Page 1: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17

Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization

Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire

Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang


Page 2: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17


Tag cloud can represent the frequencies of a hundred items

Tag cloud can be generated using– images– browser-specific technologies (ex: ActiveX)– plugins (ex: Flash)– complex HTML (using absolute positioning)– simple HTML with inline text or tables

Page 3: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17

Problem Definitions

Problems– Wasted space– Large clumps of white space

Solutions– Floorplanning / placement problem (EDA)– Hybrid of text justification (Knuth-Pass

algo) and book-placement (Skiena)

Page 4: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17

Cloud Layout with Inline Text

1st algo: take an ordered list of tags and choose where to break line– Step 1: Greedy algorithm ,O(n)

• Tags are added to the current line one by one, inserting a white space between them, until the line is full

– Step 2: Dynamic programming ,O(n^2)• Knuth-Plass algorithm• Except that 2 things

– The last line is not an exception– If a tag exceeds the maximal width, then it will be given a

line of its own

Page 5: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17

Cloud Layout with Inline Text

2nd algo: reorder tags, attempting to decrease the badness– Finding an optimal ordering is NP-hard: when the required

horizontal white space between tags is zero, we have the NP-hard Strip Packing Problem (SPP)

– Dynamic programming to place the tags optimally and keep only the best solution

Next Fit Decreasing Height, Weight heuristic (NFDHW)

Page 6: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17

Strip Packing Problem

First Fit Decreasing Height (FFDH)Next Fit Decreasing Height (NFDH)

Page 7: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17

Cloud Layout with Arbitrary Placement Min-cut placement

– Placement approaches in EDA– Recursively decomposes a collection of

tags by bipartitioning: splitting the tags into a “left” group and a “right” group

Page 8: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17

Slicing Floorplans & Slicing Tree

Slicing floorplans

Slicing tree

Page 9: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17

Nested Tables for Slicing Floorplans Trick: each internal node in the slicing

tree corresponds to a 2-element table in HTML

Page 10: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17

Tag Cloud with CSS

Page 11: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17

Result: Tag Cloud with Inline Text

Page 12: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17

Result: Tag Cloud with Arbitrary Placement

Page 13: Tag-Cloud Drawing: Algorithm for Cloud Visualization Owen Kaser, Daniel Lemire Speaker: Yi-Ching Huang 2007/07/17


Use simple HTML with CSS to layout tags

Two approaches for displaying tag cloud– inline text– arbitrary placement

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