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U.N.I.T.YAn extinct quality in today’s society. By: Tahir Williams

Introduction: U.N.I.T.Y. (United Neighbors Inspiring Today’s Youth) An extinct quality in today’s society, created and presented by Tahir Williams.

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I am Tahir Williams and I’m from Philadelphia.Image Taken By Student: Tahir Williams

Hook/attention grabber:

• I a.m Tahir Williams and I am from Philadelphia, PA.

• I am a student at Full Sail University in the Entertainment Business program.

• I have always had a love for music, art and fashion and loved sharing it with the world.

• I have been making music since age six and have been into fashion and art since my teen-aged years. !

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Dawson College and Sandy Hook are two examples.

• There has been an increase in mass school shootings and murders in general all around the world. Innocent children are being intentionally targeted and it seems the police and military have less power than ever to proven these “terrorist” acts. • From America to Afghanistan; poverty and violence are two problems that are plaguing nearly every society. There was once a time where violence was forsaken but now videos of horrific acts are shared and viewed by people all around the world for

entertainment. People are cold and relentless and would rather pull out their phone to record than help a person in danger. !

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I will use art to change the world. Graphic Created By Student: Tahir Williams

What do you want to create?

• I want to use my love of art, music and fashion to change the world by inspiring positivity. !What ideas drive you?

• I am driven by my morals, values, the experiences I have had and the people I have had the pleasure of interacting with.

• I am also inspired by the tragedies I have witnessed like the loss of my cousin Timothy Artis and too many others to count. !

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United Neighbors Inspiring Today’s Youth

Who do you want to help or impact?

• I want to impact todays’s society, specifically the youth because they are the future.

• With the lack of guidance and support they are more susceptible to outside influences. !What changes do you want to create in the world?

• See a decrease of international violence and an increase in compassion and empathy.

• Create opportunities for people in poverty and anguish can build skills and get back on their feet.

• Spread love and unity through art, fashion and music.

• Start a movement that leads to a change in how people interact with each other.

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Be the change you wish to see .

What do you believe?

• The work is in a state of emergency and it is up to every being on this planet to do it’s jobs and make it better.

• That with hard work, dedication any obstacle can be overcome.

• Love and compassion are the two most important qualities for a person to have. !Why do you believe this?

• These are the things that were taught to me by my mother and grand father. • My experiences in life have proved them true. • They guide me and help me make better decisions in. !!!!

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United Neighbors Inspiring Today’s Youth

What drives you to act?

• I am driven by the fact that I come from the bottom and I aim to help the people that still remain there.

• I have plenty of friends and family who still live in those conditions and are not in the position to change things so my goal is to use my education and resources to help them out.

• More than anything I am driven to save our children because they are our future. !!

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What motivates me?

What motivates you?

• I am motivated by my family and their support.

• The morals and values taught to me by my mother and grand father.

• The friends and family I have lost to violence.

• My love of art, music and fashion.

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Art, honor and respect.

Brand Mantra

• My brand mantra is Art, Honor and Respect.

• This is my brand mantra because it perfectly embodies my brand.

• My brand is all about promoting respect and honor through art, music and fashion. !

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What I aim to change.

What problems do you want to solve?

• I want to address the issue of lack of resources in urban neighborhoods, particularly the schools.

• At a time when children have more opportunities than ever because of the technology available; those opportunities are being taken by school closings.

• When schools close and there is nowhere for a child to go they end up begin bored and getting in trouble.

• Not to mention the fact that without education they will have no skill(s) or way(s) of providing for themselves and families.

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My skills, strengths and ideas.

What are your skills, strengths, and ideas?

• I am dedicated, motivated, focused, fair, considerate and strong leader.

• I am good at quick math, creative writing, marketing, advertising, and music related tasks.

• My biggest idea at the moment is a clothing company I just started by the name of Adelphia International LLC. !

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I value family, unity and love above all.

What makes you an ideal professional?

• I love business and entertainment.

• I am attentive and love handling difficult tasks.

• I enjoy working on a team and bring the best out of each member. ! !!

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Poverty and violence are common place in today’s society.

!What life experiences make you unique, talented, and capable?

• Growing up in Southwest Philadelphia I experienced violence and poverty on a daily basis. I come from a close-knit family in which morals and values are the guiding principals.

• My mother and grand father worked hard to provide the things I needed and keep me on the right track.

• With the lessons I learned at home, in school and in the streets I decided that I wanted to be a part of the change that could save my city.

• I completed a volunteer program called City Year where I worked at a middle school and provided in-class support and after-school programming.

• I have experience securing donations from big corporations. !! !

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My self-growth process.Image Taken By Student: Tahir Williams

What do you do to promote self-growth?

• I rely heavily on my grand father for guidance and support.

• He always suggests books, movies and articles that aid in physical, mental and emotional growth.

• He also plays the part of my therapist, body guard and lawyer and has no problem correcting and re-directing me when I was wrong. !!!

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My competitive advantage.

What’s your competitive advantage (what makes your skills and abilities invaluable to your audience?

• My competitive edge is my is my charisma and ability to build connections.

• I am a natural communicator and can easily adjust to any setting I am placed in.

• I can easily gain the trust, energy and imagination of any group of people. !What makes you different from others with the same skills and qualifications)?

• I have plenty of work experience and the willingness and to learn.

• I am humble and wiling to accept guidance and creative criticism.

• I have experience in grant writing and putting together large scale community service events.

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Why I am a good teammate.

Why should others work with you?

• I am a great team leader and team member.

• I enjoy working with people.

• All of the jobs I have had require working with a team and I have never had an issue.

• I am perpetually positive.

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My ideal work environment.

In what environment do you work best?

• I prefer to work in a fast-paced environment.

• I like hands-on work that is creativity based.

• I enjoy a free-flow work environment with flexibility in management and rules. !Why/how have you excelled professionally in the past?

• I have excelled in every job that I have had because I have always gone above and beyond.

• I always do my best to keep my team informed and involved.

• I respect authority and the rules that are set in place.

• I own up to my mistakes and accept punishment willingly. !!!

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My dream job.

What kinds of people do you work well with?

• I work well with positive, fun, energetic people.

• I need a team with a can-do attitude.

• The most important thing is that they be able to balance having fun and getting work done. ! What kind of worker do you want to be - employee, entrepreneur, freelancer?

• I am thinking I will most likely be a free-lancer or contractor because I have a strong desire to travel.

• My plan is to free-lance, work and travel until I build up a strong enough contact base to start my own company.

• I want to do a lot of work outside of the US and definitely live in Europe and Japan one year each .

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Our children are have their futures taken away.

• Our children do not stand a chance in this system that seems to be designed for us to fail.

• There is no reason that at a time where technology is king 23 schools in any city (especially in America).

• These children want to learn, they have a hunger for knowledge and are being turned away because of “budget cuts”.

• What will this leave the children to do?

• How will they fend for themselves without education?

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Be a member of the global community!

• It is no coincidence that they closed 23 schools and the crime rate increased.

• We are in a state of turmoil and this is just an example of how fast things are beginning to spiral.

• We as a country and an international community need to stand up and address the issues that plague our societies. !

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23 schools close; $400 million prison opens.

• Our future is in jeopardy because our children are being abandoned. • At the same time when they are debating whether or not there is enough money to open public schools in Philadelphia there a $400 million prison being built. • Majority if the area prisons contain Philadelphian convicts and this prison will indeed do the same. • They are closing the schools and building more prisons to house our children.

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It takes a village to change the world.

• Slide 15: Community involvement can greatly decrease the frequency of violent crimes (Factual Evidence: Single-Parent Families in Poverty).

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What is success to me?

Where will you be and who will you be when you are “successful?”

• Success to me is being able to provide for myself and family with enough left over to help those in need.

• I do not want to be the richest or most famous person in the world I just want to make enough money to help myself and my family.

• Material possessions are not a part of my vision; vision is simply to help people, accomplish my goals and live comfortably.

• Business success would be having my entertainment company and clothing line started, having a successful career and international fan base.

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Success in the entertainment & fashion industries.

• Accomplishing my goals of running both a successful entertainment company and a fashion company.

• Establishing an international market and getting placement in major stores world wide.

• My biggest goal in this area is establishing a chain of stores worldwide.

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A comfortable life for myself and my family.

• Because I come from a finically challenged family stability is a major goal of mine.

• I want to be able to afford whatever I need/want and take my family on vacation whenever I please.

• I want to travel the world and see every major city on every continent.

• I also want to be able to provide opportunities for the friends and family who would not directly share in my success.

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Giving back to my community.

• One of the most important things to me is charity.

• I love giving back and helping others and my ultimate goal is to start an entertainment business program for kids.

• So may children want to be in this industry and have no way of learning before being taken advantage of.

• My goal is to teach these children about the in-and-outs of the industry so that they can be as successful as possible.

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