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Table Of Contents


01 Introduction to Bitcoin and the Existing Concepts

02 Bitcoin as State Conversion System

03 Mining

04 Merkle Trees

05 Blockchain and Mining

06 DCM Coin


01 Five Benefits of DCM Coin

02 Collaboration with Aztec

03 Dubai Conference

04 Board Members

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01 Introduction to Bitcoin and the Existing Concepts

The concept of decentralized digital currency has been around us

for decades like alternative applications such as property


The anonymous e-cash protocol in the 1980s and 1990s was

based on a low-level cryptographic algorithm known primarily as

'Chaumian blinding' and offered a strong protection of personal

information, but did not receive much attention because it

depended on a centralized intermediary.

In 1998, Wei Dai's b-money was the first to suggest the idea of

issuing monies through a way of solving distributed consens and

computational puzzles, but did not provide details on how to

actually implement the distributed consens. In 2005, Hall Finney'

introduced the concept of "reusable work proofs". The system was

a combination of b-money's idea and Adam Back's 'Calculation

Difficulty Hashcash Puzzle.'

However, by putting computing that requires external trust on the

ground, it has failed again to implement the ideal. The

decentralized currency, which was first implemented by Satoshi

Nakamoto in 2009, combines the existing algorithms used for

ownership management through public key cryptography with a

consensus algorithm known as "proof of work" . The way in which

work proofs are based is very innovative, because it solves both

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problems at the same time.

First, it provided a simple but fairly effective consensus algorithm.

That is, all the "nodes" on the network have been able to agree

collectively on the set of standard updates that occurred in the

status of accounting for Bitcoin.

Second, by allowing anyone to participate in the consensus

process, it could not only solve the political problem of consensus

decision, but also provide a mechanism to defend the Sivil Attack

at the same time. Instead of any formal barriers such as 'it must

be a subject registered on a particular list' as a condition of

participation in the consensus process, the economic barriers-the

size of each node's decision power was replaced in direct

proportion to the node's computational capability.

Since then, a new consensus algorithm has emerged, which is

proof of equity, which means that each node needs to calculate

the decision power of each node based on the amount of money

held, rather than the computational ability of each node. The

discussion of the relative merits of these two methods is beyond

the scope of this paper, but I would like to point out that both

the methods can be used as the basis for encryption currencies.

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02 Bitcoin as State Conversion System

From a technical point of view, accounting for cryptocurrency,

such as a bit coin, can be thought of as a state transition system.

This system has a "state" of current bit-coin ownership status and

a "state transitionfunction "" that takes this current state and

transaction and outputs the new state as a result.

In analogy to the standard banking system, the state is a balance

sheet and the transaction is a request to transfer $ X from A to B.

The state conversion function reduces $ X in the account of A

and $ X increases. If the amount in the account of A is less than

$ X at first, the state conversion function returns an error. This

state transformation can be defined as follows in the bit coin


Here is an example of a banking system:

In a bit coin, "state" is a set of all coins that have been created

but not yet used. Each UTXO has its own coin amount and

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contains UTXO's encoded public key information, which is defined

as a 20-byte address.Transactions include one or more inputs and

outputs, Contains the reference information for the existing UTXO

selected in the message and the encrypted signature generated

by the private key corresponding to the corresponding wallet

address and each output has new UTXO information to be added

to the state.

The state conversion function `APPLY (S, TX) -> S '' can be

defined as follows.

1. For each input of TX:

* If the referenced UTXO is not in `S`, return an error.

* If the signature does not match the owner of the UTXO, return

an error.

2. If the sum of the UTXO sums used in the input is less than the

sum of the output UTXO sums, an error is returned.

3. The UTXO used in the input is deleted and the output UTXO is

added and `S` is returned.

Where the first process of number 1 is to prevent nonexistent

coins from being used in the transaction and the second one is

to prevent other coins from being used in the transaction. The

above procedure is applied to the actual bit coin payment

process as follows. Suppose Alice wants to send 11.7 BTC to Bob.

First, from the Alice Wallet address, you should fiind the set of

UTXOs with a sum of at least 11.7 BTC or more. In most of the

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real cases, you will not be able to select exactly 11.7 BTC right

away. These three UTXOs are the input to the transaction and two

outputs. One of the outputs is a new UTXO with an 11.7 BTC, and

the owner becomes Bob's purse address. And the other is a new

UTXO with a "change" of 12 (6 + 4 + 2) - 11.7 = 0.3 BTC, and the

owner becomes Alice's own wallet address.

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03 Mining

It would be very simple if we could implement what we described

above as a centralized service based on trust. This is because you

only have to save the process of changing state on the central

server hard drive.

But Bitcoin is trying to build a decentralized call system. To do

this, the transaction ordering system that everyone can accept

must be combined with a state change system. The distributed

coalescing process of bit coins requires nodes that attempt to

continuously create a transation package called & quot; blocks &

quot; in the network. The network is planned to generate one

block about every 10 minutes and each block contains a

timestamp, a nonce, a reference to the previous block, and a list

of all transactions that have occurred since the previous block.

Through this process, a continuously growing blockchain is

created, which is continuously updated to show the latest state of

the bit coin book.

The algorithm to check whether one block is valid in this scheme

is as follows.

1. Make sure that the previous block referenced by this block

exists and is valid.

2. Check that the time stamp value is larger than the time stamp

value of the previous block and is within 2 hours.

3. Verify that the proof of work is valid.

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4. Set `S [0]` to be the last state of the previous block.

5. Assume `TX` is a list of transactions in the block with` n`

transactions. If any one of the sets `S [i + 1] = APPLY (S [i], TX [i])`

returns an error for every i of the closed interval `0 ... n-1`, ) And

returns to the end.

6. Return true and register `S [n]` as the last state of this block.

Basically, each transaction in the block must cause a valid state

transition. Note that the state is not recorded in any way in the

block here. The state is completely abstract that the validating

node has to calculate and remember each time, which can be

computed by sequentially applying all transactions from the

original state to the corresponding block. Notice the order of the

transactions that the miner will include in the block. Suppose

there are two transactions in a block, A and B, and B consumes

the output UTXO of A. If A is a transaction prior to B, then the

block is valid, but not valid.

The characteristic part of the block validation algorithm is that the

condition of the & quot; proof of work & quot; condition is that

the double-SHA256 hash value of each block, represented by a

256-bit number, must be smaller than the dynamically adjusted

target value. The goal of proof-of-work is to make the creation of

blocks computationally difficult, preventing attackers from

arbitrarily manipulating the entire blockchain.

SHA256 is designed as a pseudo-random function that is

unpredictable at all. Therefore, the only way to create a valid

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block is to increment the nonce value of the block header and

repeat the process of verifying that the new hash value that is

created meets the above conditions.

As compensation for these calculations, the miners of each block

at the present time are entitled to 25 BTC. If there is a transaction

with a larger input amount than the output amount, the

difference is obtained as a "transaction fee". This is the only way

BTC is issued, and the raw state does not include any coins.

To better understand the purpose of mining, let's see what

happens when there is a malicious attacker. A bit coin based

cryptosystem is known to be secure. Therefore, the attacker will

target 'transaction sequence', which is not directly protected by

the cryptographic scheme in the bit coin system. The attacker's

strategy is very simple.

1. Pay 100 BTC to the seller to buy any item.

2. Wait for the goods to be sent.

3. Create a transaction that sends the same 100 BTC to the

attacker himself (double payout attempt).

4. Make the Bitcoin network aware that the transaction that it

sends to the attacker itself is performed before the transaction it

pays to the seller.

After step 1 occurs and a few minutes later, some diggers will

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include the transaction in the block. Let this block number be


In approximately one hour, five blocks will be added to the chain

following this block. These five blocks are "confirmed" by

indirectly pointing to transaction # 1 above. At this point, the

seller will determine that payment has been completed and send

the goods.

Since we assumed it to be a digital product, the transfer ends

immediately. Now, the attacker creates another transaction that

sends the same 100 BTC to the attacker himself. If the attacker

simply attempted a transaction, the miners will run `APPLY (S, TX)`

and will notice that this `TX` tries to consume UTXO that no

longer exists in this state. So this transaction will not proceed.

Instead, it creates a block chain "branch point" by mining another

version of block 270000 that contains a new transaction that

points to the same parent block 269999 but replaces the one sent

to the seller.

And since the attacker's new block 270000 has a different hash

than the existing 270000, the original blocks 270001 through

270005 do not point to the block of 7 attackers.

Therefore, the original chain and the new chain of attackers are

completely separated. The rule of the bit coin network at this

branch point is to recognize the longest block chain as true.

While the attacker is working alone in his chain, the legitimate

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miners will work on the original 270005 chain, so to make the

attacker's own chain the longest, the computational ability of the

other nodes in the network must be greater than the

computational ability.

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04 Merkle Trees

Left: Only a few nodes in the Merkle tree are sufficient to prove the validity of the branch.

Right: An attempt to replace a part of the Merkle tree eventually produces a discrepancy somewhere

in the upper hash value.

An important extension of Bitcoin is that blocks are stored in

multiple hierarchies. The "hash" of a block actually means only

the hash of the block header. This block header contains about

200 bytes of time stamp, nonce, previous block hash, and a root

hash of the Merkle tree generated by all the transaction

information contained in the block.

A merge tree is a kind of binary tree that is located at the bottom

of the tree and has many leaf nodes containing base data, an

intermediate node composed of hash of two child nodes

immediately below itself, hash of two child intermediate nodes Is

a set of one root node at the "top" of the tree.

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The purpose of the Merkle tree is to allow data in any block to be

separated and delivered. If a node of a bit coin downloads only

the block header from one source and the transaction

information associated with that block header is downloaded

from another source, it is guaranteed that the data is still accurate.

This is possible because the hash value of the lower nodes in the

Merkle tree affects the upper node, so that if a malicious user

replaces the transaction information at the bottom of the merge

tree with a fake one, This is because the root value of the tree

changes. In other words, the hash of this block changes as a

result. This will cause the block to be recognized as a completely

different block, and it is certain that it will have invalid proof of


The Merkle Tree protocol is the basis for long-term sustainability

of bitcoin networks. A "full node" that stores and processes all the

information in each block in a bitcoin network requires nearly 15

GB of disk space as of April 2014 and is growing by more than 1

GB per month. At present, it can be accommodated on a desktop

computer, but not on a smartphone. Later, it will be able to

maintain a few businesses or pool nodes. A protocol known as

"simplified payment confirmation", on the other hand, enables

another type of node called a "light node". The light node

downloads the block header and verifies the proof of operation in

its block header.

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And make sure that only "branches" for related transactions are

downloaded. In this way, allowing only a very small percentage of

the entire block chain to be downloaded will ensure strong

security and allow you to determine the status and balance status

of any transaction.

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05 Blockchain and Mining

Ethereum blockchain are similar in many respects to bit coin

block chains, but with some differences. The main difference

between etheric and bit-coin structure for each block chain

structure is that the Etheric block, unlike the bit coin, has the

transaction list and the most recent state copy. In addition, two

different value-block numbers and difficulty- are also stored in

the block. The basic ether block verification algorithm is as


1. Make sure that the referenced previous block exists and is valid.

2. Make sure that the timestamp of the current block is larger

than that of the previous block referenced, but less than 15

minutes later than the current block.

3. Make sure (various other low level concepts of Ethereum ) such

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as block numbers, difficulty, transaction routes, uncle routes, gas

limits, etc. are valid.

4. Verify that the proof of work contained in the block is valid.

5. Let S [0] be the last state of the previous block.

6. Let TX be the n transaction list of the current block. Set S [i + 1]

= APPLY (S [i], TX [i]) for 0 to n-1. If the application returns an

error or the total gas consumed in the block up to this point

exceeds GASLIMIT, an error is returned.

7. Add the compensation block paid to the digger S [n] and call it


8. Verify that the merge tree root of state S_FINAL is equal to the

final state root of the block header.

If these values are the same, the block is a valid block, otherwise

it is judged to be invalid.

This approach seems at first glance to be very inefficient due to

the need to store all states in each block, but in practice it is

comparable to bit coin in terms of efficiency. The reason is that

the state is stored in a tree structure and only a small part of the

tree changes after every block. Normally, most of the contents of

the tree are the same between two adjacent blocks, so once the

data is stored, it can be referenced using a pointer (a hash of the


This kind of special tree, known as the Patricia tree, modifies the

merge tree concept to not only modify the node,

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This allows you to perform these tasks.

Also, since all state information is included in the last block, there

is no need to store all the block chain histories. If you apply this

method to bit coin, you will save 5-20 times of storage space.

From a physical hardware standpoint, it is easy to doubt that the

contract code is "where to run".

Here is a simple answer. The process of executing the contract

code is part of the state transition function definition, which is

part of the block verification algorithm. Thus, if a transaction is

included in block B, the execution of the code to be caused by

that transaction will be executed by all nodes currently

downloading and verifying block B, either now or in the future.

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DCM Coin

DCM (digital currency mining) Coin is a new cryptocurrency that

automatically increases its value by just putting the profits from

cryptocurrency mining business of Digital currency Co., Ltd into

account. Cryptocurrency mining business is to mine a variety of

cryptocurrency on a large scale and more quickly by constructing

the so-called infrastructure.

In general, the infrastructure is the term used to describe piping

facilities such as water pipes of purification plants needed for

daily life in the city or equipment such as power station, power

lines and a wattmeter to use electricity. Roads, railroads and

communication networks also belong to the large-scale

infrastructure. The infrastructure of cryptocurrency mining

business includes high-performance networking

environment(Internet lines), large amounts of power to operate

the grand diggers, high-capacity of energy for diggers, big

efficient coolers against overheating, and air conditioner and so


Digital Currency Co., Ltd is proceeding the cryptocurrency mining

business through collaboration with Astec which is a company

specializing in the network system.

What you need is a network infrastructure (Internet line).

The first thing we need for the infrastructure of the

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cryptocurrency is the network infrastructure (Internet lines).

But the network infrastructure is already equipped since the

internet connections are installed in most parts of the world. Next,

all users should have terminals such as smartphone or computer.

Nowadays, as even indigenous people living in Africa or jungles

have their smartphones, it is also widely spread on the earth.

Next, each user must have a smartphone. Or have a computer.

Even now, even indigenous peoples in the jungle in Africa and

have smartphones. So that indicates they are being used by

almost everyone on earth.

So what is lacking is a mining machine. Connection to the

bitcoin network via this mining machine enables the transactions

on the Exchange between smartphones or users by revealing

those to the public. By installing mining machines all over the

world, you can build the infrastructure of virtual currency.

Let’s change the subject a little bit and take a look at the bitcoin

chart last year. The bitcoin reached the highest point of 2.2

million yen (about 22 million won in Korean currency) at the end

of December last year, and it has declined since then. What it

peaked at 2.2 million yen means that it requires a lot of people

and at the same time rise of the price indicates that it has

become famous.

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Growing demand for coin resulted in some situations where

someone could not receive it even after 24 hours.

This is just due to a lack of mining capacity. Or it can also be

expressed as the insufficient capability of bitcoin network

processing. It hit the lowest price of 2018 of 690,000 yen (about

6.9 million won in Korean currency) on April 2.

Compared to 2.2 million yen last year, it became less congested.

The listed prices of BTC are showing a recovery pattern.

It is one third of the price at the end of the year, but compared

to last March where the price was about 100,000

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yen(approximately one million won in Korean currency), 100,000

yen went to 690,000 yen, which means, it started from the seven

times price of the lowest point in the same period of the previous


Since it started at seven times the price compared to last year

and is currently recovering, it is expected that lack of mining

ability, that is, infrastructure capacity will be intensified.

Therefore, our company is also constructing mining farms.

The mining farm features AI Mining and it is hard to get benefits

from the bitcoin mining as its market isvery competitive all over

the world. There's also a plan to simultaneously mine a variety of

coins, not limited to Bitcoin, but mainly using various types of the

coin such as bitcoin cash, Ethereum, lightcoin, Monero, Mona, and


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Since AI is the most effective, the most profitable coin that can

earn the most money is mine first and automatic conversion is

carried out.

Each coin obtained ends up being converted into bitcoin, and AI

keeps those first. Using this AI mining system helps to make

profits efficiently, and it is still in the process of improvement.

At this time, 120 machines started operating and an expansion

project is underway to increase the number of machines to 800

per plant. One of the most significant features of DCM is that it

uses some of the mining rewards generated by the mining

machine to invest in DCM market and automatically keep making

a purchase. Through this process, market price rises by itself and

even if someone sells off DCM at once in a large quantity, it can

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be supported by the mining rewards and the value will not

descend with ease.

This means that the market price will rise steadily. For example,

even if a person sells a large amount of DCM, it will be difficult to

go down because he buys it by mining maintenance.

Plus, even if no one purchases in the market, price rises

automatically. therefore, it can be said to raise the number of

purchases of itself beyond control. That is the biggest feature of


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Five Benefits of DCM Coin

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With the increasing number of poverty families in Japan, where

the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing, DCM can be

utilized to invest in the fund of student loans bankruptcy or

contribute to institutions for children in need. In Japan, if we look

at the legal system of the solidarity guarantee, the comprehensive

guarantee is limited or restricted because a joint surety on the

civil law doesn’t have the highest right of appeal as well as the

right of appeal of the prosecution and the benefit of the

discrimination. Meanwhile, there are moves to abolish the

solidarity guarantee system, and one out of two college students

has no choice but to borrow money. It is hard to find a job even

after graduation, or they can be employed as a temporary worker.

This makes it difficult to pay back their loan and leads to self-

destruction. It is reported that these kinds of incidents

frequently happen in Japan and as many as 10,000 Japanese get

into this miserable condition every year.

This is a dangerous social phenomenon, and even parents, joint

surety, have been implicated, leading to the bankruptcy of their

families. On the other hand, some people are trying to solve this

problem. Yank Barry runs a charity called the Yank Berry

Foundation and is known as the Global Village Champions


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There are literally world-famous celebrities and prominent

champions belonging to this group. For example, Muhammad Ali

and Celine Dion are the members of this foundation.

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These people are at the center of charity work. Among them,

Yank Berry is the person who is setting up Global Village

Champions Foundation.

These people are at the center of charity work and It was Yank

Barry who founded this global connection.

Here is how the Yank Barry Foundation and DCM donate their

fund. For each DCM transfer, a 0.15% commission is deducted,

and it is collected to invest in Yank Barry Foundation. That is to

say, owning or exchanging the DCM itself is a contribution to the

college student loan issues and indicates that the owner of DCM

can help many children in need.

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Collaboration with Aztec

Digital currency Co, Ltd runs its bus in partnership with the

company Astec. Astec is the company that established a

corporate data center for only the famous large companies and is

made up of professional engineers.

As can be seen in the actual construction cases, this company

proved their expertise in the data center. So it is also participating

in mining farm establishment as a supervisor.

Digital currency Co., Ltd and Astec are also working together on

measures against the heat of mining machines.

Because of the high heat content of the mining machine, it is

easy to break down and must be cooled to maintain performance.

Because It is necessary to cool down the mining machine to

prevent failure, ordinarily large air conditioners must be installed

to cool the entire plant. Reducing costs is as important as raising

profits in the mining business, as it is ultimately profitable to

deduct a significant amount of electricity that occurs in this


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To do this, Digital Currency and Aztec are developing a non-

heating mining machine, and If this becomes feasible, the mining

plant can be reduced in size. Generally, to operate a factory,

mining plants placed a large number of machines and put

massive amounts of electricity and money into it.

If the non-heating machine is invented, as there is a difference

between a grand supermarket and a convenience store, with

showing a contrast to a supermarket that needs a lot of money,

mining can be done anywhere. Besides, it will be able to build a

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downsized mining plant, like the convenience store, which is

distributed in tens of thousands of locations nationwide.

For example, a closed convenience store of bankruptcy, which is

commonly found in local cities, could soon turn into a mining

plant. Convenience store-sized mining plants or much smaller

container-sized plant can be designed so that you can mine

everywhere in Japan. This could turn Japan into a mining giant.

Also, one of the main reasons why Digital Currency works with

Astec is that they have a robust network infrastructure.

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The most crucial difference between other companies and Digital

Currency is that they can only use common commercial fiber lines

used at home.

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If hundreds of families share only one fiber optic line, this will

inevitably lead to a slowdown in transmission speed. No matter

how many high-tech machines are placed in the plant, there is a

limit to the capacity of mining machines because they cannot

function properly if the internet lines are slowed down.

In the case of Digital Currency, it is possible to take over a line

using an Aztec select line exclusively. So, as the number of mining

machines increases, their power will be higher. It is also a

difference from other plants.

Also, Astec is dealing with so-called global corporations, and it is

possible to collaborate with such companies. Below is a partial list

of the leading construction projects actually undertaken and the

list is based on the company internal data.

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Japan Corporation of Apple, the world's largest stock market

Amazon Headquarters, the world's leading logistics company, and

companies related to Amazon

Goldman Sachs, the number one investment bank in the world.

Wal-Mart, the best retailer in the world (running under the name

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Seiyu in Japan)

Aztec is a professional group that is constructing only top-notch

global corporations such as data center of Tsutaya which is

culture consultancy club. These excellent corporate clients are

spreading DCM and mining business around the world through

the construction of Aztec.

With the help of Astec which has links with these enterprises, it

will be able to promote our company itself not only create the

unprecedented partnerships by sharing the existing service.

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Dubai Conference

The conference event will be held because of the invitation of

Dubai, the world's most affluent community, asking for

information about DCM and mining projects issued by Digital

Currency with the cooperation of Astec.

The event, which takes place on July 2, will be attended by more

than 100 people from a few Dubai royal families.

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The Dubai royal family is well known that one person has at least

100 billion yen (about 1 trillion won) worth of assets and it is

highly anticipated that how they will show their life attitude. The

conference's situation will be delivered in news bulletin.

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Board Members

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