Page 1: T HE L UNGS © L UNGS I NC. By: Lungs and family Group 1

THE LUNGS© LUNGS INC. By: Lungs and family

Group 1

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Where are the lungs located in the factory?I am located in the chest cavity on both

sides of the heart. What system of the company is the Lungs

important and essential to? I am the essential organ of the

respiratory system of the factory, because without me aerobic respiration can not take place in the factory, and if respiration can not take place in the factory then basically the factory is as useless as a bag filled with rocks.

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Will the absence of the Lungs have a drastic impact on the company?

Drastic is not the appropriate word to use, my absence will have a rocking, sweeping and far-stretched impact on the company’s factory. I will describe this impact soon enough.

Can the company survive with just one lung?

This is a very intriguing question. Yes, it is true that the factory can survive with just one of my side but I would not allow one of my self to get chopped off just for a job. Don’t get me wrong though, I really am into this job. Also, the heart, which is the most important system of the body, needs an immediate supply of oxygen. Having just one lung is dangerous and I recommend against it.

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BASICS (CONTINUED) Why should the Lungs stay part of the company?

I believe that I, the lungs, should stay in the company for several reasons. The first being that I am a very hardworking organism of the factory. The second being that without me the factory would not be able to function properly. If it was not for me the factory would not be able to bring oxygen rich air into the factory through the oral or nose cavity and down the air pipe called, the trachea, and into the bronchus and into the tributaries in the machinery called bronchioles and finally into the alveoli where through complex diffusion machinery into the pulmonary veins and into the blood and into the heart to be pumped throughout the body. If I do not stay in the company then the company will have to lay off many more workers that are part of the Human Corporation factory.

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If it was not for me then there would be no point in having a nose or an oral cavity, because there would be no point in having counterparts in the factory that have no use. Without me oxygen would not be able to be transported to cells through out the body so respiration can take place and the oxidation of food can occur at the cellular level in the factory so there is no point to have a oral cavity where food can enter, because there is no way it can be broken down in the cellular level so there is no point to it entering the body and therefore no point of a oral cavity.

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You may point out that anaerobic respiration can take place and the factory will be able to survive, but there is a negative side to this method of survival of the factory. The factory will only be able to complete anaerobic respiration for a short period of time and then fatigue will kick in. The factory will need rest because of all the lactic acid formed. Then you will remember that you need me. Also, you would regret firing me because the factory would have to lay off the organs and workers of the digestive system- seeing that there would be no point of counterparts that have no use. If there was no food entering the system due to the lack of an oral cavity, there would be no need of a system based entirely on the breaking down of foods. Its like a chain reaction.

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Another very important consequence the company will face if they fire me is that they will have to fire the heart which is a very important and vital organ and worker in the circulatory department. Because the job of the heart is to pump oxygenated blood through out the body by my help, because it is connected to me and to my counter parts known as alveoli, which use a very complex process in machinery called diffusion to get oxygen to red blood cells in the blood stream which further transport the oxygen to every part of the body, which is part of the circulatory system. So if I, the lungs, am not there the heart can not be able to turn the blood which is poor in oxygen to blood which is rich in oxygen. Also, another part of the Human Corporation the board of executives needs to think about is that if I am not there then basically the company is not there, because of what my absence causes.

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The board needs to think about the future of the Human Corporation. If I, the lungs, is not there the whole factory will fall apart and the Human Corporation will be left in ruins and left for other Corporations to annex. When I say the whole factory I mean the whole factory. If I am laid off my job, then the factory will also have to lay off many other employees from the factory, because everything is in a indirect or direct way connected to me. The Human Corporation factory will go bankrupt without me so, I deeply advice them to not fire me so that the board of executives will not be acclaimed for their own downfall. All I have to left to say to the board is that they should mark my words. The company will cripple and fall apart if I am laid from the factory.

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I look like two gigantic sacs that has vines called bronchus which break off into smaller tributaries called bronchiole inside it from which grape like structures called alveoli are hanging on. The two sacs are connected in a way by a tube like pipe called a trachea.

I might not seem important but in fact I am a very important part of the Human Body Corporation.

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Here are some snap shots of me working.

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Let’s revisit what the factory would be like without me.

Without me the company is good as a bag of rocks.

If I don’t work then the company won’t be able to perform most of it’s tasks.

If I don’t work then the company will cripple like a old piece of scarp paper.

If I am fired the factory will be held for its own downfall.

If I am fired the Human Corp. will have to lay off more employees that also help run the factory.

All in all, the company should not fire me because of the consequences!

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Your right lung is slightly larger than the left. A resting person breathes from about 12 to

15 times a minute. Sneezes can be as fast as 99 miles per hour. When you sneeze, pathogens and particles

spread in all directions in a sort of cloud. We lose half a liter of water everyday simply

through breathing.

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ANY QUESTIONS? If you have any more questions regarding my role

in the factory, my physique, or any other questions that you have regarding the lungs, feel free to contact me and my counterparts in any of the following manners:1. Email me at [email protected]. Call me at 1-800-Lungs 3. Instant message me at ‘Sexxylungs’4. Or visit me webpage at


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