

T7 Review a range of different assessment methods available and explain the ones you would use for your subject area. Evaluate the use of assessment methods in different contexts, including reference to initial assessment, Justify the types of assessment records you would complete and why.There is a vast array of methods available to assess levels of understanding and the ability to be able to apply it and many of these methods can be used at different stages of the teaching cycle. Assessment begins using the students application and during interview when physical, mental, educational and personal status can be checked against against a set of criteria to ensure that their goals and objectives can be reasonably met by participation in the courses they wish to be enrolled on. At this time more formal, criterion referenced testing can be carried to examine whether a learner can meet functional skills minimum standards, specifically in literacy and numeracy, which would typically be set externally. These diagnostic and baseline assessments indicate entry behaviour and knowledge and should be used to identify any learning needs or requirements. Using this information should inform the tutor of what adjustments might be needed to the entry level of the teaching, (if adjustable) This same information will also be used during the first stages of formative assessment where your feedback is used to pinpoint what learners will need to bring them up to a standard making them ready for new learning. Formative assessment identifies participants knowledge or skills at that point and is used to give specific feedback to move them further along in the learning process. This feedback should be constructive, increasing self awareness, offering options and encouraging development. It is best to first draw attention specific positive attributes, which will make it more likely that your constructive criticism will be acted upon. Your criticism must suggest what they can do to improve their position or performance. Always end by summarising the feedback positively to give a feeling of achievement. Most forms of learning activity can be formative while the student is participating on a course, and their scope in this context is only limited by the quality and quantity of feedback given, with the exception of external formal assessment where the results are not known until after the completion of the course or where results from a test do not indicate individual errors e.g. multiple choice. (these are summative assessments) Methods include: Ice Breakers, Individual Learning Plan, question & answer Group work (including Brainstorming, snowballing, presentations, practical tasks, role play, games and discussion) practicals, assignments, case studies (including spoof assessing), reflective journal, diagrams, essays, individual presentations, projects, research, workshops and tests. In the context of my own teaching practice I would begin formative assessment within the classroom using an Ice Breaker, this not only allows the group to get to know each other, but also identifies participants existing knowledge or skills and gives further indications of preferred learning styles and tendencies. (Alternatively other forms of assessment such as Questions and answers or a quiz could be used) this also gives a good starting point for work on students Individual Learning Plan (ILP) which will constantly evolve with the use of feedback and communication between student and tutor giving a clear picture of progress and revised goals. I would endeavour to use all of the above assessment activities particularly focusing on those that provide an active learning experience, where learning is more enjoyable, better understood and recalled more effectively, teaching by doing. All activities would be supported by handouts given at the start of the session Will Walker, City and Guilds 7303 Tutor: Lynn Rowell

Supervised practical tasks, to assess the application of theory and safety knowledge. Research, using the web and Literature, of equipment photographic history and of critical theory, to test computer and research skills. Assignments, both written and pictoral to test research skills and the understanding of the topics objectives, given as worksheets to be completed at home. Group discussion, to test verbal skills by explaining or defending (photographic) work, peer assess, self assess. Group work, to test functional verbal, organisational and team skills, preparing and presenting posters sharing knowledge of the subject to other groups in the class (peer teaching) using snowballing or brainstorming as a starting point. Role Play, to simulate real life situations and check for best use of equipment and functional people skills Case Studies, using pictures with flaws or iconic pictures to find if students know why they are considered so, again in groups or Q&A. Quizzes, word searches, mix and match, used to reinforce discussed topics and self or peer assessed against set criteria. Projects, which can be made up of smaller assignments drawn together by a broader theme and could go on to be exhibited or taken as part of the students final portfolio. Workshops and residentials, used to assess students overall working methodologies, assess in depth what makes them operate well them and to focus more intensively on agreed areas of weakness. Reflective journal, which may form Part of the ILP, but also charting thoughts about pictures taken as well as the learning experience, questions students are encouraged to ask are Tests, to check the progress of a students level of understanding and functional skills regarding the taking of tests

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