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C C S S coop coop


A Message From Mrs. Raitzik פרשת בא23:4הדלקת נרות

January 11, 2019 - שבט ‘ ה




Cream Cheese

Cucumbers &

15 Hot Dogs


French Fries


Pickles & apple Juice



Canned peach-



Macaroni and


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Mazal Tov :

Rabbi Cohen - Birth of a


Rochel (P) and Batya (1) Volovik

- on the birth of a baby brother

Penina (P) and Rachelli (6)

Bendkowski - on their aunt’s


Shira Katz - Upon the marriage of

her uncle.

Avital Spitzer - upon her brother’s

בר מצוה

Important: If you didn’t bring your bus form back, please

do so right away.


Dear Parents,

I feel that I would be remiss if I did not devote this week’s column to mention the wonderful Reading/Book Fair held at Tehilas Chaya Sara this week!

Reading, as we know, holds the key to a child’s mind and is the path to building foundations of learning and information in years to come. If we were to summarize some of the research regarding the benefits of read-ing, the list might look something like this. Reading helps with vocabu-lary expansion since the more you read, the more words you are exposed to, and those words inevitably make their way into your everyday vocabu-lary. It also helps improve and enhance writing skills because exposure to well-written work has a noted effect on one’s own writing. Additional-ly, when reading, one acquires knowledge, builds stronger thinking skills and improves one’s focus and concentration. Reading has also been proven to help keep the brain sharp and healthy, build tranquility and reduce stress!

This year’s book fair was a great opportunity to purchase new books (Both Judaic and secular), meet and hear from Mrs. Malky Weinstock, author of the popular “Yael” books, and view our students’ (grades 4-8) “creative cupcakes” decorated to represent a book they read and wrote about.

THANK YOU Mrs. Werner for a magnificent fair! I would like to thank all of the mothers who came, and the mothers who helped to make the fair a success!

Gut Shabbos!

Mrs Raitzik

Thank you!

All of the box tops

added up and

benefitted our


Keep bringing them


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This week in Science we

started learning about ener-

gy. In math we started learn-

ing how to compare and or-

der fractions. Our teacher

gave out a very yummy ice

cream to the girls who had 4

or 5 passes left from the first


Rachelli Bendkowski and Esti Egert 6th Grade

Did you hear all those funny “br,

gr, sl, sm,” sounds coming out

of our classroom? You’re proba-

bly wondering what they are, so

we’ll tell you. It was all of us act-

ing like “blenders” as we

learned how to read real blends.

As a special treat Mrs Lemberg-

er made a delicious drink for us

in a real blender.

Ahuva Boyer and Esther Meira Cohen

1st Grade

Inside the best 3rd Grade class-

room we had the most fun time.

We interviewed our friends in

our class.

In math we started to learn mul-

tiplication! Mrs Kellner brought

in an egg carton and a muffin

pan to help us learn multiplica-

tion faster.

Yael Bakhash and Ahuva Miller

3rd Grade

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On Wednesday, we had a

math test and we are so excit-

ed to get it back. On Tuesday

we had a book fair. On Thurs-

day we had a sight word quiz

and we are so excited to get

our sight word quiz back.

This week we wrote a birth-

day writing.

Naomi Trenk and Hindy Horowitz

2nd Grade

We had such an exciting week in 5th grade!!!

We had a math test on our 3rd chapter ! We

played “shoot the eraser” for our review game in

Science! It was so much fun. We did a lot of

writing in our journals! Everyone did a gorgeous


Now in math we are learning division. We

learned all the 7 steps #1 Divide—Daddy, #2

Multiply—Mummy, #3 Substract –sister, #4 Bring

down-brother,#5 Bring up—baby, #6 Check–

cousin and #7 Repeat– Rebbi.

We have a subject called “ice cream vocabu-

lary” it is so much fun! We did so much already!

We are up to the letter “H”! We have tons of

subjects! Math, journal, science, handwriting,

grammar, vocabulary, spelling, character perfec-

tion, reading, current events, history and much

more! Everyone has smiles on their faces! 5th

grade is awesome. We are like a family. Can’t

wait for next week!

Miri Saffer and Atara Fishman 5th Grade

All of the cupcakes were fantastic! We would like to thank all of our students in

grades 4-8 for their hard work and creativi-ty, and all of our students for their votes!

Here is a list of the “winning cupcakes” (the ones which received the most votes):

4th Grade: Sarah Glatzer, Chana Aliza Gonter, Ayala

Hess 5th Grade:

Rachel Abayev, Sara Aliza Miller, Brachi Zucker

6th Grade: Shaindy Kaiser, Devora Preschel

7th Grade: Avigayil Zaks, Tamar Kariti/Ahuva Gross/

Rookie Ackerman 8th Grade:

Sarit Schwartz


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Remember to bring in your

checklist on Monday!

What an unbelievable job the 7th grade did in singing and acting out the song Lecha Dodi, at our rosh chodesh shevat as-sembly. After receiving a “fruity” treat ,our talmidos all learned how to fold napkins לכבוד שבת . Thank you to our eighth graders for teaching the girls how to enhance their Shabbos table. Our fourth through eighth graders were then introduced to our “What Shabbos means to Me” writing and drawing contest. All entries must be submitted by Jan 21- ו בשבט“ט .


The גמרא derives that the מצוה of קדוש is learned from the words את

“זכור את יום השבת לקדשו” . This is the single מצות עשה on שבת .

We should sanctify the שבת with a verbal declaration by reciting קדוש over wine at the beginning of שבת on Friday night. Kiddush should be made over a cup of wine, which is a symbol of joy at happy occasions. to ingrain in our – שבת is meant to remind us of the beauty of קידוש hearts and minds the belief that 'ה created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day )זכר למעשה בראשית( and that he continues to control it

it was clear that מצרים left כלל ישראל At the time that .(זכר ליציאת מצרים( .controls and runs the world ה'

We discussed the different minhagim there are whether one standד, sits, or stand and then sits for kiddush.

Our weekly raffle winners were Etti Besancon—3rd grade and Avigail Zaks - 7th grade

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ח שבט“ר -מידת השנה

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7th grade

Dina Lebovitz

Shira Miller

Sarala Spritzer

Avigail Zaks

8th grade

Shprintzy Kletzkin

Rachelli Rosenberg

Frumie Zweig

6th grade

Sara Bernstein

Shaina Bernstein

Blimi Goldstein

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TCS Bulletin Board

Our 2nd and 3rd grade class winners

enjoying their special activity of creating their

special musical note cookies!

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