  • Take Tomorrows Lead


    A day to doand not to doA day to see my placeamong othersTo listen and speakwhats real to meat the timeA day to moveand be stillA day to let come,a day to let goA day to smileand be emptyas a mirrorA day to holdand be heldA day to taste the foodA day among many

    To Ponder

    1. A day wasted may be a day saved. Laying waste may be the laying of a new foundation.

    2. What can a day mean to you? Are you inclined to ask, get specific? To look?

    3. How willing are you to be shown? What shape would openness to the day take for you?

    4. How might the day connect or disconnect to other specific days, those past or coming.

    5. Tonight, the night before tomorrow, what kind of day might that be? What might you do to welcome it?

    6. How will you open the door, start the car or board the train?

    7. What one thing do you know that youve forgotten, that floats about, waiting for your recall?

  • Discussion Questions1. Are you in the habit of reviewing the day youve just had? I mean in a relaxed, regular way.2. Do you know others who do? Have you asked them what value they get from the practice. Can you give an example or two?3. Some others, too, think about the day following. They anticipate what they think might lie ahead and how they can prepare. Do you?4. How good are you at adapting when the day doesnt go as planned or even turns sour? How do you act? What do you do?5. How about the pleasant surprises? How do you normally react? Who or what do you thank? How are you grateful?


  • Allan Coxs new book, WHEN THE SUN SHINES THROUGH, will be released mid-to-late September and be available in Trade Paper and Kindle on Amazon.

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