Page 1: Taliban Control 300 Kunduz Afghanistan Affects … 26, 2016...Abdufattoh Ghoib, the head of the Customs Service under the Govern-ment of Tajikistan, told reporters in Dushanbe on Monday

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January 26, 2016

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Taliban Control 300 Kunduz Schools, Recruit Students

Helmand Consumers Owe Afs 120 mln in Unpaid

Power Bills

Govt. Urged to form Special Unit for Protecting Journalists

Deterioration of Situation in Afghanistan Affects Transit

of Goods into Tajikistan

Ghani Attends Fateha for

Jalalabad Attack Victims

Jawzjan Revenue Surges; High

Tax Rates Sparks Resentment

Baghlan Military Operation Delayed: Officials

ANP Stresses Need for Joint Offensive against Terrorists

LASHKARGAH - Local Breshna Sherkat (power utility) officials on Monday said some government departments and people owed 120 million Afghanis in unpaid electricity bills to the company in southern Helmand province.Provincial Breshna Sherkat direc-tor Nasrullah Qanai told Pajhwok Afghan News in addition to some government offices, a number of local people were also defaulting on electricity bills.The defaulting government of-fices include the governor’s house relevant guesthouses, enterprises, prisons, masonry and carpentry factory, the public health depart-ment and some other government offices.“A number of people including

KABUL - Following the deadly attack on a bus carrying journal-ists in Kabul, Afghanistan Radio and Television Union (ARTU) that promotes cooperation and support for Radio and Television networks in Afghanistan urged government to form a special unit of security forces to protect jour-nalists and media organizations.ARTU representatives while con-demning the attack said during a press conference here in Kabul on Monday that targeting media is targeting and breaking the politi-cal system of the country.Abdul Hamid Muqari, a member of the union, said there is a cru-cial need for cooperation between media and government and that

KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani on Monday attended a memorial service at the Eid Gah mosque in Kabul for the victims of last week’s suicide attack on a gathering of tribal elders in Jalalabad, the capi-tal of eastern Nangarhar province.A statement from the Presidential Palace said President Ghani shared his grief and extended condo-lences to family members of those killed, tribal elders of the Shinwari tribe and influential figures from Nangarhar. The president prayed to Allah Almighty to rest the de-parted souls in eternal peace and grant courage and fortitude to the bereaved families to bear the ir-reparable losses.A suicide attacker entered the guesthouse of a provincial coun-cil member, Obaidullah Shinwari, and blew himself up in the middle of a ...(More on P4)...(13)

SHIBERGHAN - The revenue of northern Jawzjan province has surged by more than 50 million afghanis this year, but taxpayers complain of rising duties.Jawzjan’s revenue target fixed by the Ministry of Finance was 219 million afs, but the provincial au-thorities collected more than 270 million afs in 2015, the revenue di-rector said.Mohammad Rassoul Anwari told Pajhwok Afghan News the income of his department was over 219 mil-lion afs in 2014 when Jawzjan failed to achieve the target of over 260 million afs.Most of the revenue was collected from transport services, passports, telecommunication companies, court fines, prosecution depart-ment, agriculture, fuel and gas, shops, business and construction companies. ...(More on P4)...(16)

PUL-E-KHUMRI - A number of Baghlan provincial council mem-bers said Monday that a military operation to clear some parts of Pul-e-Khumri city of the Taliban has been delayed due to unknown reasons.The provincial council members also said that the Taliban will es-tablish their bases in the province if the operation is not launched soon.“The Taliban representatives came to the provincial council and asked the members to prevent govern-ment from launching the military operation in the province. Now, there are a number of individuals inside government that help them [the Taliban]. These figures should be recognized,” said Baghlan pro-

PESHAWAR - A Pakhtun nation-alist party has urged Islamabad to pave the ground for a joint offen-sive with Kabul against terrorists.Awami National Party (ANP) gen-eral secretary Mian Iftikhar Hus-sain called terrorists the common enemy of Afghanistan and Paki-stan. Speaking to reporters in the Nowshera district of Khyber Pakh-tunkhwa province on Sunday, he stressed the need for a joint opera-tion to eradicate terrorists from the region. The elements, who stoked the fire of terrorism in border areas, should know that they would not

KUNDUZ CITY - Local officials say more than 300 schools are under Taliban’s control in northern Kun-duz province, where the insurgents recruit students for fighting.However, the militant group ve-hemently denies recruiting school-children as fighters. It says chil-dren’s recruitment as fighters is forbidden under Taliban’s policy and the Islamic Shariah.Education in the province was bad-ly affected during the siege of Kun-duz City by Taliban militants for a few days. The strategic city, which fell to the rebels on September 25, 2015, was recaptured by the securi-ty forces after a two-week clearing operation.

vincial council member Zarif Zarif.But government has another view on the issue.“The president along with the National Security Council (NSC) will take a decision on where to conduct military operations,” said President Ashraf Ghani’s deputy

Government’s concernKunduz officials explain of the 497 schools in the province, more than 300 are located in areas un-der Taliban’s control. The fighters mark absent the teachers and stu-dents who do not come in time. A long absence may translate into a teacher’s sacking or a student’s rustication.Acting Governor Hamdullah Danishi admitted the Taliban even influenced transfers and employment of teachers. Without giving details of the areas under militant control, he confirmed the rebels were active just one kilo-metre from Kunduz City.In parts ...(More on P4)...(10)

DUSHANBE - Deterioration of situation in Afghanistan has af-fected transit of goods into Tajik-istan through the Afghan territory, Abdufattoh Ghoib, the head of the Customs Service under the Govern-ment of Tajikistan, told reporters in Dushanbe on Monday.“Over the last three months of last year, transit of goods into Tajikistan through the Afghan territory has practically been stopped,” Ghoib

said, noting that unstable situation in the neighboring country is con-tinuing to affect transit of goods into Tajikistan. According to him, the daily number of vehicles loaded with transit goods for Tajikistan crossing the Afghan-Tajik border has decreased from 20 to 3.“Mainly, sugar and chicken meat are carried to Tajikistan via the Af-ghan territory,” Tajik chief customs officer said. (Asia-Plus)

remain safe either, remarked the former information minister. He also called for an operation against terrorists in Punjab, as well as a re-view the foreign and internal poli-cies. The policy of ‘good and bad

spokesman, Sayed Zafar Hashemi.Meanwhile, some local residents said the Taliban is preparing for conflict in different parts of the province. “They [the Taliban] have dug trenches in parts of Dand-e-Ghori and are ready to move for-ward,” ...(More on P4)...(11)

In addition to huge losses inflicted on the people and damage done to government facilities, 150 schools were also closed. Education de-

partment spokesman Abdul Basir Waziri told Pajhwok Afghan News thousands of boys and girls were enrolled in the schools closed.

Taliban’ be buried, he demanded. parties should support joint ac-tion by Pakistan and Afghanistan against terrorists, the ANP leader said, asking the government to Waziristan IDPs. (Pajhwok)

powerful individuals have also not paid their power bills,” he said, adding all these people and gov-ernment offices owed 120 million Afghanis in total to the Breshna Sherkat.“I have provided a list of 170 peo-ple including 30 government offi-cials who would be introduced to the attorney’s office soon because they are yet to clear their arrears,” he said.Qanai said the Breshna Sherkat could provide good services only when people and government de-partments paid their bills in-time.Masonry and carpentry factory head Mohammad Lal confirmed his factory was a defaulter.“We do not deny our arrears, but the general ...(More on P4)...(12)

President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani should design strategic pro-grams with journalists instead of giving statements.Although, security threats have been barriers in front of media in Afghanistan from the past 15 years but concerns rose when Taliban killed seven journalists in a single attack last week.A Taliban suicide bomber targeted a mini-bus carrying employees of KaboorA Production, a sister entity to TOLO TV, Lemar TV, Arman FM, Arakozia FM and TOLOnews on Dar-ul-Aman road near the Russian embassy leaving seven employees of the produc-tion killed and more than 20 others wounded. (KP)

Karzai off to China to Attend

Peace Conference

4,500 Families Find Access to Drinking,

Irrigation Water

15 Rebels, 2 Policemen Killed in Badakhshan Fight

ANSF Liberate Over 30 Southern Villages

from Militants

KABUL - Former president Hamid Karzai on Mon-day left for China to attend a conference on the Af-ghan peace process, his office said.Karzai’s spokesman Yousuf Sahar told Pajhwok Af-ghan News the former president was formally invit-ed by the Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS).He said Karzai would also speak to the SIIS interna-tional conference on the Afghan peace drive. Karzai is accompanied by Abdul Karim Khurram and for-mer national security advisor Rangin Dadfar Spanta.The former president has paid several visits to China. Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani arrived in Chi-na on an official visit on Sunday. (Pajhwok)

SAR-I-PUL - Drinking and irrigation water problem of 4,500 families has been resolved with the digging out of a spring and the construction of an eight-kilo-meter water canal in northern Sar-i-Pul province, of-ficials said on Monday.The schemes were executed at a total cost of $130,000 donated by Holland, the provincial rural rehabilita-tion and development director, Eng. Ahmad Javed, told Pajhwok Afghan News.The drinking and irrigation water facilities covered 4500 families in 10 villages of the Siyad district, he said. Due to the lack of water in summer seasons, inhabitants of the district would purchase drinking water from other areas, a resident of the district, Faiz Mohammad, said, while happy over the implemen-tation of the schemes.Sar-i-Pul Governor Mohammad Zahir thanked the Dutch government for the assistance and asked the district residents to keep care of the projects’ mainte-nance. (Pajhwok)

KABUL - The Afghan army has cleaned over 30 vil-lages from the militants in the southern Kandahar province, local media reported, local authorities said.The military operation in the province was launched 20 days ago, and at least 30 militants had been killed and another 18 wounded, local government spokes-man Samim Khpalwak was quoted by the Pajhwok Afghan News agency on Sunday.The notorious Taliban insurgents were expelled from the area, including their permanent hideouts there, he added. The operation was complex and involved the Afghan National ...(More on P4)...(14)

FAIZABAD - At least 15 Taliban militants and two policemen have been killed during an operation in the Tagab district of northeastern Badakhshan prov-ince, officials said on Monday.Ahmad Naveed Frotan, the governor’s spokesman, told Pajhwok Afghan News the operation by the Af-ghan National Army (ANA), police and intelligence personnel continued for 48 hours.He said three militant commanders -- Talaha, Abdul Basit and Mahmood -- were among the 15 militants killed. However, Taliban claimed the people killed in the operation were civilians.Frotan confirmed two policemen were also killed and 10 others wounded during the offensive. He added the Tagab had been cleared and the militants pushed to Yamgan district.“We plan to launch a clearing operation soon in Yamgan, Warduj and Jurm districts,” he contin-ued.Yamgan and Warduj districts had been over-run by the Taliban earlier. Parts of Jurm are under militants’control. Ahmad Javid, a provincial council member and resident of Jurm, said the operations had been effective because ...(More on P4)...(15)

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