Page 1: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Standardized Debugging Environments

Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation

Charlie Sharpsteen Open Source Support Engineer, Puppet Labs

Page 2: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

What Are We Trying to Improve?

Page 3: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Collaboration Across Groups…

Page 4: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Collaboration Across Groups…


Page 5: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Collaboration Across Groups…

Support Engineering

Page 6: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Collaboration Across Groups…

Support Engineering Users

Page 7: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Collaboration Across Groups…

…and Across Environments

Support Engineering Users

Page 8: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Collaboration Across Groups…

…and Across Environments

Support Engineering Users

Windows Linux

Page 9: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Collaboration Across Groups…

…and Across Environments

Support Engineering Users

Windows LinuxOS X Solaris

Page 10: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

What I cannot create, I do not understand.

- Richard Feynmen

Page 11: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

First Steps

Page 12: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

First Steps

• Hand-built VMs

Page 13: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

First Steps

• Hand-built VMs

• Manually managed snapshots

Page 14: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

First Steps

• Hand-built VMs

• Manually managed snapshots

• Hard to scale out and manually manage many VMs

Page 15: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Enter Vagrant

Page 16: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Enter Vagrant

• A tool that allows us to create and manage many VM instances

Page 17: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Enter Vagrant

• A tool that allows us to create and manage many VM instances

• Manages artifacts required to use multiple guest operating systems

• Provisions VMs after creation

Page 18: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Enter Vagrant

• A tool that allows us to create and manage many VM instances

• Manages artifacts required to use multiple guest operating systems

• Provisions VMs after creation

• Each VM is specified in a plain text file

Page 19: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

# -*- mode: ruby -*-!# vi: set ft=ruby :!!!# Hashes of box URLs!S3_BOXES = {! :sles_11sp1 => '',! :sles_11sp1_nocm => '',! :fedora_18 => '',! :fedora_18_nocm => '',! :centos_59 => '',! :centos_59_nocm => '',! :centos_64_nocm => '',! :centos_64_fusion_nocm => '',! :debian_6_nocm => '',! :debian_7 => '',! :debian_7_nocm => '',! :ubuntu_1204_nocm => '',!}!!LOCAL_BOXES = {! :centos_64_pe => "~/Data/boxes/",! :solaris_10 => '~/Data/boxes/',! :solaris_10_nocm => '~/Data/boxes/',!}!!BOOTSTRAPS = {! :centos_6 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! echo 'Installing EPEL'! wget! wget! sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm!! echo 'Installing Puppet.'! rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS! :centos_59 => <<-EOS,!# CentOS 5 has some networking problems!/etc/init.d/network restart!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! echo 'Installing Puppet.'! rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS! :ubuntu_1204 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! wget --output-document=/tmp/puppet-repo-precise.deb! dpkg -i /tmp/puppet-repo-precise.deb! apt-get update! apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated puppet!fi! EOS! :fedora_18 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! sudo rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS!}!!# Shorthand method for setting box URL and name in one shot.!def set_box box, box_url! box.vm.box_url = box_url! # Recover box name from url by returning the last component minus the! # `.box` extension.! = File.basename(box.vm.box_url, File.extname(box.vm.box_url))!end!!def share_puppet_source box! box.vm.share_folder 'puppet-source', '/puppetlabs', "#{ENV['HOME']}/Source/puppetlabs"!end!!def share_puppet_modules box! box.vm.share_folder 'puppet-modules', '/usr/share/puppet/modules', 'provisioning/modules'!end!!def provision_box box, manifest! box.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|! puppet.pp_path = '/tmp/vagrant-puppet'! puppet.manifests_path = 'provisioning/manifests'! puppet.module_path = 'provisioning/modules'! puppet.manifest_file = manifest! end!end!!

!! do |config|! config.ssh.forward_x11 = true!! config.vm.define :pemaster do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'pemaster.boxnet'! end!! config.vm.define :peagent do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'peagent.boxnet'! end!!! config.vm.define :puppetmaster do |box|! flavor = :centos_6! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:centos_64_nocm]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'puppetmaster.boxnet'!! # NOTE: Share folders, such as Git checkouts of the Puppet source code! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'server.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :puppetagent do |box|! flavor = :centos_6! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:centos_64_nocm]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "puppetagent.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :centos_59 do |box|! flavor = :centos_59_nocm! set_box box, S3_BOXES[flavor]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "centos-59.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[:centos_59]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :ubuntuagent do |box|! flavor = :ubuntu_1204! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:ubuntu_1204_nocm]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "ubuntuagent.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :solaris_10 do |box|! box.vm.guest = :solaris! flavor = :solaris_10! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "solaris-10.boxnet"! end!! config.vm.define :debianagent do |box|! flavor = :debian_7_nocm! set_box box, S3_BOXES[flavor]!!

The uberVagrantfile

Page 20: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

# -*- mode: ruby -*-!# vi: set ft=ruby :!!!# Hashes of box URLs!S3_BOXES = {! :sles_11sp1 => '',! :sles_11sp1_nocm => '',! :fedora_18 => '',! :fedora_18_nocm => '',! :centos_59 => '',! :centos_59_nocm => '',! :centos_64_nocm => '',! :centos_64_fusion_nocm => '',! :debian_6_nocm => '',! :debian_7 => '',! :debian_7_nocm => '',! :ubuntu_1204_nocm => '',!}!!LOCAL_BOXES = {! :centos_64_pe => "~/Data/boxes/",! :solaris_10 => '~/Data/boxes/',! :solaris_10_nocm => '~/Data/boxes/',!}!!BOOTSTRAPS = {! :centos_6 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! echo 'Installing EPEL'! wget! wget! sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm!! echo 'Installing Puppet.'! rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS! :centos_59 => <<-EOS,!# CentOS 5 has some networking problems!/etc/init.d/network restart!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! echo 'Installing Puppet.'! rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS! :ubuntu_1204 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! wget --output-document=/tmp/puppet-repo-precise.deb! dpkg -i /tmp/puppet-repo-precise.deb! apt-get update! apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated puppet!fi! EOS! :fedora_18 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! sudo rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS!}!!# Shorthand method for setting box URL and name in one shot.!def set_box box, box_url! box.vm.box_url = box_url! # Recover box name from url by returning the last component minus the! # `.box` extension.! = File.basename(box.vm.box_url, File.extname(box.vm.box_url))!end!!def share_puppet_source box! box.vm.share_folder 'puppet-source', '/puppetlabs', "#{ENV['HOME']}/Source/puppetlabs"!end!!def share_puppet_modules box! box.vm.share_folder 'puppet-modules', '/usr/share/puppet/modules', 'provisioning/modules'!end!!def provision_box box, manifest! box.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|! puppet.pp_path = '/tmp/vagrant-puppet'! puppet.manifests_path = 'provisioning/manifests'! puppet.module_path = 'provisioning/modules'! puppet.manifest_file = manifest! end!end!!

!! do |config|! config.ssh.forward_x11 = true!! config.vm.define :pemaster do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'pemaster.boxnet'! end!! config.vm.define :peagent do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'peagent.boxnet'! end!!! config.vm.define :puppetmaster do |box|! flavor = :centos_6! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:centos_64_nocm]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'puppetmaster.boxnet'!! # NOTE: Share folders, such as Git checkouts of the Puppet source code! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'server.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :puppetagent do |box|! flavor = :centos_6! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:centos_64_nocm]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "puppetagent.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :centos_59 do |box|! flavor = :centos_59_nocm! set_box box, S3_BOXES[flavor]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "centos-59.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[:centos_59]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :ubuntuagent do |box|! flavor = :ubuntu_1204! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:ubuntu_1204_nocm]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "ubuntuagent.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :solaris_10 do |box|! box.vm.guest = :solaris! flavor = :solaris_10! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "solaris-10.boxnet"! end!! config.vm.define :debianagent do |box|! flavor = :debian_7_nocm! set_box box, S3_BOXES[flavor]!!

The uberVagrantfileData: !# Hashes of box URLs!S3_BOXES = {! :sles_11sp1 => '',! :sles_11sp1_nocm => '',! :fedora_18 => '',! :fedora_18_nocm => '',! :centos_59 => '',! :centos_59_nocm => '',! :centos_64_nocm => '',! :centos_64_fusion_nocm => '',! :debian_6_nocm => '',! :debian_7 => '',! :debian_7_nocm => '',! :ubuntu_1204_nocm => '',!}!

Page 21: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

# -*- mode: ruby -*-!# vi: set ft=ruby :!!!# Hashes of box URLs!S3_BOXES = {! :sles_11sp1 => '',! :sles_11sp1_nocm => '',! :fedora_18 => '',! :fedora_18_nocm => '',! :centos_59 => '',! :centos_59_nocm => '',! :centos_64_nocm => '',! :centos_64_fusion_nocm => '',! :debian_6_nocm => '',! :debian_7 => '',! :debian_7_nocm => '',! :ubuntu_1204_nocm => '',!}!!LOCAL_BOXES = {! :centos_64_pe => "~/Data/boxes/",! :solaris_10 => '~/Data/boxes/',! :solaris_10_nocm => '~/Data/boxes/',!}!!BOOTSTRAPS = {! :centos_6 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! echo 'Installing EPEL'! wget! wget! sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm!! echo 'Installing Puppet.'! rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS! :centos_59 => <<-EOS,!# CentOS 5 has some networking problems!/etc/init.d/network restart!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! echo 'Installing Puppet.'! rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS! :ubuntu_1204 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! wget --output-document=/tmp/puppet-repo-precise.deb! dpkg -i /tmp/puppet-repo-precise.deb! apt-get update! apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated puppet!fi! EOS! :fedora_18 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! sudo rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS!}!!# Shorthand method for setting box URL and name in one shot.!def set_box box, box_url! box.vm.box_url = box_url! # Recover box name from url by returning the last component minus the! # `.box` extension.! = File.basename(box.vm.box_url, File.extname(box.vm.box_url))!end!!def share_puppet_source box! box.vm.share_folder 'puppet-source', '/puppetlabs', "#{ENV['HOME']}/Source/puppetlabs"!end!!def share_puppet_modules box! box.vm.share_folder 'puppet-modules', '/usr/share/puppet/modules', 'provisioning/modules'!end!!def provision_box box, manifest! box.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|! puppet.pp_path = '/tmp/vagrant-puppet'! puppet.manifests_path = 'provisioning/manifests'! puppet.module_path = 'provisioning/modules'! puppet.manifest_file = manifest! end!end!!

!! do |config|! config.ssh.forward_x11 = true!! config.vm.define :pemaster do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'pemaster.boxnet'! end!! config.vm.define :peagent do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'peagent.boxnet'! end!!! config.vm.define :puppetmaster do |box|! flavor = :centos_6! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:centos_64_nocm]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'puppetmaster.boxnet'!! # NOTE: Share folders, such as Git checkouts of the Puppet source code! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'server.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :puppetagent do |box|! flavor = :centos_6! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:centos_64_nocm]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "puppetagent.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :centos_59 do |box|! flavor = :centos_59_nocm! set_box box, S3_BOXES[flavor]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "centos-59.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[:centos_59]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :ubuntuagent do |box|! flavor = :ubuntu_1204! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:ubuntu_1204_nocm]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "ubuntuagent.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :solaris_10 do |box|! box.vm.guest = :solaris! flavor = :solaris_10! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "solaris-10.boxnet"! end!! config.vm.define :debianagent do |box|! flavor = :debian_7_nocm! set_box box, S3_BOXES[flavor]!!

The uberVagrantfileCustom Provisioners: !BOOTSTRAPS = {! :centos_6 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! echo 'Installing EPEL'! wget! wget! sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm!! echo 'Installing Puppet.'! rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS!...!!def provision_box box, manifest! box.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|! puppet.pp_path = '/tmp/vagrant-puppet'! puppet.manifests_path = 'provisioning/manifests'! puppet.module_path = 'provisioning/modules'! puppet.manifest_file = manifest! end!end

Page 22: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

# -*- mode: ruby -*-!# vi: set ft=ruby :!!!# Hashes of box URLs!S3_BOXES = {! :sles_11sp1 => '',! :sles_11sp1_nocm => '',! :fedora_18 => '',! :fedora_18_nocm => '',! :centos_59 => '',! :centos_59_nocm => '',! :centos_64_nocm => '',! :centos_64_fusion_nocm => '',! :debian_6_nocm => '',! :debian_7 => '',! :debian_7_nocm => '',! :ubuntu_1204_nocm => '',!}!!LOCAL_BOXES = {! :centos_64_pe => "~/Data/boxes/",! :solaris_10 => '~/Data/boxes/',! :solaris_10_nocm => '~/Data/boxes/',!}!!BOOTSTRAPS = {! :centos_6 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! echo 'Installing EPEL'! wget! wget! sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm!! echo 'Installing Puppet.'! rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS! :centos_59 => <<-EOS,!# CentOS 5 has some networking problems!/etc/init.d/network restart!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! echo 'Installing Puppet.'! rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS! :ubuntu_1204 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! wget --output-document=/tmp/puppet-repo-precise.deb! dpkg -i /tmp/puppet-repo-precise.deb! apt-get update! apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated puppet!fi! EOS! :fedora_18 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! sudo rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS!}!!# Shorthand method for setting box URL and name in one shot.!def set_box box, box_url! box.vm.box_url = box_url! # Recover box name from url by returning the last component minus the! # `.box` extension.! = File.basename(box.vm.box_url, File.extname(box.vm.box_url))!end!!def share_puppet_source box! box.vm.share_folder 'puppet-source', '/puppetlabs', "#{ENV['HOME']}/Source/puppetlabs"!end!!def share_puppet_modules box! box.vm.share_folder 'puppet-modules', '/usr/share/puppet/modules', 'provisioning/modules'!end!!def provision_box box, manifest! box.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|! puppet.pp_path = '/tmp/vagrant-puppet'! puppet.manifests_path = 'provisioning/manifests'! puppet.module_path = 'provisioning/modules'! puppet.manifest_file = manifest! end!end!!

!! do |config|! config.ssh.forward_x11 = true!! config.vm.define :pemaster do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'pemaster.boxnet'! end!! config.vm.define :peagent do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'peagent.boxnet'! end!!! config.vm.define :puppetmaster do |box|! flavor = :centos_6! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:centos_64_nocm]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'puppetmaster.boxnet'!! # NOTE: Share folders, such as Git checkouts of the Puppet source code! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'server.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :puppetagent do |box|! flavor = :centos_6! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:centos_64_nocm]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "puppetagent.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :centos_59 do |box|! flavor = :centos_59_nocm! set_box box, S3_BOXES[flavor]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "centos-59.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[:centos_59]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :ubuntuagent do |box|! flavor = :ubuntu_1204! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:ubuntu_1204_nocm]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "ubuntuagent.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :solaris_10 do |box|! box.vm.guest = :solaris! flavor = :solaris_10! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "solaris-10.boxnet"! end!! config.vm.define :debianagent do |box|! flavor = :debian_7_nocm! set_box box, S3_BOXES[flavor]!!

The uberVagrantfileVM Definitions ! config.vm.define :pemaster do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'pemaster.boxnet'! end!! config.vm.define :peagent do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'peagent.boxnet'! end

Page 23: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

# -*- mode: ruby -*-!# vi: set ft=ruby :!!!# Hashes of box URLs!S3_BOXES = {! :sles_11sp1 => '',! :sles_11sp1_nocm => '',! :fedora_18 => '',! :fedora_18_nocm => '',! :centos_59 => '',! :centos_59_nocm => '',! :centos_64_nocm => '',! :centos_64_fusion_nocm => '',! :debian_6_nocm => '',! :debian_7 => '',! :debian_7_nocm => '',! :ubuntu_1204_nocm => '',!}!!LOCAL_BOXES = {! :centos_64_pe => "~/Data/boxes/",! :solaris_10 => '~/Data/boxes/',! :solaris_10_nocm => '~/Data/boxes/',!}!!BOOTSTRAPS = {! :centos_6 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! echo 'Installing EPEL'! wget! wget! sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm!! echo 'Installing Puppet.'! rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS! :centos_59 => <<-EOS,!# CentOS 5 has some networking problems!/etc/init.d/network restart!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! echo 'Installing Puppet.'! rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS! :ubuntu_1204 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! wget --output-document=/tmp/puppet-repo-precise.deb! dpkg -i /tmp/puppet-repo-precise.deb! apt-get update! apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated puppet!fi! EOS! :fedora_18 => <<-EOS,!if which puppet > /dev/null 2>&1; then! echo 'Puppet Installed.'!else! sudo rpm -ivh! yum --nogpgcheck -y install puppet-server!fi! EOS!}!!# Shorthand method for setting box URL and name in one shot.!def set_box box, box_url! box.vm.box_url = box_url! # Recover box name from url by returning the last component minus the! # `.box` extension.! = File.basename(box.vm.box_url, File.extname(box.vm.box_url))!end!!def share_puppet_source box! box.vm.share_folder 'puppet-source', '/puppetlabs', "#{ENV['HOME']}/Source/puppetlabs"!end!!def share_puppet_modules box! box.vm.share_folder 'puppet-modules', '/usr/share/puppet/modules', 'provisioning/modules'!end!!def provision_box box, manifest! box.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet|! puppet.pp_path = '/tmp/vagrant-puppet'! puppet.manifests_path = 'provisioning/manifests'! puppet.module_path = 'provisioning/modules'! puppet.manifest_file = manifest! end!end!!

!! do |config|! config.ssh.forward_x11 = true!! config.vm.define :pemaster do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'pemaster.boxnet'! end!! config.vm.define :peagent do |box|! flavor = :centos_64_pe! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'peagent.boxnet'! end!!! config.vm.define :puppetmaster do |box|! flavor = :centos_6! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:centos_64_nocm]!! # NOTE: Headless or no?! #webnode_config.vm.boot_mode = :gui!! # NOTE: Hostonly _may_ mean no internets if this adapter gets found first!!!! # Check /etc/resolv.conf !! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = 'puppetmaster.boxnet'!! # NOTE: Share folders, such as Git checkouts of the Puppet source code! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'server.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :puppetagent do |box|! flavor = :centos_6! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:centos_64_nocm]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "puppetagent.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :centos_59 do |box|! flavor = :centos_59_nocm! set_box box, S3_BOXES[flavor]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "centos-59.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[:centos_59]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :ubuntuagent do |box|! flavor = :ubuntu_1204! set_box box, S3_BOXES[:ubuntu_1204_nocm]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "ubuntuagent.boxnet"!! share_puppet_source box!! box.vm.provision :shell, :inline => BOOTSTRAPS[flavor]! provision_box box, 'agent.pp'! end!! config.vm.define :solaris_10 do |box|! box.vm.guest = :solaris! flavor = :solaris_10! set_box box, LOCAL_BOXES[flavor]!! :hostonly, ""! box.vm.host_name = "solaris-10.boxnet"! end!! config.vm.define :debianagent do |box|! flavor = :debian_7_nocm! set_box box, S3_BOXES[flavor]!!

The uberVagrantfile

• Maintenance costs increase as more machines are added

• Unique to each individual or team

• Hard to scale across teams

Page 24: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Abstractions

Page 25: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Abstractions• Eliminate manual bookkeeping

Page 26: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Abstractions• Eliminate manual bookkeeping config.vm.define :pemaster do |node|! :hostonly, ""!end!!config.vm.define :peagent do |node|! :hostonly, ""!end

Page 27: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Abstractions• Eliminate manual bookkeeping config.vm.define :pemaster do |node|! :hostonly, ""!end!!config.vm.define :peagent do |node|! :hostonly, ""!end

config.vm.define :pemaster do |node|! :hostonly, auto_network: true!end!!config.vm.define :peagent do |node|! :hostonly, auto_network: true!end!

Page 28: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Abstractions• Eliminate manual bookkeeping

• Automate repetitive tasks

Page 29: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Abstractions• Eliminate manual bookkeeping

• Automate repetitive tasks

config.vm.define :pemaster do |node|! # ...!! node.vm.provision :pe_bootstrap do |p|! p.role = :master! p.version = '3.3.0'! end!end!

Page 30: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Abstractions• Eliminate manual bookkeeping

• Automate repetitive tasks

• Separate data from logic

Page 31: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Abstractions• Eliminate manual bookkeeping

• Automate repetitive tasks

• Separate data from logic

config.vm.define :pemaster do |node|! node.vm.hostname =! 'pe-330-master.puppetdebug.vlan'! = 'puppetlabs/centos-6.5-64-nocm'!! :hostonly, auto_network: true!! node.vm.provision :pe_bootstrap do |p|! p.role = :master! p.version = '3.3.0'! end!end!

Page 32: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Abstractions• Eliminate manual bookkeeping

• Automate repetitive tasks

• Separate data from logic

---!vms:! - name: pe-330-master! hostname: pe-330-master.puppetdebug.vlan! box: puppetlabs/centos-6.5-64-nocm! private_networks:! - auto_network: true! provisioners:! - type: pe_bootstrap! role: master! version: 3.3.0!

Page 33: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Abstractions• Eliminate manual bookkeeping

• Automate repetitive tasks

• Separate data from logic

---!vms:! - name: pe-330-master! hostname: pe-330-master.puppetdebug.vlan! box: puppetlabs/centos-6.5-64-nocm! roles:! - base! provisioners:! - type: pe_bootstrap! role: master! version: 3.3.0!!roles:! base:! private_networks:! - auto_network: true!

Page 34: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Abstractions• Eliminate manual bookkeeping

• Automate repetitive tasks

• Separate data from logic

---!vms:! - name: pe-330-master! debug-kit: true! box: puppetlabs/centos-6.5-64-nocm! roles:! - base!!roles:! base:! private_networks:! - auto_network: true!

Page 35: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Raw Materials

Page 36: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Raw Materials

• Which boxes are in use? Do the older boxes still work?

Page 37: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Raw Materials

• Which boxes are in use? Do the older boxes still work?

• How were the boxes created?

Page 38: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Raw Materials

• Which boxes are in use? Do the older boxes still work?

• How were the boxes created?

Page 39: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Phased Builds

Page 40: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Base Install

Phased Builds

Page 41: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Base Install

Shared Customizations

Phased Builds

Page 42: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Base Install

Shared Customizations

Puppet EnterpriseOpen Source

Phased Builds

Page 43: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Build Server

Base Install

Shared Customizations

Puppet EnterpriseOpen Source

Phased Builds

Page 44: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Where We Ended Up

Page 45: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Where We Ended Up

• Shared environments enable teams to focus on problem solving

Page 46: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Where We Ended Up

• Shared environments enable teams to focus on problem solving

• New employee on-boarding is easier

Page 47: Taking the Friction Out of Ticket Investigation (Standardized Debugging Environments) - Charlie Sharpsteen

Where We Ended Up

• Shared environments enable teams to focus on problem solving

• New employee on-boarding is easier

• Company-wide efforts to build and maintain virtual environments are focused instead of scattered

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