Page 1: T gen letter nbn critical questions

Level 1, Unit 57, 28 Amazons Place. JINDALEE 4074

T | 1300 889 887 F | 1300 78 2205 [email protected] ABN: 97 635 266 828

Critical NBN Transition questions you should ask your suppliers.

Every Australian business relies on telecommunications, usually the humble telephone is the lifeblood of the business. The copper network is being replaced with the compulsory NBN, which means that almost every telephone system will not operate without substantial modification or replacement. There is no “Do Nothing” option.

Slick sales spiel often glosses over the vital considerations when selecting a perfect fit IP Phone System for your business. It takes many years of experience and comprehensive technical training to successfully sell, deploy and support VoIP Phone systems. You wouldn’t ask your plumber for his opinion on a broken leg, would you?

Voice on a computer network must be treated with a different set of rules.

Desktops, routers and servers are the domain of the IT professional, and an IP Telephony system simply shares the network and cabling. This is a challenge for many IT executives

Can your Internet / Telephone provider

connect at my address? help when I am in a cease sale area? install the NBN alongside all my existing services without loss of service? supply NBN Digital Lines? port your existing telephone numbers? guarantee call quality? support the new NBN Fax’s? guarantee seamless changeover? work directly with all of my other suppliers?

Questions for your Phone System Supplier

Does my phone system support NBN Digital Lines (SIP trunks)? Do you guarantee call quality? Do you guarantee a stress free and seamless transition to the NBN? Will you sort out my fax on the NBN? Work directly with all of my other suppliers?

Page 2: T gen letter nbn critical questions

Level 1, Unit 57, 28 Amazons Place. JINDALEE 4074

T | 1300 889 887 F | 1300 78 2205 [email protected] ABN: 97 635 266 828

Questions for your IT supplier

Do I need a new router for the NBN? Does my current or new router support telephone calls? Do you have experience setting these up? What special requirements are needed for my NBN connection? Work directly with all of my other suppliers?

My Security System

Does my existing security system need a phone line? What options do I have? What backup options do you have? Work directly with all of my other suppliers?

My Fax Machine

Will my fax machine work on the NBN? Is there anything required to set this up? Work directly with all of my other suppliers?

My EFTPOS machine

Do it is use a telephone line? What are my options for an NBN ready EFTPOS? Work directly with all of my other suppliers?

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