Page 1: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the

Swans Coveby Theresa Prokop

Page 2: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the

Swans CoveBy Theresa Prokop

Spring has sprung and the beautiful White Swans have arrived to live for a while in this charming New England coastal village!

Palette: DecoArt Americana AcrylicsAntique Maroon #13160 Berry Red #13019Black Green #13157 Blue Harbor #13283Bright Green #13054 Brilliant Red #13145 Burnt Sienna #13063 Burnt Umber #13064Buttermilk #13003 Desert Sand #13077Hauser Dark Green #13133 Hauser Light Green #13131 Lamp Black #13067 Marigold #13194Navy Blue #13035 Primary Blue #13200 Primary Yellow #13201 Pumpkin #13013 Soft Sage #13207 Titanium White #13001 Wild Orchid #13233

Surface: Framed Board on Stand #62826

Misc. Supplies:DecoArt Acrylic Spray Sealer/Finisher – Matte #70836DecoArt DuraClear Varnish - Matt #87395 DecoArt Gel stain - Oak #70140Tracing Paper Pad #83176Graphite Paper, Grey #70141; White #70139Paper towelsPalette Paper Pad #70560400 fi ne grit sand paperBrush Basin #70174Painter’s tape Ruler Art Eraser 3 Pack #70202Scruffy brushes Soft Grip Embossing & Stylus – se tof 3 #70125Palette Knife #70194Identi-Pen, Black #70830Rags-lint free Old toothbrush or spattering tool Magnifying glass may be helpful for doing smaller details

Brushes: Papillon by the Artist Club Glaze Wash, size 1” #20103Angular Shader, size 1” #20114; size 5/8” #20112; size ½” #20111; size ¼” #20109; size 1/8” #201081

Page 3: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the

Shader , size 4 #20126; size 6 #20127; size 10 #20130; size 16 #20133Round, size 2 #20158Liner, size 10/0 #20145Deerfoot Set #20167Stipple Set #20172Artist Inspired BrushesMaxine Thomas Mop, size ½” #27179

General Instructions Tips and TechniquesBefore you begin, please take the time to look over the pattern and be sure to read and understand the instructions. This painting has a lot of detail work. Carefully trace pattern with permanent marker onto tracing paper.Basecoat per instructions, using 2 thin coats of paint trying to keep paint smooth, drying in be-tween.Transfer Pattern Slide a piece of graphite beneath tracing and using stylus trace carefully omitting details. Details can be traced later and if desired free handed.Highlighting is done the same way using a lighter color than the base.Brush mixing - Picking up another color on the palette with color already on the brush and strok-ing briefl y to mix it. You can use a Palette knife to scoop some paint and then brush mix if so desired. Scumbling/stippling - Applying small dabs of color with the point of the brush which is held at a right angle Wash - Created using thin watery paint - achieved with water/fl ow medium or extender using fl at-tened round brush or wash brushThere are step by step instruc-tions and a lot of freedom to express yourself. If you like the freedom of free handing your painting, then you will love this! Don’t rush the brush.

Preparation: Prep Board by spraying with DecoArt Acrylic Spray Sealer/Fin-isher. Using #400 grit sandpaper sand the surface as needed. Using a small piece of the sandpaper dipped into water wet sand the s urface and use a damp rag to wipe clean. The board should feel nice and smooth. Gather all needed supplies and paints!


Page 4: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the

Line drawing pattern may need to be adjusted slightly to fi t onto surface. Trace the pattern onto tracing paper using a Black fi ne tip Permanent marker. Place your tracing onto the board. Slide transfer paper beneath it and trace it using a stylus. Trace only the design’s major lines. Detail lines will be added later.

Painting Instructions:Background area: Basecoat the sky Buttermilk, using the 1” Glaze Wash Brush.Make a wash of Pumpkin and glaze the sky area. Basecoat the sun Primary Yellow, using the size 16 Shader.Using the chisel edge of your brush and a little bit of Wild Orchid paint a drifting cloud over the sun area.Basecoat the soft rolling hills Wild Orchid using the 1” Angular Shader.Float a wash of Primary Yellow on the hill nearest the sun.Basecoat all of the tree areas Black Green using the 5/8” Angular Shader .Basecoat the water Blue Harbor using the 1” Angular Shader.Use a piece of painter’s tape to tape the sides of the lighthouse, keeping the tape on the outside of

the lighthouse. This will ensure that the sides are straight.Basecoat the Lighthouse Tita-nium White, using the size 10 Shader.Basecoat the sandy shoreline and path areas with Desert Sand using a 1” Angular ShaderRemove tape and continue to basecoat grassy areas, trees and bushes Black Green.

Use Stipple brushes to paint trees, bushes and grassy ar-eas. Load with Black Green and pounce on your palette to dis-tribute the paint. Then lightly stipple in some tree shapes, bushes and ground areas. Add Hauser Dark Green and tap in more shapes over the fi rst layer. Do not lose your dark shapes. Tap on some Hauser Light Green over this and defi ne the shapes and grassy areas. Do not lose the different already painted colors. Mix a bit of Titanium White and Primary Yellow and highlight a few of the trees and grassy area. Add a small amount of Blue Harbor to some of the shadow sides of the trees and bushes.


Page 5: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the

Lighthouse: Lay tracing back on the painting and trace detail lines for the stripes on the light-house, rocks, trees, bushes and windows. You may want to use white transfer paper on the dark areas.

Basecoat the lighthouse stripes and windows Lamp Black, using the ½” Angular Shader Shade beneath each stripe with a fl oat of Navy Blue. Using 10/0 Liner paint the railings Lamp Black and highlight with Titanium White. Using a ¼” Angular Shader, paint the light at top of the lighthouse Primary Yellow. Dab in the center of the light with the tip of the brush and Tita-nium White. Using a dry brush technique brush straight down the lighthouse with Titanium White for a highlight. Using a size 2 Round and Lamp Black paint the whale and the pole holding the whale.

Paint the rocks a brush mix of Lamp Black, Burnt Umber and Titanium White using the ¼” Angular Shader

Small Yellow House: Basecoat the small Yellow House with Primary Yellow with the size 6 Shad-er. Paint windows and roof Lamp Black with the size 4 Shader. Shade house using Burnt Sienna using the size 6 ShaderPaint doors Brilliant Red. Paint chimney a brush mix of Brilliant Red and Burnt Sienna with the size 4 Shader

Use the small Deerfoot brush to dab in Tree shapes with Hauser Dark green. Add a touch of Blue Harbor on the pine trees and a dab of Soft Sage on the bushes. When you are stippling the color do it gently and then as you pick up more colors to create highlights use a little more pres-sure on your brush as you paint them in. Watch as you paint how the forest takes shape and bushes appear! Be careful not to lose your darks as you add lighter colors to create your trees and bushes. Use the ½” Maxine Thomas Mop to soften as you paint. Use Hauser Dark Green and a touch of Bright Green to stipple in more of the trees. Using the dirty brush pick up some Prima-ry Yellow for a highlight. Mop to soften after you have painted the trees. Use the 10/0 Liner and a Burnt Umber and Titanium White brush mix to


Page 6: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the


pull out some tree limbs and branches.

Basecoat the small red house on the right with Antique Maroon with the size 4 Shader. Paint the roof Lamp Black with the size 4 Shader. Dab in some Lamp Black windows using the size 2 Round. Dry brush the roof with a brush mix of Primary Blue and Titanium. Basecoat the tiny house behind the red one with Primary Blue, using the size 4 Shader. Paint the door Harbor Blue.

Basecoat the Church Titanium White with the size 6 Shader. Paint the roof and steeple Brilliant Red. Using the smallest Deerfoot dry brush a highlight of Pumpkin on the roof. Using the size 2 Shader paint the Church windows Primary Yellow. Using the 10/0 Liner paint the trim on the Windows Brilliant Red. Paint the Door a brush mix of Blue Harbor and Titanium White.

Greenery near small red house and church: Us-ing the brushes in the Stipple set, begin to dab in grass areas with a brush mix of Dark Hauser Green and Light Hauser Green. Using the dirty brush pick up some Primary Yellow and dab in highlights. Basecoat all the houses.Basecoat the White house on left using Titanium White using the size 10 Shader. Paint the door Blue Harbor. Using 10/0 Liner paint trim Brilliant Red. Paint the Roof-Lamp Black. Paint Chimney a brush mix of Burnt Sienna and Brilliant Red. Dry brush the inside of the window with a brush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White. Using 10/0 Liner and Lamp Black paint the door detail, the panes in the window and the shingle lines.

Large Red House: Base coat the red house Bril-liant Red, using the size 10 Shader. Shade with Antique Maroon. Dry brush the sides of the house with Pumpkin. Using a size 2 Shader and Lamp black paint the windows. Use a size 10/0 Liner and Marigold to paint the trim. Using the size 10/0 Liner and Lamp Black paint in shingle lines.

Paint the sign on the roof Titanium White. Use a 10/0 Liner to paint trim Brilliant Red. Using Lamp Black paint the lettering “Cove Tavern.”

Page 7: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the


Basecoat the large yellow house Primary Yellow using the size 10 Shader. Shade using Burnt Si-enna.

Using the size 2 Shader and Lamp Black paint the windows. Using the 10/0 Liner paint the trim a brush mix of Blue Harbor and Titanium white. Using the size 6 Shader and a brush mix of Brilliant Red and Burnt Sienna paint the roof. Using a size 4 Shader and Titanium White paint the sign. Us-ing a 10/0 Liner and Brilliant red paint the trim around the sign. Using a 10/0 Liner and Lamp Black paint in shingle lines.

Foreground: Shade along the path areas with Burnt Sienna. Use the chisel edge of the brush and paint in some road lines, ruts etc. Shade along where the grass meets the paths. Using a size 10 Shader paint the fence areas a brush mix of Lamp Black and White to make a light grey color. Us-ing 10/0 Liner paint in fence lines at random lengths and widths. Then paint more with Titanium White. Pull the strokes up as you paint.

Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines.

Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the stairs, and the stone area of the lighthouse. Using the tip of the size 2 Round pick up Lamp Black, Titanium White and Burnt Umber and dab in random size rocks.

Continue to paint in the grassy areas using the Stipplers and Deerfoots for the grassy area and the bushes. Try not to lose your darks as you add your lighter paints. Using a size 12 Shader paint the bottom of the frame board Hauser Green Dark.

Page 8: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the


Paint the fl ag hanger Lamp Black and highlight with Titanium White.

Paint the lettering “Black Swan Inn” and the Black swan on the sign Lamp Black. Continue to paint more grassy areas and bushes and using Hauser Dark green, Hauser Light green and Primary Yellow by dabbing with the Deerfoot and assorted Stipple brushes. Shade along the grassy areas with a fl oat of Burnt Sienna using the ½” Angular Shader. Add detail lines to water with Titanium White. Float along shoreline and around the rocks with Navy Blue. Float after with Titanium White. Highlight the rocks with a drybrush of a brush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White. Paint Swans Titanium White using a size 4 Shader shade with Navy Blue. Line with Lamp Black

Lay tracing on the frame section and trace fl ag lines. Paint the red ones Brilliant Red and the white ones Titanium White. Paint the star area Navy Blue.Paint the Back of the board entirely Titanium White using the 1” Glaze Wash brush. Dry. Lay the tracing back on the board and transfer the stripe lines (note: you may have to continue the lines to the edges of the piece). Using the size 2 Round and Titanium White paint the stars.Using a large dry brush, brush a swirl of Titanium White across the fl ag for highlights.

Finishing:You may leave the painting as is, or if you choose you may Antique it. If so, spray with DecoArt Acrylic Spray Sealer/Finisher-Matte. Use DecoArt Gel Stain - Oak and apply with a rag and wipe off the excess as you create an antique look. You may need to do it several times until you achieve the look you like. Using an old tooth-brush dip into Lamp Black spatter.

Almost fi nished!Look over the entire painting. Look to see if you need more shading, highlighting or detail lines. Look to see if you need more trees or bushes.Finish with DecoArt Acrylic Spray Sealer /Finisher-Matte!

Page 9: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the


Page 10: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the


Page 11: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the


Page 12: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the


Page 13: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the


Page 14: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the


Page 15: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the


Page 16: Swans Cove · Paint the Swan Cove sign and use 10/0 Liner to write lettering and paint in wood lines. Using a size 8 Shader and a bush mix of Lamp Black and Titanium White paint the

Copyright 2016 by Theresa Prokop and Crafts Americana Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved. #331985

No. *A331985*© Artist’s Club ®. All rights reserved. For private, non-commercial use only. Please see our web site for terms of use.

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