootvilW-Ckiroellu- Vneland. B.Morria—L»»nd-v B Ford, B.Mt Oli»e-D. H. Wolfe, D.raiaaio—Tlieo. Bmitli, 0.Feuutnaoo— H. W. M»i|jcr, B,KaDdolph-JaJ. H. Camtl, It. •B k S l T t B

THE HOLIDAY SEASONhtifi been forestalled by ainplo preparations at tbe storo of


Iloibury—John A. Howsll, D.WuhingtOD—Jaa. Anthony, D.

Kenublioiini, 9 ; Democrats, 6.RiH&iHo oouinrrzu.

Court Housn and Jail-Hipkins, Tippstt.Bowell.

Lun try—Tippett, Ourell, Smith.Poor HOUM—Ford, BritUn, lUrJin.Accidauti-VreeliDd, Hopptr, Anthony.Tc S«ttis with Sheriff-Carrell, Uopki&a,

Wo!fa.To Settle with County Collector—Ua I ber.

Ford, Haniln.To Settle with Court Houwund JdU Con).

iitt«e—Brittin, M»thcr, ^milliTo rtnl> with Cuuntj Clerk— Hoppec,reeluud, Wlfd.On luleiicg—lffctber, [Topkiun, Leek,Mines ll*aecm Atxonnti—Carrel, Ford,

Autlu>Bjr.Innunacs -Tippctt, Yreelmd, Leek.Board OBMU on lh« fvond Weduwda; of

eMhm«[iUiin the Cointj Hall, 10^0 i . H.

Tbe nbw Do»rd will coaifla* tb« ieooad

1. Shonffnia pond lusod topany.

1. UartlD Blaght killed OD lUilroad at FortMorrU.

8. Og en Ulna Railroad Imsd to thi Cen.trtl.

a. ElecUon; IUpablicau «v*tp la Uteoanty; Bberlf HoveU and Aiaanblv-menJohoaon, Foa «&4 IindaUj «UeU4.

». ObMrranM of S5th auiavtmr* of .81.Johc'i Church. Boonton.

9. Capt ft-. B«rtnuii kill*d in th* a l t*atHibenla.

16. DelegatMdcotod to tariff eonTeniloB.30. Qreatrev.TtlatBaooisnnnai 28 notlr-

BdinUuH.E.Churob.28, Boaiftnttioa annooooed of Ja j B. Treat,

OMhletNatiooalBaak.29. QMK D. UeakerilMted Oashier of «a-

tional Uoinn B*nk.

BUY AT HOME.Wo UliiT* v* « n §&j tralhfnlly, without

UIJ fUttar/ wfatteTer, thkt nsvei beton inDover w u then tach K Htoek of Roodi iait»-tie for holiday gifU diipUj.Nl b j oar mer-

U. Tbi p«|t*pn who cannot be •ailedma til thei« fltodu mait be indeed futidi

otu. Tbenrora, we ttj to oar tcwnipeopUnuke it % point Io p*lrmi« yoar heme mer-ohftut* when joa Hloat yoar holid»y prei-eau, t h u ilitnul*tin[ horn* enterpriiet tndliuuaiug yom ditbiuemanui to nouia »thom«inttead of bolcg Mtit UJ benefit lh« neraluinliof olhtr pined. Th. oaiumiu of T B B IXOHE u will ihow jou who the merchant* a nwho hare mtde pnpmtionn for tbe holiday

over 15,000 rabmilwd.


.oJ N.» Van both bll on. Ju Bdlurdji; in loo but; % iUy ia thiato In gbumd, th. bolid«;i will

.Joubllm l» bj « (inml mpnuloii obuisev OD Hjod.y, Sea 2011, u d Mo»-O.J, J.O. Id.

Let Ik! Obriitam •nUtUlnm.oU ot tbiB»bb.H Sobooli In mn&t on diltetenl.Tialags, tkat dl to pwpb may have tbeptaaun orattodtni UUB.

VtU non iKipUbb u a nlnabk giflno Ton give jonr friend Uun a 7eaVi iQb-•cjipUonloTH. tao»Eai?

naOluialauniiaUiUIIio PmbjUrUnOlonk. t«.dwdbj TOIOO,

i l t e t








W H E R E M A Y B E F O U N D A C O M P L E T E A N D N E W t I T O C K O F

oomprising tho prettiest and newest patterns and most seasonable fabrics—just the stock to select from if you comtemplate a gift of tDKESS PATTEHN to r«lativo or friend. Besides all tlie plainer fabrics aro complete- Hues of

BLACK SILKS, SURAH SATIHS, CASHMERES, etc.In the Bubstantials we have everything needed in LADIEH' AND CHILDBEN'S UNDERVKAR, both in "\VOOL AND MUSLIN. Oar new line of

PLAIN AND FIGURED FLANNELS,in all colors find delicato shades, are something entirely now and sure to please. In ....;

we have everything which taste can select. QllR KlD fitOlfg Q&P&UTMCBtfTis m<id w i t h many protty designs, both dressed and tin-';dressed, aud suggests a very acceptable holiday gift for a friend. . ,',';

S&JQWF F&SJVS silfW WOOLS " '•'•;•vc coni.lclo linri «r LADIES1 KICKEIIUHDKEBCII1EFB, O0I1SET8, BELTS ASD rOOKETS.til atliek-a wlntli Bo tu u>kuU|i tba L u l u ' WAUIUUPE ot tli« pcomiit i n , , . U " " A » .

BllJ 1)0 roaDd Iu MtltO •nort B Q I h U S , a n d n i l I l i o n . c ™


dv.nt.8,, »r b.t»s . , ti , , i ,

n l n o l H i e l i o u f d i u l i l , m i d b c a l d t ' i U i o ill bo found to contain all tint thoieu fdibloft ur tlie l,oli<]»v

, a n d • i n U K l i t r r g , t l ia r n t t U l r . n l y , l l i o _l i & d u ' i , t o c a l l t i i t l i i i H | >





and thousands of other nice things suitable for



b o t hwhich Tvill bo found upwards of

EIBHTY DIFFERENT STYLESin &U sizes and prices, from the lowest to Ihe fln-




mini the room among bis toystaking " lotm,rjolly noiHe,"

ni» Claim will tiring a ball ortlttim."

i r.1.1 iiiirsn Miiilml ftt his ehililirii glen,iKinK itim npou tier aprancil itnon,"lift ii,e IPII yon, Frodily, what I'voir<1;diilil wnti'li, without 8 word,ti'1] Si. Jiiuk lit work on Citriiltnni day,(inu i to lafco liim riding in Wi *iuii(h."

A STORY WITH A LESSON-Thin is ii('iirW«i*8*tiiry. I t will <!•> nl^'J

foi a New Vein sU<r>-. J)t> you (wf* tliat olilninii ? How fat aud h»i>]>y bo loakt! 'i'betwo lioj-s ave tiis Bonn. They nru curvingClirislmns tnj-H out uf plain pieeds of wood.These busy people are from fs*iteeilaml.Tbe old mna tolld 0 reporter of the Now


'1 lit' lllll.'I'Vf\ - KrvOil.v «

ytl with wonder ftiuiuM, "Wi l l Itu

KlKl n( tlifl (l"i(!l> l l o ; { 0 ' i l l « B i n

i ) [ lbe inineiiiof Hit in train.

ml iiio ciiimiwyi Cliriutniau hymue \

mlii- lit tio onoB ivero tucked in bod,](t.i sln.-ii-aH but llio moiiKt-y Trod;

•ii f-liiitiiiiR From bin bed. by alow degree*g.iificil tlm iK-srtit-rag; crawling on hiJlitt ff,i [KLitiiifi utt IIISclothes fnailsnt basic,• i.atiii^-i'-iji U|KUI hit head no placed,

1 hiniicirclouo t'» tlio chimney

»:iirh far fiivnta Chun, mid etalM a rldo.

• siiiir imsBiil on, ami soon Fred wns ftwa.roii^lin,,' hK-ij{li-l«!HK In thi) upper air;II (-[.IM: lit-liiu'l him °1<1 KrtH KOCUIOI! to

i i,; thr »t»cUtifji* wHli ii lH'hia! hiind;<; hitijjlH-.i with joy, ami merrily lie urtcil:\- tiiiii|,'lit yuu, Kria; now hi mu liaioit

*>oiiiT*.iHltlmtitlciH!, they seem, torlsn,I kninil njiuti ilie roof, 'math etarry skies,1 iyti ]>ackeil full of toys, aud drawn byllfLT,(j |iiiiui:i<lnudpawed to acea stronger* jump In, I-'ri'il, nntl bundle up jour

n1 fimiiu CIWIB, "nn)f»8you want to freeze,'

•«iBP MRUII uv Fred upon tlmt a i r la tmurnlo!

«nut! lio Irtiiplieil, at aimm ho alinnat cr iol ;r i nil iniitiV liniuc wm nlwmatit lo uriioM,ui'il will with uviry miinrurf liaught Stint.i Claim wliilo tliuro Bcomed urowinjjlint,

hunting something tlmt those hoys had not

ih warm prek ms filled, H Christmas treo

(-ill Ka

WildeJV ii In\ |U) KIJ

Wit Illl!With t

nU Clmis

•mile annwvrctlm uiin;WMEBllfirii&t'oruv


nyinR! "Soo

; Ilirnnirnv 1trail lian-JinfrIDR in the elmmicli wroUli

n, huddled in

i '



ablaces, sliivunufi

will all b

H|inlnl a Khcdirilow;us lieFuro

CO]),lu Ilicir

York T ime* tha t i t t r o k h im BOTCH yenrg to

learn bin litwhiora. T h e n ho worked nt it

« bBforolie canmtft t h i s conutry.

Did ho Iwavo (ho home i f his fiitlftint to fcfi-

cupo thu doBiHitio oppn-ttsioa of a n effete \

monarchy? No, gwilzorhnd is " Bflimblic. \The old wan siyn bo left because- ho couldltndly tuake a living. Ho alrt> minted to

this bojH a olinnoe. In Hwilzorlsmd nfn enruiuPH would often I'O lem thanMinn in American inmioy. But overy-

thing is citunp iu Kwilzorlaud, is It not?Hardly ttiytliiflfll'« m cheap in wages. Hvlt-

nd cmuot rniso enough to Toed hetwlf.That iniiiea living high for ponplo who «nm

bllara a. week, is it uot ? Very. Hut weuioru limn wo oat. Tho old own says

tlmt his boys can e»rn nearly two dollars aday web, uialtinR JHinpinK-jncks. The boywnra not y«t Bkilll'.H worhmm, Tlio gondfather can earn more. Hu anys tlint ho willhnvc ft better Cbrlstnian ilinnor iliim tlio SlftJ'-nr nf lii« &intra ftt homo will hava. Hut in

it everything be H'enw highly protected?Yes, iiidcod, almost oraytliinR. Then wbydi J ml tho old man go lo EnRlcnil ? Thnl i1

freo trntlf country, nntl uonrer to SwtlKur-lanil, Tlioy ftinuot mimi enough to entKuglnnd. Ami English \woj\a corao tn tlcountry tn fjot letter vngea Do they shiynml ]M>' tii(>li diition to buihl np Ann

iifactitreH? Oil, yes, tlioy Hluy, Tlieyliho it hero.. Tbo old mnn DIHO enytt UnitIhlnffi b« made in Sri(a!rl»u<l wura wnAuerlcn. Ho Ibongbt it would jmy liim btor to como hero nnd muko tliow ou the njnIH lie not tmnv ? Ob, no ; ho Bnj-H hebeen hero four yeatfl, nnil bus never rogrotcoming. DOOM be not IIRTO n hated monopoNot nt nil. HomyH tbero nre tlirou Ihonamoto of him in Now York. Tlioy tirolining well. Do men who make oilier thi]iko to ccmo from tho OU World aud inthom hero? Bin ships corao over Ion

ith thorn ovcry tiny. IH not tho New V(Times a, protoutivo Inrid orgnu ? No, itvcryftblo froo tra-io uowHixiiwr. Pirlitblo editor seo tliia Cbristiuiin story betoit went in bis paper? No, (he abla odilmm lrany writing nn Mo freo trnilo nrtiientitled Tito "Deliiniou of High Wages."Philadelphia Pross.

USEFUL NOTES.Kvorj l.ilt tyuiiiht thu c(.imly, lown or

U>wiifihip miwt bo swum Lo iw corrtscl Uiforu

Tlio County Collector U ia hia effico atHorriBtown evtry Thursday.

Tho Dover Olmrtnr election occurs llio ilr*tMonday in Stay; tho lirwmlpii charter elec-tion llio first ftitnrdiiy iti May, nuil tho Mnr-riwlmni cliiirt*!r olfidioti tho naaoiul MoniUyof tho Hiiiua month.

nwliip elections occur onU, aud the full election on Tuesday,

Nov. 2d.

Tbo omcers to IJB elected nei t fullDtigreHMiiinii, SiiiTOgnto nnd Aswttnblyn

As tlio present meihbern of ttio As^fiiiill havo served Uie customary term «t

yuars now ones will prohahly lio cloctcd.

Tlio Corouora oleoUd this fill Burvo fcthreo years.

By recent tnnctniBDt Township Coll)•o refused of further rospoiiHibility by tllini

with tlio TowushipCnmiuilteoon tho 1st» list of tho IQISH thsy have boon uc

bio to collect.

A flrt-min in exempted from jury dutygititcTing liia iinmo with tho County CU'rkMorris Ortnnty Courts conveuo Jan 17th,

May 3d, and Oct. 3<1.

County Courts convono April 'It!

Kepi, .lib iitidDoo. 5th.

uliimro mcolH J*n. 10th.

kings hnng npnn tbo chimney null-No iif o wan there, hut In a brulfuii pallA spray of ivy boro a nok« which said : ." 1 it'ii r Hanta Olatis, plcnso Mng us all nomc


S. loai in Krie's oyo fontid a renlinR \ilaco,And Fraldj'M fitt crrpt iicir liU faco,Till nrnxed to nctum by tlitn Fctnu of wnr,Hi- wiiiripoK'tl to his limdiTxnil and Ion :"ilivti tiicm tho tnynand candy inpnmfnr mo,Anil 1, t nmlrcsntlwm tips CliriittmnR tr^o."

Tlif n Hants Clnns RRTO him a loving look,And from tlio sleigh brought lop, and bull and

And limped tltr tnbir- with a. soo.1r>-l"nd

A luvkvy ^lump nphthl FL Ini^o IIIIUGL! {iio,Ami iu thu llrqilncu wood(vaa piled un bit;'

Frert'H jnywnH grcaHoflM thoplonRing (iftht,Ik•(•avonnliinit; when suddenly 'twas nigl1!.' W.IN nt IKHUC, and ljinS CHI tlie floor,Anil nurso waa cumfiig in tho open door!He hiniiiiK in lied and hold bis fiiglitem,While nnno said "Cliildt you'll auroly catch

your dentil 1"

N'.i word npnlfo Prod t,T nl! that ho lnnl B *er -Untv mamma llio wniuirmiB talo couURlnati;And when lio auld: "Plciuo let uio RIVO BO me

And randy to (he Widow JiinKlns1 boys,'1

f h(i finvc cuiiRL'tit: and tnboraolf RIIG siplictJ—'•'TW.TH null if all with Bnutn Clans could

CHRISTMAS TREES,Tlio popular custoni of preparing Chrint-

mis trees for tlio young and old, iucronsoayrnrlyj and Iho quoetion, "How nhnll Itrim oucV" in ofleu nsked; BO I ahnll try loini«wcr it. If yon enn (•bUiin the ttoc fromfioiiio jiino woods ncitr < hnml,fiiirly-^hapwl fir balsam or Hpruee, withIlrtu LrnurhoE, nud nboiit tiiuo or tm feet inheight. Thou t\ma<\ n Inrgo sbce[ over ooornd it tlio purlor enrpet, and put n.hfapd Ion cliewt in tho ceiilro of it,

Thn lower limbs of tho treo must booff i=o Hint it cnu bo fhed flrinly iuto Uietins, and smnll henvy nrticlcs, likn weiphtwnnd /iHf-ifoiiH, enn bo put in far bullrnt, to

CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDSTiiko whitn or Hated brintol bonrd,

'lit tho cards tha ilenircd niio. A.rrnii|bouquet of ilrt'BHfd ilowon, n tiny fern,nmttll nuluum lenvos, panKioo, getnnii

itipf boart, n nprig of try, so)vin or an;to flnn-cr or lcnf thnt will prem ulcdytwo Rtuall holes iionr tho bottom of

card suiil tio tho bouquet tc tbo enrd v,isotno bright ribbon In oolor not to olnsh viithe flowers, Tlio words Slorry Christ mnIlnppy New 5*cfir, cotnpllruonlB of the fieaietc., ifwritton niofl/, aro nu ipprovetaeTIIDHO ore lets eiporiaivo nnd, to my mliiro more ncoaptnhlo than thoso bought.

A nrclty [tin Riulilnn Is tnado in this wrM e a piece of satin a Utlla over a futKjunro for top of cnxblnn, paiut ft bouquet iench comer nud couuact them hy a Franwreath ; cutn Blipper of catiu; paint floweior a nionognini ou tho too ami n w;around tha boei; lino am] fustGii to thoHOW tiio Blipper to tho pqunro of ffflttii (by tinrote) no tho stitches will not show, Mthe cnfiliioti, nsinff. tho wnttn fur tho tip tllnisJiitiff villi n quilling of luno nroundciiHbiou, mid very iinrrow luco aronudtop of tho nlippor.

Kofi cushions nro protty rnfido Iho Baimily mi

nt coi

m (ho (dipper, or Inntonti oflamlHcnppvUh n npneo of nbnut t1

left nt tho edge for a margin-iium, bmckels, eto., ain ho mndo

houij' feathers (providing nun

h^ep tlio tree firmly in pkco. Then fill uptlio box with htuCl e««l. Tho the Bt ninsl becnncrmled vith B'uno protty material j oldeur'niiifl icill anBtror tho purpose, or thoAnitricnn ling; nnd a wliitp, fnrry robo isnlKO Rui!n1)le. Drapo Hume articles close totLe Iren, raid k t thorn trail a littlo on tbofloor to mnfco n graceful Bweep.

Sow Iho trpo ia plnnted, nnd vo mnntprocetd lo .lecomto it. Jlnko cliBins ofpopped com, filrung to^elacr with needleaud thread; ut hunt a dozen jards will binnno too muck for n Inrgo-hizeil trep, nudtho pure white fetoous entwiuod nmid thedark green Imuchca of Iho treo produce aQuo .JT-ct,

Wo iimst nlao liavo pnjier clmroiB ncither of glased scarlet, gilt or silver;tho piper into siiinll strips, fiur mclies longnid uot hntf an inch in width; fasten thitwo ciidn of each Btrip tofiother wilh flrurpantc, nnd nmko half of them intottieu tiilto Ibe rest avd make Into similarringK, but first slip each ulrip through twoof ilia dried ring* before joining the ends.IulliiH manner all thoslipa of pnpcrnrolu-tcrlncod, n'ttd w« hivo a ohain of rings whiohwill grenlly adaru our treo. They must bofoluuncd in long, graceful loops from limbto Hmli, nnd tho riltct is very charming.

All this work tho chllJreii caa do, a u d i tnrtdi greailj t o tbo entertainment of theIOHR evfiiiDRH, At this BCISOU. They c*unl-o mml in ooTcring English walnuts withliutoil nr fplt pnper, find iu filling applesvith olorefl, Ttiiuh will serve to keep ruotlisfrom 'hi' drawers of our burenua, siul therefore muko acceptable presents.

If wo possess a cracked mirror we musttftho it In tha glazier'H aud ask him to outit iuto two inch »ionrea. Around the edgesand atrosa the backs colored paper inmt bejtmstinl, nnd long ribbon loops altaolioJ toih'i inttkn by wlitck to suspend them behindtho tiny vita candlos, where they will doduty OH reflectors.

Fancy gloss balls of all colors can bo par-chaaud for n few cents each; andacveraldozen of wax cnndlr-s, with tia rests to at-tach Iheu to the tree, can ho bought Self-balnncing candle-Loldcrs can also he foundnl niot-t toy-Bhojis, nud need only to beplucul ou the branches. If these caiinot beobuitneil, cutmuon copper wire nun be heatedn littlo nod m a up turough tho candle aliitlowny, and tho other end can boiirmlT about tlie branch. It the wicks oru

plenty of bens nnd plenty ot paliotico,though bright colored fenthent nro nn iujirovoraont. Have n> onpj of a bird nr foiin the shape of a scrap picture ohromo,something of thnt sort; oat a cloth patioof tho bird and sow Bcoaroly (a tlio materialto ho used, whother plush, velfpt, or cluth ;tkinpalti-rniR to l>o entirely oovorod willfenthorfl, nsiug only fenthoru to corronpnin eizci nn fnrnB possible with tho copy, pliing tail fenthera for tiio till nnd A tooth ouof a comb for tho bill; cover tlio bond amnock with very Rtnall feathers ; put in headsfor eyeN and ivork (ha feetnnd legs wilh Bor-Un w">T. If onu IIIVM plenty of feathers t

irk is q'lita simple. Ono enn mnkoeimiiry by coloring thu feathors the propihiuln. If lio does not fling any, ho oortniul

iloe» not oat much.

THE TEACHER'S NINE DAHLIMCS.A toucher onco lirod in Slrafibnrg, n

bad hnrd work to finpport bin fntnily. Hi:liiof joy in life, however, was in uino cL

ilruti tlionRli ii wax no light task to feed theiill. His bruin would hiiro reeled and hi

Utart nnuk Imd lionot trtiHtod in his Hen?-only Fiither, when ho thought of the num.bcr of jnckets, ahoEH, stockings nnil dreBscsthey would need lu the course of ft your, BI

f Ibo iiuftiitily of brend nnd jiotntoes thronld eat His h"nm, too, via Tory closa

qinrtcrs for tha many beds and cribs, to sinothing of tiio room required for tho noiimd hm which tho merry nine mnde. Bi

fniher nnd molhcr ruannged vory well anttho UDOBO was a pattorn of nentcesa and order. Ono tiny there oaiuo a gneet to th<IIOHRO. AB Ihoy u t at the dinner, the Btranger, looking at tho hungry children abouttbo tnblo, said cpmi»Bsiouately: " Poor manwlmtft cross you have to bear!' ' " I ? Acrossto bear!" fukod tho fhtber, wotitleringly ;

rh»t ilo yon mean ?" "Nine children, nmseven boys nt that 1" replied the BtrnngerI'liliDR bitterly, " I h a v e but two nnd endnf them Is n nail lu my ocfUu." "Mineuot," snld tfas teacher vith deoision. "Howlines Hint happen?" aslsod the gncflt, "Bo-came I have tanftbt them the nnhlo nrt o;obeiiiidico. Inn't that so obildran ?" *'Veicried tho children, "And yoa obey im

iliinglf?" The (wo little glrlfl langheimt the seTen youngsters shoute<

Tes, denr father, truly," The futhorturned to the piert end m i d : " Sir, If dentbncro to como In at thnt door, waiting to tnkeone of my nlno rhildren, I wonld my"—nahere he jmOfd off his velvet cap nnd bnrloIt nt tuo door—''rascal,who cheated ynujntothinking IhntI h&d ouo too many?" Thestranger sighed; he RAT that It was only diiobedient children (lint uiftko a futher nnhnipy. Onenf tho nino children of Ihs poofHchoolmwto tftorvrard liecnnio widely known;he won tho saintly pastor of Oberliu.—TheGoruwa

FASHIONABLE HOUDAYCIFTSThe Yulo log ie • fnvo. ito Chrintmu card.Dccarated UmbourinQS and banjos appea

Among hftndMrao holiday goods for pres-ent*.

SmoelcU are tha favorite ornament of thseason, ond make very ucoiiptable holidaypresent B.

Tho OhriBttnaa booka o( the present sea->n rhoff the edncating effect of the toys,

dolls, unil playthings lor children Uiat havebeen invuntod, improved upon, Rnd mnnu.fnctured during the but decide la obilizedlife.

over with & UtUe keroaeuewill light up very quickly.


Xho very iigbt and showy gifbi can t>aKncp'-nd(d upon tho tree, but tharticles must be laiil upon the table or elsiwrapped In paper anil laid around [ho baseof the tree. A pair of scissors tuust ha inrei"inesa to out the gift from tin* branches,Wbcn a tree 1B trimmed, filled with giftsand lighted, It in Imleeit u l-enutiful sigut-ugnoefal, green pjrnniiil. wjtti nninberlcflsttt-iejotH of BameR, tritui bling und lla-iliiugmirrors, pirliindH if bright hues—allbriyUt-ne«s, npflrkle uud color. Try it, fair ftieudi,a a J nee for yourselves how lorelj it ia.

^Ye have the prettioat New Year cards.

Small tambourines nnJ whllo wood, vltbsmall gilt sleigh h-AU sewad on tha gides,ttDd the silken ti>pi decorated with prettyhand-painted deeigns, nro soli for §1.SO forCbriniuiaf gifu, favors for (be gennftn, nndfuncy dinner enrda.

Amoug the new onlored ohrotnM offewain tbo nrt store* for holiday presonl* la KQuo copy of Munckasy'a "Visit to theJlnbj,'' the original of wblah Ia one of tbomost valuable pioturea in the gallery of Mrs.A. T.

Only Qns.UolherH. darn Uie )IUI» ^lookinga np

liotls, or Uie little veBlilsuton t^ Iho px%open on Christiuns eve, II*re auly one bjjlain the tttockiug an4 let jt|ist be » lurg« one atthe top '

ROASTING THE CRISTMAS DINNER.Tbo secret in huviug n good rooHt tnrki

U to ntuff it pnKUbly, to bnsto it oflon fitto cook it i 'iiR euongli, A small turkoy

ii or ciiflit pounds Hbould ha roastedil ibreu liiiiifN uL luimt. A very Inrj

turkey si i on Id bo cook oil an hour longoAfter thoturkoy IsdresHod, Beiwon it waiBpritikling perpnr nnd salt on tho insldi4tuif it nud tio well in abaps; either lard tltop or lay Hlioea of bacon ovor I t ; wet tlikin nud Npriuklo it wall v i th pepper, Ennd flour. It is well to allow a turkeyrcnuuu snuto thno stuffod before cookliPour a little boiling water Into tho botto:>f llio dripping pan. Jnst bofcro takingFiit uf iho DTBU put on raoro tnulted butter.tid Rprinkle ovor raoro flour i tills will mak<h'i ukiu more crittp and brawn. Wliila th

turkoy Is conking, boil tb« giblot) welohop them flno aud mash the liver- Wit

titikur ia done, put It on n hot platterPut tlio bnkttiK'pan on tlio fire, dradgo In titttlo flour, and when cooked ulir in a Hit!boiling wntor on stook ; Btraiu It, skim

ry pnrliclo of fat, add tiio giblets; «eawith Halt nnd popper. n*efiestirat stuflis used, ndd HOIIIO boiled cheetnats to thegray?. It iancellent llauy great cooksmnke eslm trnublo inprcpnringa foraomatufflngof venl, hum, bacon, onions, pota-toes or bread-cruuilflnudnU Boris of things.But tho ordinary, nlil-foshloned etuffing foiatiirkeyidgpuoriilly liked the beet Tnk<tho soft part of good, light brond (not th'ontst), anil do not vet it as ia usually doao,but rub it dry and Buo, and work into Itpiece of butter tho size of an egg. Seusoiwith salt, pepper and summer Bnvory, Adito thin a do»on or more oyatera, whole, amIt will bo very flne. Somo good oaoks whoare ruled by taato, and not by books, add

a stuffing like tho above largo chestnutstiled. The eliostunta nro put on a fire iu aUDO pan or spider to burst tlio Bkinsj thiQ then boiled in veay salt water or utook,

thoa mix witb the Gtufllufj wlolo. Bernwith n chest cut sauco.

HYACINTHS.Peter n^nderson eays thnt hynolntbs grow

better in moss Ihnn in potn or glasses. The< is ftponge-Ilka and the routs of hyi grow luinrlaiitly. A who hnxket iwhich four or 3vo different kinds oflynoluths are planted, pnm'uts an nttraoll'

nppGnrauco wbcn suspended In a window (clhor part of tho room. Tbo moss shouldlie pressed modarately firm into the pot, box

bosket, nud tho hyacinths planted withone-third of their thickness nbove the suace Aftur phmtiug, tho m-na aliould b

watered sufQolently to thoroughly saturatot, nnd theu put tho bosket or other recep-

tacles awny in aomo dark, oool plaoo, theubjeot being to induce root growth, and tothat end tha maun must be kept moist nt alltimes. To brighten the colors of the flowersgive weak guano wnter oneo a week-

io pound of guano to fifteen or twentjllouH of water,

PROFITLESS PROPHETS.According to a new Jorsoy prophet, who

lon't wish lo \>d umleMnnd m having tho'gift of propbooy," M B Wiutor U to baulld ono, Jiinunry ia to bo "warm andilensaiit, with oaonsioiial wanii storms," whibolmtnry will bo changeitble, " shifting from

odd to wurnj." Tlic rapidity ;wlth bitbo tenipemture " shiftsht in these latitndosiffordsourpr<i|)hatn wldelntituda tno prove his points. It will enable him totim n victory Venuor has uevor venturedmsk for. Whero tha mercury inns up or

down forty degrees in about es many mtn*tes, i t is cosy to prognost;o.Ue " shifts

i weather. And on the month of Marchhas turned out to bo as cold, cheer

lens ncd toinpeatuonn M any of the yeni, tlieasanl precautions shoulJ be tnkon to moot

em^a Winter whether It cornea allor in shifts.

GOOD HUMOR,irely nothing caa bo more unreasonable

than to loso the will to plense, when wo artnnneiotia of tho HOWCT, or show more cruelty

tbnu to eLoose acr klud nl influoncc hofortUaftt of kladaewi nnd good humor. Ho thatfignrds tbo WOKIKO of othera should mako

Tirtuo npi)roacl»ablfl, (hat it may be lov-id and ooplul; and ha thnt considers tlieants wbioh every man feels, or will feel, of

sxtonml aasiNtaiice, must rattier »inh tosnrrouudtid by thoso that iovo liim, than

iy those thnt mini Ira Ms excellencies or so-icit MR furors [ for admirallou oeaseB with

rolty, and iuterost galas its end and ro-ll™. A nina wh JSC gront qualities want theircaraentof superficial attraoUom, Is like

k d mountain with minon of gold,ill be frequautoi] only till the treasure ii


FIREMEN'S EXEMPTIONS.A law was Approved DO March 91th,

exempting acting firemen from $C on tbelitaxes. A good niiuy thought tLIa meant $5

ili'jnto theamouutallowed "exmupl1

n who hnvo oonlinood la tlio service,bile others Imagined that If thalr taxes diit amount to Sfitbayoould olalm the dif.

^rence between tbeir taxes'andthat amoant,'oiietUothoronttQrin ttiterson a oommn-liaitlon w:.n nddriwaed to the Ilnard of Alder-oeu for information and tho Oity Coausel

nl hw opf Dion that this law does not eon-ict wilk or add to tha exemption allowed

mpt firemen; and in cago a ! ! „ „ „ „ „Bs do nnt am >uat to $5, It exempts Urny to whnt they atnoant t a In no coaoLa any claim to tho flnrplua,

• THEYUt?[ociIu Iho Alilan timo Curiatmao-tide TUB

OH YalMl<Io; the great log burned«u tho hearth nnil CBndlflmns. «hen at

»l Lour it ww quoucbod tnd theiicloned bwnd carefully hid asido to light

next ChrUlmas 3ro. We have uo longeri great wiuo beartli tones of oar anoestoni;i n Is now no chhnnoy nnak whara IbeDd-nutured browuie niny lurk in comfort,

lienven only knows when onr Pen.itoa>! Perhaps in the piano box, or np

inwngthebmncheioflhoflhundtllerl Tbares no room for tbe Tnle log in oar narrow

>m«, nnd even tha forests hava rnoTed so117 fu away I

DECORATING CHURCHES-Tbe custom of decorating onr churchesith fivorsreeiis At OhriHtinas is derin-d from1 ancient Drni<lB, who, 011 UVir feBtir,il of'ule-tlde," cut tbo mltfletoo from Ibe tret-n

strewed it upnnfttir altnrs. Tho cut-5 0! the mistletoe was an ooauion of great ^


ACACIA LODim A. F. AND A. i i .

W. M.—Fred. H. Beooh.S. W.—W. G. Ponnan.J. W,-C. A. Oillen.Trem— E. E. Jackson.Hecretary.—Jmnea Toakin.H. D.—Wm. T. Lenort.J. U. -Nnthan WileoT.SI'H of a—J. E. Avert, JF. n.Sliimpr.Tyler-Jinn W. Vtmner.Triistees-I. W. tSenring, Geo. MeOrack'

en.fNoto—Theie wers the offlenn fit lh(

time of the HOLTUAT EBA. The oIQcertfor tbe coming yenr will bo elected atannual meeting, Doc. 2 Int.]

ltogitlar meetings, first nud third Wodnes-ifiyH of eiutlt month; annual moetingbird AVedneaday in December.

RANDOLPH LODGE, No. 130, I- 0, 0'Meets each Tuesday nightN. Q.— 0. Hann.V. G.-Wm. Doney.U. 8.—B. L, Hedim.F. S.—John MihheU.Trena.—Geo. Mann,Warden.—H. Dalmaa.Oou'd.—A. Van Dervoer.Annual meeting, first Tuesday in Jam



Meets second aud Fourth Fridays of eaclmonth.

0. P,—D. Trolonr.S. W.-JnmesTonklnn.3. W.-John Moyse.Scrib,—H. Dalman.P. Scrib.-B. L. Hedden.H.P.—JobaMItabe]].'lVea«.-J. J. Vreelnnd.Guide.—Geo. Staoy.Annual nioctiug Hccotid Friday in Jam



Meets first Friday in each month.N. Q. -John Mitchell.V. G,-A. Drummer.It. S.—U. S. Ifadden.F. S.—(3eo. Stacy.'J'reas,—M. Mann.Wnrden—T. Hcattergood.Cou'd.—J, Tippott,Annual meeting first Friday In January.


Commnndnr.—D. S. Allen.K. V. 0.—E. D. Halauy.J. V. 0.--J. W. MW.Adjutant—Frank Konsller.Snrg.-JI. M. Rtafio.Chun.— Rev. W. H. MeOormook.Q. M.-Wm.H.L.nibert.0. D.-Wm.T.LBjwrt.O. O.--J. W. Dofiart.S. II.—Thos. SoatterBooil.Q. M.8.-JnmeflP. Kolloy.Ounrd—John D. fipaoo,Soiitinul—Anlliony Otto.Itegiilar tneet|DgB the second anA foattli

MondayB of psch mqntb.


Fast Renpiit—Wm. Harris.Eegont-A, 0. Smith.Vica Hegeut -p . H. Uurrolt.Beoretary-Ohns, A. Oovort.Guide—Wiu. Doiinldson.Omtor—Dr. J. D, Kiug,ChapUln-B, W. Doty,Treimurer-Jos. H. Meliok.CollBCtor—Frfiuk Oox.(iuftrdincH—Johu F. Wood and £d. A.


Itnfiulnr meetings first and tulid Mondayreplugs of the month.

0 . U, A. M.Dover Council No. (I, Order of United

American Meohnnioa was instituted Boptom-her 10th, 1B70, 5tid niocts every WottnoadoToning iu oDavifH Hall,

Atonzo B. SBAtiiKn, II. S.Tiio State Council of New Jersey meela

nunuolly on llio third WoOnesdoy of Sep-tember.


President—Itobert Phillips.Hecrotary-E. F . Hall.Eoeularmoatlagaon Tharsday evenings.

MORRIS COUNTY OFFICIALS.Clort-Mobin R. Condlt.Surrogale-rObirles A. GUlen,Sheriff—WfilUm H. Howell.Prosecutor of the Fleas—Q. W. Fomyth.School Superintendent—L. W. Thurber.County Colloetor—Wm. H. Lambert.Presiding JiHl(;o-\Villi»ua j . llagle.Law Judge—Franola Child,Lay Judges—Freetn&u Wood, David

Pflllioker.Keei>er of Poor Houso—L. W. Skollengcr.

MORRISTOWN CORPORATION.Mayor—Henry W. Mlllor.Itcoorder—Uichnrd M. Stites.Aldtrmon—John 0. Itentty, O. W. Colles.Common Councilman—Chsrlos MoGollum,

John Thntohor. George W. Vreukind, CollinaWflir, Joseph York.

olerk nnd Trenaurfr—Chan. H. GreeL.Street Qomini8M|onor—David Jj, Plerson.Health Physldan-^wi. 0. Llndsloy, M. D.Oity Hnrveyor—4. Prank Johuion.Police Justices-William J. Easton, JOB., Hays,Marshal—ThomM Mnltey.Anfiifitaat Marshals-Edward K. White-

bead, Alfred Hoops.O0UMITTEB3 07 TRE OOTJ1ICIL.

Pinarjoo—Colics, Thatclior, Bentty.Btreets-Thatcher, Stites, McOoUntn.Piro Depurtmcnt-Wfir, York. Vreeland.Street Lamps-York, Colles, Vroeland.Polioe-Stitefi, York, Hontty.LioetiscB-Vreelaad, V.'oir, MoOollunt.Offloen and Sah.r^s McCollum, ThaU'her,

Vfolr.Otf inanoeB-JJealty, Collos, Stites.Board of Heiilth-Mayor Miller, Aiaeraan

Colles, Ooaneilniiiii Weir.

Chief Engineer—4mm M. BanBall.Fint AjBJBtant do.—Ilarrle A. Freeman.St'ooud " do.—laaao U. Arnold.INDGTEKDENT HOBS CO , No. 1,—Fred. E.

Babbitt, Foreman: J. Bradford Stevens,Assistant.

WASHIHOTON BTEIHEB CO., NO. 1.—Cbas.. Green, Foreman; John II. fiomaioc, As-

sIntaDt.HiAOjUti BraAKBE Co., No. 2 (temporary

detail)—William S. Earles, Foreman ( DavidMOOUIIBJU, Assistant,

AKD LlDDEB Co. No, 1.—Harrlo Aw Freeman, ProHidout; Edward J.Thatcher, Foreman} F. B. DuBois, Asaist-

itHie Wariene—Charles Lewis, Foreman

Elian ThomiMMm, AsaiBtant.

, BOONTON CORPORATION'Mayor—Edwin Wormnn.Clerk—William 11. Bailey.Treasurer—ClmrleH S. Nonia.Coauael—J. S. Snlmon.Marshal—JOTDCH Qilmartin.Street Cotnmlfuiotier—Benjamia BoothPolice Justice—Edwin C. Jiloxhnui.CoDncilmen—William E. K«rr, ThomiiH

iyard, John W, Lee, John Ilarrett, JosinlJflroes 0. l'orter, It. H. lticharda

' if Council-William E. Korr.


Stwets -flyard, Burrett, Vanaosa.License—VanntiBS, Porter, Lee.LrwnpH—Itarrett, Hynrd, Porter.Ordimmce-ltlchBrds, Lee, Porter,llegulnr mooting of the Council tho flint

redueaday in each raoutli.

THE RECORD OF I8BL(Continued from third page.)


Membera of Niagara Sleanier, Morrla-(own, resigned in a body because of thoexpulsion of Foreman Slalter,Teller Qroff, of National Union Hankresigned.Episcopal services commenaed In Stan-hfipa.Citlzena ol Dover complete snhteripltanof 10,330 and parcha&e land for now oarRhops.Itarnlng nf the Mimes Hauler's boardinghonso in Morristown; M n Anna Walslinnd Lisxie Ketch bnrnoil to itenth,floouton M.E.OLurchc*lebniteaita37th(iniiiTetwiry.Horria Oonuty Teaouers Institute con-venes in Dover.

it your Wow Yew cardsat tlio Em oflloe.

ERRATA.In tho Haj of Dover corporation officers on

lie sooond pago it ihould have boon statedMr. Wm. H, Lambert Is Clerk u well

i Treasurer of tho town.Iu Uie advertisement of Wm. H. Dakar,o on the inhide of this Rheet, it should

beenB&idhe baa a handsome stock ofQermnntown yarns in all colon aud abadei.

Tlio heading "The Keoordof 1380,"on(he third poge, should he lbbl.

9a* * i

• • (Successor to 8. L. WILLIAMS)

Finest Old GOT. Java only - 29 etc" Hoclia " - 35

We oall tho npoaial attnntinn of austomorsto oar new wiUud TEA.

"SUN CHOP," - • COc.

This T I A IH f[ua»nteed to be ns fpod Bfl anyyou uaa buy ID Morris Oauoty for 60

el*. DO U0MUUQ.



o aidod to our stock nf teai, cot-B&n cut! tpieun a navr stook of

compriHing FINEST BAWINS-pONDOHLAYEKS-LOO8B MUHCATEL8, VAL-ENTIA AL», Hion, Ciinvinbt. I'ruuss, Cit-

i, Lennonfi, Ao, Wo are positively Hullingthose gaols at the lowest Now York pricesWe only wtk one trial


I07SB, N. J.




Fathers, Mothers;

Husbands, Wives,

Sons, Daughters,

and Friends,








and will do tUl in his power touialfo tlio Boapou a pleasant ono

for thorn bv supplying .tlieinwitUrelmblo .



OF ALL KINDS, nt ns low pricesns good nrticles onn bo fluid

for. I havo a full and soa-eouublo supply of

Eailread Market,







PButter and Eggs


and Jnal ivliat nonplo nwA at tiilfl soiison ofIbo yuar, vrliuii tliuy ar» nut tn Jim a littlebettor th«.tt Bt ai;y olhor timn,

«3- A call will onnhic h bplot (o bo euri>aasod fn my lino.



in (BUulinlied lu bit flao new shop on

CWHTOSf STREET,whore lio luis tlio very best facil-ities for doing work in Itis line,while hia expoi-imiua of many yearson all tbe nrst-olnss work of thivicinity is a gattrantoo tbat ho carplease his customers both in work-miuKJiip nud price.





XKulford King

{wriajpiS NEW 8II0P ON


is prepared to do all kinds ofnnd plain work in bis lino, reasonably and at short notice.


ropairod in tho bosk mamier, amstrict attention paid to Imsiiu



miilttblo for HOLIDAY OIFTB. I itm juat now maliiii- KrECtAL UF.DUCTIONS in


TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, PLUSHES, FEATHERS,anil otlirr articles. 1 rcoppctfiilly in*lto pirliot nlicn buying Millinery to R\VO inn n call

bk-foro deciding »|>r.u llat-ir HClfetiimn, an I Mil tlmt I cnii offjr liot tur t>:irp!iuiH trmii nlixxju atw-k ilinn anywbfri- cl*c. Aluudnouiu (sminmuiHor luilics'aiKl childron'H

Cloaks, Jackets and Dolmans,at ctcatlv reilurrd iirlecB. Exlrn qnnlity or Mole Skin Plimli Tor Clonks nt *5 JUT yiml ; price

" tlU. llulitluy tliflu fur tLi> CHILDliKN ! I bi.Ti-JUHI n-CL-ivi'il it Him Ii>t or

DRESSED AND UNDRESSED DOLLSand other pretty things for tlio children during tho holidays, which

am selling very low. Ploaso cull and BOO tlioin.


tvails himRclf of this occasion to send a Cliristmas and Now Year1!greotiug to his friends and patrons, with tlmuks for tlicir liberal

favors during tlio thirteen years ho has boon in businessin this section, and desires to inform thorn that

ho has largely increased his stock for tho



CAMED GOODS•rail Idmln. BPICEfl. !* n i l t C l t

l all llio enndltnentas or N m Vcftt'i din-

full mm TreBh Rail, in tlis rule of my

DOVER, N. JF.,prido tbcmieWm

ltho f.ict that tlioy noit equipped



SILVER-WARE,the largest stock over offered in Dover.

RINGS—A very largo assortment, CHAINS—In nil designs nndmaterials. CHARMS to charm tho people. BRACELETS of variousdenigna. GOLD PENS, on unfmrp&sRcil lino in this auction. SPEC-TACLES to suit all sights. With my own experience nnd the aid ofthree competent assistants, I am able to execute any complicatedwork with dispatch.

iliHifamsnt in Northern Now Jerany andnrernrud to mint uv<>ry wont in UBIVINO

.HU WOHKINQ IfAUKESa, Tnim ibo hoav-twork to tho flLost tnd most b&udBumdyinnted.


BLANKETSiUblo for HOUDAT OIPT8 Is ill m.ttr i . l .


SADDLES,Immenia itook, guaranteeing t, iniUOUDU to hay In noal nn inktter wlut tb

t«a. And ceory muint>r of

_._Jlnjr HOMO Drnibei. Hone Otlpperi,kinds of Blti, tlie Darby Horn Bandar 'nriotyofHorM Boots, Cnrrr.Oombi, ,

-HOUR Oil*, Axla Oreoae, Coudltion Powder*.)f OlntofniiiEngllili Grown Boan, Snreln-i, Carritgc Daaleri, Oollin, the flaett



Wo IUYO a largo naaorttneat of HRATINO, 000KINO and TAHLOR

STOVES!together with a general assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING

GOODS, conhiBtmg in pnrt of





TINWARE,onr own make. Also comnon ton cent conntor TIKWAIUJ.

, of every Josoription.

With thanks lor past favors and a hope to merit your fntnro trndo,wo wish all a Morry Christinas aid a Hnppy Now Year.

EL0TH1N6fn new nly\cA, and nil niaiinrr of

GENTS1 FURNISHING GOODS,of l t r inp onr i»f llin m.iht rfm,|il,-tc HUH-UH tnHciem (rum It, In- fi,uii,| hi thiM viVmitv iuIIIH CUrf rOMIJEI 'Ain 'SIKNT i-»i»n;,\ P.II.M

is crainmcd full fur







|epr? and


H®~ Also, all thn NEWSPAPEBSnnd PEBIO0ICALS of tlio day.



Cor. Elackwoll and Eorgon Sts.


Furniture Upholsterer,DOVER, K. a.,

mul I

stdlds llir. i-Mi.ipliui.nlr) of U,o»1= lii« |.iilr.ina nml FHUHIIH

IIKBHIVS lln'1,1 (lint during tho

iR your h,, will undimvor tonil tln'ir iranla in his liuo,

iiig ll,,.m ,,f Km>il worknwa-unil muilcrato jiricos nil thonnuid.


WAY vium rui: i


Choice Confectionery,nil liimltin

ral.'H. Mlim





marto of tho best materials, niuioiliis own siijit'i-vision, ami wfimmtedfnst-clnsH m rcRpcet to style, innlrrials used mid cLmapuoHS in nrico.





)ffers to tlio public tho largest andmost soled stocks to bo found

in this soction, togothorwith full linos of


<1 all tlic r[inker

will aim

ntul TtflLrul 1rCI«. A filBTIC






SUSSES ST., E07ER,'- ~ "


c t nonlly barbureil rluniiK tliouiy other tiniD (jf llio year.




CHRKSTMAS 60OOS•vtr loft by S\KTA CIADS in this «cotlon,



CHRISTMAS CANDIES.i largo'vnrioty-* uplondicl utock, 0HUI9T-

MAS 0ANI&I5S, otc.





iURREX B T . ,

mil vlltorur npodal (ndncnmnntu ilnrinc tti""•'-y« lo Clirhtinaii par

EXTRA HOTIDE!5,000 AEE INYITEDto call ftnil nee the elegant stook or

HOLIDAY GOODS,oompriiiDK t flnoiifspUy of directly imported



FINE CUPS nnd SAUCERS)M,,o Ccpi Sh.Tlni

K.Bee Hire Stere,

Cor. Sosaei and Canal Sts.

H frnni thn pnal-n

duniifi tho HOLIPi, will 1m nnp-

with tiio


Qystors In Evory Style,

Choloo ConfoolloQory,

Prime Segars, Tobaccos, etc.

MEKIB ftirninhcfi at all hoara, nnd tha Loosa•KnyM iioat, pliiiuatit and comfortable.






AKD l i b BIRSg or




Top Related