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Synthesis Methodology atTundra Seniconductors

Alexander Gnusin

[email protected]

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• Introduction• Overall Methodology description• Synthesis methodology• Top Level Creation methodology• Custom IO insertion methodology• Synopsys GUI Interface enhancement

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• Motivation of this work:– Integrate EDA tools into design process– Create configurable and reusable scripting environment– Enhance Synopsys GUI Interface– Show, how TCL/TK language can be used efficiently within Synopsys


• Different tasks for different people:– Block-level designers prefer “push-button” approach– Synthesis / STA specialists require reusable library of configurable tcl


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Overall Methodology Description

• Standard chip building blocks:– Functional Cores with ideal clock trees

– Functional Logic Wrapper

– Chip module contains:Clock & Reset Generation block (PLL, gating, DFT etc)

JTAG and other test circuitry

IO buffers

Clock, Reset creation block


Functional Logic Wrapper

IO pads

Functional Cores

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Initial Synthesis methodology

• Flatten-before-compile concept:– Removes boundaries constraints for DC– Better, than hierarchical compilation + cross-boundaries optimization (follows to the same

result: inability to replace leaf blocks)– Better for STA and for Formal verification– Last Synopsys versions can compile relatively large blocks in reasonable time

• Initial Synthesis Strategy:1. For each core, create timing assertions file in dedicated “constr_tcl” directory.

2. Using read_verilog command, load all subblocks of the current Functional Core into Synopsys memory.

3. Uniquify and Flatten all Functional blocks, removing all subblock hierarchy.

4. Set synthesis constraints for the Functional block (from “constr_tcl” directory)

5. Run Synthesis: compile –scan

6. Save design: write –output <design.db> (Saved design might still have hierarchical DesignWare modules)

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Initial Synthesis: Script Examples

#---------------------------------------------------# Reads verilog files looking on "vfiles" #---------------------------------------------------proc load_vfiles {vfiles} { set vdir [file dirname $vfiles] set VF [open $vfiles r] while {[gets $VF line] >= 0} { if {[regexp {^[ ]*([^ ]+)} $line m vfile]} { read_verilog $vdir/$vfile } } close $VF}

#---------------------------------------------------# Reads verilog files looking on "vfiles" #---------------------------------------------------proc load_vfiles {vfiles} { set vdir [file dirname $vfiles] set VF [open $vfiles r] while {[gets $VF line] >= 0} { if {[regexp {^[ ]*([^ ]+)} $line m vfile]} { read_verilog $vdir/$vfile } } close $VF}

#------------------------------------------------------# Runs Initial Synthesis #------------------------------------------------------proc run_syn {design vfiles} { load_vfiles $vfiles current_design $design if {[link]} { uniquify ungroup -all -flatten remove_design [remove_from_collection [get_designs] [current_design]] source constr_tcl/common.tcl source constr_tcl/$design.tcl compile -scan > reports/$design.log write -hier -o init_db/$design.db remove_design -designs } else { echo "Error linking design $design" }}

#------------------------------------------------------# Runs Initial Synthesis #------------------------------------------------------proc run_syn {design vfiles} { load_vfiles $vfiles current_design $design if {[link]} { uniquify ungroup -all -flatten remove_design [remove_from_collection [get_designs] [current_design]] source constr_tcl/common.tcl source constr_tcl/$design.tcl compile -scan > reports/$design.log write -hier -o init_db/$design.db remove_design -designs } else { echo "Error linking design $design" }}

Directory structure:

/run_tcl - run scripts /constr_tcl - timing assertions /init_db - initial synthesis results/reports – initial synthesis reports

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Initial Synthesis: Timing Assertions

• Two assertion types: common and core-specific:– common.tcl : assertions, shared between cores– <core_name>.tcl : core-specific assertions

• “set_<input|output>_delay” assertions for cores:– For “external” ports, add/subtract IO buffer delay from chip-level delay info– For “internal” ports, delay can be set to <clk_period>/2 or to some other values– Discard input-to-output timing paths

Common assertion types:


Core-specific assertion types:


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Cores Integration and Incremental Synthesis

• First, concentrate on core’s reg-to-reg timing closure:– run “compile –map_effort high –incremental”– Increase core frequency and recompile core from RTL– Rewrite RTL code

• Second, solve timing problems on Functional Logic Level:– Use timing characterization, path grouping techniques and incremental

recompilation to solve timing problems– For each one of cores, discard all reg-to-reg timing paths

• Third, run STA on Chip Level with Clock, Reset generation and DFT logic

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Top-level Creation Methodology

• Reduce amount of manual work for Top-level creation and buffer instantiation.

• Naming convention required for the Functional Logic ports:– Signals, connected to Chip’s Input ports: <sig_name>_in– Signals, connected to Chip’s Output ports: <sig_name>_out– Signals, connected to Chip’s Input ports: <sig_name>_en– All other signals must not have these suffixes

• Script “create_top” takes as input Functional Logic Wrapper, defines chip-level ports and their types and writes top-level verilog file





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Top-level creation example

module example_core ( CLK, A_IN, A_OUT, A_EN, B_IN, C_OUT, C_EN, // Scan ports SI, SO ); input CLK; input [7:0] A_IN; output [7:0] A_OUT; output A_EN; input B_IN; output [15:0] C_OUT; output C_EN; input SI; output SO;endmodule

module example_core ( CLK, A_IN, A_OUT, A_EN, B_IN, C_OUT, C_EN, // Scan ports SI, SO ); input CLK; input [7:0] A_IN; output [7:0] A_OUT; output A_EN; input B_IN; output [15:0] C_OUT; output C_EN; input SI; output SO;endmodule

module example_top ( B, C, A );

// Inputs input B; // Outputs output [15:0] C; // Inouts inout [7:0] A; // Wires wire [7:0] out_A; wire [15:0] out_C; wire en_A; wire en_C;

module example_top ( B, C, A );

// Inputs input B; // Outputs output [15:0] C; // Inouts inout [7:0] A; // Wires wire [7:0] out_A; wire [15:0] out_C; wire en_A; wire en_C;

//Core Module Instantiationexample_core example_core ( // Functional inputs - to pads .A_IN (A), .B_IN (B), // Functional outs and enables .A_OUT (out_A), .A_EN (en_A), .C_OUT (out_C), .C_EN (en_C), // Other signals - need to connect .CLK (CLK), .SI (SI), .SO (SO) );

//Tristate buffers instantiation tb0 #(16) pad_C (out_C, en_C, C); tb0 #(8) pad_A (out_A,en_A, A); endmodule

//Core Module Instantiationexample_core example_core ( // Functional inputs - to pads .A_IN (A), .B_IN (B), // Functional outs and enables .A_OUT (out_A), .A_EN (en_A), .C_OUT (out_C), .C_EN (en_C), // Other signals - need to connect .CLK (CLK), .SI (SI), .SO (SO) );

//Tristate buffers instantiation tb0 #(16) pad_C (out_C, en_C, C); tb0 #(8) pad_A (out_A,en_A, A); endmodule

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IO buffer parametric modeling

• 4 parametric modules of IO buffers:– tb0, tb1 : separate enable for each bit tb0 for active-low enable,

– ts0, ts1 : common enable signal tb1 for active-high enable

// Tristate buffer, where each bit of OE controls// corresponding path between IN and OUT// OE is active lowmodule tb0 (IN, OE, OUT); parameter bw = 1; integer i; input [bw - 1:0] IN; input [bw - 1:0] OE; output [bw - 1:0] OUT; reg [bw - 1:0] OUT; always @(OE or IN) begin for(i=0; i< bw; i=i+1) begin OUT[i] = OE[i]?1'bz:IN[i]; end endendmodule

// Tristate buffer, where each bit of OE controls// corresponding path between IN and OUT// OE is active lowmodule tb0 (IN, OE, OUT); parameter bw = 1; integer i; input [bw - 1:0] IN; input [bw - 1:0] OE; output [bw - 1:0] OUT; reg [bw - 1:0] OUT; always @(OE or IN) begin for(i=0; i< bw; i=i+1) begin OUT[i] = OE[i]?1'bz:IN[i]; end endendmodule

//Tristate buffer, where single-bit OE controls// all bits between IN and OUT// OE is active lowmodule ts0 (IN, OE, OUT); parameter bw = 1; integer i; input [bw - 1:0] IN; input OE; output [bw - 1:0] OUT; reg [bw - 1:0] OUT; always @(OE or IN) begin for(i=0; i< bw; i=i+1) begin OUT[i] = OE?1'bz:IN[i]; end endendmodule

//Tristate buffer, where single-bit OE controls// all bits between IN and OUT// OE is active lowmodule ts0 (IN, OE, OUT); parameter bw = 1; integer i; input [bw - 1:0] IN; input OE; output [bw - 1:0] OUT; reg [bw - 1:0] OUT; always @(OE or IN) begin for(i=0; i< bw; i=i+1) begin OUT[i] = OE?1'bz:IN[i]; end endendmodule

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Buffer insertion methodology

• Use created top-level module for the chip-level functional verification.• Run real buffer instantiation only during top-level synthesis:

– For regular buffers, use DC “insert_buffer” command set

– For custom buffers, set of similar tcl procedures were developed











Custom buffer schematics:

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TCL procedures for custom buffers insertion

• set_pinorder {pinorder_file} – reads pinorder file and sets pin order attributes for future interconnection in XOR chain

• set_fpad_type {type ports} – sets buffer’s type attribute on specified ports • set_fpad_drive {drive ports} – sets buffers default drive value (pu, pd or

none) attribute on specified ports• insert_fpads {} – isserts real buffers instead of parametric instances using

attribute values defined by the previous commands• connect_xor_chain {} – connects buffers with sequential XOR chain using

connections order, specified with “set_pinorder” command.

• Running Formal verification in order to prove functional equivalency

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Main script for buffers insertion

source tcl/focam_funcs.tclset_fpad_cell focam_25micron/BLVTTL [get_ports *]set_fpad_cell focam_25micron/BPCIXT [get_ports P_*]set_fpad_drive pu [get_ports {TDI TMS TCK TRST_}]set_pinorder /users/agnusin/syn/pinlist.txtinsert_fpadsconnect_xor_chain

set verilogout_no_tri truewrite -f verilog -o results/pacman.v

source tcl/focam_funcs.tclset_fpad_cell focam_25micron/BLVTTL [get_ports *]set_fpad_cell focam_25micron/BPCIXT [get_ports P_*]set_fpad_drive pu [get_ports {TDI TMS TCK TRST_}]set_pinorder /users/agnusin/syn/pinlist.txtinsert_fpadsconnect_xor_chain

set verilogout_no_tri truewrite -f verilog -o results/pacman.v

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Simple, but useful TCL procedures

proc c2l {collection} { set my_list {} foreach_in_collection coll_el $collection { set el [get_object_name $coll_el] lappend my_list $el } return $my_list}

proc rename_net {name new_name} { set all_conn [all_connected $name] remove_net $name create_net $new_name connect_net $new_name $all_conn}

proc change_plevel {cell new_ref} { set pins [c2l [get_pins $cell/*]] foreach pin $pins { set net($pin) [c2l [all_connected $pin]] disconnect_net $net($pin) [get_pins $pin] } remove_cell $cell create_cell $cell $new_ref foreach pin $pins { connect_net $net($pin) [get_pins $pin] }}

global editorproc edit {args} { global editor eval $args > tmpfile exec $editor tmpfile & after 500 file delete tmpfile}# 1. Set your favorite editor name:# set editor emacs# 2. Add “view” before command name:# edit report_timing –max_paths 20

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Synopsys GUI enhancement

• TCL bi-directional pipeline technique allows us to launch GUI applications directly from dc_shell-t command line.

• Use “syn_serv” procedure to launch TC/TK application and set up bi-directional communication between it and dc_shell-t (see example)

proc syn_serv {LoadFile} { set TkWin [open "|$LoadFile" r+]; fconfigure $TkWin -buffering line while {[gets $TkWin Line] >= 0} { catch [list puts $TkWin [eval [string trim [split $Line :] "{}"]]] RetV } close $TkWin;}proc allins {{pattern *}} {return [c2l [get_ports \*$pattern\* -filter "@port_direction == in"]]}proc allouts {{pattern *}} {return [c2l [get_ports \*$pattern\* -filter "@port_direction == out"]]}proc allgates {{pattern *}} {return [c2l [get_cells \*$pattern\*]]}proc allnets {{pattern *}} {return [c2l [get_nets \*$pattern\*]]}# Launch TK applicationsyn_serv

proc syn_serv {LoadFile} { set TkWin [open "|$LoadFile" r+]; fconfigure $TkWin -buffering line while {[gets $TkWin Line] >= 0} { catch [list puts $TkWin [eval [string trim [split $Line :] "{}"]]] RetV } close $TkWin;}proc allins {{pattern *}} {return [c2l [get_ports \*$pattern\* -filter "@port_direction == in"]]}proc allouts {{pattern *}} {return [c2l [get_ports \*$pattern\* -filter "@port_direction == out"]]}proc allgates {{pattern *}} {return [c2l [get_cells \*$pattern\*]]}proc allnets {{pattern *}} {return [c2l [get_nets \*$pattern\*]]}# Launch TK applicationsyn_serv


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Example GUI application (client part)

proc communication {} { global retval command if {[gets stdin RetVal] < 0} { return; } set retval($command) $RetVal}proc get_data {args} { global retval command set command [join $args :] puts [list $command] tkwait variable retval($command) return $retval($command)}proc run_search {pattern type_sel} { switch -exact -- $type_sel { 0 {return [lsort [get_data allgates $pattern]]} 1 {return [lsort [get_data allins $pattern]]} 2 {return [lsort [get_data allouts $pattern]]} 3 {return [lsort [get_data allnets $pattern]]} }}fileevent stdin readable "communication";search_window

Sets retval($command) to stdin value

Returns value from given command

Returns data list to application

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Some GUI Apps Examples

Reports Viewer(Example: view report_timing –cap)

Interactive Timing reports viewer

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Synview: more complex application

• Visualizes modules hierarchy within Synopsys (clicking on the modules tree node makes corresponding design "current")

• Facilitates command entry and reports viewing• Visualizes netlist connectivity within region of interest

Run “synview” directly from dc_shell-t !

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SYNVIEW: Hierarchical Viewer

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SYNVIEW: Netlist Viewer

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PMAN: Running DC in background

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• Simple and effective “core-based” synthesis approach• Automatic creation of manageable chip-level module• TCL/TK GUI Enhancement of all tcl-based Synopsys tools!

To get additional information & download scripts:

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