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Southwest Liturgical ConferenceSouthwest Liturgical ConferenceSouthwest Liturgical ConferenceSouthwest Liturgical Conference

51st Annual Study Week51st Annual Study Week51st Annual Study Week51st Annual Study Week

January 16January 16January 16January 16----19, 201319, 201319, 201319, 2013

Albuquerque Convention CenterAlbuquerque Convention CenterAlbuquerque Convention CenterAlbuquerque Convention Center

© 2012 William Hart McNichols

Listen, I Will Tell You a Mystery… Listen, I Will Tell You a Mystery… Listen, I Will Tell You a Mystery… Listen, I Will Tell You a Mystery…

And We Shall Be ChangedAnd We Shall Be ChangedAnd We Shall Be ChangedAnd We Shall Be Changed

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Save the Date!



nd Annual Southwest Liturgical Conference Study Days

Remembering the 50th

Anniversary of Sacrosanctum Concilium

Since the Second Vatican Council we continue to celebrate our liturgies

through him and with him and in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.

We have lived and celebrated the reformed liturgy

and the revised Third Edition of the Roman Missal,

and now look forward to giving glory and honor to God

in the liturgical challenges that lie ahead.

Through him,

and with him,

and in him. . .

Excellent Speakers,

such as Rev. Michael Joncas

Informative Workshops

such as Stewardship, Our Call to Mission

Exquisite Cuisine

like Cajun cooking, mouth-watering seafood

Superb Southern Hospitality


An Evening of Song With Jaime Cortez and Bob Hurd

celebrating the 25th

Anniversary of Somos El Cuerpo de Cristo ♫♪

The Diocese of Beaumont invites you to come to Beaumont, Texas and remember and

celebrate all that we treasure because of the Second Vatican Council and that epic

liturgical document, Sacrosanctum Concilium.

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ContentsContentsContentsContents General Information 1 Contents / Contents 1 General Information 2 Letter from Archbishop Sheehan / Letter from Arzobispo Sheehan 3 Keynote & Plenary Presentations / Keynote & Plenary Presentations 4 Daily Schedules Wednesday, January 16 5-10 Thursday, January 17 11 Friday, January 18 12-14 Saturday, January 19 15-18 Ads 19-24 Study Week Speakers / Study Week Speakers 25-33 List of Exhibitors / List of Exhibitors 34 Exhibitor Map / Exhibitor Map 35 Thank You’s / Thank You’s 36 Convention Center Map inside back cover

Convention Center Map Study Week Schedule back cover Study Week Schedule

General Information General Information General Information General Information Registration and Information Desk Registration and information desk is located on the ground level foyer of the Albuquerque Convention Center. Registration opens Wednesday at 4:00 p.m., and on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 7:00 a.m.

Messages / Lost and Found Messages will be posted on a board located near the registration area. Lost and found is available in the same location.

Exhibits Exhibits are located in the NW Exhibit Hall on the ground level of the Albuquerque Convention Center. Exhibit hours are listed in your conference schedule. Please patronize all our exhibitors who help to make the Study Week a success.

Name Tags Please wear your name tag at all times during the Study Week. It is your admission to all major addresses, workshops, and special events.

Daily Eucharist and Prayer Room Eucharist is celebrated at 7:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. daily at Immaculate Conception Church, 619 Copper Ave, NW, only four blocks from the Convention Center and Hyatt Hotel. A room for prayer and meditation is available in Boardroom East on the second floor of the Hyatt Hotel. (see map on page 10)

Reception and Banquet The Wednesday evening reception (in the exhibit hall) and Friday evening banquet (in Ballrooms B/C) are included in every full conference registration, excluding the cash bar. Additional banquet tickets may be purchased at the Registration Desk as space allows. Admission to the banquet is by ticket only. If you will not be using your banquet ticket, please turn it in at the Registration Desk so that we may make more space available at the banquet for those who may not have a seat.

Transportation Buses will provide transportation to Holy Rosary Catholic Community for Mass on Thursday morning. They will depart from the Hyatt Hotel main entrance between 8:00 and 8:15 a.m. Please follow the guidance of the hospitality and transportation volunteers.

Food Service Breakfast, lunch and dinner are on your own each day, with the exception of those attending the Friday banquet. Food vendors with hot and cold breakfast and lunch options will be open in the NW Exhibit Hall from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. each day for your convenience.

Recording Conference recording is provided by Fleetwood Onsite Confer-ence Recording. Not all sessions are being recorded. An order form is included in your registration packet. Recordings may be purchased at the Fleetwood desk next to the registration area in the ground level foyer of the Albuquerque Convention Center.


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Información GeneralInformación GeneralInformación GeneralInformación General Escritorio de Información y Registro El escritorio de Información y Registro está localizado en el vestíbulo de la planta baja del Centro de Convenciones de Albuquerque. El registro se abrirá el miércoles a las 4:00 p.m., y el jueves, viernes y sábado a las 7:00 a.m.

Mensajes / Artículos perdidos y encontrados En caso de que el escritorio de Información reciba mensajes para asistentes a la conferencia, estos se colocarán en un tablero situado cerca de la zona de registro. Los Artículos perdidos y encontrados se colocarán también en la misma ubicación.

Exhibiciones Las exhibiciones estarán localizadas en la Sala de Exhibiciones en la parte Noroeste de la planta baja del Centro de Convenciones. Las horas de exhibición están publicadas en el programa de la Conferencia. Por favor, patrocine a todos nuestros expositores quienes ayudan al éxito de esta Semana de Estudio.

Gafetes Por favor, use el gafete con su nombre durante toda la Conferencia. Es su boleto de entrada a todas las presentaciones principales, talleres y eventos especiales.

Eucaristía Diaria y Salón de Oración La Eucaristía es celebrada diariamente a las 7:00 a.m., 12:10 p.m. y 5:30 p.m. en la Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción, 619 Copper Ave, NW, a solamente cuatro cuadras del Centro de Convenciones y del Hotel Hyatt (ver mapa en la página 10). Una sala de juntas para oración y meditación estará disponible en la parte Este del segundo piso en el Hotel Hyatt.

Recepción y Banquete La recepción del miércoles por la noche (en la sala de exhibiciones) y el banquete del viernes por la noche (en los salones B/C) están incluidos en el precio de inscripción de la semana completa, con excepción de las bebidas del bar. Se pueden comprar boletos adicionales para el banquete solamente. Si usted no va a utilizar su boleto para el banquete, favor de regresarlo al escritorio de registro para abrir el espacio a otros que deseen asistir y no cuentan con un asiento.

Transportación Habrá autobuses disponibles para la transportación para la Misa del jueves por la mañana en la parroquia del Santo Rosario. Los autobuses partirán de la entrada principal del Hotel Hyatt entre las 8:00 y las 8:15 a.m. Favor de seguir las instrucciones de los voluntarios de hospitalidad y transportación.

Servicio de Alimentos El desayuno, almuerzo y cena corren por cuenta propia de los asistentes en cada día, con la excepción del banquete para los asistentes que cuenten con boleto. Para su conveniencia, habrá vendedores de comida con diferentes opciones frías o calientes para desayuno y almuerzo que estarán abiertos en el salón de exhibiciones del Noroeste de las 7:00 a.m. a las 3:30 p.m. cada día.

Grabaciones Las grabaciones de la Conferencia son ofrecidas por la compañía Fleetwood Onsite Conference Recording. No todas las sesiones serán grabadas. En su paquete de registro se incluye una forma de pedido. Las grabaciones pueden comprarse en el escritorio de Fleetwood junto al área de Registro en el vestíbulo de la planta baja del Centro de Convenciones.

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Keynote Presentation and Plenary PresentationsKeynote Presentation and Plenary PresentationsKeynote Presentation and Plenary PresentationsKeynote Presentation and Plenary Presentations

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 (7:30pm)

Keynote Presentation The Paschal Mystery / El Misterio Pascual Dr. Jerry Galipeau will invite us to contemplate where we encounter the Paschal Mystery, how we open ourselves to that experience, and what happens when we

allow the Mystery to penetrate our very being. Dr. Jerry Galipeau sponsored by World Library Publications/J.S. Paluch

Thursday, January 17, 2013 (4:00pm)

Plenary Presentation Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas Listen / Escuchen Bishop Kicanas will challenge us to listen, to pay attention, to be aware of the Paschal Mystery that surrounds us, particularly through our participation in the Eucharistic Liturgy.

Friday, January 18, 2013 (9:30am)

Plenary Presentation Rev. Paul Turner I Will Tell You a Mystery / Les Voy a Contar un Misterio Rev. Paul Turner will turn our attention to the foundations of our faith in the Paschal Mystery, focusing on scripture and ritual experience.

Saturday, January 19, 2013 (9:30am & 11:15am) Plenary Presentation Dr. Timothy Matovina We Shall Be Changed / Todos Seremos Transformados This presentation will reflect on a few of the many ways the Eucharist can transform our daily lives and enable us to live more fully the Paschal Mystery we

celebrate. Esta presentación explica algunas de las muchas maneras que la eucaristía puede transformar nuestra vidas y ayudarnos a vivir aún más plenamente el Misterio Pascual que celebramos.

Mystagogical Reflection Join Pat Kerwin and Fr. James Burkart as they invite us to remember and savor the liturgical experience, to allow the Mystery to penetrate our minds and hearts, and to be changed by its power.

Reflexión Mistagógica Acompañemos a Pat Kerwin y al Padre James Burkart mientras nos invitan a recordar y saborear la experiencia litúrgica, para permitir que el Misterio penetre nuestras mentes y corazones, y seamos transformados por su poder.

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Opening Prayer / Oración de Apertura (Kiva Auditorium)

4:00pm Registration Opens 7:00pm Gathering Prayer / Welcome (KIVA Auditorium) Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan, STL, JCD, Archbishop of Santa Fe

Wednesday, January 16, 2012Wednesday, January 16, 2012Wednesday, January 16, 2012Wednesday, January 16, 2012

Call to Worship

Native American Flute (Kevin Newman) African Drum (Bill and Luanne Slough) Proclamation of the Archdiocese “We take pride in calling the Archdiocese of Santa Fe our home and we open our doors, extend our hands, and as a people of God, laity, priests, religious and friends, we welcome you. As we share reflections on the Paschal Mystery, may we have a strengthened commit-ment to God and one another. “We are all called upon to promote enthusiastically and act upon the renewed vision of our local church. We, the faithful, are called to continue our journey together in Christ by a faith-filled commitment to building up the Body of Christ in each of our parishes.” Proclamación de la Arquidiócesis “Estamos orgullosos de llamar a la Arquidiócesis de Santa Fe nuestro hogar y abrimos nuestras puertas, extendemos nuestras manos, y como pueblo de Dios, laicos, sacerdotes, religiosos y amigos, les damos la bienvenida. Esperamos que al compartir juntos algunas reflexiones sobre el Misterio Pascual, podamos fortalecer nuestro compromiso hacia Dios y entre nosotros. “Todos hemos sido llamados a promover con entusiasmo y a participar en la renovada visión de nuestra iglesia local. Nosotros, los fieles, somos llamados a continuar nuestra jornada juntos en Cristo por un compromiso de fe para edificar el Cuerpo de Cristo en cada una de nuestras parroquias.” Gathering Rite / Rito Inicial

Invitatory / Invocación Presider: God, come to my assistance. Dios mío, ven en mi auxilio. Assembly: Lord, make haste to help me. Señor, date prisa en socorrerme.

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Hymn / Himno

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Be seated/ Sentados

Psalmody / Salmodia

Psalm Prayer / Oración Archbishop: Let us pray / Oremos... Tú nos creaste, Oh Señor, y te pertenecemos; somos tuyos tanto por naturaleza como por gracia; con cantos de alabanza y acción de gracias venimos ante tu presencia con gozo y alegría, Bendito sea tu santo Nombre, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, ahora y para siempre, por los siglos de los siglos. All: Amen Reading / Lectura (Proclaimed by Shirley Zuni) I Corinthians 15: 51-52, 58 I corintios 15:51-52, 58 Les voy a revelar una cosa secreta: No todos moriremos, pero todos seremos transformados, en un instante, en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, cuando toque la trompeta. Pues cuando toque la trompeta, los muertos resuci-tarán tales que ya no puedan morir y nosotros seremos transformados. Así, pues, hermanos míos muy ama-dos, sigan firmes y no se dejen extraviar. Progresen siempre en la obra del Señor, sabiendo que él no deja sacrificios sin premio.

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Stand / De pie Response / Responsorio

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Lord’s Prayer / Padre Nuestro Concluding Prayer / Oración Conclusiva Archbishop: Father, You called your people to be your Church. As we gather together in your name, May we love, honor and follow you To eternal life in the kingdom you promise. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever and ever. All: Amen Blessing / Bendición Archbishop: The Lord be with you. El Señor esté con ustedes. All: And with your Spirit. Y con espíritu.

Archbishop: Que la Paz de Dios, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento, mantenga nuestros corazones y mentes en el conocimiento y amor de Dios, y de su Hijo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo. All: Amen.

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Blessing / Bendición Archbishop: And may the blessing of almighty God, The Father, and the Son + and the Holy Spirit, Come down on you and remain with your for ever. All: Amen. Sign of Peace / La Paz Be seated/ Sentados

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan, STL, JCD Archbishop of Santa Fe

Sister Lois J. Paha, O.P.

President, Southwest Liturgical Conference Board of Directors

7:30pm Keynote Presentation Dr. Jerry Galipeau “The Paschal Mystery / El Misterio Pascual” 9:00 p.m. Welcome Reception

Welcome / BienvenidosWelcome / BienvenidosWelcome / BienvenidosWelcome / Bienvenidos

Immaculate Conception Church * 619 Copper Ave NW * Albuquerque, NM 87102

Map / walking directions from Hyatt Hotel to Immaculate Conception Church: Head west on Tijeras Ave to 5th Street. Turn left (south) onto 5th Street. Go 1 block and turn right (west) onto Copper Ave. Immaculate Conception Church is on the NW corner of Copper Ave & 6th Street.

Daily Mass Schedule 7:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 5:30 p.m.

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Breakout Sessions A / Sesiones de Talleres A * 2:15 p.m.—3:30 p.m.

A1 Co-Workers in the Vineyard Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas & Sr. Lois Paha, OP Discover the ways in which ordained & non-ordained ministers work together.

A2 Finding Hope in Grief: The Ministry of Consolation Rev. Robert Campbell, O.Praem. Identify ways to minister to those who grieve the loss of a loved one.

A3 Reconciliation as Our Baptismal Call Rev. Cliff Jacobson Examine the Sacrament of Reconciliation as a communal call to forgiveness

A4 More than Words: Liturgical Space, Images and Movement Dr. Eileen D. Crowley Explore how space, images and movement shape our experience of liturgy.

A5 Liturgy and Devotions Msgr. Jerome Martinez Y Alire Uncover the relationship between communal liturgical celebrations and private devotional practices.

A6 Multicultural Liturgies: The Continuing Dialogue Br. Rufino Zaragoza, OFM Identify and apply the principles of working with a culturally diverse faith community.

A7 Bl. Pope John XXIII and the Spirituality of Vatican II Dr. Timothy Mullner—Sponsored by Faith Journeys Re-discover the spirituality and ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council.

A8 El Papel de la Asamblea en la Liturgia Rev. Sr. Obispo Ricardo Ramirez, CSB, DD Descubra como promover la participacion plena, consciente y active en su comunidad de fe.

3:30pm Break / Exhibits NW Exhibit Hall

4:00pm Plenary Address (Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas) Kiva Auditorium

Listen / Escuchen

5:15pm Dinner on your own / Free Evening

Thursday, January 17, 2013Thursday, January 17, 2013Thursday, January 17, 2013Thursday, January 17, 2013


7:00am Registration Ground Level Atrium 8:15am Buses depart for Mass Hyatt Hotel Main Entrance

9:00am Study Week Eucharistic Liturgy Holy Rosary Church

10:30am Break Holy Rosary Family Center

11:00am Mystagogical Reflection (Mrs. Pat Kerwin) Holy Rosary Church

12:00pm Buses depart for Convention Center Holy Rosary Church 12:30pm Entertainment (St. Pius Alumni Choir) NW Exhibit Hall 12:30pm Lunch (on your own) / Exhibits NW Exhibit Hall 1:00pm Music Showcase (Good For the Soul Music) Kiva Auditorium 1:00pm Pecha Kucha Centro del Sol

2:15pm Breakout Sessions A See Below

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Breakout Sessions B / Sesiones de Talleres B * 11:15 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

B1 A Year of Grace: Living the Liturgical Year Ms. Trish Vanni—Sponsored by Liturgical Press Examine ways to take the Eucharist beyond the walls of the church into daily living.

B2 Music Planning for the Liturgical Year Dr. Dolores Martinez Learn how music can enhance our experience of the liturgical year.

B3 Inspired Catechesis: A Method and Model Dr. Jerry Galipeau—Sponsored by World Library Publications / J.S. Paluch Discuss ways to use the four-fold dimension of Christian formation from the RCIA as a whole-parish approach to catechesis.

B4 The Ministry of Cantor Ms. Michelle Hernandez Abeyta—Sponsored by World Library Publications / J.S. Paluch Learn vocal basics and uncover the ministerial role of the Cantor at liturgy.

B5 Icons and Sacred Art: 63 Years of Contemplating Rev. William H. McNichols Enter the mystery of the icon and learn techniques for meditation and prayer with sacred images.

B6 Catholic School Teachers: May I Have Your Attention, Please! Mr. Daniel Girardot Catholic School Teachers, enhance your spiritual journey by walking and living in the Paschal Mystery

B7 A New Year’s Resolution to Strengthen Catholic Identity

Mrs. Terry Cotting-Morgan—Sponsored by Pflaum Publishing Group Learn how to integrate the liturgical seasons into classroom prayers, teaching, and activities.

B8 Mystagogical Preaching (for Priests and Deacons) Rev. Paul Turner Prepare and preach homilies that both comfort and challenge your faith community.

B9 We Pray What We Believe: Collects of the Roman Missal Rev. Leon Strieder Contemplate the revised texts of the Roman Missal collects for Lent & Easter, their proclamation & meaning.

B10 Preparing and Celebrating the Funeral Liturgy Rev. Timothy Martinez Explore the funeral liturgy and discover the Paschal Mystery we celebrate in these rites.

B11 Building Bridges: Preparing Youth to Celebrate Liturgy Well Ms. Leota Roesch Learn the skills to help young people participate fully and actively in the liturgy.

B12 Social Justice and the Classroom Ms. Anna Huth

Ready to help your students and walk the walk as well as talk the talk of the Gospel call? Delve into principles & practices of the Church’s social mission, and best practices & resources for implementing that mission in your classroom.

Friday, January 18, 2013Friday, January 18, 2013Friday, January 18, 2013Friday, January 18, 2013

Schedule 7:00am Daily Mass (see map on pg.10) I.C. Church (619 Copper Ave NW) 7:00am Registration / Exhibits Ground Level Atrium / NW Exhibit

8:30am Morning Prayer Kiva Auditorium

9:00am Mystagogical Reflection (Mrs. Pat Kerwin) Kiva Auditorium

9:30am Plenary Address (Rev. Paul Turner) Kiva Auditorium

I Will Tell You a Mystery / Les Voy a Contar un Misterio

10:45am Break / Exhibits NW Exhibit Hall

11:15am Breakout Sessions B See Below

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Breakout Sessions C / Sesiones de Talleres C * 2:15 p.m.—3:30 p.m.

C1 The Role of the Assembly at Liturgy Mr. Timothy Johnston Discover how to encourage full, conscious and active participation in your faith community.

C2 Liturgy Committee Basics Dr. Dolly Sokol Learn the who, what, why, and how of forming and working with a parish liturgy committee.

C3 The Ever-Shifting Lens of Intercultural Music Making Br. Rufino Zaragoza, OSF Explore the concepts of intercultural music making and building relationships.

C4 Recognizing and Embracing the Gifts of the Baptized Ms. Michelle Lobato-Abeyta—Sponsored by World Library Publications / J.S. Paluch Uncover the talents of your parishioners and learn how to encourage their ministerial gifts.

C5 Faith Sharing with Children and Youth Ms. Mary Ann Holland, MRE, M.Ed. Share your faith story in ways that engage and inspire children and youth.

C6 Celebrating the Rites of the RCIA Rev. Paul Turner Examine the rites of the RCIA, their preparation and celebration.

C7 Sacramental Moments for Evangelization Rev. Scott Brubaker Identify how various sacramental celebrations can become moments of evangelization for the entire community.

C8 Celebrating the Rite of Marriage Mr. Paul Covino Explore the Rite of Marriage and best practices for the celebration of the sacrament.

C9 Living the Mystery: Deacons Attending, Engaging, Transforming the World Mr. Daniel Girardot Explore how to live a mystagogical life as a deacon.

C10 Cantemos al Señor Sr. Pedro Rubalcava—Patrocinado por Oregon Catholic Press Descubra los principios del ministerio musical en este documento y como aplicarlos.

C11 Social Justice and the Classroom Ms. Anna Huth

Delve into principles & practices of the Church’s social mission, and best practices & resources for implementing that mission in your classroom.

C12 Introduction to Vatican II Ms. Michelle Montez

This workshop will explore the meaning of church through the images offered in Scripture & the Documents of Vatican II. Participants will get an overview of the Vatican II Council that took place from October 1962 to December 1965, the church today in sacramental life, liturgy, dignity of the baptized and social concerns and awareness.

Friday, January 18, 2013 (con’t)Friday, January 18, 2013 (con’t)Friday, January 18, 2013 (con’t)Friday, January 18, 2013 (con’t)


12:30pm Entertainment (St. Pius Liturgical Choir) Lower Level Atrium 12:30pm Lunch (on your own) / Exhibits NW Exhibit Hall 1:00pm Music Showcase (Oregon Catholic Press) Kiva Auditorium 1:00pm Pecha Kucha Centro del Sol

2:15pm Breakout Sessions C See Below

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Breakout Sessions D / Sesiones de Talleres D * 4:00 p.m.—5:30 p.m.

D1 Hearing and Proclaiming the Word Dr. Eileen D. Crowley Discover what helps and hinders good proclamation, and explore how the Word is perceived by the listening


D2 Say What? De-Coding Religious Language Rev. Scott Brubaker Explore religious & liturgical language, & learn how to help parishioners understand the words we use.

D3 Building Bridges: Preparing Youth to Celebrate Liturgy Well Ms. Leota Roesch Learn the skills to help young people participate fully and actively in the liturgy.

D4 Hispanic Music Ministry for Beginners Mr. Peter Kolar—Sponsored by World Library Publications / J.S. Paluch Discover practical tips for working with Hispanic choirs, voices, instruments, rhythms and styles.

D5 The Church’s Best Kept Secret: Liturgy of the Hours in Parish Life Mr. Timothy Johnston Uncover the structure of the Liturgy of the Hours and tips for praying the hours as a community.

D6 Shaped by the Word: Praying With Scripture Dr. Joanne Dupont-Sandoval Discover the richness of scripture and learn how to meditate on the Word of God in personal and communal


D7 Preparing Parents for the Baptism of their Children Rev. Cliff Jacobson Learn key tips for helping parents prepare for baptism and raising their children in the faith of the Church.

D8 After the Honeymoon: Ministry to Newlyweds Rev. James Burkart Welcome newlyweds into the community and engage them in parish life.

D9 We Pray What We Believe: Eucharistic Prayers of the Roman Missal Rev. Leon Strieder Reflect on the revised texts of the Eucharistic Prayers of the Roman Missal, their proclamation and meaning.

D10 Planificación Musical para el Ano Litúrgico Sr. Rudy Lopez—Patrocinado por Oregon Catholic Press Aprenda como la música acrecienta nuestra experiencia de los tiempos litúrgicas.

Friday, January 18, 2013 (con’t)Friday, January 18, 2013 (con’t)Friday, January 18, 2013 (con’t)Friday, January 18, 2013 (con’t)


3:30pm Break / Exhibits NW Exhibit Hall 3:30pm Entertainment (Laguna Pueblo Drummers) Lower Level Atrium

4:00pm Breakout Sessions D See Below

5:30pm Local Artist Exhibits Upper Level Atrium 5:30pm Cocktails / Cash Bar Upper Level Atrium 7:00pm Banquet Ballroom B/C 8:30pm Fiesta / Baile (Son Como Son) Ballroom B/C

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Breakout Sessions E / Sesiones de Talleres E (English / Ingles) * 9:30 a.m.—10:45 a.m.

E1 Liturgy Basics Mrs. Pat Kerwin Explore the basic principles of liturgical preparation and celebration as outlined in the Constitution on the

Sacred Liturgy.

E2 Sing to the Lord Mr. Pedro Rubalcava—Sponsored by Oregon Catholic Press Discover the principles of music ministry in this documents and how to apply them.

E3 Building Bridges: Preparing Youth to Celebrate Liturgy Well Ms. Leota Roesch *Repeat of D3*

E4 Noble Simplicity: Creating Liturgical Environment Mr. Kenneth Griesemer and Mr. Robert Habiger Learn how to apply the principle of noble simplicity to create and environment for worship.

E5 Taste and Sing: The Psalms in Liturgy Mr. Peter Kolar—Sponsored by World Library Publications/J.S. Paluch Discover the many ways psalms can be used in the liturgy.

E6 De-Mystifying Mystagogy in the RCIA Dr. Jerry Galipeau—Sponsored by World Library Publications/J.S. Paluch Explore the vision and principles for this final period of the RCIA process.

E7 Celebrating the Rite of Marriage Mr. Paul Covino Explore the Rite of Marriage and best practices for the celebration of this sacrament.

E8 Quince Años: Celebrating the Gift of Life Sr. Guadalupe Ramirez, MCDP Discover the richness of this cultural tradition and reflect on the prayers, symbols, music and ritual.

E9 The Benefits of Effective Ministry Scheduling Maxwell Garcia Learn how to save time and grow ministry participation with effective ministry scheduling.

Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013

Schedule / Schedule

7:00am Daily Mass (see map on pg.10) I.C. Church (619 Copper Ave NW) 7:00am Registration / Registro Ground Level Atrium 7:00am Exhibits / Exhibiciones NW Exhibit Hall

8:30am Morning Prayer / Oración de la Mañana Kiva Auditorium

9:00am Mystagogical Reflection (Fr. James Burkhart) Kiva Auditorium

Reflexión Mistagógica (Padre James Burkhart) Kiva Auditorium

9:30am Presentación Plenaria (Dr. Timothy Matovina) Kiva Auditorium

Todos Seremos Transformados

9:30am Breakout Sessions E / Sesiones de Talleres E See Below / See Below

10:45am Break & Exhibits / Descanso y Exhibiciones NW Exhibit Hall

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Breakout Sessions F / Sesiones de Talleres F (Spanish/Español) * 11:15 a.m.—12:30 p.m.

F1 Liturgia Básica Dra. Dolores Martínez Explore los principios básicos de la preparación y celebración litúrgica delineada en la Constitución de la

Sagrada Liturgia.

F2 Música Ritual: Bodas, Funerales, Quinceañeras Sr. Pedro Rubalcava—Patrocinado por Oregon Catholic Press Aprenda como seleccionar la música apropiada para varias celebraciones litúrgicas.

F3 Estén Despiertos y Orando: Respuesta al Mandato Divino de Orar Siempre Rev. Heliodoro Lucatero Descubra la estructura de la Liturgia de las Horas y sugerencias para rezar las horas comunitariamente en

su parroquia.

F4 Las Fiestas de Año Litúrgico se Siembran en el Hogar Hermana Guadalupe Ramirez, mcdp Abra las puertas de su hogar a los misterios de nuestra fe que se celebran durante el año litúrgico.

F5 La Liturgia y la Juventud Hermana Marisa Lopez, FdCC Obtenga ideas practicas para involucrar a la juventud en la liturgia.

F6 Los Diáconos: Viviendo el Misterio Rev. Richard Vega Explore como llevar una vida mistagógica cómo diácono.

F7 Después de la Luna de Miel: Ministerio para los Recién Casados Rev. James Burkart Explorar formas de involucrar a los que recientemente han celebrado el sacramento del matrimonio en la

vida de la parroquia.

F8 La Preparación y la Celebración de la Liturgia de Funeral Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz Examine el Rito del Funeral Cristiano y la mejores practicas para la preparación y celebración de esto ritos.

12:30pm Lunch (on your own) / Almuerzo (por su cuenta) 12:30pm Exhibits / Exhibiciones NW Exhibit Hall 12:30pm Entertainment (St. Thomas Contemporary Choir) Lower Level Atrium 1:00pm Music Showcase (World Library Publications) Kiva Auditorium

Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013

Schedule / Schedule

11:15am Plenary Address (Dr. Timothy Matovina) Kiva Auditorium

We Shall Be Changed

11:15am Breakout Sessions F / Sesiones de Talleres F See Below / See Below

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Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013

Schedule / Schedule

2:15pm Breakout Sessions G / Sesiones de Talleres G See Below / See Below

Breakout Sessions G / Sesiones de Talleres G * 2:15 p.m.—3:30 p.m.

G1 Engaging Couples in Wedding Preparation Mr. Paul Covino Learn how to engage couples in the preparation and celebration of their wedding liturgy.

G2 Liturgy Basics Mrs. Pat Kerwin *Repeat of E1*

G3 Baptized into the Faith of the Community Rev. James Burkart Examine ways to welcome families of the newly baptized and engage them in parish life.

G4 The Ministry of Cantor Ms. Michelle Hernandez Abeyta—Sponsored by World Library Publications/J.S.Paluch *Repeat of B4*

G5 Faith Sharing with Children and Youth Ms. Mary Ann Holland, MRE, M.Ed. *Repeat of C5*

G6 Catechists Living the Mystery: “Transformers” and Heroes of the Faith Mr. Daniel Girardot Contemplate your life in mystery and enhance your ability to share your faith with your students.

G7 RCIA: Breaking Open the Word / RICA: El Partir y Abrir la Palabra Rev. Richard Vega Explore the significance of breaking open the Word, and resources to help. Explore el significado del partir la Palabra y abrirla y recursos de apoyo.

G8 El Vivir la Palabra Rev. Javier Gutierrez Descubra como vivir completamente la palabra de Dios proclamada en la liturgia.

G9 Música para el Año Litúrgico Sr. Rudy Lopez—Patrocinado por Oregon Catholic Press *Repetir de D10*

G10 La Liturgia y la Juventud Hermana Marisa Lopez, FdCC *Repetir de F5*

3:30pm Break & Exhibits / Descanso y Exhibiciones NW Exhibit Hall 3:30pm Entertainment (Tewa Women’s Choir) Lower Level Atrium

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Breakout Sessions H / Sesiones de Talleres H * 4:00 p.m.—5:15 p.m.

H1 Liturgy Committee Basics Dr. Dolly Sokol *Repeat of C2*

H2 Sharing the Lord in Liturgy and Life Sr. Lois Paha, OP Discover the spiritual joy of sharing the Lord in Holy Communion and daily life.

H3 Redemptive Suffering: How Catholics Deal with Illness Rev. Robert Campbell, O.Praem. Explore the Catholic understanding of sickness and suffering, and rituals for those who are ill.

H4 More than Words: Liturgical Space, Images and Movement Dr. Eileen Crowley *Repeat of A4*

H5 Preparing Children to be Active Assembly Members Mrs. Terry Cotting-Mogan—Sponsored by Pflaum Publishing Group Learn to help children become full, conscious, active participants in liturgy.

H6 Comprehensive Youth Ministry / El Ministerio Juvenil Comprensivo Holy Rosary Youth Leadership Team / Equipo Juvenil de Liderazgo del Sto. Rosario Gain practical tips for working with youth and engaging them in parish life. Adquiera sugerencias practicas para trabajar con la juventud y atraerlos a la vida parroquial.

H7 El Ministerio del Cantor Ms. Damaris Thillet Aprenda lo básico del canto y descubra el papel ministerial del cantor en la liturgia.

H8 Expresiones Populares de la Fe: Tesoros y Desafíos Dr. Timothy Matovina Este taller examinará los tesoros que son las devociones populares hispanas.

H9 Quince Años: Celebrando el Don de la Vida Hermana Guadalupe Ramirez, mdcp Descubra la riqueza de la tradición cultural de los Quince Años.

H10 RICA y la Mistagogia Rev. Richard Vega Descubra como atraer a sus neófitos en esta etapa importante del RICA.

Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Saturday, January 19, 2013 / Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013Sabado, 2013 de Enero 2013

Schedule / Schedule

4:00pm Breakout Sessions H / Sesiones de Talleres H See Below / See Below

5:15pm Closing Prayer / Closing Prayer

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Rev. Scott Brubaker has been a priest of the Diocese of Phoenix for 30 years. He studied for ordained minis-try at The Catholic University of America. He also obtained an M.A. in Pastoral Liturgy from the University of Santa Clara. Fr. Scott served as Vicar of Worship for his diocese for 13 years. He has taught classes and conducted workshops throughout the country, and especially in the Southwest, promoting the implementation of the liturgical renewal called for by Vatican II. He served as president of The Southwest Liturgical Confer-

ence for six years and is presently in his tenth year as pastor of St. Bridget Roman Catholic Parish in Mesa, AZ. Rev. James Burkart grew up in southeast Texas and is a priest of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. He was ordained in 1993. He received a bachelor degree from the University of Houston in Drama in 1987, a Mas-ter of Divinity Degree from the University Thomas in 1993, a Master of Arts Degree in Systematic Theology from the University of St. Thomas in 1995 and a Master of Arts Degree in Liturgical Studies from the University of Notre Dame in 2004. He is the chairperson of the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission and pastor of St. Luke

the Evangelist Parish in Houston. Rev. Robert Campbell, O. Praem. is Associate Pastor of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Catholic Commu-nity and Vocations Director for the Norbertine Abbey of Santa Maria de la Vid, both in Albuquerque. He earned a master’s degree in education and taught autistic adolescents at a school for the deaf/blind founded by Helen Keller. His educational career took him from New York to Boston to the Green Mountains of Vermont to highly fulfilling work with developmentally disabled adults in Miami, Florida, and finally as Chair of the Theology De-

partment at St. Pius X High School in Albuquerque. In his most recent ministry as Chaplain at Presbyterian Hospital, as he visited with Catholic patients, he saw their need for the sacraments as part of their healing. Fr. Bob believes that severe illness challenges our spirit as well as our body. Eucharist, reconciliation, and anointing of the sick are integral components of the healing process, and he has seen the power of these sacraments in action.

Terry Cotting-Mogan is currently the West Coast Regional Manager for Pflaum Publishing Group. Terry has ministered for over 30 years at the parish, school, and diocesan levels. She served as campus minister and religion coordinator for a Catholic school for 13 years, where she coordinated over 18 children’s liturgies a year. Terry holds a B.A. in Theology from Marquette University and a M.S. in Management with an emphasis upon youth leadership development in ministry. Mr. Paul Covino works with parishes, dioceses, national organizations and liturgical publishers as teacher, workshop leader, liturgical coordinator and author. A graduate of the Masters program in Liturgical Research at the University of Notre Dame, he was Associate Director of the Georgetown Center for Liturgy in Washington, D.C. from 1981 to 1989, and then a member of the Center’s adjunct faculty until 2010. Currently, he is Associ-ate Chaplain and Director of Liturgy at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Paul is the editor and principal author of Celebrating Marriage (published by Pastoral Press, a division of Oregon Catho-lic Press), a popular wedding planning workbook for engaged couples. He wrote the leader’s guide and served as con-sultant for the videotape Our Catholic Wedding (published by Liturgy Training Publications). He has published articles in Commonweal, Origins, Liturgy 90, Today’s Parish, Pastoral Music, Christian Initiation Resources, Today’s Liturgy, As-sembly, Worship, Modern Liturgy and Homily Service, and chapters in several books and encyclopedias. In 2000, Paul received the Cardinal Wright Award from the Diocese of Worcester for service to the Church in and beyond the diocese.

Dr. Eileen Crowley speaks and teaches on communication skills for ministry; body language in worship; the sacraments of initiation and reconciliation; lay leadership of prayer and preaching; shaping places for worship through liturgical art and church architecture; Christian patterns of daily communal prayer; and the liturgies of and preaching during Holy Week. Within her teaching she encourages students to incorporate in their projects a variety of visual and performing arts, including photography, video, music, and multimedia installation art.

Crowley is author of A Moving Word: Media Art in Worship(Augsburg, 2006); Liturgical Art for a Media Culture (Liturgical Press, 2007); Testing the Fruits: Aesthestics as Applied to Liturgical Media Art (UTS dissertation, 2002), as well as of essays on worship, theology, and the arts. A liturgist and an award-winning media producer, Dr. Crowley brings her unique background, skills, and perspective on these topics to classes, lectures, and workshops that she presents locally, regionally, and nationally. For liturgical churches, she is the leading advocate of a new way of thinking about media in worship, that is, as locally, communally produced liturgical media art, rather than as presentation technology or pur-chased audiovisual support. She is a member and has been an officer of the ecumenical, inter-faith North American Academy of Liturgy. She also belongs to the Catholic Academy of Liturgy, the Society for the Arts in Religious and Theo-logical Studies, the Notre Dame Center for Pastoral Liturgy Network, the American Academy of Religion, the Catholic Theological Society of America, and the Association of Practical Theologians.

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Dr. Joanne Dupont Sandoval is the Executive Secretary of the Santuario de Chimayo and Coordinator of the Caminos de Fe Formation for Ministry Program for the Archdioceses of Santa Fe. She holds degrees in Liturgical Studies (M.A., St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN) and Religious/Biblical Studies (Ph.D., Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI). She also has a Certificate in Spiritual Direction from the Franciscan Spirituality Center, La Crosse, WI. Some of her ministry positions include faculty of the Ecumenical Institute

for Ministry (NM), Institute in Pastoral Ministries (St. Mary’s University of Minnesota), and St. Norbert College (WI) MTS New Mexico program. Dr. Sandoval is a workshop presenter, spiritual director, retreat Director and former member of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Liturgical Commission.

Dr. Jerry Galipeau is Vice President and Chief Publishing Officer at World Library Publications and the J.S. Paluch Company, in Franklin Park, Illinois. Before coming to World Library, he served for fifteen years as Director of Liturgy and Music at parishes in Florida and Illinois. Jerry presents keynotes and workshops throughout the United States and Canada on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, liturgical spirituality, ritual music, evangelization, and adult spiritual formation. Past chair of the Board of Directors of the North American

Forum on the Catechumenate, Jerry has been a frequent team member for Forum's institutes. A popular parish mission presenter and retreat leader, he earned the Doctor of Ministry with a concentration in liturgical studies from Catholic Theological Union at Chicago in 1999. His popular blog, “Gotta Sing, Gotta Pray” focuses on issues that pertain to music, liturgy, Christian initiation, and the new translation of the Roman Missal. Jerry's books, recording, and composi-tions are published by World Library Publications.

Maxwell Garcia is a Partner at Rotunda Software, publishers of Ministry Scheduler Pro. Mr. Garcia has eight years of expertise in helping parishes overcome common scheduling challenges and increasing active participation through effective ministry scheduling. Daniel Girardot, in his 30th year as Director of Liturgy and Music at St. Theresa Catholic Church, Austin, TX, is a liturgist, spiritual director, pastoral musician, husband and father of three adult children. He has a B.M.Ed. from U.T. Austin; M.A. Theology in Liturgical Studies from University of Notre Dame, post-graduate studies in Spiritual Direction and is in the project treatise phase of the Doctor of Ministry program at the Catholic Univer-sity of America. He is an associate member of the Southwest Liturgical Conference Board of Directors. He is

a 26 year member of the Liturgical Commission and the Music Committee, and teaches in the Institute for Spiritual Direction, Ministry Formation and the Diaconal Studies program for the Diocese of Austin. He gives retreats and work-shops for parishes & dioceses throughout the U.S. & strives to live every day open to the mysteries & surprises of God.

Ken Griesemer has 25+ years of experience as a liturgical design consultant. His activities include RCIA and Liturgy at his parish in Albuquerque, and the Liturgical Commission of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Ken is an associate board member of the SWLC, and past president of the Association of Consultants for Liturgical Space. He completed architectural studies at the University of Cincinnati (1978), and the certificate program at the Institute for Liturgical Consultants, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago (1993). Ken has conducted numerous workshops across the country focused on the environment for liturgy and devotion. Rev. Javier Gutierrez, S.F. was born in Bogota, Colombia, South America. He was ordained on 1991 and is part of the religious Order of the Sons of the Holy Family. He was pastor in Bogota and Medellín, Colombia from 1991 to 2004. He has extensive experience with youth and families, as well as liturgical preparation of lectors and servants of the altar. He has worked in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe since 2005. He is currently the Pastor of Holy Cross Church at Santa Cruz, NM.

Robert Habiger is an Associate of Dekker/Perich/Sabatini and directs the religious practice area for the firm. In that role he serves as principal-in-charge, project manager, design architect and/or liturgical design consultant. A registered architect since 1975, he currently holds architectural licenses from Arizona, Colorado, Kansas and New Mexico. In 1991 Robert completed the Institute for Liturgical Consultants program, adminis-tered by Catholic Theological Union and Archdiocese of Chicago. His additional education background includes

Bachelors and Masters of Architecture degrees from Kansas State University. He has over 40 years experience with all types of architecture, with an emphasis in ecclesiastical projects. His projects are known for their participatory design process and creative design solutions. A thorough understanding of liturgy and environmental psychology are central to his design philosophy. He resides in Albuquerque, NM, is married, the Father of five children and a Grandfather of three.

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Ms. Mary Ann Holland, MRE, M.Ed. currently teaches Pre-K at Holy Ghost School in Albuquerque. Her re-sponsibilities include Sacramental catechesis for parents and catechist training. Formerly, she was the Direc-tor of Catechesis in the Office of Religious Education for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Youth Leadership Team is a group of young men and women who have committed themselves to growing in their faith and serving their commu-nity. Under the guidance of Michelle Montez, Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at Holy Rosary Catholic Community, these young people have developed a deep aware-ness of God’s presence in their lives, and a desire to share their faith with their families and peers. In addition to their work in youth ministry, this group of young women and men serve in a variety of ministries, including parish liturgy and music, outreach and evangelization, Taizé prayer, and leading youth retreats throughout the Archdiocese of Santa Fe.

Anna C. Huth holds a M.Div. degree from Oblate School of Theology and a B.A. degree from St. Mary's University. Ms. Huth joined CRS Southwest in May 2006 after serving for more than three decades in pastoral ministry, pastoral administration and community development, with particular emphases on retreat and work-shop leadership and the Church's call to solidarity. She is responsible for outreach and formation in the western area of CRS Southwest, comprised of the dioceses in Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and

Wyoming (USCCB Region XIII). Ms. Huth also assists in the ongoing development of education and formation activities throughout the region and has primary responsibilities for coordination of media work and speaker tours. Ms. Huth is based in Albuquerque, NM.

Fr. Cliff Jacobson is a priest of the Diocese of Cheyenne and is currently serving as pastor of St. Matthew's Catholic Church in Gillette, WY. Fr. Cliff holds a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the University of Wyo-ming and a M.Div. and Master's of Arts in Theology with a focus on liturgy and sacraments from the St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity, University of St. Thomas. He represents of Diocese of Cheyenne on the South-west Liturgical Conference Board of Directors and is treasurer of SWLC.

Timothy Johnston has been involved in liturgical ministry at various levels for 25 years. He is currently the Director of Liturgical Programs at Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. Formerly, he served as Director of the Office of Liturgy for the Diocese of Salt Lake City and as a member of the board of the Southwest Liturgi-cal Conference. Timothy has also ministered as a pastoral musician, catechist, and as a high school theology teacher. Timothy completed an MA in Liturgical Studies at Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota. Mrs. Pat Kerwin is a pastoral liturgist with over thirty years experience in diocesan and parish liturgical ministry. She served as Director of the Office of Worship in Houston for fifteen years and is a member of the Southwest Liturgical Conference Board of Directors. Currently, Pat serves as Director of Spirituality in Ministry for the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. Pat earned an MA in Liturgical Studies at the University of Notre Dame, an MRE from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, and a B.A. from Incarnate Word College in San Antonio, TX.

Most Reverend Gerald F. Kicanas, D.D, Ph.D. Bishop Kicanas became the Ordinary of the Diocese of Tucson in March, 2003 after being assigned as Coadjutor Bishop in October 2001. Bishop Kicanas was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1967 and served in various capacities in the Archdiocese’s seminary system for more than 25 years. His educational accomplishments include a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, an M.Ed. in Guidance and

Counseling from Loyola University, and a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, IL. Principal among his pastoral interests are vocations, the permanent diaconate, and encouragement of lay ministry. Bishop Kicanas is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Catholic Relief Services and a member of the Administra-tive Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. He is a former vice president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and has served as Secretary of the Conference, chair of the Communications Committee, the Diaconate Committee, and the Subcommittee for Lay Ecclesial Ministry. He has served as a member of the Conference’s Communications, Migration, Laity, Liturgy, Priestly Formation, and Doctrine Committees. He has been a member of the Conference’s National Advisory Council. In 2008 Bishop Kicanas received the Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Award and in 2010 he was the recipient of an honorary Doctorate in Humanities from Lewis University. In 2011, the University of Notre Dame in South Bend conferred the honorary Doctor of Laws degree on Bishop Kicanas and mentioned the partnership in the Diocese of Tucson with Notre Dame's Alliance for Catholic Education for the establishment of the first three ACE Academies in the U.S.

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Peter Kolar is the Senior Editor of Hispanic Resources for World Library Publications and J. S. Paluch Company. An accomplished pianist and composer, he recently released a solo piano CD, Variations, featuring classical arrangements of sacred hymns. His bilingual mass setting, Misa Luna, has gained acclaim and is sung nationwide. Peter holds a Master’s degree in music composition from Northwestern University and sits on the board of directors for the Southwest Liturgical Conference. He resides with his wife and daughters in

El Paso, TX, where he is the Music Ministry Formation Coordinator for the Tepeyac Institute and the Director of the El Paso Diocesan Choir.

Michelle Hernandez Abeyta began her 28 years of ministry in music as Choir director, cantor and liturgist in Pueblo, CO and continued in the Diocese of Colorado Springs, CO. Michelle began to fill a need for Spanish and bilingual sacred music in her own parish community. She integrated her life-long study of preservation of Hispanic folk music of the southwest, as well as her liturgical study, into Catholic worship, composing bilingual psalms and songs. Her Psalm compositions are published by WLP in the worship resource, Celebremos and as

part of the bilingual Psalm collection, Aclama Tierra Entera, Sing All you Lands. Michelle has wide recognition for her work in folk music of the southwest region, nominated by the National Endowment for the Arts National Treasure Award and is the recipient of the Distinguished Folk Artist Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010 – Premio Hilos Culturales. Michelle’s life experiences in secular and sacred music are recognized in the Chicano Studies text book, Enduring Legacies (CU Press), by Dr. Peter Garcia, Professor of Ethnomusicology and native of Albuquerque, N.M. Her experience as a pastoral musician, choir director and cantor has led her to the privilege of training cantors and pastoral musicians throughout the region in their music ministry.

Sr. Marisa Lopez, FdCC is a Canossian Sister from the congregation of Daughters of Charity, Servants of the Poor. She has a specialty in Neuropsychology of Learning and Master's in Education from Instituto Tecnologico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. Sr. Marisa serves in a Hispanic community as a Director of Religious Education and Youth and Young Adult Ministry at San José Parish in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe in Albuquerque, NM. She has over twenty years of experience in diocesan and parish youth ministry. Sr. Marisa

serves also as Director of Youth and Young Adult Liturgy. La Hermana Marisa es una Hermana Canossiana de la Congregación de las Hijas de la Caridad, Siervas de los Pobres. Ella tiene una especialidad en Neuropsicologia del Aprendizaje en la Universidad de Guadalajara y una Maestría en Educación del Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. La Hermana Marisa sirve en una comunidad hispana como Directora de Educación Religiosa y del Ministerio de Jovenes y Jovenes Adultos en la Parroquia de San Jose en Albuquerque, NM. Ella tiene más de veinte años de experiencia en trabajo con jovenes a nivel diocesano y parroquial. La hermana sirve como directora de liturgia en ministerio de jovenes y adultos.

Rodolfo López is a talented musician, singer, composer, producer, and workshop clinician who believes in the power of music to change the world and to draw people more deeply into the liturgy. Having served for many years as director of music at parishes in California and Oregon, he is active as a songwriter, soloist and arranger for various events at the national and international level. An accomplished guitarist, he is a graduate of California State University at Los Angeles (CSULA), where he completed a bachelor of music in composition. Currently, Rudy works with OCP as a Hispanic Events Specialist, recording producer, and clinician. Along with his wife, and frequent collaborator, Estela, Rudy recently released the album Brille Tu Luz (En Medio de las

Tinieblas) and Misa Santa Cecilia/Mass of St. Cecilia, a bilingual mass setting. Both works are published by OCP. Rodolfo López es un músico talentoso, cantante, compositor y presentador de talleres que cree en el poder de la música para cambiar al mundo y acercar a la gente a la liturgia. Por muchos años ha desempeñado su ministerio como director de música en algunas parroquias de California y Oregon. Rodolfo es compositor, solista, arreglista y activo participante en actividades a nivel nacional e internacional. Este talentoso guitarrista, obtuvo su título en composición de la Universidad del Estado de California en Los Ángeles (CSULA). Actualmente, Rodolfo trabaja como Especialista de Eventos Hispanos, productor de grabaciones, y tallerista para la empresa OCP. Rodolfo y su esposa, Estela, y frecuente colaboradora, lanzaron un album en español titulado Brille Tu Luz (En Medio de las Tinieblas) y Misa Santa Cecilia/Mass of St. Cecilia, una misa bilingue. Ambas obras son publicadas por OCP.

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Rev. Heliodoro Lucatero was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Spokane, Washington in 1986. He is a native of Colima, Mexico. His theological studies were done at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. After thirteen years of parochial ministry in Eastern Washington, he pursued graduate studies at the University of Notre Dame obtaining a PhD in liturgical studies. In the past Fr. Lucatero has served as chair of some Church organizations: The Northwest Regional Office for Hispanic Affairs, and the National Hispanic Institute

of Liturgy. Presently he serves in the Hispanic Sub-Committee of the Bishop's Committee of Divine Worship; he is also a member of the advisory board of the National Hispanic Institute of Liturgy. He is the Director of the office of Worship of the Archdiocese of San Antonio and pastor of St. Michael Parish. He recently published a book on the third edition of the Roman Missal, The Living Mass: Changes to the Roman Missal and how We Worship. It was also published in Spanish, Una tradición siempre nueva, siempre viva: Los cambios recientes de la Misa. This summer he won the 2012 retailers choice award for his book, The Living Mass. El Padre Heliodoro Lucatero fue ordenado sacerdote para la Diócesis de Spokane, Washington en el año 1986. Nació en Colima, México. Realizó sus estudios de teología en al Universidad Católica de Lovaina en Bélgica. Después de trece años de ministerio parroquial en el este del estado de Washington, hizo sus estudios de postgrado en la Universi-dad de Notre Dame obteniendo así su doctorado en estudios litúrgicos. El Padre Lucatero ha servido como presidente de la Oficina Regional del Noroeste para Asuntos Hispanos y el Instituto Hispano Nacional de Liturgia. En el presente sirve en el subcomité para el Culto Divino en Español del Comité Episcopal para el Culto Sagrado de la Conferencia Episcopal de los Estados Unidos (USCCB), también es miembro de la mesa ejecutiva del Instituto Hispano Nacional de Liturgia. En el presente es director de la Oficina de Culto Divino de la Arquidiócesis de San Antonio y párroco de la comunidad católica de San Miguel Arcángel también en San Antonio. Recientemente publicó un libro sobre la tercera edición del Misal Romano titulado, Una Tradición Siempre Nueve Siempre Viva: Los Cambios Recientes de la Misa; también lo publicó en inglés, The Living Mass: Changes to the Roman Missal and how We Worship. Por este libro obtuvo el premio, 2012 Retailers Choice Award.

Dr. Dolores Martinez presently serves as the Director of Music Ministries at St. Mark the Evangelist parish in San Antonio, Texas, where she directs the principal parish choir, and accompanies other Masses on piano and organ. She also serves as Cantor. Prior to returning full time to her parish, she served the Archdiocese of San Antonio as the Director of the Office of Worship from September 1993 to June 2006. Previous experience in liturgy and music include the Diocese of Lubbock as director of the Office of Worship (1983-87), and several

parishes throughout Texas as director of liturgy and/or liturgical music, in Lubbock, Slaton, Austin, and Duncanville. Dolores is a liturgist/musician team member with the North American Forum on the Catechumenate, and also a member of the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM). She is a past member of the Board of Directors of the South-west Liturgical Conference where she chaired the Hispanic Liturgical Resources Committee. Dr. Martinez was also an advisor to the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy (USCCB). Dolores received her Ph.D. in Fine Arts in 1990 from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, as well as a Master of Music in piano performance in 1979. Her Bachelor’s degree is in Music Education (all-levels, choral music) from the University of Texas at El Paso in 1976.

Rev. Timothy Martinez is the former Chancellor for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. He currently serves as pastor of Risen Savior Catholic Community in Albuquerque, NM, a member of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Liturgical Commission, and board member of the National Federation of Priests’ Councils. Msgr. Jerome J. Martinez y Alire was born in Santa Fe, NM, a tenth generation New Mexican, the oldest of five children. After graduating from the College of Santa Fe with a major in the History of the American South-west, he completed priestly formation and receive his M.Div. degree from St. Meinrad School of Theology in Indiana. He was ordained a priest at the Cathedral Church of St. Francis of Assisi in 1976. Msgr. Jerome served as Dean of Students for the Immaculate Heart of Mary College Formation Program in Santa Fe and

pastor of San Juan Nepomuceno parish in El Rito, NM before going on to study and receive his degree in Canon Law from Catholic University in Washington, D.C. Upon his return to New Mexico, Msgr. Jerome served as Moderator of the Curia and Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, during which time he started the Archbishop's Commission for the Preservation of Historic New Mexico Churches, and founded the Catholic Task Force on AIDS related ministries. In 1990 Msgr. Jerome took on the task of founding a new parish on the South side of Santa Fe - Santa Maria de La Paz Catholic Community. In January of 2000, when the Franciscans left the administration of the historic Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi, Archbishop Michael Sheehan selected Msgr. Jerome to become the first diocesan priest to serve as rector there in 80 years. In 2002 Msgr. Jerome was named by Governor Bill Richardson to serve on the National Hispanic Cultural Center Board of Directors. He was recognized for his work in historic preservation by the New Mexico Historic Society when they bestowed the Bradford Prince Award in 2006. Most recently he received the Governor's New Mexico Distinguished Public Service Award in 2009. Msgr. Jerome is presently pastor of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe en el Valle de Pojoaque, NM.

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Timothy Matovina is Professor of Theology and Executive Director of the Institute for Latino Studies at the Uni-versity of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. He works in the area of Theology and Culture, with specialization in U.S. Catholic and U.S. Latino theology and religion. Professor Matovina has written widely and won various publication awards, most recently the 2012 College Theology Society Best Book Award for Latino Catholicism: Transformation in America’s Largest Church. In addition to his scholarly work, Matovina offers presentations

and workshops on Catholicism, ministry, and theology throughout the United States. Timothy Matovina tiene más de veinticinco años de experiencia sirviendo entre los católicos hispanos. Ha dado pre-sentaciones sobre temas pastorales y teológicos en numerosos diócesis, institutos pastorales, y programas de forma-ción. Sus escritos sobre los hispanos católicos han ganado varios premios. Actualmente es Profesor de Teologia y Di-rector Ejecutivo del Instituto de Estudios Latinos en la Unviversidad de Notre Dame en South Bend, Indiana.

Rev. William Hart McNichols has been "drawing and coloring in his room" since he was five years old. He was a member of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) from September 1, 1968 to December 16, 2002. He studied philosophy, theology, and art at St. Louis University, Boston College, Boston University and Weston School of Theology in Cambridge, MA. Father Bill furthered his art studies at California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, CA in 1977. He was ordained as a Roman Catholic priest by Archbishop James

Casey, in Denver, May 25, 1979. In 1983 he received a Master of Fine Arts in landscape painting from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. From 1983-1990 he worked with the wonderful AIDS Hospice team of St. Vincent's Hospital in Manhattan, New York. He also illustrated 25 books, mostly children's books for Paulist Press during this time. In September 1990, he moved to Albuquerque, NM to study the technique, history and spirituality of icon painting (technically "icon writing") with Russian-American master, Robert Lentz. He also assists with sacramental ministry in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. In January 2007, Father Bill began to work on the Publication Ministry of the Icons. Artist representative and director of the ministry is Sheila Seclearr. From September 4, 2008 to January 18, 2009 his first icon exhibit, Silence of the Storm: Icons and Images, featuring 26 originals was at the Millicent Rogers Museum in Taos, NM. Currently several originals and many reproductions are on exhibit at Solstice Gallery, 134 Bent St. in Taos NM.

Michelle Montez is the Executive Director of Pastoral Ministries Division for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. In September 2002 she became the first Director of the Office of Pastoral Planning and was later appointed Director of Evangelization in 2006 by Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan. Along with her Executive Director duties, she continues to direct both of these offices. 2013 marks Michelle’s 23rd year as a youth and young adult minister; she currently serves Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in Albuquerque in this capacity. Michelle is a

graduate of the University of New Mexico with a BA in Philosophy and has received her Ministry Formation from the Emmaus Journey School of Ministry, Christian Leadership Institute, Center for Ministry Development, UNM Anderson School of Management and the Liturgical Institute of the Southwest. In 2000, she was the recipient of the DEI Lumen Eccelsia award for Adult Formation for her work in creating the Gathering the Family Program for the Office of Evangeli-zation. Michelle has also been an associate with the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati for the last 20 years.

Dr. Timothy Mullner, D. Min. currently serves as the Director of Program Development at Faith Journey with a focus on adult faith formation through pilgrimage travel. He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Graduate Theological Foundation, South Bend, IN. His doctoral residencies include the Centro Pro Unione, Rome and Oxford University, Christ Church College. Timothy holds a Master of Ministry degree in Spirituality from Seattle University and a BA in Religious Studies/Youth Ministry from the College of St. Scholastica,

Duluth, MN. His experience includes parish, diocesan, and Catholic publishing ministry. He has presented on Vatican II over 125 dioceses in the US and abroad. He is a contributing author to Continuing the Journey, Celebrating 40 Year of Vatican II (Thomas More Press, 2002) and his most recent book is A Spiritual Guide for the Unemployment (Liguori Publishing, 2011). Timothy and his wife, Margo reside in Renton, WA.

Sr. Lois Paha, O.P. began her ministry on September 1, 2005 in the Diocese of Tucson as the Director of Formation . She brings more than five decades of experience in ministry to her present position. Born and raised on the South side of Chicago, Sister entered the Dominican Sisters of Adrian and spent many years in elementary education, vocation ministry and parish pastoral ministry. From 1989 to 2005, Sister Lois minis-tered in the Diocese of Austin as the first full-time Worship Office Director. She holds a Master of Arts Degree

in Theology and Liturgical Studies from the University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana, a Master of Arts in Teaching Religion from St. Michael’s College in Winooski, Vermont and is in the process of completing a Doctor of Ministry degree from the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio. Sister Lois has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Southwest Liturgical Conference since 1989 and is in her third term as president of the Board. She has been a contributing writer to the diocesan newspapers and other liturgy resource publications. She is the Director of the Diocese of Tucson Common Formation Program, is an instructor in that program and has given numerous presentations and workshops on the topics of Liturgy, Sacraments and Prayer.

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Most Rev. Ricardo Ramirez, C.S.B., D.D. was born in Bay City, TX. He attended St. Basil's Seminary, Toronto, Canada, 1963-1965 and Seminario Conciliar, Mexico City, Mexico, 1965-1966. He was ordained to the priesthood on December 10, 1966 in Houston, TX. He is a member of the Congregation of St. Basil. He was named Titular Bishop of Vatarba and Auxiliary Bishop of San Antonio on October 27, 1981, by Pope John Paul II and was ordained to the Episcopacy on December 6, 1981, in San Antonio, TX, by Archbishop Patricio

F. Flores. On October 18, 1982, he became the first Bishop of the Diocese of Las Cruces, NM. Bishop Ramirez holds degrees from the University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX, 1955-1959, (B.A.), University of Detroit, 1967-1968, (M.A.), Doctor of Laws honoris causa, from Neumann College, Wichita, Kansas, Doctor of Divinity honoris causa, from the University of St. Michael's College, Toronto, Canada, and Doctor of Humane Letters honoris causa, from Siena Heights University, Adrian, Michigan. Bishop Ramirez's ministry has included: 1967 St. Mary's Church, Owen Sound, Canada, 1968-1970 Chaplain of University Students/Centro Cultural Aragón, Mexico City, 1970-1976 Family Religious Education Project, Tehuacán, Puebla, Mexico, 1976-1981 Mexican American Cultural Center, Executive Vice President, San Antonio, TX, 1981-1982 Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, TX, 1982-Present Bishop of the Diocese of Las Cruces, NM, USCCB International Justice and Peace Committee, USCCB Domestic Social Development Commit-tee, USCCB Subcommittee on Hispanic Liturgy, Catholic Church Extension Society Advisory Board, Episcopal Advisor for the Institute for Hispanic Liturgy, Episcopal Moderator for the Asociación Nacional de Sacerdotes Hispanos (ANSH).

Sr. Guadalupe Ramirez, mcdp is a candidate for the doctor of Ministry degree from Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Her ministerial background includes work as diocesan director Catechetical Of-fices in the Dioceses of Corpus Christi and Dallas, and faculty member at Assumption Seminary in San Anto-nio. She has presented workshops at catechetical, liturgical, and Hispanic ministry conferences, and worked with music ministry and liturgical ministry formation. Leota Roesch currently serves as Director of Parish Faith Formation at Resurrection of the Lord Parish in Tempe, AZ. She has held diocesan positions in youth, justice, and catechetical ministry, as well as other parish positions. Her 40+ years of experience, both in parish and diocesan work, give her unique insights into many areas of pastoral ministry. More 22 years in Office of Youth Ministry for the Archdiocese of San Antonio and extensive experience and formation in liturgy.

In addition to parochial and diocesan ministry, she has facilitated many retreats and workshops in the areas of youth ministry, catechesis, justice, and legal liability for ministers. Her published work includes writing for Youth Ministry Ac-cess, an online resource from the Center for Youth Ministry Development, and for Franciscan Communications for which she writes weekday homily helps for priests. She has also written the USCCB's World Youth Day Resource and served as coordinating animator for English World Youth Day Catechetical Sessions in Rome, Toronto, and Cologne. Her de-gree work for a Masters in Religious Education was completed at Fordham University.

Pedro Rubalcava is a nationally known clinician and performer with expertise in various musical styles. He has been directing liturgical music groups for more than 30 years. For the past 26 years, he has been working in professional pastoral ministry in various areas, including liturgy and music, evangelization, youth and young adult ministry, catechetical ministry and RCIA. Pedro received national recognition in 1990 when Amanecer, his bilingual music collection, was nominated for a Grammy award in the Best Mexican/American Performance

category. Currently, Pedro is the Director of Hispanic ministries for OCP. He also serves on the executive board of the Instituto Nacional Hispano de Liturgia as the Northwest representative.

Dr. Dolly Sokol is the Executive Director of Development for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Prior to this position, she served as the Director of the Office of Worship and Christian Initiation for the Archdiocese of Santa Fe and Associate Director of Worship for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Dolly holds a PhD in Organiza-tional Development and three Master’s degrees in Business Management, Theology, with concentration in Word and Worship, and Theatre. She has published two books, one on Parish Celebrations and one on Liturgy

Committees, and numerous articles. She recently worked with the BCDW and the FDLC to facilitate Roman Missal Workshops across the US, focusing on the topic of leading change and transition. She has been on the Board of Direc-tors of the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions (FDLC), the Southwest Liturgical Conference (SWLC), and the National Association of Pastoral Musicians (NPM) National Council. She currently serves on the Board of the Na-tional Catholic Development Conference (NCDC).

Fr. Leon Strieder, SLD is Associate Professor of Liturgy and Sacraments at the University of St. Thomas School of Theology in Houston, TX. He holds advanced degrees in Theology (Gregorian University, Rome) and Liturgy (Pontifical Liturgical Institute at San Anselmo, Rome). He is a priest of the Diocese of Austin (TX), Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions Board Member, and SWLC Board Member. His primary areas of teaching and research include Liturgy and Sacramental Theology, Ordination Rites, and Evangelization.

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Trish Sullivan Vanni, PhD Cand is Publisher for the Parish Market at Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN. There, she is responsible for producing the full range of products for parish ministry, including theological works, ritual books, hymnody, bible study and more. She served as the Phase II director of the Emerging Models of Pastoral Ministry Project, a national initiative funded by the Lilly Endowment. For five years, Trish was the director of The Leaven Center, a non-profit ministry center that addressed multiple aspects of Catholic

parish ministry vitality. A particular point of focus was identifying and/or developing models for effective collaborative leadership. Emphasis was placed on gathering the “best practices” of ministry and the education of ministry profession-als in new approaches via workshops, talks, newsletters, the internet, and more. She has been published in a variety of periodicals, including Church magazine. Prior to entering ministry, Trish was president of Sullivan Communications, a marketing and communication firm serving clients in the information industry. Her work received numerous awards for excellence from professional groups and she was a regular speaker in key industry gatherings. Trish received a Master of Divinity degree at St. John’s University in Collegeville, MN and is pursuing an interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Roman Catholic ecclesiology and organizational leadership theory at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. She has taught at the Jesuit School of Theology, Pacific School of Religion, and the College of St. Catherine.

Damaris Thillet was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico and is a liturgical musician, composer and a vocalist. She has been involved in music ministry since 1980. She studied Music Education/Vocal Concentration at Temple University, in Philadelphia, PA. Damaris worked at the Archdiocese of Philadelphia for more than 16 years as a Diocesan Liturgical Music Coordinator for the Hispanic Community and as a Music Education Program Director at the Catholic Institute for Evangelization. She is currently working as a Diocesan Director of Music Ministries

at the Diocese of Camden and she is also the Liturgy and Music Director at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Camden, NJ. Damaris has been part of the Instituto Nacional de liturgia Hispana since 1986 and also serves on the executive board as the Northeast representative.

Rev. Paul Turner is pastor of St. Munchin parish in Cameron, MO and its mission, St. Aloysius in Maysville. A priest of the diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, he holds a doctorate in sacred theology from Sant' Anselmo in Rome. His books include The Catechumenate Answer Book (Resource Publications, 2000), Your Child's Baptism (Liturgy Training Publications, 1999) , The Hallelujah Highway: A History of the Catechumenate (Liturgy Training Publications, 2000), The Catholic Wedding Answer Book (Resource Publications, 2001),

Let Us Pray: A Guide to the Rubrics of Sunday Mass (Liturgical Press, 2006), When Other Christians Become Catholic (Liturgical Press, 2007), and Celebrating Initiation: A Guide For Priests (World Library Publications, 2008). He writes "Bulletin Inserts" for Ministry and Liturgy. He is a former President of the North American Academy of Liturgy and a team member for the North American Forum on the Catechumenate. He serves as a facilitator for the International Commission on English in the Liturgy.

Fr. Richard Vega, a priest of the archdiocese of Los Angeles, is currently serving as Pastor of St. Frances of Rome Parish in Azusa, CA. From 2006-20012, he served as President of the National Federation of Priests Councils (NFPC) whose headquarters are in Chicago. Fr. Vega was pastor of La Purísima Concepción, Lompoc, CA (1994-2006) and served as a parochial vicar in the archdiocese of Los Angeles from 1983 to 1994. He is a member of SOMELIT (The Society of Mexican Liturgists), served on the FORUM Board of

Directors, is a contributor to LTP and to the Catechumenate and has been a presenter for the Offices of Divine Worship and Religious Education and Youth in Los Angeles and Chicago. El Padre Richard Vega, es sacerdote de la arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, actualmente es párroco de la parroquia de Santa Francisca de Roma en Azusa, CA. De 2006 hasta 20012, fue Presidente de la Federación Nacional de Consejos de Presbiterales (National Federation of Priests’ Councils NFPC ) cuya sede esta en Chicago. El Padre Vega fue párroco de la Purísima Concepción, Lompoc, CA (1994-2006) y sirvió como vicario parroquial en la arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles desde 1983 y 1994. Es miembro de SOMELIT (La Sociedad Mexicana de Liturgistas), fue miembro del Con-sejo de Administración de FORUM, es colaborador de LTP y al Catecumenado y ha sido presentador para las Oficinas de Culto Divino y la Educación Religiosa y Juventud en Los Ángeles y Chicago.

Br. Rufino Zaragoza, OFM. Nurtured in Franciscan spirituality, Brother Rufino Zaragoza, explores the richness of multicultural communities, researches Asian liturgical inculturation, and lectures on the joys and complexities of intercultural worship. He has promoted the development of multilingual song collections in English, Spanish, and Vietnamese and prepares worship resources drawing from these cultural traditions. Rufino serves as a liturgical music consultant, based in the Diocese of Orange, California. Rufino has been

published in “Ministry and Liturgy,” “Liturgia y Canción,” “Today’s Liturgy,” “Rite,” and “Pastoral Music,” and most recently, he contributed to the revised document on multicultural liturgies, published by FDLC.

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2013 Exhibitors2013 Exhibitors2013 Exhibitors2013 Exhibitors

Exhibitor listing as of January 8, 2013

Exhibitor Booth #

Abell+Crozier+Davis Architects 513 Abstract Spiritual Original 212 Aquinas Institute of Theology 416 Aragon Sculpture TBD Architectural Stained Glass, Inc. 511 Bene Bronze, LLC 312 Botti Studio of Architectural Arts TBD C M Almy 107 Catholic Charities TBD Catholic Relief Services TBD Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc. 607 Catholic Supply of St. Louis, Inc. 605 Catholic Travel Centre 414 Cavallini Co., Inc. 601 Centro Santa Catalina 101 Chagall Design 311 Creator Mundi, Inc. 701 Deirdre Maher Studio 314 Dekker/Perich/Sabatini 206 Everest Columbarium Systems 310 EverGreene Architectural Arts Inc. 215 EWTN-Global Catholic Network TBD F.C. Ziegler Co. 512 F.C. Ziegler Co. 514 Faith Journeys / CatholicChoirTours 706 Fleetwood Onsite Recording Registration Area Flying Paint Ranch Sculpture Studio 610 G.R.Hoelzeman Studios 211 Gaspard, Inc. 412 Gaspard, Inc. 410 GRANDA TBD Independent Bronze Sculptor TBD Inspired Artisans Ltd. 111 J. West 710 Juanita Yoder Artist 200 Karen Schmidt Sculpture 210

Exhibitor Booth #

Katrina Rae / Mizpah Ministries TBD Kenneth J. Griesemer & Assoc. 510 Kessler Studios, Inc. 204 Little Books 417 Liturgical Glass+++Arts 213 Liturgical Press 611 Liturgical Press / Give Us This Day 613 Liturgical Publications Inc. TBD Liturgy Training Publications 313 Loyola Press TBD Loyola Press TBD Magnificat TBD Mark Eric Gulsrud 202 Marklin Candle Design 405 Mexican American Catholic College TBD Ministry Scheduler Pro TBD O’Meara Sterling 415 OCP 205 Pamela T. Hardiman 220 Parish Data System 612 ParishSOFT 709 Paxcreations 315 Pflaum Publishing Group 603 RCL Benziger 700 ROJO Ink TBD Root Candles 317 Sandalstrap TBD SERAPHYM DESIGNS TBD St. Andrei Rublev Icons TBD Study Week 2014, Diocese of Beaumont, TX TBD The Bethany Group 305 University of Notre Dame TBD Wanner Sculpture Studio LLC TBD World Library Publications 411 World Library Publications 413

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Exhibitors / NW Exhibit HallExhibitors / NW Exhibit HallExhibitors / NW Exhibit HallExhibitors / NW Exhibit Hall

Albuquerque Convention CenterAlbuquerque Convention CenterAlbuquerque Convention CenterAlbuquerque Convention Center

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SWLC 2013 Core Committee

SWLC 2013 Core Committee Consultants

Linda Krehmeier Rev. Tom Mayefske

Rev. Adam Ortega y Ortiz Dr. Dolly Sokol

Archdiocese of Santa Fe Pastoral Ministries Division Directors and Support Staff

Michelle Montez, Exec. Dir. Beth Lukes

Rocio Gonzalez Maria Cruz Cordoba

Denise Frias

We are grateful for the following sponsorships of music showcases and workshop sessions:

World Library Publications / J.S. Paluch Oregon Catholic Press

Pflaum Publishing Group Aquinas Institute of Theology OKC

Archdiocese of Santa Fe, Office of Worship and Christian Initiation Assoc. of Consultants for Liturgical Space

Catholic Travel Center Cavalini Co, Inc.

Dekker/Perich/Sabatini Faith Journeys

Gaspard G.R. Hoelzeman

Holy Rosary Catholic Community Little Books of the Diocese of Saginaw

Liturgical Press Marklin Candle

NCR Celebration New Holland Church Furniture

Rotunda Software Juanita Yoder, Artist

Barbara Guenther, Co-Chair Fabian Yanez, Co-Chair

Anne Avellone Miriam Benedict Dcn. Keith Davis

Louise Davis Angela Flores Terry Garcia

Steve Herrera

Bernadette Jaramillo Susan Murphy

Dcn. Steve Rangel Mary Frances Reza

JoAnn Hudson Robin Prawdzik Rosalie Romero Della Montano Yvette Duran

Elvia Becerra Josephine War Kathy Garcia

Janet Olmsted

ThankYou ~ GraciasThankYou ~ GraciasThankYou ~ GraciasThankYou ~ Gracias

Thank you to our wonderful volunteers

whose spirit of generosity has helped make Study Week 2013 a success!

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Albuquerque Convention Center Map

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

2:00 p.m. SWLC Board of Directors Meeting 4:00 p.m. Registration 7:00 p.m. Opening Prayer / Welcome Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan, Archbishop of Santa Fe 7:30 p.m. Keynote Presentation: Dr. Jerry Galipeau — The Paschal Mystery / El Misterio Pascual 9:00 p.m. Welcome Reception & Exhibits

Thursday, January 17, 2013

7:00 a.m. Registration 8:15 a.m. Buses depart for Mass 9:00 a.m. Eucharistic Liturgy at Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan, Archbishop of Santa Fe 10:30 a.m. Break and Refreshments 11:00 a.m. Mystagogical Reflection: Mrs. Pat Kerwin 12:00 p.m. Buses depart for Convention Center 12:30 p.m. Lunch (on your own) & Exhibits & Entertainment (St. Pius X Alumni Choir) 1:00 p.m. Music Showcase 1:00 p.m. Pecha Kucha Visual Arts Experience 2:15 p.m. Breakout Sessions A / Sesiones de Talleres A 3:30 p.m. Break & Exhibits 4:00 p.m. Plenary Presentation: Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas — Listen / Escuchen 5:15 p.m. Dinner (on your own) / Free Evening 8:30 p.m. Taize Prayer

Friday, January 18, 2013

7:00 a.m. Registration & Exhibits 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m. Mystagogical Reflection: Mrs. Pat Kerwin 9:30 a.m. Plenary Presentation: Rev. Paul Turner — I Will Tell You a Mystery / Les Voy a Contar un Misterio 10:45 a.m. Break & Exhibits 11:15 a.m. Breakout Sessions B / Sesiones de Talleres B 12:30 p.m. Lunch (on your own) & Exhibits & Entertainment (St. Pius X Alumni Choir) 1:00 p.m. Music Showcase—Oregon Catholic Press 1:00 p.m. Pecha Kucha Visual Arts Experience 2:15 p.m. Breakout Sessions C / Sesiones de Talleres C 3:30 p.m. Break & Exhibits 4:00 p.m. Breakout Sessions D / Sesiones de Talleres D 5:15 p.m. Local Artist Exhibits & Cocktail Reception (cash bar) 7:00 p.m. Faithful Servant Award Banquet 8:30 p.m. Fiesta Baile

Saturday, January 19, 2013 7:00 a.m. Registration & Exhibits / Registro & Exhibiciones 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer / Oración de la Mañana 9:00 a.m. Mystagogical Reflection / Reflexión Mistagógica: Fr. James Burkhart 9:30 a.m. Presentación Plenaria: Dr. Timothy Matovina—Todos Seremos Transformados 9:30 a.m. Breakout Sessions E / Sesiones de Talleres E (English / Inglés) 10:45 a.m. Break & Exhibits / Descanso & Exhibiciones 11:15 a.m. Plenary Presentation: Dr. Timothy Matovina—We Shall Be Changed 11:15 a.m. Breakout Sessions F / Sesiones de Talleres F (Español / Spanish) 12:30 p.m. Lunch (on your own) & Exhibits / Almuerzo (por su cuenta) & Exhibiciones 12:30 p.m. Entertainment (St. Thomas Contemporary Choir) / Entretenimiento (Coro de St. Thomas) 1:00 p.m. Music Showcase—World Library Publications / Presentación Musical—World Library Publications 2:15 p.m. Breakout Sessions G / Sesiones de Talleres G 3:30 p.m. Break & Exhibits / Descanso y Exhibiciones 3:30 p.m. Entertainment (Tewa Women’s Choir) / Entretenimiento (Coro de Mujeres Tewa) 4:00 p.m. Breakout Sessions H / Sesiones de Talleres H

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