  • PAGE 1


    1801 East Second Street

    Defiance, OH 43512

    Rev. Timothy Reynolds, Pastor


    Fax: 419-782-6719

    March 2016

    Visit our website at:

    Church Office Email:

    [email protected]

    Continued on next page

    Give and Take thats the name of a book by Adam Grant. The subtitle tells the rest of the story: Why helping others drives our success. Now who doesnt want to be successful? He describes the difference this way:

    Takers value wealth (money, material possessions), power (dominance, control over others), pleasure (enjoying life), winning (doing better than everyone else). Givers value helpfulness (working for the well-being of others), re-sponsibility (being dependable), social justice (caring for the disad-vantaged), compassion (responding to the needs of others).

    I once said in a group discussion, that I wanted to know that somehow I have made a difference in the world. One person spoke up, Sorry, but you dont get that luxury. At once I was crushed and dumbfounded. What do you mean, I cannot know that I have made a dif-ference? I said. Truth is, the other person was right. If I go through life desiring to know that every dollar I give away, every good deed I do, every word I speak makes a difference in someones life, I will be a very miserable person. We dont know that our actions will be perceived as good, or even that lives will be changed in the process. What Dr. Grant claims is that giving builds communities, stimulates others to give, and decreases our need to expect something in return. Sounds a bit like Jesus vision of the Body of Christ doesnt it? Jesus call for his followers is simple: Take up your cross and follow me. The only take in the command is at the beginning. Once we take up the cross, life turns into building up one another or edification (building up) of one another, as Paul points out in his letters. Life in that community of giving increases the amount of giving because we all know that the Body of Christ does not exist for its own edification, but to be a light to the nations (as Isaiah tells us). Merely being a part of that community stimulates our own need to give for the sake of others. As we all know, Jesus did not give his life in order to do anything more than show his love for all humanity. He gave with the only expectation of showing Gods love to us. Because of Jesus com-passion, a whole movement has started around him. It grew from 12 followers to millions through-out the world all because one person decided to give without the expectation of ever getting back his sacrifice. Was Jesus successful? Not in modern business terms: he is not a CEO, doesnt have a big car, big home, or a dog. He lost his life and gained a relationship with God for everyone else. Think about it. So, what kind of congregation do we want to be?

    Peace, Pr. Tim

  • PAGE 2 Continued on next page

    Lenten Worship

    Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

    Theme: Lutheran Revival

    Based on the book Five Practices of Fruitful CongregationsCultivating Fruitfulness

    Feb. 17Radical Hospitality Feb. 24Passionate Worship

    March 2Intentional Faith Development March 9Risk-taking Mission and Service

    March 16Extravagant Generosity

    Lenten Meal Schedule Soup and Sandwiches will be served by the following Ministry Teams and Churches on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m.

    Date Ministry Team

    March 2 Kings Cross Church

    March 9 Zions Deacons

    March 16 Defiance Christian Church

    March 23 Zions Innkeepers

    Holy Week

    Worship Times

    March 24

    7:00 p.m.

    Maundy Thursday

    (with communion)

    March 25

    7:00 p.m.

    Good Friday

    March 26

    5:00 p.m.

    Easter Vigil Eucharist

    March 27

    7:30 a.m.

    Easter Sunrise Eucharist

    8:30 a.m.

    Easter Breakfast

    9:45 a.m.

    Easter Eucharist

    11:15 a.m.

    Easter Egg Hunt


    March 20: Our young people will join the procession with palm leaves on Palm Sunday.

    March 27: Easter Sunday - the children will provide

    festive adornment for the Easter Celebra-

    tion. There will be an Easter Egg Hunt in

    the prayer gardenweather permitting.

    (Our older youth

    will be the Easter


  • FOOD AND PAPER PANTRY We are always in need of personal care and hygiene items, paper products, and cleaning sup-plies, such as: laundry soap, dryer sheets, dish soap, paper towels, toilet paper, body soap, de-odorant, shampoo, conditioner, shavers for men and women, shaving cream, lip balm, body lotion, feminine hygiene products, etc. We also need the following food items: rice, canned fruit, spaghetti noodles, egg noodles, peanut butter, and cereal.

    We will be partnering with Promedica Defiance Regional Hospital in 2016 to provide emergency food packs to those in need and being released from the hospital. More information on this program will be announced at a later date. Thank you for your generous support!


    YOUTH CAMPS LOMO (Lutheran Outdoor Ministries in Ohio) offer Summer Camp & Year

    Round Retreats at Camp Mowana, Lutheran Memorial Camp, and Camp Lu-

    ther. Several discounts are available on the poster display. Be sure to

    check the information board. This camp opportunity would be great fun along with a chance to

    meet new young people. Ask your parents they may remember and share some of their own ex-

    periences. $100 grants are available for children wanting to attend. See Audrey Eis for more


    PAGE 3 Continued on next page

    7th Annual

    Chili Cook-Off

    and Grab Bag Bingo

    Sunday, March 13th at

    11:30 a.m.

    Bring your favorite chili to this event to be judged by your peers, or just come to eat and cast your ballot for the best chili. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex to let us know how many are coming and whether you are bringing chili or just joining in for the fun. Who will take the trophy for best chili and win at Bingo? Come and find out! If you have any questions please contact Mary Boals at 419-438-3164.


    Free Laundry Day

    A Pay it Forward Ministry of Zions Lutheran


    Saturday, March 19, 2016

    10:00 am12:00 pm

    Spin City at 804 Ralston Ave.

    Sharing Gods Love, one load at a time!

    Guided by Grace, Encouraged by Faith, Strengthened by God

    *$ and Supplies Provided *

    *Limit of 2 loads per family until all are served, please.

    We are in need of monetary donations and

    laundry supplies for this event.

  • Continued on next page PAGE 4

    Church Council Highlights

    February 25, 2016

    Annual Reports have been e-mailed. Printed copies are available in the Narthex

    Christian Education team is planning three Sunday Fundays during the summer months. Volunteers are needed to help plan the activities.

    The portico and parking lots lights have been replaced. The ceiling in Luther Hall has been repaired.

    Will be soliciting mowing bids in the next few weeks.

    Chili Cookoff and Grab Bag Bingo will be March 13 following worship.

    Next Loads of Love will be March 19, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We are currently col-lecting funds for this.

    Endowment Fund grant requests are due by April 1

    CHRISTIAN EDUCATION - - - LOOKING AHEAD This year Zions will take a new look at our summer programming. Our intent is to gather all

    members of all ages to provide building community for our future leaders of the church. For

    us to develop that future leadership we will need to gather everyone, support everyone, and

    for everyone to step forward to teach each other the LOVE that the Lord displays for us each

    day. Last fall we established the FAMILY FUN SUNDAY event to bring all members to sup-

    port each other. We would like to plan such a Sunday once each month for JUNE, JULY, AND

    AUGUST. This is also a good time to invite friends and neighbors to join our fun events. To

    make this possible we need at least 4 families (a team) to volunteer to help plan, build, and or-

    ganize. Each team will meet with Christian Education members to organize these events. Many

    ideas will be shared and the team planning will be in place. PLEASE make sure you sign up to

    help in whatever way possible to make these events happen. There will be a sign-up sheet on

    the bulletin board. PICK your month to helpit will be a good time for all!







    All members should be aware of their deacon and hopefully have met him or her to discuss any con-cerns or questions you may have had. Your deacons have a sincere interest in serving your needs and encour-age you to bring your needs to the attention of Pastor, the deacon group or council whichever is appropriate. In turn, we trust you have an equally sincere interest in getting to know your deacon as a present and future friend and confidant. We also want to emphasize the importance of speaking with Pastor whenever the need arises. He wants to know your concerns to help provide a solution or answers to your questions. He remains the best resource within our congregation to share wisdom and knowledge. Deacons are not exempt from having a deacon of their own. At times we need someone willing to listen and we turn to our deacon. In our bi-monthly meetings, the nine deacons discuss a variety of topics concerning the spiritual welfare of the congregation. Most importantly we are available for you when your needs might re-quire someone to talk with other than Pastor Tim. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve the members of Zions Lutheran Church and we encourage you to reach out to your deacon whenever the need arises. Please call the church office for any assistance.

    Dick Anderson

    PAGE 5 Continued on next page


    The Endowment committee is accepting grant requests from organizations and groups to accomplish any of the following goals: 1. For outreach into the community or synod as grants to seminaries, colleges or students attending

    such schools. 2. For Missions of the ELCA or to programs for persons in our parish area who are in spiritual or eco-

    nomic need. 3. For capital improvements, debt reduction, or a building program of Zions Lutheran Church, Defi-

    ance, Ohio. Please submit a written request to the Zions Lutheran Church Endowment Fund Committee before April 1, 2016. Please provide some detail on the project and organization, as well as a brief explana-tion of what you plan to with the grant, if approved.

    Cheesy Veggie Bake Ingredients

    4 large zucchini squashes


    4 large eggs

    1 cup egg whites (about 8 large egg whites)

    1/2 cup fat-free plain greek yogurt (gluten-free if needed)

    Black pepper

    2 cups broccoli, chopped into bite sized pieces

    2 cups kale, torn and lightly packed

    1 1/2 cups reduced-fat shredded cheddar cheese, divid-ed

    Directions Preheat your oven to 350F and spray a 10-inch Cast Iron skillet with cooking spray. Set aside. Using the 6mm blade on your spiralizer. Spiralize the zucchi-nis, so that they turn into long noodles. Place the zucchini into a strainer set over a large bowl and sprinkle with salt. Let them sit for 20 minutes, stirring around every so often.

    While the zucchini noodles sit, whisk together the eggs and egg whites in a large bowl. Add in the Greek yogurt and a pinch of pepper and additional salt. Whisk until smooth and creamy. Once the zucchini has sat, squeeze out as much excess wa-ter as you can. Then, transfer the zucchini noodles onto a paper towel and dry off, again, as much as you can. Stir the zucchini noodles, broccoli, kale and 1 cup of the cheddar cheese into the egg mixture and mix well. Pour the mixture into the prepared skillet and spread out evenly. Sprinkle with remaining cheddar cheese. Bake until the eggs feel set and begin to slightly pull away from the side of the skillet, about 40-45 minutes. Turn your oven to high broil and broil an additional 2-3 minutes or until the top turns golden brown. Nutrition Information: Serves: 8 | Serving Size: 1/8 of dish Per serving: Calories: 164; Total Fat: 8g; Saturated Fat: 4g; Monounsaturated Fat: 1g; Cholesterol: 121mg; Sodium: 301mg; Carbohydrate: 10g; Dietary Fiber: 3g; Sugar: 6g; Protein: 16g Nutrition Bonus: Potassium: 678mg; Iron: 8%; Vitamin A: 48%; Vitamin C: 114%; Calcium: 40%

  • Women of the ELCA

    Maumee Valley Conference

    Spring Assembly

    Saturday, April 16 at 9:00 a.m.

    First Lutheran Church in Stryker

    Helping Our Daughters in Christ

    Jeff Wilbarger, Executive Director and Founder of the Daughter Project will be the speaker. He will tell about how the Daughter Project provides a refuge and a recovery shelter for young girls and women who have been rescued from sex-trafficking in the Northwest Ohio area. Human trafficking has become a concern for all of us and this program will provide an opportunity to learn more about it. A monetary love offering will be accepted for the Daughter Project.

    Dancing with God

    Spiritual Gathering for Christian Women

    June 17-18, 2016

    9:00 a.m. Friday 2:00 p.m. Saturday

    Perrysburg, Ohio

    Jeremiah 31:4 I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt O Virgin Israel. And again you will take up you tambourines and go out and dance with the joyful.

    What to expect: Respite by getting away to let the love and strength of the Lord refresh you Spiritual renewal through Bible Study and worship Rejoicing through songs and new friendships

    Leaders: Pastor Christine Thompson & Mary Satterfield, our Bible study leaders from previous gatherings

    Cost: $ 40 early registration until May 17; $ 50 regular registration until June 10 $ 104 per room per night (up to 4 women per room; tax not included; make your own reservations

    directly with the hotel) Meals priced separatelysee registration formavailable from Sue McKibben

    Where: Holiday Inn French Quarter10630 Fremont Pike, Perrysburg, Ohio 43551; 419-874-3111 Reservation ID: WOM

    To register: for registration forms, see Sue McKibben; or contact Judy Sampson 419-238-9779 Questions: contact Sharon Moenter 419-287-4178, [email protected]

    PAGE 6 Continued on next page

  • DCTV 5

    You may watch Zions Lutheran

    Worship services on Wednesdays

    @ 6:00 p.m. and Sundays at 8:00

    a.m. on DCTV 5 Defiance, OH.


    SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 pm

    Sunday 9:45 am

    PAGE 7

    LLS Lutherans of

    Long Standing

    Meets on Tues-day,

    March 1, at

    2:00 p.m.

    in the Library



    meets every Tuesday

    at 9:00 a.m. in the



    Breakfast Blend $ 8.00 Decaf Breakfast Blend $ 9.00

    English Breakfast Tea $ 3.00

    K-cups $10.00 will not work in Keurig 2.0 /Vue




    On sale throughout the year!!!!

    The Book


    meets on

    Monday, March 14 at 12:00 p.m. at Bob Evans.

    Reading List is posted on the Narthex Bulletin Board.

    Young at Heart meets on WEDNESDAY,

    March 9

    at 11:30 am, at Leftys Pizza

    Sisters in Christ will meet

    after worship on March 13. The following Sunday, cards

    will be placed in the Narthex to be signed.

    Sisters in Christ



    Will meet on March 5, in the Library at 8:00 a.m. Please bring a snack to share.

    Continued on next page

    Worship and Music


    Meets on March 10.

    Location to be




    Every Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. (unless otherwise noted)




    March 15th


    Bringing Help and Hope to the


    Meets on Sunday, March 6 at noon.

  • March 2016 LESSONS

    March 5 & 6 Lent 4 Joshua 5:9-12

    Psalm 32 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32

    March 12 & 13 Lent 5 Isaiah 43:16-21

    Psalm 126 Philippians 3:4b-14

    John 12:1-8

    March 19 & 20 Palm/Passion Sunday Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 31:9-16

    Philippians 2:5-11 Luke 22:14-23:56

    March 26 & 27 Easter Day Acts 10:34-43

    Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 1 Corinthians 15:19-26

    Luke 24:1-12

    PAGE 8 Continued on next page

    Additions to the Zions Prayer List:

    Phone Prayers: Barb Vogel at 419-393-2544 E-prayers: [email protected]

    Call the Church office at 419-782-8781.

    If you are calling for someone other than yourself, please be sure that you have permission.

    Please remember to call the church office when:

    1. You will be or have already moved.

    2. You have an addition to your family.

    3. You have an address update and/or correc-tion, or birthday correction.

    4. New email address and/or phone number.

    Outreach & Evangelism


    Sunday, March 6th at 11:00 a.m.

    Hofer Room

    I would like to thank Pastor Tim and everybody at Zions for all their prayers and thoughtfulness. Your calls, cards, visits, and con-cern helped in my healing. So

    thankful for such a wonderful church family. God Bless each of you.

    Mary Rickard

    Regina and I would like to thank everyone for their concerns and prayers the last four months. We have found strength and comfort knowing that many of our friends from Zions have kept us in your prayers.

    Carl & Regina Snyder



    For any cancellations due to

    bad weather you may tune

    into: WTOL Channel 11

    (website: or

    check the church website at:



    If Defiance City Schools are canceled on

    a Wednesday, there will be no Commu-

    nity Meal or Confirmation Classes.


    Turn your clocks one hour

    ahead on Sunday, March 13!

  • March 2016

    PAGE 9


    1 9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 1:00 p Text Study 2:00 p LLS 5:00 p Lighten Up

    2 7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 9:00 a Bulletin An-nouncements due 5:30p Meal 6:00 p Confirmation 6:00 p Bells 7:00 p Lenten Service

    3 5:00 p TOPS

    4 5 7:30 a Weight Watchers 8:00a Scrapbook Club 5:00 p Worship

    6 9:00 a Choir 9:00 a Sunday School 9:45 a Worship 11:00a Outreach Evangelism Meeting

    7 HELP ME GROW Pre-K Screening Pastors Day Off

    8:00 p Barber-shoppers

    8 9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 1:00 p Text Study 5:00 p Lighten Up

    9 7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 9:00 a Bulletin An-nouncements due 11:30 a Young at Heart at Leftys 5:00 p Food Pantry Sign Up 5:30 p Meal 6:00 p Confirmation 6:00 p Bells 7:00 p Lenten Service

    10 12:00 p Worship & Music Meeting 5:00 p TOPS


    12 7:30 a Weight Watchers 5:00 p Worship

    13 DAYLIGHT SAV-INGS TIME SPRING AHEAD 9:00 a Choir 9:00 a Sunday School 9:45 a Worship 11:00 a Sisters in Christ 11:00 a Chili Cook Off & Grab Bag Bingo


    Pastors Day Off 12:00 p Book Group at Bob Evans 7:30 p Deepening Faith Bible Study 8:00 p Barber-shoppers

    15 9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 1:00 p Text Study 2:00 p.m. NEWS-LETTER DEADLINE 5:00 p Lighten Up

    16 7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 9:00 a Bulletin An-nouncements due 5:30p Meal 6:00 p Food Pantry Pick Up 6:00 p Confirmation 6:00 p Bells 7:00 p Lenten Service

    17 5:00 p TOPS 7:00 p Council


    19 7:30 a Weight Watchers 102 Loads of Love at Spin City 5:00 p Worship

    20 9:00 a Choir 9:00 Sunday School 9:45 a Worship 11:00 Sign Cards


    Pastors Day Off 8:00 p Barber-shoppers

    22 9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 1:00 p Text Study 5:00 p Lighten Up

    23 7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 9:00 a Bulletin An-nouncements due 5:30p Meal 6:00 p Bells 7:00 p Choir

    24 5:00 p TOPS 7:00 p Maundy Thursday

    25 7:00 p Good Friday

    26 7:30 a Weight Watchers 5:00 p Easter Vigil

    27 7:30a Easter Sun-rise 9:45 a Easter Wor-ship 11:00 a Egg Hunt

    28 OFFICE CLOSED 7:30 p Deepening Faith Bible Study

    8:00 p Barber-shoppers

    29 9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 1:00 p Text Study 5:00 p Lighten Up

    30 7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 9:00 a Bulletin An-nouncements due 5:30p Meal 6:00 p Confirmation


    5:00 p TOPS 7:00 p Deacons

    Continued on next page

  • PAGE 10 Continued on next page

    ALTAR FLOWERS 6 Lent 13 Lent 20 Lent 27 Available BULLETINS 6 Available 13 Available 20 Bill & Cindy Wendell 27 Available ALTAR DUTY 6 Cindy Wendell 13 Sue McKibben 20 Marsha Leaders 27 & Holy WeekKate Frank LECTOR & DEACON for Sunday 9:45 am

    (* DEACONS) 6 * Cindy Wendell & Patty VanDemark 13 Rev. Dr. William Nirote 20 * Tom Boals & John Diehl 24 * Craig McKibben & Audrey Eis 27 * 7:30Patty VanDemark 27 * 9:45John Diehl & Tom Boals FELLOWSHIP HOUR for Sunday 9:45 am 6 Judy & Duane Engel 13 Chili Cook Off 20 Laurie & Dwaine Schey 27 Easter Sunday ACOLYTES & CRUCIFERS for Sunday 9:45 am Acolytes Crucifers 6 Sophie Reynolds Chancel Choir 13 Pre-lit Chancel Choir 20 Luke Reynolds Chancel Choir 27 Chancel Choir Chancel Choir

    OFFERING COLLECTORS for Sunday 9:45 am

    1st Sunday Randy Groll & Mary Boals

    2nd Sunday Angela Mack & Randy Groll

    3rd Sunday Mary Boals & Cindy Wendell

    4th Sunday Marsha Leaders & Angela Mack 5th Sunday Randy Groll & Mary Boals

    USHERS for Sunday 9:45 am 1st Sunday John & Fran Diehl 2nd Sunday Shawn & Mark Faryniarz 3rd Sunday Tom & Mary Boals 4th Sunday Sue McKibben 5th Sunday Youth

    HOSTS for Saturday 5:00 pm 5 Helena Morris & Sonia Bussing 12 Donna Ripke & Bob Thomas 19 Gene & Barb Vogel 26 Nancy & Bob Swingle LECTOR & DEACON for Saturday 5:00 pm

    (* DEACONS) 5 * Doug Eis 12 Helena Morris 19 * Dawn McKibben 26 * Cindy Wendell & Doug Eis


    Gene Vogel, Larry Wagner & Sue McKibben Subs: Bob Thomas, Bill Wendell

    AUDIO-VISUAL Doug Eis, Eric Engel, Stormy Gutman, Shaun Holley, Angela Mack.


    Faith Active in Love March 2016


    Suggested donation for bulletins is $20.00.


    are due on Wednesday mornings, by 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted on the calendar.


    Office Secretary - [email protected]

    Pastor - [email protected]

    Treasurer - [email protected]

    Website -



    Laurie Schey, President

    Shawn Faryniarz, V-President

    Gwen Anderson, Treasurer

    Cindy Wendell, Secretary

    John Diehl

    Lenore Doctor

    Alexis Eis

    Audrey Eis

    Marion Hanson

    Angela Mack

    Sue McKibben

    Carl Snyder

    COUNCIL MEETS ON the third Thursday of each month

    (except July) at 7:00 p.m.


    Dick Anderson

    Tom Boals

    John Diehl

    Audrey Eis

    Doug Eis

    Craig McKibben

    Dawn McKibben

    Patty VanDemark

    Cindy Wendell


    Driven by Gods spirit we will grow in faith and make Christs love known


    Monday - Thursday

    9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

    Find us and Like us we need more

    followers to spread the word! Are you

    friends with a former member? invite

    them too we love staying in contact!

    Have a question about an upcoming

    event? you may find your answer.

    And, you can add your comments, too!

    (If you have trouble searching type in

    Zions Lutheran Defiance and that

    should find it for you). If you would like

    to post an event you may email it to

    [email protected].

    PAGE 11

    Prayer List Church Council has en-acted a policy regarding the names placed on the church prayer list in the bulletin. If you would like prayers on the list for longer than 3 weeks, please make another request. Re-quests can be sent to the church office via phone 419-782-8781 or by email at: zion111@

    Get your copy in the church narthex!

    Devotional Books : The Upper Room

    Christ in Our Home and Word in Season

    Continued on next page

  • Zions Lutheran Church

    1801 E. Second St.

    Defiance, OH 43512


    We welcome you to order flowers to be used in the sanctuary on Easter. Flowers can be picked up after the

    late service on Easter Sunday. Payment must accompany order. The price is $ 10.00 for each plant.

    Lily________ Tulip_______ Hyacinth________

    Amount Enclosed $___________

    Please make checks payable to: Zions Lutheran Church.


    Sunday, March 13, 2016

    Given By: (Please print name as you would like it to appear) _____________________________________________________________________________________

    In Memory of: _________________________________________________________________________


    In Honor of: ___________________________________________________________________________


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