Page 1: SWANSEA FIRST BAPTIST C NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE … · soccer scholarship. I am both excited and depressed at the same time


The Signal is published monthly by the Swansea First Baptist Church of Swansea, SC.

Volume 22 Issue 8 August 2011

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Swansea, SC 29160-0550





From Your Pastor’s Heart

August is going to be an exciting time for the Wilders.

I am sitting in the office writing this article on Sunday night,

July 31st waiting to head to the hospital for the new grand-

baby. Brent and Jeanette are excited as well. It is going to

be a lot of fun having two granddaughters after raising those

two boys. But we cannot be more pleased. I have to admit

it is hard for me to go to the store without buying something for that little girl.

There is just something in the way she calls me, “Papa”.

I know that school is fixing to begin and a new year for our Sunday

School. I want to thank the Nominating Committee for all the work they have

done. They have truly worked hard and thanks to John Sturkie for his leader-

ship. I’ll see you Sunday and show you a few pictures!

Page 2: SWANSEA FIRST BAPTIST C NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE … · soccer scholarship. I am both excited and depressed at the same time

The Signal is published monthly by the Swansea

First Baptist Church in Swansea, South Carolina.

The Swansea First Baptist Church is in friendly

cooperation with the Lexington Baptist Association,

the South Carolina Convention and the Southern

Baptist Convention.

The Church Staff The Senior Pastor Reverend Terry C. Wilder Minister of Music Mr. Chad Meredith

Student Minister Reverend John N. Harmon Parish Nurse Mrs. Angie Redmond The Organist Mrs. Jane Ann Meredith

The Pianists Mrs. Brenda Hoffman

Mrs. Jackie Cagle The Secretary Mrs. Joyce Saylor Preschool Director Mrs. Diane Goodwin

Custodian Mrs. Kim Taylor

In the event of a change of address please

contact the church office: Swansea First Baptist Church

145 South Church Street Post Office Box 550

Swansea, South Carolina 29160 (803) 568-3368

The Church Website

March Birthdays

1st……………….Michael McCarson

Ashleigh Steen

3rd……………….….Duane Steinhoff

Jenna Redmond

4th…………………………..Bill Deal

Laura Pound

Tammy Caudill

5th…………..…………Robert Taylor

7th……………………...Wilma Davis

9th……………………...Bryan Corley

11th………………...Gladys Redmond

Jessica Calp

12th………………….Rebecca Sharpe

15th…………………….Nancy Blithe

Tyler Dasher

16th…………………....Adam Jumper

18th………………...David Zeigler Jr.

Susan Norris

Leigh Ann Teal

20th…………………..Chad Williams

21st…………………Permilia Luongo

Alan Hoffman

22nd……………………....Jean Burns

Melodie Sharpe

24th……………………....Jeff Corley

27th……………………..Rhonda Rast

28th…………………...…..Jack Burns

Dawson Sandifer

Isaac Sandifer

29th…………….….Carter Livingston

Senior Adult Trip

Last month the trip to the JAARS

Center was cancelled due to the winter

weather forecast for that day. On March

17, the Adults and Senior Adults will travel

to Waxhaw, NC to visit the JAARS Center.

The group will be introduced to their

unique role in Bible translation through

videos, interactive presentations, and a tour

of their campus and museums. They rec-

ommend you wear comfortable shoes and

they will make special arrangements if the

group can’t walk the distance.

Lunch will be in their dining hall.

The cost will be around $7.00 plus tax. We

will be leaving at 7:45am on Thursday,

March 17th. Please sign up in the hall if

you would like to be a part of this very in-

teresting tour.


Metallic Club

On Monday, March 21, the Me-

tallic Club will meet at 11:00am. At this

meeting we will play Bingo after the

business session. At 12 o’clock the

group fellowships together while eating

a delicious home-cooked meal. Join the

group for information, fun, food, and


The Signal is published monthly by the Swansea

First Baptist Church in Swansea, South Carolina.

The Swansea First Baptist Church is in friendly

cooperation with the Lexington Baptist Association,

the South Carolina Convention and the Southern

Baptist Convention.

The Church Staff The Senior Pastor Reverend Terry C. Wilder Minister of Music Mr. Chad Meredith

Student Minister Rev. John Harmon Parish Nurse Mrs. Angie Redmond The Organist Mrs. Jane Ann Meredith

The Pianists Mrs. Brenda Hoffman

Mrs. Jackie Cagle The Secretary Mrs. Joyce Saylor Preschool Director Mrs. Diane Goodwin

Custodian Mrs. Kim Taylor

In the event of a change of address please

contact the church office: Swansea First Baptist Church

145 South Church Street Post Office Box 550

Swansea, South Carolina 29160 (803) 568-3368

The Church Website

August Birthdays 2nd…………………………….Sierra Saylor

Hamp Redmond

Deborah McCarson

Kristen Jay

4th………………………Jane Ann Meredith

6th…………………………....Linda Cassidy

Annie Mack

Donnie Hoffman

Ronnie Hoffman

C.J. Hoffman 9th………………………....Michael Luongo

Carrie Garrett

11th………………………...Catherine Nates

12th…………………………….Phillis King

Wayne Fowler

13th………………………..James Redmond

14th………………….……….Becky Zeigler

Christian Hill

18th……………………….Jordan Redmond

19th…………….…….Shelley Wannamaker

20th…………………...…..Shelton Hoffman

Joe Lucas

Peyton Pearrow

21st…………………………....James Moore

22nd………………………..Brandy Pearrow

Della Adkins

Linda Watts

23rd……………………….Brenda Hoffman

Tom Bennett

24th………………………...…..Haley Mack

25th………………………...….Jay Kirkland

Colin Williams

27th…………………………..Cale Williams

28th…………………...……….Denise Ward

Lisa Dasher

Kim Goodwin

29th………………….…….Margaret Sharpe

31st…………………...……..Jan Marie Booth

Amanda Williams

Brent Wilder

Jonathan Crider

Sarah Watts

Welcome New Members:

By Baptism:

Cole Baker


Please remember Mrs. Lottie Smith in

your prayers. If you would like to write

to her or send her a card her address is


Mrs. Lottie Smith

Room 205

Life Care Center of Columbia

2514 Faraway Drive

Columbia, SC 29223



Franki and Haley Franki Jumper and Haley Meredith were

named to The State newspaper’s All

Area 2A Girls Soccer Team. They both

were also selected to the North-South

All Star Classic. Franki Jumper was

named by The State

as the All Area 2A

Girls Soccer Player

of the Year. Con-

gratulations, we are

proud of you.

Seniors Will Visit Trinity

Episcopal Cathedral

Join the senior adults and adults for a

trip to Trinity Episcopal Cathedral on

Sumter Street for a tour of their new

renovations. They have spent millions

to restore their cathedral and we will

have a guided tour on August 30. Af-

ter the tour, the group will eat lunch at

Red Lobster. Join us for a short day

trip. Sign up in the hall. We will be

departing at 10:15am on Tuesday, Au-

gust 30th.


Metallic Club

Join the Metallic Club for our monthly

meeting on Monday, August 15 at

11:00am. John Harmon will be our

guest speaker. He will share with us

about Community Changers 2011 in-

cluding a video from the weeks activi-

ties. Join the group at 11:00am for

food , fellowship, and good informa-


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Student Ministry News

The saying goes that time flies when you are having fun and this sum-

mer has flown by. We have had a busy and productive summer. It

seems like just yesterday that we were celebrating our graduates and

their accomplishments. Now we are right around the corner from

school starting back. We have one more event planned before we all

start back to school.

Coming up on August 10th we have our annual end of the sum-

mer pool party. The pool party is open to all rising 7th graders through our graduated

seniors. This year we are going to the home of Tommy and Brenda Bryant and using

their pool. We will have pizza for dinner along with other snacks and desserts. As

usual the normal swimsuit rule applies for girls. The party is from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

If possible we are asking if you will meet us at the Bryant’s house. If you need a ride

please let me know and we will work something out, as of now we are not planning to

take the bus. The Bryant’s live at: 664 Archwood St. Gaston, SC 29053.

Last month we had a great week at Community Changers. We had a great

group of students working here that week, you should be proud of them. We are look-

ing forward to the opportunity to share about our week with the church on an upcom-

ing Wednesday night, I hope you will make plans to be here. I cannot thank the adults

that helped us throughout the week enough. Ronnie Dasher, Doug McGaha, Gene and

Angie Redmond, Marty Mack, Faye Stabler, Charlyse McCarson, Terry Wilder, Buck

Brazell, Kary Hoffman, and Darren Smith all helped on our job sites. Serenity Martin

and Lisa Dasher brought some of the GA’s out to help as well. Becky Zeigler and Lori

Myers helped with some of our meals. Jim Kinard, Cathy Nates, and Daniel Buzhardt

gave some nights to stay as chaperones. Thank you for all that you did, we could not

have done this week without you. We are already looking forward and setting plans

for Community Changers 2012, we hope that you will be involved.

In Christ,

John Harmon

2 Tim 2:15

*****Don’t forget to check out the calendar for upcoming events*****

Meredith Moments

I hope all of you are enjoying the summer heat as the temperatures some

days are reaching a tormenting 100 degrees! In any case, as we prepare for an-

other school year, Jane Ann and I are excited to get back to work with the chil-

dren’s choir. We will start children’s choir rehearsal the Wednesday after Labor

Day. Therefore, we are one month away from getting things kicked off again.

Wow…how time flies!

Speaking of how time flies, we will take Haley to Erskine College on Au-

gust 14th. This was sort of a last minute change and may come as a surprise, as I

know that many of you were aware of her plans to attend USC Columbia as a

commuter this fall. She will, however, be attending Erskine on an academic and

soccer scholarship. I am both excited and depressed at the same time. Though I

will miss Haley, I know she is doing what she feels the Lord has planned for her

life. I am very proud of Haley, but even more so, I am proud of her commitment

to the Lord!

I appreciate all of your prayers for our family and our soccer family dur-

ing this difficult time. All of our hearts were deeply saddened with passing of

Crystal Torres and her brother Brian. Crystal was Hannah’s good friend and rid-

ing partner (on the bus) to soccer games. I will miss the cackle of these two

laughing in the seat behind the bus driver…which was ME! Crystal was a neat,

bright, and talented young lady who was a friend to all she came in contact with.

She was loved by her friends, her team, and her coach.

I will close with some paraphrased words from Terry’s Wednesday night

prayer meeting about a week ago: I choose to remember Crystal, not by her

short life, but rather by the quality of life she was able to live. You see, she was

a remarkable young girl who was devoted to her church and committed to Jesus

Christ. Even though I will miss her smile and her kind heart, these are the kinds

of qualities I will always fondly remember about her!

In Christ,


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The Student Ministry at Swansea First Baptist Church will GIVE GOD THE GLORY with

everything we do; and we will have FUN while GROWING TOGETHER, MEETING OTH-


Mark Your Calendars

August 10th – End of the Summer Pool Party

5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

@ Tommy and Brenda Bryant’s home

August 16th – Back to School

***Be on the lookout for other events and fundraisers.***

August Bible Reading Plan

You Are Invited….

Sewing Party

August 27, 2011


We will be making dresses for girls, shorts for boys, and bags for medi-

cines. The Kenya Mission Team will take the dresses and shorts to the to the

children in our orphanages. The medicine bags are used during the medical clin-

ics. Items you can bring to help:

Portable Sewing Machines

Irons and Ironing Boards

Pieces of Cloth


Scissors/Straight Pins/Needles

Thread/2 Gallon Plastic Bags/Yarn

Every one can help-whether you sew or not– there will be something you

can do. Please join us we plan to have a sewing party each month until August

or until we have a lot of dresses, shorts, and bags to take to Kenya.

1st 2 Sam. 18 Jer. 22 Rom. 9 16th 1 Kings 11 Jer. 37 Mark 11

2nd 2 Sam. 19 Jer. 23 Rom. 10-11 17th 1 Kings 12 Jer. 38 Mark 12


2 Sam. 20-

21 Jer. 24 Rom. 12 18th 1 Kings 13 Jer. 39 Mark 13

4th 2 Sam. 22 Jer. 25 Rom. 13-14 19th 1 Kings 14 Jer. 40 Mark 14

5th 2 Sam. 23 Jer. 26 Rom. 15-16 20th 1 Kings 15 Jer. 41 Mark 15

6th 2 Sam. 24 Jer. 27 Mark 1 21st 1 Kings 16 Jer. 42 Mark 16

7th 1 Kings 1 Jer. 28 Mark 2 22nd 1 Kings 17 Jer. 43 1 Cor. 1-2

8th 1 Kings 2 Jer. 29 Mark 3 23rd 1 Kings 18 Jer. 44 1 Cor. 3

9th 1 Kings 3 Jer. 30 Mark 4 24th 1 Kings 19 Jer. 45-46 1 Cor. 4-5

10th 1 Kings 4-5 Jer. 31 Mark 5 25th 1 Kings 20 Jer. 47 1 Cor. 6

11th 1 Kings 6 Jer. 32 Mark 6 26th 1 Kings 21 Jer. 48 1 Cor. 7

12th 1 Kings 7 Jer. 33 Mark 7 27th 1 Kings 22 Jer. 49 1 Cor. 8-9

13th 1 Kings 8 Jer. 34 Mark 8 28th 2 Kings 1-2 Jer. 50 1 Cor. 10

14th 1 Kings 9 Jer. 35 Mark 9 29th 2 Kings 3 Jer. 51 1 Cor. 11

15th 1 Kings 10 Jer. 36 Mark 10 30th 2 Kings 4 Jer. 52 1 Cor. 12-13

31st 2 Kings 5 Lam. 1 1 Cor. 14

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Gel Packs For Sale The 2011 Kenya Mission Team is selling gel packs from Accurate Manufacturing as

a fundraiser for our trip. We greatly appreciate Mr. Doug McCarthy for working with

us on this fundraiser. The gel packs can be used either hot or cold. Please see one of

the mission team members or the church office if you would like to place an order.

10x15 $15.00

5x18 $12.00

7x25 $15.00

Eye Mask $10.00

Penguin Pack $5.00

Kenya Mission Team 2011 Ron Rowe

Terry Wilder

Ed Huggins

Brett Brown

Faye Stabler

Deloris Zeigler

Nancy Redmond

The Kenya Mission Team and dates have now been

finalized. Please pray for this team as we leave on Sunday, September 11 at 2:30 pm.

We will fly to Washington, DC, then to Zurich, Switezerland and into Nairobi. We

will spend the night and then fly to Kitale and then to Turkana for two days. We

will then fly back to Kitale and spend four days. Then we get on our van and head to

Kissi and spend three days with Charlie at the St. Karen’s Smith Orphanage. Then

we will travel to Narok for a day and then back to Nairobi for two nights. We are

going to have a great time!

We will fly out of Nairobi on Friday night, September 23rd at 11:10 pm, ar-

rive in Brussels, Belgium at 6:30 am, fly out of Belgium at noon arriving in Wash-

ington at 2:26 pm and leaving Washington at 5:10 and arriving in Columbia at 6:37

pm on Saturday, September 24th.

We want to thank you for all your support of our trip and we have raised a

great deal of the money because of your generosity. If you would like to help with

the expenses you may continue to do so.

Community Changers Bee-Havior Yesterday I was thinking, now what am I going to write about this month? I had

no idea and then I picked up a magazine and saw an article entitled Lessons from

the Insect World. There was an interesting article about Honeybees and their

highly intellectual society. As I read the article it reminded me of the work of the

Community Changers last week. So I give credit to Christian Woman Magazine.

First, there are three kinds of bees in a hive, worker bees (which by the way are female) that

take on many jobs such as housekeeper, nurse maid, construction worker, and grocer. There

are drones or male bees (which do no work at all) in the colony and then of course the queen

bee which only has one job… to lay eggs. There is a division of labor among the colony. And

so it was with Community Changers, but I must admit our drones worked just as hard as the

worker bees. We all had different projects that required different talents. Not all of us could

paint, but we could plant butterfly bushes and flowers. Some helped take care of the flowers at

Flowers for Bibles. While other projects required hammers and nails, cutting boards for

floors…… carpenter skills. Let’s not forget we also had “queen bees” that were site leaders.

Our individual talents worked together for the good of the group that eventually completed the

project. Read 1 Corinthians 12:14-31 which says that each part of our body has a unique de-

sign and it takes each and every part working together to accomplish a task.

Communication is a key component to the survival of the bee hive. The field bees go out

scout for food and come back and “dance” as a means of communicating the exact location

where food can be found. At Community Changers we had LOTS AND LOTS of communica-

tion day and night from ideas about how to complete a job to pulling pranks and laughing a

bunch. In our spiritual community we need to learn how to communicate with each other not

only with words but expressions such as smiling, patting each other on the back and hugs. Ga-

latians 6:2 says we should bare each other’s burdens but without communication we won’t

know each other’s needs or sorrows.

A proper diet is also necessary for the bees to survive. They eat mostly honey. But we know

man does not survive on bread alone. At Community Changers there was food…. good food

provided by many for all. It was appreciated by everyone. In addition, spiritual food was pro-

vided by youth leaders, pastors, chaperones and many caring adults. Each night there were

devotionals and some decisions were contemplated. Philippians 4:8 reminds us that we need

to have a good healthy spiritual diet in order to concentrate on that which is true, noble, right,

pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy.

Last week was a good week. The hive thrived! Projects were completed and there was a sense

of accomplishment in serving the Lord.

Until next time,

Angie Redmond, RN 568-5404 or [email protected]

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