Page 1: Take Your Workplace Wellness Program from Blah to Brilliant

Take Your Wellness Program from “Blah” to bril liant


Page 2: Take Your Workplace Wellness Program from Blah to Brilliant

Here’s f ive simple strategies.      

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Capture Multilevel Leadership Support Create a Health-Promoting Environment Build Effective Programming Communicate to Engage Make Health Social

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Capture Multilevel Leadership Support  


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Give Managers a Speci"c Role

•  Describe what you expect from managers.

•  Provide tools – create a “Meeting in a Box” so they have everything needed to present to their staff.

Real-Life Example: Once a month have senior management hold a workout session and invite all employees to join.  

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Measure Success

•  Set participation, engagement and satisfaction goals.

•  Report on progress in operations meetings.

Real-Life Example: Tie wellness goals directly to your merit increase and/or bonuses for your company.  

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Create a Health-Promoting Environment


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Align Wellness Program with Culture •  The wellness program

should be a natural extension of your company’s core mission and values.

•  Make wellness one of the top priorities.

Real-Life Example: Change cultural norms so that walking during lunch is an established expectation.  

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Healthy Policies •  Ensure policies enhance employee health

and productivity. Some sample policies: – Replacing unhealthy food in vending machines  – Ergonomically correct office furniture – Smoke free campus – Opportunities for physical activity – Healthy food at company events

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Build Effective Programming

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Base Interventions on Data

•  Interventions should match the health risks and challenges of your workforce.

•  Match some programming with employee interests.

•  Follow latest trends & research in health promotion.  


Real-Life Example: Sit for 60, Move for 3 a Physical Activity Intervention  

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Take a Holistic View

•  Focus on the whole person: – Career – Social – Financial – Physical – Community

Real-Life Example: Offering Personal Financial Wellness Checkups can lower stress and improve productivity.  

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•  Reward behaviors that are realistically achievable.

•  Make programs easily available to employees.

•  Provide employees with regular feedback regarding progress toward incentives.

Real-Life Example: The Go! TotalWellness Portal has incentive tracking built in so employees always know where they stand.  

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C ommunicate to Engage

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Give Your Program an Identity

•  Get a great logo. •  Develop a tagline. •  Design templates and create

standards for your communication materials.

•  Be consistent.

Real-Life Example: Healthy Pfizer. Helping You Be Your Best  

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Personalize Messages

•  Address the needs and desires of key employee groups.

•  Answer the question: “What’s in it for me?”

Real-Life Example: Have educational materials at health screenings directly related to each health risk – like high blood pressure.  

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Be Clear & Concise

•  Pick one main concept for each promotional piece.

•  Think teasers and billboards. •  Make your messages

scannable. •  Provide a clear call to action.

Real-Life Example: Call to Action: Take your Health Risk Assessment now to get your reward.  

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Use Multiple Channels

Vary your content types. Some examples include: –  Intranet/Web Portal –  Face-to-Face Meetings –  Email –  Internal Office Mailing – Home Mailings

– On-site Posters/Table Tents

–  Screen Savers – Articles in

organizational publications

–  Phone Based Outreach –  Text Messages

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Make Health Social

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•  People love stories. •  Include personal anecdotes

and success stories in your communication materials.

Real-Life Example: Develop a peer-to-peer recognition program.  

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Utilize New Technology

•  The interactive nature of Social Media makes it a great place to engage with employees.

•  Videos can be used to generate excitement and get employees involved.

Real-Life Example: Create community page on Facebook to share updates and connect with employees.  

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