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“Current Government, Reinforcing Taliban’s Ideology in Pakistan”

May 11, 2013


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“PML(N) dominating the electoral scene will form the next Federal government in Pakistan”

-Nawaz Sharif-After PML (N) got majority votes

After the elections 2013 in Pakistan, PML (N) got the majority votes and formed the 14 th

national assembly of Pakistan. The seat of Prime Minister was granted, for the third time, to Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharif.

June 5, 2013

“Newly elected PM took oath of his office at a simple but dignified ceremony at Aiwaan-e-sadar”.

-Nawaz Sharif taking oath from former president Zardari

After the exhausting 5 years of Asif Ali Zardari and PPP’s tenure, Nawaz Sharif took the charge and PML (N) set up the government. Now, Pakistan is in the under the eyes of Nawaz Sharif and his cabinet. The reins of Pakistan are in the hands of this particular political party. An open hand for fulfilling their own interests and spreading their ideology. The personality of Nawaz Sharif has been under criticism from the period when he tried to support Zia-ul-Haq’s idea of ‘Islamization’. By working on this specific idea of Islamization, Zia-ul-Haq killed many of the Muslims on the basis of their ideologies and beliefs. From then on some extremist entities in the country showed up and started working on the thought of imposition of Islamic rules in the society. Nawaz Sharif is mostly criticized on the point that he supports those activities in Pakistan that are not in


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the favor of the country. He is accused for founding and funding such anti-Pakistan associations which can create a state of dissemination in Pakistan. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi formed in Punjab is said to be founded by Nawaz Sharif. This association is involved in many terror activities and sectarian clashes in Pakistan.

Origin of Taliban:

Taliban were operational in Pakistan since 2002, but they came under limelight in 2007. During that time General Musharraf was the president of Pakistan. Different suicidal bombings, since then, are the fate of Pakistani people. Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan abbreviated as TTP claimed itself to be involved in every kind of terror activity in the country. After every killing pursuit, TTP takes the responsibility of that particular incident. What they say is that they want to bring Islamic system in the state of Pakistan, to impose the Islamic rules in the society. Imposition of “Shariya” and Islamization is their manifesto.

The fifteen demands put forward by TTP are:

o Introduce Islamic Education system in both private and public schools

o Stop drone attacks

o Free Pakistani and foreign Taliban captured in jails

o Restoration and remuneration for damage to property during drone attacks

o Handover control of tribal areas to local forces

o Withdrawal of army from tribal areas and close down check posts

o All criminal allegations held against the Taliban be dropped

o Introduce Shariya law in courts

o Prisoners from both sides be released

o Equal rights for both rich and poor

o Families of victims of drone attacks be offered jobs

o End interest based banking system

o Stop supporting the USA on war on terror

o Replace the democratic system of governance with Islamic system

o Break all relations with US

Apparently, they want to eradicate the system of ‘kufr’ which is presently exercised in Pakistan, and they need to change it with the system of “Shariya” and Islam. But, there is another side of the story too that

Do they want to spread Shariya by killing innocent souls in bombings and target killings? They can kill anybody on the basis that he belongs to a specific sect which is not aligned with their own sect?


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They want to impose ‘their’ Islam on the country? All other people which do not belong to their sect are not human beings, so they kill them like cattle? Somebody who doesn’t wears a veil, the right of living should be snatched away from her? You convince your people for suicidal bombings by saying that it is a ‘Jihad’ against kufr?

Seriously, you got to be kidding us. Islam tells us that there is no compulsion in religion, so who are they to impose Shariya on us. Obviously, this is Islamic Republic Of Pakistan and all the laws, rules and regulations are made according to Islam. Now which Islam they want to bring in the country? If they want to eradicate the kufr then they should be doing bombings on the clubs, casinos and the places like these where there is exercise of kufr. But the irony is that only faultless people are killed. Their only manifesto is to make the people of Pakistan fight with one another on the basis of inner conflicts.

Different Sects in Pakistan:

People belonging to different sects have been living in Pakistan for decades. No conflicts are seen between them on the basis of their sects, unless a third party is involved.

-Karbala Gamey Shah, Lahore -Shrine of Hazrat Ali Hajveri

Karbala Gamey Shah, which is holy and sacred place for Shia Muslims and the shrine of Hazrat Ali Hajvery are located quite near to each other. No conflicts and fights have ever seen there between shias and Sunnis. When the procession of 10 th of Muharram, Ashura begins from nisaar haweli and ends at Karbala Gamey Shah, people of every sect arrange ‘sabeel’ for ‘Zuljanah’ and whenever yearly celebrations take place at the shrine of Hazrat Ali Hajvery, every Shia Muslim participate in that. They are at peace until some anti-Islam forces act to make them fight, then they have disputes and try to let down each other. I’ll give some evidences which will prove that government of Pakistan is fully collaborating with Taliban, supporting their ideas and involved in sectarian clashes in the state.

Government Releases Imprisoned Taliban:


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April 2014

“Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif approved the action in an attempt to reignite the fragile peace process between his government and the militant group. The government in Pakistan has approved the release of 16 imprisoned members of the Taliban.”

Prime Minister ordered to release Taliban prisoners regarding them non-combat. I would like to give a standing ovation to our wise prime minister that he is barking orders to release those people who have killed our 72,000 unguarded people, who exploded the shrines of our holy and sacred personalities that brought up our religion, who are our saints and our beloved people. They are assassinating our people and we are begging them to please have table talk with us. This is the dilemma of our country due to which the blood of every Pakistani boils when he come across such incidents. Manslaughter is being done and our PM gives statements like “Table-talk is the solution of terrorism”. He is least concerned about killings in swat and Gilgit on the basis of the sects. Their wrongdoing is that they are shias and the people killing them belong to another school of thought. When government will sit quiet on these incidents then surely it means that the government supports their idea.

Blasts on Shrines:

Let me discuss about Sunni sect in Islam. They have this culture of visiting the shrines of sacred and holy personalities. But what happens is that the shrine is exploded suddenly and a suicide bombers head is found. Rumors spread that shias are responsible and here a new conflict starts. I have stated earlier that Sunnis and shias are in peace until a third party is involved. This type of terror activity is consistently seen.

January 10 Karachi / Sindh

Three people, including prayer leader Maulana Iqrar and two students of the seminary, identified as Salahuddin (16), and Naseer (17), were injured in a bomb blast at the rooftop of Jannat Masjid in Gulshan-e-Ghazi area of Al-Falah Society in Malir Town.

August 29 Jamshed Town / Karachi / SindhA cleric, identified as Ahmed Nadeem Farooqi, was shot dead inside a mosque on Jamshed Road within the limits of Jamshed Quarter Police Station in Jamshed Town.

Ideological Parties in Pakistan:

Now comes our ideological, religious and political parties who are working on the agendas of foreign establishment they are to create intense hatred for National Intelligence Agencies and Pakistan Army in the hearts of common people. If we observe the role of these parties in the country they are always creating sectarian clashes among


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different school of thoughts in Islam. It is evident that the sect in Islam which is more inclined towards Ahl-ul-Bait a.s and gives more importance to their way of living is the Shia sect. Recently, a statement was given my our respectable Maulana Munawwar Hassan, who is the chair person of the Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan.

Says Molvi Munawwar Hassan,

“I can’t tell you that who was right and who was wrong in the incident of Karbala”

This kind of statement will surely provoke the Shia Muslims to hate this person and his whole sect because Jamaat-e-Islami follows the wahabi or deobandi sect of Islam. If he gives such statements then it means the whole of their sect has the same thoughts. These kind of announcements will not hurt a particular sect but the whole Islamic nation. Their sect calls yazeed (curse on him) as ‘razi Allah anha’, what can you expect anyway. A declaration, in response to this specific statement by Munawwar Hassan, came:

Says Fawad Chaudhry a person from Peoples Party Parliamentarian Pakistan (PPPP),

“ If the statement given by Munawwar Hassan about Karbala would have been given by some vulnerable non-Muslim group or some Christian city then our mullahs would have burnt that whole city ”

When we eye the pages of history of Pakistan, it can be seen clearly that whenever Pakistan Army announces operation against these anti-Islam and anti-Pakistan Taliban, these religious parties declare their reservations for operation by giving such utterances that “innocent people will be killed along with the terrorists”. They hinder the eradication of these demons from the surface of Pakistan, obviously they are in their support. Another instance of Jamaat-e-Islami, a supporter of Taliban was seen when Munawwar Hassan called Bait-Ulla-Mehsood a martyred. Mehsood, the former leader of Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan who assassinated 40,000-50,000 innocent Muslims. If he is a martyred then in my stance, every Pakistani is a wrongful person and seriously he have not right to live a life.


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From these kind of thoughts coming from our religious political parties, a masterpiece said by Allama Muhammad Iqbal comes into my mind.

Shia Genocide:

“25 Shia Muslims have been forced out of a bus and killed in sectarian attack in Northern Pakistan.”

Killings took place in a remote, mountainous area as the bus was travelling from Rawalpindi to Gilgit. Those people were travelling for the forth coming Eid festival in the district of Mansehra. They were either shot or bludgeoned to death. The victims were lined up and killed. The victims were checked for their identification documents before they were lined up and killed. After checking their papers they opened fire and at least 20 people were reported to have been killed. They all are Shias.

Above mentioned news shows that all those sects which are other than the sect of Taliban they have no right to live. No blasts and killings of wahabi and deobandi are ever seen, only Shia Muslims are born to die such a brutal death.

Sectarian violence was present in Pakistan since the era of Zia-ul-Haq, but from past few years a drastic increase can be observed. Specifically, Shia Muslims are the victims of sectarian violence. Massive amount of Shia Muslims are eliminated in targeted killings in Karachi Quetta, Karachi, hazara, Gilgit and many other parts of Pakistan. They are assassinated only because they are Shia and they have their own ideologies which differ quite a lot from that of Taliban.


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-Shia Killings in Parachinar, Pakistan -Shia Killings in Quetta, Mass burial, Pakistan

People who are involved in these kind of killings are not human beings, atheist in my panorama. They are not even able to be called human beings but still our government, time and again, is trying to have ‘peace-talks’ with these animals. Sipah-e-Sahaba which is quite active in Pakistan is involved in Shia Genocide on a larger scale. The present issue of Karachi can be considered sectarian. Sipah-e-Sahaba was formed on the idea that they are starting a movement to protect the dignity of Sahaba razi Allah anha, which, in their perspective, is being destroyed by Shia Muslims. Now, to counter Sipah-e-Sahaba, Shias have made their own group which is named as Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan. Both have been fighting to let each other down using their slogans, One with “Naara-e-Haidri a.s” and the other with “Naara-e-Farooqui”. These type of inner conflicts result in the murder of many innocent souls. Their extremist behavior will ultimately create destruction in the society.

Shia Ullema are targeted likewise:

- Allama Nasir Abbass got killed in a firing activity.

-Allama Nasir Abbass got killed, GEO TV

- Ustad Sibt-e-Jaffar, a very well-known Soaz-khuwan got murdered by Sipah-e-Sahaba Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.


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-Sibt-e-Jaffar after assassination

- Dr. Haider Raza also got killed in a firing activity in the port city.

-Dr. Haider Raza’s car after his assassination

Taliban Khan:

Some people refer Imran Khan as ‘Taliban Khan’. I think they are right to a larger extent because the person who proposes our assassinators to open offices in the areas of Pakistan, which, to himself, is a step further to the negotiations, the government is trying to do with Taliban. His statements and actions are clearly Pro-Taliban. He got the government of KPK in the recent elections and people of KPK claim that there is no government in KPK after Maghreb Prayer, only extremists rule KPK. This is the “change” which PTI was shouting about.

Asma Jahangir quotes about Imran Khan:“Imran Khan does not know politics, he is the supporter of Taliban”i

Further, she said that one who directly or indirectly supports the anti-state entities is a traitor. When unguarded people are killed, no processions and protests are launched but when some Taliban dies, PTI starts its protests. Like Jamaat-e-Islami whenever Pakistan


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army announces operation against Taliban he declares his reservations. Why the supporters of Taliban will want the operation to be launched against Taliban ? Says Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, “Taliban are more interested in bloodshed than dialogue, everybody should accept them as enemies”But Our Khan is more interested in table talks with those assassinators, Alright Mr. Khan you keep on trying for negotiations and they will keep on eradicating us.

Says Shaukat Yousafzai, a member of PTI,“If Taliban want to open offices, we will co-operate”

Here comes the statement from Taliban,“We are thinking upon opening offices in Karachi and Peshawar”

These kind of situations compel us to think that our government is pro-Taliban. Nawaz, Imran, Munawwar, Fazl-ur-rahman, all lie in the same category.

GEO TV-Pro Government:

Recently a show was aired on geo television network in which a severe blasphemy was done by the channel. That particular show aired some that sort of provoking stuff which pinched one of the sect of Islam. A great disgrace done by Shaista lodhi in the honor of Ahl-ul-Bait. After this blasphemy PEMRA banned the license of GEO TV till May 28. It is understood that every program that is aired on a TV channel is scripted and pre-planned. So there is no question of unconscious or conscious mistake. Also, not any roam for forgiveness. Government supported GEO TV as GEO was the main collaborator in the recent elections of PML (N). Nawaz Sharif sent Irfan Siddiqui and Pervaiz Rasheed to meet Mir Khaleel-ur-Rahman in Dubai and assure him that the government is with GEO TV. Hence, proved that government can do anything to support the agenda of Taliban. Either by supporting them directly or by promoting their ideas by creating sectarian clashes.

-Air Tickets of Pervaiz Rashid and Irfan -GEO TV and Jhang group banned by PEMRA

Siddiqui for a confidential trip to Dubai


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Bloodshed in Islamabad:

Recently, in the month of Muharram, a procession of Ashura turned into a massive bloodshed in Rawalpindi. After a clash between Shias and Sunnis near Raja Bazaar, a mosque, seminary and more than hundred shops were gutted. 30 deaths including slit-throats, smashed heads of the seminary students were reported.The bloodbath started when sermon of Jumma Prayer was being delivered from the mosque of Sunni Muslims. In that sermon, Maulana started to deliver some provoking stuff against Shia Muslims when the procession of Ashura was passing by the respective seminary. Soon a huge bloodshed was seen. It should be noted here that it’s been years, this particular procession of Ashura passes by this seminary, no such incident is ever observed. Shias and Sunnis are always at peace because they are never confronted. They enjoy the events of one another and rejoice themselves together. But you can expect anything now because the government wants the common people to get separate on the basis of their sects.

-Shops are being burnt after the sectarian clash, Rawalpindi, Pakistan


From all the above discussion which I have done to support my argument that our current government is the supporter of Taliban, I conclude that current government is the political wing of Taliban. They are our slaughterers who killed our people on the grounds that they are spreading Islam and Shariya, that they are all right and people who got killed in the bombings are the sinful ones. They shouldn’t be given the right to live. Current dilemma is that they are not convinced on ceasefire and we are struggling for negotiations and peace-talks. After all this manslaughter done by them, we should answer them in their way. If government still thinks that the dialogue is the only way to control terrorism then they should ask the care takers of the martyred people of Pakistan. If they give them green signal then they should go for dialogue.


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One thing that was constantly striking my mind during all this debate was that, whenever a group is arrested for being involved in some terror activity by the security forces, it belongs to the Deobandi fiqah of Islam.

Taliban, Jamiyat-e-Ullema, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Jamaat-e-Islami, Islami Jamiyat Talba all belong to deobandi sect.

These all groups were involved in the incidents of Mehran naval base, GHQ, Wah factory, PAF Kamra etc. I think that the schools and madrassas of this particular sect should be checked. They are a serious threat to our country. The ultimate solution of these demons is given by army when a statement from COAS came:

“Time for dialogue is over now”

Army has launched operation against these Taliban which is a positive step for the maintainence of peace, law and order in Pakistan. This surgical operation will show positive

outcomes. First we have to save ourselves from these anti-Pakistan entities, then other problems will be solved

If army keeps on taking independent decisions then something can be done. But if we keep waiting for government to do something positive, it will be of no use.


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