Download - Switchwords


1,123 4,561 8,729 11 11 72,654for absolution from Karmic debt


Take a color print of this and write the business name inside the center circle on top with blue pen, below that write your fathers full name and get it laminated. Ask him to drink charged water, place under pillow @ nights

 55 65 192 for water retention / Edema..

86 66 431 for flatulence / Bloating

The DIVINE Cow NOW has this for us to purify our homes.

13 24 56868 for acceptance of What Is--the situation in your life that is presented to you

894 719 78 48 you can always achieve what you have put as an aim for all people and yourself Grigori Grabovoi



In business, it is very important to immediately opt out for eternal life and eternal development.

It is very important to differentiate between the man with the soul, who is the creation of God and the

other ones that are walking among us without the soul (more details about that you can find in a

Bible 1, 2 and 3 by Igor Arepyev)

You will recognize them by their acts and doings, by their carelessness toward others, by

egocentricity and greed.

It is not beneficial to cooperate with them or go into any business.

The reasons are numerous.  Their world is crumbling, so take care lest they take you with them.

There are three levels of being:

1. material level – the lowest level

2. energy level

3. informational level – which is the highest level ( it is paramount that we all act from this level;

results are 100% – it is worthwhile to study and acquire knowledge from the Creator,

knowledge has been lowered down directly for you)

On this page we will be discussing business, and consider exactly that area of living.

According to Grabovoi, it is very important to put as an aim securing eternal life, for yourself, which

enables such business dealings that will provide for all-embracing salvation and harmonious

development of all. This is the basis of Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi for existence here and now.

Every business has numerous aims. In every aim you should put eternal development as a

basis, in written documents as well as in your plans: products related, marketing, organizational,

evaluations of risk, financial plans etc.

When you constitute any business plan – it has to contain within itself eternal development for good

of all, application of harmless technologies, which will start developing with the help of the Creator

and provide that the development of a whole planet is in harmony with the NORM of the Creator.

New areas of business will start appearing and developing in accordance with the new-established

standard – eternal development.

System of competition is eliminated.

New partnerships appear and gain strength, – for those who accept this work for benefit of every

men and by using harmless technologies and those technologies that don’t pollute our environment.

This method will provide for those who want – growth of small business into large international

business, and it is necessary to introduce this into your business plans.

By doing this, you indicate that you intend to be serious, that it is not a joke.

Eternal development of business has as its foundation eternal life of man.

Anyway, many scientists are informing us that death doesn’t exist.

Grabovoi, Petrov and Arepyev are stating the same for the last 20 years, by regenerating human

organs, healing people from grave diseases, resurrecting people, and preventing potentially global

catastrophes by strength of their thoughts.

Man is obliged, in all his actions, to take steps in the direction of eternal life and eternal development

of their own company. Steps are – acquiring knowledge and application of the same, in all areas of

one’s life and further dissemination of Teaching.

Finally, the time has come that we can work without stress, guided by omnipotent hand of Our


All intercessor between God and men are eliminated: death, different organizations, worry and fear.

There are only 2 emotions: fear and love

If you are in fear – you are not in love

If you are in love – you are not in fear.

It is your choice.

Start with what is accessible in your overcrowded work day:

 -  code for the direct contact with the Creator – 11981 and 123 707 44  (and 123 111 50 25)

 -  code for transforming negative into positive and for acquiring serenity and peace 1888948 and

10 on minus 17 – pronounce it when you are under stress and flood of negative events

1. write down these codes on your desk, on your documents, diaries, computers…

2. start practicing “Daily Concentrations” by Grabovoi – you will experience enormous


3. read books by all three authors

4. Surrender totally to guidance of the Creator and you will start enjoying yourself in a

short period of time, you will work with similar people to yourself, who are on the same

path of eternal life and eternal development (you will work hard, but you will be joyful as

never before). First, always give priority to securing eternal life for all the participants in

business and to all others, as well as to each and every of your projects.

5. Educate people on every step. Consciousness of people is rising with enormous speed

and everyone is thirsty for knowledge that is taking us to eternal life, health, joy and the

beauty of life!

6. Be grateful to bird in the sky, to a little flower in the field and to a man who smiles at you

– they are all send in your life to bring you cheerfulness, to put a smile on your face and

give you delight

7. As for finances, make sure to introduce that you are working for eternal life and eternal

development – for good of each and every man, in order to always have money and to

see this business expand swiftly…

8. Make meticulous business plans to such a high degree, so all of the elements can

ensure the most effective ways for eternal life for all.


3.  419 819 719 81 – growth of small business into medium and big business by application of

methods of eternal life and development

4. 719 419 811 – development of business in other countries

5. 819 419 714 – independence of small business

6. 914 819 87 – prompt help for people so they can master Technologies of New

Consciousness through your own business

7. 518 491 617 – building of an independent source for financing technologies of eternal


8. 419 875 – organized man applying technologies of eternal development

9. 419 818 719 849 – developing of capabilities for predictable governance in a personal self –


10. 514 918 919 – mastering of necessary knowledge and habits for leading eternal business

11. 914 419 81 – that the time is not factor of an event.

12. Exchange event and time.

13. Event has priority over time.

14. 419 814 – optimization of your work – on what to pay attention and what not!

15. 419 818719 914481 –good reputation of public in a relation to your work which is directed

toward eternal life and development

16. 814 418 719 – building of harmonious relations with the family members and friends

17. 519 498 719 41 – developing of business technologies in a production and sales according

to principles of healing eternal development

18. 519 7148 – EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!  There is nothing impossible in this world.

19. 894 719 78 48 – you can always achieve what you have put as an aim for all people

and yourself

20. 28914801890498 – correction of past events in business … and then focus on the following


21. 91431289 – corrected past events in present and future

22. 814 418 81 –  it is necessary to know how to use time

23. 414 81 88 – transformation of time into money

How to use:1. Take a color print and In the center write the amount of money you need and what you specifically require it for - Use red pen.2. No need to write name inside it or date of birth.3. Get it laminated and place it in your alter (mandir) or some place secure where it will not be disturbed. - (no under pillow, no water charge)4. Once you have attracted the money, simply destroy it by tearing it and burning it - releasing the ashes in the air (out side home)

Few points to consider:1. Please be genuine & realistic when writing the amount, something you know deep down that you can attract.2. Have full FAITH3. Have patience and let go - please dont ask me or anybody how much time it will take - IT DEPENDS ON YOUR FAITH


mandir or cash 

Description of Additional Energy Circle Contents:

71,042 Harmonize with the present

5,189,912 Fast results

5,555,555 Correct processing of information

1,888,948 Transform something negative into something positive

Just add your name above the Switchphrase and print it out.

Please note that this Energy Circle with Pointed Rays concentrates the energy, and may bring you

perfect job opportunities.  After returning from a job interview for a desired job, to release the energy

and allow the job to come to you, tear the Energy Circle to release the energy.

Learn more about Energy Circles at

Success Stories:

Thank You Thank You Thank You Divine Universe and DIVINE Switchwords. Not even 48 after

doing an Energy Circle (the one above) my daughter got offered a job after being out of work for

nearly 4 months! Thank You dear Kat Miller and Rhoda Randhawa. I used the Energy Circle and put

my daughter's name in it. — feeling thankful.

Switchphrases for presenting yourself well (on paper, on the phone or in person)



(Be a strong presence, full of confidence and self-worth, and speak well.)


(Center attention on yourself and advertise yourself well.)


(Turn on personality, relax, be patient, quiet the ego and be unaffected by ridicule and negative



(Dispel apartness, make confident decisions and take friendly social dominance.)


We have had several success stories with this phrase:


(Center attention on you, advertise yourself, be a strong presence, improve self-worth, self-

confidence and be a good orator.)


Success Stories: I had a really good interview today. Kat, I really believe your words helped! I was

confident, relaxed and think things went very well. We'll see what happens but I really appreciate

your help!


Thank you so much, my son got the internship he applied for.


This one for the interview, she was CHOOSEn between almost 300 candidates.


One Energy Circle presentation of this phrase:

Just add your name above the Switchphrase and print it out before you go for the interview.  Learn

more about Energy Circles at

Switchphrases for acquiring a desirable job/income


(Make it so, increase personal ability to manifest your heart's desire, release the details and let it be.)

Switchwords for specific things related to job-seeking

To present yourself well both on resume and in person: 

ACT (be a good orator; transition)

To manifest your heart's desire in a job: 

CHARM (manifest your heart’s desires)

To make the people in charge of hiring like you: 

CHUCKLE (turn on personality)

To appear to be exactly what they want in an employee: 

CLASSIC (appear cultured, suave)

To not take offense at questions asked and be relaxed during interviews: 

CONCEDE (stop arguing, "kiss & make up")

To show them that you do know the job they are considering you for: 

CONSIDER (be a good mechanic, a fixer of things)

To keep from showing them anxiety or excitement over the job: 

COVER (reduce nervousness; subdue inner excitement)

To promote yourself to them: 


To allow yourself the opportunity to receive the job you want: 

OPEN (release; tolerate; understand; comprehend; free the mind; breathe easier; be artful; dispel

inhibitions; allow)

To clear the frustration of searching for a job: 

OVER (end frustration)

To be successful in your endeavors at finding the perfect job for you: 

PERSONAL (publish a successful newspaper or newsletter; be a success)

To center attention on you and your resume for the job: 

RIDICULOUS (get publicity; center attention on you)

To discover the jobs most suited to you: 

ROOT (dig; discover; grow)

To harmonize well with those who are hiring so they feel comfortable with you: 

WITH (be agreeable; compatible; harmonize well with others; immerse in)

Job-Seeking Energy Circles

If you wish to put Switchphrases for Job-Seeking in Energy Circles, a few thoughts of colors for the

Circles are:

Green is for money and growth.

If your main motivation is making money Green may be good.

Blue is for relaxation and communication. If nervous about an interview and/or good

communication is important, Blue may be a good color to use.

Brown is for protection of household, family and pets, for material increase and for financial


Use this single Ec to balance your 7 chakras. BLESSED-BE.

I had to lie to save my reputation and honor on an occassion but I am feeling very guilty and sinned

since then. Howcan i absolve my guilt what SWs can I chant to get pardon from God and Universe?

already chanting the Hooponopono chant Pleez help Rhoda Kat and others pleez suggest some Sw

thanks and regards

SMORGASBORD – celebrate variety; create multiple possibilities (O)(92%)

 Extend business 


For marriage


520 and 741 unexpected money flows always our way. Quick and Easy. 

777- I believe in Miracles!! & comes effortlessly in both expecred and unexpected ways including

into lotto winnings.

Attract Love / Being In Love

815 889

Write and chant the code. 815 889


THANKS to travel

SWITCHTUDE Family Harmony Grid - Rose Quartz with SW & FrequencyTaken from my Crystal Therapy Workshop.

How to use:1. Take a color print and In the center write the family members names or place a family picture. (avoid the names and pictures to overlap over the rose quartz)

2. Get it laminated and place it in your alter (mandir) or some place secure where it will not be disturbed or touched.(no under pillow, no water charge, no computer/mobile screen or whatsapp/fb dp)



ake a color print of this EC and get it laminated.On a piece of paper ask your husband to write his intention and place it over this EC - keep in your alter (mandir) or some safe place, not to touched or moved

Divorce :- TOGETHER-HELP-DONE-NOW 65 62 792






write 1888948 to ur non writing hand .This is to convert negative into positive


ALL IN – totally enjoying, embracing and absorbing; 100% unshakable, unstoppable certainty; move forward; total realization; break through on all levels - physical, mental, spiritual; a miracle beyond triumph and victory (O)(91%)

OIL-RELEASE- 808 808 808 808 808


Reaching target on date

ELATE-BE-GIGGLE-CHUCKLE-RESTORE-HORSE to grow advancement in my career

Remove negative energy from home

Remove negative energy from home

Remove negative though

Remove negative though

1,176 is a divine number which manifests all your material and other wishes...

family harmony 


Sei Hei Ki (pronunciation: say-hay-key) is for defusing and releasing addictions and negative energies. Sei Hei Ki cleanses, purifies, harmonizes and protects. SeiHei Ki helps stabilize traumatic situations by restoring emotional calm and confidence. Sei Hei Ki gives a helping hand for getting through life's difficulties.


To buy new house


SLOW CARE REVERSE PRAISE TOGETHER TAKE DIVINE28 times in a row x 3 times a day.

Bring back lost love


Keep people away

 TINY-LIGHT write it in red pen on the place where fat has to be burn

Opening 3rd eye OPEN-CRYSTAL-73

87467894 say 7times, twice a day. Or as many times you want. Write it on your left hand wrist too.

PURGE CANCEL 1888948 clear blocks, inner and due to exterior negative forses.

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