
Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036 Page 1 of 2

Swastik Public School OCT-NOV ASSIGNMENT

Subject – ENGLISH

Class – 8th

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

Ques.1 Read the extract and answer the questions. 8

1. "I've questions that I cant find answers to on my own"

a. Name the chapter and the author.

b. Who said this to whom?

c. Why cant he find the answers to the questions?

d. Who finally helps him find the answers?

2. "Save your life now so that you can climb mount Everest again later".

a. Name the chapter and the author

b. Who said this to whom

c. When did the speaker said these words

d. What did the listener do

Ques.2 Answer the following questions. 12

a. Who is bechendri Pal? Who did she encourage arunina ?

b. What did Arunima do after she reached the summit? Why ?

c. What is 'dead zone' ? How did if get its name ?

d. What was the vulture special job ?

e. Why cauld the vulture not understand ?

f. Define adverb with suitable example.

Ques.3 Change the voice of ;- 10

a. Everybody loves animals.

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b. Do all the boys bring their books.

c. Meera is cooking the dinner.

d. He has sold his old car.

e. Mohan has struck Ashok.

f. Our team won the match.

g. She forgive her husbands.

h. Were they having their breakfast.

i. Had the farmer sown the seeds.

j. People will forget it after sometime.

Ques. 4 Complete the table. 10

Positive Comparative Superlative

Badly _________ __________

_________ Sooner ___________

________ __________ Most swiftly

________ Later ___________

Gently _________ ___________

Ques.5 Fill in the blanks using adverbs. 10

1. The secret is___.

2. He loves me___ much.

3. He is working___ these days.

4. I could__ recognize him.

5. The moats were__ filled with water.

6. People ___crossed the moats on draw bridges.

7. Don't talk___.

8. Tortoises walk very__.

9. If was ___late but I was_ busy to sleep.

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

स्वास्स्िक ऩस्लऱक स्कूऱ


ववषय– हहिंदी कऺा – 8

Allowed 3hrs M.M – 80

Name: Roll No: Date:

प्रश्न1. ननम्नलऱखिि प्रश्नों के उत्िर लऱिो। 10

1. सावित्री के हाथ ऩैर ठंड ेक्यों ऩड़ गए थे?

2. सावित्री के बच्च ेक्यों नाराज हुए?

3. आऩस में ममऱजुऱ कर रहन ेकी सीख कविता की ककन ऩक्षऺयों में ममऱती है ?

4. ऱेखखका कहां जा रही थी और ककस से टकराई ?

5. अगंद के ऩांि के माध्यम स ेऱेकर क्या कहना चाहती थी ?

प्रश्न2. ननम्नलऱखिि प्रश्नों के उत्िर ववस्िार में लऱिो । 10

1. ऱेखखका को बोडड स ेटकराना एक अऩशकुन था या ऱाऩरिाही अऩने शब्दों में मऱखो ?

2. प्रकृतत के संरऺण के मऱए आऩ क्या क्या करोगे अऩने विचार मऱखो।

3. मानिीय धमड ही सच्चा धमड है आशय स्ऩष्ट कीजजए।

4. ऩानी हम सब के मऱए कैसे उऩयोगी है?

प्रश्न3. ररक्ि स्थानो को भररए। 5

1. मेरा ____ अनायास ही बाहर उमड़ ऩड़ा।

2. उसकी आंखों में एक ____ था । 3. ऩऱक झऩक ने का मुहािरा मुझ ऩर भी ____ होता है। 4. उसी समय उसे िही ___ ईश्िर सुनाई ऩड़ा।

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

5. अभी ___ ददए हुए नहीं, तुम से ही तो ऱी थी।

प्रश्न4. ककसने कहा ककससे कहा? 10

ककसने ककससे 1. मैं तुम्हें मुंह मांगा इनाम द ंगी ______ _______

2. उनका बेटा िही खाना है _____ ______

3. अच्छा बबल्ऱी रास्ता तो नहीं कटेगी _____ ______

4. अम्मा हींग ऱे ऱो हम अऩने देश जाएगा _____ ______

5. हम बबना मऱए ना रहेंगे। _____ ______

प्रश्न5. आऩके ऺेत्र में जऱभराव रहिा है स्जसके कारण मच्छर बढ़ने ऱगे हैं इस ववषय ऩर

नगर ननगम अधधकार को एक लिकायिी ऩत्र लऱखिए। 5

प्रश्न6. आऩ बीिी कहानी के आधार ऩर यहद आऩके साथ भी कोई इस िरह की घटना हुई है

िो अऩन ेिलदों में लऱिो। 5

प्रश्न7. सुभद्राकुमारी चौहान की कोई अन्य कवविा लऱखिए। 5

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036 Page 1 of 1

Swastik Public School OCT-NOV ASSIGNMENT

Subject – MATHS

Class – 8th

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

Ques.1 Each question 5 marks.

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

स्वास्स्िक ऩस्लिक स्कूि



कऺा – 8

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 70

Name: Roll No: Date:

प्र.1 ऩयाायऩदै: सह मेिन कुरुि । 5

(क) नऩृ् विप्र्

(ख) ब्राह्भण ् याऻ्

(ग) जनक् कवऩ्

(घ) मभत्रं वऩत ्

(ड) िानय् फंध ्

प्र.2 उचिि सवानाम ऩद स ेवाक्य ऩूर्ि ा कीस्िए । 5

(क) अहभ ्........ उष्डभ के्रत इच्छामभ। ( तभ ्, तेन ,तान )

(ख) वऩता ......... ऩ त्र ंदृष्टिा हवित् अबित।् ( तभ ,तेन ,त ै)

(ग) स् ....... मभत्रिे विश्िासे कयोतत। ( तेभ्म ,तान ्, तेि )

(घ) धतनक् ....... मब ऺकेभ्म् धनं मच्छतत। ( ताभ्म् ,तेभ्म ,तेि )

(ड) नऩृ् ........ किमे ऩ रुस्कयभ ्अच्छत।् (तेन, तस्भै, तेभ्म: )

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

प्र.3 अधोलिखिि श्िोकानाम ्हहदंी अनुवादं लििि। 10

1. विद्िरिं च नऩृत्िे नैि त ल्म कदाचन

स्िदेिे ऩूज्मत ेयाजा विद्िान ्सिवत्र ऩ ज्मते ।

2. वऩता शत्र भाता िैयी , फारो न ऩाठित् ।

न शोबते सबाहभमे , हेण्भमे फको मथा।।

प्र.4 हहदंी भाषायाम ्अनुवादं कुरुि । 10

स् क्राततकारयणाभ ्संस्थाभ ्अस्थाऩत ्, बगतमसहंः् याभप्रसाद विस्स्भर् याजग रु: च

तस्म सहमोमबन: आसन।् त ेजनान जागरयत भ संसद - बिने फभविस्पोटभ ्अकायमन। बगतमसहंः् स खदेि: च फन्दी बूत्मा कायागाये गतौ ऩयंत आजाद् आग्रीमानाभ ्हस्ते न

आगत् ।

प्र.5 अधोलिखिि ऩदेषु संचध क्रियिाय - 10

(क) धनेन ्+ अवऩ =

(ख) जन्भबूमभ + च =

(ग) ऋवि + नाभ: =

(घ) धनेन + अवऩ =

(ड) ऩ त्र् + अहभ ्=

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036

प्र.6 स्थिूऩदार्न आधतृ्य प्रश्नर्नमााण कुरुि । 10

1) ब्राह्भणस्म स्ऩशने सा वििभ क्ता स्माि ।

2) ब्राह्भण द ् खी बूत्िा सऩवभ अहभटत ।

3) त ंदृष््िा व्माघे्रण प्राथवना क्रता।

4) िानय् दयूास्स्थतं िृऺ ं दशवतमत्िा अिदत ।

5) स् ग्राभात ्फठह् गत्िा िने प्राविशत ्।

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036 Page 1 of 2

Swastik Public School OCT-NOV ASSIGNMENT

Subject – SCIENCE

Class – 8th

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

Ques.1 Choose the correct option for each of the following . 5

1. A secondary sexual character in females

a. Enlarged breasts c. Chesthair

b. Deep voice d. None of these

2. The hormone secreted by the pancreas

a. Insulin c. Oestrogen

b. Adrenaline d. Thyroxine

3. The Function of chloroplast is to

a. Store food c. prepare food

b. transport food d. breakdown food

4. Who first observed cork cells under a crude microscope

a. Schwann. c. Schleiden

b. Hooke d. Leeuwenhoek

5. The organism that undergoes internal fertilization

a. Frog c. fish

b. butterfly d. hen

Ques.2 State whether the following statement are true or false . 5

1. All cells have a clear and definite nucleus.

2. Vacuoles are prominent in plant cell.

3. Nuclear membrane is absent in plant cell.

4. The female gamete is motile.

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5. All parts of human body grow at the same rate.

Ques.3 Fill in the blanks . 5

a. In an animal tissue one cell is separated from another by a______. (plasma

membrane/ cell wall)

b. Oestrogen is the ______ hormone. (female/male)

c. The male sex hormone is called_______ . (testosterone/oestrogen)

d. The first menstrual flow that begin at puberty is known as _________.


e. The term 'cell' was first coined by_________. (Robert Hooke/antonie van


Ques.4 Define the following . 20

a. Cell

b. tonoplast

c. Chloroplast

d. Unicellular organism

e. Ovulation

f. Drugs

g. Fertilization

h. Adolescence

i. Puberty

j. Menarche

Ques. 5 What is the function of lysosomes in an animal cell. 3

Ques.6 Explain why people experience mood swings during adolescence. 4

Ques.7 What is mensuration and when does it occur. 4

Ques.8 Differentiate between a unicellular and multicellular organism with an

example each. 4

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036 Page 1 of 2

Swastik Public School OCT-NOV ASSIGNMENT

Subject – S.St

Class – 8th

Allowed 1hr 30 min M.M – 50

Name: Roll No: Date:

Ques.1 Define these words. 10

1. Mercantilism

2. Doctrine of lapse

3. Ryoti system

4. Jhum

5. Begari

6. Oppression

7. Afforestation

8. Soil erosion

9. Subsidiary Allianc


Ques.2 Fill in the blanks 10

1. The ____ were the first group of European traders to reach India

2. _____ was the leader of first group of traders of the EEIC that reach India in


3. The _____ was the most important civil servant in a district

4. British official ______and______ developed of system of ryotwari

5. Shifting cultivation was also called _______

6. The biogas called their plots_______

7. Soil erosion is the removal of________

8. Community land is also called__________

9. A law commission was appointed to codify Indian law in _______

Sushant Vihar, Ibrahimpur, Delhi -110036 Page 2 of 2

10. In _____ qutch established their first factory

Ques.3 Write true and false. 6

1. Portuguese landed first at Gujarat.

2. French were the strongest rivals of the EEIC.

3. A law commission was appointed to codify Indian laws in 1883.

4. Majority of tribal people spoke santhali.

5. The munda were a war- loving tribe.

6. Portuguese landed first at Gujarat

Ques.4 Tick the correct option 4

1. Regulating act was passed in

a) 1770 b) 1771 c) 1772 d) 1773

2. The term ‘Mahal’ mean

a) Home b) village c) palace d) city

3. Birsa Munda was born in

a) Ranchi b) Nagpur. c)Delhi d) Hyderabad

4. Who founded the Indian civil service

a) Lord Clive. b) lord Cornwallis c) lord Dalhousie. d) lord curzon

Ques.5 Answer the question.Each question 2 mark. 10

a. Who was Robert Clive ?

b. Who were called planter?

c. Whom did the tribal regards as dikus ?

d. What is soil ?

e. Distinguish between biotic and abiotic resource.

Ques.6 Long answer and question. 10

a. What is soil? profile what are different soil horizons?

b. Explain the terms of lord Wellesley subsidiary alliance.

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