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Page 2: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


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How to use safe, natural and effective beauty care tips?

The 7 Best Skin-Care Tips of All Time

7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin

Best natural eye care tips for your eyes

Natural Beauty Tips for Beautiful and Healthy hair

Page 3: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


How to use safe, natural and effective beauty care tips?

Many drugstore brands and department-store of skincare products are packed full of severe

chemicals, toxic ingredients, artificial colors and more. Even so-called natural skin care products

may contain questionable ingredients that you wouldn’t want on your face. Cosmetics businesses

and the FDA maintain that these chemicals are safe, and many of them are--in small doses at

least. But consider that the average woman wears makeup every day, and you begin to

understand how a little pat here a quick spray there begins to add up. The fact is, no one really

knows how certain harmful chemicals affect us over time, or how they react in our bodies in

combination. Our recommendation is to keep it simple: All you need is a basic cleanser,

moisturizer, mask, and broad-spectrum sunscreen to keep your skin in tip-top shape.

The greatest way to know exactly what goes into your skincare products? Make your own. Not

only will you save packaging and money, but you'll also get the satisfaction that no toxic

chemicals or preservatives were used in the process. You can make a simple, effective skincare

and hair care recipes with little effort. On the following page, you'll find our guide to making the

safest, non-toxic products for your skin.

Page 4: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


The 7 Best Skin-Care Tips of All Time

The perfect, marks and acne-free skin that you've always looked for is no more a dream, but

a reality. Here are some wonderful beauty tips for face to get that glow you've always wanted.

Get to know your skin type

Understanding your skin type is a very important thing you can do for your skin. If you’re

misinformed or unaware, you could compromise your skin’s natural balance and activate

irritation, inflammation, breakouts, and even premature aging by using the wrong products. The

most common skin types are oily, dry, acne-prone, sensitive, and mature skin; it’s also essential

to note that you can be more than one type and it can change through the seasons or over time, so

always listen to your skin.

1. Cleanse your skin

Yogurt is a great natural face cleanser. Softly massage a thin layer of plain yogurt onto your

clean face using your fingertips; this action will help release any dirt or makeup. Leave yogurt on

for 20 minutes, and then wash off with warm water. Yogurt is good for all skin types. By

cleansing, you’ll ensure all the bacteria, dirt, oil and pollution that’s built up on your skin during

Page 5: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


the day has been removed, leaving you with a thoroughly clean base for you to layer your night

skincare routine onto.

2. Exfoliation is key

Exfoliation is an essential step in any good skincare routine. Salt can be a great choice when you

want a good overall body exfoliation, removing the rough, dry patches of dead skin. If you have

sensitive skin or you’re looking for a mild, yet effective, facial exfoliant, you’ll want to use

something finer than salt, as it can be a little too harsh. Sugar can be used to exfoliate your body,

especially if you tend to shave your legs and scrub at the same time. Choose sugar over salt to

avoid the itch.

3. Moisture is everything

Hydration is everything. Even if you have oily skin, you need to keep your skin hydrated;

otherwise, it’ll create more oil in an attempt to compensate. Olive oil is a natural moisturizer. It’s

amazing for all skin types. It’s high in vitamin E, an oil-soluble antioxidant that is frequently

used in anti-aging products. When applied topically, this can help reduce oxidative stress on the

skin and hair. Vitamin E also makes it extremely anti-inflammatory for skin experiencing free-

radical damage from sun exposure, according to a study.

4. Sunscreen is everything

Sunscreen protects your skin from the sun's dangerous ultraviolet rays, which come in two

forms – UVA and UVB rays. Shea butter and Coconut oil with some zinc oxide or a little

raspberry seed and carrot seed oil will work for moderate exposure. Get a bottle of your lotion

(that doesn’t contain citrus oils!). Add a couple of tablespoons of non-nano zinc oxide and Mix

well. Just apply this sunscreen every day, and your skin will thank you for it. You can also

make homemade sunscreen bars by using many of the same ingredients!

5. Make masks a regular thing

Most of us will associate a face mask with the special pamper night with your girls. But face

masks are actually super important and can be incorporated into your daily regime. Face masks

can help address a whole array of skin anxieties from oily and acne-prone skin to dry or sensitive

skin; you just need to find the right mask for your skin type. Mash 1/2 cup of blueberries with 2

tablespoons of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of rice flour, and 1 teaspoon of honey. Leave the mask on for

20 minutes, before washing with warm water. If you don’t have time every day, do a sheet mask

or clay mask once a week and to hydrate as often as possible.

6. Eat Healthy diet

Page 6: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


No matter how many wonderful products you slather on your face, if your diet sucks, your

skin just won’t be bringing its A-game. To get that radiance, you need to be supplying your body

with beauty-boosting minerals and vitamins, and the right nutrients to strengthen your gut.

7. Drink plenty of water

You also need to make sure you drink a lot of water throughout the day – it’s skincare no brainer.

If you ask any model what their top beauty secret is, it’s to always stay hydrated and drink plenty

of water. If you’re not drinking sufficient water, it can make your skin look gray and emphasize

fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day).

7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin

Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what we always want. Women in their 30s or 40s are either

spending a small fortune on chemical treatments or speculating how long their anti-aging cream

is going to take to give wrinkle-free skin. There are some home remedies that can help you fight

aging without having to slather chemicals on your skin. Read on.

1. Honey


Page 7: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


2 tablespoons organic honey

What You Have To Do

Apply honey on the face and neck. Massage for two minutes. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes and

then wash with water. Honey is nature’s best moisturizer, and we all know that to keep lines at

bay, our skin needs to be correctly moisturized at all times. Honey also contains antioxidants that

repair the damage caused by free radicals and revitalize the skin.

2. Egg Pack


1 egg white

1 teaspoon milk cream

1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

What You Have To Do

Mix all the ingredients and apply on your face. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash with normal

water. Egg white is a powerhouse of anti-aging agents like proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and

zinc. It is known to tighten the skin, making it smooth and firm.

3. Yogurt Pack


2 teaspoons yogurt

1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

1 teaspoon honey

1 vitamin E capsule

A pinch of turmeric

What You Have To Do

Mix the yogurt, honey, lemon juice, and turmeric together. Carefully cut the vitamin E capsule

from its tip and softly pour the oil present inside into the pack. Mix well. Apply this mixture all

over the face. Leave it for 10 minutes and wash off with normal water. Yogurt is rich in wrinkle-

preventing nutrients such as minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and fats which keep the skin hydrated

and fresh. The lactic acid found in yogurt shrinks open pores and tightens the skin. Apply this

yogurt pack 2 times a week.

4. Rose Water Pack


Page 8: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


3 teaspoons rose water

1/2 teaspoon lemon juice

Few drops of glycerin

Cotton ball

What You Have To Do

Mix all these ingredients together. Dip the cotton ball in this and rub on it all over the face. Rose

water has renewing properties and also has a calming effect on the skin. It improves the blood

circulation in the capillaries and thus reduces thread veins. It also reduces marks and puffiness

under the eyes. This is greatly done every other night, before going to bed.


Coconut Milk Pack


4 tablespoons coconut milk

Cotton ball

What You Have To Do

Soak the cotton ball in coconut milk and rub on it over the face. After 20 minutes, wash with

cool water. Repeat this process 2-3 times a week. Coconut milk fights all signs of aging making

your skin soft and smooth. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties that keep the

wrinkles away.

5. Papaya Pack


Few pieces of papaya

What You Have To Do

Mash the papaya to get an even paste. Add some water if required. Apply this all over the face

and neck. Leave it on for about 15 minutes. Wash with warm water. Papaya is rich in

antioxidants and has a special enzyme called papain that exfoliates dead cells and cleanses the

skin’s layers. It also helps in restoring new cells and provides elasticity to the skin. Papaya face

pack will give greatest results if used twice a week.

6. Avocado pack


An avocado

Page 9: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


What You Have To Do

Remove the pit and grate the avocado into a smooth paste. Use this paste as a mask on the skin

for about 15 minutes and rinse off. You can also massage your skin with pieces of chilled

avocado kept in the freezer. Avocados can boost your skin radiance and reduce the fine lines and

wrinkles. The carotenoids and vitamin E present in the fruit stops the skin from free radical

damage, while vitamin C helps collagen production making the skin firm and smooth. Apply this

mask once every week.

7. Banana pack


1 banana

1 tablespoon

What You Have To Do

There is furthermore a banana can do than just fill you up at breakfast. It is also known to

increase collagen production, known to keep skin ageing at bay. To make a banana anti-wrinkle

face mask, reduce the fine lines take a ripe banana and mix it with honey. Apply this mask on

your face. Allow it to dry. Wash off with normal water, and notice the tightness in your skin in 4-

weeks flat.

Page 10: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


Best natural eye care tips for your eyes

Your lifestyle choices and everyday stress can lead to redness, wrinkles, dryness, puffiness, and

dark circles. This can also cause severe issues and lead to loss of vision. Following a few every

day habits can decrease the odds of eye problems and illnesses to a great extent. The following

are the best natural eye care tips for your eyes.

Cold Spoon

Here is one natural beauty tip for your eyes – keep two spoons in the freezer overnight. Take

them out in the morning and place the spoons' curled backs to your eyes. The spoons will be cold

so you will have to do the action in intervals. This will help improve blood circulation and keep

your eyes feeling fresh.

Egg Mask

If you are wondering how to get lovely eyes naturally, an egg mask is one effective solution for

you. Beat a few egg whites and rub on them gently around your eyes. Leave the mask on for 15

minutes before washing the face with cold water. This egg mask will make the area around and

under the eye feel tight.

Page 11: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


Use Green Tea Bags

How to get stunning eyes? A green tea bag can help you. Soak the tea bag in cold water and put

on it to the eyes. Keep it over your eyes for 20 minutes. The tannins in the tea will lessen

inflammation and keep your eyes healthy and bright.

Puffy Eyes

Cut a raw potato and circle the closed eyes with these halves. Place them on the eyes and relax

for 20 minutes. Dip a cotton pad in chilled milk and put them on the eyelids. Relax for 15

minutes. Add 3 drops of vitamin E oil in a small bowl of chilled water. Dip cotton pads in the

bowl for 5 minutes and place them on the eyes. Relax for 15 minutes.

Tomato, Turmeric, Lime Juice

Mix a teaspoon of tomato paste with a pinch of turmeric and half a teaspoon of lime juice. Apply

on the dark circles and eyelids. Let it dry and then wash it off.

Almond Oil and Lime Juice

Alternate hot and cold pads on your eyes for 10 minutes and then apply a mixture of a teaspoon

of almond oil and half a teaspoon of lime juice. Let it stay overnight.

Rose Water

The renewing factor of rose water is extremely useful in fading dark circles. Dip cotton pads in

rose water and place them on your eyes for 15 minutes. Do this every day to reduce the dark


Cucumber slices

Slice a couple of thin slices from a cold or fresh cucumber. Place these over your eyes for about

15 minutes or until the slices get warm. Cucumbers have high water content, and this water will

transfer to your skin, helping to hydrate the area around the eyes.

Sunglasses Are Important

Sunglasses are not just about looking cool or style. They play a huge role in defending your eyes

from the damaging UVA and UVB rays. Contact to sun rays causes many vision-related issues,

such as macular collapse and cataracts. Choose sunglasses that block at least 99% UVB and

UVA rays.

Page 12: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


Quit Smoking

While quitting smoking is good for your overall health, if you wear contact lenses, you should

definitely quit. This is because compared to nonsmokers; smokers are more vulnerable to eye


Natural Beauty Tips for Beautiful and Healthy hair

It doesn’t matter if you have thin hair, curly hair, oily hair, dry hair, or any other type of hair

certain hair care tips are common. Keep reading to learn all tips so you can start taking better

care of your hair.

Protect Your Hair

Always protect your hair from wind, sun, and rain. Exposure to excessive sun, heat, pollution,

dirt, etc. adds to our already existent hair woes. These can lead to dirt build-up, drying out of

scalp and hair, increased susceptibility to infections on the scalp. Cover your hair with a hat or an


Page 13: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


Deal Carefully With Wet Hair

Wet hair is very delicate and breaks easily. When wet, the shaft and roots of your hair are more

prone to behind damage. Don’t be too severe when shampooing. Breakage initiates there. And

also avoid brushing directly after a shower.

Regular Conditioning

Use the best moisturizing conditioner after every wash. Never go out of a shower without it.

Missing this step could be the reason why your hair is curly.

Condition the Right Way

Conditioning needs to be done right. Conditioners are produced to seal in the moisture content in

the hair shaft. They are not meant for the scalp. Always start conditioning about 2 inches away

from your scalp. Too much conditioner on the scalp will only make your scalp extra oily.

Use Same Line Shampoo & Conditioner

Choose a conditioner and shampoo from the same line as it has a similar formulation. These are

made for a specific hair type and an exact purpose. It shows healthier results when you use a

single line instead of two individual products.

Don’t Over Apply Heat on Hair

Avoid using heat on your hair. Heat further strips the moisture content from your hair making it

frizzy and dry. When overused, it can also damage your hair. Use straighteners, iron/curl, only if

necessary and remember to use a hair protectant before!

Avoid Tight Hair Ties

Stop using super tight hair ties; instead, opt for scrunchies with cloth around them. Tight hair ties

tend to pull your hair back real tight which rises friction. This can cause damage.

Don’t Braid Tightly During Bedtime

When you go to bed at night, lightly braid your hair to avoid a curled mess, a side braid is a

better option. Leaving your hair open tends to create lumps, which means you need to subject it

to pulling and brushing in the morning. Over brushing can results in the frizziness.

Oil the Scalp Frequently

Oil your hair as frequently as you can and use a mild shampoo to get rid of the oil. Oiling the

scalp is good for your hair. But do not overdo it. Soaked oil from your hair will only need you to

use more shampoo which strips out more of your natural oils no matter how mild it is.

Page 14: Table of content · 2020-04-21 · fine lines (you should aim for at least 2 liters a day). 7 Natural Anti-Aging Remedies for Youthful Skin Beautiful and Young-looking skin is what


Suitable Hair Masks

Use hair masks that are suitable for your hair. Hair needs vary as per your hair type and worries.

You must use the right masks, or it can further worsen your problem.

Cold Water Is Good For Hair

Use cold water to wash your hair. Yes, our parents scream at us for it will perhaps make us sick

but hot water affects hair the same way as heat styling methods do. Cold doesn’t just mean

freezing cold, but you can use water at room temperature instead.

The bottom line

When it comes to clear and healthy skin, pay attention to what you put on your face — like

cleansers, moisturizers, and makeup — and what you don’t — like unwanted bacteria from your

dirty brushes, fingers or and sponges. Focusing on certain lifestyle factors, like the healthy diet,

quality sleep, and stress management, can make a difference to your skin, too. Above all skincare

and hair care tips will make your skin flawless and beautiful. You can follow all the tips to avoid

many skin problems.

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